THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY; 24, t9C6. JAP ' Special lot has just come in. We houdit liieiii very low and are offering tlieiii at a small margin of profit to -ttract early buyers. 2'incii Spot and Perspiration Proof "Black Silk, per yd... .. ... ..59c -incn Spot and Perspiration Proof Silk, per yd 75c Blacl vory heavy quality. 27-ineli Spot and Perspiration Proof llkiok Silk, per yd .79c L'7-inch heavy White Jap Silk, per 69c am 30-inch White Jap Silk, a 75c per yd - . . grade, ,. 49c 3C-inch White per yd Jap. Silk, worth 75c, .49c SC-inch White Jap Silk, per yd 75c This is a beautiful quality, heavy and rich in appearance. IS-inch White Jap. leader, per yd . . Silk, put out as a 25c il'-inch lilhck Jap. SilkTper yd ! 49c IH'rineh Black Jap Silk, -per yd.. . . '.69c 49c Jap Summer Silks came in with this lot nice lot neat cheeks and stripes, in soft Jap Silks, per yd ...'.49c Just the thing for fancy waists "or dainty dresses. 5c Val Laces We are still showing that, immensely attractive display of Valenciennes Laces, at, per yd .... 5c It's the biggest lot and best values we have ever- offered. Remember you can buy them at any time for a tew days. You don't have to wait for a special sale. New Elbow Gloves Came in by to-day's Express, lot . of heavy silk Elbow Gloves in Blacks and Whites, per pr 1.00 Your opportunity to get a very scarce Hnd very popular article. New Premiums In today big lot new premiums most V Enamelled Ware. Bring in your tickets and get an early selection. Kalio Corsets are giving a barr in genuine Kabo, a good styi,. corset, a style iiiac tne manufacturers are discon- timiins . V.49C Delineators for March are now in. This is an unusually at tractive number, as thi3 is the change of season. At pattern coun ter .... .... ........15c WEST TRADE ST. gaaai'HKiMJBiiMiiMaaLBiiifflMam ocietv i t MrL vnd Mrs- C- D- McKnighL of Lynchburg, Va., are in the city.the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Finlav son,. on North Tryon street. Thev viU remain l Charlotte about three weeks. Mr. L. w. Porter and family will arrive in Charlotte the first of next week and . will begin housekeeping at their home in Dilworth, which Mr -Porter recently purchased from Mr C B Bryant.: Mr Porter is one of the best known traveling men on the road., Ffe anu lamuy nave been Shelby for several years. residing in Misses Woodfin Chambers and Lottie Gray went to Davidson this morning to attend the closing exercises of Ju nior speaking. 4 ; - Miss Ann Steele, of Rockingham, aiv, rived in the city today to visit Miss Mary Spencer Anderson at her homei on North Graham street. Mr. S, H. Hearne, of Albemarle, will arrive today to spend Sunday at ilia home of his daughter Mrs. H. A. Kluep pelberg on South Tryon street. He will be- accompanied by his daughter, Miss Ruth Hearne. Miss Elise Culpeper left this morn ing for Burlington to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. U. Hardeman, nee Miss Nell Qulpeper. : - v - Miss Cora Annetta and Master James Harris went to Concord this morning to spend Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. R. S. Harris. r The dance which has been announc ed to take place at the city hall Mon day night, under the management of Mr. D. Amatti " Richardson, has been I postponed indefinitely. Miss . Jamison, of - Newberry, . S. C, has arrived to attend the Rhyne-Hoft-man marriage which takes place on the 27th instant. Miss Jamison is very pleasantly known in Charlotte as a for mer Elizabeth College student. Mrs. M. H. O'Laughlen will enter tain at a Violet luncheon this after noon at 4:30 o'clock, at the residence of Mrs, W. L. Long on East Avenue; in compliment to Miss Ethel Krause, of Marion, Ohio, who is the guest of MrsE.,M. Helwig at Mrs. J. P. Wood all's," on East Avenue. The guests will be Mrs. J. P. Woodall, Mrs. W. H. Duii lap, Mrs. E. M. Helwig, Mrs. H. H. Lowe, Mrs. W. H. Smead, Mrs. W. I. Henderson, Mrs. Staultz, Mrs. J. L. Keerans, Mrs. Donald Jacob and Mrs.. W. L. Long. : 4 Mrs. M. A. Bray has returned to the city after spending a few days with her father, Dr. J. T. Poole, at Laurens, S. C. Mrs. W. C. Lovejoy will entertaina few friends at bridge this afternoon at her home on East Morehead street. A prominent t social ?e vent fffcod will be the card party io be given this afternoon by Mrs. C. B. Stephenson, at her home in Dilworth in compliment to Madame A. R. Gautier of Baltimore and Mrs. C. H. C. Mills. More than 100 in vitations were issued. Euchre will be the progressive game. -t - Miss Norma Van Landingham enter tains at progressive whist . this even ing at her home on East Avenue m compliment to Miss Lily Rhyne, of Mount Holly, whose marriage takes "place next Tuesday. The guests will be the following named: Misses Lily and Helen Rhyne, Georgia Lowe, Edna Hir shinger, Minnie Beck, of Richmond, Ethel and . Louise Carr, of Durham, Nellie" Snowden Watts, of Baltimore, Jamison, of Newberry, S.C, Nancy Brown and Mrs. D. A. Hurley and Mrs. G. G. Gallaway. Messrs Thomas Alex ander, John M. Craig, Will Parker, Frank M. Caldwell, Henry Rhyne, W. J. Moon, Jr., D. A. Hurley, Armistead Burwell and Drs. B. S. Moore and Witherbee. ; 4 . Miss Ethel Spillman, of Linwood College, is spending a few days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Spill man. She will return to college next Tuesday. BRIEFS. Capt. A. Theis went to Concord this morning on' business. " Mrs. Luke Sewell continues to im prove and it is thought now that she will be up in a few days. Mr. E. H. Bean, formerly of the Presbyterian Standard, now of Salis bury, is spending a few days in the city. Mr. G. L. Culp returned this morn ing to his home at Whitney, near Albe marle, after spending several days here with relatives. Mr. Will Finger of Durham, and Mr. Otis Asbury, of Richmond, both Charlotte boys, are spending a few days in the city with relatives. Miss Addie Stevens,organist of the First Presbyterian, church, has arrang ed a special program of music for the service at the church tomorrow eve- ni!2There will be a call meeting of the Young People's Missionary "Society Sunday afternoon immediately : after Sunday school in the Baraca room of Tryon Street Methodist church. Col. D. G. Maxwell who has been ill for the past week at his home on North Graham street, has recovered and is about his usual duties at his office in the Wilkinson building. . rpv vnnnff Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the Sec- , ond Presbyterian church will meet Mondav afternoon at 4.30 o'clock with Mesdames L. B, Johnston and Carey Butt, at No. 6 East Morehead street. jjr H. A. -Weuuer rtjuimcu. w city this morning after attending; the first exemplification of the fourth de ree, Knights'of Columbus, winch took lace in Augusta Thursday. Candi-,; date! from North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida took this degree. S A RECORD OF CASES TRIED ATTHIS TERM There were 305 Qses Docketed. x The Names of the Offenders and the Judgments Passed on by Judge Bryan. CourtAdjourn f ed To-day at Noon. . i.The two-weeks' term of Mecklenburg iaperjor'Court for the trial of criminal cases came to an end this afternoon. Their were 305 cases on the docket and and about 80 prisoner in the coun ty jail. The officers of the court have done good work and the unusually heavy docketihas about been cleared. ' The fallowing is the record of . the cases heard ana the judgments passed : Bob Springs,, carrying concealed weapons; $10 and costs. Will McDonald, carrying concealed weapons, $10 and costs. Lawson McElmore, carrying con cealed . weapons, $5 and costs. Alice Allen, retailing, 6 months in jail. V J. C. Cochrane, carrying concealed weapons, $10 and costs. John Belt; gaming, $5 and costs. Austin Hall, gaming, 2 months on roads.' Henry Walker, gaming, 30 days on roads. . ; Giles White, gaming, $5 and costs. Mack Chapelle, baming, $5 and the costs. , Jim Burton,, gaming, 30 days on the roads. Harvey Caldwell, gaming, one-half costs. " - Henry Freeland, gaming, $5 and the costs. - , John Jeter gaming, $5 and costs. Ewell Thomas, larceny, 4 months on the roads. Will McLean, retailing, $20 and the costs, .---i.; Charlie James, retailing, 4 months on the roads. - - , ' 'k. Ed Caton; retailing", $50 and costs and to appear from court to court to show good behavior. .Will Covington, retailing, $2 and the costs. . .. . Nathan Liridsey and Levy Berry, affray, $5 and costs each. Ben Heath, retailing, 4 months on the roads. Mary Johnston, larceny, sent to County Home. Ed 'Smith; retailing, $ia; and costs. Noah Hill, retailing, 60 days on the roads, i Will Phifer, retailing, 60 days on the roads. J. T. Caldwell, retailing, 3 months. Tom Whitfield, larceny, five years. J. B. Hall, carrying concealed wea pons, $5 and costs. John Edwards, assault, 60 days. Tom Hinton, retailing, costs. Will Moore, retailing, 4 months. Perry McQowan, retailing,, pay costs. Peter Wynne, retailing, $5 and the COStS. :. , : ' , Caroline Rosebrough, retailing, 4 months in jail. Doc. Allen, retailing, $20 andcosts. Otis Evans and John Pickett, lar ceny, 4 months. " Piatt Kennedy, asault, $50 and the costs. Sandy Thomasson, affray, $5 and the costs. Charlie Brice, trespass, 3 months. Jennie James, larceny, costs. Alex. Sloan, affray, 1 one year on the ! roads. Ella Randtey larceny, 4" months. ? Major Thomas, larceny, costs. '5 Joe Bowman, larceny, 9 months on the reads. Peter Allen, affray, 6 months on the roads. Arthur" "Wyatt,: carrying concealed weapons, $7 and costs. J. W. Cordell, larceny, 4 months. Aloza Hall, assault, 8 months. Paul Mason, affray, . $1 and costs. Henry Ivey and John Watson, affray,1 $50 and -$40 fine respectively. J. F. McIIwaine, O. B. Webb and John Clifton, carrying concealed wea pons, each fined $5 and costs. Jane Davis and John Hempbill, lar ceny, 4 months each. Thomas Watkins, larceny, $5 and costs. Zack Edwards, larceny, 9 months. Hattie Kirkpatrick, larceny, 6 months. Will Causler, retailing, 4 months. Pink Alexander, carrying concealed weapons, $7 and costs. Sam Chrestenbury, trespass one-half costs. John Evans, retailing, $20 and the costs. - Jim White, larceny, 4 months. Lem Boswell, retailing, pay costs. Ephriam Smith, retailing, $2 and the costs. Charlie Grier, retailing, 3 months. Ambrose Wallace, carrying conceal ed weapon, $5 and the costs. Robert Cuthbertson, carrying con cealed weapon, 6 months." F. A. Brown, gaming, $7 and the costs. Burt Douglas, retailing, 90 days. John Key, retailing, 2 months. Mary Ross, retailing, 30 days. Henry Walker, retailing, 4 months. John Barnes, retailing, 2 months. Ed. Lethco, gaming, $7 and costs. Tom Quinn, retailing, 9 months. Tom O'Leary, assault, 4 months. John Ballard, larceny, 9 months. Lou Caldwell, retailing, 4 months. Sis Carter, retailing, 30 days. Carrie Brown, retailing, 30 days. General Mayfield, false pretense, 2 years on the roads. Thousands Drink POSTUM ' and get well from . :: "S 'disease caused by -"r ordinary coffee. 'THERE'S A REASON."; PERSONALS. Mr. Albert Propst left this morning for Newberry, S. C to'visit friends and relatives. ' Card of Thanks. I wish to return my heart-felt thanks to my friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses shown to me and mine in our great sorrow. J! H. EMERY. Mr. J. V. Sims, manager of the cir culation department of The News, leaves this evening on a pleasure trip to Ashevflle and Waynesville. He will be gone several days. Most Interesting History. I have just read the life of General Joseph Graham and papers concerning North Carolina Revoluntary history, by Hon. W. A. Graham, Mackpelah, Lincoln county, M9-. . I have read no history pertaining to North Carolina so interesting. In writing the life of his grandfather ; General Joseph Grahamthe author has brought before us many, of North Carolina's noblest men and women, to whose sterling character andnoble, deeds wrought in the stormy days of the Revolunary war. she owes her high type of patrqt ism and glorious history. , The battle between the Whigs and Tories, the Patriots and Loyalists are most vividedly portrayed. He who be gins to read the book will read ; it through. Sure., no . history history could be more interesting to the peo ple of Mecklenburg county and indeed to all the people of the State. W. R. GWALTNEY. Hictory, N. C. .. . . "MAKES YOU WELL ALL OVER. New Scientific Refnedy that Gets at Th6 'Joints frwn the Irfside. When you get up In the morning with a headache, pains in the joints and muscles, and a dark brown taste in the mouth, it is ample proof that your blood is in bad condition. Pills and stimulants ma give you tempo rary relief, but they will not cure. RIIEUMACIDK "6es . right to the seat '.1 the trcub sweeps all the germs and ppisqnj&put'' of: the blood, cleans up every 'pfaugue . spot" in the body and "makes you well all over." RHEUMACIDE tones up the stomach, relieves indigestion and constipation, regulates the Jiveiand kidneys and restores each cirgan to its, natural fun ctions, i ' By building up the entire system RHEUMACIDE fortifies you against La Grippe, Pneumonia and winter colds. Through its cleaning of the blood it wards off Malaria and pre vents Spring Fever. No other medicine has yet been found that cures rheumatism to stay cured. A remedy that is powerful enough to cure Rhemuatism also re moves the germs of all other blood dis eases. Powerful as it is, RHEUMACIDE is a purely vegetable remedy that does not even harm the stomach of a baby and acts entirely through nature's channels. Your druggist sells anil recommends RHEUMACIDE. Garden Seeds We have just received a com plete line of fresh seeds of every varietof vegetables that thrive in this section. They are carefully grown, pro ducts of Robert Buist's and D. M. Ferry & Co's farms and are known and esteemed here for . their purity and reliability. Come to see us for seed- TRYON DRUG GO. Phone 21. 7 N. Tryon St. Sub. P. O In Store. C. L. NEWMAN Constructive Stone Work The Handsome MT AIRY GRANITE used in the construc tion of the New Seiwyn Hotel, Charlotte, was dressed and furnished by the Charlotte Marble & Granite Co. Between 5th and Trade Sts., on Southern R. R., Charlotte, N. C. Telephone 265.', SEE THOMPSONS SHOW WINDOWS FOR LADIES' NEW Spring Oxfords AND PUMPS. " ' $1.50 to $3.50 Funeral ofi Mr. Baker. The funeral of Mr. J. C. Baker, who died yesterday afternoon at his home on South A: street, took place from the residence this morning ,at 10 o' clock. The services were conducted by Rev. D. L. Reid. The body was interred at the Providence church cem etery. Contain nothing injurious. Relieve bronchial irritation. Cure sore throat. , In boxes only. FREE Cooking School FREE LECTURES ON COOKING and practical demonstration of the varoius uses for culinary purposes of the Chocolate and Cocoa Manufactured by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass (Established 1870) will be given by MISS ELIZABETH K. BURR (Domestic Science Department, Boston Y. M. C. A.) , at the CITY HALL, Charlotte, N. C. DAILY FOR ONE WEEK. Commencing'' Saturday) 'Febrti ary 24, 1906. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and 8 o'clock in the evening. Samples of Miss Burr's prep arations, such as Cakes, Pud dings, Meringues, Fudge Souf fles, Ice Cream, Bavarian Cream, etc., wall be served at each lec ture, and she will be pleased to answer all inquiries regarding the same. A different menu will be prepared and served at each lecture. Sample Cakes of the Walter Baker Premium No. 1 Chocolate, the Vanilla Sweet Chocolates and little .samples cans of the Breakfast Cocoa-; also a book of "Choice Chocolate Recipes" will be presented to all persons attending these lectures, and all who are interested in scientific cooking should not fail -to at tend, as they are FREE TO ALL. Sustaining Food That's what bread is when made in the right way of the right kind of flour. PRIDE OF CHARLOTTE Is the right kind of flour the flour that has the brain, bone and muscle building properties left in. Good grocers sell it. Mecklenburg Flour Mills, Charlotte, N. C. J. LEE KOINER, Proprietor. J. N. HUNTER. 1 Due Uttie i CHARLOTTE, . C. Copyright 1904 by th makers of MICHAELS-STERN FINE CLOTHING MICHAELS, STERN &. CO., ROCHESTER,.?!. V. Fashionable Men's Wear The demand for better goods has grown so, that we have dropped out of cheap, poorly made wears for Men and Young Men. Today we show select lines of the high class -manu- lacturers. In Snappy Clothing We are showing the Popular and well Tailored makes of Michaels, Stern and others- - V Our Tailor Made Line for Spring Is of the Newest Patterns of 1906 Fabrics Measures taken by experi enced men and fit guaranteed from $18 50 to $35.00. The New Emery Shirt $1.00 to;$! 50 stands second to none in quality and patterns and the fit oerfett' Our Mew A Big, New Fresh Best 50c Negligee Spring Goods just in. . Spring Hats The Newest Styles in Soft and Stiff Hats, black or colors- "Dilworth" $2 50 "Hawes" $3.00 "Stetson" $3.50 to $5.00 IVIen's Spring Shoes Knox, low or high cuts, $5 00 Grossett's and American Gentleman $3.50 and $4 00. r Ladies, Fine Footwear Grover's Soft Shoes for tender feet, $1.75 to $3.00. "Colonial" $3.50. Artistic and American Lady, $3.00. "Florine" at $2.50. ''Superba " $2.00 All in either Bals, Buttons or Oxfords. - Lomi jCePTnieMir l4o5 time ttuihiifi , X4MICHAELS-STEN; ! FINE CLOTHINGl .OICMACIS, STERN CO.J i ROCMESTIR, N. : . , 50c line Clean Stock of the Shirts for Men arrd " .