THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 27. 1906 1 1 '8 t 1 Jf The Charlotte News! Published Daily (Except Sunday) MEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. C. DOWD pres. and Gen. Mgr. v C. A. MATTHEWS . City Editgr TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1906 SOUTHERN . REPRESENTATION. Representative Keifer of Ohio, on yesterday introducea a, om m m House to cut down Southern repre sentation. The bill stated specifically the reduction desired by the gentle man from Ohio. YELLOW FEVER. It is always profitable ' to take an inventory. A cursory review - of the past is profitable for the welfare of the future. This fact is known by those in the section visited by the plague of i yellow fever last year. The health authorities of Louisiana and New Orleans seem to be stead fastly determined to prevent any fu ture onslaught of the plague. They are Weaving no stone unturned. Recently there was a meeting .at Alexandria, one of the towns on the Red river, where there was some fever i,m in tho' durihg last summer. The meeting was attended by the Governor, the State and New Orleans Boarcrs of Health and representatives from the various parts of the state of Louisiana. All the var- . ' i to 'ious subjects, such as the question of According io uis itisuiuuu" i Alw .. quarantine, the precautions to be duction for North Carolina vould be 1 ' QUUI atYmi taken, etc., were, thoroughly dis- from 10 to 6. The other Southern ' . . , .. -:nrrur rrhp'cussed. - States wouiu suuei awivu&ij. . reason given by Mr. Keifer for the re-1 duction was the disfranchisement of the negro. ' v It is getting to be an old tale; with Southern people to hear, at almost mmrv iossinTi of Coneress. of some man or other introducing a resolution akin to this. We have come to pay little heed to it, for it amounts to little. It is a little hard to understand, or be able to explain, however, the consistency of a man. wuo would advo cate the reduction of the representa tion in one section and not in another, where similar conditions prevail. The alleged reason for this reduc tion given by Mr. Keifer is because of the disfranchisement of the negro. Then may we not ask Why a similar The mode of the campaign made in New Orleans last year was endorsed by the members of the meetings, the extermination of the mosquito, the screening of cisterns and the isolation of patients by screening, etc' It was only recently that the State Board of Health visited every place where fever existed last year and fumi gated all the once-infected dwellings. Medical experts have also visited Central American ports to arrange for prompt warnings of danger and to se cure co-operation. It appears that every step possible to be taken has been made and that the chances of another ravage of the plague this year are exceedingly im probable. With a good system cf quarantine, the co-operation of the peo ple, the benfits of past experience and Hl (0) (0) lln yfb xl an.. . n f ill lri -not Yip. in order in -careful care there should be kittle Northern and Western States, where a large part of the citizenship is dis franchised because of the educational and property qualifications to the franchise? But in such a resolution one is not liable to expect anything savoring of consistency or fair play, and for that very reason the resolution should merit little consideration, as it does, with people of fair minds wherever they may be found. NATIONAL REUNION. It is now proposed to hold in Wash ington city at no far distant date a na tional reunion of all the old soldiers who were engaged in the Civil War, the Mexican Mar, the war with Spain and the campaigns with the Philip pines and China, together with all sons of veterans. The idea is to continue the rally for one week and a part of the programme will be one grand review before the President. We trust that the reunion may be arranged as planned and that all the soldiers of many wars may be allowed to meet, to forget past differences and to join in' one grand and happy , reunion. cause for serious worry. In the Daily Messenger published at Washington, N. C.,: is the announce ment of Mr. F. A. Hampton as the newly-elected general manager of that pa per. Mr. Hampton has for several months been connected with the edi torial and business departments of The News, only withdrawing recently to take up his new work. Mr. Hamp ton is a young man of ability . and while with The News made many friends who wish him success in his new work. Greensboro is noted for her good luck in getting all the famous trials. It was stated yesterday that the cases against Mr. Blackburn would be tried there at a special term of court some time in April. More sensation for the Gate City. Surely her history cannot contain many more cases like those of "Old Nick," Samuels, and now Blackburn. This from the Asheville Citizen : "Bernhardt and Nordica coming in one month! Wonder what Charlotte will have to say to that?" We envy you. , "Divine Sarah" and Nordica are stars of the first magni tude. You have done surpassingly v ell for a village of your size. Asheville boasts of having Bern hardt and Nordica in one month. Ashe ville is still behind Salisbury, who can brag of Bernhardt and "Mother" Jones. It appears that an auto gets a man in almost as much trouble as his tongue. For instance, the recent Vanderbilt incident as an example. Germany says she will make a con cession if France will, and vice versa. It is a matter of reciprocity you pinch me. and I pinch you. . It appears that Bernhardt will yet be permitted . .to go on exhibition in peaceful old Texas under shelter of her spreading lent. Think of' it! ; The patience of all connected with the; Greene Gaynor trial will . prob ably be abnormally developed before it is over. i : -v' ". '. .On yesterday another . charter was issued to a Charlotte firm. It is getting to be almost a daily 'affair. . CHINESE SITUATION. From the reports of yesterday the situation in China is growing extreme ly serious. The dispatches were con flicting. At first it. was reported that the mission station at Nanchang was destroyed and that fourteen American missionaries had made their, escape, while an English family had been mas sacred. Later dispatches stated that the sit uation was not so serious, although there had been local trouble of no little consequence. Look at the matter as you may, the safety of the missionaries is far from secured. It is hard to tell when the news will come of the death and slaughter of many of those in far-off China." It is impossible to predict any result of the anti-foreign feeling. We can only await results with apprehension, and hope that peace may be speedily restored. The Great Live Gash Values We are now offering are full of interest to the buying public. DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS Veiling in Cream, WThite, Grey, Alice Blue, Pink, Navys and Black, 38 inches wide for, the yard, only 49c. Brilliantine and wide . . .'. Better quality for Mohair, 52 inches 50Ca . . .. .". 75c. to $1.00 Specialties in Black Goods, Serges, Cashmeres, Veiling, Voiles, Ete- menes from 25c to $1.00 See our $1.00 Voiles; our Black Silks, 3G inches at 85 cents have no equa land the 95c, $1.15 and $1.48 lines are simply beautiful. See them. THE Boston Shoe C67s Stock of Men's, Women's and Boys' Shoes is now in full blast : Never before has a Special Shoe Sale attracted so much "attention; Store crowded froni . morning till the late hours of night. The Boston Shoe Store retailed nothing for less than $2.50 "and when we cut the price to $1.98, it was a sight to see the way the throngs gathered in, many of the Shoes were $3.00 and $3 50 values. Sales will be continued this week, don't miss the chance of saving from- $1 00 to $1 50 on a pair of Shoes. x - ' . . - - : ..:-:; ; , Our lines of Spring Ginghams for iY2, 8 1-3 and 10 cts. are great values, Big lot 12 ic. Percales thrown out for only . . .. .. .. ..10c, Brighton'sEnglish Long Cloth No. 3900 reduced, the bolt, $1.25 WATCH THE HEAVENS. Friday Night the Moon Will Swallow, as it Were, a Star. , Those of astronomical taste will see an interesting sight if they watch the heavens on the evening of March 2. The moon will swallow, as it were, a star. High up in the southwestern sky will be observed a brilliant star. This is the planet Jupiter, the largest of the solar system. It makes an irrgular tri angle, with two little groups of stars, the. one to right of Jupiter being the Pleiades, which is a hazy little patch often called the Seven Stars. To the left of Jupiter, but a little further off, will be found Hyades, which is a V shaped group with the brilliant red dish first magnitude star, Aldebaran, at the left hand end of the V. The ce lestial phenomenon is connected with Aldebaran. Next Friday evening Aldebaran will be occupied by the moon: i. e., the moon will shut the star out from view. This will occur at about 10:35 when the star will be suddenly extinguished, as it were, and at about 11:37 it will reappear with equal suddenness on the other side of the moon.' As the moon has no atmosphere and the star has no size it will disappear with surprising suddenness, and on Friday evening it will be particulaly interesting be cause the dark side of the moon will occult Aldebaran and it will seem to disappear from the sky without' any apparent cause. As this is a free show there should be a larse attendance . MUSIC AT THE CLUB. Mr. Richardson Arranges a Splendid Program For Tonight's Concert. The following is the program of the concert that will be rendered at the Manufacturers' Club this evening by the Richardson Trio: Light Cavalry Serenade. . . . Mr. Richardson. King Elysia R. Palms. .. . . . Dream of Live Mr. Baker Fartha (Overature) . . . . Woodland (Selection) ... . Dance of the Dwarfs. . . ' . Mr. von Larentz. Sergeant Kitty .... . . '. Mill end Table Linen 39c Table Linen in Bleached and Unbleach; ed , the yard 25c. to 486 Great Values. Lonsdale Domestic, one of the best brands for &y2c. Lock wood Sea Island Domestic, noth ing better .... .... .... 7y2c. Elegant line of Apron Gingham, only -.4c 0 o o o $2.50 to $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords ale Prace $1,98 S o o Have Your Photo on a Button f rcc ! 5,000 Photo Buttons already made, which proves popularity. Ask clerk for Coupon with purchase of $1.00 or over. Extra buttons 5 cents each. ' 7 O few Wholesale, Retail ID) r ew White Is Don't fail to see our remnant coun ter. Here you will find Linen, Madras, Dimity, Swiss, and Ginghams and at prices that can't be duplicated. Think of 42 inch only . . .... . . . Sheer Lawn for One counter Embroidery, special 7J4c HOSIERY! HOSIERY! Our line Ladies' Hose, all the way from .. .. .,10 to 25c Children's School Hose," 15c 2 prs. 25c Initial Handkerchiefs, per dozen. .50c . . . .Suppe . Schubert de" Kocen . . . .Faure . . Spicker .". .Flotow . . .Luders . . . .Grieg . Sloane. V- HOW IS THIS? ; we offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all his business transactions and financial ly able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. , Waldingr, Kinnan & Marvin,' r Wholesale Druggrists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taen intftr nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials . sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Hall's Family Pills for Constl- pauonr i , Hand Bags and Purses in the latest styles at very low prices. One case White Quilts $1.00 kind go ing.. 75c Just received a new line of mattings You should see us for mattings . and save money. : Bargains at every turn in the house, and hundreds of live cut cash; values that we ' have not space to mention Call and see for yourselves., J.G, flood Go '20 E. Trade St . A Special Bargain in Short Lengths of Long Cloth and Fine Cambric, put on sale this morning, fine soft quality that would sell up to 18 cents per yard off the bolt, 36 and 38 inches wide, good lengths from 3 to 10 yard pieces, bought at a bargain price, and to sell quick we make the price - - - - i Hn per yard. ' 00XOCOOOOO00XCOOO000 Dinii C "1 5 V4- Rpm uoes it, need f urmshins: anew,-xr Jn nart? If so. von nan save money by making your selectioV fromur; stock. : -Stop" in and see our Spec ial Prices on Sideboards, China Closets New White Madras Nice Quality in Several Pretty New Patterns for Spring Shirt Waists. 1 fin per yard. wU White Lawns Fine Persian Lawn, quality, a 15 cent value per yard. ' nice smooth 10c 42-Inch White Lawn, the 12 1-2 cent quality '- :- - - - - - - . - - . per yard. ; ; 7 WE DEPARTMENT STORES. ee aw CORNER E. TRADE AND COLLEGE STS. O It will cost you nothing to look, and we will be glad to show Q A you how to save money, and we know you wiU not object to that. Cl Lubin Furniture Co- 8 X00000000000000 Try a Ne ws Wacrvt Ad. Wood and Coal We can serve you witih: Fuel of all kinds. Our Wood is well seasoned, cut and split or in 2 or 4 foot lengths. Can fill any order from 50c worth . . : - to a car. load. Soft, Hard, Blacksmith and Steam Coal, tiie best to be had PHONE 402. Yards 850 N. Poplar St oooocoooooooooo ipillipwing pdoooooooooo Our stock of Go-Carts is larger and more complete than ever before and v.e feel safe in saying that we can offer yoV the ; very latest designs and up holsterings. We can furnish you with any price cart from $3.00 to $30.00. We sell the "Celebrated Wakefield Line" which can not be duplicated in point of simple beauty and durabiUtyJ " see our stock and our prices. W. Mc(Y. CASH OR CREDIT. 2 ' CASH OR CREDIT.

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