THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 27. 19C6. Ne w Spring Goods Arriving Daily Our Buyer is in the Northern mar kets and some fine purchases of early Spring merchandise are already in. Especially do we invite your atten tion to a choice lot of the latest styles in Ladies' Furnishing goods direct from t!ie fashion centres. Drop into our store the first time you are tlov.n town, make yourself per fectly at home and look over the new things. We ll have something new to show you every day and we assure 5"ou polite, courteous treatment at all limes. : Below we give a partial list of to day's arrivals: Wide Insertions for Shirt Fronts and Trimmings, very stylish patterns, per yard, 19c, 25c, anf 35c. Ail Over Embroideries Some extra nice qualities for waists, yokes, etc. per yd. . . . . .39c to $1.50 Embroidered Collar and Bands Trimmed with Val Lace, about a doz en srles all very new. ,..10c a length or 25c a yd. Also with Persian Centres at, per . col lar 15c New Ruchings Plain White and Plain White with Rosebud designs, per length, 10c New Spring Collars We have a reputation for keeping an excellent line of Ladies' Collars and Xeckwcar and today's shimpment will surely establish it more secure ly than ever. We think, in fact, we are sure, it's the choicest and most up-to-date line we have ever had. Come and see for yourself; two prices, 25c and 50c. A big lot to choose from all new and exclusive styles. Long Gloves New Elbow Gloves in Plain Blacks and Whites, heavy silk, per pair, 75c and $1.00. Automobile Scarfs in Crepe De Chine, each. .85c and $1.85 All colors. Rose Point Lace Chcmesettes ith Cuffs to match, set $2.25 A distinct novelty Belting Some new styles in gold and sil ver, a belt, .. .. .. ;. ..25c to 40c IVevv Silks BMiicK Grey Silks in Checks and neat wipes, per yd .. .... ..$1.00 A fine value and very stylish for pretty dressy, suit or waist. Dress Goods. h(rlany ,new sPrinS Styles already them" SClUns rapidly- Ask to see S . -. . s I society:.! 13 WEST TRADE ST. A wedding that is of supreme inter est to Charlotte .-people and North Carolinians generally will he that of Miss Lily Catherine Rhyne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rhyne, of Mount Holly and Mr. Miles Pegram Hoffman, of Philadelphia, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Hoffman, of Gastonia, which event takes place this evening at 6:30 o'clock at the beautiful home of the bride's parents, at Mcint Holly. ...... The marriage of this popular young couple will be one of the most bril liant and elaborate wedding that has ushered in the Lenton season in years. The ceremony will occur at 6:30 o'clock, the Rev. W. J. Boger, pastor of the Mount Holly Lutheran churcn performing the beautiful double ring ceremony in which both the bride and groom will exchange rings. The wed ding will be followed by a reception which will be tendered by Mr. and Mrs. Rhyne and attended by hundreds Of friends, the majority, of-whom are from Charlotte who will leave here on a special train at 5 o'clock, returning at 9 o'clock. After the reception Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman will' leave . Mount Holly on the special with the guests en route to Flirida where they will spend a week or two. They will make their home at Philadelphia, the home of the groom , .. : .. The Rhyne home has been elabor ately decorated for the event, and sig nificant of the name "Mount Holly," the decorations consist mainly of holly which profusely adorn the parlor, re ception hall and music room. In the latter room, where the ceremony will take place, the walls are covered with white tulle over which budded holly is fixed. An improvised altar, in a large bay window in this room, is exquisitely arranged with palms and white cov ered pedestals, topped with holly di rectly in front of, which the couple will exchange the vows. The dining room is done in red. The groom, with his best man, Mr. Lew White, of Philadelphia, will lead the bridal procession, entering to the sweet wedding music rendered by Mrs. Boger. The rest of the bridal party will enter in the following order: The groomsmen, Mr. John M. Craig" with Mr. B. J. Hoffman, Mr. E. Webb, with Col. Jomes Duffy, Mr. Jacob Binder, Jr., with Mr. Fred Rum and Mr. Ash by Blythe with Mr. Henry Rhyne; Miss Helen Rhyne, maid of honor; the bride's maid, Miss Georgia Lowe; the ring bearer, little Miss Augusta Can non and last the bride, on the arm of her father. . The bride will wear a handsome hand embroidered gown of radia silk made princess with veil and she will carry Lillies of the Valley. Her only ornament will be a holly wreath of dia monds. The maid of honor and brides maid will wear batiste made princess and trimmed in Vallenciennes lace. They will carry bride's roses. i Apretti';featuTjAfrthe' wedding will be the presentation of J Souvenirs to the attendants by the bride and groom. The bride will give a pearl ring to th3 maid of honor and the groom will give gold cuff buttons to the groomsmen.. The wedding presents are not only numerous but exceedingly handsome, among which is a large chest of silver containing 14 dozen pieces given by the groom's employer's; a chest of silver each given by Mr .and Mrs. Rhyne and Dr. and Mrs. Hoffman; ?. grand piano by the groom, and suit of furniture by the Dr. and Mrs. Hoffman. Jn compliment to the bridal party and attendants an informal dance will be given at the city hall tonight under the management of Mr. Richardson. The chaperones will, be: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hurley, Mr. and Mrs .J. H. Cut ter, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Steefe, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hutchison, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George W. Graham, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McCullough; Mr. and Mrs, Julian H. Taliaferro, Mr. and Mrs. Carey W. Butt, Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lambeth, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Alston, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Withers, Mr .and Mrs R. H. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Osmond L. , Barringer, Miss Lucy Oates and Mr. W. R. Tal iaferro. The Eclectic Book Club will meet with Mrs. B. D. Heath tomorrow even ing at 4 o'clock. There will be a "Hot Supper" at the home of Mr. J. C. Brown, in Sharon township, Friday night. The supper is to be given under the auspices of the Laides' Aid Society and the public is cordially invited to attend. Miss Jessie Wavra, of Columbia, who has been visiting in the city, re turned to her home this morning. ' 1 " ' Mrs. Clough Steele entertains the Thursday Afternoon Club today at her home on East Morehead street. The club members and invited guests are the following named ladies: Mes dames Frank Smith, D. K. Pope, Lock wood Jones, George - Howell, Harry Shaw, Charles Alexander, - J. C. Mont gomery, Carey Butt, L. B: Johnston, E. V. Finlayson, H. A. Murrill, H.' S. Bry an, A. S. Cheek, Gillespie Sadler, C. F. Wadsworth, George L. Best, : Harvey Lambeth, W. J. Thomas, W. A. Zweier, Frank Wilkes, T. C. Guthrie, B. J. Smith, Louis Schiff, W. L. Bruns, C. E. Hooper, E. C. Dwelle; Arnold ' Shaw, Eugene Reilley, Harris Mallinckrpdt, Joseph Ross and Misses "Mary Brock enbrough, Julia Robertson,' Lucy Oates and Minnie Beck;. v V. A " . . Miss Flossie Settle has returned to the city after visiting at Greens boro and left today for Columbia to visit Miss Laura Hammond. Mrs. D. H. McCullough who is visiting Mrs. Edwin Williamson Over man at Salisbury is expected home tomorrow, , ' . Miss Ethel Spilman returned today to Linwood Seminary after spending several days in Hie city with her parents. , The Atlanta Journal says; A pretty dinner party was that which was given Friday evening at the Majestic hotel , Free Demonstration. A free demonstration of the famous Ferndell Coffees will be held at the store of the Miller-Van Ness Co. every day this week that all may learn of the good qualities of this delicious product that has become so popular in Charlotte. All are invited to call be- mveen the hours of 2 and 6 p.-fH. ftad sample a cup. by Mrs. Hess in honor of her sister, Mrs. Weston, of Charlotte, N. C. The table was artistically decorated with azalias and pink roses. The guests included Mrs. Weston, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Meadow, Mr. atid Mrs. Van Harlengen, Col. W. L. Scruggs, Mrs. G. B. Gresa, Miss Eli zabeth Northrop, Miss Maude Scruggs, Miss Ruby Scruggs, Mr and Mrs. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hewlet, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. f The marriage of "Miss Frances Rosa Jerry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jerry, and Mr. Charles Peterson, of this city, which announcement was made in yesterday's News,' will take place at the Catholic Church tonight at 8 o'clock. The4 marriage will be a very quiet affair, witnessed by the families of the bride and groom and a few intimate friends. Father Joseph will officiate. ROBBERS' PLANS FAILED. Two Attempts Made to Enter Store Houses at Mint Hill Last Night. There was a robbery planned at Mint Hill last night but the would-be thieves failed in their purpose. The store houses of Mr. W. B. Estridge and Mr. D. A. Henderson were visited by the midnight thieves but neither was entered. "At Mr. Estridge's store, the parties bored holes in the ront door and tried to knock out a panel. Failing in this, they tried to prize the door open. Leaving the Estridge store, the thieves went to Mr. D. A. Henderson's place. There -they tried to prize open the door but again failed." On the front porch to each of the stores were found several tools that the robbers had secured from a nearby black smith shop. Mr. Estridge, who informed The News of the attempt to rob the stores, says that the thieves must have visit ed Mint Hill about the midnight hour. A SERIOUS CHARGE. Postmaster Patterson of Concord Held in $1,000 Bond. The Charlotte friends of Mr. George Patterson, of Concord, will read with mingled surprise and .regret, the fol lowing which appears in the Industrial News of Greensboro under a Salisbury date line "Postmaster Patterson, of Concord, was arrested by Deputy Marshall J. T. Millikan, of Greensboro, upon a,bill of indictment found at the present term of the Federal court at Asheville. He- is charged with abstracting let ters from the mail. "One of his clerks, it is alleged, act ed in collusion with him and the clerk's arrest will follow. "Patterson ave bond for one thous and dollars." Two Small Cases. . In the Recorder's Court this morn ing John Moore was charged with an assault on his wife, Lis Moore. He was taxed with the costs. . 1 Walter Huntley and Albright Bar ber were charged with disorderly con duct. The charge was not sustained. DOCTOR SAYS SEE T H0MPS0RPS SHOW WINDOWS FOR LADIES' NEW . Spring Oxfords AND PUMPS. 4. $16 tO $36 - II STATE OF H ASSOCIATION Mr. N. T. Blackwell will be Here Thursday to Organize a North Carolina Jranch of the Nation al Ginners Association. Meet ing in Court House. Thursday, the first of March, there will be organized in the county court house a North Carolina branch of the National Ginners Association. Mr. N. T. Blackwelder, secretary and organizer of the National GinnersAs sociation, will be here and take charge of the organization. The Liddell Company--has received the following letter from Mr. Black well: L " ' "I will be in Charlotte on the first of March, to organize a North Caro lina branch of the National Ginners' Association. If you will kindly secure a meeting: place for us we will be much obliged to you. Also please have it an nounced a few days ahead of time in your local papers." The meeting, will be held in the county court house TJmrsday morning at 11 o'clock. & v Mr, Blackwell, who . will be : present on this occasion is? publisher of Cotton and . Cotton Oil News, which is pub lished at Dallas, Texas. It is presumed that a-large number of the farmers of Mecklenburg will be present at the meeting Thursday. , W M4t Kill's "Big Night." 'VS-:.:'-""-" ,5-' ..fn. Mint Hill Camp, Woodmen of the World, will have a "big night" tomor row evening, in the camp hall at Mint Hill. Messrs E. R. grestonW. R. Mat thews and Rev. J..: M. Davis, of Char lotte, .will go out and make talks. About ten new members are to be initiated and after the exercises an oyster sup per will be served. Finds Grape-Nuts Food Invaluable in His Practice."" . - ; A physician first healed himself with food. Then he healed others, and tells his story in a straight forward, business-like way: "For a long time," he writes, 1 was unable to assimilate comfortably any ordinary preparared breakfast foods. Nearly, everything disagreed with me, bringing on heavy headaches a bad taste in the mouth, and a dull ness of mind that was not only un pleasant but interfered with active mental work. Since beginning the use of : Grape-Nuts Food some months ago, however, these troubles have vanished and breakfast is relished and enjoyed as it ought to be. : "I find, too, that a small quantity of Grape-Nuts and cream eaten just before starting out to visit patients at night prevents the feeling of depres sion that used to result from this ex tra exertion and loss of sleep. "My wife suffered for several months from recurring attacks of in digestion with fermentation she would be very miserable for days at a time and almost any kind of food ad: ded to the trouble. She found by ex periment that by using Grape-Nuts re lief would be obtained in a very short time, even when ordinary remedies for indigestion had failed to help her. - "Mrs. James S , a patient of mine, suffered with sympathetic heart trouble and a stomach so deranged that it rejected all food. Her strength was rapidly failing from lack of nour ishment. I recommended the use of Grape-Nuts with cream every three or four hours. The food proved at once acceptable to her stomach and her re covery to perfect health speedily fol lowed. "I have found Grape-Nuts an excel lent food for patients convalescing from exhausting fevers, . as typhoid and pneumonia, and always recom mend its .use by such. It is admirably suited to these cases, not only because it is easily digested, but because of the great amount of nourishment it contains. Its use rapidly restores vi tality and strength." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Announcement ! I want to say to my old "friends and fellow citizens" that I have on .exhibition at Room No. 7, Buford Ho tel, thev largest and . best assorted line of advertising . calendars, fans, novel ties and leather goods ever shown. . Osborn's, Murphy's and Bigelow's sxyles as finely finished as their 's at 40 per cent less than their prices. Would be pleased to make dates to meet customers at my Toom. 3t FERD. SMITH. Mr. J. W. -.Sheppard has returned from Cedarvilfe, N., where he went to attend the, funeral services of his mother. V -h' FREE Cooking School FREE LECTURES. ON COOKING and practical demonstration of the varoius uses , for culinary purposes of the Chocolate and Cocoa Manufactured by Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. (Established 1870) will be given by II MISS ELIZABETH K. BURR (Domestic Science Department, Boston Y. M. C. A.) at the CITY HALL, Charlotte, N. C. DAILY FOR ONE WEEK. Commencing Saturday, Febru ary 24, 1906. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ' and 8 o'clock in the evening. Samples of Miss Burr's prep arations, such as Cakes, Pud dings, Meringues, Fudge Souf fles, Ice Cream, Bavarian Cream, etc., will be served at each lec ture, and she will be pleased to answer all inquiries regarding the same. A different menu will be prepared and served at each 'lecture...... .' . i.t.; Sample Cakes of -the Walter Baker Premium No. 1 Chocolate, the Vanilla Sweet Chocolates and little samples cans, of the Breakfast Cocoa; also a boolc of "Choice Chocolate Recipes" will be presented to all persons attending these lectures, and all who are interested in scientific cooking should not fail to at tend, as they are FREE TO ALL. I"K"H"I"M"l4 iHle LSttDe-l-dDini I CHARLOTTE, . C. Co!! In each of our 20 or more de partments you will find many New and Attractive Articles in the way of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ladies' Furnish ings, etc. j ROUND THREAD LINEN. 45-inch White round thread Linen for suits and any kind of drawn work, Price, -per yard, .... .,65c WHITE FRENCH LAWN. 45-inch Plain White French . Lawn, worth 20c. everywhere.: Our special price the yard ...... ...... 15c BASKET LINEN. White 45-mch basket weave Linen for collars and belts. Price per yd $1.25 WHITE LINEN SHEETING. 10-4 White Linen Sheeting, all grades. Price the yard .. .. .. .. 85c, $1.00 and $1.25. WHITE LINEN LAWN. 36-inch White Linen Lawn, nice sheer quality, Special, the yard ..24c HANDEKERCHIEF LINEN. 36-inch Handkerchief Linen for hand-made suits. Price per yd.... 35c XOOOOOOCOOOOOOOCOhXX S Special Demonstration $ OF Ferndell Coffee At Our Store Every - Day This Week From 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. --... ' If you would have a Coffee that is rich in body, delicious in flavor Q and always the same, call and try a cup of Ferndell Free. Miller - Van Ness Company $ 00OG00000DOOX0C?K Use The Bell Telephone For Quick Service For Time Saving For Pleasure For Business For Results Always Ready for Use Use it any time; anywhere; all the time. The cost is reason able; the service satisfactory Contract Department I99 Southern Bell Telephone & telegraph Co. FINE SHEER LINEN. 36-inch fine Linen for hand-made made waists and suits. Price the yard . V ........ . . 75c and $1 .00 COLORED LINEN. 36-inch Two-Toned Linen Suiting for early spring coat suits. Price the yard .. ..25c BROWN STRIPE LINE. 36-inch Brown Linen with Red and Blue Stripes. Price1 the yard.... 35c SOLID LINEN. 36-inch Plain Linen, colors, Navy, Garnet, Alice Blue. Price the yd.. 30c DRESS GOODS. 38-inch White Mohair, with Black ; Pin Stripes, good style. Price the yard .. 50c ' i . .. 36-inch White Brilliantine. Price the yard . .. ... .. 25c 38-inch White Henrietta. Price the yard :18c 54-inch White . All-Wool Serge, sponged and shrunk. . Price the yard .. .i $1.50. 54-inch White and Cream Broad cloth, fine twill. Price the yard. .$1.50 NECK RUCHING. Another express shipment of Neck Ruching; White and all the new Fancies. Price the yard 25c and 35c BROWN LINEN. - - The strongest line of Brown Linen that has been shown in the city. Price the yard.. ...V 12 1-2c, 15cf 20c, 25c, 30c, and 40c. GALATEA. Our stock of Galatea is complete; any color or figure that you can ask for; the genuine Galatea, no substi tute, no seconds. Price the yard.. 15c WHITE GOODS. White Linen Finished Suiting. Price the yard .. .. 10c ( WHITE POPLIN. White Poplin tor SKirts ana suns. Price the yard .. .. .". .. ..12 1-2 WHITE PT. DE SPRIT. 36-inch, 45 inch and 54-inch White Pt. De-Sprit. Price the yard 50c, 60c, and 75c. Very popular over covers. WHITE FIGURED NET. 45-inch White Figured Net for waists and dresses; two yards maKes a waist. Price the yard .. .. .. ..85c X BIRD KITES 2c. 4 4. 1,500 of J;hose pretty Kites that sell at 10c. week as a "Fryer," .. .. Bird This ..2c. NECKWEAR. New Novelties in Fancy Neckwear, Crepe de Chene and Printed Silk Scarfs,- Net Ties, Lace Collars, Linen hand-made Collars, etc. '' ; COAT SUIT DEPARTMENT. Walking Skirst for Ladies and Misses. Handsome line of Spring Skirts Black, Blue, Grey and pretty Plaids; two-piece circular style, 14 to 17 gore, with circular effect. Also many gored skirts with pretty flare and plaited effects. Prices, ranging from $3.50 to $17.50, - We are showing a line of Wash Suits; Eton Box Jackets and Pony Jackets; neatly made of material that will launder nicely! Prices of suits ranging from .. .. .. $3.50 to $5.75. Separate Skirts from $1.50 to $2.25 Jackets from .... . . $2.00 t6 $3.50 LAUNDRY, TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS. Fels-Naptha, White Ribbon, Octa gon, Wool; all per cake .. 5c Vcitor Laundry Soap, regular 5c! cake: 3 cakes for .. .. .. .. ..10c. Medicated Royal Cuticule, a good toilet soap; 3 cakes for ..10c. Williams' Barber Soap in round cakes .. .. ...... .. ..8c. Pears' Unscented Soap 15c. Carolina Pine" Tar Soap .. .. .. 10c - Lana Oil, Glyoerine and Buttermilk Soap ......... .. ..10c or 3 for 25c, NEW BOX PAPERS. That nice, new line of. Box Paper and Envelopes is now in; plain and mourning .... .. .... 10c. to 50c. CUTE FOR CHILDREN. i George and .Martha. Washington Box . Paper and Envelopes " for ' Chil dren .......... .. .. .. .. ;..25c "A real Cute Party and Invitation Paper and Envelopes for children at .. .. .. .. .. 38c H"H'!-I"I"I''l7l"K'H"I"I"IlI"I"I"I; J 4. JAPANESE LANTERNS. 4- 4 J. A . new lot and beautiful as- 4 sortment' of Japanese. Lan- 4 terns, all shapes. Each ....5c -J H"IH"I"I"I"I"I"IvI"I"I"I'Hj 4?