THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 27 1 906. THE WEATHER rlir Charlotte and its vicinity: pi,- ami colder tonight. Wednesday , xorth Carolina: Fair, colder Llir cold wave in eastern portion, v-..fnosdav fair, colder in eastern por- nifi nortwest to north winds. tU)For outh Carolina: Fair, much ,nlllei- tonight; cold wave in central 1 pastern portions. Wednesday l!is;h northwest to north winds. fit ir. (! 2- II 11 -swro. II 5? it n 0 8 1ARKETS 8 COTTON Hayward Vick & Clark's Daily Cotton Letter. (Funiishcd by the Cotton Exchange an,l iija rd of Trade.) Xcv Orleans, Feb. 27. Yesterday's ( oitcii market was a most unambitious affair Neither New York nor Liver liool evidenced any particular desire to take the initiative and New Orleans had Mardi C.ras in its bones to the ex clusion of everything else. On the uhoie. Hie news and gossip was of an eilroui aging character. There was a minus correction in the Liver pool stock. Assurances were forth coming that there would be no coal miners' strike. Comment on the prom ise of an increase in the wages of the English cotton mill operatives indicat ed a trade belief that short time would !j0 'inaugurated only in the event raw cotton supplies dwindled too fast. With prosperity ahead for the laborers of England and America the troubles of the bull speculator doubtless will abate earlier than with strikes and trade disturbances bobbing" up during the end of the season months. Thus the situation would seem to have gain eil rather than lost hopefulness. But the weakness of futures, even in the absence of bearish aggressiveness, is not calculated to reinstill confidence in the ranks of the booster. The ad vent of some really potential price making factor of the encouraging class is the thing now needed. New York Sun's Cotton Summary. Xfv York, Feb. 27. The March no tices dominated everything, or rather .Match notices and liquidation on the one hand., and covering on the other caused an irregualr market. It is be lived, however, that this bugbear has been pretty well eliminated, and the effect it is thought, will be to impart greater steadiness, if only temporarily, to the market. That has been the case iti New Orleans and it is believed will be the ease here, especially as the short interests has undoubtedly been considerably increased not only here, but in the South. New Orleans opera tors are believed to be heavily short. On the decline here there was heavy baying of March, by spot houses and there was also a good deal of scat tered covering, as well as not a little outside buying for people who believe that a turn for the better is near at hand. March- notices for some 40,000 bales were issued, principally by Messrs. Inman, Judson, Shearson, Weld, and Fernie. Liverpool and the continent were buying. New England and European spinners were reported to have bought the actual cotton here. But in the end the market was govern ed mainly by the notices. Cbalotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good Middling 10 Strict Middling 10 Middling 10V2 Tnges and Stains 9 10 New York Cotton. High Low Close 1030 1030 10 1025 1025 10241024 .... 1027 1018 10241025 .... 1033 1031 10341036 Jan Feb liar Apr May 1048 1042 1047 1048 June .July Aug' Sept Oct 1054 1054 10561058 1065 1059 10631064 1061 1057 10601061 1030 1030 10301031 .... 1023 1019 10201021 Nov 1024 1024 10211022 Dec 1027 1023 10231024 Spots 1085; sales 500; market tone quiet; futures closed steady. New York 11 A. M. Bids: March 1021; May 1044; July 1062; October 1021. Liverpool Cotton. Jan.-Feb 556 Feb-Mch '.. .. 556 Hch-ALJr ..55G Anr-j.Iay 560 'May-June 563 June-July July-Aug ..566 68 Aug-Sept 566 Scpt-Oct 554 Oct-Xov .551 Futures opened dull, closed steady; receipts 17000; American 9100; sales 12000, American 9800; spec. 1000; mid 'Uins today 569; yesterday 571; tone spots steady. Chicago Grain and Porduce. High Low Close . 81 81 81 . 81 80- 81 . 81 81 81 . 44 43 43 . 44 44 44 .43 43 43 . 28 28 28 . 29 29 29 . 30 30 30 . 1537 1525 1537 . 1515 1505 1515 . 777 772 777 . 785 780 785 . 795 792 795 . 812 807 812 . 815 810 815 . 825 VOIEAT Sept .... July -vlay CORN ' July .... Sept ..." Alav . OATS Spet .. -May . . . PORK Mav . July .. LARD Slav "Uiy Sept ..." Ill us May .... July Sept Keep the little ones healthy and ""ipy. Their tender, sensitive bodies require gentle, healing remedies. Hol "feter's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep wsm strong and well. 35 cents, Tea cr Tablets. ; R. H. Jordan & Co. i The charfn of her smile in her prettv teeth. Sensible girls know the value of ozoDiscnr Liquid, Powder or Easte. STOCKS New York Sun's Summary Stocks. (Furnished by Gilbert & Clay of New Orleans, La.) New York. Feb. 27. The greater optimism in professional speculative sentiment that was evident in WaU Street during the latter part of last week was again strong in control of the movement of security prices and although the upward movement was conducted somewhat irregularly, jex ceptions to the general tendency being shown by several prominent stocks, and although the market was less ani mated than it recently has been, con siderable net gains were commonly shown in the active stocks, at the close of the day. Abroad the course of val ues in the financial markets was di rectly the reverse of that witnessed here, for which the chief reasons seem ed to be the continued forced liquida tion of Kaffir mining stocks on the London stock exchange, and renewed anxiety over the Morroccan situation. It was said by close observers of the day's business that the market was to an unusual degree of professional char acter, and that the largest buyers of stocks were the western speculative party who were openly, at . least, the largest sellers a week ago. However, this may be, it was plainly the buying of stocks rather than the selling that was effective upon quoted values. Atihisun Atchison Pfd Baltimore & OMo Canadian Pacific Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton Chicago & 3reat Western Erie Erie Tfd ........ Lock Inland .... Il.inois Central - Louiivitle A Nashville . . . . ttan Kexiean Central . . , - rfissouvi Pacific . Missouri Kansas A T New York Central Norfolk A Western Ontario & Western Pennsylvania Reading.... Reading Pfd St. Paai . Southern Pacific 8 aathei n Railway ... Sotliern llaUway Preferred Texas A. Pacific . , . Onion Pacific ...... .... Wabash Wabash Pfd Amalgamated Copper Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron ........ Con Gas Peoples Gas Sug'ar.... , ... Sloss Iron & Steel Tennessee Coal &lron JnitedStetes Leather. . . Jnited States fcteel , JrAted States Steel Preferred Western Union .... . . . ., V irginia Carolina Chemica'. Va. Carolina Chemical Pfd 89 .102 11046 170 .. 56 . 30 . 78 H6 y, 150 ioo4 35 148 . SG 50 138 . 138 . 92 180 0Gi ..100 34 151 24 y2 52 110M 81 641 . 158 78 969 141 . 84 y 156 11 41 106 93 18' 49 114 Cooking School. The free lectures on cooking at the city hall hall are being well attended each day and evening. Yesterday 151 ladies were present and today, despite the blustering winds, the attendance was very large. Miss Burr is a most interesting speaker and her practical demonstration of ways to prepare doz ens of dainty things for the table will not fail to elevate the standard of living in Charlotte. Free souvenirs are given to all who attend. . DENIED WRIT OF ERROR. Norfolk Feb. 26. Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals denied writ of error in the case of captain E. W. Jones, of the Virginia National guard, convic ted of the murder of Maudfe Cameron Robinson, formerly of Selma,, N. C, and given 18 years in the' peniten tiary. New York Journal of Commerce Sum mary Dry Goods. (Furnished by Gilbert & Clay, of New Orleans, La.) New York, Feb. 27 Buying at first hands continued very moderately. Job bers and converters are endeavoring to secure concessions and in a few in- tances have proved successful. As a ;ule, however, the first hands situation is marked by general firmness, for which there is , undoubtedly a great deal of warrant. It is perhaps not real ized that a considerable amount of ma chinery, both in New England and the South, is still idle through the lack of -. t------. . -t 4 A 1 n rc o mllof lin. finnhtedlv have its effect sooner 01 later upon the market. ILItL,IC AROUSED. The public 5s aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tonic, 'Electric Bitters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary w waitprs. of S4fl St. Clair Ave.. Co lumbus, O., writes: "For several months I had eriven ud to die. I had fe- vnr and amie: mv nerves Wre wreck a- T nonlil not sleeo and my stomach fxraa so weak, from useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat. Soon" after hop-innincr to take Electric Bitters, I htninPfl relief, and in a short time I ras entirely curetV. Guaranteed 60c. . a Eeara tha You Have Always Bought a,,. a, I The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of CAST Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tne For Croup Tirkesine A cure or your 25c Back. r 1 is mrgy am! 1" fUa Are Useful Make the most acceptable wedding gifts. We can show the largest as sortment of fine quality Cut Glass, Sterling Silver and Hand Painted China in the State. We guarantee our prices to be as low as same qual ity goods can he bought. GARIBALDI & BRUNS 243 Acres Four Miles South of Charlotte for sale on reasonable terms. This land lies on C. C. & A. Railroad and is suitable for factory sites, HUGH W. HARRIS. Atty. GOING TO BUILD ? Let us make ' an esti mate on your Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Steam Heating. If we do the work you will have a satisfactory, enduring job and it may be that wo will save some money for you. 223 S. Try on St. Our Phone Is 309. Carolina Heating & Plum? ing uompany ST.rTnS'r,aiSSiiS Good Boy, Georgie ! "Oh, George, dear," she whispered, when he slipped the engagement ring on her tapering finger, " how sweet of you to remember just the sort of I preferred! None of the others were ever so thoughtful." George was staggered fora moment. Then he came back with, "Not at all, dear; you overrate me. This is the one I've always used." ."Vhat did you. discuss, at your liter ary club this afternoon, dear?" ask ed a Braymer husband of his wife, ac cording to the "Comet " "Let me see," replied she. "Oh, yes, I remember now. Ve discussed that woman who recently moved into the house across the street." George was right there with the goods, and so are we when you want the best. It is seldom when there is not a busy meeting at insurance headquarters. C. IM. C. Butt & Co., INSURANCE HEADQ,TTARTEHS. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Under and by virtue of - a de cree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County in the special pro ceeding entitled "E. J. Holton and wife Plaintiffs, vs. Hattie C. Holton and oth ers. Detendants, the undersigned will sell for cash at public auction at the County Court House door in the City of Charlotte, N. C, at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, the 26th day of March, 1096, that certain lot of land in Ward No. 1 of the City of Charlotte, front ing on the north side of East Avenue, adjoining the lands of J. Arthur Hen derson, Sarah R. Deaton and others, and bounded as follows: Beginnin; at the south corner of said Henderson ot on East Avenue, and running with the line of said Avenue eastwardly forty-three (43) feet; thence a line at right angles with said Avenue and par allel with Brevard street, three hun dred and ninety-one feet and three inches to Fifth street; thence with ifth street forty-three (43) feet west ward! y to the corner of Sarah R. Dea- ton's lot; thence with her line and the line of J. Arthur Henderson three hun dred and ninety-one feet and three inches to the beginning corner. This February 24th, 1906. CHASE BRENIZER, , CHAS. H. DULS, 2-24-tds Commissioners. SCMMIISsf0NER'S SALE. (Resale.) Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Mecklenburg County, in special proceeding, enti tled, "V. C. Quinan et al, plaintiffs, petitioners, against Rosa Oehler, and another, defendants," we will sell at nublic auction at the county court house door in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M., on Thursday, March 15th, 1906 that cer tain lot of land known as lot6 in square 130, in ward one (Butler's Map), of the city of Charlotte, N. C; being house and lot .- on North side of East 9th Sfcreet (98 by 198 feet), numbered 609 E. - 9th Street, and being the same premises whereon Mrs. S. J. Frazier- re sided at the time of her death. Terms of sale one-half (1-2) cash, balance on credit of twelve months with interest on deferred payment from date of sale until paid at the rate of six per cent per annum, with leave to purchas er to anticipate payment; title being reserved until purchase money is all paid. The property will be started at the price of $2008.00. v This Feb. 14th, 1906. C. H. DULS, . W. KEERANS, 2-1.4-tds. Commissioners. This HZ 3 BB REMAINS THE PROFESSIONAL CARDS TEETH EXTRACTED WITH OUT PAIN SAFE METHOD. NO BAD AFTER EFFECTS, DR. ZIGKLER. Dentist 27 SOUTH TRYON STREET. Jaa. L. Delaney, Henry 8. Borean, DeLaney & Boggan, Attys. and Counselors at Law. Office Cor. Trade and College Sts. Charlotte, N. C. Office Phone 1230 Residence Phone 1100 ' DR. CHAS. L. ALEXANDER, dentist 203 South Tryon Street, Char lotte, N. C. Office 'phone 10. Residence 'phone 8S4. 8- W. M. ROBEY, DENTIST A. Trust Building Hours 9 to 12, 1.30 to i. r. h. Mclaughlin, DENTIST New office over James P. Stowe & Co.'v drag store, South Tiyon Stret. Office hours 8:30 a. m. to p. m. All work guaranteed. I. W.JAMISON. DENTIST No. 8 S. Tryor. Street Both 'phones 326. Residence 'phone Bell 1524. Dr. H. F. RAY OSTEOPATH Graduate Souhtren Sertoli of Osteopathy Office Suite 3, Hunt Build ing. 'Phone 830. Residence 401 North Poplar Street. Phone 871. 4S T. M. McMICHAEL, ARCHITECT Rooms 605506 Trust Building CHARLOTTE, N. C. WHEFLER, fiUNGE &, DICKEY, ARCHITE CT S Charlotte, N. C. Second Floor; 4C'a Building. We Have a Good Investment in a lot on N. Brevard St., near 11th, 98x200 ft.; one in rear 85x200 feet, and one on 11th St. G5xl00 ft. We offer the three with four houses renting for $23.00 per month for $3250.. Terms can be arranged. If interested call or 'phone, ' Alfred Brown & Co Hunt Building. Bell 'Phone. 302. A. W. BROWN........ Notary Publ'c; Norfolk & Western R'y Schedule In Effect Dec. 3, 1905. Througb Train Dally. Cliarlot-t anf llonnoke, Va. Xorlb Dunnd. . Lv. Charlotte, So. Ry ...11:00 a.m Lv. Winston. N. & W. Ity .... 2:50 p.m. Lv. Martinsville 5:00 p.m. Lv. Rocky Mount . 6:25 p.m. Ar. Roanoke 7:25 p.m. South Bound. Lv. Roanoke 9:20 a.m. Lv. Rocky Mount .... ..... .10:26 Lv. Martinsville 11:45 a.m, Ar. Winston 2:00 p.m. Arr Charlotte .. 6:00 p.m. Through coach Charlotte and Roa noke. Connects at Roanoke, via Shenandoah Valley Route for Nateral Bridge, Lu ray, Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania ami New York. Pullman sleeper, RoanokeV to Philadelphia. - Additional train leaves Winston-Salem 7:30 a. m. daily, except Sunday, for Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley points. W. B. BEVIL, Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke, Va. M. F. BRAGG. Trav. Pass. Agent. is the best piece of news that 66 SAME IN QUALITY AND PRICE. There will be many Better let us fillyor COAL bin NOW. THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND'S NEW YEAR'S RECEPTION. A special cable dispatch pub lished by The New York Herald gave an interesting account of this reception. The following is an interesting extract: "Perhaps the greatest sensa tion was the performance of a new monstor Victor Talking Ma chine, which reproduced the wonderful singing of M. Caruso, Plaucon and other great artists. It was funny to see the people coming upstairs as they enter ed the room, expecting tosee some great singer, to find it was only a Victor Talking Machine. But what a talking machine! People stood around in rings to listen, and what is more strange, they involuntarily burst into ap plause at the end of every song. There was no vibration; the whole thing sounded as though a singer was actually in the room." You entertain "royally" when you own a Victor. STONE & BARRINGER CO. Office .Outfitters. H ; Not by our word you shall judge our Laundry. It is not what we claim, bui wnat we do that counts. Take our laundry work and compare it with work done by other laundries and then make your decision. SNOW WHITENESS. a velvet finish, punctuality and prompt delivery is what we claim for the MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY. We never turn out a bad job; we never aisappoint a customer and we never fail to- please. Give us your next package. .'Phone 1G0 for one of our wag ons and let us demonstrate our striking superiority. Model Steam Laundry CHARLOTTE, N. C, ' Under tne Management of C. E. Hooper & Co. Offers: An Excellent Table, Large, Light, Warm Rooms Clean, Comfortable Beds Attentive Servants. And every substantial comfort belonging to a well-kept modern Hotel. 53 Hiqh-class Residence. Beautiful 7- room modern dwelling on South Tryon Street, the Future Fifth Avenue of Charlotte, good elevation, beautiful trees. Lot 100 by -250 fronting on South Tryon. and fronting South Col lege Street in rear. This is a fine op portunity for some one wanting a lovely home. The number of the place is 915. Price. .$12,500 Medium-class Property. I have have for sale several neat little homes rang ing from $1300 to $2500. I will . sell these , cheaper than you can buy a lot and build a house on it. Fire Insurance This is my long suit and I always lead from it. 1 C M C R ON INSURANCE and REAL tSTATE. Phone 1235. No. 203 Carson Bldg. Denny LUNCH : COUNTER Is always supplied with tlvp best of everything eatable, well cc?Ked ana daintily served. 1 f asAi 8 HV I f H n 1 i Hi ve have told you for many a I LI SON k DWYER FURNITURE REPAIRERS. (Successors to Johnson & McLaughlin) The business will be continued on 5 the same safe and satisfactory lines, ,hnt with wrfntpr r-ftnaoitv than hfrpto- S fore. The concern, as now constituted, i hopes to retain all the old business iand by its merit, to attract new busi jncss. Only the most competent work imen are employed and satisfaction is uaranteed. JOHNSON & DWYER UPHOLSTERING PARLORS. ! 13-20 W. 5th St. 'Phone 869. Every Jtaaii is interested and should know atxmi tlie wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vk' il Syringe. Jrijec- nonana o action. bi nm. est Most . onvement. ! Ask Tonr drnnrht for It. !, If he cannot supply uie mm 1 MAitwKLi. accent no C ' omer, out eiiu Bmuip iuc illustrated book tralrd. Iteiveg lull particulars and ilirertions tu- J valuable to ladies. MAKVKI, '0., 5 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Fronting on Beattie's Ford Macadam Road, three miles from City, about fifteen acres in timber, forty young fruit trees, three room dwelling, a small barn. A good spring on place. Call at'.- office-for Prices. - . L Cochrane nsu ranee k Real Estate Agricultural ; Implement? t of all kind GRAIN DRILLS ar.d DRILL 4 REPAIRS a Specialty. Get ray prices- C A. BLACK! Coiner Stonewail and Colfjg Street ana southern Raii i aijlHl.HIOT 3 Bakes Like a Brick Oven "Burns less fuel than any stove you ever used and makes the work of the kitchen easy that's what a Buck's Range - , does. Come and let us show yo" all their points of excellence. Allen Haidware Go, Everything Jn Hardware, SO E. TRADE 8T. J01 day. cold days in March. nger RINGING THE TELEPHONE ! Hello! Central! Where la C. C. Moores? I do not konw what you 'ant. I want cream and milk. Oh, let me call Walter Moore, he will serve you promptly iust as old man 5oore did. Waiter is .t No. 10 East Fifth street. DOUBLE OAKS DAIRY. Milk Depot. Nowhere Under the Sun Can you secure such really good cleaning and dyeing work at as low prices as ours. We are es pecially equipped to clean, or A dye Ladies' and Men's fine gar- JL ments of all kinds. Give us a JL trial order. :: QUEEN CITY DYEIIiG & X GLEANING WORKS $ 4 flrs "j. M. Hester. PraarietreM $ Mnrdi Gras Caralvals, February 22-27. 1906, Mobile., Ala., Pensacola, Fla., ; and New Orleans. La. - Southern Railway announces acount of the above occasions round telp tick ets will be sold to Mobile. Pensacola, and New t Orleans, at extremely low rates. Tickets on sale February 21st to 26th inclusive with - final limit March 3rd an dMa ybe extended until March 17th by personally depositing tickets with . Joint Agent and paying fee of, 50 "cents. The following: round trip rates will apply. from Charlotte: New Orleans. La J. $23.25 Mobile, Ala 19.09 Pensacola, Fla. . . . . , ..... . 18.00 . Through Pullman Drawing- Room Sleepers, and first-class day coaches, Charlotte to Mobile, and New Orleanr without change. For further informa tion call on any Agent Southern Rji or write, ' R. L. VERNON. T. P. A., " Charlott, N. C W. IL TATLOE, G, P. A. Washington. D. C. A Permanent Asset The Purcnaser of diamond! can see the end of his invest- ment. He secures a ' clear value and permanent asset as well as a constant aesthetic gratification. Our collection is made up of selected stones of the highest grade. - The Palamountain Co. T WELERS i - - - t!"I"1"I"H"I"M"I' - 9 m i - f- i V 1 i A i i 4 i 4 4 i IT PAYS TO READ $ WANT ADS EVERY DAY 4. THE WEEK. FO'K SALE We have a very desirable build ing lot in Dilworth on the car line. The size is 50x175 feet. For price and terms see. I4rkwc C Unnffoti Ta1 TTofn ftTirt TnaiirATlPA MHVWIiy mm mm --rw Room 6 - 7. M C JL Bldg. 211 NEWS 4 IN 4-

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