THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 23, 1906 2 n ... gv (AfrsAf..Shofxye m ivuua, xl "kef shoul !)" Don't lyCme." Li Nervous Women Their Sufferings Are Usually Due to Female Disorders Perhaps Unsuspected A MEDICINE THAT CURES Can we dispute the well-known 'factthat American women are ner vous ? How often do we hear the -expression, "I am so ner vous, it seems as if should fly;" or, t speak to Little things annnv von and j rrmlrA von irritable : vou can't sleep. you are unable to quietly and calmly perform your daily tasks or care for your children. ' The relation of the nerves and gen erative organs in woman is so close that nine-tenths of the nervous pros tration, nervous debility, the blues, sleeplessness and nervous irritability arise from some derangement of the organism which makes her a woman. Fits of depression or restlessness and irritability ; spirits easily affected, so that one minute she laughs, the next minute weeps ; pain in the abdominal region and between the shoulders; loss of voice ; nervous dyspepsia ; a tendency to cry at the least provoca tionall these point to nervous pros tration. . Nothing will relieve this distressing condition and prevent months of pros tration and suffering so surely as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. M. E. Shotwell, of 103 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y writes: "I cannot express the wonderful relief I have experienced by taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. I suffered for a long time with nervous prostration, back ache, headache, loss of appetite. I cculd not sleep and would walk the floor almost every night. "I had three doctors and got no better, and life was a burden. I was advised to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it has worked wonders for me. "I am a well woman, my nervousness is all gone and my friends say 1 look ten years younger." Will not the volumes of letters from women made strong by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound convince all women of its virtues ? Surely you cannot wish to remain sick, weak and discouraged, exhausted each day, when you can be as easily cured as other women. Mr. Kirkpatrick Better. The news comes from Sharon today that Mr. R. C. Kirkpatrick is much bet ter. He has been in a critical con dition during the past week and his friends will be glad to know that he is improving. GEN COMING 0 THE CELEBRATION He Writes Major Leon that he and Staff will Attend the Big 20th, of May Meet this V Year. .Will do all in His Power to Help Things Along. From all indications the reunion of Confederate veterans here the 20th of May, will be one of the largest if not the largest ever held in this city. Ma jor L. Leon, who has charge of this featifre of the celebration has met with liberal response in his efforts to have a large number of veterans here on this occasion and has made great progress. In a recent letter to General Julian S. Carr, of Durham, asking him to issue a general order to North Caro lina veterans to be here for the 20th, Major Leon received the following re ply: ' I shall cheerfully do all I can to secure a full attendance of the North Carolina Veterans to help celebrate the 20th of May in your delightful town. We will talk this matter over with the Mil JUDGMENTS HAVE BEE HIED GEN. J. S. CARR. Miss Mattie Hindman, who has been quite sick for some days is able to be up. A GUARANTEED GlrRE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protuding Pils Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails io cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. - - veterans hen we meet them in New Orleans, and in the meanwhile I will forward your letter to Col. London, my I Chief of Staff, and ask him to call attention to the matter by general or der. 'T am always most happy to visit (Charlotte, and especially to help cele ! brate the great anniversary of Ameri can independence. I think you can count on at least my presence and that of my staff, and as many of the old veterans throughout the State as I can prevail upon to accompany me." Major Leon is counting on 3,000 Con federate soldiers to participate in the celebration, and says that one. of the most interesting features connected with them will be a competitive manu el of arms drill, which will be between about a dozen veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic and as many Confederate veterans. The Work Done, During the Ses sion of the Superior Court that Terminated . Yesterday. Th !!; Docket Cleared of a' Great M; Many Cases.; , : . As the News stated, the March term of Mecklenburg court came to an end at noon yesterday. Judge Bryan .is still in th city;;the guest of his daugh ter, Mrs. H;iA. London, Jr. Yesterday afternoon at 4:30 .o'clock ( the jury in the case of ;N. H. Cotton ys. the High land Park Manufacturing Co., render ed a verdict in favor of the plaintaff for $425. The defendant company gave notice of an appeal and the case will now go to the Supreme Court, for final adjudgication. During the sit ting of the ccourt the following judg ments were signed and the cases were marked off the docket: W. H. Fergusson vs. C. E. Hooper & Co. Pplaintiff takes a non suit. D. H. Spencer & Sons vs. the M. C. Mayer Grocery Company.' Plaintiff takes a non suit. Mrs. Bessie Shaw, vs. Seaboad Air Line. Verdict for $1,500 in favor of the plaintiff. Defendants appeals to the supreme court: ; C. H. Robinson, & Co. vs the. Sea board Air Line. Judgment in favor of the defendant company. Plaintiff takes an appeal. Brutus' Barber, vs. the Southern Railway. Plaintiff dead. Action to abate. . . Mary McGowan vs the Life Insur ance Company of Virginia. Motion made to try all cases seperately. Mo tion granted. Commercial National Bank vs S. J. Smith and D. S. Yates. Judgement in favor of the plaintiff for $290 and interests. William Holbrooks vs the Southern Railway. Plaintiff takes a non suit. T. L. Bartlett, vs. J. E. Black & Co., compromise. Settlement agreed to. Sampel Hodzes vs. the Southern Railway. Plaintiff non suited. Appeal to the Supreme Court. R.E.. and C. E. Mason, vs. Williams and .Wright, verdict set aside by court. New trial ordered. Frank McDonald, vs. P. ! A. Hartman and C. S. Carter. Remanded back , to Rowan county, for trial. N. L. Simmonds, vs. R. J. Norris, judgement for plaintaff for $490. Sanders-Orr & Co., vs. Moore Cotton Pure Food, Good Health and Bur rett's Vanilla are synonymous. No commission has ever questioned' the purity of Burnett's Vanilla, The favorite dentifrice. Used by people of re finement , for sixty, years. SOZiSOCHS 3 Forms: Liquid, Powder & Paste ASK YOUR DENTIST Mills Judgment, for plaintiff for $302. ; Appeal taken to the Supreme court.': ;IK' '. A. J. McKelway, vs. the Observer Company. Judgment for plaintiff for five cents. Successor to Mr, Winchester." ' The Police, FireTand Health. Com mission met in a called rmeeting a. the City Hall yesterday, afternoon.' s.Tne only business transacted was the nam ing cf a successor to Mr. J. R. Win chester on the sanitary force. Mr. W. M. Thomas, who served as a sanitary policeman several years ago, was named to fill the vacancy. Immediately after the election of Mr. Thomas the . commission - ad journed. . RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. The Woman's Exchange,, familiar ly known as Mrs. Register's "Bakery, will have a sale of breafl and cake at the Tryon Street Music Store tomor row from 9 to 2 o'clock. Merchants' Association Deplore , the. Death Mr. E. W.Mellon. At the last meeting of the Charlotte Retail Merchants Association, a com mittee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions on the death of Mr. E. W. Mellon. :", This committee , reports ' as follows: ' -" . "Whereas, on the 2nd day of .March, 1906, God in His infinite ; wisdom- and mercy, called from our midsb Mr. E. W.; iMelibn, a loyal member - off the Charlotte ; .Retail'? Merchantsl ; Associa tion Therefore, be it V--- '; , 'Ixesolved, 1- That this association in regular session assembled, give this expression of itSo feeling of personal loss in the untimely death of Mr. Mel lon,, We recognized in him an honest,, successful ! merchant' whose career is worthy! cf emulation;; ; a gentleman ol unsullied character, and a true friend. He entered heartily into any move ment that had for its object the4 ad vancement of the business interests of our city, and we feel that in his death the community has sustained an irreparable loss. , . "We desire also to extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved family. "2. That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and a copy sent to the family. (Signed) "JAS. O. GARDNER, . "JAS. T. PORTER, i, "A. B. JUSTICE, - "Committee." GOLD MINE IN OPERATION. A TORPID THINKER. The Frequent Result of Coffee Pois oning. A Toledo, O., business man says that for three years he had Tno appetite1 for breakfast;; that about once a month he ate soild food at that meal, gener ally contenting himself with a cup of coffee and having no- desire for any thing else. , . ..' Coffee frequently, plays this dog-in-the manger trick; while it furnishes no nutriment itself; it destroys the ap petite for food which is nutritious. The results was, in time,";a torpid mentali ty, which was a distinct handicap in his business operations. "Last Christmas,"; he says, "I con sulted my brother, a practicing physi cian in Chicago, and he advised a diet of Postum Food Coffee instead of the old kind, and also Grape-Nuts food. Since that time I have followed his ad vice wijh most excellent results. My brain is active and clear in the morn ing when it naturally should be at its best; I no longer have the dizzy spells that use to make me apprephensive ; I have v gained; maternity,-in "flesh and feel better every wayv ... a':. "The Postum seemst 'to be no less a food than tne Grape-Nuts,' . and . the two together fill all requirements. My wife has tried, seyerarf . the recipes in your little booklet and we. have en joyed the result, but to my mind Grape Nuts food is the l)est; when seryed with sliced fruit and. coyMM Svith cream." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. ? ' There's a reason. Readirthe little, book "The Road tor Weliville, in pkgs. Five-Stamp Mill Installed in Yd How ' ,Dog Gold'Mine. , ' . . . The newly developed .Yellow Dog Gold Mine', near the Atherton miHs,"" to' the south of the city, has bfeen install ed with an .up-to-date flve-stjump . mill, in addition"" to other V:machinery 7 and operaf ions commenced.- Mr.Max Japon has tested - and; experfmenteid with some of the ore and a large; raoutit"of it ha- fcoea;r'MtIii-ii'T''ri:r',!r the shafty',yhictii.wili!bQ- run. fhi-cngh the mill Ifed tapj&l v sifpd-il ole. Yellow Dqgl minci has; ifceeni itaoroughly tested and f oixd "cbhtzik .Veins"! fich m-the yellow metal and it will be only a matter of time when it will be pro ducing largo quantities of gold. x . ; t I . i '' ' ' ,. ; ; Wlien women arb allowed . td vote they will do i away ; 5wit;h; mny;j husbands. .. : " :. ' ; , ';.: i' The greater the number of niOT1 ." love with a girl, the harder it Y, f a her to persuade any one of t', ffi , marry her. m 'o .GREAT; OPPORTUNITY. When cnexan. buy gold dollars fifty cents, it is natural to thinl th. are counterfeit. But when a reiia7 business man tells vou that if n, , e refuses the dollar, he will reUur VS you paid for it, confidence is , , ed j?t once. ; a! :ls-i- :C! . t.-e tW3s-.UeVie;a:air-. tftv cer- i ' , tT.i'5- celDorttsd ic-eiv at hV ec ley if ; Some people find more pleasure" in making one person weep .'than in making a hundred' persqiis laugh. If Traveling in Japan , " Or any civilized country, ypueah pro cure Laxative Bromo Quinine trom any druggist. All nations use it' E.'W. GROVE'S signature on Jjox., ; ; ; - it r dees not .rivef'DRrfpt anddo si. that olr . - : . 1 which does not come often n L I teoct it, Dv. Howard's sitc S cure constipaticn, will resu!st di-P . lion. -will restore the liver to a '--utT, Co. cq jld not afford to offe- to i-f n i the money unless it perron, i'J viiat i.3 cl:ixcd for. it. " 1 Headache, ccatod tcn-j3, d;- irog. ga.:cn stomach, specks 'C eyeX ccastinaticn end all for livsr end stomach trcu"le, cv? wXm cared hy tlii HCiintific rnodl-i . Alwave R amumtco V E axative Rromo, Quinine pp, ETCS AColdinOneDay, Grmua 2 rays On every Vy&ZFs& bcx. 25c - - - It is our aim to give our trade the very , best ' that the market affords especially in Fine Mattresses. We are selling splendid guaranteed Felt Mattreses from $6.50 up and wtrald call your especial at tention to our finer grades, at $8.50, ?10.00, $12.50 and $15.00;: " No price is cheap unless backed by.qual ity, but when you buy from" us you get quality and the right price combined. " : - To M is "IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST" E nm gpmp an 11 mm mm i 11 imini an w Comes from the certainty that the food you buy for your family is cleanr wholesome and free from expensive f and harmful adulterations. This is the assurance that gofes with every package that leaves dur .st quality is above all considerations. We make no attempt to compete in price with goods pi inferi doubtful origin. The foods we sell,are all food; our prices are the lowest consistent with legitimate merchandisjrig Fresh Florida Vegetables Tomatoes, 5Cc Doz., $1.00 a Basket. Spinach, 1Cc a Bunch. Lettuce, 5 and ICc Head. Celery, 1Cc a bunch. Radishes, 5 and 1Cc Bunch. Soup Bunches, 10c. Spring Onions, 5 and 1Cc Bunch. Vegetable Oysters, 5c a bunch. Water Cress, 10c a bunch. Beets, 1Cc a Spring Cabbage, 5c a head. Relishes Olives, Plain or Stuffed. C. & B. Imported Pickles. Gerkin's Mixed Pickles, Chow Chow, Pickled Walnuts and Onions. Heinz's Sweet and Sour. Mixed. Gerkin's Midgets, Chow Chow and Onions. Pin-Money ' Mixed Pickles, Pickled Mellon Mangoes. Heinz's India Relish Bayles' Cyclone. Relish., Green Bell Peppers. New Irish Potatoes Fresh Snap Beans ; Staple. Groceries Pillsbury's Best XXXX Flour. Roller Champion Fancy Patent Flour, Melrose Patent Flour. Pride of Charlotte Patent Flour. Golden Crown Fancy Patent Flour. Standard Fine Granulated Sugar. XXXX Powdered Sugar. ' Cut Loaf Sugar. ' Domino Sugar v Extra C Sugar Pearl Grits, Samps, Water Ground Meal. Yellow Meal. Pure Kettle Rendered Lard. Cottolene N. Y. & N. C. Buckwheat, Self-Raising Buckwheat. . Coffees Ferndell, 2 arid 3 tb Tin, 75c and $1.C0 Tin. Chace and Sanborn, 1 and 2 tb Tin, 38 and 75c a Tin. Windsor Palace, 1 and 3 Tb Tin, 35 and $1.00 Tin. ' P. G. Blend of Mocha and Java, 4Cc a pound. Breakfast Blend, ' - '. 35c Tb., or 3 Tbs. $1.00. I Imperial Blend, 25 cents a pound. Golden Rio, 15c a pound. Teas Ferndell, Lipton's, Tetley's and Wad dles' Fine Teas in Pkgs. - o Gunpowder, Formosa Oolong. English Breakfast, Young Hysonj ... , Imperial and Japan. Woe-Tai-Blend, 80c Tb. Soudan Blend, 60c pound Canned Meats Boned Turkey. Potted Chicken Potted Turkey -Potted Ham PottedTongue Deviled Ham. Luncheon Lamb Corn Beef Hash Veal Loaf Ox Tongue, Lunch Tongue Corn Beef Luncheon Beef. Wafer Sliced Beef. Chipped Beef Vienna Sausage Pigs' Feet Dressings "'A Frankfurter Sausage Sliced Ham Sliced Bacon Ferndell Salad Dressing Royal Salad Dressing Durkees Salad Dressing Heinz's Mustard Dressing. Chili Sauce . . Tomato Chutney Tomato Catsup . " JValn ut Catsup Tobascc- Catsup French Mustard " English Sandwitch Mustard ' Horse-'Radish Mustard - Pepper Sauce, ' ' Worcestershire SaVce .. . Gold Medal Saute A ' , ; Fruit Sauce . . Mint Sauce Punch Sauce Canned Fruits ? Apricoti;, 25 and 35c a can. Peeled Apricots, 4Cc a can Lemon Cling Peaches, 25 and 35c can. Sliced Peaches, 15 25, and 35c-can. Crawford Peaches, 15, 25 and 35c can. Peaches in Cordial 35c a can. ' , : White Cherries, 15, 25 and 35c can. " - Roly-Poly Cherries, 3.5c can. . Pitted Cherries, 35c can. i Strawberries,' 35c can. ' Baltic Pears, 25 and 35c can. Green-Gage-Plums, 35 a can. - Whole' Pineapples, 35c a can. ' "Grated and Sliced Pineapple, 15 and 25c"' can. .; : ' ' S Canned Vegetables . Asparagus, 50, .45, 35 and 25c can. Asparagus Tips, 30 and 35c can. Stringless Beans, 20 and 25c can. Sweet Peasj 15, 20 and 25c can. . Pumpkin, 15c can , ' Sauer Kraut, 1Cc can. Succctash, 15c' can. '. ' Standard Tomatoes, 10c can; 3 for 25c. f Whole Tomatoes, 15 and 20c can. Mushrooms, 20 and 30cl t Petets Pois, 20 and 30c a can. Fruits Florida Oranges, California' Naval Oranges, 40, 50 6Cc doz.. -. . ;'. Grape-Fruit, 15c apiece. : Malaga Grapes, 25 pound. ; Strawberries. 3Cc Basket. : and Call us on 'Phone 68 a!rid let us have your order!. You will be delighted with the goods we send you and pleased with the promptness of our delivery. ' ! I h. A i Fresh Shipmieht of Cakes ahcl Crackers Received Today. Tryon Street M 'Phone 68

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