J 10 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 10, 1906. BRIEFS. The city is preparing to lay a ce ment gutter on the east ' side of South Tryon from the Square to Third Street. The Mecklenburg County Fair Association has already begun the work of canvassing for advertise ments for the catalogue and premium A TERRIBLE DEATH. Aged Lady Struck by Train Death of Mrs. Fannie Burns Water Works Extension. I Special to The News. Hickory, April 10. A terrible death occurred here Saturday afternoon. It was that of Mrs. Mon Fry, who lived some distance from - the Ivey Cotton Mill, in West Hickory. She was cross ing the Southern's track, and, being list that is gotten out each year. At tiie county court house today i quite deaf, did not hear the noise of everything was reported unusually quiet. There beinr few visitors from ers postponed their business in the city until a later day. DISEASED EYE REMOVED. Mr. D. H. Anderson Successfully Oper ated on Yesterday. Mr. D. H. Anderson was operated on at Dr. A. M. Whisnant's hospital yes terday afternoon. He passed through the trying ordeal splendidly and was reported as being in good shape to day. For some months past Mr. Ander son's left eye had been giving him a great deal of trouble. The right eye, through sympathy, became diseased and it was thought best to take out the left, in order to save the right eye. This was successfully done yes terday, and the patient is rapidly re covering. The many friends of Mr. Anderson in Charlotte and elsewhere, will learn with sorrow of his trouble, but will be happy to know that he is gettiuc so well. alons FREE PIANO LESSONS. Piano Instruction by Object Lessons Appearing in The Saturday News, Proving Popular and Many are Availing Themselves of the Oppor tunity of Getting a Fundamental Knowledge of Music Without Charge. As the Free Piano Lessons are published week by week interest in the course is increasing. The oppor tunity of getting a fundamental knowledge of music and its theory in a way that anyone can learn is being appreciated by News readers and many are following the course. The complete course will be included in twelve lessons (the first lesson appeared in the Saturday issue of The News February 17. 1906), teach ing a key and its relative minor key, making it possible for anyone to learn all the chords of the various keys and relative minor chords. Each Saturday the lesson is published in attractive form, printed in colors by this method has been examined by a great many of the most noted and distinguished musicians and teachers in the United States, and everyone who has seen the system endorses it as the most simple and easiest method to get the foundation for more complete musical knowledge. If you want to learn to play chords to accompany yourself or your friends when they play any instru ment cr sing be sure to get The News each week. Anyone can learn. Try it and see how easy it is. RUTHERFORD COLLEGE. School Has 233 Pupils Very Success ful Year Program. Special to The News. Rutherford Colege, April 9. If you will give me a short space in your pa per, I will say a few words for Ruther ford College. You all know where the college is situated, so I will not give any infor mation. We have a good school and it is said to be doing better work this Spring than has ever been done under the management of the church. Prof. D. L. Thompson is our president, and with his three assistants have shown themselves to be men of talent. ' By their management they have made this secondary school one of the leading secondary schools of the State. Boys of Mecklenburg this is the place for you to prepare yourself for ihgher colleges and the ilace to obtain an education that will help you to battl ewith the obstacles of life. There is being a great deal of work done on the campus this Spring, such as making new walks, setting out more shade trees and the planting of flowers. We are going to have our campus shining like a star by commencement, that is when all the flowers get in bloom. We have a real pretty campus and I can say if it was worked more we would have one of the prettiest in the State. Another thing about our college is that it is one of the best in the State. It is one of the healthiest places in our State, and we have waters cf all kinds up here ; water that is sent to different parts of the State to those that are dis eased because of the minerals that are in it. Now, boys, of you want to edu cate your mind and get fleshy, come to Rutherford College. The annual debates of. the Newton ian, Platonis and Victorian Literary Socities were held the first three Fri day nights in March. They were quite a success. They are held annually tc show the public what they are doing in literary work. They were interesting to the most learned, and were enjoyed by all who were present. All who heard these debates have to acknowledge that our North Carolina boys are com ing to the front in education and lit erary work. We have two society halls here, and I heard a man say not long ago that they were as good as some halls of our leading colleges of the State. We have them well furnished and very at tractive. " The commencement program will be very interesting this year. I will give it to you, and if you want to see what we are doing just attend commence ment on May 22. At 11 a. m.. the annual sermon by Rev. G .T.Itowe. S. T..D., of Ashe- vilie, N. C. ... ,, In the afternoon at 3 o clock, the declaration contest by J. O. Erwin W. B West, C. C. Beam, H. C. Smith, S. C. Nixon and R- S. Beam. At 8 p. m.. the debaters contest, by. C. B. West, O. K. Bennett, A. P. Rfltledee and C. L., Eaker. On the 23rd. at li a. m.. wil be the anSuara'ddress by John G -9 M. A., of Wofford College, Spartan blAt'sSC'rn.. the annual recital given by the girls. the shifting engine. The engineer blew his whistle, slowed down and thought the poor woman had had time enough to clear the track. But her dress had become entangled with the wheels and she was struck on the head, which vas nearly severed through the upper part. Death was instantaneous. She leaves a husband and several children. Ccming as a great shock to her friends, the death of Mrs. Fannie Brims was the passing of one who be longed to the old era in Hickory. The late 'Squire J. H. Bruns was a leading citizen in the Hickory of twenty years ago. and the writer well remembers his jovial, kindly face. He was one of the kindest of men, and he and his wife, so suddenly removed from those who loved her were ever ready to aid those in affliction and trouble. The Water Works Company will ex tend their lines along several lines this spring from which petitions have come before the Board of Aldermen. Link and Worth streets are to have the water privileges among others . A great deal cf building is being done. Activity along all lines of 'business is very marked. The late spring has thrown all work behind somewhat, and spring goods are being less displayed than usual. The ladies of the German Reformed Church are to have an entertainment shortly for the benefit of the new building they propose to erect. The committee on the free library are looking out for a proper site for the library and reading room. It is hoped to have these in operation in the course of a month. The -Teachers' Training Schcol at Claremont is now in operation. Mrs. D. W. Read will go to Richmond in June to give lessons in art teaching to the teachers of the schools there gath ered, some 400 in number. MISCELLANEOUS. DEATH OF A YOUNG MAN. EGGS for hatching: Buff Leghorn, Barred Rocks, line Utility Matings, 1 per 13. Phone 875. J. M. Spoon. 10-3t ONE purchasing a piano can get a f!50 certificate- at a sacrifice. xpply at once at 407 N.1' Smith St. 4 -10-lt WOOD, Wholesale and Retail. Prompt delivery. Hilton, Phone 1302. 4-4-tH-th-s-tf. TirOIVE 1195 for Dry Oak and Pine Wood in any quantity. Quick delivery. Adams & Henderson 12-22eod-tf BICYCLES and Automobiles repair ed. Best material used. Work guar anteed. Kirnbrell, 235 West Trade. 3-22-Th-S-T-tf TiItY Oak and Pine wood. Linder. Phone l'J&. 1-5-Th-Sat-Tu-tf DRY Oak and Pine Wood delivered promptly. Williams, 'Phone 1300. 3- 15-eod tf. MONEY TO LOAN on city real es tate an? farming lands in Mecklen burg cdunty. Two to three years time. Apply at once. Southern Jteal Estate Loan & Trust Co. 6-eod-3t GOOD Boarders wanted at 700 West Trade street. F. B. Richardson. 4- 2-m-w-f-12t ( FINE rooms, desirable board, cen trally located, 413 N. Church street. 3-21-tf JOOOOOO CHARLOTTE JRUST COMPANY CAPITAL $100,000 Solicits YOUR Account and Offers the Most favorable Terms OFFICERS: J. H. LITTLE, President, C. M. PATTERSON, Vice President, L. R. HAYGOOD, Cashier. 18 EAST TRADE STREET. FOR A QUICK SALE On East Gth Street, just two blocks from East Avenue, we are offering a piece of investment property, on lot 95x100, on which there are five houses in good condition, renting for $260.00 per an num. 1 A STATEMENT. Annual rents .. $260.00 ' Taxes $13.00. Insurance .... 5.00 20.00 Inexpensive Homes and Building Lots ; 4-room cottage on Vaince Street . -$1150.00 5-room cottage on East Vance Street 1500.00 , 3-room cottage on East Fourth Street 160o!oo ' 3-room Cottage No. 919 North Davidson Street .. 750.00 . 4-room house North Davidson Street 7nn'rn : 6-room house on East 5th Street iLot 49xi45 feet on East 9th street . j Lot 49xl40 feet on East 9th Street.-. . .'. ... ... ; . . .; :5 Lots oh North McDowell Street, 50x148, each 4 6-room cottage on East 5th. Street (Extended) .. .. : 4-room cottage West First Street 850 on y . 7-room two-story . East 5th Street 2250.00 .2000X0 . 750.00 .$350.00 . .300.00 1500.00 Southern Real Estate, Loan and Trust Go, 240.00 Being 10 per cent NET on aninvestment of $2400.00. Our price $2250. THE CHARLOTTE REALTY COMPANY VWe Sel1 Lots" A. G. CRAIG, Secty, and Treas. mm mm. BUSINESS BUILDERS Sample of White Clay. .'Must be without grit and tough. Can use, if can get close to Charlotte, One Hundred Cars. For fur ther particulars write. BROWN & COMPANY REAL ESTATE BROKERS. North Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS GROCERS r Dr. Sherer to Speak In Concord Meeting of Presbytery. Srccial to The News. Concord, April, 10. Dr. J. A. B. Sherer, president of Newbery Col lege, will be in Concord April 17th, and will speak at the Opera House He comes at the invitation of the Ladies Missionary Society of St. James E. L. church, and will address the people on topics of Missionary interest. A fire at Mt. Pleasant on Saturday evening distroyed the residence of Mr. George Ury It occurred at one o'clock, and completely destroyed the house and out buildings. Much of the furniture was saved. Loss ?800, The Spring meeting of Concord Presbytery will be held at Mocks- vine tms week oeginnmg on rnurs day. The Concord pastors will attend with the following delegates from the churches: First Presbyterian B. E. Harris, H. I. Woodhouse; McKinnon Church C. G. Ridenhour; Cannonville Church J. C. Thompson; White Hall Church J. B. White. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. G. Butt leave tonight for Rocky River to spend a few days with Mrs. Butt's parents, Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Grier. ' I A Word I" Finn IKSFRTInN UnUil lllVbil I I wll FOR SALE OR RENT. FOR SALE Five young horses, work anywhere. "Horse," care News. WANTED Young woman of expe rience wants position as clerk. Refer ence furnished. Address "Clerk," care of TIe News. 10-3t YOUNG Lady wants position as book-keeper or assistant in office work. Has had experience. Reference fur nished. Address "Bookkeeper," care The News. 10-3t TO RENT To man and wife in handsome suburban home two or three unfurnished rooms with use of kitch en. Bath, electric lights, car service. Reference required. Address Suburban care News. 10-2t FOR RENT Furnished rooms to young men or married couples. 501 N. Popular St. - 9-2t FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Lot cor ner Central avenue and Preston St., Piedmont; on car line. Thos. W. Alex ander, attorney. 7-10t FOR RENT 908 W. Fifth St., Just repainted, papered and connected with 3ewer. Apply at houso. 2-20-tf LWAMEU WANTED 100 men to go to Whit ney, N. C. ; wages' $1.50 per day. Good sleeping quarters. Pay off every two weeks. James Young, at Southern Passenger station. 10-lt WANTED Two carriage black smiths. J. W. Wadsworth's Sons Co. 6-4t WANTED Two carriage black smiths. J. W. Wadsworth's Sons Co. 6-lt WANTED Two carriage black smiths. J. W. Wadsworth's Sons Co. 6-4t WANTED For U. S. Army, able bodied men. between the ages of 21 and 35, citizens of tlie United States, of good character and temperate hab its, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to the Recruiting officer, 15 West Trade St.. Charlotte, N. C: 40,Patton Ave., Ashe ville, N. C; Bank Building, Hickory. N. C, or Glenn Buildin?. SnnrtariTmvsr. C 4-3t-Tu-ThSat FRESH SUPPLY BLOOD ORANGES, thin skin and sweet; Pickled Salmon, 10c it.; Fresh Cream Cheese, not old and strong, 20c. BRIDGEPS & CO. 203 W. Trade St. FRESH SHIPMENT Kingan's Reliable Hams, 7 to 11 Tbs. New Barrel Heinz's Sweet Mixed Pickles. Always Phone 350. J. E. DARSEY, , Phone 350. NEW ORLEANS AND PORTO RICO Molasses, and Georgia Cane Syrup just received. A fine lot of poultry and eggs for Saturday. v J. T. MUUU5 & CO. 0 North College St. Phone 510. HELLO CENTRAL. Give me 553. Sjend me: 25 lbs. Melrose flour, worth 75c S tbs. Granulated Sugar, worth 50c 5 lbs. Silverleaf Lard, worth .. ,.G5c i lb. your best coffee, worth . . . . 25c 3 cans nice corn., worth 30c 1 lb. cheese, worth 20c CUT YOUR FUEL BILL by using our hickory, dogwood and per simmon blocks. The most economical wood for stoves and heaters. CORE HARDWOOD CO., 'Phone 558. Dilworth. NEARLY NEW Remington Type writer with leather traveling case, $70.00. A snap to any one wanting a machine of this kind. We have others of same make S30.00 up. J. E. CRAYTON & CO., Trunt Building ERRANDS run j by Fostal Telegraph Messengers. Prompt and reliable ser vice guaranteed. Telephone 138. W O. Gaffney, Manager. Knw what will thp. bill hp- S2.K5? No, madam, we will fill that order ( today" for only S2.25. McMANUS & HUNEYCUTT, Cor. 7th and Myers Phone 553. "TAKE up the household burden, and try to be a man, just simply grin and bear it, and do the best you can," Buy a can of Barrington Hall Coffee and take three cups a day and it will cure your troubles. Fresh bbl. of Norway Mackerel 5 cts a piece; gran ulated sugar 20 lbs. to the dollar. W. L. POPE, 203 W. Trade. St. FINE COUNTRY BUTTER in 1-pound bricks. New Irish Potatoes, Fresh Lettuce, Radishes, Onions and other vegetables received every morn in0' EDWARD CAMPBELL, Cor. College and 5th Sts. 'Phone 695. A SLICE OF SWEET, TENDER BA- con is a most tempting morsel for breakfast. We have a nice stock of Ferris-Rhoe Honey-Cured and King an's Bacons that are always dependa ble. S. R. LENTZ, Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 251. RESTAUR DINE AT THE GEM. And you can choose from all the deli cacies afforded by the markets of the North or Soutn. Cooking-Superb. Ser vice Excellent. Charges Moderate. jyEALESTATJE SEE HERE Do you want a nice XVz acre suburban tract with good house and convenience for rasing chickens? Got it at $2100.00, but you've got to hurry. Other places cheap and easy. E. L. Keesler, Phone 344. DRUGGISTS SEEDS! SEEDS! SEEDS! For your garden, lawn and flower yard. All selected from the best grown. Any variety you may desire. , DILWORTH DR.UG STORE. Phone 247. B. S. Davis. " ET UP KsO DUST. , We Have the Dusters. Any Price. C. R. MAYER & CO., Druggists, 5th and Tryon Sts. Phone 252 'PHONE 370-- WO O D W E ARE able to furnish dry. Oak and PineyStove Wood in any quantity desired by you. 'Phone 370. " C. DOWD & CO. Cor 8th and Railroad. MY FRESH GROUND BONE for your chickeDS will make them fat and increase your egg supply. Pickled Ox Tongue, Fresh Brains every day. Special attention- given to grinding sausage for the public. HENRY HAY MAN, 239 E. Trade street, 'Phone 933. SPRING SHOWERS. will show where the leak is and the resulting damage can' only be guessed at. Better let us fix it while the sun shines it's cheaper. STRANGE & SHUMAN, Tin and Slate Roofing. 32 N. College St. Phone 611 STER EGG DYES urwell-Duiin Retail Store On the Square, Opposite the Central Hotel. 502 N. A. St., 5 rooms, splendid gar- den, $1.50 per week. 5-room house in rear of 604 S. Church St- 1.50 per week." 4-rooin house, 505 East 4th $7.00 4-room house 810 N- Collese .. ..$7.00 3- rocm house, 218 N. Clarkson . street .. ,, ..$4.0C 4- room house, 1009 N. B .5.00 4 nice rooms, oyer. 225 . West Trade, suitable for dwelling or offi ces ..$15.00 J, Arthur Henderson & Bro. Wedding Presents Nothing nicer or more suitable than a piece of the ) noted losiroe Cut Glass. All the latest and prettiest designs at ' Wood alii 3 h eppards Hin im in if f ii inimiriiiMiimniniii mini in dium? IrlfriTlViaiia'--- ToMiMtiSBrKi5eSBn!l B man The April Series Mutual Building and Loan Is now ready. Every , woman and child, in Charlotte should have some connection here, di- i ctiiji uiu.i vjcij . lav saicai iiivcotmeiii, liic utJSL Bavur, iue CUeapest and best home builder, the best trainer for the young in habits of thrift and economy. This is the one place where the rich and poor, white and colored fare alike. Join to-day. JOHN PHARR, President. 'Phone 344. E. L. KEESLER, Treasurer. 25 South Tryon St. the CSiaiiotte ationaS Bank UNIT 3 STATES DEPOSITARY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Resources. $1,100,000.00 . It Is the business of this bank as well as its pleasure to encourage vrn, substantial help our depositors who are thrifty and reliable and ambl tioue to accumulate mozisy and succeed. If you are in this class 'want your bank account. - Cs.II on or write. . H. TWITTY, Cashier. store; Store room, 213 VV. Trade St .$50.00 Store room, 205 N. Tryon St.., $40.00 Store room Dilworth $25.00 Manufacturer's Loft, Bilworth.. $25.00 SPECIAL. 18 West 5th St., same as occupied by Charlotte Handkerchief Co., 3 floors, adapted for Mfg. or Wholesale House 45.00 6-room House, 414 N. Smith St.$12.50 Boulevard, Dilworth, S-room house, all modern $30.U0 BmwN a go m. FRANK GILREATH, President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK 5HARLOTTE, N. C Organized 1865. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS...... $ 500,000.00 ASSETS...... 1,970,716.69 Your business respectfully solicited. Every sourtesy and accommodation extend et consistent with sound banking. L X. VICTOR. Cashier.- v 203 N, Tryon Street Phone. : : : 535 Car Tickets For $1.00 At the Office of the STREET RAILWAY CO E. D Latt, President. Dr.H. C. Henderson DENTIST, Hunt. BuildLig, Charlotte, N. C. Dentistry Practiced in All its Branches. All Work Guaranteed. 'Phone 373. Thl MERCHANTS & FARMERS NAT. BUNK i CHARLOTTE, N. C capital ; : - j $200,000.00 ASSETS s - - - $1,500,000.00 -, We invite you to open an account with us, promising every courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking: We pay four per cent. Interest on time deposits. GEOKGE E. WILSON, President. JOHN B. ROSS, Vice Pres. H. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. f M. 'Graham Street Building Lot One of the Best Residence Sections in the city SI. 2 5 0.0 0 Can arrange terms. For further particulars see or phone Brown. Company PHONE 55 203 N. TRYON ST. Pf Sold at Once there is a great bargain in a 48 acre tract and a 125 acre C?act, both close to each other, both in a high state of cultivation, with good improvements; in the northern part of the county.and the next stretch of macadam will reach them. School and church close by. City and Suburban Property. W. f. Wilkinson l Co. J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. .torn S liunt Building. Charlotte, N- C. BEGETS WISDOM. It Is both wise an economical to include IMPERIAL FLOUR, MUSKEGON BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, and HART'S NEW PROCESS DRY HOP YEAST In your Family Supplies. W. S. M ALONE. 211 W. Trade. 'Phone 119 Dandeirine makes Hair Grow 25c and 50c R. H. Jordan & Co Let u? ; . Have .your Account in our Savings Department. 1 s We Pay 4 per cent. and compound the interest quarterly. Soutijef ri States Trust Company, Capital $200,000.00 TRUST BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. . GEORGE STEPHENS; T. S. FRANKLIN, W. H. WOOD, President. Vice-Pres. Treasu J.E.DAVIS, Asst. Treas. rcr. 3 -PINE BQUt-EVMD L0TS-3 One near Westminster Presbyterian church 30x195 well graded. .$1250 One near corner of , East Boulevard, 50x120 in size, a prize lot.. $1200 All tnese are first-class lots for the money asked, and should com mand a ready sale. . F C. ABBOTT & COMPANY "EVERYTHING, IN REAL ESTATE"

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