THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRL 10, 1906 1 Mr. C. C. Moore, president of (he North Carolina Division of the South ern Cotton Association ieft this morn ing for Raleigh, after spending several days in the city with his family. DAVIDSON COMMENCEMENT. Women's Diseases Cannot Be Cured by Hatent Medi cines and Treatment of Incompe tent Doctors. If You are Afflict ed Consult Us. We Are Special ists With Over 20 Years Expe rience. Medical Books Free. . Thousands of suffering women J. SEXTOS HATHiMT, Jl. D. Graduate Dart mouth Med. Col-' jtation legelSSl. U.rres. . aieb. Med.Society. Ex. Member State Sed. So., Board of Health, etc. weak, sickly and are needlessly op erated upon eve ry year by gen eral practition ers, who are. no doubt, conscien tious in their work, but know o f no other method by which they can relieve their patient's suffering. W e say without hes- that in nine-tenths of the cases where an o p e r at i o n was performed, have been cured. attention tue patient could had the proper medical been secured or available. YVe are specialists in the treat men of these and other chronic and private diseases of both men and women, have had over 20 years experience and have cured hun dreds of women who have been ad vised to have an operation. The average doctor will do ev erything in his power to cure with out an operation, but tiieir meth ods of treatment result mostly in failures. Our metiods are all new and up-to-date, originated and per fected by us, and we can cure many cases given up by other doc tors. Consultation Free! If you have any disease peculiar to your sex, such as Nervous Strain and Exhaustion, if you are thin, pale weak and sickly, have Sick Headache, Backache, Womb or Ovarian Troubles, Irregularities, Leucorrhoea, Displacement, etc., etc., write us about your case. We consult and advise with you with-' out charge and send you book enti tled '"Women's Diseases." we nave been estabhsned in Atlanta for nearly 18 years, and' our standing.both professionally and ' financially, is of the very highest.! We do not deal in Patent Medi cines.. We prepare in our own pri-j vate laboratory all medicines to suit the demands of each individual case, without extra charge. We cure other private and chron-, ic diseases of both, men and wo-J men. Xo matter with what dis-J ease you are afflicted we advise you about same advice, tee, that is' based on 20 years' experience. lOj separate medical books free. Ad-, dress: DR. HATHAWAY & CO., Inman Building, Atlanta, Ga. "Personal examination advised Invitations Sent Out to Senior Speak ing Speakers and Subjects. Invitations to Senior . Speaking I have just been received. The exer cises will be held Thursday night, Friday morning and night, and Sat urday morning. The following is the list of the speakers and their sub jects; J. L. Adams.. Asheville, "Am bition"; W. T. Bailey, Greenwood, S. C, "Our Debt to the Mediaevil Church"; W. E. Black, Davidson, "An Undemocratic Policy"; H. L. Cathey, Charlotte, "Optimism"; J. F. Coleman, Socldy, Tenn., "Duty"; J. li. Denton, Dalton, Ga., "Pure Food Legislation"; E. J. Erwin, Morganton, "The Permanence of Democracy"; Y. W. Faison, Charlotte, "An His toric Day": A. P. HasselL Hickory, "The World's Debt to the Jews"; S. H. Hay, Liberty Hill, S. C, "The Triumph of the Vanquished"; E. H. Henderson. Aiken, S. C, "The Spirit of Chivalry": Henderson Irwin, Char lotte, "The First Declaration of Inde pendence"; F. L. Jackson, Gastonia, "The Appalachian Forest Reserva tion"; W. D. Johnson, St. Pauls, "Bis marck"; L. P. Kilgore, Newberry, S. C, "The Price of Success"; Rob ert King. Summerville, Ga., "The Young Man"; B. R. Lacy, Jr., Ral eigh, "The Influence of Presbyterian ism on Government"; J. O. Mann, Barium Springs. "Individual Respon sibility"; W. C. McColl, Hasty, "The Love of Distinction": R. I. McDavid, Woodville, S. C., "The Old Guard"; D. W. Mclver, Montgomery, Ala., "The Spirit of the Crusades"; H. W. McKay, Mayesville, S. C, "The Heri tage of Young Carolinians"; A. A. McLean, Gastonia, "Robert Burns"; Lauchlin McNeil, Columbia, S. C, "Modern Nations and the Golden Rule"; J. W. Moore, McConnellsville, S. C, "The Power of Example' W. F. O'Kelley, Marietta, Ga., "The World Movement for Peace"; P. R, Rankin, Charlotte, "Vance"; M-A. Ray, Raeford, "The Rise of French Democracy"; K. E. Savage, Norfolk, Va., "Municipal Ownership"; R. F. Smallwood, Newbern, "Our Navy"; B. R. Smith, Asheville, "Our Inheri tance"; Thornton Stearns, Asheville, "To Be or Not to Be"; L. A. Steele, Charlotte, "Civic Righteousness"; H. P. Taylor, Winston-Salem, "A Misleading Point"; C. H. Watt, Thom asville, Ga., "The Power of Combina tion"; L. T. Wilds, Columbia, S. C, "The Independent Spirit"; C. B. T. Yeargan, Buffalo.. Ala... "The Neglect ed Element in Education". Impure breath arising from the use of liquor or tobacco is completely neu tralized by daily use of Liquid, Powder ' or Paste ASK YOUR DENTIST DRUGGISTS TO BANQUET. WE WANT BATTLESHIPS. Annual Election of Officers Will Take Place at Meeting Tonight. The annual meeting and election of officers of the Charlotte and county druggists will take place at the South ern Manufacturers' Club tonight at 8 o'clock. After the business meeting, a dinner will be served in the club's banquet hall, which will be interspers ed with toasts. Mr. R. H. Jordan will act. as toastmaster and the following druggists will respond: "The Necessity of the National As sociation of Retail Druggists," Mr. J. P. Woodall. "Some Things We Ought to Know," Mr. C. R. Mayer. "Our Duty to Each Other," Mr. W. M. Wilson. "The Relation of the Retailer and Wholesaler," Mr. John M. Scott, "Our Duty to the Public," Mr. B. S. Davis. "The Growth and Development of the Drug Business," Mr. R. A. Dunn. The association has about 30 mem bers. The present officers are Mr. R. S. Gray, president, Mr. R. H. Jordan, vice president, and Mr. J. P. Woodall, secretary. OFF TO COLUMBIA. Bible Class Advertises. Knoxville. Tenn.. April 10 The 1st Cumberland Presbyterian Church Bible class., by advice of the pastor, the Rev. W. T. Rodgers, a firm be liever in newspapers had a full-page advertisement in one of the news papers last Sunday. It was an in- ivitation- to young men, especially ! strangers in the city, to attend the class. This morning tne class snoweci an increase of one-third over the usual attendance. i SA YOU will get the best, quickest and cheapest plumbing service- at Hack ney Bros. 31-3t-Sat. Charlotte Shriners Will go to Pilgrim age in Special Car. ' The Charlotte delegation of Shriners to the Columbia Pilgrimage will leave here this evening in a special car. Among those going will be Messrs. T. S. Franklin, D. S. Hamilton, C. E. Sen ersen, H. A. Murrill.. R. K. Blair, R. H. Ramsay, A. Burwell, Jr J. O. Walker, R. L. Keesler, Paul Allen, W. L. Bruns, P. H. Williams, Col. D. G. Maxwell and General T. R. Robertson. The party will leave Charlotte this evening on train No. 29. Change in Telephone Officials. It will be of interest to many Char lotte people to know that Mr. Epps Brown, of Atlanta Ga., has been made 5eneral manager of the South ern Bell Telephone Company. Mr. W. T. Gentry formerly held this po sition, being both vice president and general manager. Mr. Brown has vis ited Charlotte a number of times and the announcement of his promotion will be 'learned of with interest by his many friends .here. Major T. R. Robertson Makes a Bona Fide Suggestion For May 20. For the Twentieth of May Celebra tion in Charlotte, inA the year 1906, nothing can be too good or too ex pensive and Major T. R. Robertson has offered a plausible suggestion to add to the importance of the occasion at the same time explaining how the idea may be. made practicable. "We want," said Major Robertson, "two battleships to be transported here for the great celebration, and this is no idle dream I assure you. There are only two things to be settled how tc get the big ships here, and where to put them. "Both these supposed difficulties are easily solved. "To get the big ships here, take them apart. They were made at first from pieces of iron and metal, and it won't be much trouble to the govern ment to have the ships reduced to their elementary condition and loaded on flat cars furnished by the Southern Railway. "The second point, where shall we put the ships? Nothing is easier. There is the lake out at the new park south of Piedmont, and the other somewhere out about Stewart s pond, or cn the creek. "I would favor, also," said Major Robertson," a slight exchange of shots Detween the vessels, so that the mon ster shells can be watched sailing over the city, by the thousands of eager crowds who will be here. "This is all I have to suggest to make the celebration a success," con eluded Major Robertson. Mr. Ross Blackwood Still Yardmaster. The News stated yesterday after noon that Mr. w. W. Haynes had been transferred to this city in the capacity of yardmaster at the Southern depot. Mr. Haynes is night yardmaster at the freight depot, while Mr. Ross Black wood is still yardmaster at the passen ger station. The second battle of "Cowpens" ias been fought and the third will take place tonight. 'LE TABAC EST L'AMBI DE L'HOMME." Now is the time to take Hollister's Rockv Mountain Tea. It cleans your system of all impurities. A wonderful spring tonic. A family benefactor. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. -H. Jordan & Co. French Proverb that Proves Itself True in Charlotte. There is a French proverb, "Tobac co is the friend of man," that is more true than the average. Monkeys have imitated men in other ways, even ac quiring a fondness for linuors, but they never could be taught smoking. Smoking is a distinctly masculine pleasure, and when man has a good cigar like Wadsworth Bros'. Chicos in his mouth, he is care free and ready for any trouble. Woodall & Sheppard the local agents for Chicos, say that hiany'of their lawyer customers will not take a difficult ' case until they have a box of Chicos at hand. From pure enjoyment any lover of a good ciar can bo no more perfectly satis fied than with a Wadsworth Bros.' Chico. Go to Woodall & Shcppard's drug store today and select one of these Havanna filled cigars. , t-The price 5c straight, will not frighten you. THE LABOR PROBLEM. A Verry Serious Proposition With Charlotte Cotton Mills. i The labor problem has become a very serious proposition with Char lotte's cotton mills. Every mill in the city is more or less handicapped along this line and unless something is done shortly to relieve the situation it is very probable that some of the mills will be compelled to shut down or at least reduce the output. A Charlotte man who is closely identified with one of the largest mills in the city said this morning that he had been in correspondence with a Northern labor bureau and had been informed that 200 laborers . could be furnished. This, however, will not near .meet the demands of the local mills as it will require 400 and even more to give the mills all the help needed. The right kind of labor is another difficulty the mills have to contend with. This Northern bureau did not state the nationality of the 200 la borers offered and this, of course, is an important question to be consid ered. The mill men of the city held a con ference last night to consider the la bor question, but the result of their meeting is not known. PERSONALS. Mr. W. C. Truitt left' this morning for Alexandria, Va. 'He will visit his son at Chicago before returning home. Mr. Richard A. Myers, of the South ern Power Co., left this morning for Great Falls, S. C, where he will be at work until fall. Mr. W. I. Underwood, of Grensboro, is spending a few days in the city 'on insurance business. Can You Guess Them? Are your boys and girls familiar with the abbreviations that are used for the names of our states? Some of them are very significant. It's your guess now! ' ; , What is the most religious fetate? What the state of exclamation? Best state in haying time?5 Best state to cure the sick? Best state in a flood ? The most maidenly state? Name a numerical state? The father of states? Best state fc:- mines? State represented by a girl's name? Good state for the untidy? State named in the vocal scale? T3" -nrrS. cyt'stlcil s-1 ' . . i-, , .. u. . . - -i.: . 'I . Why the Doctor Couldn't Go In. A lady had been ill and under medi cal treatment for a long time. As she grew no better all the while, she be came distrustful of her physician's . skill and did not wish to see him and yet was not bold enough to tell him so. She communicated her state of mind to her maid. Lave im to me, mum; l'ave to me!" said the girl. By and by the doctor came to the deer, end Bridget opened it about an inch. "Sorry, sir," said she, "but yo can't come in the day, dochter." . "Can't come in? How's that?" tno mistress ao ne too ill for to 'ira 'lav. sir." London Tit-Bits. TO DRUGGISTS. No. 3. If one of 5'ours had typhoid and you had a specific that only reached mild forms and another that controlled the most serious cases, which would you use? You would take no chances you would use the one that would control the case if serious. Exactly the same in kidney disor ders. There are dozens of prepara tions that are used, but there is only one thing on your shelves that will cure it if serious, and that is Fulton's Renal Compound for Bright's Disease Don't you agree with us that these facts ought to be called to the atten tion of customers? Woodall & Shep pard, local agents. ASTORIA. Pears the 8 You Have Always Bought CASTORIA. 8ca-s t'ae $ Kind Yoo Have Always Buugfft castohia. Bears tiu 8 Kind You Have Always Bought v. nature t' rjFr J ji7 "' ' see the Bell Telephone For Quick Service For Time-Saving For Pleasure For Business For Results Always Ready For Use Use the Bell Telephone Use it any time; anywhere; all the time. 0 The cost is reasonable The service satisfactory. Contract Department, No. 199. Southern Dell Telephone , & Telegraph Company. H DUCRO'S elixir In cases where the sick are unable to take necessary nourishment, Physicians have recourse to the Elixir with gratifying results. - .y .WHO ELO and Builds Up the Entire System I - Prists or . FOTGHlrA TO for th. C. 9QB.el.n,n Bt.. K.w York ID W The Suburban Realty Company Had Not Favorably considered the Holding of Auction Sables off Lots From their choice selection of properties, preferring rather a gradual development of the property as the natural demand should come from homeseekers and investors. But inasmuch as outside parties have forced the issue we must, as up-to-date business men meet any any all competition and we shall therefore with the assistance of the well known broker Mr. J. Edgar Poag of Rock Hill and his auctioneer begin on WEDNESDAY MORNING AT 10 A. M., SHARP, a series of sales of those choice building lots which we have just opened up r7 JL R r that Fine Property at the foot of South Tryon Street and directly opposite Dilworth, conducting the sales each day for as many days as our competitors keep it up, sales closing each promptly each day at the end of one hour. ALSO AT 2:00 P. M. each day, beginning with Wednesday of this week we shall hold auction sales of our choice lots at "HILL CREST" on the Providence Road on East Avenue immediately adjoining "Craighead Park" offering the same sized lots and on the same terms of sales as made by our competitors and if our lots at Hill Cress don't hold out we will continue the SALES AT PIEDMONT PARK as may be announced in this space later. In sections of that Fine Suburb where improvements have not yet been completed, on 10th Street, Seigle Street and Jackson Avenue. ONE ORT ANT POINT S J We wish to call to your special attention in these sales.For eight years we have been handling Real Estate in Charlotte and we can point with some degree of pride to our work, especially at Piedmont Park. We pledged ourselves to certain improvements over there wheri the property was first purchased, such as car line, city water, sewer system, street improvements, etc. and we have 1 ived up to to our statements. We expect to continue to sell Real Estate in Charlotte for many years to come and are not here simply to unload our property and move on leaving our customers to whistle for the necessary improvements to their property. In the present sales we shall sell every other lot or pair of lots reserving alternate lots ourselves and pledge ourselves to follow the sales as rapidly ; as possible with the improvements needed to make the property more valuable, including street improvements, water and sewer system, fire hydrants, lights and transportation when needed. YOU1R.. INTERESTS AND OURS ARE ONE For we will still own one-half the property and expect to make that half worth the present price of the whole by the32 improvements, and present buyers will profit with ui in the matter as improvement8 are made and prices advanced. We are not here to sell out and quit, but to stand by and do our best toward the develop ement of Greater Charlotte and we invite all our friends, who are interested in the purchase of Real Estate to attend these sales and get a share in the best selection of Suburban Building Lots now to be found on the Charlotte market. Tfl PRFFNT WITH FAPH QAI P We do not know your taste it such matters and will therefore offer to each cash buyer at this sale $10 in Gold, and to each customer who buys on easy HO I U rnLOLlI 10 III I II CHUn OALl terms $5 in Gvld. We have 500 lots to sell from pur several properties so thatat an average of $7.50 per lot this will mean, if alllots are sold : $5,750 IN (SOLD FOR OUR. CUSTOMERS To out of town buyers who attend these sales and buy one of our lots, we will also refund their railroad fare from any point in the state. v , To reach Wilmoore take the Dilworth car, stop at Park Avenue, go down one block to the right and you are there. Sales 10 to 11 a. m. beginning Wednesday. REMEMBER To reach Hill Crest take Elizabeth car, turn one block to the r.ght, one block this side of the College and you will find the property. Sale 2 p.m. each day beginning Wednesday. "Everything in Real Estate" U O Trust Bldg,, South Tryon St jj Sole Agents for the Suburbaun Realty Company. NX

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