THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL ! 0, 1906. THE WEATHER ror charlotte and its vicinity: Fair t01Iiglit ami Wednesday. For Noi'tli Carolina and- South f rolin;i: Fair tonight and Wednes day Lisl't west to northwest winds. 0 TODAY'S it 0 a4 o u a o o ARKETS 0 i CO 1 I UN New York Sun Cotton Summary. New York, April 10. It was a nar row', professional ante-holiday specula tion, an.l unless the prophets in the l0offi are prophesying wide of the mark it will ue a dull week. But it von oft on happens that just when even l)0ily is expecting such dull times sometning or other occurs to enliven the market in a way to disconcert the prophets. Yet everything will be closed from Thursday night until Tuesday morning, and judging from the more pioba! iiities and speculation for the time being, is likely to be kept with iii a comparatively small compass with tiuetuations restricted according ly. Yesterday the final outcome was a triflin? decline, succeeding a small ad vance earlvMn the day. There were reports, which may or may not be trustworthy, that the bull clique sold on little advances, and bought on de dines. But whether they did or not, matters little, for they certainly did not trade on a my suaie. oieauying in fluences were the big British exports, as reported in the monthly returns; large spot sales, at Liverpool, rumors that the Mississippi River is likely to goon reach a very high stage at Mem phis, and reports of rain in the Caro linas. Then, too, spot interests bought to some extent, and of some of the shorts decided to licuidate on the eve of the holidays. There was some Eng lish buying of May and the premium on that month over July was increased a couide of points. New Orleans Times-Democrat Sum mary of the Cotton Situation. New Orleans, April 10. Undoubted ly the staple has gained rather than lest intrinsic strength during recent weeks "With speculation at the low mark, even confident bulls marvel at the self sustaining power of the mar ket, and in seeking explanation there for, apparently have found something in the many months bear advices giv en foreign spinners, which must have held raw cotton buying in check to some extent. Compensation for which should come sooner or later. Anyway, there is more demand than supply of the desirable grades of cotton. Conse quently, speculative selling of the near months at current value levels carries with it an element of danger not point ed out repeatedly. Bulish operations are confined to too few men, for spec tacular effect. Mean while, new crop weather becomes or vital importance i from now on. Favorable skies with ac- y tual cotton in demand, and firmly held, may not attract outside selling, while frowning skies under similar circum stances, would undoubtedly bring out side buyers into the game again. Yes terday's slight decline in .the face of good cables was doubtless due to the evening up over the holidays, extend ing from the coming Thursday evening to the following Tuesday morning. New York Cotton High Low Close Jan Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Xov Dec 1065 106 1064 1065 11191121 1133 1117 1121 1104 1061 1059 1062 1124 1117 1117 1102 1059 1058 1060 1132 11181120 11201121 11031104 10731075 10601061 10591060 10611062 Sales none market tone quiet: fu tures closed steadv. New York 11 A. M. Bids: May 1129; July 1119; August 1102; October 1060. r4ew Orleans Spots. Spots firm; higher, middling 11 sales 3600; to arrive 2100; F. O. B. 100; total sales 5,800. Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good Middling 11V2 Strict Middling ' 11 Middling 11 Tinges and Stains .lO1 Liverpool Cotton. Jan-Feb 547 Mch-Apr 600 Apr-May 600 May-Juno 601 June-July 602 July-Aug ..602 Aug-Sept 597 Sept-Oct 582 Oct-Xov 575 Xov-Dec 574 Dec-Jan 574 Futures opened quiet and steady, can 1000 ; cmf wpymf wypcmf wypmf wpy closed very steady , receipts 29000; American 23400; sales 10,000, Ameri can 0000; spec. 1000; middling to day 017; yesterday 614. Chicago Grain and Produce. High Low Close WHEAT May 78 77 78 T"'y 78 77 78 Sept 77 76 77 CORN Apr 45 45 May 4G14 45 46 Spl't 46 45 46 OATS May 31 3!i 31 T"ly 30 30 3D Sept 29 28 29 PORK May 1632 1627 1632 T"1y 1640 1632 1640 Sept 1627 LARD :Ia . 870 860 865 Ju,v 885 875 880 ert 900 887 892 Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. Drives away spring tired ness, sivPK nnnotit-a and slppn mnlcRH ' well and keens you well. Great family Ionic ir.nt Ton or Tah- lets. R. 11. Jordan &Co. STOCKS. . New York Sun Sumary of Stocks . (furnished by Gibert & Clay, of New Orleans.) New York, April 10. Business on the stock exchanbe was really divided into two distinct, parts. In the earlier portion of the day, and indeed up to 1 o clock in the afternoon, the" market was intensly dull, its course attesting an almost complete indisposition of the speculators to either make purchases for sales of stock. The only influence oi any influence bearing upon values was that exerted by the money market and the net result of this anpeared to bo a restraint placed upon the activi ty of the market rather than any force exercised in the direction of lower val ues. No doubt was expressed in all well informed charters that as soon as the present temporary stringency i:; call money passes time money will once more be quoted at the figures rulink for it up to a few weeks ago. In the late afternoon., the character of the stock market changed from dull ness to weakness. Taking as a pre text for their attack the fact that mon ey rates in the concluding portion of the day did not show that receding ten dency which had been hoped for, pro fessional operators sold stocks with great freedom, so that financial net declines of more than a point in most cases were made in most of the prin cipal shares In the last fifteen minutes the trading of the money market did show signs of relaxation. Call money in this period dropped rapidly to six per cent, and many large loans were made at ten and twelve per cent. Atchison Atchison Pfd , ...103 baitimore & OMo H2M "IK . 58 , 3t 43K tb 26 170 147 155 04 3 ' Chicago & Alton Chicago & Great Western Erie Erie Pfd Eoek Island ............. ILinois Central Louisville & Nash rille ...... ttan Mexican Centra I ... ' rtissouri Pacific 94 1 .-t Missouri Kansas & T 33 New York Central 143 Norfolk & Western 88 Ontario & Western 5( A Pennsylvania .... Reading Reading Pfd St. Paul.... Southern Pacific 340 . 90 ..1745 S 9uthern Railway sothern Kauway Preferred 9K 32M Texas Facihc Union Pacific 153 Wabash ...22i: Wabash Pfd 49 Amalgamated CoDDer 108 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 84j Colorado hvel & Iron G0 Con Gas ... ...142J4 Peoples Gas . 94'S Sugar j Tennessee Coal & Iron ,.148 J ni tedS t9tes Leath er 11 Jnited States Steel 41 United States Steel Preferred , Western Union.... 0194 Virginia Carolina Cnemica". 4$ Va. Carolina Chemical Pfd .. 112j Mr. Fred Oliver, of Norfolk, Va., is spending a few days in the city looking after some personal interests. Report of the condition of The Merchants and Farmers National Bank At Charlotte, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, April 6, 1906. RESOURCES. , Loans and discounts . . . . ? 911,438.73 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 6,470.52 U. S .Bonds to secure circu lation .. .. 200,000.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds. . 7,625.00 Bods, securities, etc . . . . 5,000.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures .. 20,088.61 Other real estate owned.. 1,937.45 Due from National Banks, (not reserve agents).... 82,049.65 Due from State Banks and bankers 68,389.91 Due from approved reserve agents 82,887.80 Checks and other- cash items ... .. 10;080.96 Notes of other National Banks 2,900.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents . . .... 265.71 Lawful Money reserve in Bank, viz Specie 44,400.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 5,104.90 Total $1,448,639.24 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 200,000.00 Surplus fund .. .. 40,ouo.oo Undivided profits ,less ex penses and taxes paid . . 59,446.11 National Bank notes out standing .. 200,000.00 Accrued interest reserved.. 4,855.91 Due to other Na tional Banks..? 63,216.77 Due to State Banks and bankers .. .45,422.36 Due to Trust com panies and sav ings banks,... 58,751.26 Dividends unpaid.. 66.57 Individual deposits subject to check 335,934.39 Demand certificates of deposit .... 290,645.27 Cashier's checks outstanding .. 300.60 794,337.22 Notes and bills rediscount- ed 10,000.00 Bills payable .... . . . 140,ooo.oo Total .$1,448,639.24 State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg, ss: - . v. Wilson. President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GEO. E. WILSUIN.. fresiutjuL. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of April, 1906. BAXTER ROSS, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. H. WEARN, J. II. M'ADEN, W. H. BELK, . Directors. Report of the condition of ' The Charlotte National Bakn at Charlotte, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business. April 6, 190G. RESOURCES Loans and discounts. . ..S 805,410.G7 Overdrafts, secured and un secured ; 20,023.27 U. S. Bonds to secure circu- lation .; 125,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits 15,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc 4,000.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures .. .. ..13,800.00 Due from National Banks, (not reserve agents) . . 67,714.31 Due from State banks and bankers 56,900.40 Due from approved reserve agents GO.852.74 Checks and other cash items . 13,555.65 Notes of other National banks 6,000.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents . . 297.17 Lawful money reserve in , bank, viz: Specie $10,856.50 . Legal-tender notes, 50,247.00 61,103.50 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) . 6,250.00 Total $1,255,907.71 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 125,000.00 Surplus fund 62,500.00 Undivided profits less ex penses and taxes paid.. 33.92S.42 National Bank Notes out- . standing 125.000.00 Due to other Na tional Banks. .$ 25,663.20 Due to State Banks and bankers.. 48,604.74 Individual deposits subject to check,399,363.79 Demand, certificates ' of deposit 248,523.33 Certified checks . . . 5,540.32 Cashier's checks outstanding . . 983,48 U. S. Deposits.. 15,000.00 743,678.86 Bonds borowed . . 30,000.00 Bills payable, including cer tificates of deposits for money borrowed 130,000.00 Interest reserve ........ 5,800.43 Total ....$1,255,907.71 State of North Carolina, County ' of Mecklenburg, ss: I, W. H. Twitty, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. H. TWITTY, Cashier.. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of April, 1906. C. N. G. BUTT, Notary Public. . Correct Attest: CHAS. f: WADSWORT.H, JNO. M. SCOTT, R. H. JORDAN, Directors. Report Of the Southern States Trust Company At Charlotte. - - In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business April" 6th, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .. .. $782,240.96 Overdarfts, secured 14,578.39 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 3,500.00 Other real estate owned 2,500.00 Due from banks and v bankers $141,528.57 Checks and other cash items 5,965.87 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Gold coin $ 265.00 . Silver coin .. .. 3,389.82 National bank notes and other U. S. notes ..42,716.00 193,865.26 Total $996,6S4.61 State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg, ss: , ' . ; I. W. H. Wood, treasurer of the above-named bank, do ; solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. H. WOOD, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of April, 1906. FRANK F. JONES. Notary Puiblc. . Correct Attest: JNO. W. TODD, H. W. EDDY, -T. S. FRANKLIN, Directors. Report of the condition of The Southern Loan & Savings Bank At Charlotte, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business April 6th, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .. ..$252,158.44 All other stocks, bonds and mortgages . . .... . . . . 1,200.00 Banking House, furniture and fixtures 1,500.00 Cash Demand loans $ 7,500.00 Due from banks and bankers .. 18,980.25 Cash items 1.621.96 Gold Coin 1,502.50 Silver coin, mclud- ing all minor coin currency 200.07 National bank notes and other U. ' S. notes 925.00 30.729.78 Total .. .. .'. ...... ..$285,588.22 State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg, ss: ' I, W. L. Jenkins, Cashier of . the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 10th day of April, 1906. FRED NASH, JR., Notary Public. Correct Attest: P. M. BROWN, W. S. ALEXANDER, JNO. M. SCOTT, , Directors. .' TRY A TIMES-DEMOCRAT w o Report of the condition of The First National Bank At Charlotte, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, April 6, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ..$1,332,600.74 Overdrafts, secured and un secured . . . . . . . . V U. S. bonds to secure circu lation . . . . Permiums on U. S. bonds. . Bonds, securities, etc.... Banking house, furniture and fixtures Due from National 106,36 00,000.00 9,000.00 x5,000.00 37,500.00 Banks (not re- - serve agents) , $46,947.16 Due from State : Banks and bank ers .. 29,027.78 Due from approved ; reserve agents 97.291.6S Checks and other . cash items . . . . 8,597.57 Notes of other Na tional banks .... 3,650.00 Fractional paper currency, - nickles, and cents . . . . . . 146,0i Lawful money reserve in bank, viz Specie .$22,000 Legal-tender notes 15,000 . 237,660.20 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) . . .... .... 15,000.00 Total .. $1,921,867.30 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .. ..$ 300,000.00 Surplus fund '." . 100,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex- penses, and taxes paid . . Accrued interest reserved . . Natinonal Bank notes out standing 99,657.23 16,000.00 J00.000.00 Due to other Na tional banks,.. $ 97,731.76 Due to State Banks and bankers, .. 28,924.89 Dividends unpaid,... 25.00 Individual deposits subject to check,509,797.46 Demand certificates of deposit 9,883.46 Time certificates of 1 deposit 419,722.33. Cashier's checks outstanding ... 125.17 1,066,210.07 Bills payable including certificates of deposit for - 1 money borrowed . . .... 40,000.00 Total t .. ..$1,921,867.30 State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg, ss: I, H. M. Victor, cashier of the above-named bank., do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of April, 4906.-.. , FRED NASH, JR., Notary Public. Correct Attest: FRANK GILREATH, P. M. BROWN, C. A. WILLIAMS, Directors. condition of LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in -:. . ..$200,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid,.. 41,257.24 Due banks and ers . .$ 99,732.54 Individual deposits, -subject to check, 446,021.63 Trust deposits . . 42,797.11. . ; Time certifiates of ; of deposit .. .125,098.24 . ; Certified checks.. 342.67 . Cashier's checks outstanding .. ..1.435,18 715,427.37 Notes and bills rediscount ed v.'. 5.000.00 Bills payable .. .. .. 35,000.00 .$996,684.61 LIABILITIES. Capital stock . . . .... $25,000.00 Surplus fund ...... . . . 10,000.00 Undivided profits less cm rent expenses and taxes paid. ........ . 4,863.46 Bills payable . r V:.V. ; 7,500.00 Deposits subject to check.. 197,305.94 Demand certificates of de: posit r.-. .... 38,453.07 Cashier's Checks outstand ing .. 215.75 Accrued interest due depos itors 2,250.00 Total ..$285,588.22 & i For Sale The O'DONAGUMUSv Residence on East 3enu& FOR RENT. Five-room cottage, East Stone wall street. . i V 4-room house corner of Third- and Graham. PHONE 604 Y. f. C. A. BUh-OINCk Insure your Property of all kinds against Fire 1 witn R. 0. MOORE ROOM 7. 4C:s BUILDING. "It Pays to Buy the Best" S.Rae&Co.'s Italian Olive Oil A strictly Pure Product of Delicious Flavor in y2 pmt bottles and quart bot tles 75c a Quart. Fresh Butter Thins today. Miller-Van Ness Co. 23 N. Tryon St. elicioii Ice Cream and Soda Water With Pure Fruit Flavors at Our Fountain. TRYON DRUG GO. Phone 21. 7 N. Tryon St. Sub. P. a in Store. Stamps, Money Orders. 5 1-2 ACRE FARM FOR SALE Fronting on Beattie's Ford Macadam Road, three miles from City, about fifteen acres in timber, forty young fruit trees, three room dwelling, a small barn. A good spring on place. Call at office for Prices. R. E. Cochrane Insurance k Real state Before Starting Spring Farming See Us For Prices On All Kinds of Frmirj Tools. AL'en Haiti ware Co. lit Everything In Hardware. 30 E. TRADE ST. i lis t Fire Fire Fire 0 Iron Davenport-Beds The Real "Room Economizer" e have 'just received a large shipment of the above very useiui articles, and are m position to help you solve the problem of -"how to get the most out of the least space." These davenports furnish a very attractive and useful piece of furni ture when used as a lounge or settee, and can be converted easilv and quickly into a perfectly apportioned bed. We have these beds complete as cheap as $12.00 and other better qualities at. $23.00, $25.00 and $30.00. Just the thing to have in the house when your company comes. Our Dyeing and Cleaning 'is always "done just right," because it's in the hands of experts. We've a way of freshen ing things up that make s them equal to new,. Orders for Eas ter delivery taken NOW and given special attention.. Charlotte Steam Laundry Launders, Dyers, Cleaners. . 19 S. Tryon Ji A Pair of Swell Slippers for Easter you will do well to see our line of Fil!maurv Oxfords in all the Newest Leathers and Lasts Prices $3.50 and $4.00 Per Pair FOREMAN & MILLER Corner College and Trade St Cash Shoe Builders xcooooooooocoocoooo SpeciaJ SeJr I Two and Three Piece Parlor Suits From now until APRIL 10th we offer our entire stock of two and three piece SUITS, at a reduction of . 25 PER CENT. OR ONE-FOURTH OFF. from our regular prices. We find this reduction in price necessary , to make room for goods thatare tunity to save money. Lubin Furniture Co. Bu sirtess and FleasureVehicles Our Stock ; of Vehicles for the Spring Trade are in, and they are without a doubt the best selected styles ever shown in Charlotte. We sell on Easy Terms. W. WadwortfoV Sons' EXPER REPAI Queen City Cycle Co- o THE PRESBY TERIAIM COLLEGE for WOMAN " CHARLOTTE, N." C. High-grade College for Women equipped with every modern con venience, hot )nd cold baths, electric lights,, steam heat and fire es- O capes. - - " '.-. Faculty of trained specialists.. Standard High "and work thorough. For catalogue, address REV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. O. THE LEADER IN LOW PRICES ON HIGH GRADE 600DS ANT coming in; and it is a great oppor Co o IEWCED BICYCLE RHilAN O

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