CHARLOTTE NEWS APRIL 18 1906 WOMAN'S Her Bitter Disappointment. The litter trail in a woman's life is to l. i-iil'.ilos. Who can tell how hard the nv may have been ere she learnt to W-iiTu herself to her lonely lot? The ab v,,.uv,if this link to bind marital life to r. the absence of this one pledge to lit;.;, affection is a common disap n , n.tnient. Many unfortunate couples K.,'.i:!ie estranged thereby. Even if they tirii't apart, one may read the whole 0t i:t of their disappointment in the eyes uoh a childless couplo when they rest 0V;!Li' children of others. To them the k, r,.r family does notseom too numerous, i'r ,-, .';! rather appear to them that those wiio ni mis uiesius uas ueen most r:i::y bestowed hardly value It suffi- C! uaiiv cases of barrenness or child -v-s the obstacle to child-bearing is v removed by the cure of weakness on jVrt of the woman. Dr. Pierce's Fa :e Proscription has been the means of ti.l' '' r, -'. on inr heaitu ana irmttuiness to many ... baVreii woman, to the great joy. of the i'..i-eh"Id. In other, but rare cases, the (': ruction to the bearing of children has !,.-.! iouikI to be of a surgical character, ,-. ..asilv removable by painless operative t -varment at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur .r'va; Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., over which He. I'icrce of the " Favorite Prescription" fame presides. In all cases where chil d; 'ii arc desired and are absent, an effort ii.iuUl be made to find out the real cause, jl-i.-e it is generally so easily removed by M.-.i)er treatment. hi all the various weaknesses, displace-in.-ms. prolapsus, ante-versions, retro versions, inflammation of ovaries, leucor-i-:;.e:t. u'ivinsr rise to disagreeable and -.uMAi'nnig drains, and in all cases of rvousnes. nervous prostration and itv. Dr. Fierce s t avonto Prescrip is the most efficient remedy that can bly be used. It has to its credit Ire'ds of thousands of cures more in tioa iimi fct than any otner remedy put up for sale Through druggists, especially for v,-om:m"s use. You do not have to take Pr. Pieree"s word alone for this, because the ingredients of which the "Favorite Prescription "are composed have received the most positive endorsement from the leading medical writers on Materia Medico, of all the several schools of practice, .il the ingredients are printed in plain English on the wrapper enclosing the b rtle. so that if you are an invalid woman and make use of this famous medicine you know exactly what you are taking. Dr. Pierce takes his patients into his full con liJ 'iiee. which he can afford to do as the mnnula after which the "Favorite Pre scription'' is made will bear the most caret a! examination. You do not have to experiment when taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, a.- with the many fake, Cheap John Med icines that are sent out on trail, composed of cheap and often harmful ingredients. Dr. Pierce resorted to Nature's Labo ratory to get the ingredients for his "Fa vorite Prescription," believing that the hidiuenous. or native, medicinal roots of our country are endowed by Providence with the most marvelous curative powers. The only rational way to attempt to cure disease is by assisting the natural Inactions of the body, and to do that ther- is nothing like Nature's remedies v.him act in Nature's way, toning and invigorating the digestive organs, the Iker, the stomach and bowels and the n.rvous system, which always suffers to a arcat extent in all the various derange ments of the organs distinctly feminine. The medicine of known composition is the one to rely upon the one that has a record of nearly forty years of cures the one devised and manufactured by a regu h.rlv graduated and experienced practi tioner of medicine. By addressing Dr. R. V. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y., you may sh 'ure. free, a little phamphlet giving numerous extracts from many medical r i-ilrl on1 JU (JU V UI1L Lilt; wiu ,ciuu M skirt or waist changed? We can you want it and you'll be delighted. It saves money for you that you can spend for something else. VI ... I Charlotte Steam Laundry Launders. Dvers. Cleaners. . 19 S. Tryon St. Messages Do Xcw April series is forging ahead, and you are making a big mistake not to get in it. People are buying lots and building homes every day, and hundreds are doing it through the Mutual Building and Loan. The best blan, the cheapest money is right here, so take advantage of this opportunity to better your condition, to own your home or make profitable investment. JOHN PHARR, President. 'Phone 344. We are showing a complete assortment of Porch Rockers, Seats and -iece Porch Kptin tiic Wpnthm-ed Oak and other finishes. . We are showing ln.refi Arm Rockers with douoie cane-seat uued.p Hfittoy crr'i A at nnrracnnnilinp'lv iDW TlrififtS. - r Porch sbariP fmm si no iir Ynn can't afford to be witliout a Jiold Carriage or C,o-Cart if vau have a baby in the home. Full line Is and Carriages now on display . TV McGOY THE LEADER IN LOW PRICES TRIALS. I hSn;.tolli? the var,. Pierce's iC, " ""icu enter into Dr. worth lnnifVonte Prescription. It ik voHtP tw not claim for his Fa i?u fcnption that it is a "cure-all - "fie f or wnld?d aS a perfertSi uniform man S Pe,cu"ar ailments. So use of tbf?refu1 wnich follw the can bP trnwenrkae remedy, that it can be tru y afhrmed of "Favorite Pre- thP?lnra,I Ninety-eight per cent, of and S,iV" g,lve this medicine a fair cured? r are cured and remain nrtlf fulinv,ratIn8 t011, im parting health and strength in particular iloi e orSans, distinctly feminine. The &tomnly healh s so intimately related to the general health that when diseases of the delicate womanly organs are cured the whole body gains ii health and strength. For weak and sickly women who are "worn-out," "run-down" or debilitated, especially for women who work in store, office or schoolroom, who sit at the typewriter or sewing ma chine, or bear heavy household burdens. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has proven a priceless benefit because of its health - restoring and strength - giving powers. 6 s As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine. "Favorite Prescription" is un equaled and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, irritabil ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra tion, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, or ht. v ltus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womanly organs. It induces refresh ing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Cures obstinate cases. "Favorite Pre scription " is a positive cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucor rhea, excessive flowing, painful menstru ation, unnatural suppi-essions and irregu larities, prolapsus or falling of the pelvic organs, weak back, "female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion, inflam mation and ulceration, inflammation, more or less pain and tenderness over tho lower abdomen accompanied with "in ternal heat." Dr. Pierce's medicines are made from harmless but efficient medicinal roots found growing in our American forests. The Indians knew of the marvelous cura tive value of some of these roots and im parted that knowledge to some of the friendlier whites, and gradually some of the more progressive physicians came to test and use them, and ever since they have grown in favor by reason of their superior curative virtues and their safe and harmless qualities. Your druggists sell the "Favorite Pre sceiptiox" and also that famous altera tive, blood puriiier and stomach tonic, the "Goldex Medical Discovery." Write to Dr. Pierce about your case. He is an experienced physician and will treat your case as confidential and without charge for correspondence. Address him at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., of which he is chief con sulting physician. It is as easy to be well as ill and much more comfortable. Constipation is the cause of many forms of illness. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion. They are tiny, sugar-coated gran ules. One little "Pellet " is a gentle laxa tive, two a mild cathartic. All dealers iu medicines sell them. Dr. Pierce's 1000-page ilkstrated book "The Common Sense Medical Adviser," is sent free in paper covers on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. For 31 stamps the cloth-bound volume will be sent. Address Dr. JJ.' V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. f rr fomilior rrl rT rf lint x..lxjijai4.i Dye it exactly the shade t 'Todaty 1 E. L. KEESLER, Treasurer. 25 South Tryon St of Porch Furniture Wakie- of these ON HIGH-GRADE GOODS. Large Display EASTER AT HICKORY. Beautiful Services In All the Churches on Easter Sunday. Personal Men tion. A Call Game. Special to The News. Hickory, April 18. Services at the churches Sunday were largely attend ed. The church of the Ascension was crowded, and, with the masses of white lilacs on the altar, the chancel starred with groups of Easter lilies, the waxen candles burning clearly in the "dim, religious - gloom," was a picture of Easter worship. The anthems, as ren dered by a large choir, were very fine. A song-service was held in the Meth odist church in the evening, the choir rendering "Hosannah in the highest," "He is Risen," "To live forever," and other chorals suitable to the occa sion. Six persons were immersed in the pool at the Bautist church at 6:30 no other special services being held. The Lutheran church, which is one of the handsomest in this Dart of the State, was decorated for Easter, and the ritual services were observed. The addresses -at the different churches were short, but excellent, Rev. I. S. Moody, pastor of the Church of the Ascension, preaching on the 'Deeper meaning of Easter-tide," Rev. Parker Holmes on "The Glory of the Resurrenction" and Rev. Mr. Moser, on the "Completed Atonement." Mrs. Gwaltney, wife of Rev. Mr. Gwaltney of cf the Baptist church, re turned Friday from the convention of missionary workers of the Baptist church. She reports a most helpful athering. All the stores here closed at two o'clock. A big crowd are at the base ball grounds, taking in the game be tween the Hickory team and Catawba College. The Sharp's Institute team having wired that they would be un able to make this place today, Mr. oMser then made arrangements with the Catawba College team, who have been desirous of coming before. A new team of the younger boys, calling them selves "The Scrubs," has been organ ized. Mr. and Mrs. Payne, wTho were mar ried last Wednesday at the bride's home, in Carey, have come to Hickory and will make this their home, the groom having previously been employ ed here. EASTER SERVICES. Beautiful Easter Services and Musical Programme. Pleased With Sea board's Double Service. Other News. Special to The News. Stanley, N. C, April IS The Lu therans held beautiful and appropriate Easter services ?.t their beautiful church Sunday. The church was decor ated for these festivities which added very much to the occasion. Special and a beautiful musical program was ren dered by the choir . consisting of An them, "Christ, the Lord, is Risen to day." Anthem, "I know that my Redeemer Lives." Offertory, "Come With Me." Recessional, "Lest we forget." In the afternoon the Holy Commu nion was celebrated. The neople of Stanley and commu- jljty are-highly ,ple,ased with te "Sea: board's7 double daily service inaugur ated Sunday on this division. Miss Johnsie Babbington, of Char lotte visited Miss McLeud for several days last week. Messrs. Lonnie West, John and Carl Carpenter and Olin Hunter went to Gastonia Friday night to hear "Polk Miller." Miss Claudia Jenkins of Lenoir, spent the Easter holidays at home. Mr. Reid Hunter, ot Gastonia, spent Snndav at hime. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Jenkins, or uai- last, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. A. J. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Carpenter and sons, of Dallas and O. B. Carpenter ot Charlotte, spent Easter at B. F. Car penter's. Mr. Hall McDonald., of Charlotte, spent Sunday with his wife and chil dren. Jas. Reinhardt spent Monday in Charlotte. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Stanley Democratic Convention Held. Ticket Made Out. Personal No tice. Special to The News. Albemarle, N. C, April 18 The Democratic county convention was held in the court house here yesterday aternoon and the following ticket was nominated : For State Senator, J. M. Brown; for tiQ Hnnsp R. F. Eddins: for clerk Superior Court, A. P. Harris; for Reg ister of Deeds, J. M. Boyette; for1 Treasurer, D. D. Parker; for Sheriff, J. D. Love; for cotton weigher, J. M. Furr; for surveyor, Millard Whitley; for coroner, D. F. Rummage; commis sioners, W. F. Crump, J. D. Forrest and Luther Bost. . , The best of feeling prevailed throughout the entire meeting, peace and harmony reigning supreme. The Democrats of old Stanly have wearied of the two years Republican rule and are determined to swing back into the Democritc column next election. Mrs. C. J. Mauney and Miss Ida Ferguson returned home today after visiting relatives in Winston-Salem and Kernersville. respectively. Prof. J. A. Bivins, headmaster Trin ity Park School, Durham and Prof. W. A Divins, superintendent of the Spen cer Graded Schools, spent Easter with home folks, returning Sunday. A BADLY BURNED GIRL or boy, man or woman, is quickly out of pain if Bucklen's Arnica Salve is ap plied promptly. G. J. Welch, of Te konsha, Mich., says: "I use it m my family for cuts sores and all skin in juries, and find it perfect." Quickest Pile cure known. , Best healing salve made, -,25c at Woodall & Sheppard's drug store. y ;. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought fears the Signature of IMPORTS I LAI UIIIU Of IRON AND STEEL Iron an steel exportations from the United States have increased tenfold since 1870, five-fold since 1890, prac tically one-third since 1900, while for the first eight months of the current fiscal year they are pratically six times as much as importations of like j commodities during the same period. Figures just compiled by the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor through its Bureau -of Statistics show. that ex ports of iron and steel manufactures increased "from 9 million dollars in the eight months ending with Feb ruary, 1870, to 68 millions in the cor responding months of 1904 and 102 millions in the same months of the present year. Imports of iron and steel manufactures decreased mean time from 21 millions in the eight months ending with February, 1870, to 19 millions in the first eight months of the fiscal year, 1904, and 18 millions in the corresponding period 'of 1906. It is only within - the last ten or twelve years that exports of iron and steel manufactures have exceeded im ports of like commodities, this change j in the relative position of such imports and exports having been about coinci- dent with the great expansion of pig iron production since 1890. The pro duction of pig iron in the "United States in 1870 was 1,665,179 tons, or little more than the annual average of several preceding years; subsequent to 1870 the annual output fluctuated between 1 million and 4 million tons j until 1886, when the total was 5,683,-1 329 tons; in 1890 it was 9,202,703 tons, and in 1905, practically 23 million tons. Thus the growth in domestic produc tion of pig iron in the period from 1870 to 1890 was about TVz million tons, and in the period from 1890 to 1905, 13 millions, the last fiften years having therefore shown a gain almost double that of the preceding twenty years. The production of steel has also in creased rapidly. In 1870 only 68,750 tons of steel were produced in the United States; in 1880 the total had grown to 1.1-4 million tons; in 1890; 4 1-4 millions; in 1900, 10 millions; and for 1904, the latest available year, 14 million tons. Meantime the value of the product of the iron and steel in dustry in the United States, which in 1870 was 207 million dollars, increased to 297 millions in 1880, 479 millions in 1890, and 836 millions in 1900. The great expension in domestic production of pig iron and manufac tures of iron and steel has tended to diminish the importations of this class of merchandise. In the, calendar year 1870 imports of iron and steel manufac tures were valued at a. little over 37 million dollars. From that date they rapidly increased, reaching, in 1880, 64 million dollars, the highest point ever touched in any calendar year. Since 1880 they have, with trifling ex ceptions, ranged downward, decreas ing from 64 millions in that year to 45 millions in 1890, 20 millions in 1990; then increased to 41 1-2. millions in 1902, and again receding to 26 millions in 1905, or 11 million, dollars less, than the' importations during: the; year 1870, and 38 millions less than those of 1880. Not only has enlarged domestic pro duction of 'iron and steel manufactures reduced importations of the foreign product, but it has been followed by increased exportations.. In the calen dar year 1870 our exports of iron and steel aggregated 18 million dollars; in 1880, 16 millions; in 1890, 27 millions; in 1900, 130 millions, and in ,1905, 143 millions. The effect, of domestic pro duction upon imports and exports is shown by a comparison of, the stat istics of each of these factors at parallel dates. In 1870, for example, when domestic pig-iron- production was less than 2 million tons, iron and steel imports were 37 million dollars ih value -and exports of like commodities only 18 millions, or about one-half as much as imports In 1893, when pig-iron production was 7 million tons, exports of iron and steel manufactures first exceed ed imports of like products, the former having been in that year a little more and the latter a little less than 30 million dollars. In 1905 when domestic pig-iron production reached the unprecedented total ot 23 million tons imports fell to 26 million dollars, while exports rose to 143 millions, the highest point ever touched in any calendar year. Summarizing the results of the above analysis, pig iron increased in twenty-five years from 4 million tons in 1880 to 23 millions in 1905, ex ports of iron and steel manufactures grew from 16 million, dollars to. 143 millions, while imports of similar commodities meantime decreased from 64 millions to 26 millions of dollars. In other words,' domestic pig iron production was in 1905 six times as great as a quarter of a cen tury ago, exports of iron and . steel manufactures were nine times as great, while imports thereof were less than one-half as great as those of 1880. In 1880 imports of iron and steel exceeded exports of like commodities by nearly 48 million dollars; in 1893 the two movements were practically balanced, while in 1905 exports ex ceeded imports by 117 million - dol lars. " s The principal articles comprising this exportation of 143 million dol lars' worth of iron and steel during the last calendar year, stated in the order of their- magnitude, were: Mis- cellaneous machinery; 25 million dol lars ; buildings' hardware, . saws and tools, 12 1-2 millions; pipes and fit tings, 8 1-3 millions ; electrical ma chinery,.. 7 - 2-5 jnillions steel ... rails, 7 1-3 millions ; wire,' T millions ; sew ing machines, 6 1-2 millions; locomo tives, 5 3-5 millions; metal-working machinery, 5 3-5 millions; and type writers, 5 millions ; of - ; dollars. Other important items of less than 5 million dollars'" value each were: Billets, ingots, and blooms, 4 3-4 million dollars; structural iron and steel. 4 1-3 millions: sheets . and plates, 3 2-5 millions ; pumps and pumping machinery,, 3 . 3-4 millions ; nails and spikes, 2 1-2 millions; cash registers, 2 1-5 millions; firearms, 1 3-4 millions; castings, 13-5 mil lion; steel bars or rods, 1 1-2 mil lions; printing presses, 1 1-2 mil- "uuo xuatimnery, l 2-5 millions bar iron, 11-4 millions; and stoves, 1 million dollars; these twenty-three classes supplying : in 1905 luxijr ov yei-' cent or the total ex portations of iron and steel. . As to the destination of iron and steel exports,. South . America and Mexico are the best customers for our steel rails; Canada, the United machinery .goes chiefly to Canada, Kingdom, and Austria toke moot,r.? our builders'- hardware; electrical Japan, Mexico, and. Great Britain; sewing macnines, chiefly . to the United Kingdom, Germany, Argen tina, Mexico, and Holland; most of our locomotives ; to Japan; type writers, chiefly to the United King dom and other European countries while in lesser amounts tb.e various products of iron . and. steel are sent to pj-acticany every known section of the civilized world. ANOTHER WRESTLING MATCH. At Asheville April 24. An Interesting Legal Opinion. Special to The News. Asheville, April 18. Albert T. Sum mey died about two o'clock Monday morning after a lingering illness, in which for weeks he has been hanging between life and death. All his family with the exception of his son, Dr. George Summey, editor of the South western Presbyterian of New Orleans were at his bedside when the end came. Elisha Williams, colored, was seri ously and perhaps , fatally cut in a negro settlement known as- Stuptown late Saturday night by another. negro, Ed. Gibson. Williams was terribly cut and bled profusely. He was cut in the body in a most serious manner, while his face was frightfully carved. Circuit Judge J. C. Pritchard today delivered an interesting opinion in an injunction case, growing out of a large and important litigation over West Virginia coalfields. The cause is en titled Hart versus Williams, and a de cision having been rendered by a West Virginia State court, a third party sought an injunction in the Federal Courts to act as stay of execution. Jude;e Pritchard denied the petition, holding that as Federal Court has no authority to restrain an officer f a State Court in the nerformance of his duty. About $250,000 was involved in the case. Ashevillfi is to have another imnnrt- ant wrestling match on April 24, when Olsen meets Marella, the big Turk in a contest, catch as catch can. Marella weighs about 250 pounds, whereas Oslen barely tips the scales at 180. I New Discovery. Best Cure For CATARRH, RHEUMATISM, INDIGESTION, NERVOUSNESS, KIDNEY, LIVER . AND BLOOD DISEASES. SI.OO. PAYNE'S : 1 Quick Relief Best for all ACHES and PAINS-Prico 25c PAYNE'S MEPICATED SOAP 10c. DRUGGISTS;- SOLD BY W. L Hand & Co. Statement SOUTHERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated, of Lynchburg, Va. Condition Dec. 31st, 1905, as .sh-jwn by Statement filed. Capital paid up in cash. . $ 108,455.85 Income From policy-holders $38,508.39 Miscellaneous.. 5,512.28 44,020.67 Disbursements To policy-holders, 7,700.36 Miscellaneous .. 33,455..69 41.156.05 Fire Risks Written or renewed during year, $2,695.628.00; . in force .. .. .. .'.2,144.228.00 ASSETS Mortgage Loans on real es tate $ 49,800.00 Loans on Stocks, Bonds and other collaterals . . .... 10,400.00 Value of stocks . . ...... 91,678.75 Cash deposited in banks.... 60,135.77 Agents' balances, represent ing business written sub sequent to October 1, 1905. 7,761.80 Interest and rents due and accrued 81.58 All other assets, detailed in statement 7,435.96 Total .... .. .. $227,293.86 Less assets, not admit-" ted 7,435.96 Total admitted assets.. 219.857.90 LIABILITIES. Losses and claims unpaid.. $ 900.00 Unearned premiums . . .... 20,321.97 All other liabilities as de tailed .in statement .... 665.85 Total liabilities as to policy-holders $ 21,887.82 Capital paid up in cash 108,455.85 Surplus .. 89,514.23 Total Liabilities .. $219,857.90 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1905 Fire risks writ . ten .. .. ..69,550.00; premiums received $1,422.74 Losses incurred Fire .NONE; paid, NONE President, J. G. Payne; secretary, Holmes Cummins; Home Office, 214 216 Ninth street, Lynchburg, Va., General Agent for service, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C; Busi ness Manager for North Carolina, managed from Home Office. State of North Carolina, Insurance De partment, . Raleigh, N. C. March 28, 1906. I, James R. Young, Insurance Com missioner, do herby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Southern Fire Insurance Company, of Lynchburg, Va., filed with this department, show ing' the condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1905. Witness my hand and official seal, the d' and date above written. . " JAMES R. YOUNG. Insurance Commissioner. 1 . . . . Itching, Scabby Skin, If you have aches and pains in bones, back and joints, Itching, Scabby Skin, Blood feels hot,Swollen Glands, Risings and Bumps on the Skin, Mucus Patches in Mouth, Sore Throat, Pim ples, Copper-Colored Spots, all run down. Ulcers on any part of ( The abov pictures show what Botanic Blood Balm will do,making the blood pure and rich. body, Hair or Eyebrows falling oat, take 3 Botanic Blood Balm, Guaranteed to enre the worst and most deep seated cashes. 'Heals all sores, stops all aches and pains, reduces all swellings, makes blood pure and rich, changing the body into a healthy condition. Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema, Scrofula" are caused by Poison in the Blood. B.B.B stops Hawking and Spitting, Itching and Scratching; cures Rheumatism, Catarrh; Wei A cordial invitati an is extended to the public to visit our store and hear New Music and Victor Talking Machines. Charlotte Music Company L. WALDO AMES, Manager. a'' 213 N. TRYON - ' fi ilM. PHONE 313. Weddington OUR REFRIGERATORS WILL BE COMPLETE IN A FEW DAYS Watch For Weddington M ALL SHAPES AND SHADES IN THE f NEWEST STYLES, ALL PRICES. I Come and let us show them buy FOREMAN Corner College and Trade St-. Who Said It! Some one said C. C. Moore had gone out of the milk business. - He has. But If you could see the Milk and Cream that is sold every day by Er nest and Walter you would think they had taken the old man's place. We will fill your order promptly. The boys will treat you as the old man did. DOUBLE OAKS DAIRY. Milk nepat. T I he Wabash is noted the world over for the . High Grade work that is , put in it ! : ' We would like to talk to you about it Houston-Dixon & Go., Bone Pains, Swellings heals all Scabs, Scales, Kraptions, watery Blisters, by giving pure, healthy blood ta affected parts. GAWCER Suppurating Swellings Eating Sorea, Ta mors, ugly Ulcers. B.BJB. heals the sorea or worst cancer perfectly. If you have a persistent Pimple, - Swelllnps, Stinging Pains, take Blood Balm and they will dis appear before they develop Into Cancer. Botanic Blood Balm (JR. B. B.) is pleas ant and safe to take, .Thoroughly tested for 80 years. Composed of Pure Botanlo Ingredients. Strengthens Weak Stom achs, cures Dyspepsia. Price 81 per large bottle. Take as directed. If not eared when right quantity is taken, money refunded. Sample Sent Free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. In scribe your trouble, and special free medi cal advice to suit your case, also sen Jla sealed letter. . 9 conn Hardware Co, LINE OF Announcement Hardware Go. to you and you will certainly , a pair. , . & MILLER Cash Shoe Builders. Good , Grocers Sell j rnlUt Ur UnAKLUIIc tLUUn ' " made by Mecklenburg Flour Mills, ' Charlotte, N. C. J. LEE KOINER, Proprietor. NO SHOPWORN GOODS I IN THE STORE THAT'S I ADVERTISED IN THE NEW !