THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 18 1906. The Charlotte News t Published Daily (Except Suuday) - NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. C. DOWD Eres. and Gen. Mgr. C. A. MATTHEWS 0ty Editor WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 19C6. CHARLOTTE A HOME CITY. The above caption may be little sug gestive, but to us there is more signifi cance in the "home" feature of this gccd city than in any other. Wo heard a well known travelling man speak the other day in most glow ing eulogy of Charlotte, not as a busi ness center, a manufacturing center, a commercial or textile center; but as the best home town in any of the southern states. He stated that when his business called him away from the city he felt perfectly happy and con tented because he knew that his loved cues were safe, were in a city-homelike, quiet, peaceful. We firmly believe that this fact has had more to do in making the success of Charlotte secure than any other feature. .- , Eid you ever hear of a family moving away from Charlotte, assigning as their reason that it was impossible to live a happy, quiet-home life here? The answer is not neede'd. A family must indeed possess a straage and distorted idea of the requisites of a good home town who could honestly do this. ' The News has ever taken great pride in the growth of Charlotte, has doted over her past progress, and revelled in the joy of her future possibilities. In fact every feature connected with the city has been commented upon save the home feature. The situation of this city is such that her future growth and prosperity are secured, and this phase has been elaborated upon. Her possition as the textile center of the Piedmont section has likewise been commented upon. Tha thrifty and up-to-dateness of her business men and their respective busi ness enterprises have also been lauded. In fact the home feature is the only one that has been slighted by those who have been wont to praise the Queen City of the South. A city is much like a family. In fact it is a family on a large scale. There is as great diversity in families as there is in cities. We have all seen families so wrapped up in business interests that the home feature was an unknown quantity, and we have seen cities of the same kind. In a family of this kind there is Mttle. true "happiness. But sometimes we are privileged to enter a household, where every mem ber is happy, where the parents never grow old, where the children romp in gleeful domestic bliss. In a family Of this kind you rarely ever hear of a "black sheep' or of some member 'turning out bad." The children get an early taste of the joys of life and that potion cf happiness tends to dissipate all future sorrow and to make of the child a happy, optimistic old man or woman. And so it is with cities. This home feature does not detract from business progressiveness nor decs it decrease the spirit of thrift and advancement. Rather the dbntrary is true, and our home city is a fine ex ample of this fact, for there is no city in the south advancing along all lines more rapidly than is- Charlotte. Charlotte a home city! Charlotte, peaceful, happy, patriotic, law-abiding,1 God-fearing, home-loving Charlotte. There is a world of significance in the word "home" and that significance is felt by all who live here. Our women are safe when left alone. Our children are safe. In fact the city is an over grown heme. There is a gentle spirit of quietude ki the very air. Thero is a calm, lav-atidlns spirit which per vades everything in t'lis c.'fr. Our children join in making things happy. Our women unite in making thingK cheerful and home-like. And our men go about their work happy, but more happy when the hepr comes to return to the homes to spend the even ing and night in the joys of all that goes to make up happy home life. We have dwelt rather extensively on the subject of Charlote as a home town, but we believe not too mueh so. We believe the sentiment we have spoken cf is felt, if not expressed, by all who are so fortunate as to be citizens of Charlotte; and to those who would choose a city for a home we would recommend the Queen City the best home city of the south. EARTHQUAKE AND FIRE. Following close in the wake of the fearful story of death and ruin from the monstrous agent of death, Mount Vesuvius, comes the horrify ing account of a fearful earthquake which visited San Francisco early this morning. The whole world will be shocked at the direful reports of the havoc wrought by fire and earth-, quake in that city. Other nearby cities were affected but San Fran cisco was the center of the tragedy. The report is fearful in every de tail. The Postal Telegraph and the Western Union Telegraph buildings in that city were early destroyed and consequently the reports of the ex tent of the terrible catastrophe are! somewhat vague. That which is heard is sufficient, however, to give an idea of the ex tent of the death ane property loss. The early reports state that build ings are collapsing all about and that fires are raging in the different sec tions of the city. Many blocks have been destroyed and the toss of life is extremely great. One dispatch states that 1,000 persons have perished and that the dead bodies are being carried from the ruins in all parts of the city. The fire followed close in the wake 0 the earthquake shocks, making the situation still more ineffibly tragic. To add to the blood-curdling story comes the report that it is impossi ble to set water with which to fight the flames. When the whole story is known it is possible that it will be still more fearful than, it now is. The sympathies and hearts of the .SK- Good Agree I contain White Linseed to the that the best paint ing results are se cured by the use of paint ing nothing but Pure Lead ground in Pure Oil colored of - course desired shade. There are substitutes for inese two ingre dients, such as barytes and zinc, which cost less, but in- variably lower the iBEllin I quality. Pure White Lead paint requires less of the painter's time, looks better, lasts Ha PURE ; White LEAD longer, affords better protection to the painted surface than any other kind. It forms an elastic coat that becomes at once ' an integral part of the wood painted. It will not crack or peel. It wears off gradu ally, leaving a surface ready for repainting without the expensive necessity of scrap ing and "burning off." Insure yourself of the best results by insisting that every keg that is bought for your house bears this label: LEWIS Pure White Lead (Made by the Old Dutch Process) Send for a booklet containing several hand some reproductions of actual houses, offering valuable suggestions for a color scheme in painting your house. A test for paint purity is also given. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO. 231 South Front St., Philadelphia, Pa.V Matthews Social News. Special to The News. Matthews, N. C, April 18. Mr. E. C. the collossal disaster, and who are ' er, OI narione, spent master witn .tl . his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grier, of with those who are suiiermg from Uro tvt,. by his friends, Messrs. Boyd and Mat thews. Misses Edith and Kate Grier are en tertaining for several days their friends, Misses Mina and Ethel Patrick and Clara Grantham of the Presbyte rian College. Misses Lucy and Bessie Stewart had an Easter last evening, in honor of the visiting young ladies. Special Easter services at the M. E. church yesterday. Father Hoyle in ad dition to his impressive sermon, inter estingly said, "When he was twenty two years old. he attended an Easter service in a Dutch settlement, where there was between one thousand and twelve hundred eggs broken at the church on this one occasion." "All the sisters carried redicules containing their eggs, while the breth ren, large and small, wore full dress coats known in that day as "frock tail coat." The capacious pockets of which, enclosed their martial weapons. the colossial disaster, and who are unable to do aught but suffer. The early edition of The News went like hot cases. Several hundred copies were sold in a few minutes and it only took a short, while to exhaust the supply. Three Editions day! How's that of The for News to- hustling? MR. MOORE ON COTTON. Wake Forest college won out in the inter-collegiate , debate on last Monday night with Mercer College. The debate was on the question of immigration, a most timely subject, and was held in the Academy of Music, in Raleigh. Wake Forest has distinguished herself through these debates, having won sev eral important ones within the past few years. A contest of the muscle, in baseball, etc., is alright, but a contest cf the brain is far more creditable and praise-worthy. 1 Gives Some Interesting Information On th-s Situation. Plant For Not More Than 11,000,000 Bale Crop. Twelve months ago the Southern Cotton Association enemies, by mis representing facts and conditions to cotton growers; induced hundreds of growers to contract their 1905 crop at about 8.50 cents. This mistake on part of the farmer had much to do with the recent' de cline in spot cotton. So much cotton sold last spring went into the ports during January, February and March, it had the appearance of snot sales and caused many farmers to turn loose cotton which was not contracted. English buyers are again in the field, this time they are contracting for Janu ary, February and March delivery at 10 cents. Watch those months and notice the heavy port receipts, do not forget this. The English buyer tells the farmer that the ruling price for the 1906 crop will be 8 cents but to make sure of a supply to run their mills, they will now contract to take the 1906 cotton at 10 cents to be delivered in January, Feb ruary and March. 1907. However, this may effect the other cotton States. I can not tell, but in North Carolina there is not much sell ing for future delivery. The cotton growers of this State are more familiar with cotton condi tions than ever before, they study the question and are more careful asto bow they make contracts. The bankers, merchants and news papers have done great good in cau tioning farmers against selling cotton for future delivery. This future delivery business is much in the way of th Cott'- ation, because when' the larmel IiraH sold his crop he has no interest in th3 success of the Association. New York speculators are now say ing there is not cotton enough sixty days ago the same crowd said there was too much cotton and the price must go to 9 cents. To the farmers I wish to say that the officials of the Southern Cotton Associ ation know as much about the wants of the world as do the speculators. My last report from the centdal office at Atlanta -gives out the information that 10 to 11 million bale production in 1906 is all the world will consume at a fair price. Stand by the Association, plant 25 per cent under 1904. do not be mislead by speculators who take your cotton in the fall at a low price and run price up at planting time to deceive you. C. C. MOORE. Take an Early Start. ' Charlotte thinks nothing is too good for the 20th of May celebration, and speaks out accordingly. And Charlotte is right If it wasn't too far to walk we'd go ourselves. Daily Reflector. fimJ Another 0 igSale of Clothing, Shoes NOW GOING Dry Goods, : When half a dozen women get to gether they proceed to lay out their neighbors and cackle. A YOUNG MOTHER AT 70. "My mother lias suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspepsia had entirely disabled her, until six months ago when she began taking Electric Bit ters, which have completely cured her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime of life," writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, of Danforth, Me. Greatest restorative medicine on the globe. Sets Stomach, Liver and Kid neys right purifies the blood and cures Malaria, Biliousness and Weakness. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price 50c. Guaranteed by Woodall & Shepard's drug store. POLK MILLER Old Times Down South and his FAMOUS OLD SOUTH QUARTETTE THURSDAY, APRIL 19 8:30 P. M. PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE AUDITORIUM Admission 25c and 50c. You can't keep people from reading r, paper that gives it to 'em first and best. Yep! April showers, then the gay bloom of Easter bonnets, followed by May sun shine; then the presence of the blue violets and the right gold of the dande lion dotting the surface of the mead ows green and this is spring! Black Mountain Eagle. if you are run down or debil tate the Bit ters will build up and streng then the en tire system. lt also cures Poor Appetite Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Costiveness or Malaria. CELEBRATED Vll STOMACH, A FXY FUSSY FASTIDIOUS -PEOPLE Captivated and charmed with the work of the MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY It is pre-eminently the best. There is no laundry in the South that turn out such, beautiful work. We C3icilrly would like to have a try at your next pack age. We know we can please you. Phone 160. Model Steam Laundry Be on hand for wre intend to offer the greatest bargains in all lines of goods ever placed before the trading pub lic. ' SPECIAL VALUES FOR EASTER A complete line of new up-to-date Spring Clothing will be shown for the first time.. Men's Suits, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50 $15.00 all wortli l-3rd more. to See our light Greys at $10.00 and and $12.50. They are beauties. Big line of Children's Suits Knickerbocker Pants just in. with Nice line Men's new Spring Hats, both in Fur and Straw, for all size heads. Belt Brothers WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Fitfttothes MltfJIrs PANAMA HATS. Cheaper than you can buy anywhere. SUMMER UNDERWEAR In all styles, &c, full stock Shirts, Sus penders, Hosiery. Ties; etc Mew lot Lion brand shirts just in. Spe cial price ...... 98c Good line 75c Shirts at .. . ; ..50c NEW LOT EASTER SHOES, PERS, ETC. SLIP- For men women and children, and the prices you'll find to . be much "cheaper than you can buy the saras class of goods anywhere else. We have more shoes than two or three other shoe stores combined. This ac counts for our increasing shoe trade for the people know where to go to buy what they want. Extra clerks to wait on you, so come right .along. Baltimore and New York WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1 is 5102 10th ANNIVERSARY SALE SPECIALS THURSDAY, 9 A. M. Kress' Special Parlor Lamp Sale Decorated Lamp .and Shade, always sold at $1.00 complete, with 25c purchase And working hard to get the Hood Stock on sale this week. u ' Tomorrow's News may tell you the day that the selling will begin ur Advertisements He W. DEPARTMENT STORE, COR. TRADE AND COLLEGE STS, c of other goods. THURSDAY, 11 A. M. Kress' Picture Sale Worth 25c to 39c each - THURSDAY, 3 P. M. Kress' Ribbon Sale Fancy Silk Values up to 1 C avara and Taffeta 75c per yard a fc 1 OC a yard -WATCH KR ESS' WI N D.OWS" There is nothing that will lead to a, more perfect feeling of -security and restfulness than the knowledge that the Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Go. Js protecting 'your home Let us explain the advantage of having a policy in the com pany. C. N. .G. BUTT & CO. f t i AGE MIS. CHARLOTTE, N. C. 4. THE PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE for WOMAN CHARLOTTE, N. C. ' High-grade College for Women equipped with every modern con venience, hot nd cold baths, electric lights., steam heat and fire es- capes. ' J. ; . Faculty of trained specialists. Standard High and work thorough. For catalogue, address . EV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. D

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