THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. APRIL 18. 1906 (1 steams7 Electric Rat and Roach Paste ' ' i. ... inlf wafpr hiiws finii v'-rv'v'ioro. orsent express prepaid on receipt ! Stearns' Electric Paste Co., j-jj. iv i no danger in asking every-!.,-' ;:..!v:oo provided that you are !;!v (k; rmined to take nobody's. ,, pleases a professional ,.-,. , ;, i'r some person to pretend ii'im that he thinks him really joint ''jo;'.'. Ihen Promise In have your watch fixed on a . ruin day it means that it will be ready for you at that liir.e. You will get your watch not an excuse when you call. W. R. Hartsfield Watchmaker and Jeweler. jO W. Trade St., next to Blalr'B Drug Store. Garden s We have a splendid line of Rakes Hues Mattocks Weeders Wheel Hoec Seed Drills anil every modern tool in the Harden. Let us show you. Alien Haidvare Go, Everything in Hardware. 30 E. TRADE ST. i'ij5 I 5 i- 'I"!"!-!- 1T.11 -i-ov- unmnf T-1t7lT" ITlfl lirst-class work. 4 We keep your clothes cleaned j J and pressed for $1.00 per month., i I Queen City Pressing Gluii i T t MRS. J. M. HESTER, Proprietress. 209 N. Tryon Street. 4. 4. 1906 MODEL SEE US FOR PRICES Relay iVTfg Co., 21- South Tryori fctret. Nota ene THE LOT'S ADVANTAGES. Advertising Expert I've written tf'O praises of all these lots but one. llu afraid you can't sell that one. Real Estate Agent What's the mat tor with it? Export Why, its on an almost per- Pf-ndicuiar hillside. Agent Call attention to its wonder ed drainage facilities. A Jab at Him. "Oh, my!" complained Mrs. Diggs, never had such an unsatisfactory (-ay h shopping." "Huh'." snorted her husband, "I sup pose you were trying to get some U,;"K for nothing." Nt's, dear, I was hunting for a imliday gift for you. idl of Expedients So are we, when u comes to Insurance. feerve, i)im right We'll serve you rigut-Try us. J- G. Butt 80 Co., '"lAXCE HEADQUARTERS. DR iaFRANCQ'S fiafe,Be(,;v , UUH1I UUIIU UuoUeS rZ ?, , 25 oents- Dratfgtst or ins .T....T.T, TODAY'S 1 ..MARKETS 1 0 ssseeoeoecoasoccos ssccs $ COTTON New York Sun's Summary Stocks. New York, April 18 The day's stock market evinced strong powers of ab sorption of the stock that were offered for sale in it. and that it was a market whose dominant tendency was upward ZvLlT Plain!? obserble. Noteable strongth was, displayed by the entire penna group of railway stocks. Cerr tarn Wall street houses whose trans actions are usually set down as for the account cf very powerful capital ists were heavy buyers cf Penna stock particularly foreign, the price of the shares. to the higher figures touched by them m recent months. Presumably m sympathy with this rise, there was advances in the Norfolk & Western Cheseapeak & Ohio, Baltimore & Ohio and similar stocks, and opinion was generally expressed that a more liberal dividend policy on the part of the Nor folk and Western, and other railway companys of whose stocks the Penna company is so large a holder was at least among the possibilities. The per sistent strength of the United States Steel stocks also stood out very promi nently, and this is substantial authori ty for the statement that investment in these stocks on the part some of the strongest financial interest in the country has recently been in progress on a large scale. The market closed with small net advances, and declines in prices scattered through the list, declines being slightly in the majority. The most important event of the day in its direct bearing upon security value was, it is needless to say, the increased softening of rates for the use of money. New York Cotton High Low Close 10581059 1181120 1129H3C 11161117 1117111S 1099110C 1067106S 10541055 10531054 10541055 Jan Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec 1065 1058 1134 112S 1125 HOG 1117 1099 1062 1054 1054 1054 10G3 1054 Spots 1185; market tone ouiet; fu- tures closed steady. New York 11 A. M. Bids: May 1130; July 1120; August 1102; October 1059. LiverDOol Cotton. . Jan-Feb .. .. ". 569 Mch-Apr 598 Apr-May 59S May-June 599 June-July 599 .Tulv-Ausr 598 Aug-Sept Sept Oct-Nov Nov-Dec Dec-Jan .592 ,.57S .57C .569 .569 Futures opened steady, closed easy; receipts 22000, American 17,7000; sales 8000, American 7,200; middling today 21; yesterday, 624; tone spots easier. Chicago Grain and Produce High Low Close 8iy2 soy8 8i .... 79 78- 79 78 77 77 .... ' 46 .... 4G 45 46Vt .... 46 4G 46 .... 32 31 3114 .... 31 30 31 30 29 31 30 29. 29 .... 12G20 1610 1620 .... 1637 1632 1635 .... 872 870 870 887 885 88i 900 897 895 .... 875 870 872 885 882 8SE .... 890 887 887 May July Sept CORN Apr May Sept .... May July Sept . Sept PORK May July ' LARD May July Sept .... RIBS May July Sept .... Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, On & Co.) Good Middling 11 Strict Middling Middling lv Tinges and Stains 9U10 Charlotte Produce Market. (Corrected by J. W. Zimmerman & Co) Chickens spring 20 30 Hens per head .40 42 Eggs lj Ducks Zo five $1 Oats 54 50 Oats-feed 46 & 48 Butter .. .. --15 20 GOVERNOR AYCOCK DECLINES. Says His Business Will Not Permit His Accepting Appointment. By Associated Press.. Washington, April IS. Senator Sim vnrth nnrnlina. nresented tc President Roosevelt the declination of Former Governor cnaries r. of that State, who was appointed by the President to serve as a membei of the Pan-American conference to be held in Rio De Janeiro in July. -ir,r. Avfnrk nssisned as his rea son for declining that he is so busily engaged with important matters he cannot undertake the additional work. SHORT SESSION OF SENATE. Body Adjourns, In Order That Demo crats May Confer. IiV ASSOClULtJU Xio- Washington. April 18.-The Senate " . ... : tv onnllfll SIT- i-iinPfl a Dill proving , ni of the United States District cSSrt for the Southern District of ; Flor ida, at Miami. ; .OQ The Senate aujumu o'clock to permit the Democrats tc proceed with their conference. Democratic SenatorTfe Washington, April 18. The ue mo cratic senators met in day for the pupose of exchanin views on the railroad ; T meeting was caueu wim Srstanding that no binding, action hp attempted. STOCKS. New York Sun's Cotton Summary. (Furnished by Gibert & Clay of New Orleans, La.) New York, April IS Although there was no great stir in the trading, it was very evident that the market had un derlying strength which gave room traders a pause. A while back they were very ready to sell the market on all rallies, but they are beginning to think twice before they adopt such tac tics now. Bull interests are manipulat ing the market on both sides of the water but many attach more import anca to the firmness of the spit situa tion, the activity of trade, and the nu merous indications of a large consump tion and of the fact that a big crop will be needed to prevent the visible supplys from falling to a dangerously low stage. Livernool and Wall Street houses were buying and room traders also liquidate short contracts. Spot houses were understood to be buying. The market presents a singular spectacle of strength which does not attract outside speculation, but which does attract inside buying both from speculators and the spinning trade. In all probability the outside publim will net come into the market unless there are some serious advise developments in regard to the weather or until prices have reached a much higher stage or there is some other occurrence to rivet public attention to the cotton market. Atchison - Atchison Pfd , Baltimore & OHo Canadian Pacific . . .102 111 173L Chesapeake & Ohio ... 5S Chicago & Alton Chicago & Great Western .... . Erie Erie Pfd Eoek Island. II Anois Central LiOui3viile & Nashville 301 2M 44 . 77 27J4 173 J 55 . 24JS 90 354 143 tfir.htttan Mexican Central lissouri Pacific Missouri Kansas & T New York Centra'. Norfolk & Western 93 Ontario & Western !Q Pennsylvania 141J4 Reading 134ji Heading- Pfd 'JO St. Paul 176 Southern Pcifio CM 8 suthern Railway ... 33 sothern llamvay Preferred .. v9 rexas Sr. Pacific .33 U mon Paei fic 1 55 Wabash 21 y2 Wabash Pra 48ii Amalga mated Copper 111 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 80 Colorado Fuel & Iron COM .'on. Gas 138 Peoples Gas m Sugar 139 Sloss Iron & Steel 80 Tennessee Coal &. Iron 14i JnitedSfcetes Leather. 11 Jnited States .steel ... 42J Jnited States! Steel Preferred . . . 107 .western Union.... irginia Carolina Chemica1. . ri U 49K 111 Va. Carolina Chemical Pfd " SOCIAL. Mrs. W. F. Stokes, of Danville, Va. is here to see her daughter, Miss Bertha Stokes who is ill at St. Peter's Hospital. Mrs. Stokes is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Russell on North Poplar street. Miss Lucile Fidler entertained quite a number of her friends at her home, No. 803 North Davidson street. The uests were the following named young people: Misses Amanaa lanaie, Carrie Graham, Lola Hasty, Bertha Hasty, Zilah Williams, Lola Williams and Messrs. James Scott, James Hus key, Dave Mann, John Hasty, James Bigham and I-ee Williams. Little Miss Mary Neal Mellon and Master John Mellon returned to the city this morning after spending sev eral days at New York with their mother, Mrs. E. W. Mellon. Mrs. Mel lon remained in New York. The members of the Pro Re Nata Club were delightfully entertained this afternoon by Miss Maud Holt at her home on North Tryon street. The mem bers of the club are the following nam ed, ladies: Misses Louise Wadsworth, Helen Brem, Willie Durant, Louise Oates, Maud Holt.. Mary Spencer An derson, Mary Brockenbrough and Mes O L. Barrinser and E. N. Hutchison, Jr. The marriage yesterday afternoon of Miss Pearl Davis and Dr. Martin at Crewe, Va.. will be of much interest to Charlotte people. Their marriage was announced here yesterday afternoon by a telegram to Mr. Frank M. Davis, who with his wife, has been here on a visit to Major and Mrs. J. G. Baird. The marriage was a surprise affair. Miss Davis has visited in Charlotte a number of times. She is a very at tractive young woman and has a wide circle of friends here. She is a sister of Mr. Stanley Davis and Mrs. A. C. Porter of this city. Dr. Martin is a young dentist of Crewe. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Seawell. of At lanta, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Luke Seawell at Mr. J. H. Wed dington's, left this morning for Hen dersonville where they will remain sevral days before returning home. WARMER WEATHER. Is Wh2t Weather Observer Bennett Predicts Tomorrow. It will continue to get warmer to morrow, according to Weather Obser ver Bennett. In his remarks on the weather today, Mr. Bennett says: "Light scattered showers have fallen along the west Gulf coast. Elsewhere oveAhe country, fair weather has pre vailed during the past 24 hours. v Nurses Graduating Exercises. The friends of St. Peters' Hospital are cordially invited to attena t,u? graduating exercises of the training school for nurses which will take place at the Colonial Club this evening at 3 o'clock. The exercises will be opened with prayer by Rev. Frances Osborne jHor whirh Rev. Harris Mallinckrodt will deliver a five minute talk. He will4 be followed by Mr. D. B. smitn 01 me local bar. Dr. E. C. Register will deliver the diplomas to the three graduates PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD. A Boon. To Housekeepers. As the roaches go to the food, entic ed by it at night from their breeding places, it perfectly eliminates large or small roaches. It has been sent for 20 years to large institutions throughout the Unit ed States and abroad, with bills not payable unless it did the work to their satisfaction. BEDBUGS "Peterman's Discovery" (quicksilver cream) Will kill bedbugs that go over where it is painted on 1 i ji 1 ngniiy; is also a WWi preventative. It will I1UL lUOL Ul llcll III 1UI - niture or bedding. "Peterman's Discovery" liquid, in flexible cans, with spouts; pressing sides of can will force it in cracks and kill bedbugs and eggs instantly. Peterman's Ratmouse Food. Rats and mice made wild by this noxious lood alarm others; and they . -. 1 win reave ioe Duiiamg ana not return. Peterman's Ant Food, a strons food to kill and drive away ants. Large black beetles may also be destroyed by it in one night. Take no other as time may be even more important than money. Originated in 1873, perfected in 1905 by Wm. Peteman, Mfg Chemist, 54, 56, 58 West 13th St., New York City London, England, Montreal, P. Q. 1 Sold by all druggists in Charlotte and throughout the United States. TWO FICHTS AT ;TH SELYVYN. Report Was C-rcdated That One Man Was Fatally C'-it Two small fights occurred at the Hotel Selwyn this morning just be fore the noon hour; the. participants being Messrs. W. S. Jones and C. W. Hammett and Wilson Snell and J. M. Johnston. Neither fight was ol any consequence though' the trouble between Messrs. Jones and Hammett will be investigated at tJYe Recorder's Court tomorrow morning. Messrs. Johnston and Snell submitted before' a magistrate and paid the costs. '' The fights occurred just a few minutes apart, and a singular co-incidence was that both occurred at the same place near the corner of Trade and Church streets. Soon after the fights, the ' report was started that one of the partici pants had been badly cut about the fseee-aurr arms while an5ther-was cut with a trowel. Another report was current that one man rtvut three oth ers out of action without receiving a scratch. .' : You will never be accused of Cheat ing at cards as long as you lose. Statement UNDERWRITERS CF GREENSBORO INSURANCE COMPANY, . of North Carolina. ; Condition Dec. 31st.. 1905, as Shown by Statement Filed. Capital paid up in cash!...? 37,500.00 Amount Ledger Assets Dec. 31st previous year .vf.. 115,69S.79 Income V From policy-hold- .4 ers $ 36,4-84.75 - Miscellaneous.. 3,842.49 Disbursements To policy-holders, 10,752.fc7 Miscellaneous .'. . 17,745.99 40,327.24 28,498.66 Fire Risks Written or renew ed during year,2,535.174.00 In force 3,069,974.00 ASSETS . Mortgage loans on real es estate . . . . '. . . . . . V . . .$ Loans on stocks, bonds" and other collaterals . . " . . Book value of bonds and Cash deposited in banks . . Agents' balances, represent ing business written sub sequent to October 1, 1905 Stockholder's bonds . . .J. . All other assets, detailed in statement . . ' . . "; . . 25,C50.00l 10,300.00 32,375.98 3G,910.8S 4,281.66 37,500.00 SOS. 85 Total ,. $127,527.37 Less assets not admit ted Total admitted assets v. . LIABILITIES. 37,500.00 . 90,027.37 . . 1,810.03 $ 27,745.46 2,603.89 Losses and claims unpaid Unearned Premiums ...... All other liabilities as .de tailed in statement . v . . Total liabilities to policy holders ..$ 32,159.38 Capital paid up in casIL:; . . 37,500.00 Surplus .. 20,367.99 Total liabilities . . . . . ..$90,927.37 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1905...; Fire risks writ- ten 2,132,613.00; premiums received .r'. . .$41,243.S0 Losses incurred Fire . .$10,752.67; paid .. .. .. ... .. $10,752.67 President, J. Van Lindley; secretary A. W. McAlister; Home office 112 East Market street, Greensboro, N. C; General Agent for Service, A. W. Mc Allister, Greensboro, N. C; Business manager for North Carolina, Wharton & McAlister, Greensboroi N. C. I, James R. Young, Insurance Com missioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Underwriters' of Greensboro Insurance Company, of i Greensboro, N. C, filedWith tins de partment, showing the i condition of said company on the ,31st day of De cember, 1905. V Witness my hand andCofficial seal the dav and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. i 9 A REMARKABLE SERMON. Preached by Mr. Hulten, the New Pastor of First Baptist Church. In speaking cf a sermon preached by Rev. H. H. Kuiten at Bales Avenue church in Kansas City last Sunday, a paper of that city says: "Rev. H. H. Hulten preached a re markably great sermon before Bales Avenue church of this city last Sunday night on the sympathy of Jesus. Mr. Hulten is sympathetic, compassionate, in touch with toiler and employer, with rich and poor. He is only thirty-one years- cf age, but he knows men and his harp is like David's many-stringed instrument. The great church of more than a thousand members yield to his eloquence and forget everything in the world except the earnest preacher and his message from God. Mr. Hulten can preach. Four joined the church last Sunday. One of the foremost churches in the South is demanding his services. But Kansas City needs Mr. Hulten and Bales Avenue will unanimously seek to retain him." CHARTERS GRANTED. Several Important Companies Were Today Chartered. Special to The News. Raleigh, N. C, April 18 Charters were issued this morning for four new corporations of considerable impor tance. The Bradford Knitting Mills, of Statesville, was incorparated at a capital of S100.000 by J. A. Bradford and others. The Columbia Laundry Company, of Greensboro, was chartered at a capital of $100,000 authorized and $18,000 sub- scribed by J. S. Wynne, of Raleigh, R- N. Hadley Rawley, Galloway, of Greensboro and C. A., Smith of High Point, being the principal incorpora tors. The Iredell Telephone Company of Statesville was chartered at a capital of S50.000 by J. K. Morrison and oth ers. The Patterson Mfg. Co., of Chi na Grove, increased its capital from $65,000 to $350,000, J. W. Cannon is president. The Cement Block Co., of Salisbury, was chartered at a $25,000 capital by J. J. Kinard and ethers ARREST OF PERKINS CONTINUED. New York, April 18. Justice Green baum dismissed the writ of habeas cor pus which was issued to secure the release of George W. Perkins, banker, who was arrested a few weeks ago on complaint that he had given the funds cf the New York Life Insurance Com pany as contribution to the Republican Campaign fund. The arrest of Perkins was continued. An IDEAL EASTER AVERY'S "VIOLETS." With hand-painted decoration. Price unframed $1.00 Framed in neat. good frame $2.00 A splendid line Easter Cards and novelties. Easter Post Cards are having a great run this year. Stone &Barrlnger Co, Office Outfitters. Look In Ovir Window It is filled with samples of cut glass of exquisite design that will not fail to exicite your admiration. Let us name the prices on the pieces that please you. ' The Palamountain Co. JEWELERS. j-iiSf Itil Ms-wT" EE ---- iTt!T71 r-TT " E2ZZ3IZI1 KH""H "H"H M"K-M etter Things i Quality a Little Higher Style a Little Nicer Prices a Little Lower Terms a Little Easier MECKLENBURG FURNITURE COMPANY 225 NORTh TRYON ST. WH"!4W'H4' JNCOhPORATEtt CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00. Not the cheapest, but pre-eminently the BEST. These are the largest, oldest and best-equipped schools in North Carolina a positive, provable FACT. One thousand former students holding positions In North Caro lina. Positions guaranteed, backed by written contract Shorthand, Book keeping, Typewriting and English taught by experts. Send for handsome Catalogue it's free. ?iedmont Eld.. 6. Tryon St. . Jt,.,, WI"H'H' COAL For All WHATEVER YOUR FUEL REQUIREMENTS MAY BE WE ARE READY TO FILL THEM TO YOUR SATISFACTION. WE HAN DLE ONLY THE BEST COAL THAT MONEY CAN BUY TEAM. DOMESTIC. BLACKSMITH'S COAL8. ndard Ice r& HHEI"M"I"I"I"I H jH It's to Your Advantage to Have Us Do It Acme Plu.mbirig'Co. 12 E. Fifth St., W. S. DUDLEY, Mgr. Try a News WE OFFER "A LINE OF SPLENDIDLY TAILORED SUITS AT .... . . $12,50, $15,00, $18.00 and $27.50 us for Gloves, and Stetson Hats. K"H"H! H-I-I' I"H"H-I in Furniture t KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, CHARLOTTE, N. O, IM"HHrHMH.M I-H COAL Purposes 4 Fuel Go Be - E - !"J 4jHHK'H"l"I"l"l'??' HHV Warm Your Tar Heels With A V ANT'S oalandWood Do You Know That Avant fs the only man in Charlotte who can deliver Both Wood and Coal' in the same wagon? Telephone 402. DO IT NOW. Phone 722 H. P. HUNTER, Sec. and Treas. Wcrvt Ad. ii innr Wear.... Neckwear ofhing Co