THE' CrtARilOTf E: NEWS, 'IWAY'MS? 1906. The Charlotte News wcwft PUBLISHING COMPANY. pres. and Gen. Mgr. W. C. DOWD Editor r- A MATTHEWS ,,lY , MAY 15, isuo. TUESDAY Only five more days Think you can wait? until it begins. If were might ex-Governor . Bob Taylor uh his? fiddle ne succeed in making things a little more cheerful. . 1 ' Senator Bailey at least makes one understand what he means. There s never much left to read between the lines when he has finished. We have seen the first copy of the a Republican uewo- Wilkesboro. YV c The tongue is indeed an unruly member. Sometimes just one wDrd or phrase proves a man's undoing. A travelling man told us yesterday that one thing that contributed to the de feat of Senator Carmack more than anything, else was his statement in a speech that "only scalawags and trav elling men would vote for Bob Tylor. If it be true that Senator Carmack made such a statement as this it, is prob able that it w7as the cause of va part of the big Majority given Governor Bob Taylor, notwithstanding ,; his ex tensive popularity. OLD STONE WELL MOVED. Wilkes Patriot miblished at wplcome the paper as one ot our cou-. fceen Q erated for many years The hill was over torty teet nign ana Slid Down Hill Without Even Making The Water Muddy. From the Chillicothe News-Advertiser. The residents of Bainbridge are much excited over a remarkable land slide which has taken place on the south side of that village during the last few days, for sections of the hill continues to slide away at intervals. The slide is on what is known as Hig- eins Mill, where a stone quarry nas temporaries. The President has probably decided dee-lightful ex- a great deal of valuable rock has been removed from it during the last few years, but the greater part of the brok- that there arc nioie , i cn gtone and earth has been dumped ..pHences than those of being JaDoe" j on the hillside. The recent wet weather with pitch forks and called "Clay common clay at that." M-.r.n ov-fJnver nirth mixed wiui m v,; spat, his r "lu . .1. mAMl. of some of tne ouiei .x body will at ieatt vabidness bers of that august add the spice of variety anu I caused this to loosen a portion of the 'hill commencing to slide on Thursday ! nisht and has been going down ever n-K T,vinr takes i since. nOl IWJ , , J. .1,51, oo iiccl hv teams to bring down the stone was en tirely obliterated, but the remarkagle part of the slide is that an old stone well, which was on the top ot the mil, slid down the embankment for a dis tance of twenty-two feet and was not destroyed The well, which is sixteen feet deep, has always had from twelve to fifteen teet cf water in it. ami there is an old windlass cn the top.-As has been stat ed, the well slid down the side of the hill, windlass, stone and water, and it did not even cause troubidness of the water. The windlass, which is nearly wern out, appears as good today as it was before the"1 well moved. The Cod Liver Oil Emulsion "Par Excellence." Restores Health by Building Tissue : Because the IIuman Body must have fat to supply:- energy to the i tissues, Ozomulsion contains the purest -of j ftatiirar" Fats: Cod Liver UU and iiiyccrnc, ;vii,nQ,ui ani jinal fat in some ensily digested ' form, the Body would starve. Ozo mulsion replaces the lost energy of oxidization in the best known; .manner to science. : : " r ; : For Wasting Oisoases Makes Godd ihe Usf Tissue Beneficial Results are Obtained after the First DoseV There are two sizes 8-oz. and 16-oz. Bottles; the Formula is printed in 7 languages on each. Ozomulsion Laboratories 9S Pine St., New York. isnn -Unlucky is the peace-maker for he often gets it in the 1,-Vv. B. Chandler." Washington Pest To a casual observer it appears that m tluo instance he got it o. k.. hut left it in the neck of the other fellow. -Tillman will have to think up an other stunt to come up to Bailee s s..r plav." Asheville Citizen. 1 ltl-' ui, "Pitcn worry, neiguuui, can beat a three-mis Don t fnrk Senator all right. Watch out for a home run One of the best definitions of a pub lic library we have seen was that given bv Dr. Alphonso Smith which is as Followed Her Mistress. The story of a dog's affection for its little mistress from whom it would not be separated even by death, was brought to Boston recently by the steamer Columbia, which arrived from Glasgow. The Columbia had a hard experience with the wintry gales follows: "It conserves me past, W i which swept me Atlantic uurmg nei sorves the present and anticipates the -.entire voyage and tne tossing ana ., pitching to which tne steamer was future.' . .subjected contributed largely to the pathetic tragedy. Among the passengers on the steam er was Andrew McDonald, wto was bringing his four-year-old daughter, Mary,, to America for the benefit the sea voyage might be to her health. The little girl's two collie dogs, Daisy and Ben, accompanied them, and until she was taken ill Mary spent all her waking hours with her pets. When the storm became more se vere the child became violently "sea sick and last Wednesday night she died. The dogs missed their little mistress and whined constantly until they were taken to the cabin where preparations were being made to bury the child's body at sea. When the body was taken on deck the dogs were permitted ' to follow, and during the reading, of the funeral services the collies tugged at the leashes which held them. As the child's body was lifted to the rail and slid overboard Daisy broke from tne man who held her and leaped into the sea just as the body of her little mistress disappeared beneath the waves. The dog was drowned. Frsm Look out for the Mecklenburg De claration edition of The News and Times Democrat! It will beta hummer. A large part of it is up now and we are hard at work on the remainder. It will appear next Monday and the edition will be the best ever issued from this office. , When the Russian - populace grow tired of ?.n official they find that a bemb or dagger is all that is necessary. It is alarming, the number of high offi cials who have been assassinated with in the past few weeks, and it only goes to show what a degenerate condition the empire has reached. An important resolution introduced in the House yesterday was that mak ing it a crime for a man to run an establishment for the purpose of deal ing in cotton futures. The resolution provides punishment for this form of j Boston Record gambling equally as severe as that for any other kind, and in this it is right.' word A gentleman who has just returned from the western part of the state tells us that the people of that section are greatly enthused over the May Celebration and that they are coming in great' numbers. We are glad to hear ot the enthusiasm all over the state, and all who come are more than welcome. Don't fail to read every chapter of "A Rock in the Baltic." We are giving a part of the story each day in The News and the story is growing in popu larity. We recommend it to our read ers more heartily than any special story we have given in many a day, for it is one of the cleverest written in p. long time. Kansas is evidently in good financial condition, judging from the report of a Kansas editor who says he will here after refuse to take cordwood on his subscription unless it is sawed. Down here in North Carolina the editors are generally glad to get it sawed or un-sawed. Everybody has a curiosity to see the person about whom they have heard a lot said. We all have a curiosity ' to see the face of a great man. Because of this curiosity we are giving each day in The News one or two cuts of men and women of prominence, per sons who areattracting public notice, who are in the lime light. We are con fident that our readers will enjoy seeing the pictures of the persons of whom they have beard so much. The Spartanburg Herald remarks, "The wh'ole country has reached the point where it can be seen that there is truth in Mr. Bryan's statement- that 'The things I have been fighting for are coming." ' There is no doubt but what the things for which Mr. Bryan has been fighting for are coming and the country is realizing this more and more every day, however, some try to rob Mr. Bryan of the credit duo him. Ignorance of the Bible. "What is the meaning of the From the Detroit Free Press. Easter?" said John Drew at a Club. No one could answer the question, and Mr. Drew, with a frown, went on: 'Nobody reads the Bible now. The public's ignorance of the Bible and of Biblical things is amazing. A Biblical allusion is nowadays as unintelligible as a Greek allusion. . "Not long ago at dinner, I got into a Biblical argument. When the argu ment was over a young lady said: " 'I enjoyed that discussion splendid ly. But, you know, I always thought that Sodom and Gomorrah were man and wife?' "Another young lady commented: " 'Oh, well, I suppose they ought to have been if they were not.' " His Idea of an Anonymous Letter. From the American Spectator. - DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of themucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and "unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restor ed to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circu lars free. F. J. CHENNEY & CO. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. , Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. A Liquid Dentifrice pene trates the little crevices of the teeth and thus thoroughly purifies and cleanses the mouth. ' . 3 Forms: Liquid, Powder & Paste ASK YOUR DENTIST An Inventory of the Kitchen May show that several articles are missing or out v of repair. It will cost but a trifle to re place them if you come here. Alien Haidware Co. Everything in Hardware. 30 E. TRADE ST. 8 DOtD) FOR Tl Protect your fcct--buy a pair of r-A ' ' " , . . our "Ralston "siShoes or FelJowor.a It Shoes for'nien Uegina and ; .jPdrtia. Shoes for vpjieru and you'll bd abie ta - take in the entire. 20t.h without suf fering the loastp'ain. Made in all the different widths, leafhers, toes, &c.; iti high-cut and low cut. Every pair' War-' ranteed. ;-ai- j - 0,-. UNION N Ralston , Shoes worth $6.00, sold at .. ..$4.00 Regina and Portia at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Men's standard shoes in low-cut and high-cut, both in Bals and Blutchers, Vici Kid. at .. .. $1.50, $1.75 $1.98 v - - ' Men's Patent Leather Oxfonds, Tans, etc. . The Boston shoe store stock! , sold, at $2.50 pair. Our price . .$1.93 Big line of women's Shoes. In Slip pers, Blutcher Oxfords etc. at .. .. .. 98c, $1.254l.50. White Canvas Slippers 98c, $1.25, $1.50 Misses and Children Slippers at ... ... : . ! .60c, 75c, 85c, 93c, $1.25. MEN'S AND BOYS. . Tennis Oxfords, the best made, late style, etc. In black and Tans.'v You'll find everything in the Shoe line here. And " the prices are very much, less than you've been in the habit o. pay Brothers WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' ell! Brothers SHOE HEADQUARTERS. SEE After the Doctor writes the prescription, tele phone us and our messenger will call for it and return the medi cine promptly. It will be prop- ei ly compounded if sent to us. TRYON DRUG GO. Phon 2t. 7 N. Tryon St. Sub. P. Cv In Store. Stamps, Money Orders. o 9Qte a sa o ee El C. M . CARSON Insurance Fire, Bonding, Plate Glass and Accident Boom No. 4 Carson Building I e m t ea m t ? Dear Sir:- Charlotte, N. C, May 2, 1906. Mr. C. II. Wilmoth, Mngr.; Stieff Music House, City. t t i J I have been using a Stieff Pia- no in my home for four years, A and am well pleased with my 4 '' -"; - purchase. ' ' '4' ' . ;The piano lias a Jvery -sweet w tone, and its action is easy, ana T 4on't sec how the instrument roved on. 6ur rlnim "Stlr.ff.ct afn thn tifist." IS my opinion a just one. Yours" truly, C. M CARSON. a I m ? I t t -1 CO 9W399 ! Samples of t he finest quality Japanese R yg s and Druggets just in OUR ESTIMATE On your Plumbing wrill be cheerfully given for tho asking. It is one of the few things that costings-nothing may bring you -?reat. sat isfaction aDd save you money. , 223 S. Tryon St. Our Phone Is 309. a Carolxi Heating& Plumbing Company Beautiful Japanese p a 1 1 ef n s in Rugs 36x36 '.. . J 25c Each 6x9 Druggets in the newest Jap a"" nese patterns i ' ' $2.00 Each 9x12 Druggets a regular $6 value -$4 00 Each Li U IE i DEPARTMENT STQRE : -Cor.Trade and College Sts.; Charlott e MRS. BRIER'S REAL HAIR RESTORER All Druggists 60 Cents Per Bottle COMMISSIONER'S SALE, (Re-Sale.) Under and by virtue of a dceree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county in special proceeding entitled "E. J. Holton and wife, plaintiffs, vs. Hattie C. Kolton and Charles S. Hol ton and others, defendants," we will again expose for sale at public auctiou at the County Court House door in the city of Charlotte, N. C, at the hour of 12 o'clock, M., Saturday the 26th day of May, 1906, for cash, that certain lot of land in the City of Charlotte, in Ward No. 1, located on the;north side 5f East Avenue, bounded as follows: Beginning at J. A. Henderson's cor ner on East Avenue, in the city of Charlotte, and running w'ith the line of said Avenue 43 feet, in an easterly direction; thence a line at right; au gles with said Avenue and parallel with Brevard street," 391 feet and 3 inches to Fifth street; thence with Fifth street 43 feet in a westerly direc tion to the corner of Sarah R. Deaton's lot; thence with, a line of her lot; and the line of X A. Henderson,' 391 feet and 3 inphes, back to the 'beginning corner. '.' ' V - -' The bid will be started at the sum or prico of $6937.50. 4 v : This the 26th day of April, 1906. : CHASE .BRENIZER, v v , , 7QHAS. H. DULS, . - : Commissioners. Some one said C. C. Moore had gone mt of the milK ttslness. He has. Bvt if you could see the Milk and Cream that is sold every aay by Er nest and Walter you would think they had taken the old man's place. We will fill your order promptly. The boys will treat you as the old man did. . UOULJLE OAKS DAIRY. . " Milk Depot. : ; 'It pays to ouy tne Dest. Norwegian Smoked Herring In Tomato Sauce. , Delicious for Luncheon 25c Can. Fresh Banquet Wafers Today. Miller-Van Mess Co. 23 N. Tryon St. Phon 68. Richardson School of Music D. AMATI RICHARDSON, Violin Harmony. KARL VON LOWRENZ, 't Piano-Language. - STUDIO OVER JORDAN'S Address D. Amati Richardson, Buford Hotel, 'Phone 46-766. From May 2nd till May 29th I will examine your eyes free, and fit you with my best $7.50 Gold-Filled Specta cles or Eye-Glasses for $1.25, and will make it in any shape you like. My frames are all guaranteed the best. They sell in New York from $5 to $10. Come early as I have only a lim ited number of'vhem. My glasses are the best, and are recommended for headache and all eye strains. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. New office, 213 N. Tryon St., over Charlotte Piano Co., Room No. 2. DR SAM LEVY EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST. BICYCLES ! 1906 MODEL SEE US FOR PRICES Relay MTg Co., 21 South Tryon Street, ire Fire Fire Insure your Property of s all kinds against Fire with R D. M00RE 4C' BUILDING ROOM 7. - Lot 66x150 feet; facing on Jackson Avenue., in Piedmont. Only one half block from car line. If taken within the next few. days will make price of $800. , - House & Men Room No. 6. 4C's Building.

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