THE CHARLOTTE NEWS,, MAY 1 5, -4906. v TODAY'S ..MARKETS COJ TON New York Sun Summary Cotton. (Puinished by Gibert and Clay, of New Orleans, La.) New York, May 15. A moderate a .vance took place, mainly owing to excellent demand for the actual ,,,moii abroad, and reports of dam- to the crop -at the south by last v.ti ks cold and raid." Price brokers o;!ve some support to December, but ilii:; was not the main factor by any Liverpool reported spot sales STOCKS Atchison ..... . Atchison Pfd.-..!!!!! "' Baltimore & Ohio.. " Canadian Pacific..:- vv- Cbesapeak& Ohio.......;..!; Chicano & Alton Chicago & Great Western. ".7.7.7. Krle Erie Pid Rock Island Illinois Central """ Louisville & Nashville.. ". 7.7. 7.7' Manhattan Mexican Central. . . Missouri Pacific Missouri Kansas & T 1 V New York Central ... "' Norfolk & Western . . Ontario & Western. Pennsylvania Heading Heading Pid ' St. Paul j Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway Perfer'red- '. '. Texas Pacific... union l'acinc wabasn li. cans. , .a i.nlo v.;i, i j - I auaeu .-. ul IW'W uaico, ttuivu wd.s set QOWn I Wabash P'M evidence of a good demanrl ' hnth I Amaleamsipji ivV'AL". ' nv.r; Lancashire, and. the Continent. nJi" S?P, Tra' -''- .. .: 1 .... tl,fl actimotnJ Jt u f un ffi Hon lirMin s tcamiiiiLcu icucipis iur to- I ton Has . . . . . . . ,;,v at Houston, Galveston, and New Pepies Gas,t7. C5.. aiis were sman. wall street siSStTLV; lit the new crop months, to I Tenetee Coal & iron :,n;e extent. Shorts were covering uSledstalIjealh"' a moderate scale, urged thereto United States 8teei 'preferred' , ml v hv the sham rtemnni frir thu I Western llninn " ... cotton, among foreign sninnors Xlrelnla Carolina C'hemicaV.!!!. . , .... r "I I " -roimauiiemlcalPM. Ma iiisu uy icwua ul uiuic JI less tiaiaage to the crop in Georgia and ii 89 ...... 102l ie(f 27 19 fc IVA 171 143 153 23 94 MY M0 90 60JS 135 12U 91 65 t'k 99 14! 20J6 41 109VA 83?4 5h 135)4 -9i; iPi r -HVA 10 40 103 92'4 41 110 Carolinas. Nobody supposed that amounts to anything very seri- but a big crop is needed, and the N. New w r-.u her news. Y. Sun Summarv York, May 15. Although stocks in the security market were market is undoubtedly sensitive to- stronS or were so during the greater portion of the day, the market as a whoie was governed by the continua tion of that reactionary tendency in speculation which after more than a week's advance in prices put in an appearance on the stock exchanee last Saturday. The market was much New Orleans Times-Democrat Summa ry Cotton. i Furnished by Gibert and Clay, of New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La.. May 15. With tae soaiper counting on a bullish I mi5ot. fh, . veekiy weainer report this morning I anrl was inrtPoH t pull his "Long" interest through uninteresting affair. The only feature sn. c essiully profit taking may check of business was a profit taking move- an ativauumg teuueucy. m me event ment rn whlll th mnr1rot wQO ,ianr. that the Government meets logical iv Pntitioi tu r tv,, mhn inil.nnt-u unuerioue may cnecK a ae- curieties at the bargain prices then cime snouiu tne tenor or tne bureau nrevniiine- hn. in en,-to nii 1..0 i,-port lack price sustaining strength. Drices maintaineri a firni undpr-tr. ihereiore, by an tne rules or specu- and there was no' evidence of what lation the bureau of today's affair is kn0wn in Wall street as pressure SIHIIlia ieL Ull IUB ailUUlUCl 5 Ul LUe I tn coll ctr-.-Vo The loo,ln f tv,n hear. Big bulls recognizing the worth days trading in every way were the t,t tne monetary situation, made amalrnmatpfi .nmCr Qr. aaHo in "uuiiist's wiiieu tut;v may ux nmy iiul chnrpc ? I he able to fulfill. In any event the J. S. Bache & Co's Cotton Letter, (Furnished by the Cotton Exchange and Board of Trade.) , New York, May 15. Liverpool ad this belief stays the voice of chronic vices were slightly better than ex- shorts every hour of every session. I Pectations with private cables saying .Mean-while there is no evidence com- tnat consequence of the large de in to snow any mm owner anyi"lttmu ""m bbihuuws a ucuci leeniig where in the world dissatisfied with prevailed. , the outlook, nor is there any reason A conservative estimate of the kr the extension of sympathy to the amount of their stock sold on call to alpha nor the omega of the cotton spinners is seventy per cent. There trade has either the time or the in- wa-s a good demand for all positions clination to worry over the troubles at tne Jocal opening, with foreign of the remainder of the alphabet and straddlers buying the old crop and the middle men must await a new selling of new crop by recent pur deal in patience for the cards are chasers. . Talent may reasonably look tor a iiit of activity very soon. Most men believe the price is high enough, but tew men have the temerity to assert thar it cannot be pushed higher. And against one of them. Jan . Feb . .Mar .May June July Aug Sept Oct . Nov Dec New York Cotton. High Low - . . 1(T79 1079 1145 1125 1107 1080 1075 1075 New York Journal of Commerce Dry Goods. (Furnished by Gibert and Clay of New Orleans. La.) ' " New York, May 15. -Although Close 107i:J 1 071 1072 Ift721074 1079. 10751076 weather conditions are rather against 1137 11381139 the market, the under-tone remains 11181119 firm, and sellers are generally strong 1116 11171118 in their ideas of future values. In 109S 10991100 all lines, whether contracts for the 1072 10711072 future exists or not, stocks, are com- 1066 10671068 paratively clean, and first hands be 10661067 lieve that there will be no necessity 1066 10671068 for concession during the next sixty. Spots 1195; sales 50; market tonejdays. Certain mills have withdrawn quiet; futures closed steady. j leading lines of Southern brown fab- Xe wYory 11 A. M. Bids: May 1143; jncs from the present market believ- Jiily 1123; Aug 1105; October 1072. Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good middling 11 Strict middling 11 Middling 11.60 Tinges and Stains 10y2 11.00 ling that the buyers' attitude in regard to them must chatige during the next few weeks. - Liverpool Cotton. C. D. Freeman & Co's Daily Cotton Letter. (Furnished by Gibert and Clay of New Orleans, La.) . New York, May 15. Nothing has occurred to change the conclusions 577 I from the analysis of the cotton market, . 578 j of last week. Nearby cotton is m good .579 I demand and in increasing supnlv, and . 601 1 at many points in the interior the buy- .601 I mg basis improved. , The New crop is . G02 I progressing and as a whole its envi- .602 ronment could hardly be better, it has .597 started well, and is clean with ideal .585 weather for a tap root. "In some parts .578 of Alabama, south Arkansas, and .577 I Louisiana, conditions are not so favor- Jan-Feb Feb-Mch . Mch-Apr , Apr-May -May-June J une-.fuly .luly-Ang . Aug-Sept Sept-Oct , Oct-Xov . .Nov-uec " 1 1 I T. Dec-Jan .. .. 577 able and these reports are made the Futures opened firm, closed quiet; receipts 14000; American 13500; spec ulation and export 3000; middling 621; yesterday 615. Tone spots firm. Chicago Grain and Produce, WHEAT May July .... .. liept COHX Mav July Sept Dec OATS Mav July S pt PORK Mav July -., Sept LARD Mav bily .... . Kept Oct RIBS -May July Kept High Low, Close basis for sensational announcements by local bulls, especially by cable to England and the Continent. The trad ers hold to their conservative attitude and with r.n ojen mind to act upon reliable information and developments, either for higher or lower figures. Men's Diseases Should Be Treated Only by an Ex pert Specialist. Do Not Allow Yourself to Be Experimented Upon by Incompetent Doctors. We Treat and Cure These Dis eases by Skillful, Scientific Treat ' ment. " Diseases peculiar to men are very difficult to treat and only an expert specialist should be entrusted with their ilteajtni'eht:: We 'batfe. been and treating .these diseases for over 20 ' years, and have built up a reputation which we . Deiieve is second to none in this country. studyin 1. NEWTOH H ATHiW, H. D. Graduate Dart mouth Med. Col lege 1881. Ex. Pres. S. Mich. Bed. Society. Ex. Kembcr State lied, f-, Board of Boaltli, etc. Nervous Debility. (lost vitality, nervous exhaustion, prostration, etc.,) the symptoms of which are loss of energy, ambition, vitality, etc., vnervous, despondent, sleeplessness, dizziness, etc., can not be cured by inepmpentent doc tors or patent medicines. We cure it by skillful, scientific treatment prepared in our c-wn private labora tory to suit each case. Write for our book entitled "Nerve and Brain Exhaustion"' sent free. Specific Blood Poison. in most all cases is really curable by our original perfected method. If you have any of its symptoms, such as sores, ulcers, pimples in the mouth, throat, hands, face and other parts of the body, falling hair and eyebrows, write us for complete information about this disease. Stricture Varicocele, Hydrocele, Gleet, Enlarged Pros tate, Kidney and Bladder Disorders,, and other private and chronic dis eases successfully treated. Diseas es peculiar to women also treated with great success. We do not Deal in Patent Medicines! All med cines necessary- are prepared in our own private laboratory, without extra char;e. Address DR, HATH AWAY CO., 29 Inman Building, Atlantr, Ga. LAWYER CASHED BAD CHECK. Man Who Passed- Worthless Paper Represented Himself as an Attorney. Baltimore, May 15. Two of the cleverest bogus-check operators in the United States William G. Nash alias Arthur G. Heyworth, alias Bingham, and William E. Morrell, alias John J. Cramer are being eagerly . sought for by the Baltimore detectives. Nash, who was,, in Baltimore sever al days ago, under the name of Hardy, is wanted on the specific charge of passing a bogus check for $30 upon G. H. H. Emory, rooms. 709-719 Calvert Building. Several days ago, Nash, who intro duced himself as Mr. Harvey, an at torney, of Boston, Mass., called upon Mr. Emory, and after telling' him he wished to employ him in a case, got him to cash the check. PUBLIC SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. Pursuant to an orer ""made by; the ! Board of "Aldermeif'and to the statute ; in such cas'pi&vided, - the City of ! Charlotfe Svill, on Monday, the 11th iday of June, 1906,. at 12:30 p. m., ex i pose to sale to the highest bidder at I public auction, at the County Court ! House door in Charlotte, ten houses I and lots situate on East , Eleventh ! street in the City of Charlotte, County ;of Mecklenburg and State of North : Carolina, and described as follows: First Lot No. 1, fronting on the ! North. Carolina Railroad about 80 feet 1 on East Eleventh Street 150 feet, sub- ject to the right of way of the railroad 'company on a strip about 29 feet wide, ;or that part of it, embraced in "A" ; Street on which the railroad is con- structed, known as the Caldwell lot, land designated as lot No. 3 in sn. 221, ; Butler's Map of Charlotte. ' Second Lot No. 2, fronting on Elev 1 entli street 52 feet and extending back that width 80 feet between Lot No. 1, and an Alley ten feet in width, and known as the O'Banleis Lot, and des ignated as Lot No. 9, in square 221, Butler's Map of said city. Third Lot No. 3, fronting on Elev enth street 40 feet and extending back that width 80 feet between said Al ley and Lot No. 4, and known as the Pate lot, and designated as Lot 10. in Square 221, Butler's Map of said ! city: Fourth Lot No. 4, fronting on Elev enth street 40 feet and extending back that width 80 feet between Lot No. 3 and W. J. McCall's lot, and known as the Blackwelder Lot,', and designated as Lot 11, in Square 221, Butler's Map of said city. Fifth Lots. Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, on the South side of Eleventh street, Nos. F and 6 fronting thereon each 30 feet, Nos. 7 and 8 Iron ting each 33 j feet, and Nos. 9 and 10 fronting there on 30 feet, and 33 feet respectively, and extending back Ninety (90) feet. These lots will be offered separately and then as a whole for a bid high er than the sum of bids on the sepa rate lots. . Lot No. 5 extending along said railroad will be sold subject only to tho right of way which the N. C. Railroad Company has in "A" Street. Terms of Sale One-third of the .pur chase money jn cash; the balance in two equal installments by notes pay able after one and two years, with in terest from day of sale, secured by deed of trust on the premises, with leave to purchasers to anticipate pay ment. This 11th cay of May 1906. S. S. McNINCH, Mayor, W. F. DO WD. Alderman, B. F. WITHERS, Alderman. Committee. iF.y-ir r t ir iood Taste len's urnishin Is an important feature in the make up of .the well-dressed man. When you want a lie of the right shade and shape, collars and cuffs of correct cut, a hot" that is faultless in sty, lit and quality or any cf the little accessories that , 2o to complete a man's ward robe come to us. CLOTHING CO. a:l !Wl .il l II m umwr mm mm,, m jZiM 'f intllllM iVcMM t. UTW'ltP'k?W I e 9t 3o9e q ete $eo ATMTn A I The A peach of a Talker. From the Hartsville Iedger. A fly salesman dropped in on one of our young business men the other day carrying in his hand a finely polished oak cabinet. "I want to sell you a peach of a talking machine," he said. "Got one," replied the young busi ness men. "What kind?" was asked. "The best kind on earth," was the re: sponse. "Where did you get it?" was the next question. "Married it," said the y. b. m., and the salesman hiked off to lcok for a victim elsewhere. 83 81 79 48 46 5 82 80 79 48 46 46 . 45 82 80V 78 48 46 46 45 Perhaps it is the winning ways of a woman that enables her to get the best of a man in the so-called matri monial 'game. "NO CURE, NO PAY." 33 32 . 30 1550 1560 1535 . 852 . 862 , 875 887 . 872 , 885 . 887 33 32 29 1530 1535 850 855 867 860 862 ' 875' 877 o l 32 How R. H. Jordan & Co. Sell Hyomei, the Guaranteed Cure for Catarrh. R. H. Jordan & Co. have an unusual offer to make to our readers, one that will be. of the greatest value to many. For some years R. H. Jordan & Co. 1550 1 nave oeen waicnmg me - re&iuLs Aro I the use of Hyomei, a treatment for t9n I catarrh that cures, by breathing medi- caieu an, ausuiuLcijr twuuuui t"j . 1 , m 1 li-rt l.nv.y 1-kJ-.S"Yt 857 I stomacn aosing. iue resuus uavc uccu RR9 I so unusually successrm rnat uiey ieei 875 justified in making a public offer to 865 treat the worst case of catarrh' in Charlotte with the understanding that 872 if Hyomei does not cure the treatment xs I will cost absolutely noinmg. oa" I . , 1 T J nnKl rne. regular nyumei uumi- wou l!v one -dollar, and consists of a neat . I i. 4nVioin. tVint ran be carrie.d'in o i . l, ?xn ana I IJUtlVCl. miiaivi -"" -oorne nanasome new. lujm . pocket, a medicine ''her furniture have been placed in tne pui " Hvomei If adding I uiopper iuu a - .nn,h ;ur"X;:T this is not enough tor a cure, extra Who are the sweetest things that painters paint, or poets sing, lovlier than anything? Girls who take Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. m FT t-1 A T IT " T 3 O "I iea or lauieis. it. n. joruau oc v,u. MONEY I INI THE BANK rice much to its appearance. FAMOUS STRIKE BREAKERS. The most famous strike breakers in the land are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowels go on a strike, they quickly settle the trouble, and tr-e purif' ing work goes right on. Bert cure for constipation, headache and dizziness. 25e at Woodall & Sbw 1'ard's, druggists. ' bottles of Hyomei can be obtained for 50 cents. v R. H. Jordan & Co. positively guar antee a cure, if Hyomei is used in ac cordance with the directions; or they will refund the money. ' t If not convenient to obtain Hyoroei of R. H. Jordan or some other it will be forwarded from the laborato-ry-by mall on. receipt of price.- -Tle R'.T. Booth Co., Hyomei BMg., (Bank deposits in Canada are $81.69 per capita.) Oh, well for the man who is constant- ' ly knocking The grafterly craft and the plunder er's stealth! Oh, well for the woman who puts in her stocking The currency part of her tangible wealth! Let the Socialist screech and the An archist holler! . Let anyone ask of the Where of the Whence, And touch you for argument, say, half-a-dollar You've eighty-one dollars and sixty nine cents! . It's fine to be rich and have oodles of money: To have , it "per capita," as has been said. ("Per capita" means this i3 scream ingly funny In parlance vernacular, so much a head.) . - Constructively, though you may not be aware. of v . The fact, you have got eighty-one sixty-nine. I , hope that nobody has collared your share of The booty, but, blame it, somebody has mine. MONEY IN THE BANK, we all like to have it, but . the next best thing to it is a policy 'Ol insurance from insur ance headquarters' v C. N. C. Butt &, Co., VSTTRANCB HEADaUAUTERS. P-l-1906. 12-tds. CELEBRATION -MECKLENBURG DECLARATION OF INDEPEN DENCE, Charlotte, N. C, May 20-24th, 1906. On account of tne above occasion the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charlotte . at a rate of one fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. (Minimum rate 50 cents. Tickets will be sold horn all points in North Carolina, also from Seneca, S. C, An derson, Greenwood, i Columbia - and in termediate points irq South Carolina. Dates Of sale May 19th to 24th in clusive, with final limit May 26, 1906. For further information call on your" ticket agent or write R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. J. II. Wood, i). PA., ' Asheville, N. C. " W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A., Washington, D. C. Brooks Morgan, A. G. P. A.,' Atlanta. Ga. 243 Acres Four Miles South ol Charlotte for eale on reasonable terms. . This 'and lies on C. C. & A. Railroad and If suitable for factory sites HUGH W. HARRIS. Atty. Furniture Bargains Sideboard Quartered Oak New, cost "35. Our price $25.00 Oak Extension Tables $4.00 to $10.00 Set Oak ' Dining Chairs, worth $8.00 Our price .. .. ...$5.50 Cot Beds .. .. .. .. ..$1.00 to $2.50 Large Cooking Range, perfect condi tion ..$10.00 JOHNSON & DWYER UPHOLSTERING ARLOR? 19 W. 5th St. Phonr 869 Will Not Be Less If You .Wait 60 Days. Why Not Buy Your Refrigerator Now? a o tt HOTELS In the Heart of the Business District Over $30,000 has been spent in modern improvements, making this one of the best appointed, cleanest and most comfortable ho tels in the Carolinas. The table is unsurpassed south of Washing ton. All are outside rooms and every one electric lighted. Electric elevator service day and night. Rooms with private baths. ft H- J J. N. McGausland & Go. South Tryon St 41 ft f 1ft tl 0 M 4 Tie A String Around your finger so you will not forget to ask for O Pride of Charlotte the next time you ordeY flour. g Made by J Pvlacklenburg Floor Jills Charlotte, N. C. e-e- o- -oe e qoo g- et9 M. P. O'CALLAH AN, JVlgr. THE PRESBIf TERIAM COLLEGE for WOMAN CHARLOTTE, N. C. High-g-ade College for Women equipped with every modern con venience, hot and cold baths, electric lights, steam heat and fire es capes. Faculty of trained specialists. Standard High and work thorough. For catalogue, addres HEV. J. R. BRIDGES, D. D. LARGEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS THE CAROLINAS IN INCORPORATE! Capital Stock $30,000.00 CHARLOTTE, N. C. I RALEIGH, N. C. Piedmont Insurance Building Pullen Building : These Schools give the world's best in Modern Business Education. Old-i est Business College in North Carolina. Established. Positions secured or money refunded. No vacation. Indh idual Instruction. SPECIAL SUMMER SESSION. SAVE $10.00 on the combined course, or $5.00 on Single Course, by registering between May 15th and June 30, 1906. Write today for our handsome Catalogue, Offers and High Endorse ments. They are FREE. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Charlotte, N. C, or Raleigh, N. C. f ft . CHARLOTTE, N. C. J. LEE KOINER, Proprietor UK DR . UFRANCO'S 9 COMPOUND 13 ....... rUSSY IS FASTIDIOUS PEOPLE Captivated and charmed with the work of the MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY It Is pre-eminently the best. There is no laundry in the South that turn3 out such beautiful work. "We c3i':H'.i.'.ly would like to have a try at your next pack age. We know we can please you. Phone 160. I Model Steam Laundry 8 YOU'LL NEED AN ALARM CLOCK " CHARLOTTE, N. O, i Under the Management of C. fc. Hooper & Co. Offers: An Excellent Table, Large, Light, Warm Rooms Clean, Comfortable Beds attentive Servants. And every substantial comfort belonging to a well-kept modern Hotel. yM"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"I"H-I"I: to waken you if you sink in to slumber soft and sweet on one of the numerous IRON BEDS we aie supplying for the woo ing of the goddess "Sleep." We can suit you in style or quality of Bed, and Springs. It goes without saying that we have the very BEST FELT MATTRESSES. i Lubin Furniture Co. OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf For Sale Safe, speedy reftalator; 25 cents. Druggists or ms Booklet 're , OlCLiftANC. UUUhla.t . 3, The O'OONOGHUE Residence on East Aenue.N FOR RENT 4-room house corner and Graham of Third PHONE 604 Y. C. A. SUruOiNOk ILest Esy You need not worry if you have your property 1 insured in the Virginia Fire anil Marine Insurance Co, s C. N. G. BUTT & GO. AGENTS CHARLOTTE, N. G ,j. No Loss in San I rancisci .I..I..t;..t..ut- 33 i HH-HK-t-HHh If Our Work Is Not Right Pleasp Kick -Acme Plu'mbihiV:'.o.: W. S. DUDLEY, Mgr, 12 E. Fifth St.j. ,)zff Phone 722 - H. P. HUNTER, Sec. and Treat.