1'i THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, JUNE 12, 1906. " ' DO YOU KNOW That Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription fs . tiio only medicine sow mrougn aruggists for woman's weaknesses and peculiar ail- ; liiunts that does not contain large quanti ties of aicohol? It is also the only medicine, especially prepared for the cure of the (VK'ate diseases peculiar to women, tho i:.ak-r of which is not afraid to take hia T.atients into his full confidence, by print- :r upon each bottle wrapper all the fngre c!viu entering into the medicine;- Ask i . .ar druggist if this is not true. ; - . " Favorite Prescription." too. is thn nntw i;;eci:cine for women, all the ingredients-: ,.: viiieii nave uie unquannoa endorso-ii.-.it xf the leading medical .writers of tho m . t ral schools of practice, recommend i,;..' them for the cure of the diseases, for .. . ; the "Prescription" is advised 'a "( -iu; to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N: Y fjc a free booklet, and read the numeral.-; .'xtracts from standard medical au t :,M itu's praising the several ingredients of hioh Dr. Pierce's medicines are made,' u;.,! .loii't forget that no other medicines . up for sale through druggists for do u. -ti use can show any such professional endorsement. This, of itselfJs, oi , far m, re weight and importance than any liiiuiiut of so-called "testimonials" sn c ;; sj'icuously Haunted before the public, 4 Tin-"Favorite Prescription" eure3 all v,. n!:in s peculiar weaknesses and de-r.)!,i;-'rnent8,thus banishing the periodical ; adaehes. backaches, bearing-down dis- . tenderness and draging-down sen sations in lower abdomen, accompanied b v weakening and disagreeable catarrhal, t.:Ae drains and kindred symptoms. Dr. Pierce and his staff of skilled spe cialists may be consulted free by address Ijl' as above. All correspondence is treated as sacredly confidential. By cch suitiiig in this way the disagreeable questionings and personal "examinations " are avoided. The People's (Common Sense Medical Adviser contains some very interesting and valuable chapters on -the diseases peculiar to women. It contains over ono thousand pages. It is sent post paid, on rt eeipt of sufficient in one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only, or 21 cents for a c'py in flexible paper covers, or 31 cents for a e loth-bound copy. Address Dr. R.Y. Pierce as above. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative, two or three cathartic MINT HlLL NEWS Mr. nnH Mrs. Henderson go to Hidden ite Welcome to' Dr. Long Per sonals. Special to The News. Mint Hill, June 11. This section has l.een visited with unusual rains for the past week. Dr. V. M. Long, a recent graduate of the X. C. Medical college, has locat ed in our-city. We are glad to welcome him here. - Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Henderson left yesterday for Hiddenlte, where they will spend several days. Miss Cora Long has returned from months visit to friends in .Hickory. The young people were entertained Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lipe. Mr. Earnest Brown, of Charlotte is in the village for a few days. V- Miss Trannye Felraerof Batesburg, S. C. and Miss Lela Mills of Hickory X. C, are visiting Miss Cora Long. Miss Annie Long returned last night from a visit to friends in and around Davidson.. . .y-Sa Mr. Herbert Miller5 of iHiekory N. QY "Will spend Sunday with his sister who is visiting Miss Cora Long. - Commissioner's Sale of Valuable Real Estate on the Providence Road. ..... By virtue of an Order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in a Special Proceeding entitled "H. Baxter Pharr, administrator of W. LI Pharr, deceas ed, against Sarah Lila Pharr, heir-at law," I will sell to the highest bid der at public auction at the court house door, county aforesaid, at 12 m., on the 3oth day of June, 19o6, the fol lowing described property, 'to'wit: 1st Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the Northeast side of the Providence Road, Beginning. at, a stake on edge of said road, 200 feet front the' corner of the J. S. Myer's land, and running -with said road S. 31 1-4 E. 200 feet to an iron stake on edge of-, road, thence N. 58 34 E.. 370 feet to an iron stake, thence N. 45 1-4, W. 205 feet to an iron stake, thence S. 58 3-4 ."V. 323 feet to the Beginning, contain ing One and 59-100 acres. 2d Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the northeast side of Providence Road, Beginning at corner of Lot No. 1 at iron stake on edge of said road, and running with said road S. 31 1-4 E. 200 feet to an iron stake on edge of road, thence N. 58 3-4 E. 420 feet to an iron stake, thence: N. 45 1-4 W. 207 feet to an iron stake, thence S.' 58 3-4 W. 370 feet to the Beginning, containing One and 81-100 acres. 3d Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the northeast side of Providence .Road, Beginning at corner of Lot No. 2 at iron stake on edge of said-road, and running with said road S. 31 1-4 E. 200 feet to an iron sake on edge of Toad, thencet N. 58 3-4 , E: 470 "feet to an iron stake, thence N. 45 1-4 W. 207 feet to an iron stake, thence S. 58 3-4 .W. 420 feet to the Beginning, contain ing Two and 4-100 acres. - - " ' ; Also a small triangular tract, con taining about One Hundred or Two Hundred square feet, 'more or less,' adjoining the lands of W. H. Wake field on the southwest side ' of Provi dence Road. The terms of sale will be one-half; eas'i, and the balance in six months, upon approved security. TIus 26th day of Ma 7, .1906. R. BAXTER PHAUR; Commissioner i If yon wai,t prompt delivery anj 1, hrU;ios3 work. J We keep your clothes cleaned T ina pressed for 1.00 per month. f(ta City Pressing Club-;: MRS. J. M. HESTER, Proprietress, 209 H. Tryon 8treet JoinOuriMi -1 H"HH. M"M Me, EDISGN VISITS MOUNTAIN CIO III A was there ; tor a Short Time Sat- rda Night, Is now in Ten- . nessee but., the . Search ' for : Cobalt;. In North CaroPna was , Very Successful. ; Special to The News. V , " . t .AsaeviiiA-.N. jG...June 11. Thomas ArvaJisori,;thewizard of Menlo Park, who-has-been searching for cobalt in iiJiunab'er. a.jCiiunties in this state was in Asheville Saturday night, 'arriving here in the early eavening, and leaving shortly-after "mtdnight for Nashville; --Air. Edison while here talked of his searchjahd its fruits, stating that he had " been 'entirely successful, having located ;riehrfceiis of the mineral , of which'"lte -was'ih.- search, sufficient quantities' Of If -having been found he declared, to insure a great reduction in the cost of operating automobiles and to reduce the -weight of their storage batteries 50 per cent. He declared that the cost of city traffic can now be re duced 5 per cent. "The heavy storage batteries have been a great handicap to the electrically propelled machines, "he said, "and at present their cost is prohibitive to the great majority-of people. With' large quantities of cobalt, available, however, I can equip an au tomobile propelled by the cobalt sys tem which will have a great advantage in weight over the machines now in use, and at a Cost which will greatly increase the use of the machines." Mr. Edison ended his journey at Webster yesterday afternoon, and he and his party came to Asheville by rail, leaving the machine in which thev have traveled to be shipped to Nash ville. Accompanying Mr. Eddison, were Frederick Ott and John Miller, two minerologists from Orange New Jersey and John Morris, an electrician. They were equipped with an assayer's out fit and Mr. Edison stated last night that when driving through the moun tains they detected a vein of cobalt, they would stou and make an assay, only two minutes being required for the purpose. "Most of the cobalt now known to the world, is found in France and Aus- traha said Mr. -Edison, "but I wTas heennaent ; it must exist in the United States, and I have for several months had forces of men at work in Kentucky, Tennessee Alabama,;. Georgia, and North COTolina-rit has been found in small quant'ities.in ---Sill those states, Tehriesse'e h'AVing more "than 'any other region execpt western part of North Carolina. My men will continue the search, however, and we intend fiUly to.ver;jhe ground. "T Jv iithlsstate continued Mr. Edison, "I have" found "cobalt in Lincolnton, Gaston, Shelby and Jackson. In Jack son county, there is a large quantity, "while. the ; beds are . valuable in the other counties. The quality was just what JL was looking for.. I. have left a force of men" in these counties, and they will makethorough investigation as to the'ruantity to be found. They will report to me and I may possibly return here "later" Ih the ' stimrner and thoroughly investigate. I am fully con fident that'what I have found here will enable me to start out on the work of making new vehicles propelled , by co-x pan Dauenes.-. ; j "I am pleased with the south, and believe the discovery of cobalt will mean additional prosperity for its peo ple. I , have greatly . enjoyed my trips- through 'the'- mountains. I " have seen very little whiskey and so few drunken men, and that surprised me." ' b A N ADAY GETS $1 ,800 Received Injuries in Wreck;- on Coast Line Four Years Ago SHaw Didn't Want to Run "Again 'M'r. Gold a Can-- Special to The News. - Greensboro, June 11. Since the news of yesterday that Mr. J. Crawford Biggs has more than enough instructed votes for him to secure the nomination for the judgeship in this Judicial District,-the friends of -'Judge 'Shaw here are relating that six : months ago he announced to several in confidence that he would not be a candidate for "re-nomination, but after his term "ex pired he wanted to return to the prac tice. It is being said that he was strong ly advised not Ho retire" but to let his friends go to work for him and pre serve him 6 the .bench for the good of the stale.- He - reluctantly let their judgement supplant his expressed wish, ana it ne is aeieatea. as now iooks certalfa7 there will be no sting in it to him. : Mr, P. D. Gold Jr. State Agent of the Provid'ence Insurance Company will be a candidate .for the Democratic nomi nation .for the House of Representa "tives -from Guilford. J In the Superior .court Saturday af tCTttOOff.thB.3ury awarded J. A Ciajia day. $1,800 damages against the Atlantic Coast. Lihe. -.for injuries received as engineer "in -a wreck four years ago. At the time of the injury Canaday wasf a-meinber of the Coast Line Re: lie"f Association, a fraternal order com posed exclusively of employes of "the Company,-and signed an agreement upon joining that he would forfeit mil right to sue for damages upon payment of a Certain TW.eekly indemnity for any injuries received whether the Company was 1 'negligent of - "notv He had paid eighty two dollars premiums and ret ceived seventy dollars from the Asso ciation for the accident. The counsel for the Company argued a motion to set aside the verdict contending that plaintiff was estopped from Suing for damages: Judge Ferguson denied the motion; signing , judgement for ..the plaintiff from which the Company ap pealed. if' Kid NW Trial For Patrick: '.' New Ydrk, June ill. Recorder Goff denied the motion for a new. trial in the case of Albert T. Patrick, the convict fed murderer of William Marsh Rice. HER COURAGE SAVED HER. Miss "Pearl Jones of Selma Fatally Shoots a Negro, Who Attempted , to Assault Her. She was Night Op erator in Telephone Office. Special to -rue News. Selma, Jijne 11. Saturday night about 11 o'clock an attempted crimi nal assault was made upon Miss Pearl Jones of this place by two ne groes. Miss Jones is night operator at the telephone office. The negroes came up to the office and were in" the act of entering the yard when- Miss Jones took her pistol and fired at them. One of the negroes, Bud Richardson," was hit and will die. The other three have been arrested. This is the third attempt that has recently been made by negroes to enter this telephone office. 'The - first attempt was made about two weelts ago and the next attempt was made r. few nights later. Since that time the office has been guarded everv night by white men. Saturday night the two men who were to guard the office were sitting at the drug store across the street waiting for the stores to close be fore taking their position when they heard a pistol shot, followed by four more in quick succession. They ran to the telephone office where they found the young lady with the pistol in her hand. She said that she had started out of the office into the back lot When some one started towards her. She jumped back into the office, grabbed her pistol and fired. From 1 the flash of the pistol she was ena-1 bled to see more clearly and the next four shots were aimed at an object which she saw crouched . in one cor1 rner of the lot. She thought she hit this object, a negro, before he got over the fence. Crowds quickly gath ered ' and ' began the search for the negroes. In. a few minutes a negro boy came running to the drug store saying that he was going after a doc tor for his brother who had just been shot. They made this boy lead them back to where .-his brother lived. They found Bud Richardson, who confessed the whole affair. . Three other negroes were arrested and . ati four 'o'clock yesterday after noon all , were given a preliminary hearing. Two were released and two held. The other negro. Jim Merritt. who was implicated by RichardsAi emphatically . denies any connection with the crime. There is much commendation of Miss Jones for the couraee - she thowed. She will continue her work, as if nothing had happened. She says she fears no further trouble. The citizens and visitors of the town are going to present her with a gold mounted revolver as a token of their appreciation of hex courage. DID JETT. MAKE CONFESSION? Report has, it that Curtis Jett Made Confession of Assassination of Cock rill. , " By Associated Press. ' , Lexington, Ky., June 11. A special from Winchester, , Ky., reports "that Curtis Jett ?now in the Cynthiana jail awaiting his second" trial on the charge of assassinating James Cockrill in Jackson Ky., three j'ears ago, has made a full confession telling of the assassin ation of Dr. B. N. Cox,- James Cock rill and Jp-mes B. Marcum. Among other things Jett is said to have confirmed ; the statement of B. J. Owens the star -witness in the Marcum case who ho said, told the truth in the trials from beginning to the end. Jett is" also said to shaver declared that Thomas White, whois. charged;. wfh complicity1 in the aissassinatioh of Marcum, admitted that the testimony of the plot to kill Marcum was true. Confession Denied. ; Cynthiana, Ky., June 11. -The alleg ed confession of Curtis Jett is discred ited here. The county attorney denies it absolutely. 5 -:" ( THREE KILLED IN WRECK. New Jersey's Atlantic City Flyer Ran Into Open Switch Three Killed, Thirty injured. By Associated Press. '' '-' Red Bank, N. J., June 11. The Cen tral Railroad of the New Jersey's At lantic City Flyer, due in New York at 11:30 o'clock, ran into an opeVi switch near here. The firerarn and two pas sengers; were ,s killed. Thirty : passen-; geVs are reported injured: 4 '-rs- Come Up Where Perhaps you know why you fail position. " , "5;-; ' - .. ,t :. Some Don't. Just why the brain doesnot produce practical money making results is a puzzle to many men. , : ,-, '' -':- , Strong, healthy, natural brains can be made ffom fobdi and good brains can work keenly when they have their proper food.-, . Unsuccessful h rains often . come from improperly selected food. A distinct improvement in mental power will follow' in a week or ten days, when the brain building food ' .,.' .-. mi is used twice a day. - "' '! p .''" "!-"""" -'k -'" v . ;. There are well -established and very clearly understood reasons for these sure results from the change in food. You can make Money, Position; J Fame if you have the kind of brain that There's a '.!" - i - !"cv" ?fyic or ulcer Qoes not heal and shows signs of becoming r' iWi USe SUSPicion' canse many of these places lead to Cancer. It may appear as , an ordinary sore at firsth and is given S-VVSSl ? ?lsiinPle alve, wash or piaster with theope iStJiS1. .f tte tnmbYe is in the blbod a?d T-i tT jT T. , remeaies, and soon the sore will return avvuuc luc ucauijr pujison Degins to eat into the surrounding flesh and the ulcer spreads rapidly, becoming more offensive and alarming until at last the sufferer finds he is afflicted with Cancer. Cancerous ulcers often start from a boil, wart,, mole or .pimple, which has been bruised or roughly handled, showing that the taint is in the bipod, perhaps inherited. Another cause for non-healing ulcers and sores is the remains of some constitutional disease or the - effects of a-lone PURELY -VEGETABLE. to im.Prove. the discharge gradually grows less, . - , . , . the inflammation leaves, the flesh resume9 its healthy color, and soon the sore is well, because every vestige of the cause has been removed from the blood. Book on sores and ulcers and medical ad vice without charge, thf SWier SDrnsnri tn awau m CRIMINAL COURT ADJOURNS Judgments That Appear on the Clerk's Docket. ' The June, term of Mecklenburg Su; perior Court for t:ie trial of criminal cases closed Saturday. The following judgments were re corded on the criminal docket: Jim Sanders, retailing, not guilty;! W. F. Vaughn, lareeny, judgment sus pended on. the payment of the costs; Victor McWhirter and Henry Brown, affray, $3 each and the costs; Jim Clark, assault, judgment suspended on the payment of the costs; Worth Good son, assault, , judgment suspended on the payment of the costs; W. F. Fim derburk, carrying .concealed weapons, paid the costs; Reese Helms, affray, $5 and the costs ;Hogan Abernathy, as sault, $25; Watt Sloan, assault, $10 and the costs; Vincent Johnston, malicious mischief, four months and $200 fine;. Grigg Johnston, malicious mischief, judgment on the payment of the costs; J T T TUv4-rt . , f . : l : 1 1 u. j. uuiiiioLuii, icLumiig, uuee, cases, $50 fine in each case; Mag Crockett, larceny, six months in the county jail; Lester Black,. 60 days in jail; Annie Johnston, receiving stolen goods not guilty; Warren Perkins, man slaughter, 12. years, in the State peni tentiary; LawsonyMcLemore, larceny, six months On 'the'" roads; Luke Wal lace, larceny, six haonths on the roads; Will Davis, carrying concealed weap ons, $3 and the costs; J Cornelius, larceny, nine months on the roads: Ada .Johnston, assault, suspended on the payment' of the1 costs ; Henry Boyd, affray, $10 and the .costs; Sam ' Orr, affray, $5 and the costs; Calbot With-, ers, carrying concealed weapons, four' months on the-roads; Robert Frazier, carrying pohcea'Te'd f hveaporis,- 30 days ,oh the;roads'; 'eaTViri ;Cald-veli, assault with, a deadly-weapon, .' not guilty;, Lewis Plair, affray, i0; days - in' jail; 1 Alice Allen. ' retailing, hot euiltv : Roh J Caldwell, retailing, three months on the roads; W. C. Hastings, retailing, not guilty; Emma Lorance, retailing, one half the costs; Sam Perry, retail ing, paid the costs;' Charles Williams, larceny, five months on " the roads; Cull Griffin, retailing, 20 days in jail; Guy. Nolen and Frank Pendleton, drunk paid the costs: .. " 1,000 Delegates present. ; Annuai Convention of Travellers'r Pro tective Association Assembled To day By Associated Press; .Buffalo; June 11. The annual -convention of the travellers .Protective Association assembled liere with more than ,1,000 Relegates present. Norfolk, Va., is putting in a strong bid for the next . National Convention to be held there during the James town celebration. ' Col- .Shook Arrives. Col. J. Wiley Shook, the collarless statesman from Clyde, Haywood coun ty, arrived to day at noon to attend the sessions of the Federal court. . Col. Shook is not. well and he does not like the idea of swapping his de lightful Haywood county breeze for city, air. , . . in the plans for . money, fame and ' works that way. Rfeason Yoii Belong V . i , OFTEN LEA13 After I was suffering1 greatly from a cancer ous ulcer on my left breast, which had begrun to eat, and at times would dis charge very offensive matter. I only sister, my mother and two of her lsfled I would have gone the samaway bnt for 8. S. S., which cured me. Bolton, Mo. MRS. J. CASSEXL. I speii 01 sicKness. . a. S. goes down to the very root of the trouble and cures so thorough ly that there is never any sign of the trouble in after years. As soon as the system gets under the influence of S. S. S. the olace beeins In the Heart of the Shopping and Theatre Districts . GILSEY HOUSE 29th St. and Broadway New York:, City. TEN MINUTES FROM ALL DEPOTS ROOMS European Plan, $1.00 per day up. American Plan, $2.50 to $3.50, Per Day According to Location. .75 Suites, Parlor, Bedroom and Bath. Special Rates to Families, American and. Eu ropean Plans. Combination Breakfast, 50c. Luncheon, 40c. Dinner, 6 to 8:30, 75c. H. S. DUNCAN. Prop,. !i The Cost Qf Building May be " reduced mate rially if you get the right kind of plumbing done in the right way at the right price. Let' us look over j'our .pTa'n and se'.ii.' .w'4!r,can-'- not make ' some sugges-4 tons that " will save ' you money. - 223 S. Tryon St. Our Phone Is 309. Caroline lHeatirig& Plumbing Company noted the world over for the , High Grade : . work that la put in it We would like to talk to you about it Koiision-Dixon & Go, Pretty Painted China tn numberless exquisite , designs and shapes, , appro- . priate for gifts or desir able for personal use at ,. our store. . . the Palamountain Co. JEWELERS. : :c:We-, are showing an : extensive . line -of gilded clocks. Inhere are many dif ferent sizes and shapes an4 ' besides being ;most-beautiful ip7 design ,.they ai e ; excellent time-keepers . and. , very reasonable in price."lit,l it:;; ::': i & lis Watches, Diamonds. Gold and Silver "Novelties The Wabash lill Glois! GARIBALDI The: Butif ill tievation from 2,250 to 5,000 Feet. Georgeous Mountain Scenery, three magnificent lakes, " Countless beautiful waterfalls, pure an bracing air.f Trout fishing in streams and lake, boating, bathing, horseback riding, driving, mountain climbing and all indoor amusements. FIVE CHARMING HOTELS. TOXAWAY INN, Lake Toxa way, now open. I. H. Aiken,1 Manager. Special rates dur ing June. THE FRANKLIN, Brevard, opens July 1. A. Lamborn, v Manager. - ' THE LODGE, Summit of Mt. Toxaway, now open. Mrs. A. Burdick, . Manager. The hotels are modern, and are noted for perfect service. Address either hotel for rates. . . For descriptive booklet and general" information address Special rates at Toxaway JOHN C. BURROWS, Pres Inn during June. The Toxaway Hotel Comoanv. 4 iV Lake Toxaway, N. C. Tne Lake Region of the South. ; HAYWOOD WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Famous for its Sulphur and Iron Water. Altitude 2850 Feet. twenty acres of beautiful well shaded lawn. . The most delightful place in the Western North Carolina Mount ains to spend the summer months 1' or particulars and descriptive booklet write. ALEXANDER BROS., PROPS. WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THE,, BALSAM INN.. AineW and uto-date -hotel" "-with' all modern conveniences will open July 10th. The highest R. R. 'point east of the Rockies. For further in formation, address.''- -'- ; -. ;' - - . ; ".. ,'; -'. " ,V: ' ' . -' . " . " W. S. CHRISTY, Mgr. ' : ' ; . '.-.. : ' '."J'..' Balsam, N. C. Cleveland The, famous well-known summer re-sort, is "under new. managemenjt, .con tains all modern conveniences. Has been recovered "and thoroughly ren ovated. New water sewerage has just been put in and a call bell system aK so. Electric - lights and call bell in every room.' Good water, fine climate and many attractions;.: Many improve ments made since last season. For fur ther information, write, , ' . ...... A, ' QM li. MtFarlaka, Prop. SHELBY, N. C. CENTRAL In the Heart of the Business District ; Over $30,000 has been spent in modern improements, making this one of the best appointed, cleanest find mosjt comfortable ho tels in the Carolinas. The table is unsurpassed south of Washing ton." -'. -.. ' - ' . All are outside rooms and every one electric lighted. Electric elevator service day and night. Rooms with private baths. ;M. P,O CAkLA .. Charlotte, NC l 66 The Land KEXU-WORTH -mt Situated in a private park of 160 acres. BILTMQRE, NEAR ASHEVILLE. N. C. 2500 ft. aLove Sea Level. JUST THE PLACE TO SPEND THE SUMMER. " Recognized as the leading Hotel I ohna. No scenery in' the world will tel. -Mt. Mitchell and Pisgah' in full Biltmore estate. Cool invigorating sine unsurpassed. 'All vegetable from ery morning. Orchestra, golf pool, and drives. - - - :-;','--;".- ; Coach meets all trains at Bilt commodated under any circumstances, running every half hotif between trol Open all the year. .Write or. wire for EDGAR B. 1906 IE Leading, Reliable Makes ( $20.00 to $65.00 Easy Teims. Queen City Cycle THE tNTHOFFER fNN is now open just one-half mile , from the station. For terms apply to v E. J. ENTOFFER, .' "' Black Mountain, N. C. ..Plows, Disc ; -Harrowg, Cultiva tors, Grain Drills, Gasolene En "gines and all tinds of agricul tural -" Implements at ' lowest prices at my' vimmense store - house, cor. Stonewall and Col- '. leige. streets. r ; - --' twxm i Sapphire Country i FAIRFIELD INN, 'Lake 'Pair-' J field; open July''-'l. wVlkPti T- C. A. Martin; Managers.' v WC IV SAPPHIRE INN, Lake Sap phire, now open. . Mrs. P.. Crisp, Manager. B UB9 n the Mountains of Western North Car compare with the, view from this ho view. Adjoins and overlooks tha climate, magnificently furnished, cul our private garden gathered fresh ev billiards, tennis, livery, beautiful rides more station. - Consumptives not ae Coach Is operated by management ley from Asheville, booklet and rates. . and the hotel MOORE, Proprietor THE HOLMAN-CHRlSTiAN UHIYEBSITY.- will be used for "a hotel summer re sort from J line 4 until September 1st. Beautiful location. For further infor mation, address . . DR. JAMES CASWELL. COGGINS,' . ! . . Black Mountain, N. 'C. ' in Improvements Makes. - One of the Finest Hotels In the South. . C.E. r & Co. ' Proprietors Charlotte, N. C. Springs HOTEL of The SUy ycles lielufii

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