t a THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, JUNE 12, 1906. Sick People PJsed Food WOT DRUGS Jh; Cod Liver Oil Emulsion "Par Excellence." indorsed by all Physicians as Nature's Purest Food Every requirement of nourish ment is contained in Ozoraulsicn Strengthening Fats from health pret'ueing Cod Liver Oil and Glycerine, upbuilding and support ing nerve tonics in the Hypophos phitc? of Lime and Soda, and a ciit!e blcod purifier in Guaiacol, v-hich thoroughly cleanses the tcdv of disease-producing poisons. OMULSION fjojrishes tho Sick Back to Health r,?ncilcial Results are Obtained after the First Dose. K ' - Tl-fre r.re two sizes 8-oz. and 16-oz. Bottles; the 'Formula i? printed in 7 languages on each. Ozomulsion Laboratories 93 Pine St.. New York. 0 ! T DAY'S RKETS COTTON Times-Democrat Summary Cotton. U'i; rni shed by Gibert and Clay of New Orleans. La.) New Orleans, La... June 12. Wheth er the New Orleans short interest iu July be large or small, it is great enough lo create a very acute demand. I ir thai month's contracts, and a feel ing of confidence in the camp of the lon.es, the two combined having again j"is!;el the Southern midsummer posi tion v. ay out of gear with the remain der nf the world. Most probably July 1ip:c will be liquidated well above Oc t .bei. biU bulls should remember that tho South as a whole yet holds a lot of (utton. though the local territory is pretty well depleted, and New Orleans trnderable stocks is practically nil. Therefore it will hardly do to push the freeze-out game too. far. Yester day's cotton market added more than cue dollar a bale to the price of July options while increasing" the value ' of spots only an eighth of , a cent. This mokes the gain on July some fifty points within a week, which destroys th' prospective profit and some mar gins too of once over confident July October straddles who find it difficult to buy in the former and sell out the biter even at a loss. The July inter ests, howeer, cannot be large because of the scarcity of business during many weeks past. Consequently the increas ing acntdnoss canct cost anybody a really hurtful sum. Meanwhile crop weai her continues good enough with the flaws in the ideal limited to the need of a little rain here and there. Hence fall shorts have yet had small csuse for worry.' ... New York Sun Cotton Summary. iFurnislicd by Gibert and Clay of New Orleans, La.) . . ' Xew York, June 12. Thre things lorded it over the New York market and lifted it willy nilly. They were a .Tuly squeeze in New Orleans, strong cables from Liverpool, and very hot weather in Texas. That caused cover ing on quite a fair scale here, though the advance was not so great as in New Orleans. There are those who think that the July interests here are ot small proportions. The certified stock in New Orleans is very small. Dry oods reports are in the main favorable, and unless there is rain and cooler weather pretty soon in southern Texas there may be a weath er scare. Xew Orleans and the South bought here, and there was also a good deal of general covering, not only ?or room operators, but for outsiders, in cluding the Vvall ' Street elsment. There is no idea that the crop in Tex as has as yet been seriously dam aged, but no season passes without -a weather scare, and it is not denied that lower temperature and rains are needed in the southern portion of Tex as. The Governmentpractically., re duced its estimated increase of acreage from 6.2 to 4 per cent, allowing for er ,rnrs last season. The question arises. T'hat security has tne trade that its figures . are any more correct, now? ft is suggested by some critics that hereafter it would be well for the De partment of ' Agriculture to have its reports revised by the Southern; Cotton Association, which states the increase in acreage this season at only about 2 3-4 per cent. If the department fig ures are to be dictated by outside in fluences why not give the consumers a voice in the matter? -A good many people in the trade believe, whatever ptty he said to the contrary, that the crease in acreage is about what the J-'nronicle put it, that is, in the neigh borhood of 10 oer cent. '' - New York Cotton. High Low Close inKi mr;7 m Jan J181, 1070 1060 10 . 7?e 1085 1083 10 J.ul' 1080 1073 10 fu? 1068 1057 10 e' 1053 ' 1050 10 V.ct 1052 1042 10 0y 1049 1041 10 1056 1047 10 bPots 11.25; sales 1550; market tone Quiet. - Xew York 11 A. M. Bids: Jan. 1056; J":" 1078; August 1059; October 1046. -4- Charlotte Cotton Market. I Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) d Middling .......... ' 11.00 get Middling ........ . ...11.00 iLVftng . . 10 llnSes and Stains 910 Wspair is the undertaker that carts , ur dead hopes. Liverpool Cotton. Jan-Feb . . . . 566 .....567 . . ". . 569 . . .,571 . . 588 .- ...587 587 . .. 580 . . ..571 ... .571 .. ..567 . . .566 Feb-Mch .. Mch-Apr . .'. Apr-May . May-June .. June-July . July-Aug . . Aug-Sept .. Sept-Oct Oct-Nov . . Oct-Nov . . . Nov .-Dec . . Dec-Jan . . ...566 Futures opened steady, closed receipts 4000, American 700; sales 6, 000; American 5,600; speculation and export 500; middling 611; yesterda 605. Tone spots steady. . Chicago Grain and Produce. High Low Close WHEAT May .... . Sept Dec .... . CORN May .... , July .... , Sept , Dec OATS May July Sept Dec PORK Jan July .... . Sept . LARD Jan July Sept ....... Oct .... . RIBS July Sept Oct 84 83 84 84 82 83 85 83 84 52 50 51. 53 51 53 53 51 53 52 50 51 38 37" 37 38 37 38 35 34 35 3G 35 36 1520 1500 1500 1700 1 1687 1685 1670 1662 1665 825 885 900 892 885 907 900 907 900 -. 900 .947 937 937 937 927 930 917 912 912 Charlotte Produce Market. (Corrected by J. W. Zimmerman & Co) Chickens spring 20 30 Hens per head ..40 42 Ducks 2 b ftye .. Oats .. v. .. 54 bO Rutter 15 ) 20 Eggs .. ..16 N. Y. Journal of Commerce Dry Goods Summary. (Furnished by Gibert and Clay of New Orleans, La.) New York Tune 12. The trade ODen- ed quiet, for the week, with a contin uation of the small buying for the immediate needs which has character ized the business as a whole for the past week or ten days. Mail orders were not large individually, although the aggregate in some business was very satisfactory. The best posted men in the trade say they see no reas on for anv large reduction in any lines. Aside from the raw material situation, which cannot be influenced by man alone, at this time, sellers look for a restriction of production due to stringent labor conditions which manufacturers cannot control during the coming summer, and while the. present normal demand continues they do not see how much lower , prices can be made and niaintained. . THREAT TO BAR OUR MEAT. Members of Canadian House of Com mons Considering Such. a Course. Ottawa, Ontario, June 12. Severalf members of the House of Commons ap parently consider the Chicago meat packers' revelations, important enough to warrant Canada prohibiting the im portation of American canned goods. Robert Bickerdike, M. P., of Montreal, says: ; ' " - '.'In view of the revelations touching the Chicago packers, the question is whether our government should not take steps to prohibit the importation' of Eril canned stt:ff from the United States. "You cannot inspect the stuff once it gets into the cans unless you do it microscopically. The surest way would be entire prohibition, at least for the present and until such assur-j ance is given as will restore public confidence. There has been talk about bringing this matter before the House, and it would be proper to see how wej stand ourselves in this matter oi cleanliness where packing is con cerned. V 5 1 "If the prohibition was carried out, I think Canada could supply its own demand, but even if not, better that the people should do without than run any risk from poisonous food.' THE WEATHER. For Charlotte and its' vicinity: Rain tonight and .Wednesday. For North Carolina and South Caro lina: Rain "tonight and Wednesday. Brisk northeast winds. r WORK WEAKENS THE KIDNEYS. Doan's Kidney Pills Have Done Great ' Service for People' Who Work in Charlotte. Most Charlotte people work every day in sonie . stained, unnatuarl posi-! tion bending constantly over a desk riding orr jolting wagons or cars doing . laborious housework; lifting, reaching cr trying the ba.ck in a hun dred and' one other ways. All these strains tend to wear, weaken and in jure the kidneys until they fall behind fn their work of filtering the poisons from the blood. Doan"s Kidney Rills cure sick- kidneys, put new strength in bad1 back. Charlotte-cures prove it. Thomas G. Northey, painter, of S13 N. Church . street, says: "Backache bothered me for many years and I have often hadjto lay off from work be cause of a weakness which kidney dis orders brought upon me.I happened to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills v and zot a box -at R H. Jordan & Co's drug store. Had Begun- to believe that there was no relief in store for me hut cinrP fa. kinc the nills I have not lost a single moment from work, my back has been free from pain and has been stronger in every way. I am glad to have an opportunity to tell others of my experience." . For sale by all -dealers.. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., . Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Ststcs. " ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Stocks Atchison v Atchison Pfd.. . . . . Baltimoie & Ohio. ..... '....'. Canadian Pacitic Cbesapeak & Ohio..; .. Chicago & Alton... Chicago A Great Western Erie4... trie Pfd... Rock Island....; Illinois Central...... Louisville & Nashville Manhattan Mexican Central Missouri Pacific. Missouri Kansas & T New York Central .' Norfolk & Western. .-. Ontario & Western Pennsylvania .. Readiner........ 103 11 1H ..ie-J-24 58 25) 18 ...... 4V2 ...... 2i;8 lu ' t .r.... MX 151 23 ...... T SO 140 88 61 1 M DO ..lSO-'VJ ...... 6 37 1U Wi iWi 20 48 108 m-8 o63 i:wvg S)2 1 78 157 11 40o ics'4 "-s 40?4 110 Reading Pfd St. Paul...... Southern Pacific Southern Railway.. Southern Hallway Perferred. . . Texas fc Pacific Union Pacific : Wabash Wabash PTd Amalgamated Copper Brook tin Rapid Transit Colorado luel fc Iron Con Gas Peoples Gas...... Sugar Slots Iron & Steel Tenessee Coal & Iron Dnltod States Leather United State Steel United .States Steel Preferred. Western Union Virginia Carolina Chemical Va. Carolina Chemical Pfd . New York Sun Stocks Summary (Furnished by Gibert & Clay of New Orleans, La.) NewYork, June 12. A dull tradsrs' market, in which lack of participation ny the generaUpublic stood out promi nently vibrated irregularly between strength and weakness, closing for the most part at a net advance, was the continued feature of dealings on the stock exchange. The movement of values was distinctly toward a lower- level in the first half hour of business under a resumption of the selling movement that made itself felt in the market in the latter part of last week, the result of this being that at the end of of the time mentioned declines of three points or more from the high est prices made last Thursday were shown in. any of the active stocks. So large a fall as this in such a rela tively narrow market as evidently pre vails naturally invited profit takings on the part of the speculators for the decline and also led to some buying of stocks for the rise by habitual opera tors.. NEW CURE FOR EPILEPSY. ' J. B." Waterman, of Watertown, O., Rural free delivery , writes: "My daughter, afflicted for years with epi lepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. She has not had and at tack for over two years." Best body cleansers and life giving tonic pills on earthA 25c at Woodall & Sheppard's drug store. The angels certainly seem to be able to preserve their monoply of the flying-machine business. A comfortable feeling about stealing an umbrella is maybe it was one of your own that was stolen from you. GftSTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! gears ha Signature of Mr. Walter A Tip! Go right away to your n:en'a furniaWng shop and look at the new "LITHOLIX" Waterproofed Linen Collar and Caffs. Think of it ordinary linen col lars and cuffs over which you can spill all the water, milk, coffee, soft ana hard drinks you pkase and never Injure them. No laundering needed. No, there's no cel luloid, rubber or paper jn them they're plain linen collar andxaiffs, just ar. rtjflish and well-made as any others. Only they can't wilt, and can't wear out for a long time. At collar shops, or of us. Collars z- cents, utrns ou cents. The Flberloid Co.. FJ eso-o oo '0 0 o & ? i S3 A women s raisses, ana unuarcn s m Tan Oxford, all kinds and qual- a ities to : p;o at a great sacrifice $ price. Don't miss this opportu- t nity to get a cool pair of Oxfords t Fnrfiman A. "Millfir I UIUIIIUII W IMIIIUI , ... Cash Shoe .. Builders. . O Cor Trade and College Streets a - - cs n- e998 9 ijo eo o m "WhbiiuntT '. Some one satd C. C. Moore .had gone jut of the mllli uslnes3. He has. Bpt if you cuula see the Milk and Cream that is, sold every oay by Er nest and. Walter you wguld think they had taken the old man's place. We will fill your order promptly. The toys will treat you the old man old. OOUtLE OAKS DAIRY. N Milk n-?,u I ITH0IIW I' J We are offering 'some especially low prices on Library and Combma-v tion Cases that you can't afford to miss. Golden Oak .Combination Cases, from . $16.75 (worth S18 50) to $35 00 ' Golden Oak Book Cases from $9.00 to ?27.50. . ' ' " ; ' Specials in Mahogany Cases at $20.00, '22.50, and $25.00. : Mission Case5s in Weattered Oak from $17.50 to $25.00. We also have Golden Oak, Weathered Oak and Mahogany Sectional Book Cases all sizes. . . .; v - ; THE LEADER IN LOW PRICES C3 u ei IV n e k?a 'ik until you have examined our summer stock of Iron Beds, Felt Malfres&es and Springs V We carry the largest stock,: the greatest, variety of designs, Q and always offer the best values.' You will need these goods ' for these warm nights. Come V now and make your se'xcction. The Best Value Turkesine CURES BURNS CUTS, BRUISES for You Good Money " -REAL HAIR, RESTORER.. WHOSE? MRS. GfllER'S - - HARRISBURG N. G. NONE LIKE IT. 60 Gents" Per Bottle. Is an all-summer joy only where the owner has a satisfactory Lawn Mower and Hose. We have them that are satisfactory in price and performance. Alien Hardware Go. Everything In Hardware. 30 E. TRADE ST. Specked And Streaked While hanging on the line to dry. ' . ; " HOME WASH EQ CLOTHES. are certainly not a success in any sense of the word. , Those done by the washerwoman are not clean, not given sanitary treatment and they seldom look as white and nice as they should, owing to . the fact that thorough rinsing is impossible for lack of time, facilities and water. Our. "ROUGH DRY PLAN" saves lots of time, bother and worry. It is cheaper, - easier and more satisfactory. Model Steam Laundry iI32S Special Sale Library and mbination Book Gases cCOY ON HIGH-GRADE GOODS. on't Let 8 8 t What's tlm Use I . .. ... .. H u ui experimenting witn otnsr g kinds, when experience has W p shown you that " g Prida of Charlotte I . Flour i is above criticism. Made by O Mecklenburg Roar Mills j CHAHLOTTE, N. C. J. LEE KOINER, Proprietor License Notice ! V - The following License are due June 1st, Auctioneers, Barbers, Bakers, By cycle Dealers, Guns, and Pistols, Auto mobiles, Coal and Ice Co., Hotels, Co co Cola Bottlers, Lunch Houses, Res taurants, Gas Co., Electric Light Co., Electricians, Oil Co., Newspaper Un ion, Hacks, Junk Dealers, Laundries, Fertilizer Dealers, Ice Cream, Soda Fountain, Undertakers, Soda Water Bottlers, Money Lenders, Wagon and Buggy Dealers, R. R. Agts., Photogra phers, Lumber Yards, Livery Stables, Omnibusses, Pawn Brokers, Real Es tate Agts., Shooting Gallery, Trading Stamps, Furniture Instalments, Bag gage Wagons, Job Printing, Hides and Bones, Bill Posters, Packing Co., Ar chitects, Wood Yards , W. B. TAYLOR, City Tax Collector. : Sale ; Tne O'DONOGhUE Residence on East Ayenue. FOR RENT .' 4-room house corner of Third and Graham- . PHONE 604 Y. . C.A. CUruOtNflU Yourself Rest For 'TC"V (? WASHED CLEAN n AND SWEET When you send the Family Washing to us it's washed clean as clean as good soap and pure water Can get it. Our: Spe cial Household plan is the best. and least expensive in the long u run. rry it mis weeii you ll be pleased. . Charlotte Steam Laundry LAUNDERERS, ' DYERS, CLEANERS. 219 South Tryon Street. IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST" Kalamazoo Pickled Celery I A healthful and delicious relish in glass jars. ' - 35 Cents.' Fresh Cheese Sandwiches Today. MILLER-VAN NESS CO, Phone 68. 23 N. Tryon St. Institute for College Young Women and of tlusic. The Bast Place Jar Your Courser High Stanilar' Catalog a . FRD Daughter Jns. Iltnwiddic, Ft THE 'PHONE SERVICE: "Say, Central, what's, the matter? This is the rottenest service imagin able. Give me th" chief operator.- "Hello! Is this the chief? Well, I've been trying to get my wife for ten minutes and can't. I'll have my tele phone taken out." - Thus speaking the Irate man went home on a car and told his troubles to his wife. " - - Don't talk so loudly, dea,r'r she -whispered. "I muffled the bell to keep It from waking the baby." ' But the little telepnone girl was. still hurt and nervous. A To be Precise. : "How brown you are, Miss Bostinf. You have been in the sun lately, hay- en't you?'!. ; - - I. "How preposterous! The sun la not accessible to us by any method of travel. I've been in the sun's rays, if. that's what you mean. . . How true -it is The. Hello girls are abused too often It is also true thai the best insurance is to be had at in surahce headquarters. ' t. ' To Be Precise. " . We have the largest agency- In the cit and one of the oldest. . 4 ... C. N. G. Butt Co.; WSURAPiCH HKADaUARTKBS. v' ire Fire Fire Insure your Property of . all kinds against Fire with R. D. MObRE ROOM 7, 4Cr BUILDING In the 6 Sec Bill you will notice one of the ad- g vantages of using our Refrig- Z erators. There a number, of f other advant.asre.s we would like to tell you about and that you really ought to ingerator. - Call in any time. S J. II McGaesland & Go. 1 South Tryon SL (PEACE RAtEICH I PROFESSIONAL CARDS TEETH EXTRACTED WITH OUT PAIN SAFE METHOD. NO BAD AFTER EFFECTS. DR. ZICKLER ; - Dentist' 27 SOUTH TRYON STREET. Dr. Chas. L. Alexander- ' DENTIST, ' - v203 South Tryon Street, Char lotte,' N. C. Office 'phone 109. Residence 'phone 884. W. M. ROBEY DENTIST With Drs. M. A. and C. A. Bland, No. 21 N. Tryon. Hours 9 to 12, 1:30 to 5. . ; " - rr I. W. JAMISON DENTIST, No. 8, S. Tryon Street. Both 'phones, 32C. Residence 'phone Bell 1524. I R. H. F. RAY OSTEOPATH Graduate Southern School of Osteopathy, v Office Suite 3, Hunt Building. 'Phone 830, Residence 401 North Poplar Street. 'Phone 871. J. M. McMICHAEL ARCHITECT Rqoms 505-506 Trust Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Wheeler, Rungs & Dickey Architects . Charlotte, N. C Second Floor 4C's Building. DR. H. C. HENDERSON. Dentist. Hunt Building, 203 N. Tryoon. . Office Hours: 8:30 A .M. to 1:30 P. M, ,2:30 P. M. to 5:30 P. M. ; 'Phone 816. ' - f Jas. Li. UeLauey. Heury tj. iiogsau Charlotte, N. C. Wadesboro, N. C. . DeLANEY & BOGGAN. : Attorneys at Law. Practice in State and Federal Courts, Collecting Claims, Negotiating Loans. . Practice before U. S. Patent Office Offic 40 E. Trade St. . Phone 1230. ., .. ' . , .... . . ; , . DR. THOS. F. COSTNER, : Residence 810 S. Tryon. V ' . Phone 846. . ; 1 ' Office: Central Hotel Corner. " . ' j Phone 203. . . Norfolk & Western R'y ' Schedule in Effect May 27, 1336. Through Train ballx, Charlotte u RoanolMf, Va. i North Bound Lv. Charlotte, So. Ry ..11:00 a.m Lv. Wlnsion, N. & W. By..... 2:60 p.m. Lv. Martinsville 6:00 p.m. Lv. Rocky Mount . . 6:25 p.m. Ar. Roanoke ................ 7:25 p.n . South Bound. Lf. Roanoke 9:20 .a,i Lv. Rocky Mount .....10:26 a.rl Lv. Martin&villa .... ...... 11:46 a.m. Ar. Winston 2:00 p.m. Ar. Charlotte .... 6:00 p.m. : Through coach Charlotte and Roa uoke. - - .' Connects at Roanoke, via Shenandoah Valley Route for Natural Bridge, Lu ray, . Hagerstown and all points In Pennsylvania and New York. Pullman ileeper, Roanoke to . Philadelphia-, Additional train leaves Winston-Salem 7:30 a. m. daily, except Sunday, foi Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley points. W. B. BEVIL, Gen. Pass. Agt,, Roanoke, V. M. P. BRAGG.- Trav. Pass. Agent. ' .... , . ,. . . R. E. Cochrane rlKE INSURANCE Want Your Dwelling to Rent? .4"rIHHI"HH"H"M is tnterestea ana snonia fnow MARVLL V hirlsnq Spray JTho new tfcHri fcyrtoge. ' JnjeC- nonana auezicn. uegt SHr- est Most Convenient. 1. vif I Ami jvmr froRlat tor it. If he cannot supply the MABVFX, accept no . other, but Rend stamn f of - .Ulnstrated book sraM. It give mil narticnlan and flirectinna In. valuable to ladies. K4RI GI, CO., 44 C 3S4 iSWm)RK. : t ; r