2 COMMISSION ENJOINED. THE JUNE CROPS. A Temporary Injunction By Southern Railway to Head Off Prior.; Injunc tion of the Commission. Special to The News. v . Raleigh, June 12. As the members of the North Carolina Corporation Commission were leaving, their, office last evening after 6 o'clock Deputy United States Marshal J. T. Sharp served on them a temporary injunc tion secured by the Southern Railway Company from Judge Thomas R. Pur nell of the United States Court here restraining the Commission and any .other parties concerned from sueing the Southern for penalties in connec tion with the Southern's refusal to obey the order of the Commission to not change the schedule of train No. Ill at Raleigh so it would pass on to Greensboro at 11:59 P.. M. instead ot waiting here until 1:40 A. M, as in the past and also enjoining the Commission against interfering at all with this schedule on the ground that all branches of the Southern are parts of a single system engaged in inter-State commerce. The Commission is direct ed to appear before Judge Purnellj June 21 and show cause why the tem pqrary injunction should not be made permanent. It is specified that the injunction is not to operate in any way against any regular proceeding pending before the Commission and the Southern declare their purpose to file formal answer with the Commission tomorrow to the complaints that have been filed with them agaisst the change of the sched ule. The Southern charges further that the great number of petitions which have been filed with the Com mission against the change of schedule were gotten up by parties in Raleigh meaning the president and agents of the company in Raleigh publishing the morning newspaper and were sign ed by many with complete misappre hension of the situation. The South ern declares that the records show that the connection at Raleigh by their train with the northbound Seaboard at f:20 A. M. is sought through, the Corporation Commission to further the Southern to maintain was actually made only six times during April and May and that it is of far more import ance to operate on the new schedule and connect with Southern train No. 39 at Greensboro at 4:12 for Salisbury, Asheville and Spartanburg, S. C, Char lotte and Atlanta than to attempt to make the Seaboard connecion at Ral eigh, failure here being due to the operation of unweildy consolidated trains from Hamlet to Norlina. Secretary T. K. Bruner of the North Carolina Horticultural Society, gives notice that the society will hold an important meeting at Aberdeen, Fri day, June 29, when an effort will be made to broaden the influence and in crease the scope of the work of the society. Members are called upon to provide baskets of seasonable fruits for exhibition in connection with the meeting. In the call for the meeting it is stated that if possible arrange ments will be made for holding two fruit fairs in the State each year--spring and fall. J. Van Lindley, of Greensboro, is president of the society. Educators are pouring into Raleigh from all parts of the State for the twenty-third annual session of the North ' Carolina Teachers' Assembly, which convenes tonight. At the open ing session tonight the address of wel come will be delivered by IVIr.' Joseph G. Brown, president of the Raleigh Chamber of Commerce, and the re sponse by Supt. W. H. Ragsdale, of the Pitt county public schools. State Superintendent of Public fnstruction J. Y. J6yner, will deliver an address on "A Year's Educational Progress." Then there will be an address by N. C. Shaffer, president of the National Educational Association and State Su perintendent for Pennsylvania. Dr. C. Alponso Smith of the Uni versity of North Carolina and Gov ernor Glenn are down as the princi pal speakers Wednesday morning. An elaborate reception by Governor and Mrs. Glenn at the mansion is to be the event of the assembly for Wed nesday evening. A big delegation went from Raleigh this morning to Lillington for the Dem ocratic convention for this judicial district, the principal purpose of which will be the nomination of a candidate for solicitor. They are pledged to the re-nomination of Armistead Jones, of Raleigh, who has no opposition. The district consists of Wake, Johnson and Wayne counties. The absence of Alderman Grimps from the city necessitates the post-J ponement ot the calling of the special meeting of the aldermen to pass on the petition presented by Rev. Syl vester Betts for an election in Raleigh on the question of "dispensary" or "prohibition." The meeting will be held probably the last of the week. Washington, June il The crop es timating board of ' the department of Agriculture ' issued the following re port of the condition and acreage of the crops of "'June': Spring wheat, condition ' 93;'- acreage 17,989,000: Winter wheat, conditions 83: Oats, condition 86; acreage 27,678,000: Bar ley, condition 93 5-10; acreage 133, 000 more than last year. - SMOKING A CIGAR. Curious Bet That Shows an Impossible Way of Smoking. "I have a customer who thinks he smokes twenty Wadsworth Bros.' Chi cos a day," said Mr. Sheppard. "As a matter of fact, he gives away a good many, but it is his firm belief that he smokes more cigars than any other man in Charlotte. He says he is wil ling to bet that no man can even smoke one cigar continuously until it is consumed without taking it from his lips, and he has won a good many boxes of Chicos on this simple bet. "Of course, this man's trade keeps us buying Chicos right along, but aside from what we sell him ,Chicos have the largest sale of any cigar in our case. "We warrant it clear Havana filler, and although it sells for five cents it is equal to any ten cent goods. We cannot recommend it too highly." VACATION TIME. Subscribers .who are leaving the city should not fail to let The News fol low them. ' In this way only they can keep informed about affairs in Char lotte. Addresses may be changed as often as desired, . and the paper will come promptly to any part of the coun try. Notify carrier or send Order di rect to The News. Telephone 115. eod-tf ' - A Word J(f EACH INSERTION WAMtU WANTED Few rooms convenient, lar street. table boarders; Apply 309 N. Pop-12-lt WANTED To borrow $1100 or $1200 on good real estate. "D. & B." care News. 12-lt WANTED Experienced lady sten ographer desires position. Address "D. C." this office. 7-6t-eod WANTED For Mill-End Sale 50 salesmen and saleswomen and 25 check boys. Apply at office Thursday at 10 o'clock. The Litle-Long Co. 12-2t WANTED 150 boys to buy wash suits. Prices 48c to $1.50. Belk Bros, li'-lt ; - , WANTED For U. 3. army, able bodied men, between the ages of 21 and 35, citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate hab its, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to the Recruiting officer, 15 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C; 40 Patton Ave., Ashe ville, N. C; Bank Building, Hickory, N. C, or Glenn Building, Spartanburg, S. C. 4-3t-Tu-ThSat W11ESS BUILDERS MISCELLANEOUS ' WOOD! Send your orders, for pine and oak wood, cut any length. Phone 1302. Z. S. BENNICK, 715 N. Smith St. : : : -i A DOLLAR OR TWO spent in , repairs may make that old Refrigerator good for several years' service . and to put that Ice Cream Freezer in working order may be only a matter of .cents. Better ask STRANGE & SHUMAN. Tin and Slate Roofing and Repairing. 32 N. College St. t 'Phone 611. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS. Little's, Webster's and other leading brands. Air these goods fully guaran teed. J. E. CRAYTON & CO., Trust Building ERRANDS run by Postal Telegraph Messengers. Prompt and reliable ser vice guaranteed. Telephone 138. W O. Gaffney, Manager. 'PHONE 370- .WOOD WE ARE able to furnish dry Oak and Pine Stove Wood in any quantity desired by you. Phone 370. C. DOWD & CO. Cor 8th and Railroad. GROUtRS YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND as much difference in our ways and others, as you do in our price and others. Come and get treated right. Our discounts amount to what you wear. McMANUS & HUNEYCUTT. Groceries and Meats. Phone 553. The Largest, Quickest, Cheapest and Best Equipped phone order business in city. FLORIDA WATERMELONS. Florida Fre Stone Peaches, Florida Honey Peaches, Blackberries and "a full line of Fresh Vegetables, J. E DARSEY. Phone 350. WANTED At once; four good car penters. Apply E. H. Overcash, Eliz abth Ave. ll-3t WANTED Two short chain beam ers at $1.75 per day. Apply to J. B. Foster, Box 580, Charlotte. 4tf JUDICIAL CONVENTION. Convenes ot County Court House Thursday at Noon. The time is drawing near for the judicial convention of this district, the 12th. which will convene in Charlotte next Thursday. At this convention can didates will be nominated for Judge and Solicitor of this district the pres ent ones being Judge James L. Webb of Shelby and Solicitor Heriot Clark son, of this city. The 12th. judicial district comprises the counties of Mecklenburg, Cabarrus Cleveland . Lincoln and Gaston. Dele gates will be here from each of these counties to attend the convention. So far there is no other candidate in the field for either of these positions and it is pretty well understood that both Judge Webb and Solicitor Clarkson will be renominated which means they , will be reelected. H. A. Duoont Flertorl By Associated Press. Dover, Del., June 12. Col. H A Dupont was elected Umted States Sen ator by the Delaware Legislature. 10NG TENNESSEE FIGHT. ' For-twenty years W. L. Rawls, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes : "The swelling and soreness inside my nose was fearful, till 1 began applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface: this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Best salve in existence! 25c at Woodall &' Sheppard's drug store. WANTED Clean white rags,. 2 cents. News office. 15-tf FOR SALhOR REN1 FOR SALE OR RENT Two story seven-room: house, Boulevard, Dil worth: Phone 90 day or 1074 night. It. 11. Wornack. 12-lt FOR SALE Two milk cows, 4 gal lons each per day. Address Box No. 570, Charlotte, N. C. 11-2't FOR SALE Nice, gentle home-raised pony, and buggy. 802 North Cald well. , 12-3t FOR RENT One large, airy front -om, neatly furnished. 411 N. College St. ll-6t FOR RENT New ten-room house, Elizabeth Heights; water, sewerage, electricity: Apply to E. Nye Hutchi son, Jr., or to McD. Watkins. 11-tf NICE ROOMS with board, furnish ed or unfurnished. Apply 207 W. 7th St. 9-6t 7 ' 1 111 MISCELLANEOUS. WASH SUITS For Children, with knickerbocker pants. Belk Bros. 12-lt NOTICE A good stand and stock of goods for sale corner of 12th and Gra ham. Sales about Three Hundred Dol lars per week. Want to sell immedi ately. 904 North Graham. 12-2t LOST Sunday; white belt, gold buckle, between First Baptist church and Poplar street, on Sixtn. Finder please return to News office. 12-lt BIG LINE Wash Knee Pants at 25c and 48c. Belk Bros. 12-lt CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Bids will be received until the 1st day pf July next for the erection of a church at Sardis, N. C. The Commit tee will lay down all material on the ground. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Pharr & Redd, Piedmont Building. W. S. Pharr, Car. Building Committee, Charlotte, N. C. . 12-3t-eod. ' . 150 CHI DR EN'S Wash Suits With knickerbocker pants; sizes 2 1-2 to" 7. Prices 48c to 81.50. Belk Bros. 12-lt RED CROSS BRAND CONDENSED Milk is the best on the market for the price. The can is one-fourth larger than the usual size and the milk is the finest that can be produced." While the price is 15c we shall sell it at 12 l-2c. You get silverware free with the wrap pers. BRIDGERS oc CO. 203 W. Trade St. PINEAPPLES. We have just received a very choice lot of nice ripe ones today. x 8. R. LENTZ, Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 251. IT IS WORSE THAN WASTE to boil or scald the clothes when you can use Fels Naptha soap in cool wa ter and save the garment. If ' you want to do charity tell your washer woman about it. When You need cof fee think of "Barrington Hall." Chip beef, 4 cans, 25 cts; Libby's Pot Ham, 6 cans for 23 cenrs. Norway Mackerel 5 cts. Sugar the same old way. W. L. POPE. 229 W. Trade. WE ARE AFTER YOUR BUSINESS and ask your patronage on the merit of the Goods we are offering to the Trade. Have put in - the . Dilworth store a fine large refrigerator for the fresh meat department and invite the ladies of South Charlotte and Dilworth to call and examine for yourselves the' class of fresh meats we handle and the way we are prepared to take care of your business. Our guarantee is to sell as fine meats as Can be secured : SARRATT & BLAKELY, Dilworth Store. NEW PEACHES ' Strawberries, Irish' Potatoes, String Beans,' Onions, and seasonable Vege tables. Lots of fine Poultry and Eggs. Fine Coffee and Tea a specialty. ' , J. Tj MULLIS & CO. 30 N. College. Phone 510 PURE CALIFORNIA STRAINED Honey, 15c ;lb. Fine Country Butter in Bricks 25c lb. Country Cured Hams and Bacon.' Fresh Fruits, Berries and Vegetables. EDWARD CAMPBELL, Cor. Cortege and. 5th Sts. 'Phone 695. FIRST .QUALITY .STAPLE .AND fancv groceries, tobacco and cigars, Coffee from 17c to "35c per pound. Teas sugar, syrups,' molasses, honey; fresh vegetables every day. Haven er's bread. We warrant everything we sell and if not satisfactory refund the money. Call us up at Phone No. 1035, So. Church St. C. B. MOORE & SONS. No. 600 S. Church St. Phone 1035. Washington Bread every day. REALJ ' FOR partly matured or new share -get into Mutual B. & L. at once. This Is the banner series. Works for you while you sleep. E. I. Keesler. Are You Saving loriey ? ! If not, start a savings account with . - : CHARLOTTE. TRUST COMPANY .' ...H'E'W UAPrER BEGINS JLiiY 17J"H. L Interest compounded oiarterly at 4 per cent per, annum.' " " directors: II W. H. BELK' ' H. G. LINK, ,T. H. LITTLE,, Pres. M..I?AVIS, W. M. LONG, - C. M. PATTERSON, V,-Pres. JV.e. GUTHRIE. O. P. HEATH, J. W. ZIMMERMAN, " -, L. R. HAGOOD, Cashier. 18 EA ST TRAiDE STREET. V -o o WsLHtee property listed with us for sale. We can handle some well located residence property if price is right at about the following figures: Cottage Homes, price ....... . . . . ... . . .$1,000 to $2,000 Residencesprice.. .. .. .... .. .. .. .$2,500 to $6,000 Phone us or call at our ofQ.ce if you have such property to sell.-' ? x The Charlotte Realty Company "We Sell Lots." A. G. CRAIG, Secty and Treas. t WELL WORTH YOUR That very desirable home located on the most attractive part ofthe Boulevard in Dilworth, 7 rooms and bathj stables and carriage housjs on premise, t lot 57 x 150 feet ' t Terms $750.00 to $1000.00 cash; balance can be t arranged to "suit the convenience ofthe purchaser. :: Southern Real Estate, loan & Trust Cc Sample of White Clay. Must be without grit and tough. Can use, if can get tlbse: to Charlotte, One Hundred Cars. For fur ther particular w. ' BROWN & COMPANY E3IP REAL ESTATE BROKERS. North Tryon Street. Charlotte, N. C. A DELIGHTFUL place to spend your vacation; Location on the Blue Ridge, near Roaring Gap Hotel. Good hnard - nnrt nlpnsrint surroundings. i "States reasonable." Address C. "W DRUGGISTS BA;T7?'irPRAYS?TiATH Bath Brushes,. Bath Tablets,. Bath Ammonia, Bath iWtchazel, Bath v Soap. Can't we send you some. ( DILWORTH DRUG STORE, f hone 247. ' ! " B. S. Dayls. Try Mayer's HEADACHE NEURALGfA ' CURE. Only 25 Cents. ' IT CURES. C. MAYER - u Druggist, - 6th and Tryon Sts. Phone 252. you select an article or jewelry, a Watch, a piece of 'Cut-Glass, Silver ware or hand-painted China here you pick a winner. ; ' The finest quality and the most ap proved designs are at my store ready for your selection. r, ' : The prices are right, for each offer ing represents more than usual val ue. 'Y - Tbe goods are here ready for your Inspection. -:' ;. ''':-y2" Y' - :'y W, LliMEBACK Jeweler. 221 North Tryon Street. RESTAURANTS SPRING CHICKEN Fried in that old-fashioned way that made the South famous, at THE GEM. E. F. Creswcll For mm Manager. Tired of Home Cooking? You will find a lot of tempting things at the Derirwy Cafe W. D. WILKlNSOt4,...:.Vi. Manager, FOB 4- I Modern .6-room house 602 E. 5lh street JV .i .'. .. $16.66 Modern 14-room house, 510 N. Tryon. close in, suitable for boarding house. Will rent Srst and second stories separately. 6-room house, 713 Nl Davidson, $10.00 5-room house, 9 W. Bland .. ..$10.00 4- room house, Belmont . . .. . . $6.00 5- robm hou&e, So. Poplar .... j .$6.C0 3-room house, West 4th St. $5.00 1 store room basement and second story, W. 5th St. . J. Ajjhui KINGS DIARRHOEA CORDIAL Cures Dysentery, Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, ' and kindred diseases. 25c ?. Bottle. Surwell-Dunn Retail Store On the Square, Opposite the Central - ; Hotel. ' tTOREl Store room 213 W. Trade St. ,.$50.00 Store room, 205 N. Tryon St. .. $40.00 Store room, Dilworth ....... .$25.00 Manufacturer's Ixjft; Dilworth V ,-$25:00 Stbre room, 20 E. Trade St.; recently occupied by J. G. Hood & Co. , SPECIAL. 18 West 6th St., same as occupied by Charlotte Handkerchief Company, 3 floors adapted for Mfg. or Wholesale House , . $45.00 HOUSES. Elegant Apartment Ryder Block, East Morehead St. $35.00 4-room cotage Villa Heights .".$5.00 THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. Organised 1874. . Stands First on National Bank, Honor Roll in North Carolina Stand 198th in the United States. United States Depository. Large Resources -.' Liberal Dealing Up-to-Date Methods Courteous Treatment Gall and See Us About Your Bank Account The Charlotte National Bank UNIT 3 STATES DEPOSITARY. ( CHARLOTTE Resources .............................$1,100,000.00 It Is tbe business of this bank as well as its pleasure to encourage mxx substantial help our depositors who are thrifty and reliable and ambJ tlous to accumulate monoy and succeed. If you are In this class m vrant your bank account. Call on or write. ( - : ;- s' f. H. TWITTY, Cashier. FRANK GILREATH, President. W FIRST NATION AL BANK r " CHARLOTTE, n. c. ;V'V"! !-"-' Orsvnlsed 186S. . ; . ; CAPITAL AND SURPLtJS:....;$ 500,000.00 ASSETS ...... ... . ; . :. tJi. . . . JL,970,71B.69 Your business respectfully solicited. Ererr casrtesy ftnd accommodation extendoe consistent wltk " ouhl banking. - . L U. .VICTOR. Cashier... 8l CO.. 203 N Tryon Streci, Phone : : .: : 535 Car-"fickets For $1.00 At the Office of the STREET RAILWAY CO . E. D LattA. President. makes the fbest Candy. Receiv ed fresh every week, the day af ter it is made, by express. ; 60 Cents Per Pound. Woodall & Sheppard. Agents for Charlotte. -. - BEGETS WISDOM. It Is both wise an economical to Include-- - ;-; .-.. IMPERIAL FLOUR, MUSKEGON BUCKWHEAT FLOUR,, and HART'S ' NEW PROCESS DRY HOP YEAST In your Family; Supplies. ' W. J. M ALONE; 4 211 W. Trade. r 'Phone 119 Huylers Candies A Big Line Pe ceived Fresh To-day The MERCHANTS & FARMERS NAT. BANK ; CHARLOTTE, N. C CAPITAl $200,000.00 1 ASSETS a - - - $1,500,000.00 t ................ , l We Invite you to opes nn account with ns, promising ever courtesy and accommodation consistent with sound banking. W pay four cent, interest on time deposits. t GEOHGE E. WIL&ON, President. JOHN B. R088, Vice Prs ; C. WILKINSON, Cashbn. : i fJ. Graham Street Building Lot One of the Best Residence Sections in the city $1,250.00 Can arrange tei-rns. For further particulars see or phoru Brown Company PHONE5J5 ; " 1 v ' 203 N. TRYON ST. Bvit Father Everybody works at'ast End; it's paradise for working men for many reasons. They u can get plenty- to do all. around and the year round, with two lines of street cars close b and good roads its no trouble to "get around ' it's on the highest and best 'drained elevation near the city, wide, well-graded jstrects, no red mud, and- the prices and terms puts a home with in reach of any tine -vrhv will only make an effort. . Houses and lots for 750 up. Lots from $150 : to $225 ; small payments down, balance monthly. As an investment proposition East Side lots can't be matched. City property and farms.'- W. T. Wilkinson. (L Co. . J. A. BROWNi Notary Public. " . Room 6, Hunt.Buildinr. y .a Charlotte, N. C. Almost IHIere July 1st, the beginning of the New Interest Quar ter iri" our Savings Department. Open your Account in time. We pay 4 per cent. Southern States Trust Company f M 5 Capital $200,000.00 gapr' TRJJST BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. C. GEORGE STEPHENS, Pres. W. H. WOOD. Trcas. T. S.:FRANKUN,,Vice.-Pres. - J. E. DAVIS, Asst. Treas. IF LOOKING FOR A LOCATION ON THE RAILROAD For IVIaiiufacturing or Warehouse We have one of the very few remaining corners on the A Street Railroad -wUhin- three blocks of the Seaboard Freight Depot and four blocks oi the Southern, and with special spur track the full length of the lot at a price1 which should interest you ' just at this time. . :i P. H. JORDAN $, C0.I F- C. ABgOTT. & COMPANY tfmith, Laurelbranch, w. C. 6-S-sr "Everything In Real Estate." ccK:g" Trust Buildinj'