THE.CHARLOTTE NEWS, JUNE 1 4 1 906 Men's Diseases Should Be Treated Oniy". by an Ex pert Specialist. Do Not Allow Yourself to Be Experimented Upon by Incompetent Doctors. We Treat and Cure These Dis eases by Skillful, Scientific Treat ment. Diseases peculiar-to men are very difficult to treat and only an expert specialist should! I be entrusted with; their treatment. We have been, studying a n treating these diseases for ovei 20 years, and have built up a reputation which we believe is second to none in this country. ! J.SSWTOHEXTBAW. rI. D. Graduate Dartmouth Med foi-l Iegel881.tx.rrcsJ.Mich. ' Med.Society. ix. Member State Med. y-, Board of Health, etc Nervous Debility. (lost vitality, nervous exhaustion, prostration, etc.,) the symptoms of which are loss of energy, ambition, vitality, etc., nervous, despondent, sleeplessness, dizziness, etc., can not be cured by incompentent doc tors or patent medicines. We cure it by skillful, scientific treatment prepared in our own private labora tory to suit each case. Write for our book entitled "Nerve and Brain Exhaustion'' sent free. Specific Blood Poison, in most all cases is really curable by our original perfected method. If you have any of its symptoms, such as sores, ulcers, pimples in the mouth, throat, hands, face and other parts of the body, fallins hair and eyebrows, write us for complete' information about this disease. Stricture Varicocele, Hydrocele, Gleet, Enlarged Pros tate, Kidney and Bladder Disorders, and other private and chronic dis eases successfully treated. Diseas es peculiar to women also treated with great success. We do mot Deal in Patent Medicines! All med cines necessary , are prepared in our own private laboratory, without extra char;e. Address DR. HATH AWAY ' CO., 29 Inman Building, Atlantf , Ga. Matthews Social News. Special The Mews. - Mattews, June 14 Miss Helen Hoyte is in Raleigh this week attend ing the Teachers' Assembly. Master Roy and Alice Grey Morri son, of Wildemere, returned home yes terday, after spending two weeks at Mrs. E. .A. Funderburk's. Mrs. J. S. Grier has been quite sick for several days. Miss Daisy Stewart is visiting Miss Annie Lee Wager, in Monro. Little Miss Catharine McDonald, of Charlotte, is visiting at Mr. : J. M. Barrett's. Mrs. Price, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Capehart, of Monroe, left for Char lotte today after spending a few days at Mr. J. A. Stevens'. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Jordan, of Texas, are at Mr. J. S. Grier's. Miss Mary Belle is in Asheville this week attending the Y. W. C. A. She represents Red Springs Seminary. Miss Lula Williams went to Char lotte today toattend the marriage of Miss Mayme Henderson and Mr. Claud Moser, which takes place Thurs day evening at the home of the bride. Mrs. E. J. Heath and children spent last Sunday in Monroe with her daughter, Mrs. B. C. Redfearn. "The Champion Liar." "The Champion Liar" will be the play at Latta Park Auditorium to night and the balance of the week. It is a three-act comedy and Mr. Peters says that the title would suggest that it is a chapter from his own life. Not withstanding the bad weather good crowds have been attending the shows this week and they report not only a good performance but that the build ing is perfectly comfortable - in every way and that no one who could other wise no need stay away on account of the weather. Every selfish man is in the center of his universe and ne's it. "Old Eyes Made New, Sick Eyes Well, Ask Your Druggist for MURINE EYE REMEDY." "a Tonic For all Ees." Begin To Take Ozomuision Toda iuui vure xsegins xoaay. .TheCod Liver Oil Food-Emulsion Par Excellence," the Additional Life giving, Life-Preserving Elements be ing Guaiacql, Glycerine and the Hy pophosphites of Lime and Soda. - Ozomuision will do more to Strengthen, Restore and Preserve your Health than anything you can use. Ozomuision Builds Up Prevents the Breaking-down condition of the Fluids, Tissues and Corpuscles. Ozomuision has taken the place of all other Cod Liver Oil Preparations among Physicians who have analyzed and tried in their Practice the uzomulsion Gurs For COUGHS, COLDS, CATARRH BRONCHITIS, ANAEMIA, MALA RIA, SCROFULA, PNEUMONIA CONSUMPTION and all WEAKEN ING DISEASES OF YOUNG AND OLD. One who takes Ozomuision nrin Re cover that the blood Becomes Purer and Richer; Meals Become more Pal- ataDie, and it (contributes to them what everybody seeks Health, Strength and Beauty. Beneficial Results are Obtained after the First Dose. There are two sizes 8-oz. and 16-oz. Bottles ; xue l unuun is pnntcQ in languages on each. Ozomulsion Laboratories 93 Pice St., New Torlc " - A FINE BODY OF MEN. The Pythians Strike Greensboro Favorably. Banquet Last Night. Special to. The News.. Greensboro, June 14. One of the finest bodies of men ever seen here is represented by the personelle of the delegations from the various lodge of Knights of Pythias through out the State as representatives to the Grand Lodge in its 36th annual session. . There was an estimated attendance of '250 last night and this morning trains had brought in enough, more to swell the number to 300. Owing to inclement weather there was an afternoon session yesterday in place of an intended trolley, nae ever the city. The work was almost entirely routine, except that the question of locating the next place of meeting was determined in favor of Elizabeth City. Asheville and High Point had extended pressing invita tions, but Asheville withdrew in favor of Elizabeth City. The State Deputy Grand Chancel lor's salary was raised from, nine hun dred to twelve' hundred dollars per annum. Last night, an elegant banquet was served at Smith Memorial Building by the local lodge in honor of the visitors, while in Neeses Hall a large number of candidates were initiated amid much fun and merriment into the side rank of Pythiaaism the D. O. K. Ks. The new officers were installed at tne session today. Fifty-nine members were reported as having died during the year this being one out of 125 and being less than the average death rate. There are 8JD00 members of the order in the state. Another report showed that there is $10,000 now on hand as. a neucleus for the establishment of an Orphans Home by the Grand Lodge. JULY 4TH AT SALISBURY. A Big Celebration to be Held on That day In Neighboring City. Special to The News. Salisbury, June 14. Salisbury is making preparations to have a big celebration on the 4th of July. A citizens meeting with this end in view, was held about ten days ago, and various committees appointed to push forward the matter. Last night the committees metvand submitted reports. Every detail, it was evidenced, has been made to make the affair one of the grandest ever held in North Carolina. There will be a sunrise salute by Captain John A. Ramsay, and the survivors of his famous battery in the civil war. A grand parade will take place, commencing at 10 o'clock. Congressman W. W. Kitchin and Senator Lee S. Overman, will be the orators of the day. In the afternoon there will be races and baseball at Fulton Height Park. A balloon ascension will take place on a beautiful and select spot near the park, at 5:30 p. m. At night Col. Hamilton will pro duce the "Burning of 'Frisco," in a grand pyrotechnical display. There will also be other displays of fire works. The program for the entire day will contain many interesting features to please and entertain the spectators. The city in adition to being hand somely decorated, will be beautifully illuminated at night.' Electric cars will run continually to and from the park, and the great est courtesy will be shown visitors. The public is invited to come and help celebrate the day. Mayor S. H. rioyden Pres. Jos H. Ramsay, Treas. : Jos. H. Ramsay Treas. Clint. N. orown Man. ad. Com. SOCIALISTS ORGANIZING. Getting Foreign Miners Into Line in Anthracite Region. ' Wilkes-Barre, Pa., ' June' 14. Giving hope that ultimately they may obtain the public ownership of the coal mines, leaders of the Socialist party are now busy in various parts of the anthracite region organizing the foreign-born mine workers, who com prise three-quarters of the 160,000 men; employed In . the anthracite mines. Today at a meeting of these foreign-born mine workers in Hazel ton thirty-two foreign mine union locals were represented, and-- it was agreed to support tho Socialist ticket at the coming election. Already President William Dettry, of the Hazleton district of the Mine Workers' Union and ' Secretary .-. of the Conciliation Board,, has been nom inated for Congress and Charles F. Gildes, a National Board member of the same district, ' for Lieutenant Governor, on the Socialist ticket. The chief argument of the : leaders is the public ownership of public utilities. .'. OUTWITS THE SURGEON.. A complication of female troubles, with catarrh of the stomach and bow els, had reduced Mrs. Thomas 5. Aus tin, of Leavenworth, Ind., to such'a de plorable condition that her doctor ad vised an operation, but her husband fearing fatal results, postponed this to try Electric Bitters, and to the amazement of all who knew- her, this medicine completely cured her. Guar anteed cure for torpid liver, kidney disease, biliousness, jaundice, chills and fever, general debility, nervous ness and bloJd-poisoning. Best tonic made. Price 50c at Woodall & Shep- pard's drug store. Try it. SENTENCED TO "SKIDOO" Englishman Cried' in Fear, Thinking It Some Dire Penalty, v , Peru, Ind., June 14. When Judge Frank Gass, . of Muncie told Thomas Pellan, an Englishman, before the court on a charge of intoxication, to "skidoo," the young man thought it was a sentence imposed on him and he burst into tears. He had Just con cluded a plea for his own release, promising to leave town at once If permitted to do bo, and the Court replied "Skidoo!" ; . ' With considerable . detail the mean ing of the ' slang word was explained to the Englishman, whereupon he thanked the Court and "skidooed." DEATH OF MR. JASPER COOK. Aged Farmer of Pineville Section Died Sunday Miss Ardrey to Be a Mis sionary. . Special to The News. ' ' ' ' Pineville, N. C, June 14. Miss Hel en Ardrey, who has been a student at Due West College, returned last FrU day. Little Cornelia, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Culp, is critical ly ill. Drs. Knox, of Steele Creek, and Ried of the village are attending her. Miss Maimie Robinsdn, of Provi dence, is visiting her cousin, Miss Lou ise Parks. x Mr. James Cooper of this vicinity died last: Saturday evening after an illnes of only a few days. Mr. Cooper was a veteran of the civil war, and was in many hard-fought battles. He would have been 80 years old in a few weeks, and all of the years he has spent tilling the soil and making an hon orable living for his family. He is sur vived by his wife, three sons, Messrs. J. W. Cooper, of Charlotte, Sam and Hugh Cooper of Sharon; and three daughters, Mrs. T. McCorkle, Misses Maggie and Annie Lee Cooper cf Sha ron. The funeral services were con ducted a Sharon church by the pastor, Ilev.'W. M. Davis, and tne enterment was the church yard cemetery last Sabbath. " After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well." . ; Miss Mamie Moss, "of Lower Steel Creek, is visiting Miss Beatrice Dom iney. Misses Beulah Younts and Essie Campbell, who have been attending the M. E. convention in Charlotte, re turned last Monday. Miss Kate Ardrey, who was a dele gate from the village M. E. church has offered her services and has been accepted to go as missionary to any foreign field to which she may be sent. The misionary society, of which she is a member, feel a throb of pride in the offering of one of their number, who when a little girl was a member of the ' Bright Jewel" society and so has all of her bright young life been identified with missionary work at home; but a wave of sorrow was felt in all of our hearts at the thought oi the long separation from one of the dearest and best. Mrs. W. R. Reid has gone to Siler City to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McAdams. Miss Mary Bailes, who has been teaching school near Davidson. College returned home recently. She stopped on her return at the home of her sis ter. Mrs. W. A. Beatty, of Mt. Holly, where she left her trunk, bringing on ly a suit case home with her, with a limited amount of clothing. A few hours later the residence of her brother-in-law was burned, and her trunk and contents were destroyed by the fire, in which Mr. and Mrs. Beatty lost their houshold goods. Mr. W. E. Davis left yesterday for Spartanburg where he has an excellent position. Such an abundance of rain has fal len in the last few days in this "neck of the woods" that it will soon be ;ne cessary for us to padle around in ca noes if the wet weather continues much longer. ?, Mr. E. W. Russell of the firm of Morrow & Co. will enjoy the company of the farmers, among whom he is unanimously popular, many of whom will swim the creeks to get to Pine ville to swap jokes, whittle and see their favorite our Mr. "Ed." who : is almost as good as his brother, "old Reliable" Mr. J. A. Russell, ; of Char lotte: , Mrs. R. B. Weeks is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. B. Youngblood, of Batesburg, S. C. . , . - TRAGEDY NEAR SHELBY. Young Price Horribly Cut By Farm .. . m r I M i i a Nau nana ana uies rrni injuuva CottorTMill. Special to The News.- . sneiuy, in. j j.. " . . tragedy too place near Hodge in the upper part oi iievemnu wu'j Sunday. It seems that Bryson De venny was a farm hand on the place t- ' r o,.nilqv Virk arm Of Mrs. J. ti. rriue. ouuua, Mrs Price's eldest son, aged 18, had some difficulty, and young Price order ed Devenny to leave the place, where upon Devenny assaulted Price with a knife and cut him horribly, inflicting injuries from which Price died on Mon day. Devenny has not yet been cap tured There was a heavy hailstorm near Lattimore, in the western part of this county on Sunday. The area covered was not large, but much damage to crops in that immediate dMr". Spurgeon Hamrick, who recently graduated at Wake Forest College, has accepted a position as assistant cash ier for the Shelby National Bank. Mr G. W. Spangler has purchased a half interest in the grocery store of D. S. Weathers and the firm is now Weathers & Spanker. The Elizabeth Mannufacturing Com pany is the name of a cotton mill which has just been chartered for Mooresboro. Work will begin at once and it is expected that the mill will' be in operation by fall. - The capital stock is-60,000. Mr. R. R- Haynes is president, Dr. S. S. Royster is vice president. and'C. M. Cook, Jr., is sec retary and treasurer. . Mr! Earl C. McFarland who is em ployed with the Panama CanaL Com mission at 'Panama, is visiting his mother here. ' ItUakes something stronger than water to extinguish the toper's burning thirst. - . . " ; x A TEXAS WONDER. . There's a Hill at Bowie, Text, that's twice as big as last year. This won der is W. L. Hill, who from aweight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180. He' says: "I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave jne.up to die of Consumption. I was reduced to 90 pounds, - when I . began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. Coughs and Colds. - Now. after taking 12 bottles, I have' more -than doubled in weight and. am. completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by Woodall and Sheppard, Druggists , 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. - ... - y ) Docs youahead ache? Pain back of your 1 J ' eyes? Sometimes faint and dizzy? Heavy M SOOOCnSS Pre88ure ln yur head? Bad taste in Vf-w- w t vu mouth? Does your food distress you? Are you nervous and irritable? Do you ever have the blues? Then your liver is all wrong ! Make your liver right. Make it do its work better. Take one of Aver's Pillj rh nitrhf lust one W hav no aeorets I We publish J. C. ArerCo., iycr a rillS eacn niRni, )USI one. thB foPtnn)aB of . our m0 Jlotne, ) Lowell. Mass! ANSON VETERANS REORGANIZE. Old Officers Reelected. Annual Re union Will Take Place In August. Is it tho Fault of tho Laws. Special to Tho News. ,. Wadesboro, June 14. Anson Camp, U. C. V. met Saturday for reorgani zation. The present officers were elected by acclamation. The annual re-union of this camp will take place some time in August. Capt. Wm. M. Hammonds, of Thomasville. Ga., vas present and made a stirring speeon. Capt. Hammonds is the son of the late Hampton B. Hammonds, of vour city. He is a. power in his native state and his Anson friends were do lighted to shake his hand once more on this side of the river. A resolution was unanimously adopted by the camp endorsing the movement to build a monument I-: the women of the Confederacy. -TSv? camp pledged its best endeavors to this end. Mai. W. A. Smith of An son ville, "addressed the camp. His ad dress was in the shape of a memorial to Anson's dead of the past. year, it was a sad, yet interesting address, ln his address the Major said that ths Confederate soldiers, only 600,000 in number, participated in 6,633 battles and held at bay for 4 years an army with perfect equipment, numbering 6,000,000 men. I think not only just Jx the men that participated in the killing of he late J. V. Johnson for the pub lic to wait and hear their side of the question, before forming an opiu "on. That there will be produced evidence mitigating the act is beyond question. M. G. Smith was brutally murdered in Anson by two negroes and . they were sentenced for a term of years in the peniten tiary, both have escaped. John Murray was murdered by one Cagle not long ago. Casle wras ac quitted. John Pratt, col, was killed by one Phillips since the above and Phillips was acquitted, the Judge remarking at the time the jury has made a grave error. . ' Munroe Saies col killed his brother and is at large. John Buker, col., killed a negro -and is now at large. Two other murderers are now in jail . untried. The heaviest rain of the season fell here on Saturday. Lands anu the growing crops were badly washed and injured. During the storm lightning struck a cottage in South Wadesboro tearing off the weather boarding and splintering two beds in the house. The inmates of the, house were slight ly stunned, but not otherwise injur ed. . . . . ... ; ... . Wingate News. Special The News. Wingate, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. L. Medlin are spending a few weeks at Cleveland Springs. Mr. Jesse A. Williams spent Sunday with his parents here, returning to Marshville Monday morning. Mr. Eber McWhirter spent the day Sunday with his parents in the coun try. Miss Mary Lee Bivens and Miss Ard Williams are home from the Baptist University at Raleigh. Miss Bivens graduated this year. Mr. J. M. Austin, of Monroe, spent Sunday on the "hill" with relatives. Mr. W. E. Brock, one of our bright est young men, hag located at Wades boro to practice law. . He is a young man worthy of success and we trust that he may be a brilliant success. We regret to learn that Prof. Dry has resigned his position as principal of the Wingate school and we hope that he may see fit to reconsider before taking any final action. Indian or White Man Lying. Vinitia, I. T., June .14. The United States Grand Jury today indicted Ben Hungry, a full-blood Indian, for the murder of Deputy United States Mar shal Isaac L. Gilstrap who was killed in a fight with the Wyckliff e outlaws recently. Hungry accused Charles Wyckliffe of the killing and Wyckliffe says Hungry did it. The Wyckliffes are still at large. R. H. JORDAN & CO'S SUCCESS. Great Popularity of Plan to- Sell Med icine at Half-price and Guarantee a i Cure. R. H. Jordan & Co., the enterprising druggists, rather than await the ordi nary methods of introduction, urged the Dr. Howard Co. to secure a quick sale-for - their celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia by- offering the regular 50 cent bottle at half:price. The wonderful success of this plan was .a great surprise even to R. H. Jordan & Co. and today there are scores of people here in Charlotte who are using and praising this remark able remedy. So much talk has been caused by this : offer, and so many new friends have been made . for the specific, that the Dr. Howard Co. have authorized druggists R. H. Jordan & Co to contin ue tnis special half price sale for a limited time longer, v In addition to selling a 50-cent bot tle of Dr. Howard's specific for 25 cents R. H. Jordan & Co. have so much faith in the remedy that they will . refund the money to anyone whom it does not cure. When your head aches, your stomach does not digest food easily and nat urally.. When there is constipation, specks before the eyes, tired feeling, giddiness .bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, heart-burn, sour stom ach, roaring or ringing in the ears, melancholy and liver troubles, Dr. Howard's specific will cure you. If it does not, it will not cost you a cent. This kitest achievement of science is of great : value in curing sick head ache. ' Thousands of - men are 'today free from that painful disease solely through the use of this specific. WHERE, TALC 13 FOUND. The Production of Talc Soapstone in 1905. Talc is found in nearly every' State along the Atlantic slope. In form it varies from pure, foilated talc to hard-' er steatite. Many of the compact va rieties of talc and soapstone in this section of the country have been pro fitably worked. ' In the western States talc has been found in greater or less quantity at many localities, but on ac count of lack of transportation facili ties only a few of the deposits have been developed. The total product of talc and soapstone of all, varieties in 1905 amounted to 96,634 short tons, valued at $1,082,062. This was an in crease of 5,445 short tons in quantity and of $141,331 in value, as compared with 91,189 short tons, valued at $940,--'31, the production of 1904. ( The increased production of 1905 is due to the large increase in the, pro ductions from Virginia and Vermont, Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, who has made a-report on the reproduction of talc and soapstone in 1905. for, the annual' volume of Mineral Resources published by the United States Geological Sur vey, visited the Vermont deposits last summer and describes them in some detal. Other States that have pro duced talc and soanstone are Califor nia, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland,' Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina,' Pennsylvania, and Vermont. By far the most important producer of talc in the United States is the ! State of New York. Its outDut amounts to nearly double that of all .the other States combined, and almost ail of it 13 used in the manufacture of paper. In 1905 the production of fibrous tic in New York amounted to 56,500 short tons, valued at ?45,000. This was a decrease of 7,505 tons in, quantity and of $62,400 in value, as1 cumpareq witn tne production of the previous year. The quantity of the; auu suapsiune proaucea ay .an the other States amounted to only 40,134 short tons and $203,731 over the output of these other States in 1904. Tne importation of talc amounted in 1905 to 4000 short tons, valued at $48,225. ' Life's chief compensations do not come in pay envelopes.- SICKNESS IN. CHARLOTTE. Mere Cases of Illness This Spring Than in Former Years. Physicians and druggists say there are more cases of illness in Charlotte this spring than in former years. Per haps'there is hot' so' much' 'serious1 sick ness, but Spring languor, loss of appe tite, headaches, sleeplessness, back aches, weakness and debility, indiges tion or an overworked stomach, are more common than they have been for some years past. This has resulted in an unusual de mand for. Mi-o-na stomach tablets at WoodaU & Sheppard's. Before they felt they could recommend this reme dy they tested it rigidly in many cases of heart-burn, indigestion, wind on stomach, debility, and other troubles that result from a weakened digestion, with the greatest success. In fact, Mi-o-na has been so uniform ly successful in curing all stomach troubles that Woodall & Sheppard give a signed guarantee with every 50 cent box to refund the money if it does not cure. . :, Tf not convenient to obtain Ml-o-na of Woodall & Sheppard or some other retailer it will be sent by mail postage repaid on receipt of price. The II. T. Bovth, Co.. Ithaca Ti. T. Dairy License is due. Dog Tags are now on' sale. Call at once at City Tax Office. W. B. TAYLOR City Tax Collector. Victor Talking Machines Easy payments, by month or week if you prefer, Sitae &Bamisei Co. (CO , - ti IS MASTER'S VOICE " ' The Red OR , Tricks of the Tempter Exposed Being mesages from the Under- World of Sin and How they are An swered. A book portraying tjie grave dangers in the various walks of life; also the milder forms of tempaf ion that lead to ruin. "The Red Telephone" is a semapho re of forty danger signal true to real life, and tells of the pit-falls and the method of es- S' cape a warning note that will sav e many a young man from wreck S and ruin. . . Agents Wanted. C. H. ROBINSON & GO. aTalaT Ta T mm T m T TiiTaTiaTaTai TiawaaT V'iTi"' V'i' i i i J? WWW Full Line of Trunks All styles and size $2.00 to $7.00 Refrigerators $8.75 to $20.00 EASY MECKLENBURG FURNITURE COMPANY 225 NORTh TRYON, ST. Oi La Marguerite Shop On account of business chaijge we will hold a special sale all next week during which we will sell AT ACTUAL COST all Shirt Waists, Linen Suits, Separate Skirts, Sailor and Shirt Waist Hats. m LA MARGUERITE SHOP 211 N. TRYON STREET. THE NORTH CAROLINA . . -t , -it -i j ir- State Normal and Industrial School COURSES: Literary, Classical, Scientific, Pedagogical, Commercial, Domestic Science, .- Manual Training, Music. Three Courses leading to degrees. Special courses for graduates of other colleges. Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc., $170 a year. For free-tuition students, $125. Fifteenth annual ses sion begins September 20, 1906. To se cure board in dormitories, all .free-tuition application should be made be fore July 15. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teach ers and stenographers. For catalog and other information, address CHARLES D. MclVER, President. 6-12-3w Greensboro, N. C. GOAL i Wot All Firposes WHATEVER YOUR FUEL REQUIREMENTS MAY EE WE ARt READY TO FILL THEM TO YOUR SATISFACTION. Wt rIAN DLE ONLY THE 'BEST COAL THAT MONEY CAN BUY TEAM. DOMESTIC. BLACKSMITH'S COAL. Standard Ice & Fuel Co 44. 4,Mi..,t....i..i..t.....ii O 3C 3TC Keep OUR Hot Weather Clothing Makes it an easy and simple matter. In our stock oi tem perature reducers are: Light Serge Suits Alpacca Coats .Mohair Coats Gauze Underwear Negligee Shirts j Straw Hats a u And many other articles J will make you feel as n seashore and cause a slight deprecia tion of your bank account. Long-Tats o ot 3C Teleph one 300-304 N.TryonSt Charlotte, N. C. T T mmim mmmYm -tTrnm T T i W ' a ! vw 1 l"l"rij jvDT VrJ PAYMENTS. H. n 4"H"M..j ' l t 1 I M Mm- 3C DO vlooi LINE OF Hats the possession of which cool as a day at tne . Clothing Co. 0

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