7T THE CHARLOTTE! NEWS,' JUNE 14, 1 906! Nature's Way Is Best. The function strengthening and tissue building plan of treating chronic, linger ing and obstinate cases of disease as pur sued by Dr. Pierce, is following after Nature's plan -of restoring health. Ho uses natural remedies, that is extracts from native medicinal roots j,iviaral by processes wrought out by tlm expenditure of much time and monev, without the use of alcohol, and .y skillful combination in just the right proportions. .. L'sed as ingredients of Dr. Pierce's doldcii Medical Discovery, Black Cherry l.uk. Queen's root, Golden Seal root iuodrot and Stone rootspecially exert tin ir iulluenco in cases of lung, bronchial and throat troubles, and this "Discov .iiv" is, therefore, a sovereign remedy for bronchitis, laryngitis, chronic coughs, catarrh and kindred ailments. ' The above native roots also have tho strongest possible endorsement from tho leading medical writers, of all the several schools of practice, for the cure not only t,f the diseases named above but also for lmihrestioii, torpor of liver, or hilinus. ir-ss. obstinate constipation, kidney and Madder troubles and catarrh, no matter v, hero located.. You don't have to take Dr. Pierce's suv-so alone as to this; what he claims for his " Discovery " is backed up by tho writings of the most eminent men in tho medical profession. A request by postal cud or letter, addressed to Dr R,:v Fierce. Buiralo, N. Y., for a little book of extracts from eminent meAloal nn.i thoi ities endorsing the ingredients of -lib '" medicines, will bring a little book free" that is wormy or your attention if needing a good, safe, reliable remedy of Knniru composition for the cure of almost any old chronic, or lingering malady. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation, une little "Pellet "is a eentla WAS, NOT MURDERED. J. F. Dunn Died From Natural Causes When Corpse Was Found Little Daughter Was Sitting Beside It Thinking Her Father Was Asleep. Special .to The News. N Wadesboro, June 14. A cold disa greeable rain from tne east is now th , , inis wiU further delay the work of farmers. In the north- ",Pa ot h!s county "as al ;Vrrii...r . ufu.. ms work- Grass is M1V.UL11 I I M i I I I ir In - "1 j 1 : , V 10 rea mat some "UIUO wiu De abandoned. ,;Hail last Saturday- did considerable vxmast! iv growing crops vv imam H 11 rat nrTn-i wLn V- IaSt Sun- vas in his usual health, but was w -a5 a, sol?r :of tQe sixties and a guoa soiaier. J,oe Kendall, an old-time "-.a, recently- A polife ser- rZTX-u 1fiaustnous man, and a kind t -i - - - record tQat "Uncle The ' Contract fnr h.,;,, L r2lttf has. been let the work W V-iu-011- A railroad from Pee Dee to the falls 'Will also be built Vi . -a Coxe the attorney IT i.rv-Tri,nse' lets tnis much out -"uene-nj,, of the public, r"J Ported here several days ?r " .wrpse nad been seen float o y c UL Lue Drancnes near "-...An investigation of the report Pioved it to be a hoa as the 0r,,i """J1 V'utuu to ne n flrur Thio -..roc laxative, and two a mild cathartter5 ""-f - V - lsaPP9intment . to the - news The most valuable book for both men ahu nzmien is ur. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser. A splendid 1008-page volume, -with engravings and colored plates. A copy, paper-covered, will be sent to anyone sending 21 cents m one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only, to Dr. R. V. Pierce. TinffaLVTtf Y. Cloth-bound. 31 7 HOPE TO CAPTURE N. CAROLINA. 3M Avl5t. Republicans Will Make an Effort to Carry the State in 1903. Washington, June 13. The admin istration has taken a deep interest in Kei ublican party affairs in North Caro lina. In the last gubernatorial elec tion in that State the Republicans jiolled SO. 000 votes and the Democrats -"...U in excess of that number. The Republicans will make every effort in the coming fall elections to cut down the Democratic majority with a view to capturing the electoral vote of the State two years hence. Secretary of War Taft will deliver an address at the Republican State convention, to be held in Greensboro on July 10. Postmaster-General Cor telyou will also attend the convention if public business permits. Senator Carter of Montana has promised to speak to the North Carolina Republi cans on the occasion of their State convention. mongers, who wprs hard r..A.' . . an " r Mr T TT r t, " , ' poi tea murdered in ninhmi died of -heart disease.. Dunn had been T tu ,xcessively. for sometime mis 1S supposed weakened hno i4- TT ' i i i . . . . 7a,t e uau nis little 5-year-old daughter with him when he died. The child thinking that her father was taip was sitting by the side of the corpse when found. The father and child had been to Mt. Gillead and were returning home when death en sued. Mr. F. O. Landis is now laid ur at home from injuries sustained in try ing to board a moving: train. Hie in juries while painful are not danger ous. - Anson county candidates may be seen in swarms in our town on public days They are very soliciitous about the health of thf Pnnri children. Handshaking and in some instances a drop of the "creeter" is taken on the sly. if f " Oil I I'- ' ; revv Jiss 7ilson s Hair AND WE CAN IT. Panderina Is So Exhilaratin, " Invigorating r and strengthening to both tho hair and scalp that even a 25c. bottle of it is often enough to show wonderful Im provements. It at once Imparts a sparkling brilliancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few week' use will cause new hair to sprout out all over the scalp, and grow abundantly, long and beautiful. U3e it every day for awhile, after which two or three times a week will be enough to complete whatever growth you desire. Latest Photograph of : Mis?. Carrie WiJson, 3728 64th Place, Chicago. . NOW at all druggists, in three sizes, 25 cents, ; 50 cents and $1 .00 per bottle. , . . . . . ;FREF To show how qckly Danderine acts, tre B IlkUl will send a large sampie. free by return mail to . any one-' who sends this advertisement to the Knbwlton ..' Danderine Co., Chicago, with their name and address and ten. cents in silver or stamps to pay postage. . - - PRETTY MARRIAGE AT RUBY. AMERICAN KILLED IN FIGHT. Pale Delicate Women and Girls. - The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tchlrr trrivef' out'malariand builds up the system. Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents. Commissioner's Sale of Valuable. Real Estate on the Providence Road. By virtue of an Order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in - a. . Special Proceeding entitled "K. Baxter Pharr, administrator of W. L. Pharr, deceas ed, against Sarah Lila Pharr, heir-at law," I will sell to the highest bid der at public auction at the court house door, county aforesaid, at 12 m., on the 3oth day of June, 19o6, the' fol lowing described property, to-wit: 1st Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the Northeast, side of the Providence Koad, Beginning at a stake on edge of said road, 200: feet from the -corner of the J. -S. Myer's'land;, and, running with said road 31 1-4 E. 200 feet to an iron stake on edge of road, thence N. 58 3-4 E. 370 feet to an iron stake,' "thence N: 45 14, W. 205 feet to an iron stake, thence S. 58 3-4 Vvr. 323 feet to the Beginning,' contain ing One and 59-100 acres. 2d Lot. Fronting 200 feet nn theIA i ' noruieast side of Providence : Road. , y.iry l.r, tj,q t-o.-iw not introduce any .evidence, the su preme court having eliminated every question except the " amount of dam ages. After being out two hours the jury brought in a verdict of $1,800. GLENN HAYES GETS $1,800. After Three Trials Nearo. r rs Verdict Against the Southern Still Had His Big Toe. Special to The News. Greensboro, June 14. In the Supe rior court here yesterday morning the case of Glenn Hayes, colored, vs.- the Southern Railway was tried. This is the third, trial of the case. The jury in the -first trial deciding for the rail road, Judge Peebles setting aside the verdict t- The-, nest . time he -plaintiff, gor a Verdict of H.O 'tut the unrem court decided there was, ah error in tne judge's charge and sent the case back on the. question of damages. .- Th Jdaihtiff is a negro boy, who testified itatr.by consent - of a brake man he was riding on top of a frieght car going to Walnut Cove. That when near the Eattle Ground the brakeman told Jiimto pay him "ten -cents for the ride, but having no money, plaintiff could not do- it. The brakeman made him climb down, stepping on his finders to make-him get off. Plaintiff in falling struck a guide post which threw him under the wheels of the moving train. One 'of his legs was cut off and his other foot was badly man gled. At the trial this morning one of the physicians testified for the plaintiff that. Ijesid cutting off his leg' the bigltoedn" thi; remaining foot had to be amputated - Plaintiff's law yers claimed that this foot was still in bad condition and would probably yet have tQ.be ampuated and to show this made the plaintiff .pull off his shoe and stocking. -The - first thing . that struck the -spectators was the specta cle of that big toe sticking out, the Beginning at corner of Lot No. 1 at iron stake on edge of said road, and running with said road S. 31 1-4 E. 200 feet to an iron stake on edge of road, thence N. 58 3-4 E. 420 feet toan iron stake, thence N. 45 1-4 v. 207 feet to an iron stake, thence S. 68 3-4 w. 370 feet to.the Beginning, containing One and 81-100 acres d Lot. Fronting 200 feet on the northeast side' of ' Providence Road, Beginning at corner of Lot No. 2 at iron stake on edge of said road, and running with said road S. 31 1-4 E. feet to an iron sake on edge of road, thencet N.. 58 3-4 E. 470 feet to an iron stake, thence N. 45 1-4 W. 20 feet to an iron Rtakf Hipnco s ks 3-d W. 420 feet to the Beginning, contain- '"g two and 4-100 acres. Also a small triangular tract, con taming about One Hundred or Two Hundred sauare feet mnro or Ipss. adjoining the lands of W. H. Wake- 1 e"i on the southwest side of Provi dence Road. The terms of sale will be one-half cash, and the balance In six months; upon approved security. ' . - This 2Cth day of May. 190G. R. BAXTER PHARR,. ' Commissioner. Join Our Ciuii you Want nrnTTtTit rfoHirat-tr""o-nl' ! nrst-ciasa work. V We keep your clothes cleaned i auu pressed fof fLOO per month. f City Pressing Club MRS. 'J. Mi HESTER, t r r Proprietress ; 209 N. Tryon Street PROGRESSIVE HARRISBURG. J"H4j..j. ..juj,. 'I-J"!"!"!"!"!"!' - essicmal services, Some of Its Advantages News and Personal Notes of Interest. Special to The News. Harrisburg, June 14. Within the past week Mr. J. F. Harris has bought a lot here and will build during the summer. ' Mr. Baumgardener has also bought a lot and will build soon. - There is every reason to expect this little town to grow rapidly. It is only twenty-eight minutes ride from Char lotte, and offers inducements to those wishing homes in a good Christian village. We have a live working little PTesbyterian ' Church, with good Sun-s day School, and is in every way a de sirable place to live. ; Mr. Ed. Demick, of Austin, Texas, spent last ; Wednesday in the town, with Dr. Grier's family. Mr. Demick was a delegate to the General Assem bly and came from Greenville to North Carolina to visit old friends and rela tives. His only daughter, Miss Mary Demick, is- under appointment as mis sionary and will be married - to Rev. Mr. Hancock,, who is also appointed missionary to China, in October. They expect to go at once to the foreign field.; 1" : : " i r' Dr. Hugh Mercer Blain, of Virginia, has accepted the chair of Latin: and French in Austin College, Sherman, Texas. TJr. Blain is a Ph.D. of the University of .Virginia, son of Dr. Dan iel Blain, of Lowesville, Va. " " Snapshot of Richard A. Canfield, .Ire: .notorious. gambling house keeper and his friends leaving court, rrom left to right ar.e Attorneys H. Snowden Marshall and George Gordon- Battley jCanheld : and his. manager, David 'uckleft. At the bottonf-. are tac.-simiie letters written Dy janneiu, iiili-uuuu ed iq evidence by Lawyer Delahunty who is suih5?';fees;forpro Mr. Harrall of Cheraw an-l Miss Mc Gregor of Ruby t!-.e Contractinn Par ties. Special to The News. Ruby, S. C, June 14. Amidst beau tiful surroundings there was "celebrat ed last Wednesday just after the set tin of the golden sun a lovely wedding event, when in the First Methodist Church Mr. Henry Harrington Harrall of Cheraw, S. C, and Miss Kate Jea nette McGregor, the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mc Gregor of this city took the marriage vows. Rev. J. W. Stevenson, of Ches terfield, S. C, assisted by Rev. . Mr. Harris, of the Presbyterian church, us ing the impressive ring ceremony. The occasion was graced by an unusually large, attendance ,. of .friends an'u-elaV uves or tne popular r young .couple.. The pulpit was artistically devcoratod with ferns and choice cut flowers, mak ing a beautiful back- ground for the lovely scene when the bridal was as sembled, suspended just in front of the. altar was an exouisite, wedding bell of soft foliage of green and white cape jasamines. The entire church was a rare scene of beauty. Tho decora tions composed of green and white, beautiful wedding candles were artis--tically arranged throughout the church' lending a soft sweet glow to the love: ly scene. . : The wedding music was rendered by Miss Patrick, who played several se lections before the arrival of the bridal party. . Mendelssohn Wedding March Hearts, and Flowers was sweetly play ed during the ceremony. The four ush ers were Messrs. J. -S. McGregor, broth er of the bride, Wilbur Page, Willie Wannamaker and Alexander Bishop. in Lee Christmas, Who Lost His Life Honduras, Was a Filibuster. New Orleans, June, 13. A. steamer from Puerto Cortez, Honduras, brings information of the killing there of . Lee Christmas, an American filibuster and revolutionist, who 'had been active in Central American politics for some years. ' ' ,x Christmas was a. native of New Or leans. He went to Honduras to work for the Honduras Railway. He took sides with the revolutionists under Manuel Bonilla, new President of Hon duras, and was colonel of one of the regiments that overthrew the govern ment. He was again with the Hon duras Railroad, ' which is operated by the government, wh'eh "he became en gaged in the shooting affray in wnich he lost his life. How weak and helpless ar man is when a bold and aggressive widow makes up her mind to marry nim! TO DIVE FOP. 70 WARSHIPS. (hi Cost if Biing mmnmi Reflections of a Bachelor. From the New -York. Press.... . -.. . . A woman has a much better. time at a funeral than a man has at a" wedding. . It's almost throwing money away to send a b6y tQ college if he has ho ath letic ability. V BUILDING FOOD. To Bring the Babies Around. When a little human machine (or a large one) goes wrong, nothing is so important as the selection of food to bring it around again. "My little baby boy fifteen months old had pneumonia, then came brain fever, and no sooner had he got over these than he began to cut teeth and, being so weak, he was frequently thrown into convulsions," says a Colo rado mother. ; "I decided a change might help, so took him to Kansas City for a vis it. ' When we got there he was so very weak when he would cry he would Greece to Raicc Turkish Vessels Sunk If.-1827 and Recover -Treasure. Milan, June 14.-A contract has been concluded by -the Greek Government with the Leghorn Divers" Association for1 the recovery cf 70 Turkish war ships" sunk at Navarino by the English, French and Russian fleets in 1827. The Turkish ships ;?.rb"ljelleved to have carried much money. f ' .; The contract also' includes a search for the Roman galleys sunk between Corigo and Candea; while conveying art treasures from Greece during the Latin conquests. The' exact spct in which the galleys lie is already known, a Greek diver having recently brought up a beautiful Greek vase, which the government purchased' foe 400,000 drachmas. ! :' ' '" 5 : ":'.':- ' " ' -':''---: RENT ?51 A SQUARE FOOT! ... Highest Of Record Paid for Store at Eroadway and . Wall Street. New Ysrk. June 14, The Mercantile Trust Co. of St. Louis, which repre sents the owners of the property, has leased to the United Cigar Stores Co. the store r.nd basement in the new 13-story building that is going up at the southeast corner of Broadway and Wall street. . The lease is for 10 years, at an an nual rent. -of ?40,000 The store meas ures only 28 by 28 feet, making the square foot rental $51.02 a yean-According to Lorenzo 1 E. Anderson, vice president of the trust company, this is the highest store rental on record. An ounce of 'contentment is more, beneficial to a woman's completion than a pounu of cosmetics. LONG TENNESSEE FIGHT. For twenty years . W. L. Rawla, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The swelling and soreness inside my nose was fearful, till I -began applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface: this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Best salve in existence. 25c at Woodall & Slieppard's drug store. . 9 If all tombstone, inscriptions: were literally true, his Satanic maiestv sink away ana seemeu line ne wouia would nave a lonesome time of it. die. .... "When I reached my sister's home she said immediately that we must feed him Grape-Nuts and, although 1 had never used the food, we got some and for a few days gave him just the juice of Grape-Nuts and. milk. He got stronger so- quickly we; were soon feed bng him the Grape-Nuts itself arid in a wonderfully short time he fattened right up and became strong and welL "That showed me spmething worth knowing and, when later on my girl came, I raised her on Grape Nuts and she is a strong and healthy baby and has been. You will -see, from the lit tle 'photograph I send you , -what a strong, chubby youngster the boy now is, but he didn't look anything like that before we found this 'nourishing food. Grape-Nuts . nourished yhim back to strength when he was -'-so weak he couldn't keep Xlany ether v food on his stomach." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. - ? All children can be built to a more sturdy . and healthy condition.-- upon drape-Nuts and cream. The food con tains the elements nature demands, from which to make the soft gray fill ing in the nerve centres and brain. Aj" well fed brain, and strong;- sturdy nerves absolutely insure a healthy body. Lopk in pkgs. for the famous little Tools Plows, Disc Harrows. Cultiva tors, Grain Drills, Gasolene En gines and all kinds of agricul; ,: tural implements at lowest ' L prices at my immense store-: i - - . . - house, cor. Stonewall and Col lege streets. ; May be reduced mate rially if you get the right kind of plumbing done in the right way at the right price. . - Let us look over your plans, and seek. " not" make some sugges tions that will save you ' money. -. -' 223 8. Tryon 8t ..- Our Phone Is 309. Carolxxc ; Heating& Plum bihg - Company The Wa'iasli a noted the world oyer, for the . work that Is rr v . .... . ' , put In It : '-"': i' We would like to talk to you about it. HGuslon-Dixon & Co. Pretty Painted China - ' In numberless exquisite designs and shapes, appro priate for gifts or desir able for personal use at . our store. , The Palamountain Co. JEWELERS. Gili ClocL's ! G. A. BLACK " We are ' showing an. extensive line of gilded clocks, , There are many dif ferent sizes and shapes and, besides being most .beautiful in design they are excellent? time-keepers and very reasonable in price. GARIBALDI & BRUNS Watches,' Diamonds. Gold and. Silver Novelties- t la. Improvements makes this on Of the Finest Hotels in the South T C.E. r Proprietors, V Charlotte, N. C. - ; HAYWOOD WHITE; SULPHUR SPRINGS."" , .. Famous for its Sulphur and Iron Water. -' Altitude 2350 Feet. ' V Twenty acres of beautiful well sharM lawn jni!n.v,(i,'.r.,rl In the Western North Carolina Mountains to spend the summer months. ' , rur parucuiars ana aescripuve booklet write.-' -; . - ALEXANDER BRbS.; PROPS. : ' WAYNESVILLE. N. C. , "''J1. ; ..... . THE BALSAM , INnV"""7 ' V SA new and up-to-date hotel with all mori July. 10th. The hiehest R. R. nnint paut nf tho PnnVin., u. ri : - vvjv.xv.i rut luiLuci in formation, address. . . W. S. .CHRISTY, Mgr. WCt LOCI 1 1 if m Sm Cleveland Sorini The famous well-known summer rp-snrt ia nniiar . . - - -. uiauagcmcui, UU11- tains all modern conveniences. Has been rennvpivri nd hn,.i, . . uuu i.uuiuuguij 1CU- ovated. New water sewerasrft hns inst hpon mi in a-ni o .. , , o- uuu a. a.11 ucn ojfoieui ai- SO. Electric lishts and call bell invorv rmm an ana many attractions. Many imurovementa mndA sinM ici- COQCnn ti-VT fun. ther information, write, ' ; . ' - ; Orie L. I SHELBY, N. C. CENTRAL HOTEL I JUL In the Heart of the Business District Over $3Q,'00o. has been spent in modern improvements, making this one of the best' appointed, cldanesf and most comfortable ho tels in the, Carolinas. The table is. unsurpassed south of Washing- -ton, .... ..', ' ' ; ....::.': - All are outside rooms and every one electric lighted. : Electric elevator service day and nighL,; ltpomst,with private baths. ; M. P. O'CALLAHAN, Mgr. Charlotte, N. C "In Ttie Land of Tlie SkV KEMLW0RTH IIVjN r , Situated in a private park of 160 acre& - BILTMORE, NEAR ASHEVILLE. N.C. ' v 25,00 : ft. ;above Sea LeveL JUST THE PLACE TO SPEND THE SUMMER. Recognized as the leading Hotel in the Mountains of Western North Car olina. No scenery in the world will compare with the view from this ho tel. Mt. Mitchell and Pisgah in full view. Adjoins and overlooks the ; Biltmore estate; Cool- invigorating climate,' magnificently furnished, cul ' 'sihe uhsur$;assa:1 ' All' vegetabte from our private garden -gathered fresh-ev-.'ery mbrning. Orchestra, golf pool, billiards, tennis, livery, beautiful rides and drives. ":-'-''- ' .- '' ' Coach meets all trains at Biltmore station.' 'Consumptives hot ac commodated under any circumstances. Coach is operated by managemenL running every half hour between trolley" from Asheville, and the hotel. Open all the year. -Write or wire for booklet and rates. . . EDGAR B ' M00RE, Proprietor ' In the Heart of the ' Shopping - and Theatre Districts GjLSEt H0tJS;E 29th St. and Broadway ; New York City TEN MINUTES FROM ALL DEPOTS ' ..... . , ROOMS: European Plan, $1.00 r per day up. American Plan, $2.50 to $3.50. Per Day According to Location. 75 Suites, Parlor, Bedroom andyBath. . Special Rates to . .. Families, : American and Eu- . ; . ropean Plans., - Combination Breakfast, 50c. " " -'Luhcheorfr 40c- ' - ' Dinner, a to 8:30, 75c I'- H.-rrCAN'prp;- THE HO LMAK-CH RISTiAN U HIYERSITY. will bo used for a hotel summer re sort from June 4 until September 1st. Beautiful location. For further infor mation, address : DR. JAMES CASW1SLL COGGINS, Black Mountain. N. C. t THE HNTHOFFER INN is now' open just one-half mile from the station. For terms apply to ' E. J.. ENTOFFER, Black Mountain, N. C. 243 Acres Four Miles South o) Charlotta : for : sale on reasonable terms. ; Thl land Ilea on C. C. & A. Railroad and suitable for factory sites. '.. : 1 " 4 ; HUGH W. HARRIS, 'Atty El- VICTOR TALK I N G MACHINES 1 . TP fr and;, RECORDS ! WVi DISOM PHONOGRAPSvr t .; HIS MASTERS VOICE" .... :. Vi-1 COME IN .ANiJ HEAR THEM. Charlotte Musit Cdm : I ? . ' " L. WALDO AMES, Manager. " y. PHONE 313 J .-. 1 -. THEY -WERE TRIPLETS. Old Pop So you are a father,, eh? I'll drink a glass Of wine to 'the heart of the new arrlvaL' - . . ' New Pop (sadly) Drink three. . . . ' ;

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