THE CHARLOTTE, NEWS, JUNE 18, 1906. i i i TODAY'S ..MARKETS COTTON c Rache & Co.'s Daily Cotton Letter. b- i,v thA Charlotte Cotton (.'Hvnii-ii"-" "j - "h-uige and Board of Trade.) 'ew York, June 18. Liverpool ad .' 1 better than expected, pri vies- . . 1. . 4 1 .-. ( ; .v, f ..i.I.iC IHIUlil lia . Lilt? EtCULlliiCilL ate i . :; -4. treuBii' " : ' , ., i, . . -. J . Ill I 11 I ' TIIIIUI IV i nr IV t , , ,,eet account. i The new crop held comparatively te.uly as there was no rain in Texas 'r Sunday, but Washington predicts ottered showers over the - belt in Uuiiii ! Kast and West Texas. Experienced travelers through the i.i. invtirinhlv ronnrt that tho ereage is larger man uie government fr,ori estimate, also that the condi- tlOU is i". j .. . .-.nMoprp 'i n a . in v envprn. ipll jtr.u - j o .. il.i'T nil II 111 II IMII III 1-4 1111 I ItM , ii t in 'i ill 1 1 1 t win il(niQ-i(infiiii- impKJ1"" ' s we would buy oniy on snarp oreaKs illile awalling ueveiupuieuia. Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) col Middling 11.00 i ,. M i.f.llintr 1 1 (( StllCA iU!UUU"3 JiA.VW Middling iiUc-J ' ' STOCKS Jan Feb . Mar . lune Jiuy Oct . Nov . Dec New York Cotton. High Low 1054 1054 ,. 1061 1055 1065 1051 1047 1041 1040 104S 1050 1042 1041 1037 1040 1042 Close 10531054 10531055 10611063 1053105G 10541055 10481050 10451046 10431044 10431045 1049CO.1050 Atchison ........ ; Atchison Pfd '. Baltimore fc Ohio...'.!". Canadian Pacific ' Chesapeak & Ohio . " Chicago & Alton Chicago & Great Western V.:' Erie Erie Pfd Hock Island .' Illinois Central Louisville & Nashville Manhattan Mexican Central ....... Missouri Pacific Missouri Kansas & T New York Central Norfolk & Western Ontario & Western ...".. Pennsylvania Reading Reading Pfd Su Paul Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Railway Perferred.!" Texas & Pacific Union Pacific , .Li Wabash " ,0 Wabash P' fd 4Y4 Amalgamated Copper inw Brooklin Ra pid Transit Tui'J1 Colorado Fuel & iron 501 Con Gas 14O0 Peoples Gas ' uo f Sugar ' "' :1S. Sloss Iron & Steel 74 Tenessee Coal & Iron .'..'.'.'.'.'.".." "1531 United States Leather it)'2 United State Steel 373 United States kipuI . , . . Vt " ' vISl 1 J V.)-'., V estern Union .. Virginia Carolina riinni,. 1 7 ......... m 10a .. 88 ..15h4 .. 42 .. 7T . . 24 ..175'. ..14ol4 ..149 ... 2-i - 94-4 .. 33 ..imi .. 8t .. 91 ..170 64 ya .. 3ti Va. Carolina Chemical Pfd.. Spots 11.10; sales 1100; market tone .. . 1 1 .1 .1 quiet; 1 mures uiucu New Voir it a. dius. juu. iuuu, Julv M'y; AUgUbl lU-il, uciuuei Liverpool Cotton. Jan-reo Feb-Mcli Meh-Apr uii'-.uay V. V K MavJuije 563 564 565 Jnne-Juiy 584-85 r. v 1 Juiy-Aug All2.-SeDt . seni ucl . Uet-.Nov .. Nov-Uec . Dec-Jau . Futures .. 576 568-69 563 562 562 closed quiet but steady; receipts, 1,WU, nmci o.ovv, ii! a ,i,i.t 1 nnii. ii"i ElQUUUS uix. WHEAT Hav Julv spur m CORN Mm- .Utt ' Julv Seijt Dec OATS Mav July , Dec POKK Pept LARD Jan July .... , Sept .... Oct RIBS Jan July .... Sept Oct HIgn Low Close . 86 86 86 . 83 82 82 . 83 82 82 . 84 83- 84 . 51 50 51 . 52 52 52 .. 53 52 52 . 51 50 ' 50 . 39 39 39 . 41 36 37 . 38 37 37 . 15.30 15.15 17.12 10.02 17.05 . 16.92 16.72 1675 . 8.35 8.22 822 8.80 9.07 8.97 8.97 . 9.07 8.97 8.7 9.50 9.35 9.15 9.40 9.25 9.10 7.90 9.40 9.25 9.10 r.hrintt Pioduce Market. (Corrected by J. W. Zimmerman & Co) Chickens spring Hens--per head Ducks Rye 0&.ts Butter Eggs .. .. .. .20 ..40 ..25 ..U . 54 ..15 ..16 30 42 bO 20 All rmstions pertaining to health anrt hpnutv arp answered here. AiaKes people feel as they felt in full-blooded youth. Does business while you sleep Thar whnt ttniiistpr's Rocky Moun tain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. R. H. Jordan & Co. MURDERER IN TOMB ALIVE. Awful Punishment for Slayer of Thir- tv-Six Women. London. June 18. A dispatch from Tangier to a news agency here says: "According tn advices from Mara kesh, the cobbler Mesfewi, who had been convicted of the murder of 36 yomen whose bodies were found bur ted under his shop and in his garden, has expiated his crime. Instead of being crucified, as had been intended, at the last moment, it. was ordered that he bp walled iid alive. "Previous to the final act in the tragedv wna Riihiected to foil floggings. "While th masons were working llley were surrounded hv a mob. who tared Mesfewi. "The first two davs of his intomb ment the cobbler screamed continu ously, but the third day the living tomb J c-,c mi-ID no sound, it is presumes the murderer died of exhaustion.". New York Sun Summary Stocks. (Furnished by Gilbert & Clay, of New urieans, La.) isew York, June 18 The substan tial and fundamental points in the sit uation today stand out clearlv. If people are not buying stocks the mar ket is over-which no large volume of liquidation appears to be hanging. The Wall Street commission houses who point to their officers, bare of cus tomers, and complain, on the on.? hand, of scarcity of buying orders, state on the other that they are carry ing almost no stocks tor clients, that they do not thus have to borrow large amounts of money and are therefore in exceedingly strong shape. There is not the slightest abatement in gen eral business throughout the land, and our foreign trade keeps up splendidly, bidding fair this year to surpass all re cords. The outlook for the crops, al though not perhaps so brilliant as it was a month ago, is still for a full average yield of the leading grains. The preparations for fall and winter mercantile business, based on actual orders for goods are greater than ever before known, and there is every promise that the output of mills and factories and manufacturing establish ments of all kinds will be pushed to its utmost capacity for a long while to come. I) ARE New Journal of Commerce Summary Dry Goods. (Furnished by Gilbert & Clay of New Orleans, La.) New York, June 18. The trading was quiet in the market on Saturday. It was a short day, and the stormy weather affected the near-by jobbing trade. The price revisions of the week were talked of considerably, and oth ers are anticipating. Buyers are now saying that the prices have been too high for them to trade freely 'on and while they admit all that is said about the costs of goods they are more will ing to take larger stocks on hand when the very top prices are not being forced on them. It will be seen in the next few weeks how buyers will regard the concessions that have been made, and whether the hopes of sellers re garding a fuller trade will be real ized. PIANOS THAT COST from $400 to $800 at $40 to $100. rv ( ill Odd n 6 TERMS $5 to $10 cash and $1 to $1.50 per week ! These Pianos are in perfect condition and far preferable to cheap up rights. Write at once and se cure first choice. THE WEATHER. Forecasts for tonight and Tuesday For Charlotte and its vicinlnty : Oc casional showers tonight and Tuesday. Washington, D. C, June 18. For North "Carolina: Showers tonight and Tuesday. Light variable winds. "Old Eyes Made New, Sick Eyes Well, Ask Your Druggist for MURINE EYE REMEDY." "A Tonic For all Ees." ouTwTr A complication of female troubles, with catarrh of the stomach and bow els, had reduced Mrs. Thomas S. Aus tin, of Leavenworth, Ind., to such a de plorable condition that her doctor ad vised an operation, but her husband fearing fatal results, postponed this to try Electric Bitters, and to the amazement of all who knew her, this medicine completely cured her. Guar anteed cure for torpid liver, kidney disease, biliousness, jaundice, chills and fever, general debility, nervous ness and blood-poisoning. Best tonic made. Price 50c at Woodall & Shep pard's drug store. Try it. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths, There Is a disease prevailing in fhJ country most dangerous because so decep tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it heart disease, pnei'Tiionia, hearl failure or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. H kidney trouble is al lowed to advance ths kidney-poisoned blood will attack thf vitd organs or the mi t if 5 ou thern Warerccm: . W. Trade Street, : H ARLOTTE, N. C. statement INDUSTRIAL LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY, of Atlanta, Ga. Condition December 31st, 1905, as shown by statement filed. Capital stock: None; Mutual Assesm'nt Amount Ledger Assets Dec. 31st previous year .. .. ? 17,758.22 Income From Policy-holders $353,315.90 Miscellaneous .. .. 260.00 353,575.90 Disbursements To Policy-holders, 115,066.15 Miscellaneous . . 224,502.09 339,568.24 Business in force Number of Policies 69,844; Amount 1,680,999.00 Written during year Number of Policies 85,167; Amount 2,129,175.00 ASSETS. Loans secured by pledge of Bonds or other collateral $ 4,000.00 Value BQnjJs .. 2fi.L2J.40 Cash in Home Office and de posted in Banks and Trust Companies Interest and rents due and accrued Premiums unpaid . . . . Furniture, Fixtures, etc . . All other assets, detailed in statement 2,000.00 . 2,765.88 20.00 137,200.00 . . 7,406.00 Total $179,099.28 Less Assets, not admitted 147,933.40 Ever notice how cheerfully a woman gives her order in a resturant when ;hei-e is a man along to. pay the "eight? NEW CURE FOR EPILEPSY. J- B. Waterman, of Watertown, O., ural free delivery , wrttesr "My Jaghter, afflicted for years with epi JePsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Pins. She has not had and at- ck for over two years." Best body "eansers and life giving tonic pills on tn. 25c at Woodall & Sheppard's drug Etore. Kidneys themselves break down and waste awav cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from iderangernent of the kidneys and a cure is Obtained quickest by a proper treatment oi the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ths great kidney, liver arid bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that anpleasant necess-ity of being compelled to ro often durinz the day, and to get up nany times durine the night. The mild ind fh extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won-i-rful mires of the most distressine cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists m Iitty-cent ana one-aonai sized bottles. loumay have a. sample bottle of litis wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both Home of Swamp-Root. tent free hv mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binehamtor., N. Y. When writing mentis aiding this generous offer in this paper. nnn't mnTre anv mistake, bat re- mmher the names Swamp-Root, Dr viimor'o fiwamn-Root. and the address O Binghampton, N. Y., on every bottle. cosoJtftfM Total admitted assets .. ? 31,775.88 LIABILITIES. Balance on hand to protect contracts to the right of assessment $31,775.88 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1905. Policies in force December 31st, of previous year 12,133 $291,192.00 Policies written and revived in 1905, 21.S56; 546,390.00 Folicies in .force Dec 31st .. ..15,601; 377882.00 Losses and claims incurred during the year .... .. ..7,926; 19,845.40 Losses and claims paid during year, 7,926; 19,845.40 Total premiums collected during year $61,034,95 President. J. N. McEachern; Secre tary, I. M. Sheffield; Home Office, 503 509 Austill Building, Atlanta, Ga.; Gen eral Agent for Service, Insurance Com missioner, uaieign, JN. J. Business Manncrer for North Carolina, I. H. Par is, Raleigh, N. C. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department, Raleigh, March 1st, 1906 T. James R. Young, (Insurance Commissioner, do hereby cer tify that the above is true hv certif v that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Industrial Life , and Health in snrnnes Comnany. of Atlanta, Ga., fil ed with this Department, showing the condition of said company on the 31st flnv of December. 1905 Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. - JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commisioner. What's the Use f of experimenting witn oluji kinds, when experience has shown 3rou that Pride Jot Charlotte Flour is above criticism. Made by at odd prices is one the attractive growing furniture business. furniture For Odd Corners features of our large and Never before have we had such a laro nnri oah stock to select: from and you will be surprised to know just how lar that ODD sum of money will go in supplying your wants from u aim us snow you. Seeing is believing. our store. V o Liu j ii ic urnuure uo. o oo ooxcoxcooocoxxoocoo Special Sale Library and Combination Book Cases We are offering some especially low prices on Library and Combina tion Cases that you can't afford to miss. Golden Oak Combination Cases, from $16.75 (worth $18.50) to $35.00. Golden Oak Book Cases from $9. 00 to ?27.50. Specials in Mahogany Cases at $20.00, $22.50, and $25.00. Mission Cases in Weathered Oak from $17.50 to $25.00. We also have Golden Oak, Weathered Oak and Mahogany Sectional Book Cases all sizes. O i a t i t t i PROFESSIONAL CARDS TEETH EXTRACTED WITH OUT PAIN SAFE METHOD. NO BAD AFTER EFFECTS. DR. ZICKLER Dentist 27 SOUTH TRYON STREET. j W JLk THE LEADER IN LOW PRICES ON McCOY HIGH-GRADE GOODS. ijJJI-',JI24,I'Jjj j"s XX'" IIlItIIIII'I'I''IIII I"!' Is Your House Wired ? Your house wired for Lights means the easy installation of Electric Fans. Lights are con-venient and Fans a great promoter of 4 4 comfort. Both are low in first cost. Your fan attaches to your light wire and is easily moved. T Can't we discuss the queestion as to cost with 3rou? Our work : , . : . . - . . -. : i . 1 ,. Hornets, Nest Electric Company East Second St. Ph one 988 tj Charlotte, N. C. n Women's Misses, and Children's Tan Oxfords, all kinds and qual ities to go at a great sacrifice price. Don't miss this opportu nity to get a cool pair of Oxfords Foreman & Miller Cash Shoe Builders. Cor. Trade and College Streets Oe 7C 3C 30 RLUE QERGE UJ; $12.50 $15.00 UITS $20.00 SUPERLATIVE IN STYLE. THE FAVORITE GARMENTS OF TASTEFUL MEN. 8 8 o M O 0 n O Mecklenburg Flour Mills CHARLOTTE, N. C. J. LEE K01NER, Proprietor 8 1 '. ..... . .... mm . iiji.--- L'!.',.ai.-j',.',-i . .-.. -:-.jb -vTr'a -..- -- -. mm v . J tf. tora . .- : sr,..VMH I mjr WWJ T- fit yjri- mm Long - Tate W.v'.- ril3 ' lilf .-Sit u O 0 Clothing Co. W. S. DUDLEY, Mgr. t H. P. HUNTER, Secy-Treas. It May Take More Money to Have Best Material -and Workmanship ACME PLUMBING CO. PHONE 722 But It Will Not Cost so Much to Do it As it Way to. L eave it Undone. a u Who Said It! Some one said C. C. Moore had gone jut of the milK business. He has. Bvt tl you could see the Milk and Cream that la sold every ctay by Er nest and Walter you would think they had taken the old man's place. We will fill your order promptly. The boys will treat you na the old man did. OOUfr LE OAKS DAIRY. Mmcruu "IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST" Florida Pineapples The finest lot of the season, large ripe and perfect condition received this morning. 20c, 30c and 35c. Fresh Saltines Today. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. Phone 68. 23 N. Tryon St. Dr. Chas. L. Alexander DENTIST, 203 South Tryon Street, Char lotte, N. C. Office 'phone 109. Residence 'phone 884. W. M. ROBEY DENTIST With Drs. M. A. and C. A. Bland, No. 21 N. Tryon. Hours 9 to 12, 1:30 to 5. I. W. JAMISON DENTIST, 8, S. Tryon Street. No. 'phones, 326. Bell 1524. Both Residence 'phone Institute for Young women and of Music. TUe Bast Place tar Your Daughter fPEAGEt I RALEIGH I N. C. College Courses High Standard Catalogue Adirett Jas. Iiinwiddic, Pres THE 'PHONE SERVICE "Say, Central, what's the matter? This is the rottenest service imagin able. Give me th chief operator. "Hello! Is this the chief? Well, I've been trying to get my wife for ten minutes and can't. I'll have my tele phone taken out." . ( Thus speaking the irate man went home on a car and told his troubles to his wife. Don't talk so loudly, dear," she whis pered. "I muffled the bell to keep It from waking the baby." But the little telephone girl was still hurt and nervous. To be Precise. TR. H. F. RAY OSTEOPATH Graduate Southern School of Osteopathy. Office Suite 3, Hunt Building. 'Phone 830, Residence 401 North Poplar Street. 'Phone 871. . J. M. McMICHAEL ARCHITECT Rooms 505-506 Trust Building, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Wheeler, Runge & Dickey Architects Charlotte, N. C. Second Floor 4C' Building. "How brown you are, Miss Bosting. You have been in the sun lately, hav en't you?" "How preposterous! The sun is not accessible to us by any method of travel. I've been in the sun's rays, if that's what you mean. How true it is The Hello girls are abused too often It Is also true thai the best insurance is to be had at' In surance headquarters. . To Be Precise. We have the largest agency in the city and one of the oldest. C. N. C. Butt &. CO., JNS1TRAIVCB HEADQUARTERS. Insure your Property of all kinds against Fire with R. D. MOORE ROOM 7. 4Cr BUILDING It i in me Ice Bill : NO. 12, E. 5TH ST. you will notice one of the ad vantages of using our Refrig erators. There a number of other advantages we would like to tell you about, and that you really ought to know of before you buy a re frigerator. . . ' ; Call in any time. o o DR. H. C. HENDERSON, Dentit. Hunt Building, 203 N. Tryooa-j Office Hours:. 8:30 A .M. to 1:30 P. M.,,1-,. , r 2:30 P. M. to 5:30 P. M. V Ph-nA 816. Jas. L. DeLaney. Henry y. iuggaa Charlotte, N. C. W'adesboro, N. G. DeLANEY & BOGGAN. Attorneys at Law. Practice in State and Federal . Courts, Collecting Claims, Negotiating Loans. Practice before U. S. Patent Office Offic 40 E. Trade St. Phone 1230. Norfolk & Western R'y Schedule in Effect May 27, 1906. Through Train Daily, Charlotte mm Koanoke, Va. North Bound. Lv. Charlotte, So. Ry 11:00 a.nt Lv. Winston, N. & W. By .... 2:60 p.m. Lv. Martinsville ............ 6:00 p.m. Lv. Rocky Mount 6:25 p.m. Ar. Roanoke 7:25 p. 19 South Bound. liT. Roanoke .... 9:20 a.iSj Lv. Rocky Mount .....10:26 a.U, Lv. Martinsville 114S a,m. Ar. Winston 2:00 p.m. Ar Charlotte 6:00 p.m. Through coach Charlotte and Roa UO&e. Connects at Roanoke, via Shenandoah Valley Route for Natural Bridge. Lu-. ray, Hagerstown and all points la Pennsylvania and New York. Pullman sleeper, Roanoke to Philadelphia. Additional train leaves Winston-Salem 7:30 a. m. daily, except Sunday, for Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah Valley points. W. B. BEVIL, Gen. Pass. Agt., Roanoke, Va, M. F. BRAGG. Trav. Pass. Agent. R. E. Cochrane riRE llSURACE Want Your Dwelling to Rent ? 9s) JsJs)sijGS)Js)siJsisjJs)sJsjBis)dJs) sls)dsH0tsd)siddd Notice o J. !l, McCausland Co. 5 & South Tryon St. ; So many people took . advantage of my offer to fit them with the best $7.50 gold-filled spectacles or eye glasses during the month of May. for $1.25 that it was imposible to wait on all who called. To them I wish to say that they may return any. time during the month of June and I will give them the same high-grade glasses at the advertised price, -; r '- DR SAM LEVY EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST. 213 North Tryon Street, j

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