V THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, JUNE 30, 1906. V 12 t s LAWYER SMITH MEETS TWINS. He Asks a Question and Gets a Reply Can't Tell Them Apart Yet. Among his youthful acquaintances Mr. W.'M. Smith, of the Charlotte bar, numbers two little girls, the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Over cash, whom he sees almost daily and between whom and himself a strong friendship exists., Some time (Since Mr. Smith passsed the little igirJs at .their home, one of them-being out at the gate and the other on the porch. Mr." Smith; thinking to puzzle his little friend, asked the little girl at the gate, "Are you yourself or your sister?" This rather confusing interrogation was more than the little girl cared to essay to answer, but the little sister on the porch was not so easily embar rassed and spoke up to the lawyer's utter confounding, "She's herself," lay ing a strong stress on the last word. The lawyer thought that he could de tect .in the answer the development of personality that distinguishes every man from his fellow, and the reply he took down mentally, as a striking ex ample of the understanding of the; I'm ff-ii juue ioiks. "No, I must admit that I haven't learned yet which of the little girls is which," Mr. Smith admitted, "but we are good friends still, and it don't seem to make any difference with the little girls." D. W. Mays for County Commissioner. Editor News and Times-Democrat: The voters and property owners of Huntersville township feel that they are entitled to representation on the board of county commissioners. It has been many years since Huntersville has had a representative on the board. "We respectfully suggest to the vot ters of the county the name of Mr. D. W. Mayes for county commissioner. Mr. Mayes is eminently fitted in every way to fill the position creditably to himself and the county. We ask the support of the voters of Mecklenburg county for Mr. Mayes at the coming primaries to be held in August. Huntersville Township. St. Peter's Church. Corner N. Tryon and Seventh streets. Rev. Harris Mallenckrodt, Rector. Third Sundey after Trinity. Sunday school and Rector's Bible class 9:1-0 a m. Celebration of the Holy Com munion and sermon 11 . m. Evening Prayer and sermon 8:15 p. m. The Rec tor will preach at both services. Pews free. All are welcome. St. John's Chapel North Graham street near Sixth. Sunday school 4 p. m. THE WEATHER. For Charlotte and its vicinity: Part ly cloudy tonight and Sunday. For North Carolina and South Caro lina: Partly cloudy tonight and Sun day. Light to fresh southwest winds. " IT PAYS TO READ NEWS J WANT ADS EVERY DAY IN J THE WEEK. 4- p A Word lp WANTED Second-band electric fan. Address "Fan," care News. 30-lt WANTED A few boarders at 300 N. Tryon St. 30-3t WANTED Second-hand 5x7 plate camera; must be in good shape and cheap. Box 64, Huntersville, N. C. WANT your work. Cleaning and Pressing and Repairing at low prices. Club rate $1.00 per month. We give orders prompt attention. Give us a trial. W. T. Thompson, Phone 788. 30-lt WANTED Two or more unfurnish ed rooms for light housekeeping. Ad dress F. J. A., care Atkinson's drug store. 29-2 1 WANTED A nice white woman to do work in private family, one who wants a good home. Address "B," Box 793, City. 29-2t WANTED Board in the country for 3 adults and one child. State terms and location. "R," care News. 28-6t WANTED By two young men, fur nished room centrally located. Ad dress C. A. B., care News. 28-3t WANTED For U. 3. army, able bodied men, between the ages of 21 and 35, citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate hab its, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to the Recruiting officer, 15 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C; 40 Patton Ave., Ashe ville. N. C; Bank Building, Hickory, N. C, or Glenn Building, Spartanburg, S..C. 4-3t-Tu-ThSat FOR SALE OR RENT .FOR -r RENT Four nice rooms for Tight housekeeping. 214 .N. College. 30-lt .- ' m : FOR 1 RENT Nice airy furnished room ' Plentyof shade. Board can be had within two doors. 408 E. 9th St. . . 30-lt FURNISHED rooms with or without board for couple or. gentlemen, close in. Address Residence, care News. 30 It FOR SALE One. nice gentle family horse. Can be seen at Hoover's sta ble.. 30-lt FOR SALE Fine.large Jersey cow. Calf three weeks' old. Frank Reaves, 2 Belmont Ave. 30-lt FOR SALE Some odd pieces of fur n'ure. 800 North College St. P1- 629. ' . . -, - 30,lt FOR RENT New ten-room house, Elizabeth Heights; water, sewerage, electricity. Apply to E. Nye Hutchi son, Jr., or to McD. Watkins. 16-sat&mon.-tf. j, FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, with private bath, in heart of city. Reference required. Address "B." Box 703, city. 29-2 1 FOR RENT Modern 9-room house, Cor. 11th and Tine. C. G. Wcarn, Com mercial Bank. 29-3t FOR SALE $25.00 Go-Cart; also high-grade bicycle at low figures. Ap ply to E. F. Howell, 210 N. College street. 29-2t FOR SALE Several new Rockers at cost to close. C. H. Dwycr, successor to Johnson & Dwyer, 19 West Fifth. 29-2t NICE front rooms with board. Ap ply 207 W. 7th St. 26-tf FOR SALE Model B. Pope Hart ford Automobile. A bargain. Box 1S3. 2S-3t FOR RENT Five-room cottage near Dowd flats. W. F. Dowd. 2S-3t MATTING We are closing out 25 rolls at cost by the roll, while it lasts, good goods, we simply need the room. Lawing-Robbins Furniture Co. FOUND Stray mule; owner can get him at 202 S. Church St. by paying cost.s and for this adv. 30-lt EVERYBODY knows Royal Salad Dressing only 25c at the big store. Mc Manus & Huneycutt, Groceries and Meats, Fhone 553. 30-lt STRAYED OR STOLEN Dark sor rel mare. S. Q. Barnes, R. F. D. No. 3, Charlotte. 29-3t-lt-TD. LAWN SWINGS being closed out at $4.50 and $5.50. usually priced at $6 and $8. Lawn Settees worth $1.75, closing out at $1.25. Lawing-Robbins Furniture Co. 2S-3t WHEN your appetite fails try a jar of Waldorf Relish. It makes everything taste good. Only 10c. McManus & Uuneycutt, Groceries and Meats, Phone 553. 30-lt HAMMOCKS Closing out S2.25 kind at $1.35, and ?3.25 kind at $2.25; get one while they last. Lawing Rob bins Furniture Co. 28-3t Ml DA WATER is pure, safe, whole some, and health promoting. Fhone 833. H-tf IRON CRIBS We have more than we want and are closing out present stock at 25 per cent off. Big stock Iron Beds picked up at a bargain. While present stock lasts can save you 25 per cent. Lawing-Robbins Furniture Co. 2S-3t IT will pay you to examine our spe cial offerings for this week we will save you money. Lawing-Robbins Fur niture Co. 2S-3t Women and Girls in our Sewing Room. Any one who can run a machine at home can quickly learn cur work. Experienced operators make from $8.00 to $(2.00 pr week, and we pay 60c per day while learning. Appiy, The Charlotte Clothing Mfg. Go. Cor. Tryon and Fourth Sts. ICIAEOUS TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES. Ribbons, carbon paper,' stationary, note books, letter press copyingbooks. Largest and freshest stock in State al ways on hand. J. E. CRAYTON & CO., General Agents, Trust Building WANTED To take your acknow ledgement on deeds, mortgages, and all kinds of business papers. I have horse and buggy, bicycle and street car to insure prompt service. My time is my own will go anywhere in the county to serve you on a moment's no tice. All business strictly confiden tial. JTee anywhere in city 50 cts. FRANK F. JONES, Notary Public. Office phone 243. Residence phone 1270 'PHONE 370--WOOD WE ARE able to furnish dry Oak and Pine Stove Wood in any quantity desired by you. 'Phono 370. C. DOWD & CO. Cor 8th and Railroad. STUDENTS AND TEACHERS Desiring pleasant and profitable em ployment during tlie summer can make most satisfactory arrange ments by addressing w. C. HOOD, 8 W. '5th St. Charlotte. WCOD! Send Tour orders for pine and oak wood, cut any length. Phone 1302, Z. S. BENNICK, 715 N. Smith St. A DOLLAR OR TWO spent in repairs may make that old Refrigerator good for several years' service and to put that Ice Cream Freezer in working order may be only a matter of cents. Better ask STRANGE & SHUMAN. Tin and Slate Roofing and Repairing. 32 N. College St. 'Phone 611. Wanted ! wm BUILDERS GBOChRS HAMS AND BREAKFAST BACON A fresh supply in today. S. R. LENT2, Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 315 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 251. A LOT OF PEOPLE TALK about their good bread; "bread" is something everybody will have; for other-extras, such as the very choice fresh meats 5c to 15c per lb Large fat hens, 40c to 50c; spring chickens all prices; nice fresh country butter 20c lb. Fresh eggs 20c dozen. Pure honey 12c per lb.; 20 lbs. best granulated sugar for $1. Fresh lot Heinz's Pickles and Olives. McMANUS & HUNEYCUTT. Groceries and Meats. Phone 553. FRESH LOT COUNTRY CURED Hams, Shoulders, Breakfast Bacon r.nd- Smoked Sides. Beechnuts Sliced Beef, and Bacon in Glass Jars. Kin gan's Reliable Cheese just in EDWARD CAMPBELL, Cor. CoMege and 5th Sts. 'Phone 695. THE O. & O. TEAS lead them all in fine quality, rich fla vor, making new friends every day and pleasing the old one to perfection. White Star Coffees are growing in popularity each day bringing new cus tomers all the time. Its quality that will win out and the price. Bretsch Washington Bread; have no competi tion in Charlotte. SARRATT & BLAKELY, Charlotte and Dilworth. NEW SUPPLY CANNED COD FISH 15c; Kippered Herring, 20c; Pink Sal mon 10c; Red Salmon, 15c; very best Red 20c; Sardines 6 for 25c; Imported 10c, 12c; very best in Olive oil. 20c; Shrimps 12 l-2c; Clams, 10c; No. 2 Mackerel, 3 for 25c; No. 1 Extra fine 25c. BRIDGERS & CO. , 203 W. Trade SL FRESH EGGS WZc DOZ. Pure Comb Honey, 17 l-2c pound; Fine Country Hams and Shoulders; Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Head quarters for Poultry and Country Pro duce. J. T. MULLIS & CO. 30 N. College. Phone 510 FRESH VEGETABLES FRUITS SPRING CHICKENS AND EGGS. COOKING BUTTER, 10 & 15c Always Phone 350. J. E DARSEY. THE HOUSEHOLD WORD for all is "Barrington Hall," the best coffee on earth; New Irish Potatoes, 35 and 40 ctss Fresh bbl. of Mackerel 5 cts apiece; chip beef 4 cans 25cts; all kinds of Crackers from Uneeda up to Nabiscos; 25 lbs. sugar $1.25; Eggs 20 cts dozen. n '. L. POPE. 229 W. Trade. : FIRST " .QUALiTY .STAPLE .AND fancv groceries, tobacco and cigars, Coffee from 17c f.o 35c per pouud. Teas sugar, syrups, molasses, honey; fresh vegetables every day. Haven er's bread. We warrant everything we sell and if not satisfactory refund the money. Call us up at Phone No. 1035, So. Church St. ( C. B. MOORE & SONS. No. 600 S. Church St. , Phone 1035. Washington Bread every day. REALESTATE WANTED To give away old plas ter, small brick bats, finest thing for walks and low places. No dust, no mud. Will sell old un so cneap make your head swim. Get this while you can. E. L. KccSLER, Phone 346. DRUGGTSTS ALLAN'S FOOT POWDER, for j'our poor tired feet. Why not help them be comfortable. They and you will appreciate it. 25 Cents. DILWORTH DRUG STORE. Ph?ne 247. B. S. Davis. MAYER'S Lingerie Green Soap An Ideal Shampoo. 25 Cents. MAYER'S Druggist, 6th and Tryon Sts. Phone 252. sTRTNcTTicKEN Fried in that old-fashioned way that made the South famous, at THE GEM. E. F. Creswcll - - Manager. Jordan's Mosquito Drops Will drive the Mosquitos out 10 CENTS A BOTTLE R. H. JORDAN 5 CO. DIARRHOEA CORDIAL Cures Dysentery, Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and kindred diseases. 25c a Bottle. Birall-Dann Retail Store On the Square, Opposite the Central Hotel. ' . Are You Saving Money , , If not, start a savings account with CHARLOTTE TRUST COMPANY NEW QUARTER BEGINNING JULY 1ST. Interest compounded quarterly at 4 per cent per annum. DIRECTORS: W. II. BELK, ' II. G. LINK, J. H. LITTLE, Pres. J. M. DAVIS, W. M. LONG, C. M. PATTERSON, V.-Pres. T. C. GUTHRIE. O. P. HEATH, J. W. ZIMMERMAN, . L. R. HAGOOD, Cashier. 13 EAST TRAiDE STREET. e ' . . ... . . , ... ,, o a We are offering for rent for the Summer months, a splendid home, furnished, on East Morehead St. at $25.00 per month, or by the year, unfurnished, at $37.50 per month. House has all con iences including hot water heating. The Charlotte Realty Company "We Sell Lots." 9 - 0 PSssfir Will stay where 3011 put it. Water will not cause it to fall off natural shrinkage of building will not crack it. Manufactured exclusively by CHARLOTTE PLASTER CO. Write fcr Booklet CHARLOTTE, N. C. i jo 6 Get into the new series Mutual starts "with first payment, July 7th, of the game. Applications for loans Do something, be somebody, and get JNO. R. PHARR, President. PHONE No. 34 MAKES THE BEST CANDY Received fresh by express every week 60 CENTS PER POUND Woodall & Sfieppard Sole Agents for Charlotte I Modern 6 room house C02 East 5th Street , $16.66 Modern 14-room house 510 N. Tryon St., close in. Will rent first and sec ond floors separately if desired. 7-room house, 713 N. Davidson, city water . . . . . . t . . . . . . . .$10.00 5-room house So. Poplar, between Stonewall and the R. R $6.00 3-room house W. 4th, between Cedar and R. R $5.00 J. Arthur Hendstson & Bro. Tired of Home Cooking? You will - find : a lot of tempting things at the Denny C&fe W. D. WILKINSON, Manager, Afffff 7 A. G. CRAIG, Secty and Treas. Building & Loan, and do it today. It but come in today and be ahead can be filed moment stock is taken. through the Mutual. E. L. KEESLER, Secretary. CHARLOTTE, N. C. rroREi Store room, 205 N. Tryon St. . . $40.00 Store room, Dilworth .... . . , .$25.00 Manufacturer's Loft, Dilworth . .$25.00 Store room, 20 E. Trade St., recently occupied by J. G. Hood & Co. HOUSES. Elegant Apartment Ryder Block, East Morehead St $35.00 4-room cotage Villa Heights .. ..$5.00 7-room house N. Myers St., between Trade and 5th Sts. .. .. ..$20.00 203 N, Tryon Street, Phone : :".:: 535 BEGETS WISDOM. It Is both wise an economical to include IMPERIAL" FLOUR, MUSKEGON BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, and HART'S NEW PROCESS DRY HOP YEAST in your Family Supplies.. W. J. MALONE. 211 W. Trade. 'Phone 119 2a Oar Tickets ForSLOO At the Office of the STREET RAILWAY CO E. D LattA President. You select an article of Jewelry, a Watch, a piece of Cut-Glass, Silver ware or hand-painted China here you pick a winner. The finest quality and the most ap proved designs are at my store ready for your selection. The prices are right, for each offer ing represents more than usual val ue. -:- The goods are here ready for your Inspection. . W. E. Jeweler. 221 North Tryon Street. 0 0 fa l! 1 ill for BROWN & CO LIIMEBACK S3 Good Home Values 7-room cottage with modem improvements on North. Davidson Street,-lot 49x198 feet. Fine shade. Price .. .. .. $2100 on 5-room cottage in Dilworth, lot 50x150 .. .. .. .. .. .". .'$125000 4- room cottage, North Davidson Street, lot 34x198 .7 15000 5- room cottage on North Brevard Street, near Public School, city water. Price .. .. $1900 00 5- room cottage on East Vance Street, near city school '. '.$1500 00 6- room cottage on East 9th Street, with two vacant lots beautifully shaded ... i .. .... ... .. .. ..$235000 6-room cottage with modern improvements on : East 9th Street, lot 99x198, stable on premises ........ . . . .$3500 00 i Southern Real Estate, loan & Trust Go THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. Organized 1874. Stands First on National Bank Honor Roll in North Carolina, Stand 198th in the United States. United States Depository. Large Resources Liberal Dealing : Up-to-Date Methods Courteous Treatment Gall and See Us About Yoor Bank Account CAPITAL AND SURPLUS i Our Savings REMAINS OPEN SATURDAY I UNTIL 9 P. (a. Tlie MERCHANTS & FARMERS NAT. BANK I CHARLOTTE, N. C. 4 PER CENT INTFREST PAID ON SAVINGS 4 PER CENT $H The Charlotte Natioffial Bank UNIT 3 STATES DEPOSITARY. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Resources .........$1,100,000.00 it fa tbe business of this bank as well as Its pleasure to encourage win substantial belp our depositors who are thrifty and reliable and arobi tioua to accumulate mousy and succeed, if you are in thia class . Tant your bank account. Call on or write. . ti. H. TWITTY, Cashier. FRANK GILREATH, President. - FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C Organised 185. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ 500,000.00 ASSETS ....1,970,716.69 four business respectfully solicited. Ever.' cocrtes7 and accommodation extendet consistent wit nounOL banking . A M. ysGTOK, Cashier..- ist Go House and lot S. Church St. in good large enough to make two lots for SI. 5 Can arrange terms. For further PHONE 535 M & We have 27 on our list, nearly all with good improvements; the small est contains 10 acres, the largest 360; the prices run from $12.50 to $250.00 per acre. - "Mecklenburg lands beat Governm ent Bonds." City and suburban prop erty. ' v -: ' ;. W. T. Wilkinson . Co. J. A. BROWN, Room 6, Hunt Building. JULY 1st , New Interest Quarter begins then-Open your Account in time. We pay 4 per, cent, and compound the Interest Quarterly. Southern States Trust Company Capital $200,000.00 TRUST BUILDING, CHARLOTTE, N. a';"-'-:'Vr'-" 0 GEORGE -STEPHENS. Pres. 4 W H WOOD Treai'i T. S. FRANKLIN, Vice-Pres. , Ti'DIS. The Gray Residence on - This is one of the largest and most complete residences in the City of onarlotte and located close to the business section of the city, makins it especially desirable for some business man who must be close up town, or tor a p.iysican who would like a private sanitarium, or for a high-clasa boarding house. The. lot -is about 100x300, beauti fully shaded and with very fine supply of fruits of various kinds. You will miss an unusual opportu nity for a choice city home if you let tnis pass. . ? " . .- F C, ABBOTT & GOMiPANY. "Everything (n Real Estate." ' 'PLl:::'. Trust BuuW 4 at Moderate Cost ! $ X $300,009, ASSETS $1,400,000 Department I S3! At Once S section. Lot 80x180 ft. Rear alley quick sale. , 00. OO particulars, call or 'phone any 203 N. TRYON ST. Notary Public. Charlotte. N- 0. North Collage Street For Sale Comp firm? ' 8 -tjK. I

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