THE CKAR1X)TTE NEWS, AUGUST 14, 1906. 8 SALISBURY HEWS ANO HAPPE NHGS Special to The News. . Salisbury, Aug. 14 Announcement was made yesterday of the marriage of Miss Carrie May Roseman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus p. Roseman, of Salisbury, to Mr. Luther ' M. Helms, of this city. The ceremony took place August 8th, at the residence of Rev. Dr. George H. Cox, at Granite Quarry. prrf fiftnree H. Crowell. superinten dent of the High Point Public schools, will deliver an address before the Sal isbury township Sunday school con vention at Spencer tomorrow night. The occasion will take place in the Baptist church, and on Thursday night Professor. Crowell will deliver an ad dress in the Methodist church at Spen cor. Whitehead Klutz, Esq., who, togeth er with Rev. W. A. Lambeth, the bril liant young pastor of Holmes' Memo rial Methodist church in East Salis bury, has been touring European coun tries, sailed from Naples yesterday for New " York. They will arrive home about September 1st and Mr. Klutz, who is the Democratic nominee for State senator from Rowan and one of the most agressive young campaign or ators in the State, will at once enter vigorously into the campaign. Civil Engineer Mitchell, of Washing ton, is in the city engaged in survey ing a route to the National cemetery for a roadway which is to be built by the Federal government and for which $15,000 was appropriated by the last Congress. Prof. W. R. Conners, a member of the faculty of Livingstone college, the colored institution of learning tnis city, has been elected to the faculty of the colored public schools of Win chester, Pa., and will leave in a few days to take up his new duties. The death of Capt. Egberf B. C. Hambley at his home in this city yes terday morning has cast a gloom over the community. He was Salisbury's foremost citizen, was one of the State's greatest industrial men and it is said has induced and attracted more capital into North Carolina since his residence here than any oth er one man in the State. It was through his keen oversight and the confidence which moneyed men had in his judgement and business ability that the great Whitney works at the narrows of the Yadkin river were un dertaken, and this gigantic piece of en terprise has been under his personal management. His home in this city is said to be the finest private resi dence in the state with the exception of the Vanderbilt mansion. The funer al takes place tomorrow afternoon and the interment will be made in Chestnut Hill cemetery. Since the an nouncement of his death a constant stream of sorrowing friends have call ed at the Hambley house to pay their respects and scores of messages of condolence have been received. It was Capt. Hambley's ambition to see the completion of the great power plant at Whitney and to witness the revolutionizing of the manufacturing industries of Piedmont North Carolina. BRIEFS. Mr. Sam Williams, cashier at Jordan's, returned last night from his vacation which was spent at North ern points. -Protracted services are being held this week at Flint Hill Church. The tastor, Rev. Mr. Reeves, is doing the preaching. Tomorrow is the day apopinted for the annual picnic at Big Steel Creek Presbyterian church. Ample prepara tions are bein made for the entertain ment of the large crowd that is ex pected. The annual picnic given by the members of the Mulberry Presbyterian church Sunday school will be held on next Friday. There will be speeches and amusements besides a big dinner w hich will share in the attractions. A fine lot of melons grown by Mr. J. B. Watt were on the streets today and were bought by the Gem restau rant. They were of the -Bradford va riety and were among the finest ex hibited on the local market this year. Aft A Word flir UH EACH INSERTION "V WAMtU WANTED -Position as assistant bookkeeper by young man with the best of refenrence. Address Mex., care News. BOY WANTED 15 to 18 years old, to clerk in store. Address "Clerk," care News. 14-3t WANTED For U. S. army, able bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States of good character and temperate hab its,, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 15 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C; 40 S. Main St., Asheville, N. C; Bank Building, Hick ory, N, C. or Glenn Building, Spar tanburg, S. C. 7-7-tf WANTED Hands for finger work. Good wages. The Charlotte Clothing Mfg. Co., cor Tryon and 4th St. 9-6t FOR SALETwo Jersey milk cows. Can be seen at 803 N. Pine St. Apply to Charlotte Piano Co., 213 N. Tryon St. 14-2t WANTED Boy 15 to 18, willing to work. Must read and write. Apply quick. Cotton Belt Candy Co. 13-2t THE BUSY MAN cannot afford to spend his time hunting for it. He 'ad .vertises in The News and it comes to him. WANTED Hanas on finger work. Good wages. The Charlotte Clothing Mfg. Co., cor. Tryon and 4th Sts. 9-6t to fJ to to to to tO rj to Of to rj to to to to & tO IB fJ ru to to WHEN YPU ADVERTISE HERE YOU PLAGE YOUR MERCHANDISE Oil THE BEST MARKET to to to 8? rj to to to to to ru rj to to to to fij fU ta to AT A FRACTION OF THE. COST of a new one we can make your old Refrigerator or Ice Cream Freezer as good as ever. STRANGE & SHU MAN. Tin and State Roofing and Repairing. 32 N. College St. 'Phone 695 TYPEWRITER REPAIRING. Largest and. best, equipped shop. in State. Parts for all machines in stock. All work promptly and efficiently done and fully guaranteed,, J. E. CRAYTON v& CO., -Trust Building. Phone 305. !T ! ' BEWARE of Headache Cures that depress the; XX 63.1 t MacKAY'S Mac-u-dine, ihe sure Headache " cure Never Fails. 10cf 25c, and 50c per-Bottle. ,At all Druggists, GROChRS WANTED- N. Graham. -Grown girl to nurse. 310 13-2t WANTED White girls. Steady work. Charlotte Steam Laundry. . -24-tf. FOR SALhOR RENT. I WILL SELL at public aution for cash on Thursday August 23rd, 1906, at 12 o'clock, M. at Friday & Gresham's auction house, all the unpaid ac counts due Wheeler Wall Paper Co., bankrupts. This Aug. 13th, 1906. A. B. Justice, trustee Wheeler Wall Paper Co., bankrupt. 8-14-tu-fri-mon-wed FOR . SALE Household furniture, cooking stove and refrigerator. 606 East Fifth. 13-2t OCTAGON SOAP 7 bars for 25 cents; fresh Bbl of Nor wav Mackerel 5 cts. aniece: Beaufont Ale on ice; Best Hams and Breakfast Racon: Barrineton Hall Coffee is the name of the best coffee on earth. Su- o o. 4"I"!"I"I"I"I- Tiie Secret of Making Money is the Saving of It! the Charlotte Trust Co. will not only help you save, but pays 4 per cent, on Savings Deposits. Absolutely Safe. , . CAPITAL $100 000.00 J. H. LITTLE, Pres. Q. M:P ATTEPSO H, tVPf. 1 L. R. HAGOOD. Cashier. . on A H t. i 18 EAST TRADE STREET. gar. W. L. POPE, 229 W. Trade. NEW SUPPLY LARGE WHITE Po tatoes, the kind that cook soft and mealy. 25c peck, $2.85 barrel. SRIDGERS & CO. 203 W. Trade St. FOR RENT 7-room new house 1205 So. Tryon St., modern improvements, electric lights. Apply to John W. Sheppard, care Woodall & Sheppard's drug store. ll-4t-eod THE ODONGHUE Home for Sale. C. McNeils. 1-tf .THE man who uses News ads. ac complishes more with less effort. BOARD and Rooms are wanted by lots of people who read these adver tisements daily. FOR RENT Four large connecting rooms suitable for housekeeping, mod ern conveniences, 205 E. Morehead St. ll-2t-eod. THE ODONOGHUE Home for Sale. C. McNeils. 1-tf BACK up your wish with an adver tisement here and you will get it. THE O'DONOGHUE Home for Sale. C. McNelis. 1-tf FOR RENT Desirable dwellings, ctnrpo nffipoa nnrl cVirma H Witflrnivcj. .WW WW, WhJ. RW . 1 I . W W 1 1 .J I ky. 11-tn THE ODONOGHUE Home for Sale. C. -McNelis. 1-tf MORNING-JOY COFFEE Every one who has ever visited New Orleans knows of the coffee that is served at the Old French Market. Its delicious flavor is a thing never to be forgotten. We have secured a quanti ty of the coffee which we are selling in 2 pound cans at 75c. EDWARD CAMPBELL, Cor. College and 5th Sts. 'Phone 695. SUNBEAM TEA. Most of our customers know this delicious Tea and will use no other. Those who do not are advised to try it on our recommendation. S. R. LENTZ, Fred Cochrane, Manager. 515 N. Tryon St. Phone 251 AUTO SOAP. Removes stains from hands and face, cleans and polishes furniture, 10c. Carbosepticus, the perfect deodorizer and disinfectant keeps your home free from unpleasant ordors and sickness, 25c. J. E DARSEY. Phone 350. WE HAVE A SMALL LOT of cold storage Irish Potatoes. These are in first class condition. If you should want seed potatoes call us early as our stock is very limited, also new crop sweet potatoes. SARRATT & BLAKELY, Charlotte and Dilworth. WE CARRY A FINE STOCK High-Grade Flour, Coffee and Tea, Country Hams and Shoulders, Honey, Fresh Eggs and Chickens, Peaches and Vegetables, Cotton Seed Meal, Bran, and Hay. J. T. MULLIS & CO. 30 N. Colleae. Phone 510 REAL ESTATE h : - : O O B usiness Investment ANY ONE LOOKING FOR AN INVESTMENT IN CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY WOULD DO WELL TO CONSULT US AT ONCE. The Charlotte Realty Company -.. ( A. G. CRAIG, Secretary and Manager. Office, 18 . East Trade St, Phone 377 mi! Plaster-Hard Clinch Will stay where you put it Water will not cause it to fall off natural shrinkage of building -will not crack it. Manufactured exclusively by CHARLOTTE PLASTER CO. Write for Booklet CHARLOTTE, N. C. Secure One of These Beautiful Homes cn East 7th Street, extended, 8 and 9 rooms each, electric lights baths, hot and cold water, sewerage connections,, cabinet man' tels, tile hearths; lots 66x193, with alley way privilges. Adjoinln lots of same size can be had where parties desire more room. Finest suburban location around Charlotte. Southern Real Estate Loan & Trust Go. Savings Department COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK PAYS 4 PER CENT and Compounds the Interest Quarterly Assets and Personal Liability Over Two Million Dollars NEW SERIES Mutual Building and LoqlI just started. If there's a better place for investment or borrowing money for building it is unknown in these "Diggins." The trouble with you is you aont start the ball, and, consequently, you 're still a renter, and still behind in the race for a competency. Take a d rink (city water) and nerve yourself for saving. It's not how much you make, but how much you save that counts in the race. Your theory is how much you can spend, and you're a back number. Come to-morrow. E. L KEESLER, Secretary. 4 6 25 S. TRYON ST. PHONE 344. MISCELLANEOUS. LOST Black and white female Pointer about 1 years old. Liberal reward for information leading to re covery. H. L. Adams, 327 N. Tryon St. 8-14-tf YOU can rent that spare room to some one who reads these ads every evening. GOING to move this fall? An 'ad. here will enable you to choose from the most desirable houses of Charlotte. EVERY prosepctive tenant in Char lotte reads The News To Rent ads. daily. OPPORTUNITIES are waiting for the person who advertises here. THE RIGHT man or the right place for the right comes from an adver tisement in The News. BUSINESS BUILDERS RESTAURANTS A NICE SLICh OF WATERMELON Crisp, Sweet and Tender, right off the ice or a nice cantaloupe, cool fragrant andn delicious are most tempting things these warm days and may al ways be found in perfection at THE GEM RESTAURANT. E. F. Creswell, Manaaer. DRUGGISTS MAYER'S Lingerie Green Soap An Ideal Shampoo. 25 Cents. MAYER'S Druggist, 6th and Tryon Sts. Phone '252. MISCELLANEOUS MONROE SODA WATER A healthful beverage in as sorted flavors of Germless Artesian water. Ideal for family use. All gro 1 cers sell it. " " Wholesale by T. H. MILLER. I 219 E. Trade St. 'Phone 932. FOR SALE Brick house, corner lot, North Brevard and 8th. Make me an offer and hurry up. You're slow and uncertain, and the other fellow acts while you. dream. Do business, fast and furious,, like the r politician runs, and you'll get there. E. l. KctiSL.ER. i-Phone :344. For iemit ! STORES. Store room 205 N. Tryon St ..?40.00 Store Room Dilworth $25.00 Manufacturer's Loft Dilworth ..$25.00 ufacturing Loft $45.00 18 W. Fifth St. Office space and man- HOUSES. Elegant Apartment Ryder Block, East Morehead St. .' $35.00 8-room House 402 South Church St., Modern Conveniences i $25.00 7-room cottage, 203 East Morehead St., modern conveniences $20.00 6-room flat E. 4th St .$20.00 BROWN & C0 203 N Tryon Street, Pbone : i -: : i ' 535 21 Gar Tickets; For $1.00 At the Office of the STREET RAILWAY CO E. D LattPi President. Sunday Smoking GET G-I G-A-R-S From Us Today R. H JORDAN CO I SATURDAY, AUGUST 4TH IS THE DAY 8 X.: . :; The Charlotte Building & Loan Association Will Open Its 34th Series at the Office of the Company ; (1 , 203 North Tryon Street. Q This Association now n umbers it friends and stock-holders by p the thousands if you are not one you should be. Rich, and .Poor. Young- and Old carry stoct. Why wait, join the crowd. 8 O Applications for loans now being filed. g J. H. VAN NESS, President. WILLIS BROWN, Secretary. a . - -. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Open Saturdays from 9 a. m. until 9 p. m. th M15MC5iffiMTS and FARMERS NATIONAL BMII OF CHARLOTTE, N.C. The Charlotte National Ban!; UNIT 3 STATES DEPOSITARY. I CHARLOTTE, N. C. Resources .$1,100,000.00 It la the business of this 'bank as well as Its pleasure to encourage wib ubst&ntlal help our depositors who are thrifty and reliable and ambl tlous to accumulate monoy and succeed. If you are in this, clan d want your bank account. Call on or write. ti. H. TWITTY, Cachler. A LARGE SHIPMENT OF 66 9P JUST RECEIVED ALL SIZES AND SHADES Woodall & Sheppard Wholesale and Retail Lead, line, Linseed Oil That is what the Men Era Vaiiil is. We guarantee it. Gurwell-Dunn Retail Store On the Square, Opposite the Central Hotel. FOR RENT BEGETS WISDOK. It Is both wise an ecc; mlcal to include IMPERIAL FLOUR, MUSKEGON BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, and HART'S NEW PROCESS DRY HOP YEAST In your Family Supplies. . W. J. MALONE. 211 W. Trade. 'Phone 119 j'r 14 North Brevard (Aug. 20.) ..$22.50 306 East 9th (Sept. 1.) .. ..?18.00 509 West 9th, 7 rooms .". .. $20.00 12 South Davidson, 6 rooms .. . .$15.00 208 South Graham, 5 rooms . . f 12.50 $510 North Tryon, 14 rooms, '. . $50.00 613 East i.3th, 6 rooms . . . . $6.50 631 North Brevard, 6 rooms with store room a -xhed , . r. ... . . $22.50 Store-room ) West 5th . : . .-$20.00 Store room, 8 West 5th, with base ment and acond -story. Well situat ed for mamuacturing plant, former ly occupied by Handkerchief Facto ry, i - J. Arthur 5S g WE WILL TEACH YOU WHERE TO BUY J.GROCERJES .AND UM EATS FOR THE LEAST MONEY. ' McMANUS & HUNEYCUTT. Groceries and "Meats. Phone 553. TRY THOSE Monday Lunches ; at the ; Detrty Cefe W. 0iitKfNSOW, Prtp. PRANK GILIIEATH, President. FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. OrsamLied lltS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS .$ 500,000.00 ASSETS. 1,970,716.00 Yoir bualneis respectfullr solicited. Kverr ttzttixT nd accommodation extendec consistent witl sound banking. fl. M. VCTOIt, Ca8hler.-w-- Id Big Investment in Real Estate 1V2 PER CENT 5 Houses and Lot $1250.00. Houses all in good condition good tenants pay well. Owner Wants Money and we are going to sell them right now. We can arrange terms. Call or phone. 1 rcwrv S Company 603 N. TRYON ST. Phone 535. Delays Dangerous Why not come to a decision about buying that FARM you've been talk ing about so long? The dwners want to make arrangements for next year and unless you decide very soon they will be rented. We have about THIRTY in this, Union and Iredell Counties, all sorts of prices and accomodating terms. City and Suburban Property. W. T. Wilkinson (EL Co. J. A. BROWN, Notary Pub )e. Room 6, Hunt Building. Charlotte, K C. An Active Worldng Partner That any man may have is a Savings Account. Put your surplus dollars one is sufficient to be gin in our Savings Department and they. will Increase your income. We pay 4 per cent and compound the Interest Quarterly. Southern States Trust Company GEORGE STEPHENS. Pres. T. S. FRANKLIN. Vice.-Prea. Capital $200,000.00 TRUT BUILDING. CHARLOTTE, N. C. W. H. WOOD. Treas. J. E. DAVIS, Asst. Trea-. are becoming hard to find in the city limits of Charlotte. We offer one just now which is specially well located at the corner of E. Seventh street and the railroad, just where the extensive new developments of the Seaboard begin; ' the tracks of both railroads pass the lot and a special siding also along the whole length of the lot. Only three blocks from Trade street and but two from Tryon street. A bargain for somebody. F. C. ABBOTT & COMPANY EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE. X

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