THE CHARLOTTE NEWS DECEMBER 3 lC7 12 - - , "" TAKF AO pAti B AIL o i tiff I. THE WEATHER. 4 Forecast for Tonight and Wednesday For Charlotte and its vicinity: Fair tonight and Wednesday. State Forecasts. Washington, D. C, Dec. 3. For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Wednesday, except rain or snow to night in extreme northeast portion. Fresh westerly v.inds. For bouth Carolina: Fair tonight and Wcsnesday. Light to fresh west winds. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. DISTINGUISHED PARTY 'PHONE MEN COMING Presidents of Bijr Telephone Systems Will Spend the Night in Charlotte Smoker for r,cra at the Manufactur ers' Club Committee of Citizens to Welcome Them. An informal reception will be given tonight in the handsome parlors of the Southern :ianiifacturers' Club in honor of a distinguished party of telephone officials who are expected to arrive in the city on one of the early evening trains. The party is composed of Mess. Thomas N. Vail, president of the Am erican Telephone and Telegraph Com pany; Edward J. Hall, vice-president of the American Telephone and Tele graph Company and president of the Southern Bell Telephone Company; and Col. W. T. Gentry, vice-president cf the Southern Bell Company. These gentlemen will be met at the Southern depot by a party of representative cit izens who will escort them to the club where the reception and smoker will be held, beginning at 9:30 o'clock. The committee is composed of the follow ing : Messrs. J. L. Chambers, chairman; A. H. Washburn. H. C. Clark, E. S. Reid, Jeremiah Goff. H. M. Victor, J. W. Wausworth. W. H. Twitty. H. A. Murril!. T. C. Guthrie. W. S. Lee, George Stephens. J. M. Scott, W. H. Wood. C. B. Bryant, T. W. Wade, C. D. Bennett. D. E. Allen. T. S. Franklin. H. W. Eddy, E. A. Smith, A. J. Draper, Julian H. Little, Charles F. Wads worth, J. P. Caldwell, Morgan B. Spier and S. B. Turner. The officials are on an inspection tour of the principal cities of the south, reached by the Southern Bell Company: learning southern conditions. Theb aic en route north from Atlanta, Ga. HUGE POLICE COURT The Trial of the Recorder's Docket Takes Half the Day. The docket in the recorder's court this morning was an immense one, and it was long toward midday, and the court room was entirely empty before Chief Christenbury called out '"Court is adjourned." The cases were all oi' minor importance, however. P.. A. Hadley was bound over under a bond of ?30 for carrying a pistol and was also fined $10 for an affray with Mit Sliarpe, who was dismiss ed. Bob Alexander, charged with retail ing, Wi.s bound over under a $100 lend, as was also Biggers Bobley. Jim Edwards was made to give a bond of SoO tor the same offense. Charles Huntley.. John Staton and John were fined $5 for leaving thair hacks on the streets. Will Wilson and Will Mackin were bound over for an affray with J. W. Clay and Sarah Connelly. These lat ter two will be fried tomorrow on the- same charge. Thf-re were eleven defendants who failed to appear for trial and forfeited their bonds. AUCTION CALLED OFF. Only Eight Lets Sold Crowd Was Dis appointing and Bidding Slow. After selling eight lots at the auc tion in Piedmont this morning the Su burban Reality Company, owners of the property, declared the sale off. The crowd was disappointing and bidding was slow, and as the lots which were sold brought only 50 per cent of their real value, this action was determin ed upon. The following purchases were made, the lots averaging about $500 each: Mr. W. P. Parrisn, one; Mr. J. A. Brown, two; Mr. C. C. Hook, one; Mr. S. L. Vaughan, one; Hackney Brother two, and Mr. J. W. Sinclair, one. Dr. Huiten Home From Union. Rev. Dr. Herman H. Huiten, pas tor of the First Baptist Church, has returned to the city from Union, S. C, where he preached two sermons last Sunday in the new Baptist Church there. At the morning ser vice he preached the dedicatory sermon and at the night he conduct ed an evangelistic service. The pastor of the church is Rev. K. W. Cawthorn. Delegates to the Baptist Convention. Among the Charlotte delegation who will attend the sessions of the State Baptist Convention at Wil mington tomorrow will be: Rev. Dr. H. H. Huiten, Rev. J. Q. Adams, Rev. E. E. Bomar, Rev. L. R. Pruett, and Messrs. J. A. Durham, W. C. Dowd, Capt. T. S. Franklin, Willis Brown, C. E. Mason and Mr. and Mru. R. H. Jordan. CHRISTMAS plans usually require funds and those who are "Saving for Christ mas" will find our Savings Department of great assistance begin now to lay aside for the Holiday Expenses. If there is anything left over, it will be in time for the New Interest Period, which begins Jatl lst Wo Pay 4 I2S TRUST BUILDING ess Three new, six-room, modern apartment houses. One block from best residence section cf City. Corner Fifth and Davidson Streets. Five minutes' walk from the Square. Close price to desirable tenants. All modern conveniences. On the Car Line. Terms at office. Speak quick. Traders Land Company 'Phone 530. 9 West Trade St. BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE. The Origin Believed to be Incendiary Damage, $250. A small barn cn the farm of Mr. R. C. Carson, located about three miles south of the city, was destroy eu by rire last night between li e hours of 9 and 10 o'clock. The tenant on the farm v. a s David Moore who had a quantity of roughness and other feedstuff in the building. When Moore was awaken ed by the crackling of flames he rush ed into the barn and succeeded in sav ing his live stock and farm implements. The flames were discovered in the loft of the bain. Its origin is unknov-'". though the theory of incendiarlsra has been advanced. The estimated loot' is fr2."Q This makes the 19th barn burn ed in the ti uty within the las" -;ight months. Report of Good Samaritan Hospital. The following is the report of the Good Samaritan Hospital for Novem ber, 1907: Patients in hospital, Nov. 1.....12 Patients admitted during Nov ll Patients discharged during Nov... lb' Patients in hospital at present date 8 Deaths 2 Operations 10 Births 2 line are figures on stands to be al 2t51 Outside cases 4 for G treatments. Nurse paid eight charity visits to two patients. (Signed.) ANNA BUCHANAN, Matron. Mr. Moore Surrenders Inn. Kennilworth The Ashevillc Citizen announces that Mr. Edgar B. Moore, lessee of the Selwyn Hotel, of this city, has surrendered his lease on the Ken nilworth Inn, near Asheville. Mr. Moore has successfully managed this well known hostelry for about live years. The future management of the hotel has not yet been deter mined upon. BUSIHESS BUILDERS Fire r. Wilds Alley. A small blaze in Wilds' Alley late yesterday afternoon created much excitement, as the streets were crowded just at this time of the day. 'ihe blaze was located in a house occupied by Minnie Bailey and Julian Sutson, but was of no consequence. Mrs. K. P. Bucher left last night for Lancaster, S. C, to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives. Tlollister's Rocky Mountain Tea puri fies the blood, regulates the bowels, aids the kidneys, cures stomach trou bles, builds up the nervous force: makes you well and happv. .15 cents. Tea or Tablets. It. H. Jordan & Co. GROCtRb WE ARE HEADQUARTERS for seeded raisins, currants, citron, or anges and lemon peel, shelled almonds, figs, dates, etc. Buying in fifty car lots in a wholesale way enables us to undersell. Florida oranges -5c doz en. BRIDGERS & CO. 203 W. Trade. FOR PIES California Evaporated peaches 20c lb. Mountain sundried apples 12 l-2c. lb.; fancy King apples, evaporated, 15c lb.; canned red cherries, strawberries, raspberries and apricots. Always call us when in need. MILLER-VAN NESS CO., Phone 68 or -118. 27 N. Tryon. WE HAVE ALL KINDS of fresh Nuts, Fruits, Cranberries, Cel ery and Lettuce. Give us your order. S. R. LENTZ. 'Phone 251. . Fred Cochrane, Mgr. QUILT COTTON, 3 PKS. FOR 25c. Nice round steak 12.1-2c lb. Tender loin steak 10c lb. Pork 12 l-2c lb to 15c lb. Home-made Kraut 3 lbs. for 10c. Special for this week 20 lbs. granulated sugar and 10 cans tomatoes for $2.00. z W. G. SHOEMAKER CO. Phone 444. FOR THANKSGIVING Malaga and Concord Grapes, Cranber ries, Porto Rico Cocoanuts. Will be closed all day Thursday. GEO. D. DARSEY, 'Phone 350. 'PHCNE 510 for your Thanksgiving Turkeys, Geese and Ducks, dressed or alive; fine Celery, Apples, Grapes and Fruits for making cakes. We have reduced the price of chickens to 30 and 35c. Hens 40 and 45c. J. T. MULLiS & CO., 42 N. College St. Phone 510 MISCELLANEOUS HAIR BRUSHES No Finer Line Carried in the City. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 2S South Tryon. AT THE GEM Quail received daily. Lynnhavcn Bay Oysters on half shell. West Point Oysters cooked in any style. E. F. "CRESWELL, Proprietor. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Largest and best equipped shop in the State. Best work and prompt ser vice. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. 217 N. Tryon. 'Phone 204. TYPEVvm i'EK Hepairing. Largest and best equipped shop In the state. Best work and prompt service. We employ nothing but "Whitemen" as re pairmen, and guarantee our work. We loan j'ou a typewriter pending repairs to yours. No extra charge for this. Jones The Typewriter Man (Phone 243). Largest typewriter dealer in the Carolinas. W. H. OVERCARSH'S SCHOOL OF PIANO AND VOICE The methods I use are the same as those used by the best teachers in this country and Europe, having stud ied with some of the best teachers, among whom was the eminent pianist and teacher Rafael Joseffy. Send for pamphlet. W. H. OVERCARSH, 'Phone 1497. Sudio 605 S. Tryon St. IF YOUR CHIMNEY SMOKES One of our Flue Stacks will stop the trouble at once. We paint and repair roofs. C. F. SHUMAN Tin. Slate and Iron Rooffing. 200 N. College St. Phone 511. DON'T buy Sewing Machines, Or gans, Stoves, Ranges, Furniture, &c, from catalogue houses, for we will sell you any Machine, Organ, &c, offered by any Catalogue House at exacly the came price and upon the same condi tions. If you don't want what we have we will get what you want. Leave your money with a home dealer. Law-lag-flobbins Furniture Co. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK CHARLOTTE, N. C. Gross Assets $2,734,000.00 Personal Liability 500,000.00 $3,234,000.00 United States Depository. Large Commercial Business. Interst Paid On Certificates of Deposit. Savings Department in Successful Operation. Interest 4 Per Cent. Compounded. Drafts Drawn On All Parts of the World. R. A. DUNN, Pres. W. E. HOLT, V. P. A. G. BRENIZER, Cashier. A. T. SUMMEY, Asst. Cashier. R SEAL n mm wit. EALSIATE TO LET a-rnnm mnrlAm vuiiac, $20; plain cottage, big yard, front and back, 10th and D., $12.50; 5 room cot tage, Dilworth, $15; rooms in Sanders Building, $5 and $7; barn at $2.00 per month. Houses also for colored tenants. E. L. KEESLER, 'Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon SL FQTATF eal Estate There's an ideal home for every man if he but looks for it. We can help lo cate yours. Call in and tell us your re quirements. Probably we have just such a piece of real estate on our list. It doesn't matter how little cash or how much you have. We can sell you a house for all cash or one the easiest terms imaginable. So don't hesitate for lack of ready money. The longer you keep on paying rent the further away owning your own uomj will be. J. E. MURPHY S, CO. 43 N. Tryon St. 'Phone 842. Y When we can offer you a piece of city property that is rent in- f, ,. annually, at the price of $1,850.00? "1 This means 15 per cent instead of 4 per cent. The difference in the income in favor of the realty is $200.00 i us show it to you. L" Lot Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust kmm CAPITAL $75,0CO President, W. S. ALEXANDER SURPLUS $103,000 Vice-President, R. A. Dim Secretary and Treasurer, A . MORRIS McDONALD , mmuSg$xft All I 43 acres on Rozzel's Ferry road, 5 miles out. 19 ares on Lawyers road, 4 miles out. : "!T7 73 acres on Monroe and Seaboard roads, 4 miles out. C2 acres near Mint Hill. 3S acres 4 miles from City. 139 acres Eastfield. Plenty of other good ones. See us before you buy. W. T. Wilkinson & Company THE MANAGEMENT OF The Charlotte National Bank aims to conduct a careful, conservative, legitimate business with a fixed policy to extend to its friends and depositors, in bad as well as good times, such accommodations as their accounts and respon sibility warrant. if not a customer, we invite you to become' one. B. D. HEATH, President. JNO. M. SCOTT, Vice-President. W. H. TWITTY, Cashier. t Real Estate to foe Listed With Us For Sale We Have Customers for Large or Small Deals at the Right Prices I The'' Charlotte 0 Phone 377. :e A. G. CRAIG, Sec'y- Office 18 E. Trade St. The C na'rlotte Trust Co. A BANK for every class the LABORING MAN, MANUFAC TURER, MERCHANT, SCHOOL, TEACHER, FARMER, MILL EM PLOYES and for all whom t can serve. Save your money and place it in safety witn the Charlotte Trust Company. J. H. LITTLE, President. CM. PATTERSON, V. President L. R HAGOOD, Casnler. 18 East Trade Street. Charlotte, N. C. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL BUfLDfN Phone 535. '6" L ELIZABETH AVENUE $1,000.00 Easy Payments- 50x195 feet. ompck.ny 203 N. Tryon St. Brown S New Crop Seeded Raisins, Dates and Figs. Currnts, W. M. CROW ELL, 'Prion- 744 or 237. 305 W. Trade. WOOl WOOD, WOOD, WOOD! I have Wood Yard. Will do public wood sawing and general hauling. Would be pleased to have jrour patron age. E. E. JOHNSON, Cor. Smith and 11th Sts. 'Phone 1311 'PHONE 370 FOR WOOD, Coal and Terra Cotta Pipe. We keep a stock cf Fire-proof Flue Pipe and Fire-proof Flue Lining. C. DOWD & CO. 'Phone 370. ?.22 East 8th St H. M. McADEN, President. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. First National Bank (ORGANIZED 1865.) Capital $ 300,000.00 Surplus and Profit 250,000.00 Assets 1,900,000.00 Your Business solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation ex tended consistent with safe Banking. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS i put Santa Claus in seed humor when ho arrives by having the house warm and comfortable for his reception by heating your home with high grade, clean coal and woed from Ayant's yard, and he may reward you by put ting an order for a teno of coal in your i stocking from I -; - - - i to' mi m s i a hit I W. A. AVAR! I HOUSES. 918 N. Caldwell St., six rooms, per month .....$12.50 213 N. McDowell St., six rooms, per weelc .... . . $ 4.50 Craighead Parfc, four rooms. .. .$10.00 Cll W. Sth, 3 rooms $ 7.00 STORES. Dilworth, near Dilworth Drug Store , ..$25.00 mm a. cd.. 'Phone 535.' 203 N. Tryon St Is Open Saturdays from 9 A. M. to 2 and from 4 P. M. to 7 P. M. 0 of in 6 " j P. M. 1 Dollar is Sufficient to start an account "DO IT NOW" The Mereliants & Farmers National Bank ! CHARLOTTE, N.iC. 1 I Capital and Surplus .... $315,000,00 .... . ,.. ....... , MONEY .SAVED BY LISTING YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR R. E N T We will secure you good tenants, collect your rents and make prompt returns. p FOR SALE BARGAIN : 106 acre farm 2 miles on Derita road; 50-acre farm 4 miles out $40.00 acre; 10-acre farm 4 miles out, 5 room house $1250. See us before you buy. :! N. J. SHERRILL, Of S'he'rrifj Spring. Phone 918. W. D, WILKINSON, Manager. B. R. LEE, Secretary. J. P. LONG, Sales Agent. 45 North Tryon St. 'Phone 609. E. Mi Two 4-room houses McNinchville, two blocks from South Cedar Street.. $8.00 each. 4-room house 502 North A. street $8.00 3-room house North. Pegram Street $4.00. J. MMur H3nd PHONE 5S7. ersdsi H Sro. 18 . TRYON STREET NO SAFER PLACE FOR YOUR MONEY THAN IN CHARLOTTE REAL ESTATE 1. It is on a conservative basis. 2. It is less affected by panics than any form of security. 3. It will not run away nor can it burn un. 4. It can be well rented when improved. i- 5. It can then be insured for your protection. C. It will pay better returns than many ether investments. 7. It has advanced steadily in value for years. 8. It will continue to advance as the Citv grows 9. This growth must be almost entirely "suburban because the old ( '' is so solidly built up. 10. The largest increase will there fore be in suburban property. 11. The Suburban Realty Qompany offers the BEST. F C. ABBSft 6 Compan y J 4 4 J 'i 4 I " "EVERTHING IN REAL ESTATE.'., TRUST BUILDING.