7 X THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, JANUARY 4, 1 9C8 'i i I ! I Hi:- i. j 1 ; ! 5 j' I:. f. t, SI 1 Gowan's Philosophy The oft quoted proposition '"where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise" has been accepted by mankind. But suppose that a friend were to die with Pneumonia because you were in igno rance of the fact that Gowan's Pneumonia Cure would have saved his life? Had you been wi se to the fact that Gowan's would have saved his .life, it strikes me that it were folly to ; be ignorant. Think this over some day and then go to your druggist and get a bottle of Gowan's and be prepared. BE WISH! - Where To Worship T T T I Church of the Holy Comforter. South Iloulveard. 11 a. m. morning prayer and sermon; 4 p. m., Sunday shool and Bible class. St. Martin's Chapel. Tenth and Davidson streets. S:H0 a. m., Holy Communion; 3 p. m., Sun day school and Bible class;: CO p. m., evening prayer and sermon. ". St. Andrew's Chapel. Seversville. 11 a. m. morning pray er and sermon; 4 p. m., Sunday school. Chapel of Hope. East Fifteenth street. 3:30 p. m. Sunday school; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. Trinity Methodist. Communion service at 11 a. m. Regular preaching service at 7:30 p. .m Sunday . school at 3:30 p. m. Dilworth M. E. Church. 'Preaching by A. L. Coburn at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday school at 9:45. Parents come and bring the children. Preaching at Big Spring at 3:30 p. m. Sunday school at 2:30. A welcome to all. St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Corner Tryon and Seventh streets. Rev. Harris Mallinckrodt rector. Morning prayer, sermon and Holy Communion at 11 a. m. Sunday i on exieuueu iu an. school and rector's Bible class at. Belmont Park Methodist Church. 3:30 p. m. Evening prayer and ser-i W. S. Hales, pastor. Preaching 11 mon at 7:45. i a- m- an3 6:30 P- m- Sunday school First Presbyterian Church. i 3 p. m. Stewards' meeting Monday The pastor, Rev. Wm. M. Kincaid,' 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting Thursday D. D., will preach in the morning at j 7:30 p. m. Woman's Foreign x Mis 11 on "The Divine Ally," and in the sionary Society will meet at the evening- at 7:30 on "The Importance: of Today," a sermon for the New Year. Men's meeting at 9:45. Sun- day school at 3:30 p. m. This church will observe this week the "Week of; Prevr-r." The subiect and speakers j will be as follows: On Tuesday evening, the Rev. H. K. Boyer, of the ' Trvcii "street Methodist Church, will speak on "Thanksgiving and Praise ; for Past Mercies," on Wednesday : evening the pastor will speak; on j Thursday evening the Rev. H. H. i Hulten, D. D., will speak on "Prayer:' Its Power in the Church," on Fri-! day evening, the very Rev. Arch-i Deacon Jeff eris, D. D., will speak on "Bearing the Cross." All cordially invited to- these services. First A. R. P. Church. Wm. Duncan, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Theme ofi ent. morning sermon: "This "Year Thou! Pritchard Memorial Baptist Church. Shalt Die, if so What?" Special j Corner South Boulevard and Tem missionary offering in the morning j pleton avenue, on line of any Dil and if you can't possibly come in! worth car. - Rev. Edward E. Bomar, the morning bring it in the evening. 1 pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. But don't forget the "blue envelope." j and preaching services at 11 a- m. Session will meet at 10:45 in church land 7:30 p. m. " Rev. W. L. Walker study. Strangers are extended a I will preach at both services. The cordial welcome to our services. i revival services, now being carried Westminster Presbyterian Church, j on, will enter into every service to Rev. A. Martin pastor. Preaching! day and be carried on morning and A 9 Jalap er a I 80,8,0 I Ash your doctor u -.sf Lc thinks ef this Colocynth Pulp h Gr. a formula for a lioer Do a- he sais 1 chnut vunr thrp t - N ' f-nnif We H cooui using incse r . '.nw... iho S . rBirV:'-feSte: " When You Think of "Y & EM-Visions of P at 11:15 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sun- I day school at 10 a. m. Public cor- St. Paul Presbyterian Church. Rev. Chas. E. Raynal, pastor. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday school 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:45 p. m. All are welcome. Tenth Avenue Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. R. Shaw, pastor. Preach ing 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by the pastor. Sunday school 3 p. m. West minister League meeting 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:45 p. in. All are cordially inviiea. Christian Science. Services Sunday at 11 a. m., Wed nesday 'S p. m., hall 22y2 W. Fifth street. Subject for Sunday: "God." The public is cordially invited. East Aver.ue Tabernacle. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Smith. Bible class at 10:15 a. m. Sabbath school at 3:30 p. rii. Y. P. C. U. at 6:30. A cordial invitation , is ex- I tended to friends and visitors to at- I tend all these services. , Villa Heights. Sabbath school at 1:30 p. m. Preaching at 2:45 p. m. by Rev. J. A. Smith. Friends and strangers cordiallv invited to attend these services. Ninth Avenue Baptist Church. L. R. Pruett pastor. Services to morrow at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m., con ducted bv Rev. D. M. Austin. Sun day school at 3 p. m. The new offi cers elected last Sunday will take charge. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 o'clock. A cordial invita- parsonage Tuesday 3 p. m Highland Park Methodist Chapel. Brevard and Fourteenth streets. Sunday scnooi ana a. m. Mr. Robertson to Preach at Second Church. y At the Second Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning and evening Rev. Geo. F. Robertson will preach. His pulpit at Steele Creek will be filled by , Mr. Herman Cafhey, one of the many ministerial sons of Steele Creek in tne morning and in the evening at Beatty's Chapel. Belmont Presbyterian Church. . Sunday school at. 10 a. m. Preach- in gat 11 o'clock by Rev. T. J. Alli- son. At the close ot the service a congregational meeting will be held looking forward, to calling a pastor. All members are asked to be pres- COMPLETE FORMULA, AYEE'S PILLS jlscu fill Represents ... . i Gr. Podophyllum. . to Gr. Gamboge . . Gr. Ginger . . . Gr. Aloes . . V . Gr. OilPeppermint Gr. Oil Spearmint Too Or. Ezcipient Sufficient quantity. have no secrets ! We publiell J. C.AyerCo formulas of ail our medieinea. Lowell. IIui. . ., evening of next week. The church is wide open to any one who desires to come. Tryon Street Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 and 7:30 by the pastor, Rev. H. K. Boyer. Men's prayer meeting 10. Sunday school at- 3:30. Mid-week prayer meeting 7:30. St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 3:30 p. m. Mid-1 week service Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Public cordially invited. ; 'Tryon Street Methodist Church Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. by pastor. Sunday school at 1 3 tor.p. m. Prayer meeting at 10 a. m. Cordial invitation to all. Preaching every night next week at 7:30 by Rev. Frank Siler. First Baptist Church. Dr. Herman H. Hulten pastor. Morning -worship 11 o'clock. New Year's sermon: Subject "Taking stock." Evening worship 7:45: Sub ject "The Last Year." Sunday school 3 p. m. Special music. Midweek service as usual. All are welcome. Y. M. C. A.'S NEW OFFICERS. Election at the Meeting of the Board of Directors. The board of directors of the Young Men's Christian Association met yes terday afternoon at 5 o'clock and elect ed officers as follows for the ensuing) year: President, Robert Glasgow, Jr.; vice president, J. A. Durham; recording sec retary. J. H. Ross; treasurer, t C. Abbott, and general secretary, David L.j PrnVuvrfr i A feature of the meeting was the presence of Mr. Fletcher S. Brockman, the national secretary for China, who j gave the board a very interesting re port of the work being done in China by Mr. Charles L. Boynton, who is the individual representative of the Cliarlotte Association in China, and one of the strongest and most aggressive men in the whole of Cathay. Mr. Brockman Jiad remained over in the city after his splendid address before members of the association at the ban quet on Thursday evening. Resolutions of thanks were passed for the valued sevices of the pastors of the city, the press of the city for many favors, and to the ladies auxil iary to the association, for help in entertaining on many occasions. The new board is as follows: Messrs. J A. Durham, F. C, Abbott, Robert Glasgow, A. G. Bremzer, W. F. Dowd, Willis Brown, D. H. Anderson, A. G. Craig, Julian H. Little, C. W. Tillett, Heriot Clarkson, J. B. lvey, J. M. Har ry, J. H. Ross, George Stephens. Reports for the year read by the treasurer and the general secretary of the association show a favorable condition of affairs. The policy of the association for the co'ming year will be the same as last year. That is to keep the association in as effective a condi tion as is possible under the trying circumstances incident to a lessened force and the erection of the new build ing. . . , : ; : At First Baptist Sunday School. The following is the program for the First Baptist Sunday school to morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock: Music by orchestra. Song service. Responsive reading, f Prayer. I Singing by-school. Duet by Misses Blanche : Millersham .and Margaret Norman. ' j Reading of lesson. j Selection by orchestra. i Lesson study. ' Closing hymn. Mt. Airy News Special to The News. Mount Airy, N. C, Jan. 4. The Western Union Telegraph Co. has moved its office into the new posts .office building. ! John Harrison, who killed Renben iBond in Carroll county, Va., on Christmas day, lias succeeded in 'making his escape and no trace of him has been discovered. : Noah Phillips and Joe and Char'ey Jlaynes, of this city, beat and stab bed one Walter Hodge nearly to death the other day. This occurued in the Peach Orchard sec tion, where they make liquor, that causes men to want to kill everybody they see. 1 PATROLLMAN LOSES BADGE OF OFFICE J. L. Asbury Dismissed From Force and R. C. Gardner is Elected -to Fill the Vacancy Citizen Charges Officer With an Assault. The Board of Public Safety held its regularly monthly meeting last night. The reports from the various de partments which have already ap peared in The News, were read and accepted. The suspension of Patrolman J. L. Asbury, for drunkenness, was the first matter taken up. Upon motion of Capt. W. R. Robertson, this offi cer was dismissed from the force, and his resignation which had been tendered was not accepted. The members regretted this action, but thought it .necessary for the good ef the force. Upon i recommendation of the po lice committee, Mr. R. Clifford Gard ner was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the dismissal of Officer Asbury. Mr. Page, of the police committee, wanted a report from the chief of police as to the conditions in North Charlotte since the appointment of extra policemen to break up rowdy- ism in that section and in the Four teenth street section. I Chief Christenbury stated that' dur-j ing the holidays that four extra officers v6re only used on one Sat- uay nigui, una umt m uruay iiisulo vmy mu nwv- stated that it was still very hard to get evidence from the residents of that section in regard to any dio order. It was hinted by several members, of the board that in their opin-1 ion many. of the complaints' coming from that section were madej by men who were trying to break' into the police force by means 01 this activity. UDOn motion of Mr. , Walker it was ordered that the chief use his' descretion in regard to hiring extra officers for such times as he thought ' they were needed for this section. He was given this authority until the next meeting of the board. j Mr. F. E. Robeson, who has been acting from month, to month as city electrician at a salary of 75 per j month, was regularly elected to the i position at a .salary of $100 per( month, which is the regular appro-1 priation for that department. j A complaint was read from Dr. J., R. Alexander cuarging Patrolman Henry with an assault on him on Christmas evening while standing! on the square waiting for a car. Dr. Alexander claimed that while waiting for a car near the curbing, ( that officer told hliii to move on, andj that' he explained that he was wait-j ing for a car,.Kbut that, the officer! grabbed him by. -the coat and pulled him to the sidewalk; : flourishing, his billy as if to strike him. After a statement from Chief; Christenbury that' he considered Offi-i cer Henry was only doing his duty( in keeping the square clear, the matter was referred to the police committee for investigation. Special Missionary Offering . This is to be , taken in the First A. R. P. Church 1 tomorrow. Kindly and earnestly we would urge every member of our church to remember the offering for' missions tomorrow, as it is the first one of the year,' let it be large and liberal. We ex-. pect one-fourth of the "thousand for foreign missions. W. D. Stuart's Gin and Bucnu a quick cure for Bright's disease, Tlver and stom ach troubles. All Druggists $1.00. OASTORIA. Bears the 7lha Kind You Have AlwayS M OASTOHIA. Bears the ho Kind Yon HaYe AlW3yS M oastohia. r a. ll KM Vo Have Always BoikM of New New New 'Moneys l&flmmlX onim Ask Voisr Druggist for free Peruna Afoionec for 1991 FLOORING CEILING SIDING SHINGLES LATHS SASH WEIGHTS County Superintendent of Schools R. J. Cochrane was busy today delivering supplies to the teachers of the coun ty, preparatory to the opening of the schools on Monday. j . ' BRING your job printing to The News office. We guarantee good work, prompt service and fair prices. 29-t! 1 p 1 Coal Cleaning Appi Delivery Stmts Way of , Pleasing Ci EverytKing New for IMIM 1 ROUGH AND FINISHED LUMBER &. in f E. 9th and Southern Ry, Charlotte, N. C. 5fl nil van fifl The Presbyterian College For Women CHARLOTTE, N. C. SECOND TERM BEGINS JANUARY 9, 13CS. Special Rates to New Pupils. J. R. CRiDC-ES, D. D., President. tKe I MANTELS GRATES TILES SASH, DOORS GENERAL SHOP WORK rogression i gacmK agamy

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