One 'Cent A' Word THE CHARI. JANUARY 4, 1908 It's the Little Tilings that Count Try One WAMhU rite tor particulars. Jewelry Supply lecturers' club a small Japanese fan Co., 407 Broadway, New York. 4-1 1 I I'ound with green figures Mrs J h' Ham. '.i.' AGENTS WANTED everywhere; C can easily earn $15 and $20 daily.! LOST Night of reception at Mann- WANTED By couple, two or three luoiiib, lurmsnea, tor housekeeping in i LOST A heart dnnr,i .ipdmhio no;),i,,ji t. m . ncait snapcd pm contain- " """"" v- " "lL "'S a Photograph. A small reward tor iwuii lu iews omee. 4.1 1 n active man as part- - in a business that tho n WANTED nev sales iast year amounted to $15,000. Located in Charlotte, N. C. Address 11., care News. 3t WANTED Pupils from 9 to 12. Lat in, Mathematics, and Shorthand spe cialties. Individual work given. Mrs. I '.oss Hoyle Rucker, 203 So. Myers Sc. 4-3-w-L't LOST Between Shopton and Char lotte, srold medal :chn. nri cross, name Ruth Hayes engraved on it. Reward if left at News office 4-it Cotton Growers Says Many Meet Jan. 21st. WANTED To buv beddins three tables. G04 W. Trade. and 4-lt V ANTED To rent, large house, modern conveniences, furnished or un i'ur nisheu. Desirable neighborhood. Address Newcomer, care News. 4-2t WANTED 3 or 4 rooms, modern conveniences, suitable for light house keeping. Address, Four care News. 4-2t WANTED A good sized inexpen sive mule for farming. Torronce, 417 X. Church St. Phone 1119. 4-lt WANTED To sell lot of stable manure. Will buy or sell your iiorses. My personal attention given 10 above. Will board your stock or rent you stalls. F. M. Hoover, 31 North College St. KING'S BUSINESS will open night school Monday night Jan. G. 4-lt TO QUICK BUYER I w?ll sll 20 fine building lots in Charlotte tor $1. b00, half cash, balance in one and two fuul immediate, care -ews. y n 1 1 . . , nuiirieu couple desire to rent small turnished house. Address 4-2t F., care News. HAVE you heard of Miller Bros. Suit Club? Your chance to get a $23.00 suit of clothes for ?1.00. For particu lars call at. H. Miller's, 10 E. Trade St. o 9. FOR RENT The Carson house on South Try on street. Immediate pos session. Apply to IC's. 18-tf FOR RENT 'Phcne 915. -Two six room houses. 2-tf WANTED Salesman for building material. Must be acquainted writh trade in North and South Carolina Write Charlotte Box 76a. -St WANT PLACE as working house keeper. Housekeeper, this office. 4-lt WANTED to pay $2,000 a year to a man of neat appearance and ability to represent us in all cities, towns and villages. You are not required to carry camples, make sales or collections, but to call on (for a matter of importance to themselves) all clases of wholesale and retail merchants, banks, doctors, manufacturers and others. Experience helpful, but not necessary. We put you lmo a profitable, pleasant busi ness for yourself; no capital needed. We pay every Thursday, advance $25 expense money each week and furnish such complete instructions that suc cess is guaranteed; requiring small bond from those we employ. Write us promptly; it is an opportunity rarely presented. If you are ambitious and ;.o to work anxious to succeed you no cure from the start $2,000 a year, and later on $3,000 to 5,000. Write us to day for full information and learn how, with our co-operation, you can even do better. H. O. Jones, Sec'y, G21 Dayton, O. 4-lt f" yv r t a rjr ALt isew C-room cottage, neai owiu s plant, lot 50x195. High elevation. Part cash. Balance with rent money. X. X. L., care News of- nce. 1 of 1 .J 1 FOR RENT One large room fur nished, nice location, Sll West Trade. 31-Ct FOR RENT My house in Dilworth, 6 rooms. Apply M. O. Dowd. 'Phone 81 14-tf MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach barber trade in few weeks, mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 4-3t WELL, WELL, WELL A $25.00 Suit for 1.00. For particulars call at H. Miller's, 10 East Trade St. 3-2t LADIES to copy letters at home; spare time; good pay; cash weekly; reliable; send stamp. Zeck Co., Mor ristown, N. Y. 4.1 The State Association Convenes Here on That Date, When Elaborate Program Will be Car ried Out. The annual convention of the North Carolina Cotton Growers' Association will be held here on January 21. ani! an elaborate program has been nrrnrisr- ed by the committee in charge. The convention will be an firllicn.tirm- al one in every respect. Some cf the best speakers of the south will be pres ent, and the whole phase of cotton farming and selling will be fully dis cussed. Hon. E. D. Smith, president of the South Carolina Cotton Growers' Asso ciation, will be the main speaker. Mr. Smith is a large farmer and is an ora tor of groat force and eloquence. The delegates to the convention have in store for them a treat in hririn-- thio speaker. Dr. George T. Winston, of the A. and M. College at Raleigh, will address the convention on "Agricultural Edit cation." No man in the south is bet ter able or fitted to present this sub ject than Dr. Winston. Another prominent speaker who will be present is Mr. F. H. Hiatt, the largest farmer of tho State of South Carolina. The convention will be called to or der by President C. C. Moore on the morning cl: the 21st. Mayor T. S. Franklin will welcome the association on tne part ci the esty. and Mr. E. It. Preston will express the welcome of the Greater Charlotte Club. Cel. H C. Dockery, of Rocking ham, will make the response cn behalf ol the convention. Mr. George Stephens, president of the American Trust Comoanv, will speak on ' The Relation of the Banks to the Cotton Crop of the South." Other speakers who will be heard on this occasion are Capt. S. B. Alexander, Charlotte's foremost farmer, and Capt. J. H. Currie, of Fayetteville, the pres ident of the North Carolina Agricul tural Society and the State Fair Asso ciation. President Moore and his committee on arrangements are to be congratulat ed in securing such a list of splendid and practical speakers for the occasion, and this meeting of the association is expected to be productive of much ed ucational good among the cotton far mers of the state, and those business men identified with the marketing of the south's great staple. A large number of delegates and others are expected from all parts of of the state, and many will be pres ent from our sister state, South Caro lina FINE BOARD for tourists. 413 N. Church St. Central. 31-tf WANTED For U. S. Army: able bodied, unmarried men, between ages cf IS and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write English. Men wanted now for service in Cuba and the Philippines. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 15 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C; 26 South Main St., Asheville, N. C; Bank Build ing, Hickory, N. C; 12&Y2 North Main St., Salisbury, N. C; 417 Liberty St., Winston-Salem, N. C; Kendall Build ing, Columbia, S. C; Haynsworth and Conyer's Building, Greenville, S. C; Glenn Building, Spartanburg, S. C. l-l-tus-thurs&sat. WANTED- rooms with M. B. -By couple, two furnished board in private family. 4-lt DO YOU need capital, extend or start business? If so, write me before arranging elsewhere; exceptional facil ities placing stocks, bonds quickly. Everett Dufour, Corporation Attorney, Le Droit Bldg., Washington, D. C. 4-lt 'GET your clothes pressed at the City Pressing Club. Hayes & Neely. 24-tf AGENTS Nameplate, sings, num bers, readable darkest nights. Easily sold. Profits large. Samples free. Wright Supply Co., Englewood, Ills. 4-lt R. R. CROSSINGS MUST BE BETTER GUARDED Had it Filled No Sufferer ot Kidney Trouble or Rheumatism Should Leave Home Re cipe bntried as Only Good Results Can Fol low. r-jj t Vhat the readers of this paper ap preciate advice when given in good faith is plainly demonstrated bv the fact that one well-known local phar macy supplied the ingredients for the "vegetable prescription" many times within the past two weeks. The an nouncement of this simple, harmless mixture has certainly accomplished much in reducing the great many cases of kidney complaint and rheu matism here, relieving pain and mis ery, especially among the older popu lation, who are always suffering more or less with bladder and urinary trou bles, backache and particularly rheu matism. Another well-known druggist asks us to continue the announcement of the prescription. It is doing so much real good here, he continues, that it would be a crime not to do so. It can not be repeated too often, and further states many cases of remarkable cures wrought. The following is the prescription, of simple ingredients making a harm less, inexpensive compound, which anv person can prepare by shaking well in a bottie: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one' ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Any first-class drug store will sell this small amount of each ingiedieut, and the dose for adults is one teasyconful to be taken after each meal and asain at bedtime. There is enough here to last for one week, if taken according to directions. Good results will be apparent from the first few doses. Our Great January lark Down Sale You know the meaning of the above head-line. Ycu know it rntans I tic Banner Bargain Event of the Year in which the nimble six-pence and I the mighty dollar have long distances. Absolute Clearing of ail Winter Garments Sale? Starts Monday Morning at 9 o'clock: Read Ad in Sunday Paper. WE WILL BUY Mill stock, (S. C.) " (S. C.) To-day 's Markets K3 I 1 r 1 Brandon Easley Williamston " Watts Woodside, com. " " Victor " " Washington Mills " Amerecian Spin ning Mfg. Co. " " WE WILL SELL 20 Hoskins 7 per cent. Pref'd., " 10 Chadwick Woodside 5 Majestic Mfg. Co. 10 Cherryville 25 Chronicle Mills " 25 Inman, com. " 30 Abbeville 50 Gaffney j wain, iu uuy or sen cotton Mill stock please let us hear fmi.i you. Wre have just moved our office . from Gastonia to No. 15 South College sc., cnarlotte. SOUTHERN SECURITIES & TRUST I J ivi rMIH T , I Charlotte. N r. - - 7 (S. C) (S. C) (S. C.) (S. C.) I Var. ) (S. C.J (N.C.) (N. c: (N. C.) (N. C l (N. C) (N. C.) (S.C.) (S. C.) (S.C.) To Clclelisi FOR RENT One six-room house on East Third Street. One six-room house on the cor- AFEW OFFICES to rent in new, Law Building. See L. W. Humphrey, secretary. 17-tf HUSTLING MEN WANTED Distri bute Sample and circulars. No can vassing, steady. Globe Adv. & Dist. Ass'n., Chicago. 4-it FOR SALE OR RENT Five-room house with five acres of land attached. Opposite Myers Park. Tubular well. McD. Watkins. i-4t WANTED By horseshoer and re pair blacksmith position. Reasonable wages. Address "W.," care News, city. 31-3t-eod. There will be a meotinp- nf tho 11 A M T I rl f -1 . . . . 1 " vvAivi 1 clu oaiesman, iamiuar witn 1 15. C. M. for bovs at. tho V m n a electrical trade in Charlotte and vicin- i tomorrow at two o'clock. This will 14..- TTT TV TV 1 r T-l - -a-rv : - VV. U. UldVBb, 1V1. Cc Jii. O,. Wneei-l he a VPr-o- lntprpstina mooting onJ 2-3t ! all bovs are siven a cordial iuvitntinn ity. ins, W. Va WANTED Men to grub trees, for the trees on 90S W. 5th St. 2-tf VANTED Young men for room and board. 20S E. 5th. 31-tf FOR SAUOR RbNl FOR SALE A No. 1 horse eight years old, lady can drive. Perry's sta ble. 4-3t FOR RENT 3 connecting rooms, suitable light housekeeping in Fourth ward on car line, convenient to Post office and Southern Railway. E. C, care News. 4-lt FOR RENT Two nice furnished rooms, 414 E. 7th St. 1-tf to attend. The Rev. Mr. Bain of Trin ity church will be the speaker. I $fl.0 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light hctr-jkeeping. 'Phone No. 1070. 4-lt . : I FOR SALE At a bargain one spring ! wagon with top. 213 W. 4th St. W. S. Wearn. 2-tf FOR SALE My restuarant at 221 WT. Trade St. Fine location with well established trade. Must sell on ac count of my health. W. B. Puckett. 4-lt FOR SAL7 At a bargain, one hand-! some wall case, eight feet long; 1 handsome round cornered double deck cigar case, ten feet long, 1 counter top show case, four feet long. Consolidat ed Cigar Store. 19-eod-tf FOR SALE Four mules and wag ons. E. E. Johnson, COS E. 9th St. 2S-St-w&s Per Bottle You can take a course of treatment without inteference to your business or sour pleasure. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy A rembdeler of run-down hu manity a rebuilder of strength and ambition a remedy for per sistent fatigue. All good drug gists sell it. Bottles For $5.00 The Pub!ic Service Board Says the Railroads Are Careless in Guarding Grade Crossings, and That Too Much Drinking Goes On in Depots. At a meeting of the board of public safety last night, a communcation from the board of public service was read asking that the safety board co operate in forcing the railroads to better guard the grade crossings in the city and to stop the drinking of whiskey in the lavatories of the Sea board and Southern depots. The safety board ordered the chief of police to report to the service board that he was ready and willing to co- operate in the enforcement of these ordinances. The communication in full is as fol lows: Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 9. 1907. To the Board of Public Safety, Charlotte, N. C. Gentlemen: We wish to call your attention to the following section: Transportation Department. Sec. 143. That all transporta tion facilities in said City shall be under the supervision of the Board of Public Service, who shall appoint a Supervisor of Transpor tation and define his duties. They may designate some other officer to act as such Supervisor. We have had numerous complaints of carelessness on the part of rail roads at street crossings, and upon investigation we found that in the short period of twenty minutes the trains were allowed to run over cross ing on West Trade street four times without lowing gates. We found also that the man at the Seventh street crossing allowed trains to go over crossing without any attempt on his part to warn the people of the ap proach of trains. YTe find also that no flagman has been placed at West Fifth street crossing, that no flagman has been placed at West Second street crossing, mat no flagman has been placed at West Cleveland avenue, and! me fcuuuieu across mese streets without a brakeman aboard. Cars should not be shunted across anv of the streets in the city, but should be at all times under the control of the locomotive; we also find that no at tention is paid to the ordinance re garding the blocking of streets by the railroads. In conversation with the operatives we find that they are not properly in structed in their duties,, even after warning the gateman on December 7, we find on revisiting the West Trade street crossing on December 9, that the gateman was still violating the ordinance requiring the lowering of the gates before trains cross over. We further find that the gate at the East Trade street crossinsr was aiw. j ed to be out of repair a month before . the road attended to it. f We also find that the railroads do not keep planks on their road bed at ; crossings in proper repair. I We further find that there is alto gether too much liquor drinking go ing on in the lavatories of the South-1 Bache & Co's Cotton Letter. New York, Jan. 4. The Liverpool market closed weak on the report of a probable strike in Manchester. This, however, did not seem to have the effect in this market as it did in Liv erpool for our opening was not as low as foreign cables. The support ac corded prices by the short interest was the principal sustaining factor after opening 9 points down. March sold at 10.G4. later rallied aboht 9 points. May touched 10.62 and ral lied to C8. There as some confusion of opinion regarding the government report of the amount of cotton ginn ed to December 31. ! Mr. Price holds that the gins have made a record for the 10 working days. His figures are 740,000 for the period while many fa vor 600,000 for the period. However, we will know authoritively all about it next week. We do not believe in get ting frightened by the situation in Manchester. The final action will not be taken uitil January 18. The south ern spot situation has not weakened much and Ave are still inclined to fa vor buying on all these small recac tions. We believe the winter will see much higher prices for cotton. J. S. BACHE & CO. ner of East Stonewall Sts.. with all modern improve- ments. Two six-room houses on East Vancft St -nrifV. l,f .1 j ni,u nut auu UUIU water in bath and kitchen: nlnn TTl 1 1 - . mow Jiiiecinc iignts in room. each is a very common expression. To apply this expression, we menn that von should never think of purchasing furniture for Bed Room, Dining Room, Parlor, Library, Hal! or any other part of your home until you have examined our stock FOR .10 0 8 We are prepared to offer ycu the Very Best Coods at Lowest Prices Possible. To be sure of this come and see for yourself That will mean a great deal more than we can say Lli f) B Co X c t t D 252 FOR SALE. . Six-room house on North Ora- nam SL One 8-room house on North Col- i lege St., with all modtv n lm- 4 provements. J Two lots en North Davidson. One lot on North Tryon St., with ? a 6-room house on the rear. 2 iWill be sold or exchanged for T other Improved property. X C. MclMELIS I 8 CYCLES Best Prices .r.-y , . II IWI ' " ill I I I'l'WI W Mil I I Jan . Men May July New YorK Cotton. January 4 Low Close. 10.44 10.64 10.62 High . 10.51 . 10.74 . . 10.70 , . 10.63 10.55 Spots steady, 11.40. 10.5052 10.7172 10.67 6S 10.6061 New Orleans Cotton. January 4. High Low 10.91 10.SS Comparative Port Receipt. day Galveston 16477 New Orleans 1263G Savannah 4799 Charleston G04 I Bank Statement. Last Reserve, Inc 8,660,800 Year Leans, Dec Specie, Inc . . . Legate, Inc . . . Deposits, Dec . Circulation, Inc Funeral of Mrs. Hobbs. The funeral of Mrs. W. II. Hobbs was . .108 1067-4 l0S34fheld at steel Creek Church yesterday Jan Mch 10.9S 10.83 May 10.96 10.85 July 10.94 10.94 Spots steady, 11. Close 10.9293 10.92 93 10.93 94 10.95 Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, Jan. 4. Futures opened easier; receipts 5,000, American 4, 700; sales 6,000; speculation and ex port 500; middling 6.07; middling yes terday 6.13. Close. Jan-Feb 5.61 Feb-Mar : 5.63 Mar-Apr . . . . 5.64 Apr-May 5.65 May-June 5.65 June-July 5.65 July-Aug 5.63 Aug-Sept 5.56 Sept-Oct 5.44 Oct-Nov 5.34 :ov-Dee 5.3 Jan 5.61 Chicago Grain and Produce High Low. Close WHEAT May July Sept CORN May July Sept OATS May July PORK Jan 12.75 May 13.40 LARD Jan 7.90 May . . S.10 RIBS Jan 6.90 May 7.30 14,822,600 . 4,246,600 . 3,799,300 . 2,459,600 . 579,700 -f n a 0 97 61 C0 60 55 49 99 95 60 59 59" 51 4S- 12.55 13.? 0 7.82 8.00 C.77 7.17 100 96 61 60 60 55 48 12.75 13.10 7.90 S.10 6.90 7.27 morning at 11 o'clock, conducted bv Rev. George T. Robertson. A verv large cencours or. people was pres ent. Mr. John P. Long, of the Carolina Realty Company, sold today for Mr. Ernest Johnston, a house and lot on East Fifth street to Mr. Marshall, of the postoffice.- The consideration was ?025.. A FULL LINE OF TIRES AND SUNDRIES. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Relay WVg Co,, 31 South Trvor Streot Charlotte Produce Market. (Corrected by R. H. Field & Co.) Chickens spring 152() Turkeys per lb. 1314 Geese per head 5055 Hens per head 3035 Ducks . . ' 25 Egga 25 Cotton seed .... 30 Estimates. To- Last morrow Year Nev Orleans .... 900010500 20819 Galveston 22000 24000 18394 ern station, and that said lavatories are not always in fit condition. We earnestly ask the hearty co operation of your board in these mat ters, and that no violations of the ordiance governing them go unpun ished. It is our desire that these or dinances be rigidly enforced, and with your co-operation we can better pro vide for their enforcement. Respectfully submitted, BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY. 9 Cure sore throat. Relieve Bronchitis and Asthma. .Contain nothing injurious. STOCKS Jucnlson . .. Aichisou l'fd Baltimore &. Ohio Canadian l'ai-ifii-. Chesaptsajc A Obio Chicago :. Aii-ii Chicago S (ireai Virii. EVie Erie Pfa Hock Island Illinois Central Louisville iV NaMivilit Manhattan Mexican Central. Missotirt Pacific Missouri Kansas AT New York Central Norfolk A Westers Ontario A Western... 34 Pennsylvania .111 Reading ys Heading Pfd St. Paul , Southern Pacific Southern Railway Southern Kailway Perferred..... Texas & Pacific. Union Pacific Wabash Wabash P'ld Amalgamated Co u per'.. .... ..'...1 Brook lin Ka pid Transit. - Colorado Kue A Jrou . Con Gas Peoples Cs 8-,i Sugar iCGJ-i Sloss Iron A Sts 11 Tenessee CV 1 A Iron United Stat te leather United Slate Steel 2f;v- Jnited St.-ites Steel Prtterred. 89 Western Union 5.314 Virginia CaroUua Chemical Va. Carolina Chemica Pfd 1 30 8 16 40 ', . . . 7:1 l-iJ 49 2J Chariotxe Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) j Good middling 11.00 Strict middling 10; Middling 10 Tinges and Stains S10 the word needs no elaboration when you say PIANO. It's all there a perfect instrument, embodying all scientific Princi ples that make for perfection in TONE PRODUCTION. Investi gate, hear and examine the STIEFF before you. buy, and it will become a permanent guest in your homo and lead to the highest development of that greatest of all Arts Music. CHAS M. STIEFF Artistic Stieff, Shaw and Stieff Self Player Piano. NO SHIRT ON NEW YEAR'S can be too finely laundered. Perfec tion is the only standard on that day. To be sure that the linen is per fect leave us to do the laundering. When you get it back you will know you have made the right start. And having started you should keep up the j;ood work during the rest of the year. Sanitary Laundr Works 10-12-14 e. 2dn. Offices Tryon and Fifth St. Phone 8011 M. H. EPPS. Progv SOUTHERN WARE ROOMS: 5 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Manager. A "Scab" While an Irishman was gazing in the window of a Washington bookstoro the following sign caught his eye. Dickens' Works all this week, only $4.00 "The divvle he does!" exclaimed Pat in disgust. "The dirty scab!" NATURAL CONCLUSION Schoolboy (translating) "She threw herself into the river. Her husband, horror-stricken, rushed to the bank " Teacher (interposingly) "What did he run to the bank for?" Poy To ,;ct the insurance money." Pat was right and you'll be too if you have one of oar policies when the fire comes A Natural Conclusion is, if you are insured at Insurance Headquarters you are safe. IV. 0 Butt &. CO INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS Every. Vcman is in ceres tea ana glioma znaw .boat 'ae wonder u MARVEL Vf'hirlingSpray Ino now ni'lnv: ynne. lJc-c- -3ig.t-Tn- A si. nnrdrnsrcrlstforit'.. if he cannot 'eurpiy the M A. It V IS l, arwui other, but Bend iniiaimt'-'.i br-ofc s'&li- fu!'. pan'iwr.i ami 1. it ri3 ii'i.n 13 i. V it. to. MN0r