v 8 SRECTDRS DF I C. RAILROAD MEET Long Discussion of Situation in Railroad World Mr Justice Does Not Think S eaboardReceivership was Due to Hostile Legislation. Creensboro. X. (. Jan. 4. At the regular semi-annual meeting of tht board of directors of the North Car olina Railroad held in the Benbow I lot ed here yesterday the usual semi annual dividend of 3U per cent was declare .1. There was no other busi ness transacted, there being some discussion of the old matter of re hv.il ling the hotel at Burlington. The whcle matter was referred to the state's attorney. Hon. R. A. Dough ton, for enquiry and report at the next annual meeting. ! There was of course much discus- sion of the general railroad situa tion, and of that of the Seaboard re ceivership in particular. Gen. R. F. J Hoke who had a great deal to do ticularly interesting and impressive in his comments on the situation de claring that a dollar, like water: would seek its level: that not only the Seaboard but all other railroads having a big lot of watered stock, no matter how much fictitious prosper ity might be shown by figures, would just like an individual some day, some time have to come to a show I down and get on the level of the original dollar, either by re-organization, liquidation, or bankruptcy. Gen. Hoke says the road on which the Seaboard system was based, was and is one of the best paying pieces of property anywhere and the whole system" is a valuable piece of prop erty aside from speculation and stock jobbing ambitions of some of its chief managers. There has been so much said about the Seaboard receivership and its connection with the rate legislation, Speaker of the House of Represen tative Justice was asked today wheth er he considered the efforts of the Southern States to fix rates and reg ulate the operation of railroads, had, in anv wise, contributed to the ap- nr.intmpnt of receivers of the Sea- boad read. He replied: "I am sure it had not, and I also know that those most interested and in the best position to know, do not claim that it had." a cuu- Build up a Large Balance this week Funds in Our Savings Department, Saturday, Jan uary 4th, . will draw Interest from January First. We Pay 4 Ta.ke otic 9 23 1HH If if ci I'll January 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Money Deposited On These Days Bears Interest from the First of the Month. Interest Four Per Cent., Compounded Quarterly. Assets and Stockholders' Liability Three Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. Commercial National Bank OF CHARLOTTE, N. C. Trust Building: We are offering for quick sale a modern seven-room house, with lot CG by 150 feet. The time to buy cheap is when the owner is anxious to sell and that is the case with this place. This would make you a comfortable, cozy home and could not he duplicated now at the price asked $3900.00 Traders Land Company 'Phone 530. 9 West Trade St. FOB SALE VACANT LOTS FOB HOiES A Most Desirable Purchase in a Valuable Farming Tract 335 acres at Polkton, N. C., on So. side of S. A. L. R. R., about 30 acres of tract lying within the corporate limits of the town. Modern 10-room dwelling, 3 new 2 1-2 story barns, crib, granary, carriage bouse, machinery shed and all farming tools. One 5-room, one 4-room, three 3-room and two 2-room houses on tract: 175 acres in cultivation. Balance in woodland. Sandy loam soil. . Lies level. Five good wells of water and number of springs. Suitable for general farming, or would make excellent stock farm. We can sell this for a cash payment of $2,000, balance in 4 years, at a price that would very little more than replace th; buildings. Address Southern Heal Estate, Loan & Trust Company CAPITAL $75,000 SURPLUS $100,000 President, W. S. ALEXANDER Vice-President, R. A. DUNN Secretary and Treasurer, A MORRIS McDONALD THE MANAGEMENT OF The Charlotte National Bank aims to conduct a careful, conservative, legitimate business with a fixed policy to extend to its friends and depositors, in bad as well as.good times, such accommodations as their accounts and respon sibility warrant. If not a customer, we invite you to become one. B. D. HEATH, President. J NO. M. SCOTT, Vice-President. W. H. T WITTY, Cashier. . t asssseavi Corner lot in Dilworth, fine location, $1,250.00 Vacant lot, Ransom Place, beautifully shaded $2,450.00 Three vacant lots fronting on Vance street and railroad, all for .... . $1,650.00 Vacant lot, N. McDowell street, near Eighth street . . . .$ 500.00 Vacant lot, N. Pine street, high nice location $1,500.00 J. B MURPHY Sr COMPANY 43 NORTH TRLON ST. 'PHONE 842 if V Gate City News Briefs Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 4. At a meet ins of the Merchants' Associa tion last night it was unanimously resolved that the association encour age, assist and endorse the hoard of managers for the celebration next October of the 100th anniversary of Greensboro's existence. Didge & Day, of Philadelphia, have been given the contract to complete the interurban line from High Point to Thomasville, Winston and Greens boro. Their representative, Mr. Zim merman, was in this section a few days ago getting the lay of the coun try. Work is to be commenced Jan. 20th. A part of the line from High Point to Thomasville has already been built. The new street car of the Greens boro Electric Company was put in service yesterday. It is "No. 16" The Southern Car Company of High Point, are the manufacturers. The car is a very pretty, neat one. A gentleman noting that the first trin of the new street car company was made in carrying a load of Normal girls from the station to tne college, remarked that the car was making a very fine and appropriate start. There was a decrease in marriage licenses for December, 1907, as com pared with December, 1906. In 190 90 marriage licenses were issued b. Register of Deeds Kirkman as against 114 for December, 1906. JANUARY 1st will be the beginning of a NEW INTEREST QUARTER. DEPOSITS made from now till January 5th will draw interest from January 1st. Begin the New Year by starting u Savings Account. Deposits receiv ed from One Dollar up. Our Time Certificates bear interest from date. SoutSiern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, Pres. V. L. JENKINS, Cashier. V. S. ALEXANDER, V.-Pres. THE WEATHER. Forecast For Charlotte and Vicinity. Rain and colder tonight. Sunday clearing and colder. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. Rev. H. K. Boyer Will Conduct the Vesper Service Tomorrow After noon. The usual vesper service will be held in the parlors of the Young Women's Christian Association tomorrow after lirum fit five o'clock. This will be a New Year service and the committee has been fortunate in securing Rev. H. K. Boyer as the speaker. Miss Eva Ed dins has charge of the music for the month of January and will have some special musical attractions for each service. The ladies of the city are most cordially invited to attend. The Y. W. C. A. gymnasium class will resume work and all who expect to join at this time are requested to communicate with the general secre tary, 12 North Church street, as soon as possible. This is an unusually in teresting class and the members are very enthusiastic about the work of the physical director, Miss Caroline Critch-ett. State Forecasts. Washington, D. C, January 4. For North Carolina and South Caro lina: Rain tonight-with colder in west portion. Clearing and colder Sunday. Fresh to brisk east shifting Sunday to northwest winds. Weather oo..citior.s. The area of high pressure central Friday morning over Kentucky, has moved eastward to the North Caro lina coast, and has been the cause of generally fair, cool weather over the Atlantic coast states. An area of low pressure has moved from the Dakotas eastward over the upper Bake region, and pressure is low throughout the Mississippi valley. Rain has fallen over the Lake re gion. Ohio and Mississippi valleys, and the west Gulf states, and there has been a general, though slight rise in temperature. Over the Da kotas, and area of high pressure ap pears, and has caused fair, colder weather over the Rocky Mountain and Slope regions and the Missouri valley. Indications are for vain and colder in the vicinity of Charlotte tonight, followed by clearing and colder Sunday. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. FRESH COCOANUTS Xk-e oranges 25 to 50c a dozen. Nuts, raisins, apples, country and eastern sweet i sola toes. Special blend coffee 20c. W. M. BURKHEAD. 26 N. College St. 'Phone 732. YOU REMEMBER those German Dili Pickles and Saner Kraut? Wei!, we have another cask of each. Better than the others. We also have frankfurters. You can do the rest. MILLER-VAN NESS CO., The Fancy Grocers. Phone 68 or 118. 27 N. Tryon. Mr. Charlie Misenheimer has re turned to Chapel Hill after spending the holidays here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Misenheimer. S. A. L. Schedule Change. The change of schedule on the Seaboard goes into effect at 12:01 tomorrow morning. No. 40, which has been leaving Charlotte for Raleigh, Wilmington and other points in the east at 6:20, will leave in the morn ing at 4 o'clock. The changes in the other trains are slight. No. 44 leaves 5 p. m.; 1332 at 7 p. m. Train No. 133 will arrive at 10 a. m. and 45 will ar rive at 12:35. HIE, BUILDERS EGGS 28c Oranges 21c up. Nuts 15c; cocoanuts 5c; apples 40c; finest cake 20c; moun tain buckwheat flour 5c; self rising 5c; New Orleans, Georgia can and Porto Rico molasses. BRIDGERS & CO. 203 W. Trade. DRUGGISTS ONE 60-EGG CYPHER'S MODEL INCUBATOR for $8.00. Only used one season and in perfect condition. DILWORTH DRUG STORE Phone 247. B. S. Davis. AjMk MWHi Ms irr droit irko. iwaa Mtnr JGh mla e (M m; I ' 43 acres on Rozzel's Ferry road, 5V2 miles out. 19 ares on Lawyers road, 4 miles out. 73 acres on Monroe and Seaboard roads, 4 miles out 62 acres near Mint Hill. 3S acres 4 miles from CityJ 139 acres Eastfield. Plenty of other good ones. See ns before you buy. TV Wilkinson & Company By Opening a SAVINGS ACCOUNT. Ve Pay 4 Per Cent, and Compound the Interest Four Times a Year. DEPOSITS Made by January 5th Will Draw Interest from Jan. 1st. The Merchants & Farmers National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $315,000.00 A FARM THAT IS A FARM Forty acres of land in the highest state of cultivation. "Will raise bale of cotton to the acre. Good building and barn. Can be bought cheap. , FOR RENT. 8-Room " residence, modern, East Morehcad $37.50 201 Fox Street, 5 rooms $15.00 No. 5 Woodlawn Avenue, 6 rooms..... 13.C0 .EAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT ELIZABETH AEINUE $1,000.00 Easy Payments- 50x195 feet. ompaoiy 203 N. Tryon St. Phone 535. FOR SALE BARGAIN Open until midnight for the sale of Cigars, Fruits, Candies and such Gro- 10C acre farm 2 miles on Derita ; ceries as ir.ay be needed. The nicest, road; farm 4 miles out $40.00; cleanest grocery store in Charlotte acre; lO-acre farm 4 miles out, 5 room house $12."Q. See us before you buy. N. J. SHERRILL, Of Sherrill Spriny. Phone 918. V. M. CROWELL, 305 V. Trade St. Phone 744 and 297. WE BUY THE BEST AND DISPENSE ONLY FRESH GOODS. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 26 South Tryon. MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITERS RENTED 100 rental machines, all makes, ready for instant delivery. Every machine first class in every particular. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. J 217 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 304. AT THE GEM Quail received dailv. Lvnnhaven Cay Oysters on half shell. West Point oysters cooked in any style. E. F- CRESWELL, Proprietor. JOOL PHONE 370 FOR WOOD, 1 Coal and Terra Cotta Pipe. We beep j a stock of Fire-proof Flue Pipe and ' Fire-proof Flue Lining. j C. DOWD A CO. I 'Phone 370. 222 East Sth St ! HOUSES. Grade Street, 7 rooms, modern conveniences $20, 902 S. Caldwell street, 5 rooms $12. Craighead Park, four rooms $10. Villa Heights, four rooms, per week -....$ 1. 3 -rooms; modern conveniences No. 1 Irwin avenue ..$10, East 7th Street extension, 7 rooms, modern conveniences $22 91S N. Caldwell street, 6 rooms $12 00, 50; 00 00 50 ! 50 j :own & 0.. 'Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St. Telephone 402 FOR OUR COAL is "hot stuff" (slangy, but true) when rightly used in your furnace or stove for cooking or heating. This fuel is slate-free, but free burning, has a large percentage of pure carbon, leaves iittle useless ash and does not clog up the fire. We'd like to serve you when you're in need of coal and wood. . A. AVANT WOOD AND COAL. Phone 402. The regular monthly meeting of the Mecklenburg County Medical So ciety will be held next Tuesday after noon at 2:20 o'clock, at the City Hall. WE HAVE SOME VERY FINE Grape Fruit and Tangerines, which we are sure will please you. S. R. LENTZ, Phone 251. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. GAME AND PRODUCE Headquarters Tor . rabbits, quail, opossums and seasonable game. Fresh eggs, country butter and all kinds of produce. New" carload of flour just in. s J. T. MULLiS & CO.. 42 N. College St. Phone 510 IF YOUR CHIMNEY SMOKES One of our Flue Stacks will stop the trouble at once. We paint and repair roofs. C. F. SHUMAN Tin. Slate and Iron Rooffing. 200 N. College St. Phone 511. REAL tSlAft TO LET 5-room modern cottage, $20; plain cottage, bi? yard, front and back, 10th and D., $12.50; 5 room cot tage, Dilworth, $15; rooms in Sanders Building, $5 and $7; barn at $2.00 per month. Houses also for colored ten ants. E. L. KEESLER. J 'Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon St. BUY A HOME OR INVESTMENT NOW The best time to buy Real Estate for cither homes or invesements is NOW. 1st. Because you get a much better trade now than you can in- ten months from now, as money matters are a little tight now, and in ten months from now moneyed people will be seeking diligently for good loans, money will likely be mere plentiful than for some time past. This will make Real Estate much higher and the demand for property much greater. 2nd. Because you can have building done fifteen to twenty per cent, cheaper now than last year, as labor and material are both cheaper. 3rd. P.ecause we are offering some fine bargains in homes splendidly located with all conveniences.' 4th. Because we are offering some fine investments in up-town improved property and tenant houses which are now paying from 8 to 15 per cent, on the investment. ' 5th. Because these bargains will soon be taken bv wise and prudent investors. J5th. Now is the time to buy. , J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. Carolina Realty Company id W. D. WILKINSON, Manager. B. R. LEE, Secretary. J. P. LONG, Sales Agent. 45 North Tryon St. 'Phone 609. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. H. M. McADEN, President. First National Bank (ORGANIZED 1865.) Capital 300,000.00 Surplus and Profit 250,000.00 Assets 1,900,000.00 Your Business solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation ex tended consistent with safe Banking. H. M. VICTOR, Cashier. tiiMf m im m ii i i m irMwi m i mmrnm mw ran intnt i it f Hie CSiarSotte Trust Co. I Pays 4 Compounded Quarterly f on Savings Accounts NEW INTEREST QUARTER BEGINS JAN. 1ST J. H. Little, President L. R. Hagood, Cashier BS t t Beautiful New 8-Roorn Residence, all Modern Conveniences, on East Seventh street, close in. The Charlotte Realty Co. A. G. CRAIG, Secretary. 'Phone 377. Office 18 E. Trade St. ? i Phone 589. 219 N. Tryon. Piedmont P;evrk With its broad avenues, With its car facilities. With its water and sewer system. With its electric lights, for both street and home lighting. With its high and healthful loca tion. With its large lots 66x150 and 50x200. With its fine class of residences. Is the place to buy fora chaice home site. We are making special inducements just now, to buvers who will build homes at an early date and to purchasers of several lots who will build the right class of houses for investment. Homes to rent are in very pressing demand in this poular location. C. Abbott & C 5 'EVERTHING IN REAL ESTATE." TRUST BUILDING.