THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, JANUARY 23. 1908. RjemovaJ otice We have moved from No. 5V North Tryon to No. 209 North Tryon, where we are prepared to receive our cus tomers and friends. We respectfully solicit a continua tion of your trade and patronage. 6. A. SOUTHERLAND JEWELER. 209 North Tryon St. WE ARE A BLUE RIBBON WINNER v.-hen it conies to supplying every thing your horse wears. You certainly ought to see how thoroughly we are equipped to supply your horse with NEW HARNESS FCIt THE NEW YEAR. Everything for his toilet, too. Curry onmbs, brushes, harness dressing, blankets. When you come to examine you'll probably be surprised at the uniform good quality of everything we handle. You'll be still more surprised at the extreme moderation of our prices. ARNOLD M. SHAW No. 32 East Trade St. Professional Cards, 1.SIR CHAS. NAPIER By Don O. Shelton. On this page for a few weeks we arc to consider some of the out standing qualities in great men of action. The qualities that are to be brought into view can be enthroned in the lives of this present generation. To the degree that they are domi nant in men will the issues of their lives be satisfying and fruitful. Today Sir Charles Napier is brought into view. From his youth he was endowed with a steadv pur pose and with a marked independence defection of other organs. of character. These qualities brought1 Symptoms. If you have bitter or him into frcnuent conflict with thP k,ad ta3fce in the morning, poor or vari authorities in the wfr lep- -Le jble appetite, coated tongue foul breath anrl leVi to r(( uui..iunc.ii constipated or irregular bowels, feel ThP-, L !y Vltter aiosities. weak, easily tired, despondent, frequent , Cle not altogether defects, headaches, pain or distress in "small of no veei and to them much of the back," gnawing or distressed feeling in noo.e achievement of his life is at-' Etomach, perhaps nausea, bitter or sour tribii table. j risings" in throat after eating, and But there are- other qualities which 1 kindred symptoms of weak stomach seem to have been foremost in his and torpid liver, or biliousness, no character. From the beinnin cf medicine will relieve you more promptly his career as a soldier he courage-' -?f c yon more permanently than ously faced and conquered his dim-1 DrV P,ierce 3 ?olden Medical Discovery, cultics. These difficulties were mi J lPS only a part of the above symp mrrmiQ ht;c ? "Lr.e 1111 toms will be present at one time and i sreatness was 111 no, yet point to torpid liver, or biliousness , n"c tlle result of accident. No' and weak stomach. Avoid all hot bread nonor was thrust upon him unmerit-.. and biscuits, griddle cakes and other ed by his military career, his biogra-1 indigestible food and take the "Golden pher states, from the day he began j Medical Discovery" regularly and slick it to the moment ho hunc nn his ! to its use until vou are vigorous and A LAZY LIVER May be only a tired liver, or a starved liver. It would be a stupid as well as savage thing to beat a weary or starved man because he lagged in his work. So in treating the lagging, torpid liver it is a great mistake to lash it with strong drastic drugs. A torpid liver is but an indication of an ill-nourished, enfeebled body whose organs are weary with over-work. Start with the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Put them in working order and see how quickly your liver will become active. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ha3 made many marvelous cures of "liver complaint," or torpid liver, by its wonderful control over the organs of digestion and nutrition. It restores the normal activity of the stomach, increases the secretions of the blood-making glands, cleanses the system of poisonous accumu lations, and so relieves the liver of the burdens imposed upon it by the At meal time a small hoy demon-; . , . ........ stratcs that he is much larger than ' WfWwmrlvW V HhIHii"I'!I-HI' he looks from the outside. 9 Hanknflv Rrns. Onmnanv I PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS. JOBBERS IN SUPPLIES. Have Your Diamonds Reset We carry a complete lino of Ring, Stud and Brooches Mount ings and can remount your Diamonds in our work shop on short notice. 'Will be glad to examine your jewelry at any time to see if the stones are secure, making no charge for same. i u n lainers sword in the house in which he died, he had to win every grade and every honor three times over. DR. C. M. BEAM, DENTIST, Vz West Trade St. Over Burwell & Dunn's. Office 'Phone 41. Residence 'Phone 1025. OS- Dr. A.M. Berryhill 9 DENTIST Office No. 4 South Tryoa .Office 'Phone 326. Residence 'Phone 284-6. St. R. N. Hunter S. L. Vaughan HUNTER & VAUGHAN Btrong. Of Golden Seal root, which is one of the prominent ingredients of "Golden Thus he was forced to develop splen-' Msdical Discovery," Dr. Roberts Earth- nw h conqu1e".m, Slnt VVerynse gigantic obstacles and hindrances. tonic and in atonic dyspepsia. Cures Isapier s career is another lllus-j castrJo (stomach) catarrh and head tration of the fact that often men do aches accompanying same." their best work and achieve lasting Dr. Grover Coe, of New York," Bays: honor after they have reached the! "Hydrastis (Golden Seal root) exercises age of fifty. He was .strangely neg-i an especial influence over mucous sur lected by his superior officers for . faces. Upon the liver it acts with equal fully ten years before he reached the! certainty and efficacy. As a chojagogue (liver invigorator) it has few equals." Dr. Coe also advises it for affections of the spleen and other abdominal viscera generally ltand for scrofulous and gland ular diseases, cutaneous eruptions in the stress cf this long period of neg-j constipation, also' jveral affections iv, iiiiusiiL win. so iuucu buuemis necu har to womenTtid in a chronic half century mark. During this pe riod he was in poverty, with a sick Avife and two young children to sup port. His superior character is shown by the braverv with which he met to himself and his family. The se cret of his triumph over it was his constant study of great questions, his open-heartedness and his determina tion not to let the stabs and slights of men force him to lose heart. His biographer says that ho arose from i this sorrow chastened, but at the same time steeled to greater suf fering. The death of his wife added to the bitterness of his sorrow. He derangements oLbe liver , also for chronic JjaQammaubn of bladder, for whicryrC&asays "it is one of the ino6tn-eliab!e agents of cure " Prdf John King, M D , late of Cm-cinnatr-ttk. of the American Dis pensatory, gives it a prominent place among medicinal agents, reiterates all the foregoing writers have said about it, as does also Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati. Dr. Scudder j eays: "It stimulates the digestive pro Prof. Finley Ellingwood, M. D., of Bennett. Medical College, Chicago, says of Golden Seal root: "It is a most superior remedy in catarrhal gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), chronic constipation, general debility, in con valescence from protracted fevers, in prostrating night-sweats. It is an im portant remedy in disorders of the womb." (This agent, Golden Seal root, is an important ingredient of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for woman's weak nesses, as well as of the "Golden Med ical Discovery.") Dr. Ellingwood con tinues, "in all catarrhal conditions it is useful." Much more, did space permit, could be quoted from prominent authorities as to the wonderful curative properties possessed by Golden Seal root. We want to assure the reader that "Golden Medical Discovery" can be relied upon to do all that is "claimed for Golden Seal root in the cure of all the various diseases as set forth in the above brief extracts, for its most prominent and important ingredient ia Golden Seal root. This agent is, how ever, strongly reinforced, and its cura tive action greatly enhanced by the addition, in just the right proportion of Queen's root, Stone root, Black Cherrybark, Bloodroot, Mandrake root and chemically pure glycerine. All of these are happily and harmoniously blended into a most perfect phar maceutical compound, now favorably known throughout most of the civilized countries of the world. Bear in mind that each and every ingredient entering into eJ'jlDigcovery " has received the endorsement ol the leading medical men ot our land ."who extol each article named above in THe highest- terms" w nat otner metncine put up tor Authorized Capital. ..$1CC,000.00. Garibaldi, B runs & Dixon 8 VV. L. L. HACKNEY, Pres. S. H. HACKNEY, Vice-Pres. J. P. HACKNEY. Trcas. & Mar V. -R. H AC K N E Y, Sec. ! V . . . , Fifth Gt. Phone 312 j Leading Jewelers. Nos. 8234 and 7C44 winning our first and third prize have not been called for. That ing. Tire; Repairing a specialty uicycie you are thinking ot buy- .t. We handle Bugsy and Carriage j t iV it RCldV Wt'g CO., 231 South Tryon Street. then gave himself to the task of ed-1 cesses and increases the assimilation of 4 DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS Charlotte, N. C. "Phone 840. 312 East Fifth St 9 Dr. H. C. Henderson. Ur. Li. I. Gidney- DENTIST3. Offlce Hunt Bids., 203 N. Tryon St. ')fflce Phone 816. Residence 'Phone 499 ceth Extracted Without Pain. Safe Methcd No Bad Af ter Effect!. DR. ZICKLER DENTIST, 27 South Tryon Street. Dr. Chas. L. Alexander OENTIST. 2GS South Tryon Street. Char lotte, N. C. Offlce 'phone 169. Residence 'phone 234. H8 I W. JAMIESON DENTIST. No. 8 S. Tryon Street, Char lotte, N. C. Offlce 'Phone 32G. Residence 'Phone 962. wi $ aa . : . n i DR. Onteopath H F. RAY Registered. OSce, Hunt Building. Hours, 9 to 12; 2 to 5. Phone, Offlce 830; Residence 871. Consultation at Office, gratis. 9 J. M. McMICHAEL ARGHITECT Rooms 505-505 Trust Building. CHARLOTTE, N. C. FOR SALE Handsome Five-Rfjom Cottage wltb Reception Hall, on lot 50x150. Rents for $3.00 a week PRICE $1,000 Half thiough B. & t- James A. Sm'th TRESPASS NOTICES on cloth eardhoard or paper for sale at Newt offlce. 2j)-U ucatmg his two daughters, and re solved that the foundation of their training should be religion, for to this he said he trusted for steadiness. Another conspicuous quality to which the continuance of his fame is no doubt largely owing, was his ca pacity for friendship with the men in the rank. He loved the common soldier and his journals" -and letters reveal his constant sympathy with them in their trials and his rejoic ings when through valor and stead- 1 fastness they won great victories on the field of battle. He could never forget the French drummer by whom ' his life was saved at Corunna. When he wrote his book on military law it was with the object of abolishing j flogging. He believed it to be not only wholly unnecessary, but odious. A quenchless energy ot spirit cnar acterized him throughout his career. Severe wounds, disastrous shipwrecks long illnesses, did not deplete his store of energy. After a series of trying experiences it is said that he started for India with more energy than would have been manifested by ten out of a dozen ensigns leaving college to take up their life work. It is true that his strenuous en deavors were occasionally followed hy temporary depression. At one period when this occurred he wrote "Well, to try is glorious ! I am hur rvinsr'fast towards the end; it will he fortunate to reach it in the hour of victory. Who would be buried by a sexton in a churchyard rather than by an army in the hour of vic torv ?" The reading of the life of Napier helps to put iron into the soul. He was traduced and hindered by men who should have honored and helped him. His detractors were in places of authority and in the public eye But nearly" all of them passed into oblivion, while Napier's memory was inereasinslv revered ana foaflilv heightened. Carlyle was one who, in a high place, meted out to him iust praise. "A lynx-eyed, fiery man, with the spirit of an old kmgnt in him " snid Carlyle. "More ui hero than any modern I have seen for .. .. - . . 1 trornplTV f 1 1 1 1 ' a long lime; a. siuguiai ...--j finds in him, not in his words alone, but in his actions, judgments, aims, in all that he thinks, and does, and says which indeed I have observed is the root of all greatness or real worth in human creatures, and prop nriv the first, and also the earliest, attribute -of what we call, genius among men. The path of such a man through the foul jungle of this world, the struggle of Heaven's inspiration against the terrestrial fooleries, cu pidities, and cowardices, cannot be other than tragical but the man does trar out a bit of way for himself too- strives toward the good goal, inflexibly persistent, till his long rest come. The man does leave his mark behind him, ineffaceable, beneficent to all; maleficent to none. Anarchic Ktimirlitv is wiele as me food. By these means the blood is en riched. the consequent improve ment on the glandular and nervous sys tems are natural results." Dr. Scudder further says, "in relation to its general effect upon the system, there is tip medi cine in use about which there is sucli general unanimity of opinion. It is uni versally regarded as the tonic, useful in all debilitated states ." sale throughj druggists can show any sueH prolessioval endorsement '. ror dys- 'i r : "C ' 1 1 ! . J45.C0 and $50.C0 Overcoats made to your measure for BOOK pepsia, liver troubles, all chronic catar rhal affections of- whatever name or nature, lingering i coughs, bronchial, throat and lung affections, the "Dis covery" can be relied upon as a sover eign remedy. A little book of extracts treating of all the several ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's medicines, being extracts from standard medical works, of the different schools :of practice will be mailed free to anyone asking (by postal card or letter) , for the same, addressed to Dr. R. V. TierceBuffalo, N. Y., and giving the writer's 'full post-office ad dress plainly written. - Don't accept a substitute of unknown composition for this non-secret MEDI CINE OF KNOWN COMPOSITION. Flat opening books equal in ev ery respect to the best special made books are now in our stock. All rulings, all sizes and in two grades of binding. LOOSE LEAF POOKS . - ' . 1 are becoming the thing for many businesses. We have a very com prehensive line of these goods not only ledgers, but post bind ers, transfer binders, L. L. price books, etc., etc. Catalogue gladly sent upon reeuest. Stone k Bamnger Go. Booksellers and Stationers. We Will Enlarge Your $30.00 Cash Even if it were June instead of January you wouldn't be fair to yourself, if you neglected this opportunity. Overcoats are a good investment at any time, even at regular prices. Just look at them, only ?30 made to measure. -Brown Company v y (INCORPORATED) A School with a Reputation for doing high-grade work. One of the best equipped schools in the South. THE LARGEST, THE BEST. The strong est faculty. More graduates in posi tions than all other schools in the State. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Tel egraphy and English. Write for hand some Catalogue. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Charlotte, N. C. or Raleigh, N. C. from your photo in Bromide 16x20 or Xrayon 16x20 for $1.98. All work guaranteed. ! jrt With a handsome frame complete ; with glass and mat $3.4S. ' Remember this is the only Studio. in the State doing this work. We have p just put in a complete new outfit andjM all the work is finished in our work j rooms. You don t nave to wan ior an . y aorcnt in eenfl vnnr work to Chicaeo i M and then perhaps never see him again. This is Overcoat weather longer one than usual (so say ' the winter will be the wise heads.) THE DAVIS STUDIO Postal Building, 2nd and 3rd Floors. Wm. J. Bryan For President By Associated Press. Washington, D. C, Jan. 21. The intention of the democratic party to nominate William J. Bryan for presi dent at Denver in July next, was de clared on the floor of the House to day by Representative Champ Clark, of Missouri, and the announcement evoked continued applause mingled with cheers. , Some republicans joined with the democratic members in the hand clapping. CHANGE IN BUSINESS Mr. Simms Sells Intersetto Mr. Nash Mr. Albea Improving. Special to The News. ' Statesville, N. C, Jan. 21. Mr. C. A. Simms has sold his interest in the mercantile business of Simms & Nash to his partner, Mr. C. G. Nash. Mr. Nash will continue the business at the old stand near the Boulevard bridge. Mr. Simms spent several days last week in Newton and Lincolnton vith a view to going in business at one of these points. Mr. Walter Albea, of Hickory, who recently underwent an operation at the sanitarium for appendicitis, was taken to his home at Hickory Satur day. While yet very weak, Mr. Albea's condition is faborable and an early and complete recovery is expected. Funeral of Mr. Sheets. Special to The News. Salisbury, N. C, Jan. 21 The fun eral of Mr. John Sheets was held from Main Street Methodist church Satur day afternoon, Rev. J. A. J. Farrington officiating. Mr. Sheets was 67 years old, a valuable citizen of Chestnut Hill and an ex-confederate soldier. He leaves a wife and eight children. torions wisdom is dul rt& u. ic, Or An Angel it, shining here and more. Small Boy Say, mister, dcre's a sigr When Napier's funeral was held in in re wnjer readin' "Boy Wanted.' 1858 at Portsmouth, sixty tnoubdm Wot kn(i Df a boy does youse want? npnnip gathered to honor his meui-j Mercian!. 'A nice quiet boy that orv On his statue, which stands (doesn't use naughty words, smoke ci Traflar square, London, is ms garettes, whistle around the office, play in-srrintion: "Erected by public suu- triCk3 or get into mischief c,.iHr,n thP most numerous contn- Small Boy Gwan! Youse don't want hiitors being private soldiers." Thus Q boy. youse wants a girl. See? perpetual testimony was given to the sum of those qualities which made him truly great. Some people count their chickens ev en before the eggs are laid. Puts Ban on Sale of Patent Medicines Special to The News. Ashcville, N. C, Jan. 21. Police Justice G. Spears Reynolds, who achi eved fame hy issuing a warrant for the arrest of President Finley cf the Southern Railway, while that gentle man was in this city, during the rail road rate hearing before Judge Pritch- ard, yesterday made a novel decision which Avill materially curtail, if not entirely prohibit the sale of patent medicines in this city. Judge Reynolds decided that patent medicines contain ing a per centage of alcohol came un der the prohibition law, and therefore could not be sold without a physician's prescription. George Goodlake was before Judge Reynolds for drunkenness and upon examination stated that he had become intoxicated as a result of drinking Jamaica Ginger, which he had obtained at the drug store of Dr. Smith. The judge at once ordered a warrant for the arrest of Mr. A. W. Deland, the clerk who had sold Goodlake the patent med icine. There will be a further hearing in the case next Monday. Judge Reynolds says that he had no alternative but to enforce the laws on the statute books and that as the Unit ed States internal revenue laws fixed one half of one per cent as a per cent age in medicines on which tax must be paid, and that as it was shown that such medicines could actually be used as intoxicating drinks he could not do otherwise than hold that they could be sold only on prescription as in the case of liquor under the prohibition law. The decision has created consterna tion among local druggists. They state that if they cannot sell patent medi cines which contain a percentage of alcohol they will not be able to sell any at all, as they could not undertake to say which contained alcohol and which did not. It is understood that the brand of Jamaica ginger sold to Goodlake contained 63 per cent of al cohol, and this is said to be a smaller per centage than usual since alcohol is essential to the medicine. The outcome of the case is being watched with much interest by local druggists and the public generally. A "Scab" While an Irishman was gazing in the window of a Washington bookstore the following sign caught his eye. Dickens' Works all this week only $4.00 "The divvle he does!" exclaimed Pat in disgust. "The dirty scab!" m in 1 YHRSP m i UllL. ifZJ We're loaded for the rush, for we've a much larger sock than usual, aiid are yhoving every wanted style, cut and fabric. We've Overcoats of all grades for instance, we start in with moderate priced Coats at $1C.C0 AND $12.50 and ascend by easy steps up to luxurious affairs 025X0 AND $20.00 Then we insure you complete ralisfaetioii Money back if you want it. m ra fit m m m m NATURAL CONCLUSION Schoolboy (translating) "She threw herself into the river. Her husband, horror-stricken, rushed to the hank' Teacher (interposingly) "Wuat did he run to the bank for?" Boy To get the insurance money." by say- "J. ft 9 Pat was right and you'll be too if the fire cornea A Natural Conclusion is, if you are insured at Insurance Headquarters you are safe. C. N. 0 Butl 8, CO (Incorporated.) INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS Nursing Mothers and. Malaria. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out mala "ia and builds up the : system. For grown people and children, 50c .. . i C. McNgIisi ILIXI A o on East IIS o 4 cOR REN1 One six-room house Third Street. One six-room house on the cor ner ot n;ast stonewau bis with all modern ments. TWO six-room nouses on iiii. Vance St., with hot and cold a water in bath and kitchen; j also Electric lights in each room. improve- J The saving that would result from buying all your furnishings at our store would amount to an important item in a year and at tho some time you would have the satisfaction of wearing the newest best things in the market. Try us for Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs Neckwear, Hats, etc. One purchase will make you a steady customer. ' - . USgSSSSgSESSBaL . FOR SALE. Six-room bouse on Norm ham SL Or . ... i One x-nxm uouse on Nunn .oi- lege St.. with all tnod-n Im- nrovementa. Two lots en North Davidson. One lot. on isiorr.n iryoo wim a 6-room house on the rear. Will be sold or exchanged for -other Improved property. $ X C. M El - rrrr ""3 CIMELIS X Miller CORNER TRADE AND COLLEGE STREETS The Machine Shop that will give your work prompt and careful attention is the shop that it will pay you to patronize. It is our aim to give our customers tho very best service and we will be candid with you at all times. Give us a triaL W. G. Jarrell Machine Co. REPAIRERS OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. 40 25 W1 Fourth SL Phone Ml f "Mi it. M WM-W km