THE CHARLOTTE NEWS. JANUARY 22, 1908 8 Mis::cnary Campaign Planned For This Year Chicago. 111.. Jan. 22. One of the most important denominational meet ings of the year opened in Chicago todav, when the 2tih directors of the! Congregational liouie i.uisfciua.w.v oo city convened for their midwinter : conference with the national sec-re-! taries and treasuer, and the state: superintedents and secretaries. The meeting, which will be in session' four days, will review thoroughly the whole home missionary fiekl, make the grants to the different district:: and departments all give special' attention to work for immigrants and to the subject of evangelism. It is proposed to make the campaign this vea'r an unusually aggressive one. ! ! u , m a r i ll w v n ffi JUL --1L t . ! m f h jvai w ooroimii r sn J TEXAS BUZZARDS IN DEMAND. Few Carloads Wanted for Shipment to : the North. Tl.r.ry Fielding of Bangor, Me., ar- j lived in the city recently and is stop- j ping at the Bexar hotel. His mission; in the Bone Star State is to purchase ami acquire Texas buzzards of various! ages for shipment to Maine for scaven ger purposes. He is representing a number vi board? of i rad chambers ; of commerce, brr.-dness clubs, etc.. of; Main'.1 cLies. which ha ve recently , awakened to the fact that the supply, of buzzard.--, in Maine is rapidly d- ci easing, which is ral districts in Mai ;ju-2oi:s ro ru- Mr. F'el.liiu was instructed to select , the most strategic point as a nea-touar-, tors in a sect is ,n of The southwest we!! . populated with the crimson headed ; creatures and to begin operations. Mr. Fielding s-nys it is a matter of general ; knowledge that buzzards are thickest in a cattle country, and inquiries by; mail and oiherwiso proved that south-1 vest Texas is vol! rocked with what he 1.3 feekir.r. The shipment will be ', in carload bus to various points of! Maine. Most of them will probably : move out of San Anton ia, con1 tag here ' in l-t?s t haa carload lois. However, i'' Mr. Fielding secures n carload at any , articular point in the souihwest the j shipment will be made from there. Mr. Fielding admits that his mission J is uninue and seems strange in a cure Tlie Kind You Have Always Bonglit, and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of and has been, made under his per- J?- " sonal supervision since its infancy. f-CCCU4sZj Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good ' are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of r I "n m t Infants and, Children experience against jxperimeni. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Irop3 and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of - - - Broadway, 36th aad 37th Sts.. Herald Square, New York Most Centrally Located Hotel on Broadway. Only ten minutes walk to 25 leading theatres. Completely novated and transformed in every department. Up-to-date in all re spects. Telephone in each room. Four Eeatitiful Dining Roo-as with Capacity of 1300. I PPIII 'iWiPl The Famous ! li iliallSII 11 TTn Restaur ! ll t WW ft fe9.!!plitSI. ' Broadway's chief attraction for Spe ! I yjrWfe mTK ' " rial Food Dishes and Popular Music Enrupean Plan. 400 Booms. 200 Baths. , , " "T( . ..j o 00 and upward with bath. Parlor, Bedroom and Eath Rates fcr Rooms $ I .L i rA IL, 0ani occoot a tinsrie room. $i.'JU erj vpwarrt. ?.U',"- - v,tiTE FOIt BOOKLET. 1 SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY - , f-jr-Tlll?rtT ' tit ' SI The Kind You Have Always Bought 8n Uss For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MU3KAV STREET, NEW VOBK CIT. iwaciors AHO BUY THEIR BUILDERS HARD WARE FROM US ARE OFTEN ABLE TO UNDERBID THE OTHER FELLOW. Ask us for PRICES on what you need. 1 1 ! 1 j i.iunicv where buzzai arc ide:::i?uL ye: one that can be perfectly appreciat-! el in a comniunity whre the stock cf j Vzz?.k:z has been almost wholly de-! Made Quilt With Nearly 5090 Different Pieces I Tommy "Pop, why do wc call Eng ; lish the mother tongue?'' I - t - 1 t lirr-" 1 1 J ." He says the !a?t legic-iatiire stroked. in xne oi -wi'.me passeu s-tn.t'in i laws relating to th- slaughter of buz I zarns cna tnai nurins uie uexi ui Relegation from this place attended the tnree years an errort win nuuie i'. 1 n'ne. riv son. sistencies." It is son full of incon ; Special ro : Thomasyille, X. C, Jan. 21. A larj sti1 to w-mndv r:re.ent. conflitions. i nela in Pli bill any is a It hrts pavod us many a doctor says A. F. Hardy, of East Wil- Mr. Claude Heplcr. of Hannersville. I me. -ac at woouau & taep- left Monday lor Ra.ei.-ih where he wnl : imeetine of iuo Traml locige of .iason iia;e:en last we; Xaturally," said Mr. fielding, one will admit that the buzzard vf-ry necessary bird ro vur?.l districts. , act as a-sistant to the doorkeeper dur-j He is not only a destroyer ot carrion. mg tne special session or trta legisia-; yxg&y out fcp is a great detect iye and calls th;- j ture. 3 attention cf many farmers and ranch I The Southern railway has cut the j $y? ownei - to the presence of nearby car-. working force at the station here orie;f'jS lion, calculated to injure health if not ' hand, but as soon as the factories re-i WATCHED FIFTEEN YEARS. "For fiftr-en years I have watched the working of Bucklen's Arnica Salye; and it 1ms neyer failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was ap disposed of. We Leli -ye that by a re-n-.' sume work full time and business re eral campaign it will be possible to re'sumcs its normal proportions, no doubt stork the state of Maine in the course', the force will then he added to. of two or three years, and believe that. Rev. Mr. Rankin, a traveling Presby i he money will be well expended." iterian minister preached in the Baptist San Armenia Express. j church Sunday morning' and night. i Rev. Dr. T. F. Marr. presiding elder !of the Winston district of the Mctho- St. It Lcno-Lived Confederates Louis Globe-Democrat. j clist church, preached in the Us lethodist OFFICE OF THE MECHANICS' PERPETUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSO CIATION, JANUARY 13, 19C3. HOW DOES A DISTRIBUTION IN THESE TIGHT TIMES OF is a curious officers of high rank in the Rebellion's1 uut u.a, r, rhn-. c n nr, r.nfcUntpc th n ' complimented his sermon very hign- . morusts en e today. The surviving Union o fliers who hld the rank cf! Saturday afternoon Mr. S. H. Aver- it:, treasurer of the orphanage, whih Jlajer General comprise O. O. How- lk' Grenville' M. Dodge, James H.msthe. axe ,slippc'! an'l ,cut, hira Wilson. Benjamin H. Grierson, Vres-; IIUUU-V H!J,,e LU 'nL lev Merritt, Peter J. Osterhaus. and r"? , samo afternoon one of the orphans T V c-, - i l- pr,, ! while out p aving fell over a barrel and Julius Sta ll. The living Confecler- . , f t t i u ' f ,.f i. c t t,.v icut an ugly gash just below the ngnt A. P. Stewart. S. G. French. Stephen-, ..c . . " r , , Tj , , laia up m the infirmary ever since. "eC; ;Iar"n'T,R;, F- Miss Lucy Wiggins, of Warrenton, C. Lee, L. L. Lomax and Thomas',, ... , Rosser. or-, . all . v n jn ui piiau- j age. TlK-re are nine surviving generals of he national armies and eleven 1 who held that rank m tne southern U,,,,. ; c..,.4i t v, I iJi ii'JiiiT in ciaLConii' uii Miss Eulalie Turner, lady manager raf tViti f-iY-rn'jY-Ofrr rioc? Virion " 0 1 1 n '1 o! j Ul liKl lclUllil. 11U IO UlUl'.dil) ill. .liss rannia briuicr. a young Jany bodtido I tores, let UK-re were more soldiers on the government si le than there were among its enemies, though tho:livin vmit fmir mil' -0,t of thfs preponderance in numbers was noth-'p!ac has just compif.ted a quilt in ing like as great among the Union ! ,vhi,.h she has sewPd 4 393 different forces as most of the smith's writers; ,,iece3 of cloth an(l she dirJ all the pretend it was. The fact, however., wori.; herself. that more Confederates of the high-rj M.'ceorge Kramer, of Xew York city, grade are living than numbers c: ;ilf! greatest church architect in Amer that rank among the armies of thojica was in Thomasville last week and government is strange enough to met lne board of stewards of the Meth attract atteniioh. Necessarily theinHst fhnrdi and th rastnr r-nn suiting comparative lack of supplies in thejtnem and submitting plans for the south must, have made the hardships ; building of the new Methodist church! j of its soldiers much greater thaniv.h:ch will be built here in the near! I were those of the national troops. , future. Among the men who held indepen-j . dent commands on both sides the; Egypt's Cottcn. Confederates were the older, on thej Although there are hundreds of thou average. Lee and the two John-J sands cf acres devoted to cotton grow stons were born earlier than Grant, ling in Egypt, which produces about Sherman. McClollan, Sheridan and ; cno-t welfth of the rav.' cotton of the most of the other men-of the higher j world, there is only one cotton mill in rank on the national side. Many; thai great country. The production is This is the amount the Mechanics' Perpetual Building & Loan Asso ciation will pay on Tuesday, the 22d day of this month. Panics come and Panics go, but this Institution goes on in the same even tenor of its hitherto 25-years existence, loaning out hundreds of thous ands of dollars annually, tending to the upbuilding of our city, and paying out hundreds of thousands of dollars to matured shareholders, and in the cancellation of mortgages to happy "Heme Owners." . To the shareholdei-3 of the 28th Series. With the payment of dues on Saturday, the ISth inst. that Series will mature, and on Tuesday, 22d we will be ready to pay in cash to matured Shares $45,00 and in cancellation of mortgages $33,000.00 Total 78,000.00 young men. however, went to grade of Major General before To The Citizens Stop and bestow a thought on the fact, that while every avenue for borrowing a dollar, regardless of sufficiency of the security offered, seemed closed for the last 4 months, The Mechanics' Perpctaul Building &. Lioan Association loaned during that time to its shareholders the sum of the 1 almost wholly shipped to manufactur the ing countries where it comes into coin- war was closed, as did also on the' petition with tha grown near the Union side. Naturally the Union mills. chieftains, after the war, received! more of fortune's favors than did! Cityman "In France the men are their enemies in the big conflict. Yet, all expert fencers." $1 23,000.00 forty-three years after the collapse of the Confederacy, a remarkably large number of its prominent fight ers survive. Among the soldiers of the Jefferson Davis government the general average in vitality as well as courage was notably high. Adaptable. "My friend, what is your attitude to ward strong drink?" "That depends, if you wish to lectur- against it, I'll agree v.ith you in ad vance and save you the trouble. If, on the other hand, you wish to buy, I'll join you gladly." Uncle Josh Meddergrass "Well, I swan! Rr il or barbed wire?" He Really Should. "There is one thing, however, that the President positively should do be fore relinquishing his charge." "What's that?" "Exchange pulpits with the Emperor William." SEVliX YEARS OF ntOOF. "I have had seven years of proof "I have iiad seven years of proof that Dr. King'.'-- New Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every diseased condition of throat, chest or lungs," says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. The world has had thirty-eight years of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best reme dy for cougs and colds, la grippe, aTth ma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemorrha ge of the lungs, and the early stages of consumption. Its timely use always prevents the developments of pneu monia. Sold under guarantee at "VVood all & Pheppard's drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. all these vast and helpful transactions are conducted .-.nd managed by your own citizens, without pay, in an humble and unostentatious manner, no fino Marble Palaces to inspire confidence, nor to Indicate their Home Offices, but. we point to the more than 3,000 houses in and Charlotte ac quired by and through this institution as our monument. Take Notice Many a young fellow begins in cnwil-H in llif linnp that sume v.-ili ask nun to stop tor nor aako. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of On March next this institution will have completed its 251 h year of its existence, and will endeavor to cele nrate its "Silver Anniversary" at which it is hoped that the citizens in general, and the shareholders of this Institution in particular will aid in the celebration, by giving some public ex pression of their approval of the man agement of this institution. Notice The 51st Series will commence on Saturday, the 7th of March, and the -Subscription Books for which will be open Monday, February 7th. R. E. COCHRANE, Sec, Trcas. S. WITTK0WSKV, President ALLEN HABDWAR COMPANY f f 1 Si g The oxdest Piaiio m Atnerlca. The best in the world. 110,552 of I these beautiful Pianos made and sold. It was the Piano cf Liszts I ffi and also of your mother. . SI I fa It was the best of their day and it is the best of yours alsc. Ey g Call and see the new styles, Grands and Uprights we are now g jgj displaying. 1 Parker - Gardner Company ml mi ml ml ml ml ml Notice jjjj m m .00 to rn m m m m m m m m m m m m AXV T 2. fr -i ARTIST IN THE CITY J. IL BISHOP enlarges Pictures In Crayon, Pastel, Water Color, and Se pia. The only artist in the South that does the Hand Painting and Air-Brush Work. Prices with Frame complete from $2.98 to $50.00. Special prices to agents and photographers. Give us a trial ordr. Phone 1646. Studio 705 Mint St. If you have property to sell, list l In this office. p If your have houses or stores tt rent, let me do your collecting and j save trouble and worry. The place to insure your propertj is in" tnis agency. R. E. C0CHRftiF INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. SHIPMENT Rosette Irons, price So cents; by mail 70 cents. Rosette Patty Irons, price 50 cents; by mail 75 cents. Heart Shaped Waffle Irons. J.N.McCausland&Co Steve Dealers and Roofing Contractors. 221 S. Tryon St LEGAL NOTICES TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of sale con ferred upon me by a certain deed of transist to me executed by Henry Ro senbaum dated October 9th, 1906, and recorded in Book 213 page 494 of the Register's office of Mecklenburg coun ty, I will sell at auction to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Charlotte on Friday the 30th day of January 190S at noon, the following described land to-wit: In the city of Charlotte beginning at the corner . of Mrs. E. M. Roger's lot on South Long street, and runs with her line in an eastern direction 198 feet to a corner, thence in a northerly direction parallel with Long street 32 feet to a corner; thence in a westerly direction parallel with Mrs. Roger's I lot 19S feet to a stake on South Long street, 32 feet from the beginning; thence in a southerly direction with Long street 32 feet to the beginning, being part of the land conveyed to W. T. Gilbert by S. R. E. L. &' T. Co. by deed recorded in Book 192 page 2S6 of the said Register's office, and being part of lot No. 57 as shown on map nf Long property recorded in book S4, page 1 of said Register's office and being the same land described in said deed of trust. This Dec. 31st 1907. T. C. GUTHRIE, 12-31-tds. Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S RESALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virute cf a ,i the Superior Court of Me.-f. i County in Special Proceedings , C. H .Duls. Administrator of tate of A. S. Mallory, deceascV'p tiff, vs. Gertrude W. Mallory , u't ' ers, defendants, I will sell" ar -; auction at the County Court dcor in the City of Charlotte en' urday, the 15th day of Februa: ' i at 12 oclcck, M., that certain . : land with dwelling house and h?.-,;-ments thereon situated at the ; tion of North College and Ease T .. . Streets, in the City of Charlotte, real estate being a part of lot No. ; in Block 219, as per Beer's Map ' City, said lot fronting fifty-nine feet on the west side of North Co; Street, and extending back wesrv ly with that width between pnd joining East 12th Street on thu side and T. S. Franklin's let u-i other side, one hundred and ten feet to T. H. Haughton's lot; s ;l to the right of the owners and ( piers of the adjacent (or Franklin Haughton) lots to the use of a foot alley extending from 12th S; across the rear of this lot of land along the line of T. H. Haughton": to the North Corner cf said Frank lot. The bidding will be statu price cf $4125.00. Terms of sale half cash, balance on credit of tv months; bond to be given for dci.- pitj meiii, uearing six per cent. 1 est per annum from date of sale; right to purchaser to anticipate inent at any time. This January 15th, 1903. C. H. DULS l-lo-4t-oaw. Commission OF wi-li er. $10.00 Deposit, Balance Monthly THE GAS CO ARE YOU SATISFIED with your glasses? if not have new ones made. Of course you want the best. I will make it just as you like it and guarantee best results. Moder ate prices. Examination free. Lenses matched. Frames repaired. DR. SAM LEVI. Eyesight Specialist, 6 East Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina. Mecklenburg County, In Superior Court. A. C. Summerville, trading as Magnolia Mills, plaintiff vs. Harry L. Greene and Howard E. Greene, partner.-, trading as Greene & Co., and Doull Miller Co., a corporation of the State of New York, Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued against them on the 9th day of Janu ary, 1808, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, State of North Carolina, for the sum of Seven teen Hundred and Forty-two Dollars and Sixty-nine (.$1742.69) Cents, 0! which amount Eight Hundred and Thir teen' Dollars and Eighty-nine ($S13.Sln Cents is due plaintiff by defendants for goods and merchandise sold, consigned and delivered during the year 1'.'07 by plaintiff to defendants of said value, and for which the said defendants promised and agreed to pay plaintLT said amount, and in the sum of S92S.S0 due plaintiff by defendants for breach of contract in failing to pay plaintiff for goods and merchandise sold them by plaintiff, and for which defendants agreed to pay, to plaintiffs damage, and for which defendants are indebted to plaintiff in said sum, and which transactions occurred during the yeuis 1907 and 1908, which summons is returnable to and before the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, at the County Court House in Charlotte, N. C, on the second Monday in March, 190S. The defendants will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was is sued by said Superior Court on the Pth day of January, 190S, against the prop erty of said defendants, which war rant is returnable before the said Su perior Court, at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defend ants are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. This the 9th day of January, 190S. J. A. RUSSELL, Clerk Superior Court. 15-4t-oaw. Main Office 18 West 5th St., Charlotte, N. C. Branches 11 Church St., Asheville, N. C. 214 West Market St., Greensboro, N. C. Queen City Dyeing and Gleaning Works Established 189S. French Cleaners, Steam Cleaners, and Dyers of Ladies' and Men's Gar ments of Every Description. MRS. J. M. HESTER, Manager. Mail Orders Receive Propt Attention. 'Phone 24S. . .1 r.i v Schedule in Effect January 12, 19C3. Daily Charlotte and Roanoke, Vs. 10:."0 arn I.v. Charlotte. So Fy Ar 2:50 pm Lv. "Winston N W Ar :.: 5:0- pm l.v Martv !lo N & W Ar 1!: pm Ar Roanoke. K S; W l.v. 'r. Connects at Roanoke via Shen:ti Valley Route for Haserstown aii points in Pennsylvania and w Pullman sleeper Roanoke to l'hi. phia. Additional trains leave Win?!'' lem 7.30 a. m. daily, except Sua If you are thinking of takins ' YOU want quotations, cheapest reliable and correct informal ion. routes, train schedules, the most fortable and quickest way. Writ' the information is yours for tilt ing, with one of our complcie Folders. XV. It. Bevil, ! R Gen. Pass. Agt. Trav. I'ast. Roanoke, Va. INJECTiOW f.V-'i mm m m f ssy vm ;3 g m n m T V T?n1inf ft"T th? MOST 'OBSTINATE CASr.a No ot iter treaty" V? v: COME to The News office and you a neat mail box free.