THE CHAhLOTTE NEWS, FEBRUARY 20, 1908. You mav easily hide your ignorance of South Y . F 7j ' Sea politics or North Pole explorations, but BB IC tl MM CI 1 V you cannot hide a scraggly, worn-out, ignorant lUWUiU heiJ of ha;,-. Aver's Hair Vigor is the natural exponent of intelligent hair cul Vt publish the formula ofAycrs Hair vigor. Ycu kncwwhn'uoi: nre using. i our docir- tnozi? ture. The hair promptly Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION Brilliant Galaxy of Speakers at Colum bia March 27-29. , GREAT JOINT SERVICE ON SUNDAY EVENING if things, manageable, and appears well T1' ' vieluS. Dccomes J. C. ArerCo., I cws'l. Msss. 1 THE LINCOLN-LITHIA CLUB Will be First oi Opened About the April. Th Lincoln-Lithia Club, in Lincoln county, will be opened about the first of April. Thi is the latest new9 of thla exclusiye organization, cf -which ahout 35 Charlotte men are members. The lub, it -will be recalled, is lo cated ahout one mile from Lincolnton, on the old General Hoke place. The tract consists of 235 acres beautifully wooded and well-watered. The club house, which was formerly conducted as an inn. is being furnished and fitted Hp in elegrant style. The building con tains about CO rooms, 20 cf which will te used as sleeping rooms for the members and their families. A land scape gardener from Vanderbilt's at Biltmore, has been engaged to lay off the grounds to the best possible ad vantage and beauty. There will be golf links, lakes, streams and walkways. The committee of arrangements for ! the fifth annual interstate convention of the Young Men's Christian Associ ations of North and South Carolina, are preparing a strong program for this meeting which will be held in Colum bia, S. C, March 27-29. Anion; ! are Gov Consclidsticn of Virginia &. Carolina j Guerry, Fairs Di Net Materialize. Diocese of South Carolina; Rev. James Mr. C. M. Crcswell. secretary of the ! a. B. Scherer, D. D., president of New MR. CRESVYELL HOME iuarcn zi-zv j jy next S- h )ng the speakers already assured j MethodiALf 3V. M. F. Ansel, Rt. Rev. W. A. f.h. th r, D. D.. Bishop Coadjutor of the Iated and ,I"'ul""s 1 "- '""j u"--l- ..A-i "vnv,, been ranrleriTia- . , rrPTi. , Mi . ' tlle expectation cf its Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett Will Address Union Meetina Sunday Night at Tryon Street Methodist Church in Interest of Crittenton Home Work. The place seiepie: ror the great ral ly next Sunday night is Tryon Street j same being- both commodious. The meeting is in boh n if of the Crittenton Home of Charlotte, an institution which from its verv beginning, ha1? ssrviee oven beyond DAVIDSON CHALLENGES Will Play a Garr.s Of Basketball With Y. M. C. A. A challenge has been received oy promoters. The tstives from the fair associations m committee; four international eecreta-! .v;:! , , -r X V.wh rvVT-.i Virgin tor tne rino ,.,hA rn crollch ,'n cl,wl (t,- wmusuiuicmomu,.., uu V ' -A C - ViiUtt uuu i I I UVJ 111 O l) UV. VlUilkJLO 111 OLUMVHLy A1 t.ur; ose of consolidating the associa- j dustrial, railroad and boys work; W. H. tions of the two states into one cir- j ixson. of Charleston; J. W. Simnson. cuit has returned to the city. The con-. 0f Spartanburg, and Robert Glasgow, solidaticn plan failed to go through for j Jr 0f charlotte, presidents of their the reason of conflicting dates. In- j respective associations. stcn-Salem and Lynchburg had an- banquet for the delegates and the ncunced the same dates and as neitner business men of Columbia will be giv-TT-ni.i.i vvjj thmiiph th-ir renresenta-! Kir thn fini.imWo a coioCnn ttioi-q tives. to change them, the consolida- j will be special seosions for the consld- -! Sund nifhf ln,rJ t,- fn Mr rreswell stated nf ,uma i ' botn tne general and local work of that the prevailing opinion was tor tne i meetings Tor men, boys and for women. consolidation and he relieve t tnat tne j Tne raiiroads will give special rates plan would materialize beiore next i and the Columbia association will en , this charity has enlisted sympathetic I interest throughout the community. This is not a local charity. It is the 'only institution of the kind in the ! state, and renders a service which ! reaches even beyond the state boun- dary. -' Much valuable information will be year. "Foraker Still in the Ring." "Foraker, poor, disgruntled, biased old fire-eater, has been out-Heroded. Taft is stealing even the negro vote." Charlotte News. Wait till all the returns from the necro preachers' meetings are in. Sen- AQ.'alor Fcraker is not through with the - I .,. i. J. ITT.'I A Messenger. aon f7a g oTMSban, I --ville racket yet.-Wilmington from the team representing Davidson College. A letter accepting the chal lenge has been sent by the local basketball enthusiasts and terms agreed upon. The only matter await ing adjustment, is the fixing of a de finite date. This will be fully deter mined upon in the next day or two. The Charlotte team will be selected from about two score candidates afid an interesting game is expected to say the least. Mrs. H. A. Klueppelberg and sister, Miss Nell Hearne, have returned home from a stay in Florida. Fayetteville to Use Bitulithic. Mr. B. C. Copeland, superintendent of the Atlantic Bitulithic Paving com pany, has returned from Fayetteville, where he went to look after securing a paving contract there. Mr. Copeland save that Fayetteville will want about 30000 yards, and that the work will probably be awarded some time this year. ' the great institution. Mrs. Kate Walter Barrett, cf Alexan- I dria. Va., general secretary for the Rtntoo -...511 nrncont on1 nrill tertam all regularly accredited dele-1 . , , , ..'m j. T-i i. s. v bring much valuable mformaaGn as BTitps. Further infnrmatinn mav hfi oh- i .. .... ... i wen as enthusiasm m oenair or tne cause. Mrs. Barrett is an attractive gates. Further information may be ob tained of G. C. Huntington, interstate secretary, Charlotte, N. C. THEY EXCHANGE OFFICES Misses Lilly and Maggie McKnight are spending a few weeks with their brother, Mr. Samuel McKnight, in Gas ton county. Only One "BR.ORV" ULNINE," that Is Coreca Cr'dis Oft !y. Or; n tys J The Tax Assessors will Occupy the Office now Used by Mr. J. W. Cobb. The office in the basement of the court house, which has heretofore been occupied by Justice of the Peace J. W. Cobb is being fitted up, re painted and arranged for the occupan cy by the tax assessors, Messrs, Brown, Severs and Shaw. It is understood that Mr. Cobb will occupy the office adjoining, which the tax assessors have been using. personality and of a charming man ner. There will be several short address es, the meeting being presided over by one of the prominent men of the city. The churches of the city will give way for this joint meeting, and an nouncements suspending night services for next Sunday will be very general. A crowded house must, necessarily be the result. Very Family "n Hipum millnil i mii n i .i H tii-t- 1 SCSSK ' Bi9 miMiWLm ii V V. iiS ue noasenora ymmMmmmm Dp0 Porter's . .- (Made by Paris Medicine Co.. St. 1 !,;,. till HH&S H YA i 'imS of Laxative Eromn nini t" UmE!! lll 'M r V?)'' Chill Toni .,nd nrttr sV3: V"e S ia elf ought to contain which Is a bottle of Antiseptic Oil rs steltss ions. Relieves Pain Quickly Heals Prevents Blood Poison The Only Household Surgical Dressing, ah Druggists refund money if it fails to cure Old Sores, Burns, Granulated Eyelids, Chronic, Catarrh, Eczema, gar Running Sores, Boils, Scald Head, Sore Throat, Skin Diseases, Ulce-s ' Fever Sores, Carbuncles, Scalp Diseases, Throat Troubles, Bites & Stints v- ' This is a positive, lived-up-to guarantee adapplies to all cases no matter of how long standing, if vour rjr,, .' hasn't DR. PORTER S ANTISEPTIC HEADING OIL, he will get it for you from a VvTholesale Druggist s. Price 25, Mr. McDonald Resigns. Mr. John A. McDonald, who has been with Mullen's Pharmacy for some months, has resigned and will leave in a few weeks for Greensboro, where he will take a private course in chem istry in preparation for the state board of pharmacy next summer. Mr. McDonald, whose home is in Raleigh, has made many friends while In the city who regret to see him leave. $3,0C0,0C0 CORPORATION. The Chadwick-Hoskins Company Chartered. JS rtiiLi' jkas&ss iiaa&i' Hs&sga' asag j ss&aw ,r jm fxmmte s gsgs ggasSKV The BOSS UY & B" Mule, Cart and Coon, will leave shortly for a trip around the world. His subordinates vviil stay behind to look after the "Y & B" Coal orders. Tht BOSS Mule sets the pace for the "2-eleven gait" and traveling at this high sp?ed for past four years has undermined his constitution. We think he needs a sea voyage and a long rest. j Before going aboard ship, he will stop a day or so in Washington, Phila delphia and New York, viewing the sights in these cities- He will give exhibition speed con tests in London, Paris, Berlin, Naples, Hong Kong, Tokio and other large foreign centers. The "Y & B" Artist accompanies the trio. Watch for the Artists Sketches in This Space 99 The charter of the Chadwick-Hos-kina Company of Charlotte, which is a $3,000,000 corporation, representnig the combination of the following mills, was gra.afee& today: Chad wick Manu facturing Company, Hoskins Mills, In corporated; Dover Yarn Mills, Louise Mills and the Calvine Manufacturing. The announcement of the combina tion of these mills was made some week3 ago in The News. The new com pany as chartered is authorized to deal in and manufacture cotton and other textile fabrics. The incorporators are E. O. Smith, Charlotte: W. F. Draper, Hopedale, Mass., of the Draper Machine compa ny of that plaed; A. J. Draper and E. C. Dwelle, of Charlotte. The company, which has had offices at East Third street . opposite the Southern Bell Telephone Company, has moved to No. 10 South Church street. The mills of this combination are situated in and around the city, and constitute the largest single manufac turing company In this section. BANKS Wft-L CLOSE Saturday is Birthday Anniversary of Washington. As is the custom on a legal holiday, the banks of Charlotte will he closed ; Saturday, this being the birthday anni- j vereary of George Washington. A le-1 gal holiday rarely ever falls on Sat- j urday and when it does a great incon venience is caused the merchants, bus- j iness houses and manufacturing con- J cerns because of the fact that pay rolls 1 are generally forgotten. The deposi- l tors of the various banks in the city should bear this in mind and draw j money for pay rolls on Friday. i The day will not be observed here ; with any public demonstration. There will be a number of entertainments, i at homes and several among the : ! churches. The public schools, will as usual, give holiday, the post office will observe Sunday hours, and the freight depots will be closed during the day, j except for the deliverance of perish- j ables. one 2 MRS. BARRETT TO SPEAK The Head of the Florence Crittenton Home Work Will Address Mass ; Meeting. Mrs. Kate Barrett, who is at the head of the Florence Crittenton Home work in the United States will address a mass meeting at Tryon Street Metho dist church on Sunday night in the in terests of the home in Charlotte. The pastors of the city chuhe3 are giving away to this union service, and the mass meeting in expected to be largely attended. Mrs. Barrett will be' the main speak er, but there will be addresses by oth ers during the evening. All of tlie people who are interested in this great work are cordially invited to attend and to take part in this meeting. SALE DISCONTINUED The Auction will a Few uayo. be Palamountain Resuraeel in The sal of the stock of the Pal amountain Jewelry Company, which nas been going on . for the last sev- eraT days, has been discontinued for the present in order that some ad justments of the receivership may he made. - . in saie win be resumed in a iew aays at the j earn place on. Kortn Tryon street.; ft NEW CLOTHING STORE. Big New York Firm Will Open Branch Here March First. Farley & AsTcin, the well known clothiers of New York city, have leased the store space in the Hunt building, at present occupied by the Palamoun tain Company, and wllj open a branch store there on March first. This firm operates a large number of stores in different sections of the country. The store room will be handsomely furnished. Mr. B. S. Davis nf tho DilwrirtVi t drug store is confined at his home with j a severe attack of the grip. His many friends both in Charlotte and Dilworth nope to se8 him out again soon. mm r ri TO THE POLICYHOLDERS OF OF NEW YORK The work accomplished by the Company in 1 907, under the new conditions, in respect of benefits dispensed to policyholders and in the furtherance of their best interests, has been especially satisfactory. The Company paid directly to policyholders and their benificiaries in death claims, endowments, dividends, annuties and surrender values $43,959,245.40 It added to the net reserves held ia trust for policyholders 16,368,679.39 Total benefits from sources named $60 3? 7 924 79 lotai received rrom policyholders z.. 57,151,041.71 The total benefits above named exceeded premiums received by $ 3,176,883.08 The amount paid DIRECTLY TO POLICYHOLDERS during the year was 77 per cent, of the amounts received from them. The total amount paid to policyholders, plus the increase in the net reserve held for them, was over 105 per cent, of the amounts received from them. Increasing Dividends The amount appropriated for dividends to be paid in 1908 is $ 8,31 1,002.02 This sum greatly exceeds the largest amount ever before paid in dividends in a single year by any company. The annual dividends to be paid in 1908 show a ratio of increase over those of 1907 such as can be approximated by no other com pany. The Mutual Life is the only company which has increased its dividend scale three years in succession 1906, 1907, 1908. Increasing dividends are possible because of increasing earnings and decreasing expenses. 4 In Gains for Policyholders the Company Remains in tha Front Rank Its gross earnings from interest and rentals for 1907 were $23,103,953.59 Its gains from loading, mortality, surrenders and annuities were 8,760,440.79 The total earnings and gains were $31,864,394.38 0 This is over 56 per cent, of the entire premium income, a remarkable showing rarely, if ever, equaled by any other company. In Economy of ftegemfnt iha Company stands Pra-eminent The total expenses incurred in 1907 were $ 8,554,375.11 Compared with 1 906, this was a decrease of 2,03 1 ,6 1 8. 1 3 . The Financial Condition of the Company Is Siprb Its investments are of the highest class unimpeached and unimpeachable. In a year of extraordinary financial depression, not a share of stock owded by the Com pany failed to pay its regular dividend and on $222,927,910.60 of bonds (book value) there was not a dollar of interest in default at the close of business on the 3 1 st of last December. With assets exceeding its legal liabilities by over $57,000,000, even by the abnormally low market quotations of December 31,1 907, an excess greater by many millions than is held by any similar "organization anywhere, the Mutual Life, the Oldest Company in America, is also justly designated the Strongest in the World. Balance Sheet December 31, 1907 ASSETS Real Estate $29,403:1 Mortgage Loans on real estate. Loans on Policies Collateral Loans Bonds and Stocks, Market value, Dec. 31. 1907 Cash Premiums in course of collection.. Interest and rentals, due and accrued 125J41.83G.42 S2.022.021.33 11.S05.000.00 260,026.493.51 6,487,545.88 4.6S5.477.99 3.999.4S7.10 Admitted Assets $494,177,021.03 LIABILTIES Net Policy Reserves Other liabilities on policies Premiums and interest paid in ad vance Dividends . payable in 1908 . Miscellaneous liabilities. Held for future dividends,... 510,09;.Ti2.riri . 5.532.S73.66 i.s2.-o.'.r,i 811A2"-S7!.2'T.-V' ! 57,530,76O.;o Total Liabilities $494.l77,2l.o3 NOTE The admitted assets would be given greater by $15,989,158.97 were the bends taken on tho Company's basis of amortized book value; or $13,211,349.94 were the securities stated by the avera:-"-' market value (13 month rule), recommended by many commissioners at the Louisville meeting. HARRIS' R. WILCOX, Mgr. The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York Home Office, 34 Nassau Street

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