THE CHARLOTTE NiWS FEBRUARY 20 !908 6 Life Insurance Company of Virginia (INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF VIRGINIA) HOME OFFICE, RICHMOND, VA. ESTABLISHED 1871. FINANCIAL CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1907 ASSETS Mortgage Loans on Real Estate Bonds secured by Real Estate. ....... Railroad and Street Railway Bonds (market value) State Bonds (market value) Municipal Bonds (market value) . . ... Miscellaneous Bonds (market value). Rea! Estate (market value) Bnk Stocks (market value) Miscellaneous Stocks (market value). Loans on Collateral . Loans on Company's Policies Cash in Banks and Offices Interest and Rents due and accrued. . Net Uncollected and Deferred Premi ums and Premium Notes and all other Assets $2,051,4455 62 233,900 00 320,400 00 130.SS0 00 100,000 00 73,750 00 122,375 13 42,600 00 8,100 00 50,881 21 6S.108 91 250,837 66 35,073 10 67,3i0 78 Total Admitted Assets 3,555,772 41 O'., I ? . -v "I . I .ITU era! are fully secarcJ. We have also counted the . Wehave examined the. books ana records of the LiFi-. INoLKANC i COJiI l . jWlIA for t.iP year endin December 31. 1107, and have vented theretroxn me aoovc btate.ncm el Assets and T iol-Uitips "s .it the close of business at the Home Uiiice on that (late. Wchwitaand verified the Bonds and Mortgages, Railroad and Munioijpsl Bonds. Stocks and ot'nor Investments owned by the Company or held as collateral. inu ha vc sai'suro oursolvrs . , ha. ffftuT st.v nro valued at market prices on December :1, n07, andtims the Leans on ( oiav- td with Btirks. , ... , AVo have tested the clerical acenracr of the Raservo on Policies miorcr.fs eorfuil ,i i-.ivn s-ititiir-ii mirQolvps that ail other Liabilities are c.ruv rrovu: C F K TI F Y t b"" t .' in our opinion, the above Statement true financial condition r i t!ie Conipanj on December ol, ru).. January 4, 190S. " if-L. Richmond, Va. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DURING 1907 Premium Income, Increase ii Premium Income,. . . . Gross incr-.c, In;rer;e in Gro?s Income, Increase in Assets, Insurance in Force. Increase in insurance In Force, Total Number of Policies in Force Increase in Number of Policies ia Force. . . . Death Claims, eic, Paid to Policy-Holders,. Total Payments io Policy-Holders Since Organization , OFFICERS: JOHN G. WALKER, President, T. V. m. Peniberton, YicePresideitt, H. Cabell Tabb, Medical Director, R. Qilham, Treasurer, Coke, & Pickrell, General Counsel li. B. Pcgram, Supervisor DIRECTORS John G. Walker, T. V ni, Pembertoi Fairlie P. Cook. Everett Wadday Landon C. Rose 16 a ft a 5? fl 41 T H f' te. ii il sumier A speck! from f.'arn; the Colambir ?J-.;:.te.. on lowing inurexf;!: bit news, and is given as i C, to; he iei accoall ' : it. of ta' ion tne ians cr ti ti and Soutn; ! Carolina Leasue: "Every mail brings managers who want nant winners. "A number cf hi racpr-nes from Sumter's pen- (rh-r- .1 teams ; have been after the players of ths Gamecock pennant winning team ever since the close of the season ceipt almost dailv of letters from j managers of the Virginia State Lea-; sue. South Atlantic and other leagues.! m m m x m a h .1 vk. n k "For instance, Winston-Salem, N. The Milwaukee team of the Ameri C. of the new Carolina Interstate': can Association will train at Eartles Lcasue wants to know if"sumter will'viile. Okla. The Minneapolis team consider a nropositioa for the nur-U-f the same organization will go to chase of the entire team and asks! Galveston to get in condition for the that a price be named if the team; season, is on the market. i "Just v.-hat will be done with' It is possible that a new baseoall Winstcn-Snlem's proposition for the; : league- may be formed in Connecticut entire team is not known, but "some ; i" the near future, to be made up of the players will be sold for gcoui o' cities outside of the present Con price if offered. Some of the fans' ncetieut State League, are beginning to kick on the sale of! " some of the star last year's pennant: The umpires in the Central League winning team. But big money us-! tins season will be Frank Killen, ct ally cuts big ice, and more of the! Secwekeo, Pa., John McKenzie, of Sumter team raav be sold." i Terrc Haute, Oliie Chill, of Indiana- ' polis. and John Connolly, cf Chicago. Student Dies at Oak Special to The News. Riaqe. I ipr .i ur.'. i an Oak Kuige student died there o; i pneumonia Tuesday. Hir, body was taken through bore Tuesday night en route to Luearna for inicrmoiit. it was accompanied by the parents of the bov who is the. r oniv r bil-L Earth Shocks Felt. Horta, Azores, Feb. iO. Slight earth j Pittsburg during the American-Na-shoeks have been experienced here fori tional League war and is entitled to the last three days, cut no damage is reuorted. STOPS ANY ITCHING Doan's Ointment Cures Eczema and Itching Piles Charlotte People Re commend it. One application or Doan's Ointment stops any itching. Short treatment cures eczema, itching piles, salt rheum any skin eruption or skin itch ing. It is the cheapest remedy to use because so little of it is required to bring relief and a cure. Here is Char lotte testimony to prove it: Mrs. J. A. Willeforxl, living at 20G South Church Street, Cnarlotte, N. C, Kays: L have usea jjoan s Ointment and can recommend it vVsry highly. My foot was very badly swollen and burned like coals of fire and I could not get ray shoe on. It itched so I did not know what to do it. T appealed to Doan's Ointment and the very first application removed the swelling, stopped tbe burning and itching. It has not bothered me idnce. I pro cured Doan's Ointment at R. H. Jor dan & Co's drug store." - For ale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milhurii Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and uike no other. LIABILITIES Reserve Actuaries' 4 per cent, and American 3J and 3 percent., in eluding Special Reserve Premiums Paid in Advance All other Liabilities 2,886,807 00 45,403 44 98,098 06 Total Surplus of Assets over Liabilities Capital Stock $200,000 00 Surplus 325,463 91 S3,030,SOS 50 525,463 9 1 Total Liabilities... 3,553,772 41 asn on nana ana uave venmu uio rcuuias - the Actuary i: for, ant: WE o! Asset sand Lir.!:iitie ; -.or.vciiy sets forth the P.OrDAU & CO., l ' u h lie A ccountant s. . .$2,321,824.59 . . .$223,454.87 . .$2t4S4,7 46.47 . . .$266.E95.4U . . .$617.83.3f .560,492, 101.CC ..S5tyS4,52i.(K IS 1,1 IK 37.54 5770,086.3-' 58,116.11 u . L. T Rogcrson, bci r;jr.ry, 5 John Sidncv Davenport, Jr., Actuary A. . Uni t, Aiidiior t lb D. Harris, Assistant Secrefary, j Frank Orgain, Supi.'r iaor. 1 W.L. T. r.; .- -' rsori, John i. SJyc, fl ii i Sporting jSews uannon, if:-: ci aoi-c coal tender nolo team, 10 New ilntani rone; umpire next season will in t: : j " : State League. Fra,5l. Isbell says that he will net play with tho White Sox this sea son, but will manage his Wichita i team 111 the v esterr Association. Marion, O., has baseball team 1 that pla" s the game on ice, each wearing skates. This may for Tdariom but the same - ; member t5li"2 wa tried in Brooklyn in the early seventies. sr. With Charlie Shaffer in charge of 1 -i . . . . t . i. . i i . . . : . .-. ( me ivoajiuKO luuiij, jaut unui n Lynchburg, Perry Line at Richmond, Steve GrifDn at Portsmouth, Bob I Pidcr at Norfolk and Bob Stafford at Danville, the Virginia League - should have a great race the coming utahi - ionimy Jeach savs he stuck to a large wad of "pleasure-getters" for so doing. Pittsburg fans say that the wartime salary paid TGinmy would make a piece of sandpaper stick to glass. Secretary J. II. Farrell's latest official bulletin says: "All players must be tendered contracts oh or before March 1st." Vanderbilt's wonderful centre rush, one of the best athletes who has been developed in the south in years, has been named as assistant coacn of the Clcmson football team for the coining year The Boston Nationals, w-hile in ihp. smith will iVlnv. among other diitee. fo'lows: Charlotte, April 3; Columbia, April 2d. Chattanooga, Tenn., has organizea a city baseball league. , Euien Eyne, of Lexington. Ky., a jockey, sailed from New York today for England. He will ride this sea son as a free lance. The professional sculling match for the world's championship between the nrPRPnt holder. Webb, and ires ana hjc the Wan- sider, will take place on ganin river; New Zealand, today, i Tryon Pittsburg 1909 Congress At Cincinnati the American Howl ing Congress choose Pittsburg, fa. as the next meeting place in HH)'. against Deivoit, Mich., ana will r-iec-t before Feb. 8th. Smith nni Dunbar, oi Bioolclyn, tlia two-man team of the National i' ' ixig Association, von the irtrrna tional natch between the ViK- champions of the American Dowlius Congress, National BowJiug Av:;ocux tion, Western licwlirig Aseociaiion and tit- Caviadian Bowlers' Associa tion. The follovinj; ofliccrs wove '.:loc.'oJ: Presitlent August llovryiiaiiii, Cr. einnati. First vicc-prosiucjit E.I. Moyovr, Washington, I). C. Second vice-prosidont Adam Ilahr.) Pittsburg. Thin: vi re-pros ilea!: Yvcd (.!;:""..: v.isrh, Si. Paul. Treasurer Frank I,. Pssaclor.p,' Chicago. Se; ."'p nrv ! in! ri'ii isnsa i v. i.ii:- vaukee. Executive Commit to? i I.. J. Co iden- banii, Icee; J idiaiiapoii.,; O. Desl. Milwau-! il J aatrcr. i..omsviiie: v;n Fette, Wr :. PhiL'iv Louis; C. A. Nichols, Kansas G. A. Mother, PiJts'ours; Scnmitt, Cincinnati; Jud;.;o It Chicago. i Opening And Clo Sill 2 Games So. B. B. The fcH-cnv-ins wii! show ins and closin.'; dates of ii Pasebaii I.caae for Litt? Reek Anvil 15; c lisj av bt.r lib lloniyhis Onenp at homo v tie April 15: closes a fernery September 1'.'. Xev,- Orleans O'-sons at hoi ;t-i Mobile Anril -1 : closer. Se-tember 19. j Mobile Onenn at New Orleans j Apr'! ";-: e;o 5cs at Binnicz'-inni Bc-p- Atlanta Opens at bora? vith Nash ville April 15; elcses at home with Little F.ock". September 10. Eirrahi ghan; Opens at llontsom ery April 15; closes at home with 2dohiie. Bern ember IS. j Monisome.-y Opens at home with Birmingham April ia: closes at nome with Jlcnrohis September 10. 15: closes' -C pe: at Aflaxita April at b.em with New O leans Ceptamher 19. (ir.TT.r. c.e. rue oi:na 01 jut.v be rdayed by New Orleans at Mobile: kittle Rock "at Memphis ; Nashville at Birmingham and Mcntgcmcry at At r -.,'-' . Gn )ay Memphis will play Nov.' Orleans at Lir Ho Rook at Montgoai- at eb t-:!e - mmgnan;; crv ana Aiom.e at Aii:iau. Each ciah is sehednied to play at Atlanc one hnndrei" ;na city games Gets $7,000 Bam Af'-ainst The Southern Special to The Xews. Greenidicr X. C, Feb. 20. In the superior ccut yesterday the jury re tiuned a vr-d.ict for T.OjO damage;; against the Southern Railway for the killing ci Lee kaiiey, a hreaian in the wreck at Porte im two years ago. The suit was liioaght. by the mother of the deceased, Mr. Cattle Bailey, adminis tratrix, for 530.00:!. Messrs. E. J. Jus tice. &-. Cooke appealing for the plaintiff. The case has been on trial for two days. This is the wreck caused by an open switch, and for which H. II. Yvalkcr the switchman was indicted and convicted for man slaghler and is now serving a term in the penitentiary. The father and mother of young Bailey moved here from Everette, Martin county, about eight years ago, and are prospering on a farm two miles from Greensboro. Restore "in God Wa Trust." Ey Associated Press. Washington, D. C, Feb. 19. The house committee on coinage, ""weights and measures by unanimous vote today agreed io report favorably on the bill requiring the restoration to geld and silver coins of the national motto: "In Gcd We Trust." It is' the gentle mind that makes tho gen tl eman. Frc n ch . 2ea?a tie YCU H?,V8 AjVVSyS BC!Jgl,t Boars the ltl0 l'V8 ',V3VS BoUgM Signature of ijyJux GS JL'M. 535 -i 0 3 Bene tLa iatl You Have Always Bought Signature cf LEMON EIJJCIJl For H of a Con tun been enrimv t,,...i ,.i lo'X max una.x anivtrsaJ iiui5, MM CONSTiPJiTlOX. WA u rll m all nthr tr.i,Vx'- c&used by a torpid liver. It is purely vegetable com- in action, thorough in results. WW Good for btiby, uarcnt or mft grtnesparent If you havo never uxed it, apeak to year ndjjhbor. joe. and 82.00 per beta at all Drag Stent. UfiU ate ir si m in 9. ..tar ' J ! fi-fiit mystnr.:Ah h .r'V:." k'-u::i f v.i-liciii..-s. iiy t---t'Kii t'KS e l. i.l ..iv. -j ,v v,.,,;! ., ,,..,! ,.,.,... i.fii.!. .1 t..SLl;'.i,l'l! fllt.i .t. ... I ;!;,.-! .1 f ,,.,i.r'.r s y a y t-i.-V ihU ft nt5'iy ViV-.riii". i th.n ft!7 ;i.e s-.;n'..ri.( fr-.i.i f-.i-h tr..nlto." Ilalp2m, r,i K. J;n Si., Nw iuiu,;'. y. f.eewant, Palr.hiblp. Potent. Taste Gor.i',. Po Hooa. JMevr bicicpti, vw.;(.!i r (;Hk. Uc. ";. 50 ;. Never J,iVn.b,,1.b: l--o t:il-les stnr-.i.od COO. Ouaranteod to .ura ol- your iuo:iuy back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago cr K.Y, r26 fiSHLSILS, TESS SillLLISH BOXES ''The Msyor of 7 7. T,- 1 r ,h . vil ' present Richard at the "The Mayor of Toldo,"' Carie's latest and best pi: M For M The bowels ifci iff i fji xgt' w vfip- v w s. st.i Acoaemy cr Mesie lcni?iit. City; ; Tli3 fame of tins latest ciier;ns ha? Kmii sPCiSd ia every city. Although "The .w:;r;ij Aiayr of Tckio,"' "Tho Mikadoo,' V'a:i Toy" and "The (ieisha Giri ; have ;ken subjects nud iheiaes ;apan tor a background o? rausicai j comedies, it seems the pain has now liponcd into tne omnia, as vne sue- as of tho "flarlin?' of The Cods' I will attest. It seems that the public tnat nd .oc iiiTcaiiiuc-munis an ovenins's entertain--..en c.:" lee.rRS oi ths rice i ;.ie:it bu:;;ns:: i hat "The Mayor of Tokio' cc?ns Ihs; the veid.iet is verses Lit-Khat Jr V;7inre.e rinriT:! eoracdies ano dramas have come in r:tay: j Tho artists of '-The Mayor of Tokio una vKn j have been selected vith diseiimina r;ashvillc lion and as the drama vc critic of the v asamgien Post the cast is be'ov rioz one in the standard of the io rganization. The stage magnificent, and the cestunviag a -eritablo riot of rain bov tints. :,o beautifnily schemed, thatjbe two scenes present a con stant treat to the eye. Mr. John I.. Kearney is given splendid opportunities to display his well known qualities as a fun-maker in the role of "Marcus Orlando Kid tier" and it is said he has created no. end of merriment in the many laugh able situations .in which he is plaaea during the course of the play. Taken all in all, Mr. Oshes has fnrnished a most elaborate and picturesque pro duction and provides a splendid sing iag chorus and dainty pretty girl::. At the recent Old Kentucky "IIom( Comers" gathering at Louisville, K great reverence was paid to the mem cry of Stcr-bcn C. Foster, anther o: Old Kentucky Home." The people cf the state, whose name his gift cf song has immortalized, ren dered fitting tribute to his memory and unveiled' the model of Foster statue that is to adorn the new state aapitol of Kentucky. Thousands of children, headed by bands which continuously played Fos- ! tor's music, marched tor the hall. where the model of the statue which is to he' erected by their cor.tribu- firsn.-T wo;, i.-wiipr. Withm tne nai- 20,000 persons were crowded to honor Foster. They cheered every mention of his name, applauded to the echo the rendition of his music, and chewed the descendants of Foster who were present both in word aco 1 a keen and full appreciation oil what his genius had wrought for Ken tur-ky. It would tax the most aecomr ilisheri mathematician tr estimate how manv times that ween the music of "My Old Kentucky Home was heard in Louisville. Delegation after delegation from abroad liar trooped through the streets behinc bands that have informed everybody within hearing "The Sun Shines Bright In My Old Kentucky Home. The orchestra in the hotels and cares imnarted" the same intelligence every few minutes, and people sang and hummed it in the si roots. This beau tiful ballad as well as all the old levee plantation songs, together with tne an vc r '.n ti anthems., a no the ck oi an m be rendered in the universities, will 1 "Dandy D:zi-s croat sue w ,,ncn lh.: Minstrels'' will bring to the Academv of Music Saturday matinee and night Perhaps if there was a tho mocn instead of a woudn't get full so often. woman man in it TONIGHT AT 3:30, Joseph ni- Ceiic3 Offer.-; Carl's Createat TaacTuI T Richard The Maor of lokio With John L. Kearney and the Same Orir-b-!?,! F reduction ' 75 Kcct Comedy Operatic Stars 75 r-irv-.cus Peanut Ssllct and Slue Rib bon Chorus Corgsous Scenery, Costumes, etc. Ik-ats on sale today at Hawkey's. Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50, 25 ( Saturday, Matinee ard Night. Vc-itk'! and Nolan's ' DIXIE RIINSTREIS - Best All-St?.r hov . 33 Refined Jckers 30 Watch for the Gig Parade at Noon Birger and Better Than Ever. Prices: Matinee 25,50 Night 25, 50, 75, $1.00 Seats on sale today. if you don't to make a 1 moi-V mark el von. The Only Eyes You'll dver Have ! are the ones you've got now. If you spoil thorn, you can't have them re- J placed. If they give you any trouble, take it in time. Call at my oSlee. ana let me see whether proper glasses will not Rive you comfort, if you don't need them, I'll say SCi. tii"Itl'-v yOJl' optical work to me. DR. SAM LEVY, Eye Sifjht Specialist. 6 . Trde St unit, it cleanser Ab& ronr .imgeist for it. S.J, 4IAKVEL, ;--epi, nn c-.aier, bnt. send stamp for fts. vnsir.itr-i book wail. "ifca llL3 .., i nl.iihlalnlaillHl. Si A Jf J?-4. 1J. ! jki 3d street. j t. v luiiit. S WOW1 l'Tompt Ke)ief for tiie witnous ;:icr.iiv'ciii.n't!. No ot nf-r treat ixii-nt ivnuircrt. EO.Ll JL.i li'Wwl-S'lPI. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All iiersonj having claims or ue- mends on or against the F.eimcnt Mer - cantilo Company, of Charlotte. X. C are nercnv ; ;pr in 1; n vjitii t t-ti. aac tney can particulate in the distri bution of the corporation assets. Tide; notice will be plead in bar of payment cf claims not vlied as above. This, February 7th, 19'.iS. M. C. MAYER, C-m-th-lmo Trustee. COMfvliSSICNER'S SALE. authorty cf a iudg-aeut of the ::or Court cf Mecklenburg County Vy Ui'C in the Special Proceeding entitled "J. L. Redwine and Dovie H. Hsd wine vs. J. M. Russell and other?," I will on Monday tbe IGth day cf March, 193y, at 12 o'clock, M.. at the court house dcor cf Mecklenburg County, sell to the highest bidder, at public, auction, for casii, the following described tract of land, situate in the County of ?.f oekleifbuig, State of North Carolina, sci.ioimn' Ike iands of Th:mas H. ilo'J othcrs and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at "3 stone in Great Road leading from. Charlotte, .North Caroli na, to Wi iglil's Ferry, at tho cross roads above 11. C Kondriek's. and run', wilh said roci 2;mth West 13 ;:eie:; to a s'ene in laid reed: thence icuth 32 East o poles end 2 iinks to .x s-tcne; 1 hence North 53 East 5 1-2 .rAez to a scone ia the Thorns Ferry Rend ; thence with said road 9 1-2 East 2 pel co to the beginning, containing xbcut cue-half acre. Being the same raet cf land which was conveyed by f. L.. Redwine to Z. V. Redwine by deed dated April 4th,- 1S00, and re corded in Book C9, Page 570, in the Register's office for said County. This 13th day of February, 1908. F. R. MeNINCII, Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALS. Under and by viitue of the power Ton rained in a Deed in Trust executed o me on September 26th, 1907, and -coord ed in tho Register "cf Deeds office cr .uecuienoarg county m isook zza, nc-3? therein described, and for default :tt the i.ayment of such indebtedness he undersigned Trustee will, on Mon !ay i:e ICtii dar'er March. 15GS, at 12 s 'clock fvf., at the Court House in the City cf .Charlotte, offer for sale to the highest ' bidder, at public auction, for cash, the lot of land described in said Deed in Trust, situate, in the City of Charlotte, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake, corner of Fred Sawyer's lot, on the West side cf Mc Dowell street sixty-six (CG) feet, from the corner of Eighth Street and runs toward Seventh Street forty-four (41) feet: thence with a line parallel with Eighth Street one hundred and forty eight and one-half (148ii) feet in a Northwest direction io si stake; thence "in a Northeast direction and parallel with McDowell Street fcrty-four (44) feet to a stake; thence in a Southeast erly direction with the Sawyer line one hundred land forty-eight and one half (1481s) feet to the Beginning cor ner, being a part of Lot No. S. Souare No. 120, Butler's Slap of Charlotte, and being the same let of land which was conveyed to Charles W. O'Daniel by the Carolina Realty Company by deed dated September 2Cth, 1907. This the 14th day of Februarv. 190S. F. It. McNINCH, 2-14-oaw-td.s. Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. . -- Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to me bearing date the 13th day of May, A. B., 1905, record ed in Book 19C, at page 115, of the Register of Deeds Office for Mecklen burg County, North Carolina, and be cause of default in the payment of the debt therein secured, I will sell, for cash, to the highest bidder, at public auction at the County Court House Boor, in. the City of Charlotte, N. C, on Thursdaj', the 5th day of March, A. D., 1908, at 12 o'clock M., all the following described land, lying and being in Charlotte Township, Meck lenburg County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: In the City cf Charlotte, Ward No. 2, beginning at a point on the North side of East First Street at a point 32 feet East of the West corner of the lot conveyed to Minnie Louise Murphy by the Southern Real Estate Loan & Trust Company by deed made the 20th day of October, 1904, and recorded in Book 192, paga 464, in the office of Make your own mark wnnt r.ome ether ollow AWVVVVi3.y.i i-iio assw rt!in' syringe. m m mm m m dersisned on or before Monday, tho j .-UU his line in a Northerly direction; ?":v: Ko; "'' 1;M:- rT.t Pun 9th day of March. 1008, their ciaimn i cno bondred and twentv seven7 1127) ! "u-v ' s c J-in" lo-oo"?' r,,r Ch' with verilied statements, that the ; re0:.; tiieuco in an Easterly direc- G':or. j. m No"-4 ".i-v;;"' -ainouut claimed is justly d;ie, after al- tJon parallel with Elisabeth Avenue hisrton and' point's ' "'V'''' lov. inc; all credits and offsets, to the i ?,; 1-2 feet to a stake on the Nn.f h r'j00'1' Augusta to Xcw ,,','k. P..ji;' aftiants best knowledge and belief; so West side of a ten foot alley: thence i slue'er Auusta 10 Verk. the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg j County, mid runs thence with said ' i i- i : ie an Kastoriy dlrectiou :?;-t en s?j:5U Ktieat; I i huoce rs :;,ut fcUgifcs Si reel, j 3j iiar;ilie "Ahh iiiscu trtet in a i''r.y uircciiou wi.i. un i:r.t; in i saiy Ltui?o Murphv, Sl!0 teet ; " ;i sia'-: : r.euce narai.e . !r stake on vvlt'a First : in'-' -' with ' tJ-i Jl-" a-'.v. urtJL i-JJ uu.l.l:Ji.a., am. bftii'LL-: t i.f the prorK-rty conveyed to ; V... Ktwi ,.lt J.-,, i.,... E . . , ,v ? r v ; T .-iV:"J I MincK: ix)t.:i.-?f Murpf.y in ino tiecn j above referred to. And !).! ike. same. I lot conveyed to Dora Waiters atut her husband, James Walters, and ! Z. lla-ler by deed dated the 13th day i of May, fj?)3. S This ti.e -i;.h dav of ebrnar 2-4 tds. :e. TRUSTEE'S SALE REAL ESTATE, j ! Under and by virtue w the power : coui'eD f'd in me by certain deed of ' I trust ex;;'-m(-d bv Z. lb flcott, datfM ! Keb:i:ary iiih. 110-1, to secne il.e bonds i j thcreir. describe;lt and for' default iu; me payraoiit oi saia oonas, i win feu at the Court House door in the City i of Charlotte, to the highest bidder,! at publ'c auction, for cash on ?Ionday I thf. 9-lrh i!-iv nf TTniiv.T-i , r IVlftS .if twelve o'clock, r.bat certain lot or parcel cf land situate, lying and bo - ln i.i the City of Charlotte, Mecklen - oarer county, iortu Carolina, and! j bounded and described as follows: ! Fronting ?9 1-2 feet on tha North ; side of Elizabeth Avenue, and extend : iniz hack thrit width between the lina . . . .. . . i 01 u. ai. Auernatny on ceo suae, ana side 1L7 feet, ana bounded as follow 1 viz Ileginnins at D. M. Abemathy's s IT r tb Vm-H; r'.io nfl ! rTivnimri. A"r,T,,. .,r,.i with the line of said ailev and parallel ... ., t. ,. ', . , , with the first line one haudreu aad twenty-seven (127) feet to Elizabeth Avenue; thence with said Avenue thirty-nine and one-half (33 1-2) feet to the beginning. Being the same lot of land which was conveyed to said Z. E. Scott by E. E. Keesler by deed dated February 5th,' 1904, together with the alley rights which are described in said deed. This CO IV o II. N. PHARR. Trustee. TRUSTEE ' SALE Or LAND. By virtue of Jie power of sale con ferred upon me by a certain Deed of Trust dated 27th day of August, 1906, recorded in Book 213, page 310 of the office of Register of Breeds of Meck lenburg Coanty, I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court. House door in the City of Char lotte on. Monday 24th day of February, 180S. ii noon the fohuvving uesoriu ed land io-wit: ' ' Lying and being near the City of Charlotte, on Kl;?.abeih Avenue, being lot No. IX shown ou map of Ste phens and 1 Uvea 3 property, recorded in Book page Til of tbe oiCce of Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg County, said lot fronting sixty (CO) feet en Elizabeth Avenue, and extend ing back with that width one hundred and ninty-three (103) feet to an alley. With the free right to use and bene fit of said alley in common with the other lot owners adjacent thereto, and in consideration cf the premises it is expressly covenanted and agreed between the parties to this convey ance, and made a condition thereto that the party of the second pact, his heirs and assigns, shall use the lot hereby conveyed for a residence lot only, and that any residence building that may be erected on said lot shall not cost less than one thousand dollar:-;. Further that no part of the prop erty hereby conveyed shall--ever be owned or occupied by a colored per son; being the some land described in said deed of trust. Tnis 23rd day of Januarj', 1908. WILLIS BROWN, l-'-'S-tds Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a. deed of trust executed to me bearing date the 21st day of October, 1904, and record ed in Book 184, at page 572, in the Register of Deeds office, for Mecklen burg County, North Carolina, and be cause of default in the payment of the debt therein secured", I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the County Court House door in the City cf Charlotte, N. C, on Monday, the 24th day of February, 1 90S, at 12 o'clock M., all the follow ing described land, lying and being in Charlotte Township, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described as follows: Lots Nos. 17, 25, 34 and 35 as shown on the Map of the land conveyed by Geo. Stephens and J. A. Bivens to C. O. Brown, which Map is recorded in the Register of Deeds office for Meck lenburg County aforesaid, in Book 146, at page 16. Lot No. 17 fronts sixty (60) feet on the North side of Eliza beth Avenue, at the corner of Cecil Street, being of dimension 60 by 193 feet, and bounded by said avenue and street, and ten foot alley in the rear, and by lot No. 1ST; said lot No. 25 front ing on the south side of E 5th St., being of dimensions 50x147 feet and bounded by , East Fifth Street, Cecil Street, a ten foot alley and lof 26; lots 34 and 35 being ad joining lots fronting together one hun dred feet on the North side of East 5th Street, bounded on the West and North by Charlotte Water Works Com pany land, and on the East by lot No. 36, the West line of lot No. 34 being 105 feet, and the East line of lot No. 35 being 119 feet; the land and the con veyance thereof being subject to the following conditions: (1) A five foot strip on the front of lots 25, 34 and 35 to be used for side walk purposes; (2) none of the said lots to be conveyed to negroes; (3) said lot No. 17 to be used for resident purposes, and no residence erected thereon to cost less than $1000. This the 23rd of January, 1908. R. E. COCHRANE. i 1-23-tda. Trustee. ?flllT?iCDi3 , '"ijlM-JI-. iii. ior.- i n- : a., .e. r.;ilir,i;n ::!eoro,- t.;.a ioile to Ai'uiriin. a. in., ,'o. 27, dni; 'l:WV('r. Cl.llJKilVl.'l. W1---ti :i:.t!i i-iir ur,'.i uav V,'i...s;iii.j;;c.!i. 'J,!i i i : ; l: f '!, JS'o. HO. t.'i ' ;'. V ;i i, MT.S. fV......' I'1!' V U.'.-IO I'-.r Asnt-vij; M, A-:tt.i5i;t. iV V t-i V; ! . A i .;:. :. 11! 1 a. M--rP.:.-, . i. :;i: if.fvtoii. i 'Ui4b Kil.l iii.. X 11, JlJ, :i and I.;: i A-'hXuu' n " j'' 9:3? p.. ;I1 v0 . j in-ton ' le'.'V j.'J,nt'C; iii.otn '! III. ' 'Hi;;; to... Dinin? our servi.-.'.' ,V;4Ri'' !"':r''! . n.. No. 2S. ,l.-i:!V ' - ,.. ston-aloin, Koanulre an.l V,.;..,.!'!!;..)V'ia" -v.r -.."ii :'. u.U 'i' n t- , , ,. . :l. ao. U7. I;,:iv Y,., :' ! ana now tirlenn-? r.t,.i. 'i ..', 1 '' !iH., ii!!,! Oliio cars. Iev.- York st-'rva. ! Nut - 1 . ' 1 i i. hi 1.'. . i rin-inr j inq- car. New Yo'i4 "nT solid l'ullmun tnin 'n ::','i'lu:;-h;m. 1 '- . 0:;"'. P- 'y-' o. z .tup- ..v,t ?,., nay lor fiato.svil?" 'i'-i-1 v(k j i,;r.n poin?s ronn.-r-K ' i ,i'H i AsluA-llio.'" ' Knojcvruo," 'chZVi'' Memphis and poin iw.itano.iRi S:"" p. m., ."o. 4; Pullman sleeper an lette to Atlanta. 'vrrtx wumk-s Char- 9.0a j). m.. No. daily New York and New Orleans limited for ington, and point-,;.,. iv.inrr Drawing Room, Si-ephr'. 0:-cru and Club cars to New York. car service. Solid Pullman liaia.""' 9:35 p. m.. No. Si nilv "W York-nl New Orlo:'.iife. L-KiUe.f for Vs,. -ton. and points rortli. PuPmaii'ii'r! ins Room. Sloe-jiiip, OV.sf-i v:itif Club cars to ?-v,v YotK. T'irin i service. Solid Pullman train. " 3:20 a. m., No. 2?, daily for Cohm bin, Savanr.j-n a ml JaoksH.nviil... p,;;. man Drawr.ij; Rcom lU-.-njr, f,n,; "osschps W4.sh1n.Hton to .In. k?"!iv;i,'(C" Tickets, Sleep iiipr Car ',: and detail informr.ti.-?; in was '.im-i at ticket office, Xo. li C. H. ACR33BT, V.-Pros ft j R. II. HAimWTCK. P. 7. M.t VvT. H. TAYLOE. G. P. A.. " Wrisliin-rtf.i!. p ( TL L. VETiNOX. T. V. A.. " Chariot t.?, JC. C. SEABOARD Aia Line Kailw These arrivals and departures as well as the lime and connection ether companies are given only as ii. formation, and are not guainu-ei. Direct line to the principal North, East, South and Schedule taking effect January 5, lit'i subject change without notice. Tickets for passage on all ti-iir.s ate sold by this company and ii-i-cpialy the passenger with the andensai;. that this company will not be refT-""51-ble for failure to run its trains on schedule time, or for any such ilohy m may be incident to their operation. Care is exercised to give the correct tw to connecting lines, but this c-ompar.y 13 Trains leave Charlotte us loiluws. No. 40, daily, at 4 . in., for Jlonraft Hamlet and Wilmington, connect!;:!,' i Monroe with 23 for Atlanta. Uirining ham and the Southwest; at Monroe '? 38 for lt'aleigh and Portsmouth. Witn at Hamlet for Raleisu, ltu-him Washington, New York ami t:;; -s- No. Iu3 daili", at 10.10 v. in. 10 r f colnton, Shelby and itutlieifor-w" without change. No. 44, daily, at 5 p. m.. for Monr. Hamlet, Wilmington and all 1"J points, connecting at Hamlet wnn for Columbia, Savannah and all iW'M points. M ,cmp No. 132, daily, 7 p. m. for Monroa connecting with 41 for AtKinw. mingham and the Southwest; ynn at Hamlet for Richmond, V."asain,u; and New York, and the Kast; wan at Monroe for Raleigh, Poi -tsmr-utl Norfolk. Through sleeper on tins ira.. from rhnrlottfi. N. C to rortsnluJ'"' Va., daily. ,iinws" m !..- .- r.j,o,.TA(fo n; follow11- 1 ruins 111 rive ii , No. 133 10 a. m., daily, from poinu North and South. 1. No. 45, daily,- 12.35 p. m., from vw : t. ,i nii 1 1 v.Ai'n!1; No. 132, 7 p. m., daily, from roraton, sneiuy, iiinuoiuiun W. Kailway points. 1. No. 33, 1.25 a. m.. daily, from WU mington, Hamlet and .bn: ne; ' s from points East, North and Southneft connecting at Plamlet for '!U" Connections are made at llamiei . all through trains for P";,!t3 South and Southwest, wmcn are 1 nosed of vestibule day coaches s nu - Portsmouth and Atlanta, ani Vl."c,,r3 ton and Jacksonville, and sife,- d between Jersey City. Birming:!..'; ig" Mamphis, ana jersey nv " , tr-iir.s. ville. Cafe cars on ail inru " ,rva. For information, r tions or Seaboard descripae , ture apply to ticket ageins cr ai JAMES KEK, Jl- (- ' C. SP WTn HOtei. 'Queen of Sea Trips. Transportation Cc.'s STEAMSHIP LINES Between NORFOLK, Boston and Providence, Newport News and Baitimo Accommodations and Cnsine Unsu passed. Steamers ev'. and ElesanL Finest Coastwise Trips World. Send for Booklet E. C. LOHR, Agent. ortoVk, H. C. AVERY, Asent, News, a. W.P.TURNER,P.T;M. General Offices, 1