THE CHARLOTTE NEWS FEBRUARY 27 ! 908. & Lazy Liver be only a tired liver, or a starved It would bo a stupid as well as , th,iVT t0 bcat a weary or starv saVatJ -ii-w ha lagged In his work. 1 ed So t-'i'n" the lagging, torpid liver It Is In"' " ' Inch it, with strnno rV1t TtiiMtttvo w o fiv-.l' . . .j i: j, v... f an i!!-nourished, enfeebled v liore organs are weary with over . . , . v a 1 1 . j rt. W tli the stomacn ana auiea Put i C-b c Hstip&tedor Irreeaiu 'iU.' iii'i tired. spondent. ''.' c, " . Xr distresMn "small Uv ... . ... .'Ui'ressed f ,i-(?tion and nutrition .rS'.!.' t,'j R-orfclnjr order and seo how nC:1.- -nr liver will become active. Jf'lVice's Golden Medical Discovery lf n Jc ir.any marvelous cures of "liver k,i,V' "bv its wonderful control of the trr- oi digestion and nutrition. It re-I'v'-normal activity of the stomach, 5"l!'"ov"-, tl:o secretions of tho blood-mak-1"!" -Js. cloanes tho system from poi '2 r 's 7-c I! :uu !a t ions, and so relieves the -rofi br.rdens imposed upon It by Z 'fiction of other organs. u ,.OV(; bitterer bad taste in the mora --rcr Wable appetite, coated tongue, ' .i.fiMtod nr trretmlar bowels. frequent small of back." in stomach. "risings" in symptoms tn;oai-- , ld no rnedl- p'w'll relieve tou more promptly or cure -r---rrujvlTTaTn Pierce'! liriM-al DiOYery. Perhaps only iv r i'a LaEo7e"sy nlprouls will be present ''- a ar.d ret point to torpid liver or mCisw and weak stomach. Avoid all ' kreiV acd biscuits, eriddlo cakes and r ia-jTostible food and take the "Golden M'ca! 1i'is""r'?I"-T " resularly and stick to its ' ,j"t';i' vou aro visorous and strong. BTt-e"l"Vwcovery" is non-secret, non-alco-k V- (- a glyceric extract of native medlci nw'J with a full list of its insredionti minted on each bottle-wrapper and attested nnd'er oath. Its ingredients are endorsed iid extolled by tho most eminent medical writers of the and are recommended to rare the diseases for which it is advised. Don't accept a substitute of unknown compoon for this non-secrot uedicuib 0F KSOWX COiiPOSITIOX. HUH HIM Ctafur eating, and kuie Orphanage Committe Will Decide Location in March C, Feb. 27.- S'.ecui" to The News. vin.i:::-Saiem. N. E.ulv in March a meeting will be held a Hickory by the orphanage commit tee of the Western North Carolina M. E. Conferenc e, at which time the lo rauoii of the orphanage to be establish tv the (ont'ei'ence will be decided. 'Efforts are being put forth by the MviiHK'.istr of Statesville, Hickory, Mc jjoveli Springs, and other places to se cure the iiirttituuon and the decision of the committee is being awaited with much interest by the Methodists of this city. Blow From Baseball Sends Man to Asylum Kin if! to The News, m.n-bolem. N. C. Feb. 27.- :: Gordon a:id three deputies, of J .-.mintv wurn Ilpro pn to I .-.;ton with Edward Hill, a young j. nuui from the Westfield section lukf s. who suddenly lost his reason Z v.t? omployetl in this city last U thought that his present :;al condition was caused by being :ck on the head with a baseball last fx::C .aid that his mind has not been : right since that time. Bids Being Received tor Mclver Memorial Hall Greensboro, X. C. Feb. 27 Illustra tive c: the eagerness of contractors for work, it is noted that twelve bids have come from all parts of the country for the construction of the new Mclver Memorial building at the State Normal Co!Iei;:. This building is the new Science Hall, to cost when finally com pleted over S100.000. The present building will cost S50..000. Owing to ihe fact that the entire fund will not he available until the expiration of two years, the present building is planned with a view to completing the v'hole design by another building two years hence. The bids are to be open ed -March fth. ,TH REFORMATORIES Special to The News. Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 27. Prof. M W. Thompson, of Concord, the recently elected superintendent of the Stone wall Jackson Manual Training school for wayward youths, and Hon. J. p. Ccok, chairman of the board of di rectors, are here today in consulta tion with other members of the board in regard to getting things in shape to begin building. Superintendent Thompson has returned from a- visit of inspection and examination of recog nizedly successful reform schools in other states, under direction of the board of directors.- - The three principal institutions vis-istc-cl by him were the Dobbs Ferry school in New York. The District of Columbia Reform. School near Wash ington and'the Glenn Mills Schools of Philadelphia. Prof. Thompson comes back more enthusiastic and determined than ever to urge forward as fast as possible the fruition of hopes of a great institution for the saving of youths in North Car olina who have been wayward or have committed offenses against the law. Ho found that the cottage system has been substituted everyhere for the old great building in which were con fined hundreds of boys of all grades and ages. At Glenn Mills School, which was established 80 years ago, the old system has been entirely su perseded by the coottage plan, groups of boys according to age and degrees of offense being placed in colonies of 30 or 40 in cottages under special at tention, all being subject to regular school discipline and without any ap parent physical restraint. At this one institution there are 700 boys all doing some form of industrial work at certain periods of the day and being taught "book learning" at others. There is a system of parole whereby boys are al lowed to go out under probation. The records of the institution show that of the thousands of boys who have been either discharged of paroled within the past twenty years under the new sys tem SO per cent, turned out to be use ful citizens self-supporting law-abiding and in many cases reaching dis tinction in some honorable calling: ; The boys are under military training and are taught useful trades which greatly contribute to the expense of the schools. The North Carolina school will be built on the cottage plan, as by this means work can be besun on a small amount of money. The first building will be erected at orfce, and will be ready by October 1st for the reception of 30 beys. This building will cost $3,500. On the splendid site near Con cord, the grounds will be laid off in view of a great institution for the fu- Jture, each building erected fitting hi with this design ot larger work in the future. SHE LOST IT. Sallow Complexion Went Glimmering. ) What is more natural than that a lady should want a beautiful complex ton? There is one sure way to secure and jnamtain a good skin if nature has been even a little kind on the start. Pro;,or food, deep breathing, pure air,; &nd one must absolutely avoid cotieo and tea, as these beverages ulti mately produce a bilious, sallow skin. Anything that causes dyspepsia or in gest ir;r, or interferes with the liver prevents the nutrition necessary for making good blood and a fair com J'lexion. ".F'f yc;ars'" ,,vrite a N. J. girl, "I a suif'orer from nervous dyspep sia and palpitation of the heart. These occurred more especially in the morn '"S v.hen it was my custom to take a rx "f coffee only. p fUlv 1 tried a sample of Postum . 01 " ( ollf e prepared by a demonstra a store. I liked it so well that I'-erin to use it regularly. That was ''V JiK'mhs aso, and today I am Petitions Filed in Bank ruptcy Fefore Judge Boyd Special to The News. Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 27 In the United States District Court today Judge Boyd heard an application for involuntary bankruptcy from creditors of Courts Brothers, merchants of Bes semer City, Gaston county. A. E. Whitney of Gastonia filed the applica tion in behalf of creditors, the allega tion being that Courts Brothers had made assignments of property and were otherwise unable to pay their in debtedness. A subpoena was issued citing parties to appear in Charlotte, March 7th, and show cause why they should be adjudged bankrupt. A voluntary petition in bankruptcy was filed for Atkins Brothers, mer chants of Asheville, througgh their at tornies. Britt & Ford and G. A. Shu ford. The case was referred to Ref eree Fred Thomas at Asheville for adjudication. Odd Fellows Will Erect $25,000 Oflice Building hoe i'vrim tha -.ll mV,l v. ''5 i.uvuyr "-Mv sained considerable in complexion which was sallow 'm'r , i ;"" lmve heen banished from aiul Post'-,ni is used in its '"v. '!;. lh!f f'. limes a day. oretiiiiy following directions on ' )fi("l-'l 'rr. M. .. "'oinng n well) we have a and sal ifjfvin.r i-iir .i ju. tire ami! eiltOVS if L-Tl rfi n run Mn .1..!. . - -' """ luai wc i--fi,.i.'i ,K as !n"ch J,s w hke with ben- ''Ti.,.,. v. ' 1 1 a S r-fitin ; rppi-it , -- maiiveu improve :i:;. ';,e calth of each, and as f ;(n 110 ctller change in our tv,vA ""' CTf'dit must be given to Pos- Crei1'' IT11 by Dostum Co., Battle ville j ' ' , Read "Tne to Well- m l'hgs. . , Special to The News. Greensboro, C, Feb. 27. Buena "Vista Lodge of Odd Fellows here have finally decided to erect a $25,000 store and office building on their property corner West Market and Green streets. The part now occupied by stores will be raised and the entire front to the corner, 80 feet, will be built into three stories, the Green street part of 100 feet bping 3 stories and basement. The building will be designed far store rooms on first floor., offices on the second, and lodge and reception rooms on the third. WORK ON H ATTORNIES ST 1HF0LK I WESTERS CASE Special to The News. Winston-Saiem, N. C, Feb. 27 Messrs. McNeill and Rogers, members of the North Carolina Corporation, and Mr. T. C. Guthrie, of Charlotte, coun sel for the state, were here last night and today conferring with business men and taking evidence to be used in the suit against the Norfolk & West ern railroad for alleged freight rate discriminations. Several large ship pers appeared before the members of the commission and gave, them infor mation to be used as . evidence in the case which- is to" bee heard before the interstate commerce commission. The date for the hearing has not been fixed yet, but a member of the statev commission expresses the opin ion that it will come up at an early date, probably next "month". " Ah effort is being made to get one or more mem bers of the interstate commission to come to North Carolina and it is thought that the hearing will be at some central point in this state. Messrs McNeill and Rogers express confidence that North Carolina will win this case. They will go from here to Durham, where they will take evidence of ship pers at that point. Jim Smith Grows Tired Of Jail and Wants Freedom Senator Ben Tillman May Lecture in Twin City Special to The News. Winston-Salem. N. C. Feb. 27 The Winston Elk lodge is discussing the proposition of extending an invi tation to Senator Ben Tillman, of South Carolina, to deliver one of his famous lectures in this city during the month of May, under the auspices of tho order here. Mayor L. J. Brandt, of Greensboro, district deputy of the Elks, paid an official visit to the Winston lodge on TiiAfinv Tiisrht and made an instruc nnnreciative address. After the transaction of the regular routine ininos n riplifrhtful social session was held. Besides inspiring music, refresh ments were served. Will Give Concert Friday Night. Special to The News caiiimrv N P. TTfiVi 27. The Work ing Board of Innocence of St. Luke's r-iiiimh will edve a concert 1J Jii.ivwinv. ' tomorrow afternoon in the Chapter house for the benefit of the Thompson orphanage. 1 ' Special to The News. Winston-Salem, N. C, Feb. 27. Jim Smith, of Smithtown fame, who is in jail here in default of a $10,000 jus tified bond, awaiting the April term of federal court at Greensboro, thinks he will be able to arrange bail within the next few days. He says that if his bond is not ar ranged this week "I am going to do some writing." When: asked about the murder of Revenue Officer Hendrix, Jim replied that his counsel had instructed him not to4alk of the case at all, but said he was not the one that killed Hendrix and this he would swear. Said he be lieved that Oscar Sisk or his wife kill ed the revenue officer and were going to try to put it all on him, Smith. The prisoner says he hopes the papers will speak more favorably of him in the future than they have in the past; that they have ben printing a great deal that is not true. "I am no desperado, as some of tne papers have stated," declared Smith, who says that when he gets out of jail he is going back to his family, who need him. Mardi Gras Visitois In N iv l New . Orleans! la., Feb. 27. With thousands of Mardi" Gras visitors here from every section of the coun try, and with every arriving train swelling the congestion of strangers on the streets, New Orleans is again ready for her famous spring carnival. The indications are that during the remainder of the week the five trunk lines will be pushed to , the limit of their resources in handling travel to the city. Hotels and boarding houses will be filled to overflowing. The Mardi Gras visitors this year are largely people from the neigh boring states, with a considerable number from the Middle States and the West. The quota from the East is not quite up to the proportions of some previous years. Cuba and Mexico, on the other hand, are send ing more sightseers than ever before. Some of the preliminary events of the carnival programme will begin tomorrow, but the big parades and balls will not take place until the first of the week. The arrangements for these spectacles have been com pleted on a scale of unprecented magnificence. ' Scout Cruiser's Trial. Rockland, Me., Feb. 27 The scout cruiser Chester, the first "vessel of its type to be completed for the United States navy, started out today for her official standardization trial on the Rockland course. The trial was ex pected to conclude early this afternoon and will be followed by a four hours' run to Boston Light, when her con tract requires the cruiser to make at least twenty-four knots per hour. The man who hasn't a red cent, of course, has no ready money. ' a l. mm ' ;Ifqr ax.Lt cqokimg furposes1 tJea 1 FIRST: Nature-grown in the fields of the Sunny Sooth; , and obviously mucli purer and a great deal healthier tlian the fat of the hog-, SECONDLY: More economical than hog lard 5 goes far-; ther much farther every time. THIRDLY: As good as butter for cake and bread mak- ing and for all kinds of cooking where butter- or other cooking fat is neeefsd, and much cheaper, because it costs lessfln the first place and less of it' has to be used. FOURTHLY: Its purity and quality guaranteed. Every pound of it is made under United States Govern- inspection mm ment W9 -T itrn-r T-ririri iiiiimii i ; . . YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT OUR OFFICE FURNITURE DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR ANNEX Stone k Baron Office Outfitters A Lively Struggle pr Go. "Did you struggle against the con sequences of temptation?" inquired the j prison visitor. "Yes'm," replied the object of in terest. "Ah, if you had fought just a little harder you wouldn't be hero today." "I done th' best I could, ma'am," said the prisoner, modestly. "It took three p'licemen an' four bystanders to git me into th' patrol wagon." IT IS A LIVELY STRUGGLE these days to get business, there are so many "Richmonds in the Field." But insurance headquarters manages to keep its head above water and is thankful to its friends. WHAT A BLESSING. Many People In Charlotte are Learn-! ing to Appreciate. What a blessing it is. Sought after by thousands. Charlotte is finding it out. Many a miserable man is happy now,. Nights of unrest, days' of trouble. Any itching skin disease means this. Itching piles mean it: Eczema just as bad and just as bad to cure. But Doan's Ointment relieves at once and cures all itchiness of the skin. A blessing to the suffering public. Here's Charlotte proof to; back our statement: J. A. R. , Alexander, who lives in Charlotte, N. C, Pine street, says: "I have used Doan's Ointment for itching hemorrhoids with excellent results. I got a box at R. II. Jordan & Co's store and gave it a thorough trial. I found it gave me more relief than anything of the kind I have ever used. I have not been bothered with my old trouble since I used it. You have a splendid remedy and I am glad to recommend It to others." For sale by all' dealers. Price 50 .onto TiYictfir-TVTilhnrn f!n Tinffnln" New York, sole agents for the United States. i Remember the name Doan's and take no other." ARTIST IN CHARLOTTE A word to Picture Agents and Pho tographers: You can save time and money by letting J. H. Bishop en large your pictures instead of sending them to Chicago. Have them enlarged in the Old North State and get better work for less money. 'Phone 1645. Studio 705 S. Mrt St. Plant- W II roods Garden Seeds. FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience our own seed farms, trial grounds- and large warehouse capacity give us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best seeds nMai-noWo ( 1 1 : r trnrlf in Gloria VD both for tho fisff ami IhVtirm is one of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow " Peas, Soja. Beans and -other Farm C.-?ed5, Wood's Descriptive CaiaJog irivcij i'alier end r.ioro cnmr.loto tufor-: ! mi t M'k is to supply our customers with the best tile market affords. We carry: a superb line of staple and fancy grocer ies. Everything selected with great care. One trial will convince ydu. Fresh, vegetables every day. mum. (INCORPORATED.) INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS. $10.00 Deposit, Balance Monthly. j I i n if?) iniit.on ntMint ham ucjncn-&na. I'cnn ll . Pu Seeds then any other sl:iJ!ar pnbHea- Is j 19 t'.on 3:,suoa la lb to Country, itailod Bi free oa icni-est. rUe tor ii, IS MS !, 1 k A 1 The Only Eyes Vcu'ii ETver Have ! are the ones you've got now. If you spoil them, yon can"t have them re placed. If they give you any trouble, take it in time. Call at my office, and let , me see whether proper glasses will not give you comfort. If you don't need them, I'll say so. Bring your optical work to me. DR. SAM LEVY, fx Eye Sight, Spaafaiist, B;E. Trtide St. Attractive Sa'ii',av Goniferlabli t-7 H ir A X - IT-1 'ffS "By always striving to give our customers tho most honestly con- . structed Felt Mattresses to be had on this market, v.e have built up a very enviable trade in tins line. We ' are now displaying a very strong line of Pelt Mattresses in all grades from $7.50 to 515.00, and would call especial atten tion to our $8.50 "Leader" equal to the average .$10.00 mattress. in: V L3 i ! i ! . "?'? VT r- f f Pi ; BUILDING :-. I Subscri pti ons Are-Now Due Send Che Ts the call; for :Vooa and Coal. -'-We) -have hotn, and it you will give us ap order, ah'd let us ; know -'xthrtt you want, will do cur best to please you. Will cut your wood aiiy length desired. We have on hand some very rAc.o and iry stove wood. Give us a trial order and be convinced that wo aro endeavoring to pliju&o our customers. 4- 4- xks to i: A. (1 BRENIZER, Treas: 3t r Yards 922 N. D. St. v - ' Phone 1114. J