r h e;c h a r lott e news, February 27, L908. a H" THE Red Dwarf Warranted a Perfect Writing Fluid. Petrcil. Is ready for instant use, without any adjusting. Js extremely port able, and may be carried in any position without fear of leakage. Holds a large supply of Ink, which is preserved in excellent condition for an indefinite pe riod. All the parts are compos ed of materials entirely enacted upon by the acids of any Ink. Come in and take one on FREE TRIAL. Found & Moore Go. Commercial Stationers. 229 So. Tryon St. 'Phone No. 40. 1 is the expression used by a de lighted customer in our Mantel Rooms, and you will think so to when you see our display of artistic HARDWOOD MANTELS Those interested are cordially invited to call. J.N.M8Causland&Co Stove Dealers and Roofing Contractors. 221 South Tryon St. Si T r OF THE MOST MODERN TYPE AT MOST MODERATE PRICES I ALLEN HARDWARE mm II"' ! ! I i We have over 100 horses and mules in our sales stable, and they are the best selected lot we have shipped here this year. Come and see us. Terms reasonable. J W. Wadwortii's Sons' Go . WAGONS AND HARNESS- If you have property to sell, list b in this office. If your have houses or stores U rent, let me do your collecting and save trouble and worry. The place to insure your property is In this agency. It L COCHRAN7 INSURANCE AND REAL EST ATI AGENT. Negro Burglar Is Captured Special to The News. Asheville, N. C, Feb. 27. Word was received from Waynesville last Tues day that early in the morning the house of Mr. Charles Lee, in North Waynesville, was entered by a negro biTTlar. He entered the room where little Maude Lee was sleeping. She immediately awoke and seeing the ne gro by her Dedside, screamed. Her screams awoke her father and other oc cupants of the house, who immediately gave chase to the negro, who had dash ed through a window and dropped to the ground. A light snow had fallen, and the man was tracked to Clyde, 7 miles distant. A telephone message was sent from that point to Canton, instructing the chief of police to arrest the negro if he reached that place, and on the arrival of Mr. Lee and others at Canton, the negro was found locked up, he having arrived at Canton, shortly after the telephone message had been i-eeeived. The negro, whose name is Alex. Gam bell, was taken back to Waynesville and identified by Maude Lee. He is now in jail at that place, and as the penalty for housebreaking in this state is death, and it is not unlikely that Gambell will hang for his crime. There have been a number of burgla ries in and around Waynesville of late and -the intruder has always manag ed to escape, it is now thought that most of the burglaries have been the work of this negro. Discuss Wages With Miners Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 27. Coal op erators of Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, composing the central competitive field, assembj0'! in conference today with the national officers of the United Mine Workers of America and the district officers of the same territory to decide whether a joint conference of miners and opera tors shall be called to re-establish the interstate wage agreement. The wage agreement which has he-en in force for three years past will ex pire by limitation the first of April. Efforts to bring about its renewal have so far been unsuccessful. When the joint conference met here the latter part of January it found it impossible to accomplish any definite results. The miners were inclined to hold out for an increase in wages and several import ant modifications in the conditions of labor. The operators, on the other hand, contended that the prevailing de pression in all lines of industry and the decreased earnings of the mining companies rendered it impossible to grant an increase in wages. The opera tors hinted, mareover, that present con ditions would justify a cut rather than an advance in wages. In this frame of mind the operators and miners ad to any unaerstanamg. Since the January conference ad journed the operators and miners of the several states have discussed the question and in most instances have practically agreed to make some mutu al concessions. As a consequence there is an improved prospect for a re-establishment of the joint relations that have existed during the past three years. The wage scale conference will in all probability be called to assemble next month, either in this city or in Chicago. 'K DO 2 l! g r 4VvH Tliis woman says that after months of suffering Lydia 3. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made lier as well as ever. Maude E. Forgie, of LcosLurg,Va., writes to Mrs. Phikhani : Ml want other suffering women to know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has done for me. For months I suffered from feminine ills so that I thought I could not live. 1 wrote you, and after taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and using1 the treatment you prescribed 1 felt like a new woman. I am now strong, and well as ever, and thank you for the good you have done me." FACTS FOR SICK WOFIEN. For . thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard, remedy for female ills, and has positively cared thousands oi women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you uy it ? Mrs. Pinkliam invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Have Your Diamonds Reset We carry a complete line of Ring, Stud and Brooches Ings and can remount your Diamonds in our work sho-j 0 n" notice. Will be glad to examine your jewelry at any time fJWt the stones are secure, making no charge for same. 0 see if Garibaldi, Bruns & Leading Jewelers. Nos. 8284 and 7044 winning our first and third prize h?vP t The PreshylenaiT CHARLOTTE, N. C. SECOND TERM BEG !NS JANUARY 9, 1S0a Special Rates to New Pupils. J. R. BRIDGES, D. D., pres!(,ent Charlotte Hotel Refitted from top to bottom. Electric light. Hot and CoM Path Excellent Table. Rates SI. to $1.25 a day. Rooms 50c. ' Near City Hail. BUTT WILL HOT RUN FOB CONGRESS MEDICINE. THAI tS MEDICINE. "I have suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, but I have now found a remedy that keeps me wn p-rj t1"" ; . r"-rti-?c Bitters, a metluine in .i is medicine for stomach and liver troubles,' and for run down conditions," says W. C. Kiestler, of Haliday, Ark. Electric Bit ters purify and enrich the blood, tone up the nerves, and impart vigor and energy to the weak. Your money will be refunded if it fails to help you. 50c at Woodall & Sheppard's rug store. They Live -"The Clansman." Audiences who en tn spp "Tho Clansman" actually live and breathe the scenes enacted before them. They laugh and weeD bv turns, th when the Ku Klux perform heroic deds ana tney hiss the villians who vainly attempt to destroy the civilization of the south. This active participation as it were, of the spectators in the play makes a "Clansman" performance more thrilling: than the finest efforts of the greatest theatrical stars. The great reconstruction drama, with an excellent comnanv nf. ac.tnva nnrl an elaborate scenic production, will be piayed again on Tuesday, March 10th, matinee and night, at the Academy of Music. Seats will be on sale Tuesdav at Hawley's for the engagement of Jan lviiDelik, the world s greatest violinist, who will be heard in concert at the Academy of Music Thursday night of next wee::. Adelaide Thurston's Supporting Com pany. Adelaide Thurston's supporting com pany, the coming season is said to be the best that this clever little artist has ever had. That is saying a great deal, as Miss Thurston's support has always been far above the average and as a usual thing generally receives a great deal of praise. Speaking to a friend recently, Miss Thurston said: "It took Pauline Phelps and Marion Short three years to complete the man uscript for "The Gill From Out Yon der,' and it took me as many months to determine who should assay the va rious roles. I feel sure that the ma jority of my audiences will agree with me after seeing my present company when I say it is by far my best." Miss Thurston will be at the Academy, of Music Friday matinee and night. Seats are now selling at Hawley's. Asheville, N. C, Feb. 27. James J. Britt, of Asheville, who a week ago was nominated by a faction of the re publican party of this, the tenth dis trict, as the republican candidate for congress, at a "largely attended and en thusiastic mass meeting," and who formally accepted the nomination, af ter having, previously declined it, yes terday made the announcement that he had decided, in the interest of harmony, to withdraw his name and he would not he a candidate for congress. , The withdrawal of Mr. Britt leaves the field to John G. Grant, of Hender son county, the only avowed candidate. This is practically a victory for the "insurgents," and peace and harmony now prevails. Mr. Grant, it is now believed, will be the nominee of the republican party of this district, to oppose Congress man Crawford at the polls next Novem ber. Since the nomination of Mr. Britt by the "regulars" there has" been much friction and bitter feeling in the re publican ranks, the "insurgents" de claring that star chamber methods were used for the nomination of Mr. Britt and the prospects were good for a very bitter factional fight. Several "peace" conferences wrere held, but without apparent result, until Mr. Britt formally announced that he had deter mined, in the interest of harmony, not to allow his name to be brought before the republican congressional conven tion, to be held in this city March 14th, as a candidate for congress. The republican county convention, which will select delegates to the con gressional convention will be held in Asheville Saturday, February 29th. It is almost a certainty that this conven tion will endorse Secretary Taft for the presidency. As will the congressional convention which convenes in Ashe ville March 14th. It is conceded that T. F. Roland and Charles French Toms, will be named as delegates to the national republican convention at Chicago. Leather that is guaranteed not to stick or crack. Springs will not get out of shape. A comfortable couch is one of th most ne cessary as well as the most satisfactory pieces of furniture in a house. Can easily be moved from one room to another arffl a great many of them can be moved from one room to another and a great many of them can be converted into a bed. THE SICK ROOM cries loudly for a cool, steady Iwm that can be turned on instantly i'J emergency without the noise or smeS of a match a light that doesn't eat up all the oxygen in it and so roh the patient. Electric light aim-era all these requirements, as we'll show you if you call or write here. 1 Mahogany Leather Couch $70.00 1 Mahogany Leather Couch 65.00 2 Mahogany Leather Couches 50.00 1 Mahogany Leather Couch 38.00 1 Oak Leather Couch 35.00 1 Oak Leather Couch. 70.00 1 Oak Leather Couch 60.00 1 Oak Leather Couch 50.00 3 Oak Leather Couches 40.00 1 Mahogany Im. Leather Couch 25.00 2 Mahogany Im. Leather Couches 20.00 L Mission. Im. Leather Couch: 30.00 1 Oak Velour Couch 25.00 2 Oak Velour Couches 20.00 6 Oak Velour Couches 16.50 $53.00 53.00 40.00 30.00 27.00 55.00 48.00 40.00 32.00 18.00 15.00 24.00 20.00 15.C0 13.50' Will send photographs to out-of-town customers and ship goods on approval returnable at our expenses if not satisfactory a CM! mi FURNITURE, CAARPETS, RUGS, PICTURES. 0 i'l I i. : canea ror ' o msA Charlotte, N. C lentil rv . . . W. G. JarreSg Machin I IP" EB: S3 . . X a he Goal Th 1 c i G. Auten Co, Office 202 S. Tryon St. Phone ".307 or 1303. that will give your work prompt and careful attention is the shop that l. ill J- - - 1 va . . " win pay you to patronize, it 13 our aim to give our customers the very best service and we will be candid with you at all times. Give us a trial. REPAIRERS OF ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ,i25 YVt Fourth St. '5hon No. Jfti .at is All J! FHOHE NO. 19 C2iiD j an us senc yu a 5a and learn the luxury of Jj ACADEMY FRIDAY , MATINEE AND NIGHT, Annual Tour Adelaide Thurston And a Company of Unusual Strength in Her Last Season's Great Success Magnificent Scenic Production Under Management Francis X. Hope Prices: Matinee. 25, 50, 75 Night 25, 50, 75, $1.00 Seats now on sale at ; Hawley's. MATINEE AND NIGHT Tues. March lOth FAREWELL TOUR TISI" of tne Most Popular Drama I fit in the History of the I III American Stage (iNCORPORATEL A School with a Reputation for doing high-grade work. One of the best equipped schools in the South. THE LARGEST, THE BEST. The strong est faculty. More graduates in positions than all other schools in the State. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy and English. Write for hand some Catalogue. Address, KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Charlotte, N. C. or Raleigh, N. C. I using perfect fuel, free from dust and slate. t 0 X3 $$.&S!2 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT sens fi Do You Remember What We Said last Week About "Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges?" BY THOMAS DIXON, JR. Direction George H. Brennan Two Companies Consolidated Into One, Seventy-Five People, a Troop of Horses and a Magnificent New Scenic Production DO NOT MISS: THE LAST CHANCE TO SEE THIS WONDERFUL PLAY PRIOR TO ITS THREE -YEARS TOUR AROUND THE WORLD! Seats on Sale Saturday, March 7th. 0 Well, we could not say too much as they have no superior as to quality and scarcely an equal. When you buy a "Charter Oak" you buy the BEST. Besides the best stove on earth we carry the most complete retail stock of general Hardware in the South. Look at these specialties: Corbin Locks and Builders Hard ware, Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges, Altas and Revere Paints, Community Silver Ware, Gillette Razors. . v . Draper and Maynard's Base and Foot Ball Supplies, Miller and Freebrand Pocket Knives. The world cannot beat this line of Spe cialties. All the BEST of their kind. Weddington ardwe Co. (INCORPORATED) Phone 65. . 29 East Trade St. 3C The Selwyn m A EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN. European $1.50 per day and up. American $3.00 per day and up. CAFE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Prices Reasonable. Thfc Most Modern and Luxuriant Hotel in the Caroiinas. 150 ELEGANT ROOMS. 75 PRIVATE BATHS. Located in the heart of Charlotte, convenient to railroad station, street cars and the business and shopping centre. Caters to high class commercial and tourist trade. Table de hote dinners 6:00 to 8:30. Music every evening 6:30 to 8:30. EDGAR B. MOORE, . . - . - - Proprietor. ry ti. vtw nr. Altai to il IL 0 To Make Our Store EspeciaHy Attractive For Ladies and Carry Many Articles Which They Want and Need C harlotte Hardware Company v

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