fHE CHA.f?L&YTE N2WS, FEBRUARY 27, (908 9 Bf Xwuu& Jru uu HJfU L It's the Little Things that Count Try lOne wam tu -i fc-r;To buy improved city , VjOtio to $4000 cash. Will buy Vii -i barsrain. Address Cash, ' " 27-lt i-Q i tie lauies uj. uwhuuc Tlirt we have opened an Ori ;!(., at "23 North Tryon St. ;D To linow why people will or washing powaei, wnen a lull pound package of l iiiniura (Blue Pkg.) and a u worth ?i of a cent each? .salesman, Charlotte, N. C. -EDGood bey to carry subur- Appl at News office. ED Youns lady to assist in iK'G North College. 27-lt WANTED For U. S. Army: able- bod; inHUU l it'll mcu, utuvrii "o-k "i ?rcV,a: acter and temperate habits v a i! speak, read and write English. -i v-raited now for service in Cuba ."i.'o riulipoines. For information !"::i-'70 Recruiting Officer, 15 West t'.'X Charlotte, N. C; 26 South M.";v;r ;sheville, N. C; Bank Build ZTwckow. N. C; 126 North Main zT c;:1;;sbuvv. N. C; 417 Liberty St.. V :-im-Saleiu, N. C; Kendall Build-i-ircoliimbia, S. C; Haynsworth and vtrs Building, Greenville, S. C; Gknn P-uilding, Spartanburg, S. C. l-t-tiis-thurs&sat. Vv'ANTED By Metropolitan Life i .-.:, , I , . : 1 ,1 1 tt (- 17 F-r Trade St., hustling man iu wuin " ' u ;t.ville. N. C. Steady position v-'i LO'l nay to right party. Written . i 1- rt".ioe- required. Age not less man more than 43 years. 26-3t WANTED Clean c.!U. News. white rags 2V2 25-tl WANTED $2500 for one or two years on good city real estate. Ad '!ip.r:I., care News. 14-tf WANTED To hire at once mule or c. Address W.' C. Dowd, or 'phone 113. 26-3t WANTED To buy Interest in estab business requiring three to five thousand dollars. J. R. K., care-News. 14-tf FOR SALtOR RhNI. FOR SALE At a bargain; a roller ;-p ilk, good as. new. 'Phone 1866. FOR RENT Six-room house. Apply Lif.PfceSt. 26-3t FOR RENT 7-room house 503 North Colloge St. Apply Mrs. Mc bmt, :A N. College. 27-lt FOR SALE A new 7-room house with all modern conveniences and good barn. Lot 50 by 198. E. E. Johnson. 6-$ E. l-ta St. 18-12t-eod FOR SALE One 15.00 guitar, bran r'.iv. Price ST. 50. Can be seen at Du-Wv-nh Dvaz Store. 27-lt FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Ad- W Room, care News. 26-2t FOR SALE Store and market, cor or Twelfth and Brevard. 24-5t FOR SALE Brown Leghorn eggs r listening, fine laying strain. $1.00 r!4; 4m:' East Avenue.- 27-2t RENT Furnished room one 1;W trim Southern depot. Conven- 'tr.r. to boarding house. Apply 411 W. 24-6t FOR RENT Two 4-room houses in -:;rth Charlotte. Near Swift's plant. A: ;!: U. C. Sherrill, News Office. ')--t FOR RENT 4-room cottage, 304 East -nil St. B. R. Lee, 5 West 5th. -1 "OR SALE Three good mules and 2."'' nic'f' bony. R. F. Smith, rear of Llizaboth College. 2-27-2t F9R SALE At a bargain, well es- tabli- Kd and good paying business tue snuare. 2Ut Business, care News MISCELLANEOUS 'HR'-p :E HflllSPR frvf r-nt IOC Post St. Leland Hotel. 17-tf CONTRACT TO LET Brick and ce- Y. J. Fite. 28-lt FARMS FOR SALE Beau- - - v .lu uu macaaam road near Ci nnits hve, ten and fiftfiem ap.res car::,. Or fi Hist right for truck or poltry i'neo $200.00 to $250.00 an Lasy terms. J. K. Wolfe, 36 : -e St., at Davidson & Wolfe's. FEW offices to rent in new, -aw i-crou 17-tf VE GN everything exeent Notes. Tii; & Butt. Opp. Gem Hotel. I ;.!;A!rK(ER & S0NS removed to 21 Safes ODen- r!,." AVatches and clocks repaired. '"' " rjd- 2-1-t-th-s-lmo 'ONUMENTS St :t;j v . .... , ueiure piac- i 1:1 Icr anything in ceme 1 " Mfjoklcnburg Marble and 1 -; South College and Rail-27-15t-eod BRIEFS Mr. Peter Marshall Brown is buildin s iwu naxiusume nouses nn South Tryon street, near Wvnona Mrs. Carrie C. Martin, the genial Y. W. C. A. secretary, was able to be down stairs today after a long seige of the grip. Rev. Johnston Hutchison, formerly of this city, will preach Sunday at both morning and evening services at the Belmont church. Mr. B. G. Fallis, superintendent of the Charlotte division of the Southern and Mr. W, H. Gatchell, su perintendent of transfers, of Washing ton, D. C, were in the city today on official business. Rev. Dr. Roseboro, who is supply ing the pulpit of the Second Presbyter ian church, will conduct prayer meet ing at Westminster Presbyterian church tonight at 8 o'clock. The pub lic is cordially invited. DEATH MR. D. S. REGISTER. Was Father of Dr. E. C, Register, of Charlotte Funeral Tuesday. Dr. E. C. Register has returned to the city from Rose Hill, Duplin coun ty, where he attended the funeral oi his father, Mr. D. S. Register Tues day afternoon. Mr. Register died Monday morning after an illness ot only a few days. Death was un expected, and occurred before Dr. Register arrived. The deceased was 79 years old and besiaes his wife two children sur vive, Dr. E. C. Register, of this city, and Mr. John Register, of George town, S. C. Mr. Register was one of the most prominent members of the Baptist Church in the eastern part of the state and for 51 years was a deacon in the Baptist Church at Rose Hill. Society $2,000 DAMAGE SUIT. Mr. McManus Sues Southern Railway On Account of Rock Quarry. A suit has been started by Mr. R. C. McManus against the Southern rail road asking for $2,000 damages on ac count of alleged injury to the property of the plaintiff at Stonewall and Col lege street by reason of the rock quarry, which is situated at that point. This property was leased to the city some years ago, and great quantities of rock have been taken out, which has left a great excavation, which is al- j ways filled with stagnant water. The contention of the plaintiff is that the quarry has been the cause of sickness in the neighborhood, and has damaged his property thereby. EUROPEAN PLAN POPULAR. Fifty Per Cent of Guests Prefer This to American. The popularity of the European plan at hotels in Charlotte is at tested by the constantly increasing choice of the traveling public who stop at the Selwyn where both the European and American plans are counducted. Out of 52 guests yes terday all of whom registered for rooms, exactly one half stopped on the European plan. This number does not include those who were not assigned rooms. The Gem Hotel, which is conducted strictly European, is also popular with the traveling public. 'First Baptist Revival Next Week. The revival at the First Baptist church will begin on Monday night, when Dr. Hulten will have returned from Norfolk, and when Rev. Dr. eGo. W. McDaniel, of Richmond, will be here to conduct the services. Dr. Mc Daniel is one of the leaders in the Southern aBptist church. Hoax "I wonder why Roosevelt nnsitivelv declines a renomination.' Joax "Perhaps he would write than be President." rather A DANGEROUS OPERATION is the removal of the appendix by a surgeon. No one who takes Dr. King's New Life Pills is ever subjected to this frightful ordeal. They vork so quietly voudon't feel them. They cure consti pation, headache, biliousness and ma laria. 25c at Woodall ,& Sheppard's drug store. For about eight or ten years I was subjected to severe at tacks of Eczema, which would last for several weks... I would try local treatments and doc tors' medicines, which would re lieve for a while, but it would always return, and everything failed: in permanent effect. , I then determined to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy, two years ago. I took it regularly for six months, using a dozen and a half bottles, and it made a perfect cure of me. It has been over a year since I stopped taking the Remedy and I have never had a touch of the trouble since, and my general health is excellent.. MRS. J. A. WILKINS. Bessemer City, N. C., July 3, 1906. . Mr. Latta Wants A Definite Date The Street Car Company Will do Nothing Until It Gets Official Notice As to When the Street Paving Work will Begin The meetings of the board of public service these days are about as bar ren of actual results as the discussions of the tariff and our foreign relations by the assembled wise men at a country store when crops have been laid by, or the, Russian duma when its members are permitted to talk. The duma in the form of the board of public "service meets and discusses the questions of the city administra tions, for an hour or so, until there is no more to say on the subject, and then they are calmly reminded that the aldermanic board will have to settle the whole matter. The meeting then idjourns, and the only result is just a little more oxygen turned into car oonic acid gas, which is always accom plished when men talk fast and loud, and much. Yesterday's Meeting. The purpose of the meeting yester day afternoon was to hold a conference with Mr. Latta, of the street railway company, to discuss making some defi nite agreement as to the preliminary work, which the company will have to do before the streets are paved. Mr. Latta appeared before the board and stated that he was ready to go into the matter at any time the board would indicate to him just when the work cn the streets would be started, but when this question came to be an swered, it was then realized that the board of aldermen was the only body which could say definitely when the work would begin, and so the meeting adjourned after being in session an hour, with nothing accomplished save the passing of a resolution asking the board of aldermen to fix a date for the beginning of the work, so that the service board could go ahead with the preliminary arrangements with some degree of certainty. Mr. Latta's Position. Mr. Latta assured the board that he was not trying in any way to retard the work, but that he was willing and anxious to do his part at any time, but that he could not begin tearing up his tracks, when he had no assurance when the work would be started. He gaid that he was not responsible for the general opinion m the newspapers and among the people that he was a block in the way of street improve ments, but that on the contrary, he was as willing as any one to see the work done, and would do his part. A Complaint. , Mr. Latta said that it was not fair 6 have him here before the board for a conference, when a committee of the board had already waited upon him, and ascertained his position in the matter. Mayor Reports. Mayor Franklin then made tire re port of the special committee which was appointed to confer wTith Mr. Latta in the matter. The- mayor said that Mr. Latta had stated he would give the matter his attention just as soon as his son, who was then on a tour inspect ing the paved streets in other cities, would return. Mr. Latta then stated that he want ed 60 or 90 days to complete his pre liminary work, and he only wanted of ficial notice as to when the work would begin. "I will not make a move," said Mr. Latta, "until I secure this!" Mr. Hawkins Talks. Mr. Hawkins then got the floor and told Mr. Latta that the board only wanted him to say what kind of rail would be used as the city was respon sible for the construction under the tracks of the company, and these spec ifications had to be known before the city's preliminary work could be done. Mr. Hawkins continued: "We don't mean to dictate to you what size rail yoa are to use; but we do want to know what size you, your self, will select so that we can reg ulate the bitulithic work according ly." Mr. Hawkins then suggested mak ing an alterative contract specifying 4 or 6-inch rail to be used, "or in other words,'" added he, "anything def inite for us to work upon." In answer to Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Lat ta still stuck to his position that he must know the exact date of beginning work before he would do any thing. Mr. Sargent was the next to get in the discussion. He asked Mr. Latta a. question about the section of the charter which required the car com pany to maintain the paving inside the rails and 14 inches on either side. Mr. Latta stated that he could not be held in two distinct requirements, saying: , "In this section, you require me to maintain the paving inside the rails and 14 inches on either side, and your contract with the bitulithic company makes it responsible for the streets for 5 years, and I am sure I will not be responsible for repairs for 5 years if I follow the contract with the com pany." After this discussion was over, Mr. Washburn asked the mayor if he could inform the board just when the paving work would begin. The mayor then stated that this mat ter was entirely in the hands of the board of aldermen and that the board had already posponed the work until the late summer or early fall. "This is about as uncertain as judg ment day," said Mr. H. M. McAden," and. all we are doing is losing time." It was at this point that discussion ceased, and a resolution was passed for asking the aldermen to fix a date to arrange for the preliminary work until this was" done. With the passage of this resolution, the board adjourned'. ; Children's CugSts m needless suffering. With Piso's Cure in -the house serious colds can be prevent ed and speedy relief afforded. Pleasant to the taste and free from opiatesvand harmful in gredients. Piso's Cure is the one remedy by which all dan ger from coughs, colds, bron chitis and chest affections Can be Averted r Al I . fc?mfetfl SB ! EI day's Markets Hayward, Vick & Clark's' Daily Letter. New Orleans, La., Feb. 27. Liver pool made a fairly good response to the advance on our side yesterday and snot sales are larger, totalling 10,000, seven points higher quotations. There is no change in market influences here; we opened about unchanged, traders' watching May in New York, and as scon as the drive in that option was resum ed there was a corresponding advance here. Every little easiness, however, which would indicate that the opera tors in May want to take profits, is at once followed and prices collapse for want of independent confidence and the absence of people to sell to. There were a few more tenders on March iiere this morning which nobody seemed to want, and all the premium was lost. There has not been any real trade de mand for lower grades and colored cot ton for some time, and as such quali ties are liable to be tendered there is consequently no disposition to take cot ton on futures. The news of the inter national Great Northern Railroad of the Gould system having gene into the hands of a receiver, nourished exist ing pessimism. General news all around, whether political. or financial, is reassuring. Shortly before 10 o'clock May in New York dropped a few points which started a rush by scalpers to sell May broke to 10.60 around this point there was some support by brok ers trading for New York. The mar ket has so little absorbing power that it must be tactically supported from time to time in order to liquidate even moderate quantities. Weather condi tions are good; generally fair weather prevails in the belt, and is indicated for the next 36 hours. Everything con sidered, new crops at prevailing fig ures, appear the highest proposition on the board. There is some demand in the spot market for medium to good grades, good coloiy February shorts for export. Other qualities are neglect ed and lower to sell. Heyward, Vick & Clark. J. S. Bache & Co.'s Daily Letter. New York, Feb. 27. The early morn ing prices ruled firm. An improved sentiment abroad brought about fore ign buying, while further covering in this market advanced prices about 8 to 9 points net higher before the noon hour. There wafciio' confirmation of yesterday's rumors; that M. C. D. Bor den was buying up print cloths in Fall River. According to the morning pa pers the stock of print cloths at that point amounted -to 500,000 pieces. Re ports from the south indicate some de mand for spots to fill February ship ments, only good grades wanted. The market for futures showed that clique support was necessary to sustain prices as after the shorts had covered and forced May to 10.68, March 10.51 and July 10.58, prices started to ease off on professional' hammering. ' The noon saw the market easy and down sever al points below the opening, and about 15 points net lower from the high level of the morning. As we said this morning, we believe there is very little sustaining power to the advance. We look for further declines. J. S. Bache & Co. Morehead & Co.'s Letter. New York, Feb. 27. Cables showed full response abroad to the rise on this side with spot business better than for some days, but there was no dis position to take the lead in the ad vance and profits were accepted on the spurt and final tone was barely steady. Opening here was without change from previous close, but some active buying ,by a few people sent prices, up several points. There was little outside sup port and a considerable degree of doubt as to the intentions of the bull party, coupled with liberal profit tak ing on the rise, caused a reaction of some 10 points. It seems difficult to get the run of operators to believe that trade conditions justify higher prices, despite the bullish figures when compared with the old crop, and it will probably . require considerable buying to get prices up much. Weather fore cast is good. Morehead & Co. Will Comply With Federal Law. Chicago, 111., Feb. 27. Several west ern roads have announced plans for the reorganization pf their telegraph system to comply with the federal law. ' : St. Paul Declares Dividend. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 27. St. Paul declared its regular semi-annual divi dend of 3 1-2 per cent today. Forecast for 24 Hours. Fair weather over the cotton belt. New York Cotton February 27. High. Mch . . 10.51 May .... .... 10.68 July 10.58 Oct 10.10 Spots quiet, 11.45. Low. Close. 10.36 10.3739 10.53 10.5556 10.42 -10.4344 9.99 10.0203 Estimates. i To- , Last morrow. ; Year. New Orleans ,30O03500 ?r 3038 Houston .. .. V... 1500 2000, N 8567 Galveston .. 65007500 11500 Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good middling i , Strict middling ... -f,- Middling . "T.V 11 11 u PURSELL'S - The l adies' and taa w sa isr Many new models go on sale tomorrow' morning at this popular priced and almost indispensible garment. For between seasons they are just the thing; they are light; durable, snappy in appearance and above all com fortable. .'0. LADIES' COATS They come in plain all-wcol coverts, hard twisted, fancy stripe covert; also in fancy woolen cloths, trimmed to match. Styles are fitted loose back and Prince Chap models. They are excellent values. Fancy Stripe Covert Coats $5.00 Plain CoverL, fitted model $5.C0 Fancy Cloth, Prince Chap model $5.00 Plain Covert, fitted model, satin lined $7.50 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Spring Models, Spring Weinhts. Plain Flannel, Box style, Covert trimmed $1.95 Fancy Cloth, Box style, Braid trimmed $1.95 Plain Cloth, Box style, Red and Copenhagen $2.95 Plain Cloths, Box style, Red and Copenhagen $3.98 HLJPtV tt -k xofsv 1 s .8?" is tar w Ft aa a See our new line of Neckwear and Embroidery Col lars. Colors and Wrhite. New Novelty Belts. Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, Feb. 27. Futures closed barely steady; receipts 11,000, Ameri can 10900; sales 8,000; speculation and export 500; middling 6.03, middling yesterday 5.96; sales 2 p. m. 7,800. Close. Feb 5.56 Feb-Mar .. 5.56 Mar-Apr 5.58 Apr-May . . 5.60 May-June 5.61 ' June-July 5.61 July-Aug -5.59 Aug-Sept 5.52 Sept-Oct 5.45 Oct-Nov . . 5.38 Nov-Dec , 5.35 Comparative Port Receipts. To- Last day Year Galveston 5265 , 14053 New Orleans 5882 10462 Mobile 965 Savannah " 1T92 Charleston 94 Wilmington 157 Norfolk 2885 Boston 245 325 Pensacola 105 Brunswick .. . .. " 219 Pacific Coast . .: 50 Baltimore 2399 New York .. 64 Various 135 Total Est 18827 33755 - Chicago Grain and Produce. High. Low Close. WHEAT May 98 95 98 July 93 80 93 Sept 90 87 90 CORN May v .. G2 61 62 July GO 59 59 Sept 59 58 59 OATS May 53 53 . 53 July 45 44'' 45 Sept 37 37 37 PORK May 11.62 11.40 11.57 July 12.00 11.80 11.95 LARD 1 May .. 7.60 7.47 7.57 July 7.82 7.67 7.77 RIBS Mav .. 6.60 6.60 6.60 July 6.90 6.77 6.87 Interior Receipts. i . . To- Last day Year Houston 2319 Humanity is the A, B C of a spirit ual life. St. Vincent de Paul. 1 Stuart's Buchu and Juniper Compound a quick cure for Bright's disease, liver and stomach troubles. All Druggists, $1.00. - The New Fountain Syringe Never Wears Out $2.25 That Englisii-icLarly Co 40 South Trycn Street. Garment Store - PUBGELL'S 1 I STOCKS Avcnlson Atciiihon Piti Baltimore te Ohio Canadian Pacific Ohesapeaif s Obiu Chicago fc Alton Chicago & Great Western. isne. 13 27 Erie Pfd Rock Island Illinois Central... 125j-g Louisville & Nashville i)0 Manhattan Mexican Central 18 Missouri Pacific 3J! Missouri Kansas & T ' 18 New York Central T 94 Norfolk & Western 59 Ontario & Western Pennsylvania 1124 Reading 9514 Reading Pfd 8t. Paul 10!) Southern Pacific i& Southern Railway 9 Southern Hallway l'erferrea 304 Texas & Paciiie i Union l'acia.j 113 Wabash Wabash P'fd 14 amalgamated Coupcr 51 Hrooklin Kapid Transit. - 4U'4 Colorado iTuei & Iron. VS Con Gag Peoples Gas Bugar ,....113;i yioos Iron & Steel Tenessee Coal & Iron United States Leather United State Steel Jnited States Steel Prtierred...... Western Union , Virginia Carolina Chemical.. Va. Carolina Cheinica Pt-1 ... ... 92 1 I Northern Pacilic SmeltersJ Anaconda Copper Charlotte Produce Market. (Corrected by li. 11. Field & Co.) Chickens spring 2025 Turkeys per 2b 13 14 Geese per head 5055 Elens per head 3540 lliggS . . A' Butter ; 1520 M'NINCH HOUSE SOLD. Charlotte Realty Company Sold It to Mr. T. J. Davis for $5,750. Mr. A. G. and Mattie L. Boon sold tcdajr to Mr. P. A. Bowden a small tract of land consisting of 10 1-4 acres on the road from Nevin to Derita for the consideration of $1,000. Mrs. Mamie M. Shelton sold to Mr. S. A. Thcmpson a lot in Deweese township for tho consideration of $250. Mr. A. G. Craig sold today for .the Charlotte Realty Company the house on Tenth Avenue, formerly owned by Mr. S. S. McNinch, to Mr. T. J. Davis. The consideration was $5,750. this. We handle one car load of sugar a week for the accommodation of the people of Charlotte at cost. We also give you Kenny's "SPECIAL" Coffee for 25c, which equals any 35c Coffee on the market. Coffee roasted daily. One trial of our Teas and Coffees will put you wise. . C. D. KENfoY CO. 23 S. Tryon. 'Phone 1539. er Power for Sale We offer for sale in Rutherford Co. N. C, on Cove creek, left hand prong Broad River, water power sufficient to pull ten thousand spindle mill includ ing 155 acres fine timber land, aboul six or seven miles west of Gilkey, N. C, on So. Rwy. between Blacksburg and Marion. s The stream has an average width of sixty-five feet and 15 inches deep and makes one natural leap of about thirty four feet. The hills come down close together on each side, making cost of dam low and an abundance of stone on the ground. The power has been meas ured by one of the best Hydraulic En gineers in the South. Report on file in our office. If you contemplate building a mill believe we have a proposition that will interest you; where you can get chear power, an abundance of satisfied help. ; and the cost of construction be reduc ; ed to the minimum. SOUTHERN SECURITIES & TRUST COMPANY, . 5 S. College St., Charlotte, N. C. s I1 "When thieves fall out " began the Wise Guy. "They don't frsll out any more," interrupted the Simple Mug. "In these days of high finance they are occasionally frozen out, that's all." 1 THE ' .1 Matchiess attress Combines quality, comfort and economy. PRICE $7.50 Won't bag, sag or get soft. w on't lump or get hard. . Won't mat or pack. Guaranteed "Bump Proof" All Furniture Stores. Manufactured Only By The Southern Cotton lit Company CHARLOTTE, N. C. j DR. JOHN R. IRWIN, H Office: H 21 South Tryon St. woodall & Sheppard's. 'Phones: Office 69. Residence 125. Announcement e beg to announce that we have formed a partnership for the prac tice of diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 221 South Tryon St. DR. E. R. RUSSELL, DR. J. P. MATHESON. 2-24-tf oieman f is L U BR A Saving of $133.00 on a $400.00 PIANO Our little Booklet "C," entitled 'j00 PIANOS AT. WHOLESALE: JO 1QQ RETAIL PURCHASERS" wiH show you how to save enough money on the purchase of your PIANO to educate your family in music. f 7HEIFAIREST PIANO PROPOSITION IN AMERICA 'Write Us Today.N THE W. G. Goieman Piano Co. 213 North Tryon St. . CHARLOTTE, - Schedule in Effect January 12, 1908. Daily Charlotte and Roanoke, Va. 10:50 am I.v.' Charlotte,. So Ry Ar 6:00 ptn 'i-M p.n L,v. Winston, N & W Ar 2:00 pm 5:00 pm Lv Martv !le N fe W Ar 11:40 pm ;-23 pm Ar Kof nk K &W Lv. 9:20 am Connects at Roan okr; via Shenandoah Valley Route for Flagrerstown and all points In Pennsylvania and New York, i'ullman sleeper Roanoke to Philadel phia. Additional trains leave Winston-Ss,-!';m 7. HO a. m. daily, except Sunday. If you are thinking of taking a trip VOU want quotations, cheapest fares, reliable find correct information, as to routes, train schedules, the most com fortable and quickest way. Write and the information is yours for the ask ing, with one of our complete Map r'olders. V. n. Bevil, M. V. BracK) Gen. Pass. Agt. Trav. Pass. Agt. Roxnnkr, Vi. faW . try fl f . Ia .: iUi-. hsh your drugmstmr r. It he cannot eurp'y MARVEL, a-.-rr. r" '.her, bn' aentt ei:unp I ji Viitrated hrofc f -.iti . CuY i.--t.1"V'-7r .-.(;-vaUaola to irirlipf. .' 14 t4l;l--rxt. 5NJECTION V Prompt Relief for the V MOST OBSTINATE CAEE& without inconvenitn'-e. No otner treatment, re4..irv). SOLD AiX lJSL"iilTL I JOIN ? I I The Oolemen Piano 11 1C n. cm Sal as