IT The News has the Largest Circulation Any JUternoorv Peeper Published in the Two CaLroIinats W THE ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSPAPER IN CHARLOTTE. r.;. ESTABLISHED W83. CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 3, 1908. -A PRICE 5 CENTS. H In . evelopn:nts In Case of ex '4 oung Russian Jew, Known as "The Curly Haired Boy" Thought to Have Been Interested in Assassination. Anarchist's Library lilted With Books of Revolutionary Subjects Police Chief Shippy Gives Out an Interview. :' Associated Press. ::--. 111., March 3. Isadore '0 years old, a Russian Jew, the "Curly Haired Boy," ion or Lazarus Averbueh, 20 anarchist, who was shot yesterday in his attempt .-.initiate Chief of Police Shippy, in-rested today near Averbuch's detectives of the chief's "The Curly-Haired Eoy." :aiius Averbueh, the young Rus .hw, who yesterday attempted to .-inate Chief of Police Shippy and ! t hiol killed, had, it is believed, "i;er in his work who, thus far, ,'.y known as "The Curly-Haired a la-. rough search of Averbuch's li ; : ; . made up largely of books of rev r: iii:ny subjects and lectures by ' ; !-'-"t'iit socialists and anarchists, -lice found that the terrible deed !S ' -mined and carried out to death nvaming Russian boy whose mind - iiiied with hatred for the govern in his own country, and tho imraun-y idea of remedying the so- r.nditions promulgated by lead- 1 "liberal thought"' in America. I en the detectives went, to the wnere .werlmch lived, his sister identified his picture and a pair ocs no nai worn. 1 iieu she was !::it iier brother was under ar- r c. naie but that l.e was .-lead, ou get the other one?" was icstion, after the shock had m.CT one asked the de young Jew he i' 'uily-haire 1 yc,- with." v.v.-ks ago the detectives wcrd to Chief Shippy that the i d marked a. Chicago man for ''it'll. Efforts were concen i tl'c discovery of the identity !".-dv.l victim. Tli renter1 ing Letters. or twice the chief received the mail a scrawl informinsr IR- s marked for assassina- 'nd not desist from his re hKT.sp.res against the "friends 'f.ple." ;:i i,o attention to the warn .' Iet or said a foreign anar-:- ''! dr-legatod to kill him. Sldi.j.y, in speaking of the l'."!d recently, said that the in thfir attacks on the police - well liiive told their deluded to ,() out and murder every po- ,'gestion that causes led men to jro out with a- lr v:; and revolvers to kill," chief. or disclosing the plans of the chief said ho would do whatever cost to himself. : Threatening Letter. i.ilock was arrested here tc 1 wiili sending a threaten- ,; a Unman Catholic clergy- ms Aiizil. a. Diior of the Fathers. The prisoner, ... f v-l. " i ; on i lie- borders of the Ghetto ' ;Iie "'cording to tho police, has onding a demand for $1,000 i!'Ht. Severs! Parties Held. 'Oil 1 f 1 i admitted he had known for some time and that ! !,i attended anarchist meetings Considerable anarchists lit '" v,'aK found in his possession ' m''-hd at the police station, '''her persons, including Olga ( r; i. "" is1er of Shippy's assail - 'm? held. Miss Averbueh: a n inntlier siicitor .inrl : . - I W i re ;-f' in Chicago, but refused to v.i;-f. Harry Shippy's condition ' ' !' -hat improved. Ho Talked Too Much. ' '' Fred man, a Jew, was ar ior;uiH0 JG was hear,! tQ say street car: "I see they tried , the cliicf. They thought to 1 !:;'" tnid a lot more like him." City Officials Confer. ; fohferen.'-o of city officials was ' ' ;'t Chief Shippy's home. Mayor niii'islant chief of police, cap 1 " Hi" detective bureau, and In- "Ml ;"!:!! s attended Means for j witli the manifestations of ;iy were discussed with a view ig the city of such activi Negro Electrocuted. : --ociated Press. ::",n N. J.4 March 3 George :'. a negro, was electrocuted at :;,'r- prison for murder in Decem- H X A- Chicag 4 j tivr i Jf F Police Chief Carnegie Will Give Si, 000 For Pipe Organ Special to The News. Chester, S. C, March 3. The Asso ciate Reformed Presbyterian church of this city is to be the recipient of a Handsome donation from Andrew Carnegie. The church will shortly install a handsome pipe organ an dit is for this purpose that Mr. Carnegie has prom ised to give $1,000, half of the amount necessary to pay for the organ. The only condition imposed is that the congregation should raise the oth er half $1,000. Mr. Carnegie's money will be ready whenever the organ committee is ready to give their order. Mattress Factory Opens Up For Business To-day Special to The News. Greensboro, N. C. March 3. A new manufacturing plant opened up for business here today, it being the Caro- i linn. Mflttvpss Prir.innni- A TTrv-iirr XV rv, nro thr mnrintm-"a' tt,0 fir , - -- ' . i v k.' . i 111 111 11UO offices on East Washington stree, with its factory on Asheboro street. For the present, three grades of mat tresses will be made, the number each week amounting to 400, to be sold by wholesale only. MURDERER ON TRIAL Green Charged With Murder of Nelson Interesting Sermon Preached to I. O. O. F. Special to The Xews. Lenoir, X. C, March ?,. Sunday morning at the Baptist church the pas ter. Rev. R. P. Walker, preached a spe cial sermon to the members of the T. O. O. F. His discourse was one of the best ever delivered in our town and has been highly complimented by many of the leading members of the organization and by many who do not belong to that order. His text was taken from 1 Samuel, and his theme was "Faithful Friendship," citing the In vr of 7rn n til n ii fnr TVi ' rl 1-Tn A rnr many illustrations which, if applied, would make life easier for mankind the world over. The trial of one San Grcem, charged with the murder of Xelson is in prog-( fj-c C in 4 It till nAi'Jnn ii X-t n l i ' iu -11 bujiciiui luuh liiie LIliatthat the turrets can no maue saier, in week. Great interest is manifested in this trial and many people from all parts of the counlry arc in attendance. News From the State Capitol Special to Tho News. Raleigh, N. C, March 3. A reward of S50 is offered by Governor Glenn for the capture of Henry Richardson, who is wanted in Warren county for the murder of Rufus Richardson, De cember 25th. J. H. Pless, attorney, of Marion, spent some time with the governor today urg ing the commutation of the death sen tence of Robert McDowell to life im prisonment, lie was to have been hang ed February 20th, and a reprieve was allowed to March Gth in order that the governor could have time to investi gate the merits of the case. The negro killed a flagman on a train as the result ; of a row m wnicn me nagmau uiueu :the conductor in restoring order, Mc iDowell being a member of a party of 'disorderly negroes among whom it be came necessary to enforce order. Involuntary proceedings in bank ruptcy were instituted in the United States district court today against the Red Brick Company of Durham. The hearing is set for March 9th. Honfj. Y. Joyner, state superintend ent of public instruction, has re- turned irora wasumgwu. y., "-.v. , . , -w-x rf-i I-, AfO , t l T Jl-n, inn- f n Til IH 1 1 - spent last wees ulliiuiiis ing of the convention ot state supenu tendents of public instruction and the annual meeting of the National Educa tional Association. He was very much pleased with the outcome of the meet ings. The state superintendents, he says, passed resolutions urging a $40, 000 increase of the appropriation for the United States bureau of education. Mr Joiner regards it as nothing short of disgraceful that the United States commissioner oi euurauuu onwv vp no more than 82,000 annaul sai- ary anri the state supermtenaenLs, i rtom worn. 40 participating in I 1 11 ,1 . W w - declared tneir piuiiun.. ... tho r.-rit. with the authon iu euiiLiiiu -' .-3--- f tics until the national department o education is put on a footing wun the other departments of the govern ment of the government, with the com nSioner of education holding a mem bership in the cabinet of the president. Should Buy Exposition Site. fxr Associated l less.. -T -i7w.noV;nsrrrm I).. L.., MaLv.ii -Re- ceivers of the Jamestown Exposition Company appeared before the house committee on naval affairs today and a(lvoCated the purchase by toe faov- ernment of the exposition -be used by the United States as a naval and coaling station. The price asked is 2,500,000 and the bill lot the purcase has been introduced by Rep. Maynard, of Virginia. Mr. J. S. Mauney and wife of King's Mountain, were here last night to attend the societies' recep tion at Elizabeth College. e af Turret Construction By Associated Press. Washington, D. C, March 3. Com mander F. F. Fletcher, naval expert on the subject of turret construction, appeared before the senate commit tee on naval affairs today and con tradicted much of the testimony giv en bv Commander Sims. He de- j - clarcd Converse had given an ex cellent description of the turrets and hoist in the navies of the world.. "The American device of the straight, hoist," he said, "is similar to five-sixths of all the hoists in t;-:o, and, therefore, are not the senseless experiments sonic critics have charged." AH that is required to make them safe, he thougnt, is to provide proper screens between guns and handling rooms. He asserted there is no danger to powder magazines under the present system. He agreed with Admirals Converse, Capps and Mason, . . .. -i i - : accordance with the late designs at a comparatively small cost. Good as Any of Them. Commander Fletcher, questioned about the statement of Comander Sim;-; that the American navy at Santiago gave a poor exhibition oi marksmanship, the witness said that from all records he had ever seen or heard of, no navy could have done better shooting at that time. SCORES REPUBLICANS Representative Moon Says Party is Most Sublime Fake in History of the World. 3v Associated Press. Washington, D. C, March ?,. Repre sentative Moon, of Tennessee, in the house today upbraided the republicans for their failure to enact legislation which, he said, the people demanded. The republican party, he declared, for. more than 40 years has fostered false theories. "You," he said addressing the repub lican side of the house, "have plun dered the treasury when you saw fit; you overturned the rights of states, and sat with your hands upon the neck of the common citizen; you ap peal to none but the power of wealth and monopoly, and yet," he said, "you have successfully run the gamut. "The republicans," he continued, "had fcoled the people not once, not twice, but all the time." If he were compelled to designate the leading characteristics of the republican party he would' say "it is the most sublime, most stupendous fakir in all the his tory of the world." This is the night the baby is to be given away at the Salvation army hall. To Elec S. C. Senator Special to The . . ews. Columbia, S. C, March 3. The house and senate meet at 8 o'clock tonight, in separate session, to ballot for senator to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator Latimer. If the two houses do not give a majority for some person, there will be no election tonight. The two houses meet in joint assembly at noon to morrow and ballot. The matter whether the same person has a ma jority or not tonight, if there is no election on the first joint ballot the ballotting will continue. Representative Frank B. Gary, of Abbeville, is leading candidate, with Senator L. G. Walker, of Georgetown, a close second. Gary's friends claim over sixty votes today and Walker's claim over forty. It takes 83 to elect. It is not like ly that the candidate for the long term will be voted for iff the general assembly for the short term. The election will not, under any circumstances, be decided before to morrow afternoon. "JUST THE PLACE FOR ME! Special to The Xews. Winston-Salem, N. C, March 3. Tobacco manufacturers of Winston-Salem shipped ;:,S29,6i)7 pounds of to bacco during tho 'month of February. This was an increase of more than a . 1.. 1 r.r,- iiiimuu ,uu!tu.- uci ruijiiuuy uvt. The internal revenue stamp sales last month aggregated $229,771.S2. The shipments of manufactured weed con tinues heavy and the indications are that March will show a decided in crease in business over the same month last year. V. VV. C. A. Secretary Arrives. Miss Shaw, the new secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association, arrived in the city last night from Pittsburg, Pa., and entered upon her work today. The board of directors held a meeting this afternoon and ex tended a cordial welcome to the new secreta ry. For Crittenton Home. Mrs. E. C. Briggs, of Charlotte, is in the city in the interest of the wor thy and commendable institution, the Florence Crittenton Industrial Home of North Carolina, located in Charlotte. Mrs. Briggs has been here for several days interviewing the leading citizens and soliciting contributions to the movement in behalf of fallen women. Convict Escape?. George Van Landinghara, the negrc who shot and killed William Perry, also colored, in the eastern part of the city on December 20th last, and who was convicted of manslaughter at the February term of Forsyth superior court and sentenced to the county roads for a term of ten months, made his escape from the camp just before daybreak yesterday. Smith Still ?r. JaiL Jim Smith, of Smithtown, is still in tail in default of that $10,000 bond. He has received letters from relatives and friends since his preliminary trial in Greensboro on the charge of being implicated in the murder of Revenue Ofhcer Hendricks, but no assurance has been given that arrangements will be made to secure his release. His bond must be justified. This, with the large amount, makes it difficult to secure the required amount of bail. Mr. Huggins Goes to Charlotte. Mr. William S. Huggins, of Wilming ton, who has been news editor of the Morning Journal here for several weeks has resigned. He left last night for Charlotte, where he will probably locate. Mr. Huggins won a number of friends during his stay in the Twin City. Will Build New Church. The Methodist Episcopal congrega tion at Kernersville at the morning service on Sunday, raised $1,000 to be used in the construction of a splendid church parsonage. It will be erected on the old Kernersville academy lot or. Main street. Special to The News. Greensboro, N. C, March 3. In the matter of the receivership of the Odell Manufacturing Company, of Concord, and the SEouthern Cotton Mills, of Bessemer City, Judge Boyd this morn ing, on report of the receiver, present ing resolutions adopted at a meeting of creditors and stockholders, held last week, continued the receivership of Mr. Caeser Cone for the Odell Compa ny for six months longer. No limit was fixed for the Southern, as it is un derstood that plans are under consid eration which may result in a satisfac tory arrangement within the next 90 days. BEEEIKRSHPFOR The Platform Suits Taf By Associated Press. Columbus, O., March 3. This af ternoon at 4 o'clock the republican state convention will be called to order for tho nomination of a state ticket, to elect delegates-at-large to the national republican convention and for the purpose of adopting strong resolutions of endorsement of the candidacy of Wm. H. Taft for president. The platform which has already been outlined, will, it is understood, be such as the secretary of war will be willing to stand upon, in the event of his nomination at Chicago. He has seen the original draft of the document and it has also been the subject of discussion between him and President Roosevelt and has in all particulars which concern the nation at large, received the commen dation of both. The plank relating to colored people will declare in favor of giving them all of their legal rights. J. D. Elliott to Be Tried For Contempt of Court Special to The News. Asheville, N. C, March 3. J. D. El liott, of Hickory, N. C. has been cited to apoear before Judge Pritchard in j TT .. . . , . xxt j j ' the United States court on Wednesday' and show cause why he should not be charged with contempt of court for al leged interference with the Seaboard Air Line company at Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. Elliott is a contractor engaged in building a freight terminal for the Seaboard Air Line at Jacksonville, Fla. It is stated that there is now due Mr. Elliott on his contract the sum of $83,725.31, and it was agreed that the contractor should havo $12,500 addi tional to complete the work. The receivers for the Seaboard have reported to Judge Pritchard that Mr. Elliott now claims possession of the property and has failed, or refused to deliver it to the custody of the receiv ers and they ask that he be cited to appear for contempt of court. When the receivers were appointed for the Seaboard Air Line by Judge Pritchard the court made an order re straining all persons from interfering in any manner with the property of the road, and the action of Mr. Elliott is alleged to be in direct violation of the order of the court. Mr. Henry Blount gives an imper sonation of Rip Van Winkle at Tenth Avenue church tonight. Tillman Wants Statement By Associated Press. Washington, Mar 3. Senator Tillman wants to have the comptroller of the currency send to the senate a detailed statement of all the loans made by the national banks in New York city upon collateral security from June 1st to De cember 1st, 1907, with full names of the borrowers, amount of loans and lists of stocks and bonds deposited witNi each loan as collateral security with a statement whether they are time or call loans and whether call loans are made by the executive officers of the banks by an order of the board of directors. The direction to the comptroller of the currency was embodied in a res- olution submitted to the senate today j by Senator Tinman. Rev. J. W. Wheeler, of Dilworth, has heard of the death of his brother, Mr. "John K. Wheeler, of Greensboro Sunday. Governor Glenn Offers Reward hor Capture Of Wife Murderer Alamance Superior Court Did Not Open Yesterday Special to The News. Greensboro, N. C, March 3 Owing to sickness in Judge Webb's family, superior court in Alamance county did not convene yesterday morning. Judge Webb wired Solicitor Brooks that he would not open court Tuesday morning and the solicitor therefore did not leave for Graham as he had expected. At the criminal term here last week, of the thirty-six prisoners in jail await ing trial, thirty-two were convicted. About thirty were taken this morning either to the roads or to the work house. In the case against J. Danenburg, of Goldsboro, who sometime ago was held by the police court, charged with vio lating the prohibition law in placing on sale a soft drink manufactured by him, called "Cubanola." Solicitor Brooks did not send a bill and not only was the case dismissed, but like one against W. L. Helper, of this city, who was charged with retailing the drink. A test by chemists showed that the drink contained less than 2 per cent of alcohol, and the prosecution had to quit. Mr. Danenburg recently had a like victory in Columbus county, and having judicially established the fact that "Cubanola" is a "pure in heart" drink right, he proposes to push its sales and enlarge his Goldsboro factory. z z 1 Lee Must Hang, Says The S. C. Supreme Court Special to The News. Chester, S. C. March 3 The su preme court of South Carolina has af firmed the decision of the circuit court in the case of Gus Lee, convicted at the spring term of court in 1D07. Lee's attorney, W. II. Newbold, ap pealed to the supreme court, but the decision of this court means that Lee will be sentenced at. the spring term of court and hanged. Work on Belt Line. Special to The News. Thorn as ville, N. C.,' March ?,. Work on the belt line is progressing nicely. Already the rails have been laid about half the distance and the trestles along this much of the track have been com pleted. Soon the track will be ballast ed and cars will run over the line as far as completed. Mr: E. R. Preston returned last night, from a business trip to Statesville. Will Inspect N C. Guards Special to The News. Raleigh, N. C, March 3. Capt. A. H. Hugnet, of the United States army, on the part of the war department, L.,. f ,u m-u ( iiilll X-'U1. Oil lliilfllA K)L v v clj v 1., 111- spector general, on the part of the North Carolina National Guard, began today in Raleigh their tour of inspec tion throughout the state, making the annual inspection of tho companies constituting the North Carolina Na tional Guard. The Raleigh company and the Third Regiment band were inspected here. The other appoint ments and dates throughout the state follows: Fayetteville, Tuesday, March 3. Lumber Bridge, Wednesday, March 4. Maxton, Thursday, March 5. Wilmington, Friday, March G. Clinton, Saturday, March 7. Wilson, Monday, March 9. Goldsboro, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 10 and 11. Kinston, Thursday, March 13. Washington, Saturday, March 14. Tarboro, Monday, March 1G. Weldon, Tuesday, March 17. Warrenton, Wednesday, March IS. Oxford, Thursday, March 19. Henderson, Friday, March 20. Louisburg, Saturday, March 21. Franklintcn, Monday, March 23. Durham, Tuesday, March 24. Burlington, Wednesday, March 23. Reidsvilie, Thursday, March 26. Winston-Salem, Friday, March 27. Mt. Airy, Saturday, March 28. Greenboro, Monday March 30. High Point, Tuesday, March 31. Lexington, Wednesday, April 1. Salisbury, Tuesday, April 1. Concord, April 3. Shelby. April 4. Charlotte, April 5 and 7. Statesville, April. 8. Hickory, April 9. Asheville, April, 10 and 11. Waynesville, April 13. Maneuvers of Militia. By Associated Press. Washington, D. C, March 3. The revision of dates heretofore announc ed for the joint maneuvers of the regular coast artillery with the mili tia of the states named in order to get these events within the present fiscal year, is announced at the war department, as follows: Alabama, May 1 to 10; Georgia, May 11 to 20; South Carolina, May 21 to 30; North Carolina, June 1 to 20th. Cedrino Won Race. By Associated Press. Hotel Ormond, Fla., March 3. Cedrina won the 100-mile race for the Minneapolis Cup in 110 minutes, and 20 seconds today. Every Effort Being Made to Capture Man Who Brutally Murdered His Wife With an Axe in Wilson. Southern Sends State Check for $17,500 New Professor at A. & M. Other Capital City News Items. Special to The News. Raleigh, N. C, March 3. Governor Glenn offers a reward of $100 for the arrest of Will Lewis, a white man 60 years old wanted in Wilson county for the murder of his wife with an axe. The reward is at the request of Solic itor C. C. Daniel. It will be remembered that Lewis, after having been drinking heavily, went and murdered his wife with an axe. The murder was one of the most brutal in the history of that county. A reward is also offered for James Lunsford, wanted in Madison county for killing Eli Lunsford. Prof. Newman Chosen. Trof. Charles A. Newman of Clemson college, has been elected to the chair of agriculture of the North Carolina A. & M .college to succeed C. M. Con ner, who became assistant commis sioner of agriculture in the Philippine elands. Mr. Newman is a native of Georgia, and one of the very best men of his profession in the south. He is an authority on cotton growing. New Incorparntions. A charter has been granted to the Goldsboro Union Station company for the purpose of the construction of rail road trackage to connect the union station now being erected there at a jost of $60,000 with each of the three railroads participating; the Atlantic Coast Line, Southern, and Norfolk and Southern. The capitalization of tho company is $15,000 and incorporators, each having 25 shares of stock, are A. B. Andrews, H. W. Miller, C. N. Free man, J. R. Kenly, W. N. Royal and W. R. Sullivan. Southern Pays Cost. A check has been received by Gov ornor Glenn from the Southern Rail way company for the $17,500 that the railroads were to pay to the state un der the passenger rate compromise, recantly ratified by the extra session if the ligislature, this amoant t'r 'e ised in the payment of the costs ot ue litigation that led up to the compro mise. It will be remembered that sev eral bills were introduced in both branches of the legislature directing ;hat this money be not received but leither of them passed. It is estimated that the court costs will be something near $25,000, more than $18,000 hav ing already been paid out by the state. Then there is the cost of the extra session of the legislature to be charg ed up to the passenger rate complica tions. The check is payable to the State of North Carolina and the money will go in the state treasury. Respite Granted. A second respite is granted Robert McDowell, the negro under sentence in McDowell county for killing a pas senger train brakeman, who was aid ing the conductor in compelling the negro and companions to be orderly. This last respite is to March 17 in or der that J. E. Fless, counsel, can have more time to perfect his papers seek ing commutation to life imprisonment, he having been engaged in court the past two weeks. Charged With Rebating. By -associated Press. St. Louis, Mo., March 3. Indict ments charging the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Company with the granting of rebates and the Chapman aTjd Dewey Lumber Com pany of Kansas City, Mo., with ac ceptng rebates, were returned today by the federal grand jury. Suffragettes at Capitol. By Associated Press. Washington, D. C, March 3 Ad vocates of female sufferege were given their annual opportunity to present their pleas to congress today, the presentation to the senate being made before the committee on wo man's suffrage and to the house be fore the judiciary committee. Sena tor Clay, of Georgia, presided over the senate committee. Car of Powder Explodes. By Associated Press. Litchfield, 111., March o. A cargo of powder carried by a freight train on the Big Four exploded while tae train was' running at full speed wo miles from here, lwo men are re ported fatally injured. The train was badly wrecked and several cars burn ed. The concussion shook houses and shattered wmaow ior wmiy miles. To Appoint Public Printer. By Associated Press. Washington, D. C, March 3. It is understood the president has decided to appoint W. S. Rossiter, of New York, to be public printer, to suc ceed Charles S. Stillings, of Massachusetts. m mi I i Mft fa 1 Ml it m I, 1 ! 3 I fLi I I -41 m ii if: fH4 m. 1 Hi '.. 'A- rf El" 4 m i ,Ur

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