THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 5, 1908. Alcohol Where Art 7 hou A Serious Query Ask your doctor if a family medicine, like Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is not vastly better without alcohol than with it. A 9 4T fiuerso arsapaniiai A NON-ALCOHOLIC A Strong Tonic -A Body Builder -A Blood Purifier -A Great Alterative A Doctor's Medicine Ayer's Sarsaparilla 7 A t rree jrom Without Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol With oik Alcohol Without Alcohol Without Alcohol conoi A J I. C. AVER CO., Msnuf-Ttm-in? hemisrs. J.oweil, Mass. Mrs. Muggins "Mrs. Talkalot says she never catches cold because sue. always breathes through her nose."! Mrs. Buggins "That's all right i'orj Mrs. Talkalot. She couldn't breathe! any other way. Her mouth is al ways too busily encased otherwise." j ' I Petition Southern To Restore Oflicer IT DOES THE BUSINESS. Mr. E. E .Chamberlain, of Clinton. Maine, says of Rucklen's Arnica Salve. "It does the business: I have used it for piles and it cured them. Used-it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and it heal ed it without leaving a scar behind." 25c at Wocdall & Sheppard's drugstore. Special to The News. Salisbury. X. C, March 5. The Law and Order League here has petitioned the officials of the Southern Railway to restore Special Officer Siccloff to the position of guardian of the peace at the Salisbury passenger station. Mr. Siceloff is a fearless officer and Jost out only when the Southern de cided to cut off its special officers all over the system this week as a mat ter of economy. It doesn't pay to offer for misplaced confidence. a reward nly One "BROMO QUININE." titel is aritive Mrowm raitu m maim Cures a Cold iz. Om Bar, Crip in 2 Says Rev. McDaniel Preaches Another Sermon, At hirst Baptist Church, of Both Eloquence And Greet Spiritual Power. "God sat in the chair of soltitude before a planet had moved in its orbit, or. a created being had worshipped before His throne. Ho laid the mass of created matter on the anvil of His eternal purpose and every spark that flew from it was a flaming world. Ho created this earth as man's abode. After he had piled up the hills with His hand, and embedded the rivers in their sides, and spread a carpet of verdure over the earth; after He had made the fish that swim the sea, the birds that fly the air, and the beasts that roam the forests, last and great est of all He made man, the monarch, the crowning glory of creation. And God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a liv ing soul." Thus opened the sermon of Rev. Dr. George W. McDaniel, of Richmond. Va., to the large audience in the First Baptist church last night, and the talk which followed was net only eloquent and beautiful in diction, but of great spiritual depth and earnestness. The speaker chese as his text the ninth verse of the third chapter of Genesis: "And the Lord Cod said unto the man, Where are thou?" "In Eden, man's first home," con tinued Mr. McDaniel,- in part, "beauti ful flowers bloomed on every hand, I feathered songsters filled the air with their carols; every comfort was his, every means of happiness surrounded him. But in man's heart there was, nevertheless, an aching void; he was alone. Therefore the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon him, and from a rib in his side created woman a gentle, sinless woman God's high est thought, and best gift to man. And such she has proved unfailingly to be all the ages since. "God gave the pair to eat of every tree in the garden save one. The devil, Avho was the first higher critic, tempted them to taste of this tree of knowledge, of good and evil, and they fell. Their Creator then drove them forth from the garden forever, lest they might eat of the tree of life and become immortal in their sin. "God's first question to man was, 'Where are thou?' His second, 'Where is thy brother?' And these two ques tions he has put to every human being, in this their logical order, ever since. Two responsibilities rest upon us all: first, that of our own soul ; then that of our brother's. "There are said to be four men under each man's hat; the man. as he sees himselt, the man as his friends see him, the man as the world sees him, and the man as God sees him. It is to the real man, the man as God sees him, that this solemn question comes: J 'Where art thou?" "This congregation is made up of! three classes, the church-members, the 1 backsliders, and the unconverted. Where art thou, church-member? Does a life of pleasure allure you? Remem ber the nleasures nt sin are evanes cent. I 'Pleasures are, like poppies spread, You seize the bloom, the flower is shed; Or, like the snow-flake in the river, A moment white then melts forever.' The church-member who is immersed in the pleasures of the world is chas-. ing a will-o'-the-wisp to sheer destruc tion. "If any man love the world, the iove of the Father is not in him.' "Some church-members unblushingly live in open sin, unrebuked by the voice of the church's discipline. Others revel in sins hidden from the eye of their fellow-man. These do not form a possible field fcr a work of grace. It would be an easier task to cannonade Gibraltar with pop-guns, than to con duct a revival in such a church. "Where art thou, church-member? Ave you fn the habit of trying to save the unsaved? Have you been instru mental in bringing any to Christ? It is told that a young Christian woman dreamed that she went to heaven, and there met the Saviour biinging her her Crown of Life. To her surprise, His cheeks were wet with tears, as He Every CTUr HI .- r-- - -nrJrr--- u . - . , m 1-3 ZiRIAflKjA OD WW mm ta aw v FeuUA Wm H 33 .Ufa Hi 1 Is I D I a JRM m v.. ft- Ida 1 El r ri b w w -vxr MlJlllll 1 Sswsfe OiricRIv Heals F Fami y Medicine Shelf ought to contain ;5 -a senoid mrwm which is a bottle cf oiler's Antiseptic Healing (Made by Paris Medicine Co , Ft. of Laxative Bromo Quinine,' o. Chill Tonic and other Standard Relieves Pain reve ?2 The Only Household Surgical Dressing. Old Sores, Burns, Granulated Eyelids, Running Sores, Boils, Scald HeWl, Fever Sores, Carbuncles, Scalp Diseases, All Druggists refund money if it fails to cur. Chronic, Catarrh, Eczema, Sore Throat, Skin Diseases, Throat Troubles, Bites & Stint This is a positive, lived-up-to guarantee and applies to all cases no matter of how- long standing If vc hasn't DR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL, he will get it for you from a Wholesale Druio Durham township Trr.-ii tt.i j n v w ill i i "J i t t n -w- i i 1 1 1 i . i ' i y r -i -i - - " wxxx v ?e cls.e on No, Maude, dear. SchOOl at THnitv a,7hi 1 ; L lu''vnmI)S 011 1 sarily follow i The state has loaned Durham mmt v-,400 for the building and imnrove ment of schools. Two schools wi1! be erected from this fund during the summer. I For the Benefit and Convenience I J of Our Patrons, we are now ao oo oso For a mm Qnu Mini m onu Qim f I q 1 Yojr Orders I o I solicited I 8 ALSO o j ' f I AIND q placed it upon her brow. 'Alas!' said He, 'there are no stars in your crown.' Church-member, will there be any stars in your crown? "Where art thou? If this question j could grip the souls cf the church-j members present, really impress itself i upon their hearts and consciences, the rooms in which the prayer services for this revival are held would be crowded, and results would be obtained which would tell in eternity. The salvation of these unconverted, and the success of this meeting depends upon your ef forts, church-member. "Where art thou, backslider? You were converted, possibly, in the little home-church before coming to Char lotte. It was a bright and beautiful day, a joyful experience, one that can never be forgotten. The memories of childhood's home are so indellibly traced on the mind and heart that nothing could erase them. You feel if you could only return to that home, your Christian life would once more be what it was and ought to be. But you came away to a different atmo sphere and a changed environment. You did not bring jour church letter with you to your new home. Growing cold yourself,' you imagined that all the world was growing, cold likewise. "It is worse than foolish to attempt to lead the Christian life, without being connected, actively, with some church. Bring your church letters with you to your new homes; yon will find them sure anchors in a time of trouble, in every storm of life. In this regard, a Catholic fool is a fool in a cage; a Methodist fool is a fool with strings on him; a Presbyterian fool is a fool i under restrictions; but a Baptist fool is i a fool at large, and the biggest fool of j them all. I "A little girl was once rummaging j in her mother's trunk and, finding what was to her a curious document, ran to her parent with the cry: 'Oh, mother, I've found jour religion in your trunk!' Don't leave your religion in your trunk. j or m j'our home-church, miles and miles away, but allow it to be near enough to you to be a vital factor in j-our daily lives. "If you were going on a journej you would not fail to tell a dear friend farewell. And yet you leave Jesus Christ, j-our best friend, without a word. You slipped away from Him, jt HKe a coward, m tne snaaows ana darkness. You backsliders are in just as miserable a state as the sinner un der conviction of his sin. Yet some of the most precious promises in script ure ars addressed to you. 'Return unto me, and I will heal your backsliding.' "Where are thou, unconverted sin ner? God misses you. The text was first uttered when God was searching for our first parents after their sin. In spite of jour sin which grives Him, God loves you and wants your co operation. The question 'Where art thou?' is not that of an angry police man with a club, looking for a crim inal, but that of a loving father, grieved because his child has gone astray. Realize and appreciate the unselfish love of God's people and the unbounded love of God. Come back t Him. Make answer to His question, Where art thou? 'Here am I.' " His numerous friends will be glad to learn that Dr. Hulten has so far recov ered from his recent illness as to be able to take part in tonight's services. Dr. McDaniel will deliver a sermon each night until next Wednesday. Two young men professed accept ance of Christ last night, and many asked to be prayed for. The deep in terest which is being aroused was unmistakably evidenced in the hearti ness with which the entire congrega tion sang the- familiar hymns used. "How Firm a Foundation." "There is a Fountain Filled With Blood," and "Alas! and Did My Saviour Bleed," stirred the congregation to its depths, and scarcelj- one failed to join in. Special to The News. Durham, N. C, March 5. At a meet ing of the county board of education in Durham Tuesday it was decided to hold a summer school at Trinity Col lege beginning Monday, June 15th, and closing Friday, June 29th. It was also decided at the meeting of the board that all the schools in The Ladies' Auxiliary will meet in the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation parlors tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. that a ' is also light on her !' ?:. Some people don't ;. ting off till tomorrow able things they can .-,) lav. A $7.59 set of stocl onim-! per ware given away fnv Majestic Range ordered Many people are taking inlvris tnis otter. Don t get kl; Hdw. Co. I OFFICE OF THE 2i0 IV. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. E30S ms2 I TO THE PUBLIC: With the opening of the 51st Saries this Institution com pletes its existence of a quarter of a century; twentyifive years how easy to say it but oh! how many things have trans pired in the lives of each of us many shareholders in this institution have been born since, grown to man, or woman's estate, and are respected citizens of this community; and. how many cares and perplexities have we, its officers encountered m the management of this to us sacred trust. But we point with pride to our achievements and give them to the public hereby "Multum in Parvo" We have handled during this time $6,000,00C We have made nearly 3,000 loans. We have paid off to matured shareholders $2,500,000. We have earned for the shareholders in profits nearly $500,000 We have loaned out at this time nearly $850,000. Our last year's transactions amounted to $1,100,000. All these vast sums handled at an expenditure on current business of less than 1 per cent. We Have Not Lost One Cent, Either By Bad Loans, or Otherwise. 10 YOU THE PUBLIC As our jurors, we tender the case. fe3 Arrange for Convention tn, rfV 0-tt " jr. m piia uii iviiinaay, iviarc and the first payment has to be made Saturday the 7th Tndi.mannlis Tml March 5. The members of the democratic state com-j raittee of Indiana gathered at the Grand hotel this afternoon and went in to session behind closed doors to dis cuss the finai arrangements for the state convention, which is to be held here the latter part of the month. Chairman Stokes Johnson, of the state committee, presided over the meeting. u I The books are now open at our office, No, 207 North Tryon Street Bespeaking tor this institution your continued favor, we extern to you the greetings of the management. R. E COCHRANE, Sec. and Treas, S. WITTKOWSKY, President February 23, 1908 T: ('-

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