V t THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 9, 1908, U. C. T's. Hear Fine Talks Continued from page 5 mitting me to share your hospitality this evening. I wish your oganiza tion continued growth and influence. In the absence of Mr. E. R. Preston, president of the Greater Charlotte Ciub, Mr. W. T. Corwith, the club's secretary, was asked to speak. His subject was "Why commercial travel ing men make good boosters for a city." "Because there is no better means of advertising than by personal words,' said Mr. Corwith. "It is more valuable than letters or literature. The house the traveling man represents recog nizes this fact and that is why he sends salesmen to all parts of the world to sell his goods. I have a warm feeling for the man who carries the grip, for I traveled once and I know what a traveling man can do far a com munity. The people feel his inlluence, mid they recognize the fact that he has influence. lie comes in contact with things that a man of their own community cannot know of. He meets men everywhere, in hotels and in trains, and he says a good word for his home town he says the right thing at the right time and at the right place."' Mr. T. Edgar Harvey's address on "The Commercial Traveler and the part he plays in the world of com merce,' was one of more than ordinary interest. It follows: The Commercial Traveler and the Part He Flays in the Wcrld cf Commerce. "The American drummer is tht motive power of the wheels of com merce. He is the life-blood 01 American commercial life. "Did you ever stop to think what stupendous figures must be employee to estimate their work? "I never realized what an import ant part the American drummers play in the world of commerce until, after a very careful and painstaking investigation. I secured the following statistics, whicn figures are almost past belief - and comprehension. "The drummers draw the largest salaries of any class of hired men in America except the president 01 the United States. Senators and Congressman draw each $5,000 a year, and there art thousands of drummers who draw much larger salaries than they. "Some few railroad presidents draw $50,000 annually, but they are stockholders and not strictly hired men. "All the drummers combined draw more money in salaries than all the combined forces of any other class of men under the sun. "There are 500.000 drummers in America today, and to put their av t-rr.ge daily salaries at $4 per clay, which i? a very low average, they are paid $2,000,000 every day, or $ti. 00,000,000 yearly. "All the presidents of the United States, at 50,000 annual salaries, would only draw 500,000,000 in 10'. years time, just a little pocket change that the drummers of America draw in two days and a half. "All the congressmen and senators combined, at $5,000 annually, only draw $2,500,000 a year, or $250,000, 000 in every hundred years less thai: one-half of what the drummers draw in only one year. "If 50,000 bank presidents draw each $3,000 annually their combined salaries would amount to 5250,000,001. less than one-half that the drummers draw in the same length of time. "The drummers draw $C00,000,00(. salaries every year, and spend 3100, 000,000 more in their expense ac counts; circulate one round billion dollars every year. "We pay hotels 5250,000,000 an nually. "They pay to jailroads $200,000,0 annually and spend $50,000,000 for individuals, rarely ever itemized. "The world talks about a billion dollar congress that means two ses sions and appropriations for t.vr years. The drummers spend a bill ion dollars every year and never feei it. "Five hundred millions is supposed to run the United States govern ment, with all its expenses, ample every year, while the drummer? spend that much every six months. "The gross earnings of all the rail roads in America are put at $2,00(3, 000,000 annually. Their net earnings at 4 per cent amount to $80,000,00' profit. The drummers sell $9,000,000, 000 every year, which represents tht gross earnings for their respective firms. At 2 per cent net profit, they would make their net earnings $180, 000,000 $100,000,000 at 2 per cent more than all the railroads make at 4 per cent. "I can take the salaries of all the drummers in the United States for one year, combine it in one mighty trust and make Morgan look like 3(. cents. I could take it and buy al the railroad stock that the Vander bilts, Goulds and Hills could carry to save their combined interests, ano 1 could buy Rockefeller and every coal oil can in the world. I believe I could take it and intimidate Mrs. Chadwick with a dozen millionaires on her note. "The assessed wealth of America is estimated at $80,000,000,000, and i they sell $9,000,000,000 annually they sell all the combined wealth ol America out, lock, stock and barrel every nine years. "There are 200,000 miles of single railroad track in the United States, and if it costs $25,000 a mile to build it and $25,000 a mile to equip it. the value of all the railroads ir America would be $10,000,000,000. The salaries and expense accounts of the traveling men of America conic be taken for one year and with it bought one-tenth interest in all the railroads, and in ten years the railroads could he actually owned. "And the drummers draw more sal aries annually in America as drum mers than the standing armies of the round, round world would cost in the same length of time. "The drummers are the highest 5 THE WEATHER. Forecast for Charlotte and Vicinity. Rain and colder tonight. Tuesday fair, colder. State Forecasts. Washington, D. C, March 9 For North Carolina and South Carolina: Rain and colder tonight and Tues day. Variable winds becoming fresh northerly. Weather Conditions. Pressure is high this morning over npnrlir thp wVinln rnnntrv. Centers of high barometer are over Florida, Kan sas and Wyoming. Between the Flor ida and Kansas high pressure areas there is a trough of relative low pressure, and rain has fallen over the Middle Atlantic States, lower Lake region and the Middle and Lower Mississippi valley. Elsewhere over the country generally fair weath er has prevailed during the past 21 hours. Temperatures are 10 degrees to 20 degrees above nomal over the Atlantic and Gulf States. Over the central valleys and the Slope region they are below normal, and minimum temperatures cf zero or below oc curred this morning in Minnesota. Indications are for cloudy and colder weather in the vicinity of Charlotte tonight, with rain probable. Tuesday will be fair and colder. W. J. BEXX7TT, Observer. livers in the world and the biggest money spenders on the globe, be cause they live on the best going and always buy the best that can be found. "The drummers are world builders and ball rollers, and they are al ways busy." "That these figures arc facts in in controvertible. Other good speeches were made by Mr. George Stephens, president of the American Trust Company, on "The Banker and the Commercial Traveler;" T?ov. Harris Mallinckrodt on "The True Johnston and Mr. W. M. Lyles. jj BY THE a Money est Citizen When one determines to save a portion of his income whether it be large or small, and lives up to it, he begins to feel that he is a factor in the business and social life of the community. MOST OF THE SUBSTANTIAL MEN OF TODAY attribute their success to the habit of saving acquired in early life. ONE DOLLAR WILL START AN ACCOUNT lin our Savings Department on which interest will be allowed at the rate j of four per cent, per tinntim com-pounded quarterly. Deposits made between now and March 5th will bear interest from 1st March. Commercial National - Bank we urrer on wesc rourth Street Fine B n. Close in9 Located on Corner -49x198 Feet Now is the time to buy as the trend of business is j,, ,i tion and higher prices will prevail in the near future. for further information. 1 t ti al 111 Southern Real Estate, Loan & Many of the readers of this have received through the mails a small card blotter on which is printed a suggestion regarding Savings Accounts for children. A Sweet Love Song. Xcxt Sunday's World will contain the words and music of "Dear Heart," as originally produced in the great Broadway musical comedy success, "A Knight for a Day," now appearing at Wallack's Theatre New York. Beauti ful cover design drawn exclusively for this music by Pcnryn Stanlaws, the well-known pen-and-ink artist. Order next Sunday's New York World today. SOCIAL Mrs. Bouton and Miss Smithers. of ""nbridce. Mass., arc stopping at the Selwyn hotel for a fev,r days en route North from Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Bouton is a Daughter of the American Revolution and a Colonial Dame. Durr ing her stay in Charleston, and in Col umbia, S. C., she was the recipient of much social attention and qtiite a num ber of courtesies. Miss Sarah Virginia Young left this morning for Davidson College to spend .i few days. Mr. James Osborne Moore, of Wells town, Ohio, is spending a few days in Charlotte with relatives. He is broth er of Miss Minnie Moore and Mrs. Frank Shannonhouse. Prominent Georgian Here. Major W. G. Reed, of Savannah, Ga., is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Wal ter W. Watt. Major Reed fought all through the "real war," as another gallant old confederate the late Po liceman Jo Orr called it, and has a record that any son of the south might point to with pride. Major Reed will be in Charlotte for a week or so. An intelligent understanding of the saving and proper use of money is one of the underlying principles of good citizenship, and the understanding may be best acquired by the actual handling of money on some sys tematic plan. Help some child to kcey a a Savings Account. It is a prac tical way to install some prin ciples of character that will be of life-long value. :: WTe lend Home Savings Banks to children who can put in the small amounts at home and, when a sufficient sum has been saved bring the little Bank to us and make a deposit. Offer For Bent The following well-located modern houses: No. 8 South Davidson Street, nine rooms $30.00 Corner Liberty & Brevard, seven rooms $22.50 East Grade near Brevard St., seven rooms $20.00 East Seventh St. Ext.. Piedmont Park, six rooms $22.50 Traders Land Company P. M. BROWN, President. MORRIS E. TROTTER, Vice Pres. JNO. BASS BROWN, Secty-Treas. Capital, $75,000. W. S. ALEXANDER, President. R. A. DUNN, Vice President. Surplus, $iCC,CCQ a. m. Mcdonald a Trei- t t Offices in the Trust Building FOR RENT One 4-room house Belmont,- near Graded School, per week $1.25; one 4-room house 21st, city water, per week, 2.00; one 4-room house North Brevard St., on car line, near Swift's Refinery, fine location, per week, $2.50; one large hall Xortn Charlotte, per mo. $10.00. W. G. SHOEMAKER, 227 N. Trycn. 'Phone 306 CARIBOW PRUNES. Large, sweet prunes and only 12 l-2c. per pound. Include some in your next order and see what fine fruit you will get. Also Caribow evaporated peach es 13 cts per pound. L. L. SARRATT, 'Phone 1C3. 309 N. Tryon St. real estate; for sale $4000 For seven room two story house, slate roof, with all modern conveniences, near Elizabeth College, high nice location, large lot. A bargain at above price. $2500 For five-room cottago, corner Clarkson and "West Fourth streets, house perfectly new, never been occupied, storm sheeted, double floors, metal roof, walls beautifully tinted, gas and city wrater. $1S50 For five-room cottageEast Oak street, on shady side, house recently papered and painted and in first class condition, good size lot. J. E. MURPHY 5c COMPANY 43 N. Tryon. 'Phone 842. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $300,000.00 "THE SQAURE DEAL." rs a Phrase Which is Popular Nowadays. We Apply it to Banking Methods. t t t t 1 0i3n bill We offer for sale on principal street in most rayi llv section of city a piece of business and residence proper! 10 3-10 on the amount invested. Lot fronts 92 feet on street running back 39S feet, and has frame store, dweilir, tc:,. ement houses and large barn on premises. The Charlotte Trust and Realty Gcmnanv Phone 377 w. CAPITAL $200,000.00. A. G. Craig, Secretary, Chambers, Treasure 1R P TrnHn r. I U Li I IGu'j 0ST FUL SUBUII ELIZABETH AVENUE The building fever has struck Elizabeth Avenue, and a numb,-.;- ,,r !Ki:i,. some residences wrill be built at once. It will be only a short tiuu. v.-'i'k - it will be the handsomest avenue in the city. We have, for ;nick s-W'' i u the shady side, four hundred (400) feet. See us for prices and luf VK,,j 'Phone No. 535. Brown & Phone 535. 23 N. Trycn 8t B. D. OFFICERS: Heath, President; John M. Scott, Vice Pres.; J. H. Little, Vice Pres. W. H. Twitty, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. H. Belk, Jno. G. Bryce, W. J. Cham bers, J. M. Davis, B. TX Heath, O. P. Heath, H. G. Link; Vinton Liddell, J. H. Little, W. M. Long, W. O. Nisbet, C. M.' Patterson, H. N.Pharr, J. F. Robertson, Jno. M. Scott, W. H. Twitty, C. Valaer, W. A. Watson, J. W. Zimmerman. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! We have reduced the price of White Frost Flour to $2.S0. We have a large stock of canned goods of all kinds. Peavine Hay, Straw. Cotton Seed 11 Ullt UI1U .'1 V 11. tl 11(1 111" j I -' i. I . J J- J . t Irish Potatoes. Everything guaran-' teed. J. T. MULLIS & CO. 'Phone 510. 42 N. Colleqe St Mr. John S. McDonald, formerly with Mullen's Pharmacy, returned to Greensboro this morning after spend ing several days in the city. Hook "Skinnum boasts that he be lieves in doing the greatest good to the greatest number." Nye "Yes, and he regards number one as the greatest number." IN BIRDLAND The Royal Today and Tomorrow Experienced Machine Hands, Good Wages, Steady Employment. The Charlotte ClothingMfg. Co, Corner Tryon and Fourth Sts. BUSINESS BUILDERS GROUtRb ASPARAGUS WTe have some of the Sunbeam brand of Asparagus, tho finest Cali fornia Asparagus grown. S. R. LENTZ, 'Phone 251. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. 20c BUYS A 25c Genuine Norway No. 2 Mackerel from us today. White, tender, fat and jui cy. You are still in time, but hurry! MILLER VAN-NESS CO. Lenton Delicacies a Specialty. THE FINEST QUALITY Mountain Buckwheat Flour 7 lbs. for 25c. This is :i l-2c lb. which is a very low price. Apples 3.rc peck. Butter on ice. BRIDGERS & CO., 203 W. Trade. DRUGGISTS SOAP! 'Phone us and call for any of the Stan dard Brands. Ve can supply you. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 26 South Tryon. 120 EGG INCUBATOR, $10.00. 173-Egg Incubarotor, $12.50; 240-Egg Incubator, $15.00. Gauarnteed for five years. Brooders ?r.r0, SG.50 and $7.50 each. These prices are delivered in Charlotte. Ask us. DILWORTH DRUG STORE, 'Phone 247. B. S. Davis. MISCELLANEOUS RENTAL TYPEWRITERS Largest stock of first class typewriters to be found in the state all makes, for rent by the day, week, month or longer. Each typewriter kept nicely cleaned, properly oiled and adjusted; will rent you a first class typewriter at same price other charge for second hand one. JONES The Typewriter Man. SPRING IS HERE Have your Spring Clothes made by Henry Miller, Jr., the Tailor. Now is your chance to get a $25.00 suit made for $1.00. For particulars call and see me. Also have your clothes pressed at $1.50 per month. Up stairs, over Burwell & Dunn Drug Co. 'Phone 1403. HENRY MILLER, JR., The Tailor. ROOFING I will tear off tho old shingles and put on a new tin roof for you at about the cost of a new shingle roof. A tin roof is better and gives you cheaper insurance. Ask for estimates. C. F. SHUMAN LYNN HAVEN BAY OYSTERS All seasonable game and delicacies cooked and served in the best style at THE GEM RESTAURANT, E. F. Creswell, Proprietor. SMALL SUMS saved soon grow and earn interest all the time. Protect yourself and little ones by opening an account in our "Savings Bank." "HAVE MONEY IN THE BANK." We pay 4 per cent and compound it four times a year. Southern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. President. W. L. JENKIN S, Cashier. REAL LSIAfS- FOR QUICK SALE. One vacant lot N. Graham St.; 10G acre farm 3 miles Derita road; 50 '2 acre farm 4 miles, ?2000; 13-acre farm 4 miles, new 2-rooni house, $1300; 11 acre farm, 9 miles, at Crofts, $G50; 5 room cottage, close in S3100. N. J. SHERRiLL, Of Sherrill Mineral Springs Co. 'Phone 91S. FOR RENT Modern 5-room cot tage, E. 10th, $20; modern 7-room house, Worthington ave., Dilworth, $20; 4-room house, E. 6tn, near Myers, $S; 7-room, new house, D and 5th St., $25; houses for colored people in wards One and Four. Real Estate bought, sold and exchanged. E. L. KEESLER, 'Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon St. W00U 'PHONE 370 FOR WOOD, Coal and Terra Cotta Pipe. We keep a stock of Fire-proof Flue Pipe and Fire-proof Lining. C. DQWD & CO. Phone 370. 222 East 8th St. BEST ON THE MARKET. "Minorr"-' brand kernelled Corn 15c; Toriatoes 15c and 17c; dainty Lima Beans, 20c; small Sweet Peas, 20c; dainty Wax Beans, 20c; Blackberries, 30c; Red Cher rie, 30c; Salad Dressing, 25c; Catsup, 15c. W. M. CROWELL, 305 W. Trade St. Phone 744 and 297. 8 S. Davidson St., 9 rooms, mod ern conveniences $30.00 E. 7th St. Ex., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $22.50 Grade St, 7 rooms, modern con veniences $20.00 6-rocm cottage, electric lights, 5 acres land Providence Road, opposite Myers Park 1G.6G Providence road, 4 rooms 10.00 Craighead Park, 4 rooms 8.00 W. 8th St., 4 rooms.. 7.00 918 N. Caldwell St., 6 rooms.. 12.50 Villa Heights, 4 rooms, per week i.5o tiROWN & CO. lPhone 535. 203 N. Trvon St. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 100 rental machines, all makes, ready for instant delivery. Every machine first class in every particular. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. 217 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 304. FOR- R.ENT G-room, 306 East 9th, (March 15th) $20.00 house 715 N. Brevard $15.00 house 300 So. Myers $15.00 house 512 W. Hth $12.00 house 701 So. A 10.00 house 1011 N. Caldwell ; 8 50 house 311 E. Sth, per week $ 2 25 house 502 N. A., per week S 1 50 house 704 East 3rd., per week 1 5Q house 4 N. Allen, (Belmont), per week .: $150 house 317 So. Cedar, per week " J5Q house 311 So Cedar, per week k i 40 house West 4th, near Cedar,per week $ j'Z5 house, 306 East 14th, per week '' house, Groveton, per week $ 1.00 room 934 N. Caldwell, per week - i J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. 'Phone 589. jM EIIEEJ 219 N. Tryon. D. Roeiiefeiier still has the little book in which he kept account cf every penny when his salary was smaller than that of any of the 25,000 men who work for him today. He "saved" his money. Are you saving? Ve would appreciate your account and pay 4 per cent, interest. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The Merchants & Farmers National M ft -4 GEO. E. WILSON, President. JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President. X W. C. W ILK I NSOI4, Cashier. PUTT I 1 1 I Five houses wrell located, close in, on car line. Ren for $:o.i!'t I? per annum. Can be bought on easy terms if taken at once. Our gj price for a few days is $3250.00. ill W ILJU? i I YiL,i lbs Ifu rtnmn if W i W. D. WILKINSON, Manager. B. R. Lee, Secy. J. P. Long, Sales Agent. No. 5 West 5th St. 'Phone 609. 1 8 First National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. 0. Organized 18G5 Capital $300,000.00 I Surplus and Profits $2i5;0u0.00 Your Business Solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent ilii 'i , i .r- S af e Banking. fS232EE5E uggiyuni any imm i FOR. SALE Modern fi-room 5-room 8-room 4-room 4-room 4-room 4-room 4-room ! 4-room 4-room 3-room 3-room 3-room 3-room 1 store iy2 miles from Independence Square. Beautiful buildings sit' acres up to 30 acres. Prices from $2 50 to S100 per acre, easy Our lots in North Charlotte at $250 to $100 continue to best investment proposition on the market. W. T. Wilkinson & Company Large Trade Street Lot. 99x200. Large Tryon Street Lot 99x198. Large Church Street Lot 99xl9S. Large Fourth Street Lot 75x190. Large Rail Road Site 450 ft. on R. R. F. C. Abbott & Compan HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENTS "EVERYTHING IN REAL E5taTE' J I