1 HE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 11, 1908, 12 News From J he Capitol Supreme Court Hears Argument in Case of North Carolina vs. Young's Report, Special to The News. Raleigh, N. C, March 11. During February there was sold in North Caro lina, according to the report of the state department cf agriculture just issued. ,1 10,913.243 pounds of loose leaf tobac co, as compared with 10,021,392 pounds during January. The sales first hand for February were 9,320,500 pounds against 9,144, 213 pounds for January, first hand. Winston-Salem again leads, her Feb . ruary sales being 2. 827,792 pounds, pounds. Durham sold 54, COG; Kinston 1S2.7G3 pounds. The town of Dunn is at the foot oi tli3 column with 6.416 pounds. Morehead City Camp. Adjutant General T. R. Robertson, of the Norlh Carolina National Guard issued today an order to the quarter master general to proceed at once to put in order the state guard camp ground at Morehead City, providing light and water and sewerage plants. all necessary buildings and storehous os, this work to be ready if possible for the encampments and rifle range prac tices to be held during the coming summer. No dates have been discussed for the encampments this year. With Supreme Court. The supreme court today heard argu ment for the retaxing of tosts in the famous case of the State vs. Southerr. Railway Company, from Wake, in which Judge Long fined the Southern $30,000 for violating the 2 1-4 cem passenger rate act, the finding of the court having been overruled later b the supreme court. The arguments today as to the taxing of costs was by attorney general for the state and W. B. Rodman for the railroad company. It is expected that the arguments from the sixth district will be completed to morrow, when the appeal in Watson trustee for W. W. Mills, bankrupt, vs. Proximity Mills, Greensboro, involving .$30,000, will be heard. Also corpora tion commission vs. Southern railway from Wake, which involves one dollar demurrage claimed by Hartward Hard ware Company, Raleigh. The plaintin Avon in the courts below after a week's trial. The Southern brings into ques tion the constitutional rights of the corporation commision in several vital branches of its duties, hence the im portance of the appeal which it is ex pected will go to the United States su preme court before it is ended. Commissioner Your.g's Report. Commissioner of Insurance J. R Young pays to the state treasurer $5v 671.13, collections of the department for February, this being the largest col lection for any month in the history ol the department. Funeral of Mr. Darnell. The funeral of Mr. Thomas Darnell, a wel-known photographer here, was conducted this afternoon at 4:0. He died yesterday, aged 83 years. He came here four years ago from Mary land and was highly esteemed. The Rev. Crater Declines Call. Rev. A. A. Crater, of Wake Forest, has declined the call extended to him to become pastor of the West Raleigh Baptist church. He has accepted a call to Gates ville, Gates county. "H-H-H-H $ J. THE WEATHER. jjjj2 Forecast for Charlotte ar.d Vicinity. Cloudy and warmer tonight and Thursday. Probably rain. State Forecasts. Washington, D. C, March 11. For North Carolina: Partly cluody proba bly rain and warmer tonight and Thursday. Fresh variable winds. For South Carolina: Rain tonight, Thursday fair. Fresh variable winds, Tale of Horror And Hardship By Associated Press. New York, March 11. A tale of hor ror and hardship at sea was brought by William Kuplman, a season, and one of the six survivors of the crew oi' the American ship Tillie K. Starbuck, w hich was abandoned last August more than 1,000 mils of the Pacific coast of South American. He and his companion were rescued by a British ship, after drifting about in the open sea for eight weeks, and were placed in a hospital at Valpa 1 aiso. No word had been received from another boat that put off from the Starbuck. VVeather Conditions. The area of high pressure central Tuesday morning ever Kentucky has moved eastward to the North Caro lina coast. Another area of high pressure appears over Texas, and a third over Wyoming. Rain has fallen over the Gul States, the lower Mis sissippi valleys, and Georgia and South Carolina; elsewhere over the country the weather has been general ly fair. An area of low pressure lias moved from Montana eastward over Lake Superior, and has caused warmer weather over the Lake re gion, and the upper valleys of the Mississippi and Missouri. Tempera tures do not differ greatly from normal this morning in any part of the country. Indications are for cloudy and warmer weather in the vicinity of Charlotte tonight and Thursday, with occasional rains prob able. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. Brownsville Trouble Up . I I BY THE 1 i rs iai a a &a sa g Best Citizens When one determines to save a portion of his income whether it be large or small, and lives up to it, he begins to feel that he is a factor in the business and social life of the community. MOST OF THE SUBSTANTIAL MEN OF TODAY attribute their success to the habit of saving acquired in early life. . ONE DOLLAR WILL START AN ACCOUNT ! in our Savings Department on whieli interest will be allowed at the rate of four per cent, per annum com-pounded quarterly. . Deposits made between now and March 5th .will bear interest from 1st March. Commercial National Bank By Associated Press. Washington, D. C, March 11. m connection with the report of the sen ate committee on military affairs on the Brownsville riot, made to the sen ate today, the president transmitted a message in which he said the facts set forth in his order dismissing the negro soldiers has been substantiated b ythe tetimony before the committee. He recommended in his message that time for reinstatement of the discharg ed soldiers, .which had expired, be ex tended for a year in order to permit the president to reinstate any of the lischarged men who did not fall within the terms of dismissal. Senator Warren presented the report i of the committee on behalt ot the ma jority, and Senator Forakcr the views ?f the minority. There were four reports from the -ommittoe, the majority being signed by Senators Warren, Lodge, Warner OuPont, Taliaferro, Foster, Overman, rrazier and McCreary. The minority eport was signed by Senators Forakcr, Scott, Bulkley and Hemenway. The majority report found that in the oninion of the committee the shoot ing was done by some of the soldiers belonging to the 25th infantry; that the testimony fails to identify the par ticular soldier or soldiers who partici pated in the affray. It is stated Hint there is consider able contradiction in the testimony, but that, taken as a whole, and recon ciling it wherever possible, it proves the case outlined in the majority decis ion. , , Senator Foraker's report declares that the testimony of eye-witnesses against the negro soldiers is not relia ble and that no motive for their alleg ed connection with the affray has been hown; that testimony is contradic tory and not sufficient to sustain the charge and that weight of evidence shows none of the negro soldiers par ticipated in the affray. A sm-mlemental report by Warren, 3 Lodge and Warner declares under the evidence it is not reasonable to oeneve all the soldiers were concerned and recommended the restoration of tliej innocent ones. 1 Senator Scott takes the position that it has been impossible to ascertain who did the shooting" and recommends that the negro soldiers be restored. Many of the readers of this have received through the mails a small card blotter on which is printed a suggestion regarding Savings Accounts for children. An intelligent understanding of the saving and proper use of money is one of the underlying principles of good citizenship, and the understanding may be best acquired by the actual handling of money on some sys tematic plan. :3: Help some child to keen a a Savings Account. It is a prac tical way to install some prin ciples of character that will be of life-long value. We lend Home Savings Banks to children who can put in the small amounts at home and, when a sufficient sum has been saved bring the little Bank to us and make a deposit. TO LET Store or shop room about 16 by 60, No. 2S East Fifth St $15.00 Eight-room modern house, splendid neighborhood, close in.. 30.00 Modern suburban house, Piedmont Park, six rooms 22.50 Seven-room house near South Graded School, all conveniences 22.50 Six-room house East Grade Street . 20.00 Five-room new cottage, Worthington Ave., Dilworth, modern, 16.67 Six-room house with large lot, suitable for two small families, 10.00 Four-room cottage, Fourth Ward 6.00 Traders Land Company P. M. BROWN, President. MORRIS E. TROTTER, Vice Pres. JNO. BASS BROWN, Secty-Treas. We Offer on West Fourth Stpw If" i iri 5i 33 I lit Close in, Located on Corner 49xlQS Feet Now is the time to buy as the trend of bushier , ion and higher prices will prevail in the near future. . ." li; p" 'or further information. 4 1 1 "i:3 Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust f Capital, $75,000. W. S. ALEXANDER, President. R. A. DUNN, Vice President. Surplus, $!co,CQf! a. m. Mcdonald, Sec. rinrl t Offices In the Trust Building ASPARAGUS We have some of the Sunbeam brand of Asparagus, the finest Cali fornia Asparagus grown. REAL ESTA TB FOR SALE $4000 For seven room two story house, slate roof, with all modern conveniences, near ELzabetli College, high nice location, large lot. A bargain at above price. $2500 For five-room cottage, corner Clarkson and West Fourth streets, house perfectly new, never been occupied, storm sheeted, doable floors, metal roof, walls beautifully tinted, gas and city water. $1S50 For five-room cottage East Oak street, on shady side, house recently papered and painted and in first class condition, good size lot. J. B MURPHY : COMPANY 43 N. Tryon. 'Phone 842. r IV iA fJ Jr 3 1 S 8 .'4 S-: 8 -B w3 & 'Phone 251. R. LENTZ, Fred Cochrane, Mgr. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! We have reduced the price of White Frost Flour to $2. SO. We have a large stock of canned goods of all kinds. Peavine Hay, Straw, Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal and Shipstuff. Seed Irish Potatoes. Everything guaran teed. J. T. MULLIS & CO. 'Phone 510. 42 N. College St. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS "THE SQAURE DEAL." rs a Phrase Which is Fopular Nowadays. We Apply it to Banking Methods. $300,000.00 B. OFFICERS: D. Heath, President; John M. Scott, Vice Pres.; J. H. Little, Vice Pres. W. H. Twitty, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. II. Belk, Jno. G. Bryce, W. J. Chambers, J. M. Davis, B. D. Heath, O. P. Heath, II. G. Link, Vinton Liddell, J. H. Little, W. M. Long, W. O. Nisbetj C. M. Patterson, II.' N. Pharr, J. F. Robertson, Jno. M. Scott, W. H. Twitty, C. Valaer, W. A. Watson, J." W. Zimmerman. DRUGGISTS 'PHONE US If you want a hot-water bottle or Syringe, we will send down sev eral to select from. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 26 South Tryon. 120 EGG INCUBATOR, $10.00. 175-Egg Incubarotor, $12.50; 240-Egg Incubator, 15.00. Gauarnteed for five years. Brooders $3.r0, $6.50 and $7.50 each. These prices are delivered in Charlotte. Ask us. DILWORTH DRUG STORE, 'Phone 247. B. S. Davis. Fire in Raleigh Church. Special to The News. Raleigh, N. C, March 11 Fire this morning broke out in the furnace room of the First Baptist Church, that apartment being in a blaze ali over and the smoke pouring into the handsome new church auditorium above. The fire department extin guished the flames in a very few minutes so the fire damage was con fined to the furnace room and stair way. The damage amounting to $1, 000 or more. The damage by smoke in the church was rather serious. Only a few months ago the congre gation spent $30,000 on enlargement and interior decoration. Rev. J. W. Morris Was The Speaker of The Day By Associated Press. Pittsburg, Pa., March 11. At the second day's session cf the first inter national convention cf the Young People's Missionary Movement, Rev. James W. Morris, of Richmond, Va., missionary in Brazil, as representative to the Protestant Episcopal churcn, spoke on South America. Beneficial to elderly people who suffer from dryness of month and throat, in boxes only. HESS Bu LDERS MISCtLLANEOUS LYNN HAVEN BAY OYSTERS All seasonable game and delicacies cooked and served in the best style at THE GEM RESTAURANT, E. F. Creswell, Proprietor. ROOFING I will tear off the old shingles and put on a new tin roof for you at about the cost of a new shingle roof. A tin roof is better and gives you cheaper insurance. Ask for estimates. C. F. SHU MAN SMALL SUMS saved soon grow and earn interest all the time. Protect yourself and little ones by opening anaccount in our "Savings Bank." "HAVE MONEY IN THE BANK." We pay 4 per cent and compound it four times a year. Southern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. President. V. L. JENKINS, Cashier. REAL tSIAfh FOR RENT Best $20 modern cot tage in city, all improvements and new, for only S200 per year. Don't all speak at once, but this is a gem. $25 new house, close in, just being finish ed; $18 modern home in Dilworth: $8 house, E Gth, near Myers; $7 house in Villa Heights. Houses for colored tenants at ?1 and $1.25 per week. We offer for quick sale, Two 3-Room New Hor-;- Fine Renting Property Price; $900 or 14,?0 on Investment The Charlotte Trust and Realty Company CAPITAL $200,00U.00. Phnnp 377 A" G" Crai9' Secretary- 1 8 F Trofh I (i U 110 J I I W. J. Chambers, Treasurer. SO Li ( 1 i MOST BEAUTIFUL SU LIZABETH AVEftUE The building fever has struck Elizabeth Avenue, and a number of Irani some residences will be built at once. It will be only a short time, wh4" it will be the handsomest avenue in the city. We have, for quick sale on the shady side, four hundred (400) feet. See us for prices ami loC'tV- 'Phone No. 535. " 1 "" Brown & Phone 535. ?93 K. Tryon St. t X Jo ocuerei still has the little book in which he kept account of every penny f when his salary was smaller than that cf any of the 25,000 men T who work for him today. ' He "saved" his money. Are you saving? We would appreciate T your account and pay 4 per cent, interest. t SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The Merchants & Farmers National lull GEO. E. WILSON, President. JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President, X W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. f. 'Phone 344. E. L. KEESLER, 25 S. Tryon St. Royalty Witness Dis- asterous Automobile Race By Associated Press. Cairo, Egypt, March 11. The khe dive of Egypt, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, were present at Heliopolis, yesterday at the first automobile race held in Egypt. A policeman and two spectators were killed and fourteen persons were in jured. GROUhR POTATO CHIPS Another lot of those nice crisp po tatoes fresh from the factory. Finest on the market. If you haven't used any of them, just send in your order for some. L. L. SARRATT, 'Phone 103. 309 N. Tryon St. California Evaporated Peaches, large, sweet, yellow, soft" fruit, 15c; fresh salted peanuts 5c and 10c box; Golden Glory cooking oil 25c; best quality apple butter guaranteed pure 10c can; White fish 5c lb. BRIDGERS &. CO., 203 W. Trade. ONE WHOLE PIECE OF CHOICE Mackerel, bones and skin removed, neatly packed in wine sauce all ready to serve at a minute's notice. If you want to please your friends give them Mackerel in wine sauce. MILLER-VAN NESS CO., Headquarters for Lenton Delicacies. FOR RENT One 4-room house Belmont, near Graded School, per week $1.25; one 4-room house 21st, city water, per week, $2.00; one ,4-room house North Brevard St., on car line, near Swift's Refinery, fine location, per week, $2.50; one large hall North. Charlotte, per mo. $10.00. W. G. SHOEMAKER, 227 N, Tryon. 'Phone 306 SPRING IS HERE Have your Spring Clothes made by Henry Miller, Jr., the Tailor. Now is 3rour chance to get a $25.00 suit made for $1.00. For particulars call and see me. Also have your clothes pressed at $1.50 per month. Up-stairs, over Burwell & Dunn Drug Co. 'Phone 1403. HENRY MILLER, JR., The Tailor. RENTAL TYPEWRITERS Largest stock of first class typewriters to be found in the state all makes, for rent by the day, week, month or longer. Each typewriter kept nicely cleaned, properly oiled and adjusted; will rent you a first class typewriter at same price other charge for second hand one. JONES The Typewriter Man. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 100 rental machines, all makes, ready for instant delivery. Every machine first class in every particular. J.-E. CRAYTON & CO. 217 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 304. FOR QUICK SALE. One vacant lot N. Graham -t.; 106 acre farm 3 miles Derita road; 50y2 acre farm 4 miles, $2000: 13-acre farm 4 miles, new 2-room house, $1300; 11 acre farm, 9 miles, at Crofts, $C50; 5 room cottage, close in $3100. N. J. SHERRILL, Of Sherrill Mineral Springs Co. 'Phone 913. CEST ON THE MARKET. "Minorr" brand kernelled Corn 15c; Tonatoes 15c and 17c; dainty Lima tseans, 20c; small Sweet Peas, 20c; dainty Wax Beans, 20c; Blackberries, 30c; Red Cher rie, 30c; Salad Dressing, 25c; Catsup, 15c. W. M. CROWELL, 305 W. Trade St. Phone 744 and 297. 309 W. 10th St., modern conven iences, 9 rooms $37.50 209 N. McDowell St., 6 rooms... 16.00 S S. Davidson St., 9 rooms, mod ern conveniences $30.00 E. 7th St. Ex., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $22.50 Grade St.", 7 rooms, modern con veniences $20.00 G-room cottage, . electric lights, 5 acres land Providence Road, opposite Myers Park 16.66 Providence road, 4 rooms 10.00 Craighead Park, 4 rooms 8.00 Belmont Avenue, Belmont, 4 rooms 7.oo 918 N. Caldwell St., c rooms.. 12.50 Villa Heights, 4 rooms, per week i.5o OWN & CO.. Phone 535. 203 N. Tryon St. I Five houses well located, close in. on car line. Ren for ?390.M per annum. Can be bought on easy terms if taken at once. Our g price for a few days is $3250.00. g A I ? ? w W. D. WILKINSON, Manager. B. R. Lee, Secy. No. 5 West 5th St. ' I 'Phone 609. First National Bgtik 'PHONE fe70 FOR WOOD, Coal and Terra Cotta Pipe. We keep a stock of Fire-proof Flue Pipe and Fire-proof Lining. C. DOWD & CO. Phone 370. 222 East 8th St. FOR. RJNT Modern G-room, 306 East 9th, (March 15th) .... .. ....$20.00 6-room house 715 N. Brevard &15.C0 5-room house 300 So. Myers $15.00 8-room house 512 W. 11th .... 12.00 4-room house 701 So. A $10 00 4-room house 1011 N. Caldwell $ 8 50 4-room house 311 E. Sth, per week $ 2.25 4-room house 502 N. A., per week A 5Q 4-room house 701 East 3rd., per week .," . -VT Allen ml , 'V,J 4-room nouse - vuuuiiw, per weeK S 1 50 4-room house 317 So. Cedar, perjreek , 150 3-room house 311 So Cedar, per week ; ""$140 3-room house West 4th, near Cedar,per week S 15 3-room house, 306 East 14th, per week ; 3-room House, Groveton, per week ""$100 1 store room 934 N. Caldwell, per week 5.00 J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. CHARLOTTE, N. G. jj Organized 1865 1 Capital $300,000.00 1 Surplus and Profits $.245,000.00 1 Your Business Solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consisteut with jj! i , . Safe Banking. FOR. SALE iy2 miles from Independence Square. Beautiful building3 site?, f-11 acres up to 30 acres. Prices from $250 to $400 per acre, easy v :v:n"- Our lots , in North Charlotte at $250 to $400 'continue to l o tne best investment proposition on the market. W. T. Wilkinson & Company 'Phone 589. iii.JULiil3U WE HAV E BUT 12 Unsold Lots ON CENTRAL AVENUE AT PIEDMONT PARK These all have ! g High, healthful location, "" Macadamized road frontage, W5 Tl-377 Tr" City Water and Sewer system Electric Lights for home and street use Electric car line. All large lots, 66 x 150, and offered on very reasonable term? selection soon or you will be too late. n A! -J ;-- A. S 219 N. Tryon. F. C. Abbott & Company

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