THE CHARLOTTE NEwS. MARCH 11, 1908. THE COMMANDMENTS. A FENCE OR AN AMBULANCE. i Mr. of Coughs, colds, grip and throat troubles are epidemic now. Beware! No ether ailments destroy the tissue of throat and lungs more quickly. nor tne prevention of pneumonia, bronchitis or consumption, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best,safest and surest cure. Try it before you call in a doctor. "In view of my long and always suc cessful experience with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup having used this reliable remedy in my Jamily for a period of 23 years and having found it to be the best medicine for throat trouble, I unhesitatingly recommend it to all sufferers from bronchial affections. 2t has cured our colds and coughs more quickly and better than any other prep aration." Henry Cooper Amos, City Missionary, 226 Indiana Ave. , N. "W. , Washington, D. C. Trial Bottle Free. J We have absolute confidence in Dr. Bull's S Cough Syrup and toconvineeyouthatit will ? cure, we will send a trial bottle free to all j wno win write us and mention this naper. Address A. C. MEYER & CO.. Baltimore. Md. Rarvson Discusses the Plac the Law in the Kingdom. The place cf t'ne law in the king dom of God was the subject of Mr. A. J. Hanson's sermon yesterday after noon at East Avenue Tabernacle. The first four of the command ments were discussed., and the remain der will be taken 'up this afternoon. In the first commandment, God tells us that he will not suffer us to di vide the homage, which is due Him By Joseph Malins. 'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed. Though to walk' near its crest was so pleasant; But over its terrible edge there had slipped A duke and full many a peas ant. So the people said something would have to be done, But (heir projects did not at all tally with idols, which men are prone to Some said, "Put a fence around the worship. We must not make an idol ! edge of the cliff," ' out of business or home affairs orj Some, "An ambulance down in the? anything else, but we must have no valley." ( DON'T BUY A SUBSTITUTE. When you have a cold, cough, etc., don't trifle with a substitute. It is a cheap mixture and hence ineffec tive. Dr. Bull's Cough Svruu is a Perfect prescription that alwavs cures and takes the place of a doctor any time. Buy nothing else. 23c, 50c, $1.00. 5"Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup can be Riven with perfect safety to the youngest child, tt is absolutely purtf . Guaranteed under the National Pure Food and Drugs Act. Serial No. 226. My stery Surrounds The Execution Of Soldiers In Russian Fortress other God before us. The second commandment was dis cussed with reference to that inheri tance a father may leave his child. This commandment says that sin is hereditary, and if this is so, righteous ness and right living may be inherited also. The command not to take the name of the Lord in vain was discussed." The great sin cf profanity was deplored. The last was the fourth command ment, which commands us to keep the Sabbath day holy. The evening service the speaker took for his subject, "He not asham ed of the gospel." The gospel was i defined as the "glad tidings of God, i and as the "good news." The story of Paul's confidence in the gospel was told, and how he had seen its power in his own life, and in I the life of others. i The gospel is the power of God to Salvation. The age of miracles is not past, for there is no greater miracle than the salvation of a soul for time and eternity. A CROSS OF COTTON London. Eng.. March 11. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says three soldiers belonging to one of the cavalry regi ments of the Russian guards, were re cently secretly and summarily executed in the Petropavlosk fortress. Deep mystery surrounds the affair, which has caused the more speculation in view of the wild rumors current within the past few weeks of conspira cies against the imperial household. The three men were suddenly placed under arrest, a somewhat vague charge of "furthering the revolutionary propa ganda" being brought against them. There was no trial but two hours later i I Unique Design Made For Granville i ' Reddick's Funeral. A most unique design was seen at the funeral cf Granville Reddick, col ore,!. It was a large cross made of : samples of cotton. In the center of the cross was a. small bale of cotton which : was compressed by Granville, along : with 50 other bales sent to Richmond ; to be sold . as souvenirs during the For a little child shall lead j crosg was given by Granville to Miss them." The simple pathos of the story Amy Shields, stenographer at O. P. clutches the throat and keeps the j Heath's. Alf Bost, colored, who is em eves moist while its humor shakes 1 ployed at O. P. Heath's made the cross one's sides wit a xaugiiier. Special i an MJss Shields made the appropriate scenerv is carried for each act. The . contribution of the little bale to adorn costumes are all new and up-to-date. the oenter of the croGS- The whole de" an manv clever incinsr and dapcinsr . S" VVUB UUL ulll exceeuiiigij unique The Bankers Child. "The Tanker's Child" which will be the attraction at trie Academy of Mu sic Saturday, matinee and night, is a beautiful play, founded on the elemen tal truth will be introduced. Seats ; and appropriate, but beautifully exe- ;o on sale tomorrow at Hawley's. there arrived a messenger from f'zar-i sTroe-Splr henrinrr n trinle dp.'itli sen-' Specialties tence. It is considered significant that the , document should come, not from the! Black Patti. war minister, as. under ordinary cir-j The Black Patti Troubodours, de enmstances, but from the czar himself, j monsirators of fun. sweet songs, spir- The doomed men were at once re-jited dancers, an buck dance contests, moved from the barracks to the fort-! individual- and coilectivelv tho most ress. The officer in charge stated that ralemed and versatile stage entertain the czar had granted them a last favor ers ;ujder thQ gun v.m be the attrac. me privilege oi oemg snui msieau oi . ;. rt Tha ira,i(iniv n? MnsiV. nf-rt i an honest, man. meeting death on the gallows. One of the men stammered a word of thanks. His companions remained silent, and, in another moment the sentence had been carried out. Fugitive of 11 Years In Cluches of Law Again cuted. The music at Granville's funeral was furnished by the Queen City Quintette, and was particularly fine. The Quin tette is composed of Prof. C. S. L. A. Taylor, manager, H. A. Fox,, 1st tenor; L. A. Woodruff, 2nd tenor; G. M. Sad ler, baritone; Alf C. Bost, bass. Num bers of white people attended the fu neral for they esteemed Granville as faithful friend and Wednesday matinee and night. j worker, and as a good citizen. Gran- Black Patti, the greatest singer of j ville had been colored "boss" at the 'her race. "Tutt" Whitney, the droll j compress for 30 years. He first worked comedian. The "Great" English Hoop ! under Capt. Edwards, but had for 15 ; Rolling Marvel Queen Dora, in "Tobas- i years been Col. Lil Smith's right-hand j co" wnirlwind, The 'Ladies' Sextette, j man. He had a narrow escape at the ! A. B. Hawthorne, the premier colored i memorable time of the boiler explo ! bass singer of the world, and two score ! sion, many years ago, at the old press. I pretty damsels, all equally talented in I song, story and dance, will present .the new, big. swell "Black Patti" A colored farmer, Moses 'White, was killed by the explosion. Such negroes as Granville are es- TRIBUTE TO MR. C. DOWD. Snecial to The Xews. Winston-Salem, N. C, March 11. I Show. The new budget of mirth and ! teemed in any community A white man name Ben Sparks, who j melody this season comprises a new escaped from the roads in Iredell ' comedy hit, "Prince Bcngaboo," "Bo county, about 11 years ago. is under , hemian Girl" and a vaudeville olio of arrest here, being held for the arrival i the usual "Black Patti" show standard, of an officer from Iredell. Sparks! besides the big oiio acts. During this engagement the entire balcony and gallery will be reserved for colored people. Seats will go on states that he was sent to the roads for fighting and that he took ad vantage of an opportunity to escape because there was a charge of "block ading" against him. Wed. Popular Coupls Special to The News. Thomasville, N. C March 11 Sat urday night at the Methodist parson age Miss ! Berta Perry was happily married to Mr. Mont Lockabill by Rev Greatness never was bought by the sale of goodness. sale Monday. Meeting of Wisconsin Dairymen. There can be no right without right motives. Monroe, Wis., March 11. Members of the Wisconsin Dairymen's associa tion, one of the largest and most in fluential organizations of its kind in the country, met in annual conven tion here today. The sessions are to continue three days, during which time, in addition to the usua'i amount of routine business, there will bo pa pers and addresses by faculty members i of the State College cf Agriculture and mHIlXlCl S , liv" nvrrfi 1 nrnminont' flnnnr ovnnrlc of this and other states. And the cry of the ambulance carried the day, For it spread through the neighbor ing city. A fence may be useful or not, it is tru,e. But each heart became brimful of pity For those who slipped over the dan gerous cliff; And the dwellers in highway and alley Gave pounds or gave pence, not to put up a fence, But an ambulance down in the val ley. "For the cliff is alright, if you're care ful," they said, "And, if folks even slip and are drop Ping, It isn't the slipping that hurts them so much As the shock down helow when they're stopping." So day after day, as these mishaps oc curred, Quick forth would these rescuers sally To pick up the victims who fell off the cliff With their ambulance down in the valley. Then an old sage remarked, "It's a marvel to me That people give far more atten tion To repairing results than to stopping the cause, I . Wll on fhirVI i 1 1 1 i-'li lof for aim at' prevention. Let us stop at this source all its mis chief," cried he, "Come, neighbors and friends, let us rally; If the cliff we will fence, we might also ; dispense With the ambulance down in the valley. "Oh, he's a fanatic," the others re joined. "Dispense with the ambulance? Never! He'd dispense with all charities too, if he could; . - 1 No, no, we'll support them for- j ever. Aren't we picking up folks just as fast as they fall? " And this man dictate to us? Shall he? Why should the people of sense stop to put up a fence While their ambuiance works in the valley?" Stricken in the night: Lungs Congesting; INo Doctor near RINBUMOIVIA had come wear in is gum Shoes Gowan's Pneumonia Cure The Great Specific for Coughs, Colds. Croup and Pneumonia EXTERNAL no habit formed All druggists; Threo sizes, 23 cents and fifty cents and one Dollar. Sold Ail over the Union and raised from Everywhere. Vestrymen of St. Peter's Adopt Appro priate Resolutions. The vestrymen of St. Peter's Episco pal church unanimously passed the fol lowing resolutions in regard to their loss in the death of Mr. Clement Dowd, a member of their body: "We, the rector, wardens and vestry men of St. Peter's Episcopal church feel deeply the death of our friend and associate, Clement Dowd, and fle sire to place upon record, not only our sense of personal 1oss but also our appreciation of his faithfulness in all his duties Incumbent upon him as a communicant and vestryman of the church. "A wise counselor, an earnest com municant and a true friend, he has gone to his rest, and we pray that his example may be an inspiration to us who remain. "Resolved, Therefore, that a copy of this minute be spread upon the rec ords of this body, be published in the newsnaners and also be sent to the family. "Attest: "W. A. AVANT, "Secretary. "HARRIS MALLINCKRODT, "Rector." But a sensible few, who are practical, too, Will not bear with such nonsense much longer; They believe that prevention is better than cure, And their party will soon be the strnTicpr Encourage them, then, with your purse, voice and pen, And, (While other philanthropists dally". They will scorn all pretence, and put 1 a stout fence On the cliff that hangs over the valley. Better guide well the young than re claim them when old; For the voice of true wisdom is calling, "To rescue the fallen is good, but 'tis best To prevent other people from fail ins." ' Better close up the source of temp tation and crime Than deliver from dungeon or gal iGy i Better put a strong fence 'round the top of the cliff Than an ambulance down in the valley. MISS MABEL HEAD. 'S33&SK2SEZ THE AUTOCRAT AROMA FROM THE COFFEE POT PROM ISES A DELICIOUS CUP OF COFFEE Miss Mabel Head, associate secre tary of the Woman's Board of Home Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will make an address at Trvon Street Methodist church to night at 8 o'clock. The address will probably be illustrated. Miss Head will also speak tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at Trinity church in the interest of women. A social hour will follow her talk. Again tomorrow night at the Belmont Park church Miss Head will speak. Miss Head is a cultivated, finely equipped woman and an attractive speaker. She went into the present work from La Grange college, Ga., where she was the teacher of psycho logy and she had experience as a teacher before this. Charlotte Meth odists are fortunate to have her with them in a three day's span of time two such gifted women as Miss Davies and Miss Head. I OFFICE OF THE 210 INI. Tryon Street, Charlotte, INI. C. HQ 63 S3 S3 25 A POUND IN OC! C AIR-TIGHT CANS &OC Sold by over 40 Charlotte Grocers Because It's the Favorite for Its Fine Flavor and Popular Price. Charlotte women should send their address to Brownwell & Fvden R- L. and they will receive FREE BOOK LET telling all about the very useful and attractive Premiums sent them for AUTOCRAT COFFEE COUPONS. Lumbermen Meet in Montgomery. Montgomery, Ala., March 10. Mem bers of the Alabama-West Florida Lumber Manufacturers' Association met in annual session here today and discussed a number of important ques tions relating to the trade. The meet ing was held at the Exchange Hotel and was presided over by President James C. Williams, of Eleanor, Fla. There is no promise of a crown of righteously for proficiency m regu The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive, ivianysuaueu deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves 11 1 11 Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper ; treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel- ing badly you can liiaice no uhswkc uy taking Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, the great kidnev, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being often through the day. and to get up many tunes during the ; night. The mild and the extraordinary : effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, j It stands the highest ior us wuuucnui cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold hv all drtisreists m fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. ou may have a , sample bottle of this wonderful new dis- ; covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil- I mer & Co., Binghamton, When writing mention reading this generous j offer in this paper. Don't make any mistaKe, uuuciucmv. , , Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the HI " address, Binghamton, N. ., on every I bottle. 1 1 I TO THE PUBLIC: With the opening of the 51st Series this Institution com pletes its existence of a quarter of a century; twenty:five years how easy to say it but oh! how many things have trans pired in the lives of each of us many shareholders in this institution have been born since, grown tr r-'.an, or woman s estate, and are respected citizens of this community; and how many cares and perplexities have we, its officers encountered in the management of this to us sacred trust. But we point with pride to our achievements and give them to the public hereby, "Multum in Parvo" We have handled during this time $6,000,00C We have made nearly 3,000 loans. We have paid off to matured shareholders $2,500,000 We have earned for the shareholders in profits nearly $500,000 We have loaned out at this time nearly $850,000. Our last year's transactions amounted to $1,100,000. All these vast sums handled at an expenditure on current business of less than 1 per cent c Have Wot Lost One Cent, Either Bad Loans, or Otherwise, TO YOU THE PUBLIC As our jurors, we tender the case. By 38fis oo Monday, March 2 and the first payment has to be made Saturday the 7th The books are now open at our office, IVo. 207 North Tryon Street Bespeaking for this institution your continued favor, we extend to you the greetings of the management. R. E. COCHRANE, Sec. and Treas, S. WITTKOWSKY. President February 23, 1908 i IS S3! lating your neighbors.

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