f THE CHARLOTTE NEWS MARCH 11, 1908. 8 Be ech Hargis on Trial for Murdcrof. His Father.". Street Scenes In Jackson. PEACE WITHIN. Shelton. Eerj hfo is at 1he center of stor 1 I k W r :?? 11 in . .. S -iiffiss-i 8pfW Lti.nv iiyn wc Irrr : Jz- i-AAt ivXV to JxrrxsE. f""""""""""v'""" : -V- . WS5 AW, ... . .... - . V the field how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; and yet I say un to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these, i Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is and tomor-' vow is cast into the oven, shall lie .not i much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" ' ' I His comforting assurance that, as His- Heavenly Father cares for tha j birds, so He cares for the children of j men, was designed to bring peace with in. The birds of the heavens still ! teach this lesson. There is a little humming-bird, said to be the only one ' that we have in the eastern states, J known as the ruby-throaed humming-j bird is a little creature only an inch, and a half long. It spends its winters j on the other side of the Amazon, in; i southern central Brazil. Each spring the instinct of migration in this little bird compels it to make the tremen dous northward journey of over four thousand miles. It starts on its long' vovaee and reaches its destination safe-, ! Iv. Surelv He who hears the cry of . the birds of the heavens will hear also j the cry of all His earthly children.; Jesus said: "In the world ye sballj have tribulation.'" But He also said,; "In Me ye shall have peace. I have overcome the world." However fierce; the moral battle may rage, His dis-, ciples can have inward peace, because they know that the conflict U not! their's alike, but His. ! SOUTHERN mm li m His teachings we would commend to GU-fMDlt5 COURT KDLr.Se Jackson, hv., March 7. fcver since the shooting of "Judge ' James Harsis by ins son, Beech, the jail wherein the latter is confined has been guarded by troops to prevent attempts to liber ate him. 1 nousands of persons attended the funeral ot Judge Hargis, tramping throush the deep mud to the old Hargis homestead, near w:hich the body was buried m the family cemetery. Hie corp.se was carried on the shoulders cf the pallbearers the entire distance. There is no hearse m Jackson and no undertaking establishment. It is said that when Judge Hargis was killed ?,Irs. Hargis telegraphed to Lexington to have the coffin already picked out sent at once. .lackson is anvthing but an attractive town of 1.500 inhabitants. The streets are all but impassible with mud. Oxen are the principal motor power. veiy me mere may be calm. To so Jive that this inward peace may be a peimanent possession is one of the highest of objectives. Every creature must fight and con tend for life. This is the universal rule. Into this universal conflict everv indi vidual must go. No man who "would live his life at its best can isolate himself from the world and avoid the struggle with outward opposing forces. But, however fiercely the strife may rush outside us, at the center of our in dividual life there may be unruffled peace, as at the heart of every cyclone there is an area of perfect stillness. There are some who try to secure quietness of life bv withdrawing from the world. This no one who is wise will do. Men who attempt to do this need to be called back into the strug gle that they may not lose their possi bilities. Centuries ago John Calvin, the great scholar and theologian, tried to isolate himselt. A friend sent him some burning words which brought him to a sense of his danger: "I per- irHo ,.iitn - eiv wnai, it is; juu are wrapi up m mie plants not yet having received a seifish love of leisure and books. May Sll ITlClCnt fclll llllSinPQo to wnrront Clrf V rnvco rncl- n -rv thAoo cinHi' ic and conflict, though at the center of j all who would have peace within. Such TV It !.. guaranteed. Effective 3:00 a. m., Xo. S. rr,--., and local points, .-ou,,, boro for Winston-;-. Gol.lsboro, Now i.ri. 7:53 a. in., Xo. aaI Pullman sleeper r.na dm lotte to Atlanta. 5.25 a. in., No. 27. ()..;... Chester, Columbia. ;i. 5.52 a. m.. Xo. , . ington and points .', "' man car and dv Washing-ten..' !'7:10 -a. Tii.,- No 10. flay, for Statesvillo, "r' local poirts. Connec-t'-for Winston-Salem. Vi.i for Asheville and poiVits C.'. 10:5a "a. m., No. 2:! ,;;! v ' and Augusta. Handle ;' pu: New York to August;, -.vj' Washingtoa to Aaimni service. " 10.05 a. m., No. ;;t; ,i.u,.. ington and points 'No-'. Drawing Sleepers to xeV.-' Richmond. Day Coa.-hes to Washington. Uirdir' Connects at Green si ." -, Salem, Haleigh and Goldst,, 11.14 a. ni.. No. 11, daPv and for local stations''' S;artanbuig for llena.rsi) Asheville. 9:35 a. m., No. 30, d-w ton and noints IV,., . ;::';--'?h, ' ;'':'- Hill, V l'uii. to ;o '.i.ia :'tii. 3 -- tar J'ash, a;!,i I'1.':! ft : 'i ;t r.:.,i .i-Ir land factories is still much curtailed, to machinery. Spring if Thcmasville Happenings Special to The News. Thomasville, N. C, March 10 Ear ly Sunday morning the front window in the store room in the Wyche block, occupied by Max Wager, cloth ing merchant, was broken and rob bers entered the store and stole a lot of clothes, hats and other furnish ings. Diligent search is being made to apprehend the robbers but as yet no one is suspected and it is doubt ful if the perpetrators will ever be caught. The Epworth League of the Metho dist Church has decided to give an entertainment in the opera house Be who $y n n m n iti in si in h n r March bu y una nnrti n.n ts i Bi n mMP Hi 8 IIs 1 Mi U 1 being 267,437 tons, against 241,025 a month previous and 232,652 opened. New many depart- ons when the year business appears in ments, the warmer and summer business is nearlv con eluded execept for occasional supple mentary orders from jobbers at the west and south. Despite much liquidation bv specu lative holders, the leading farm sta ples have attained a higher level of puces. The rise in wheat was stub bornly resisted by an extended short account, but small receipts at pri mary markets and light spot offerings dominated the situation, regardless of less striking exports. The declining tendency of cotton received a sharp check, receipts coming forward slow lv, while Liverpool cables gave sup port Dun's Review. now refuse your aid to His weather Oklahoma Republicans. Oklahoma City: Okla., March 11. More than 600 delegates and as many visitors were in attendance when the republican state convention was called to Order llPrp tndav TVio fnnvontinn - vv.-kit.jr, j. hv V. J 11 ? X-A CAN- 11 I will f-0fft a moni1or rf natmnol especially helpful in restoring post-j committee and select delegates to the poned building operations that will o?nrioi ro.u!!.,- rrUn I. TT .jt, no..fDf.t wkdnm and i(Tiirn ctriir-Titrl Qrool 1 ipl. i: . , , , i . ,i i . j. tx s call Wr, vrv:i ! d f cvnintnms arp lv.rirp nu merous in the commercial outlook ,! CtUI lor mt-n stiuciurai steei. ; dications are tliat resolutions endors cspeciallv in respect to the growth of tmTC31t aemand tor tnese shapes is ing the presidential candidacy of Sec confidence. Jobbers note more prcs- now confined almost wholly to bridge lretary Taft win be adopted by the con sure to roplpni?h depleted stocks 0f'work' of whlch much 1S in progress. vention with little or no opposition, staple nicrchpudise. orde rs in manv!WIien t'vms can be settled as to date j , cases being for delivery next fall. J of payments a large tonnage of pipe ! church in her time of need." It is good for any man who is seeking to avoid his proper share in the world's work to hear a trumpet call like that. It was this characteristic of peace within that Jesus promised His disci ples and so beautifully exemplified in His own lite. When the disciples were wrangling among themselves as to who should have the precedence, Ke brought a little child and placed him in the midst of them. In His farewell discourse He spake to them of Ilis jov, saving, '-My joy I give unto you." When he uttered these words He was in a rented room, the disciples before Him had largely, misunderstood , His teaching; before Him was Gethsemane and the cross; yet He was untroubled, undisturbed. The joy which He pos sessed, was a joy unaffected by out ward conditions. It was a peace and calm like that of the ocean far beneath the waves that are swept by the storms. That which brings peace to the heart of man is the assurance of the Father peaco is priceless. It can be found on--lv, as Mr. Gladstone said, through thatj old. old storjs in that old, old book, which is God's greatest gift to man. j When Mr. Spurgeon was asked by a friend to state what he thought was! the greatest gift possible to a Chris tian traveller in this world, he re sponded, "A sense of perfect peace with God." He Noticed It. Too. A one-armed man entered a restau rant at noon and seated himself next to a dapper little other-people's-bu-siness man. The latter at once no ticed his neighbor's left sleeve hang ing loose and kept eyeing it in a how-did-it-happen sort of a way. The one-armed man paid no attention to him but kept on eating with his one hand. Finally the inquisitive one could stand it no longer. He chang ed his position a little, cleared his throat, and said: "I beg pardon, sir, but I see you have lost an arm." The one arm man picked up his sleeve with his right hand and peered anxiously into it. "Bless my soul!" he exclaimed, looking up with great surprise. "I do believe you're right.' Everybody's Magazine. The self and the sacrifice in any gift is the only measure of its worth. Half the friction of life comes from having our ' tongues too well oiled. J!P. Those stiffering from weak nessas which sap the pleasures of life should take Juven Pills. One box will tell a story of marvelous results. This medicine has more rejuvenating, vitalizing: force than has ever before been offered. Sent post-paid in plain package only on receipts this adv. and SI. Made by its originators C. 1. Hood Co.. pro prietors Hood s Sarsaparilla. Lowe", Mass- This disposition to provide beyond the night of April 3rd for the benefit I immediate needs is a very good sign, of the newr church that will be built j The advancing season has also con here this year. The Deestrick Skulei tributed to the 1 tetter feeling by ac- will be sold. Dry goods jobbers have done more business than expected, but thus far is A CURE FOR MISERY "I have found a cure for the misery malaria poison produces," says R. M. C. "It's called is the play that will be rendered. Mrs. J. II. Shaw was carried ccierating the distribution of s to i goods and stimulating interest in Greensboro Monday to the hospital where she will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Her case is a sad one as she has been married lets than two weeks. Statesville Bonds Sold at a Premium Special to The News. Statesville, N. C, March 11. The aldermen considered bids for the $25,000 of 5 per cent 30-year funding bonds at their meeting. There were three bids, all offering par. The bid of S. A. Kean, of Chicago, who offer ed a premium of $12.50, was con sidered the most advantageous and the finance committee was instructed to accept it. "Washington, D. C, March 11. The present method of bookmaking at the Bennings race track was upheld by the decision of Justice Stafford, in the district criminal court. BEWARE OF PHYSICS. Only Aggravates Stomach Trouble and Never Cures. The trouble with most people who have stomach trouble is that they do not like to take the time to get cured; they overeat and then take physic, which simply upsets the stomach and never cures. While relief follows one or two doses of Mi-o-na stomach tablets, chronic and king-standing cases need at least two of fhree weeks' treatment befor the sick headaches, dizzy spells, bloating, heartburn, constipation, nervousness and other symptoms that directly re sult from indigestion are banished never to return. Mi-o-na is entirely different from the ordinary stomach remedies. It is tak en before meals, stimulating the secre tion of digestive juices and strength ening the stomach so that it can do its proper work. With every 50-cent box of Mi-o-na Woodall & Sheppard give their guaran tee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. building operations. Industrial plants are more active, pig iron production rising to the best weekly average in three months. Some strikes were threatened because of necessary re ductions in wages, but little inter ruption occurred. Credits are still closely scanned, and mercantile col-i lections are by no means satisfac tory, yet payments are more prompt and the volume of business is dis tinctly heavier. Liabilities of com mercial failures in February were smaller than in the two months pre ceding, and banking defaults were in significant as compared with the monthly mortality sinse the October panic. Railway earnings declined 15.7 per cent in comparison with those of February, 1907, the' returns for the fourth week being much bet ter than the earlier figures. Foreign commerce continues to supply a phenomenal balance in favor of this country, at this port alone for the latest week exports increasing $6, 795,200 while imports decreased $6, 996,151 as compared with the same week last year. Securities were a little more active and prices averaged slightly higher than last week, while money is abundant and easy despite treasury withdrawals of government deposits. Bank exchanges at New York for the week were 46.7 per cent less than a year ago, largely be cause of the decrease in sales of se curities, while at other leading cities the decrease averaged 16.3 per cent. There is a suggestion of perma nence in the steady improvement in the iron and steel industry that would be lacking were recovery more sensational. Each week brings a few more mills and furnaces into the act ive list, while specifications on old contracts constantly call for a larger j tonnage. Statistics of pig iron pro duction on March 1 tell the story in a convincing manner. Despite the shortness of the month, February's output of pig iron was 1,079,721 tons, according to the Iron Age, against 1,045,250 tons in January, and the daily average was 37,232 tons against 33,718. Still better results are prom ised for the current month, the week ly capacity of furnaces in blast on love, is working lor tne Dest. it is not through the possession of things, that calm comes. Unless the inner life . is right there can be no peace, whatever one's possessions may be. The price of inward peace, according to the teaching of Jesus, is the seeking first of the kingdom of God and His righteousness. . Only to those who trust their Heavenly Father fully and serve Him onlv, is peace assured. Jesus gave the most tender assurances of His heavenly Father's care. He said: "Consider the fowls of the Hi?; they sow not, neither do they reap, Iter gatn- T , 4- T ,,n -1 'thp ? lilllo irrmvnvpnirmt in ti,p ! Jdmeh, ui Auuenen, o i viTn,.-.T o.i w ,v,mo Electric Bitters, and comes in 50 cent O A until J UlUllll.l. ""U II- U1UIO . , TJ. 1 l r , -.p.iiit, t .,..., ..i.:..:J. T,., bottles. It breaks nn a rase of chills uxieaueu atinnv. joooeis win not, , ... . . 1 . heo-ir, vrvi.-i rmorntinns ai onviv n? or a lilions attack in almost no time; usual, so that sales will be closer to -"nd lt I3 ?'ell,ow jaundice clean out actual retail distribution, and the sea- ct commission This great tonic r. i : , r. .-.;-! l . . .uL.un.iiJc uiiu uivroi.i JLtl met i;i v wuiviv. ilgSl fgitie UUSlUtSS Hill UkJ . - , , . - I . TT . Tt il. speculative than in any ,eiItl 111 -W1 tuinrtcn, mm iviuucj. vai, j . u... i-... . . " Larger jobbing transac- 'complaint and the misery of lame t er feedeth them. Are ye not much bet- tions in cottons are attributed to de-. yiuticiiiLtw l vuuU-iter than tney? Consider the lilies ol Dieted stocks and the higher market j A1iJ?ZrjLsJll for raw material. Contracts extend- well into the summer have been son s much less iicceiit year. ins placed from the bag trade promise movement of odd constructions. Production of footwear at New Eng- for sheetings, and inquiries ;ood Asian's Magnetic Cough Syrup Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Made By WOODALL & SHEPPARD 'Phone 69. I THE Matchless Steel Range i Combines Quality, Economy and Workmanship. The Lids, Centres and Anchor Plates are arched and ribbed to prevent warping. A "Guarantee Bond," the strongest ever offer ed, with each Range. The priri ciple difference between the "Matchless" and other high grade Ranges, is the PRICE. J.N.MGCausIand&Go 221 South Tryon St. For Women's Ills When yon need a medicine for women's ills, we urge you earnestly to take Cardui. Cardui is a woman's medicine. It is not for men, nor even for such women as do not suffer from any of the ills peculiar to women. It is not a cure-all, but a genuine medicine, of real scientific value in certain forms of disease the diseases to which only women, are liable. Hence, you should take Cardui, if sick, when you feel that you are suffering in this way and you may take it in perfect safetynd in confidence. 3 i Mrs. Bettie rArp, of Menlo, Ga., writes: "I have been using Cardui with the greatest benefit. I was troubled with female complaint for twelve (12) months. The doctors treated me for four months. They did me but little good, so I took Car dui and I believe it saved my life.,,' Sold by all druggists. Try it. ' TptfVV nnniT Write for Free 64-page Book for Women, givine sytnptomst A " r JLVWrV causes, home treatment and valuable hints on diet, exer nn A Ttmn cises.etc Sent free, on request, in plain wrapper, by mail l!wl IjMIjIW. prepaid. Address: Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. MRS. BET TIE ARP Menlo, Ga. rjM if iVi i Ml ' M """'" III I Mil I II III i mini I f 1 M5i2i-u. V- -i- ii-r , J . T . 1 Tl " q 147 Vovfc .'ory;l. -'!-st-r- t Pun- lntTMnr. 1 , "'iis imuiii hieepcr to day cf-uches Jacksonville i ton. fining car service. 10:f.O a. m.. No. 2S, ,l;.;v ston-Salem, Koanoke an.l ! : ii:uo a. m.. No. 37, (a t . . . Drawing Room sleeping c.T-e o tion and Club cars, Xo.w Yok Orleans. Pullman lravin i-.,., ing car. New York to !;','., Solid I'ullman train, bi-.i;;. - ', vice. ' 5:40 p. m.. No. 25 dailv, P-,-r, day, freight and passenger ter, S. C. anl local points ' C:05 p. m.. No. 34, ?nilv f.n- ".!, ington and points Notih' i ,'.!, ' sleeper Augusta to New YovV- Vwtr sleeper Augusta to New York. " ' 6:50 p. m.. No. 2 mittv ev--rt ; day fcr Statesvilk Taylorsvii'o local points. Conner's at Str,t.Vi;;."f,ir Asheville, Knoxv'le, Ciiauuito'n Memphis and point? -west. " ' ' 8:25 p. m., No. 4 daily for Atlanta. Pullman sleeper anC day coachts Oh-ir lotte to Atlanta. " 9.05 p. m., No. 5S da'ly New York and New Orleans aJmiled for Wash ington, and point north. Pullman Drawing Room, S-eping, Observation and Club cars to New York. Dimn" car service. Solid Pullman train. 9:35 p. m., No. 31- daily New York an.l New Orleans. Limited for V.'ashins ton, and points north. Pullman Draw ing Room, SleeDlng, Observation nnH Club cars to New York. Dining oar service. Solid Pullman train. 3:20 a. m., Xo. 29, daily for Colum bia, Savannah, and Jacksonville. Pull man Drawing Room Sleeper, an! ,Uty coaches "Washington to Jacksom-iliK. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and detail information can be cbtaii pd at ticket office, No. 11 South Trvon St. C. H. ACKERT, V.-Pres & Gen Mgr. S. H. HARDWICK. P. T. M.. W. H. TAYLOE. G. P. A.. Washington, D. C. R, L. VERNON. T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. SEABOARB Air Line Railway These arrivals and departures as well as the time and connection with other companies are given only as in formation, and are not guarnteed. Direct line to the principal cities North, East. South and Southwest. Schedule taking effect January 5, I'M, subject vo change without notice. Tickets for passage on al1 trains are sold by this company and acxepteil by the passenger with the understanding that this company will not be responsi ble for failure to run its trains on schedule ti;ne, or for any such delay as may be incident to their operation. Care is exercired to give the cornet time to connecting lines, but this company is not responsible for errors or omissions. Trains leave Charlotte as follows: No. 40, daily, at 4 a. m., for Monroe, Hamlet and Wilmington, comuviins at Monroe with 23 for Atlanta, Binai'g ham and the Southwest; at Monroe with 38 for Raleigh and Portsmouth. With fiS at Hamlet for Raleigh, Kieimieiil, Washington, New York and tl K;i-t. No. 133 daily, at 10.10 a. m. for I.in colnton, Shelby and . liuthei foidton without change. No. 44, daily, at 5 p. m.. for Monroe Hamlet, Wilmington and nil local points, connecting at Hamlet with 43 for Columbia, Savannah and all FlorMa points. No. 132, daily, 7 p. m. for Monroe, connecting with 41 for At lam . mingham and the Southwest; v.itli :; at Hamlet for Richmond, Washing' and New York, and the East; with 3 at Monroe for Raleigh, Poi asr.iou; h ami Norfolk. Through sleeper op. t.H tram from Charlotte, N. C. to p.: tu-jutb. Va., daily. Trains arrive In Charlotte as foiiov.-i: No. 133 10 a. m., daily, froai ; oints North and South. No. 45, daily, 12.35 p. m., from Wil mington and all local points. No. 132, 7 p. m., daily, from ford ton, Shelby, Lincoln ton ana t W. Railway points. , No. 39, 1.25 a. m., daily, from Wil mington, Hamlet and Monroe, from Doints East. North and i.ir.-iwes., connecting at Hamlet for Monroe. Connections are made at H v-y all through trains for points Soyth and Southwest, which aj posed of vestibule day coaches Portsmouth and Atlanta, and ton and Jacksonville, and sleet o between Jersey City, Birminel, Mamphis, and Jersey City and ville. Cafe cars on all throua'n For information, time-tables, tions or Seaboard descript:v"; 1;l't ture apply to ticket agents c :, luther- B-itb Norm. -t .veen trains. T-,..f.l- 22 Selwyn Hotel. Char; f&jffirjf Guarantetd not to Btriciare. F PrTCBtS CostAxtos. rejjrHEEVAHSGHEMIWLCD. POiHClNflATI.O. dtaebftrgrs.:- irritation!1 'f of rnucoov-Painbe-i. : : sent or j-ci-' or sent in P " by expresi. 1.00. orJt.r- ' CirculBr z-"' 1 --r SB mat zs: fc m w- y.i ?s tiiil ''-'Mi rrotnpt V Vooitn-rtrvai!!! ft-OLB II-' WANTED Clean white va; cents. News.

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