THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 21, iSC8 9 It's the Little Things that Count Try One WAM tU VENTED Second hand 120 egg in Ov iKr and incubator. Address i . caro News. 21-11 r VOL) really want it a little ad , v, iii set it for you. tf ';r.ONE who lias tho very thin? reads these ads daily. if ...NT ED A young lady, or man, in privnte family. 11 E. ;;h St. 17-eod-3t C;2AR SALESMAN wanted; in ; oaliiy to represent us, Experi ;::! necessary; liS per mo. and ex , .-. s Write for particulars. Mon ; :. ar Co., Toledo, Ohio. 21-lt WANTED Men to learn barber lew weeks required, best pay- m rk within the reach of poor man : ave shop with small capital, va em 12 to $20 weekly, wonderfu. a-ul for barbers, catalogue mailed 16-6t LADIES to Copy Letters at Home; .:: titne; good pay; cash weekly: '.Iiiidc; send stamp. Zeck Co., Mor : wn. X. Y. 21-lt WANTED In or near Dilworth, two . v ihivo furnished rooms for light li.m-H.U-oping. Write C. R. Wintzer V,-st Grove. Pa.i 20-Dt j WANTED To buy cow peas, ca. l.Ki- h-'ts or less. Send samples stat i .u iiuaniity. or wire your lowest price '. r b your station. J. T. Walker y.. niphis, Tenn. 21-6t WANTED Salesmen of ability and r.; at appearance to call on all mer chants in their territory; elegant side V.iw. convenient to carry; good com missions; prompt remittance. Belmont Mi-:. Co., Cincinnati, O. 22-5t-oav HUSTLING MEN WANTED Dis- ui!-.iK' samples and circulars. No can va. in'-,-. Globe Adv. & Dis't., Ass'n., Chicago. 21-lt AGENTS. Salesmen, Solicitors, Dnimniers, Men and Women read thi: we want you. We represent 10C manufacturers who desire to sell f. new fast sellers, and we co-operatively save you money on all. The only Agents' Co-operative and Protective I'lureau in the world. Value 3.00, free. Hull's Co-operative Agency, 104 Fulton street. New York. WANTED For C. S. Army: able- of IS fiinl citizens of United States, of coud character and temperate habits who can speak, read and write English. Men wanted now for service in Cuba End the Philippines. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 15 Trade St., Charlotte, N. C; 26Vk South Main St., Asheville, N. C; Bank Build ing, Hickory, N. C; 126 North Main St.. Salisbury, N. C; 417 Liberty St. Winston-Salem, N. C; Kendall Build ing, Columbia, S. C; Haynsworth and Tourer's Building, Greenville, S. C; Glenn Building, Spartanburg, S. C. l-l-tus-thurs&saL WANTED Your orders for Saws, Motors, Engines, Boilers, Pumps, Liectric Hoist, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers?, and special machines to or der. Y. G. Jarrell Machine Co. THE MAN who wants help reads ti:ee advertisements every day. tt WANTED To make you an esti mate on wiring your residence. 'Phone 47!. Ideal Electric Co. 9-tf FINE BOARD tor tourists. Central. 41:; X. Church S:. 9-tf WANTED 1 to 5 h. p. motor sec 'U'l hand. Jarrell Machine Co. FOR SALt OK RhN"i. TWO DWELLINGS for rent No. West Trade, 6 rooms and bath (uu ' Hiht); No. 708 Smith St., C rooms, warden. S. Wittkowsky. 21-tf i FOR RENT Three desirable unfur iii hs ii rooms for light housekeeping. -V'I'Iy 1".02 S. Boulevard. 19-3t FOR RENT- ''"lii:;. ;i:i e. -2 large 5th St. unfurnished 21-2t WHY NOT rent, that spare room? '' young man who wants it is look K ro for your ad every day. tf FOR RENT One or two rooms 1 iy furnished, good location, modern 'uv. -.nonces. 'Phone 1866. FR RENT All Healing Spring !l ' I. Six miles west of Taylorsville. Cl !:;i!o!oly furnished; iron beds and '-irnifle mattresses. Terms reas '''". Address J. W. Copeland, Al Springs, N. C. 18-3t-w&s FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 716 l; St. J. P. Hackney. 18-2t-w&s FOR SALE On Eighth street, bc- n Hrevard and Davidson, one lot, ..!;; feet. Apply to W. E. Shaw, 1!'-:it FOR SALE OR RENT The best lo ' )! ) wood yard in city. Good busi ; and complete outfit. Address W. r- l"wd at News office. 20-2 1 iF YOU don't like your house sell '; An ad here will bring you a buyer. FOR SALE Beef refrigerator and ' '' ':r t fixtures, nearly new, all first ' and up-to-date. E. A. Moffett. V; X. Graham St. J.r.-tf 'PHONE 1060 for Dry Stove Wood. Dilworth Wood Co. i6-6t THREE HOUSES for rent 406 East Liddell St. Leland Hotel. 17-tf I MISCELLANEOUS I LOST Small pocket-book contain ing signet ring return to News office and get reward. 21-lt ,DunM rt . smaller than Charlotte. PHONE 370 for wood always. C. i "We came here," he continued, uowq lo. ls.3t bccause we learned that the popula- 1 1 tion of Charlotte had increased from GET your clothes pressed at the Un- 18,000 to 40,000 in the past ten years, ion Pressing Club. 'Phone 1S90. Wo We believe there is a splendid oppor haye the Greenleaf Patent shaper tunity here because the town is grow which pulls all the bags out at the ing rapidly and we believe it is a knees- 19-6t good investment." The store is stocked with a large WE SIGN everything except Notes, Timmcns & Butt. Opp. Gem Hotel. S LOST Chased gold Pi Kappa AI- pha fraternity ring in Central Hotel lobby. Reward if returned to Box 41. Davidson, N. C. 21-lt THE PERSON who found the thing you lost is looking here for your ad vertisement, tf ! GC-CART SALE At prices that will move 'em quick. 25 new patterns just in. Marked in plain figures and worth 1-3 more than marked. A few prices are $2.70, $3.31, $4.45, $6.80, $7.05, $9.52, $10.27, $10.95, $12.90, $14.17, $15.45, $18.07. Terms: 1-2 cash and 11.00 a week for balance, or 5 per cent off for all cash. This is your one chance of the season. Lawing-Robbins Furniture Co. 19-5t LONG SILK GLOVES, Blacks, Whites, Tans, Browns, etc., Wednes day, C9 cents a pair. Efird's. 2-1 1 REFRIGERATORS, Ice Boxes, Wa-: ter Coolers, Porch Rockers, are new ; arrivals and worth your consideration. Lawing-Robbins Furniture Co., The Complete Home Furnishers. 19-5t A FEW OFFICES to rent In new, Law Building. See L. W. Humphrey, -secretary. 17-tf A SHINE FOR ONE CENT The New Automatic Shoe Polisher. Biggest money maker ever invented. Brings business wherever installed. We want energetic responsible men in ev ery part of the United States to assist both in organizing company and in stalling machines on liberal profit shar ing plan. If you are a hustler and can devote some time write for our prop osition at once. Automatic Installing Co., 1413-77 Jackson St., Chicago, 111. 2-lt ' THE CLIMAX Barber shop, six first class barbers, fine shower or tub baths st-j excellent cigars. V. H. Young, Proprie tor 14 North Tryon. 'Phone 1907 Heater for sale. 2-28-tf i IN A HURRY Necktie won't slip; i ain't it aggravating? Send us yourj collars and you won't have this trou ble. 'Phone 800. Sanitary Laundry. ! ADVERTISE here and it vill be re-j turned to you. tf! LADIES' LAUNDRY WORK re-j ceives special treatment at this laun-; dry. Extra care taken in our Hand i Department. 'Phone 800. Sanitary Laundry. j MONUMENTS See us before plac-j ing your order for anything in ceme-: tery work. Mecklenburg Marble and I Granite Co., South College and Rail-1 road. 27-15t-eod ! FIRST-CLASS ROOMS with board. Reasonable rates, central location. Ad-j dress E. F. Bolton, 46 West 36th St., i Nw York City. 3-2t-aw-tfi ONE MILLION feet lumber, ten! thousand cords wood on 200 acres land. ; Land will produce 200 bales cotton.! Lies well. 1V2 miles of Monroe. Price j to quick buyer $37.50 acre. L. Medlin, Monroe, N. C. 14-3t-oawj EXPLORATION PARTY, being, formed to tour west shore of Hudson ! Bay this summer to locate valuable' silver deposits, will receive members j to join party or contribute ($10.00 1 each) to fund, with equal profit shar-, ing advantages. Full particulars for two cent stamp. Address "Audit," this ' naner. 21-4t-oaw,l i Making Soofi ! j The following letter shows the character of the guarantee that goes with every Suit ordered from the Carolina Pressing Club: CAROLINA PRESSING CLUB, Charlotte, N. C. Gentlemen: If any of the coats we made for your customers during the past year have not held their shape or the linings have lot given satisfactory wear, we request that you send the coat to i,a nnrl w will make the front satisfactory by either, putting in a new front or making a new coat, and if the linings have not given satisfactory service we will be pleased to reline free of charge. Yours Suits made to order $18 to $50 and every' detail of quality, fit and workmanship covered by a guarantee that protects. Orders left now will be ready for delivery by Easter. Carolina Pressing Club P 227 N. Tryon St. 9 DIDN'T KNOW CITY WAS SUCH A BIG ONE Farley A Atrkins Believe They Have a Splendid Opportunity in Estab lishing a Branch of Their Wide Spread Business in Charlotte. "We would have been here several years ago had we known the size oi Charlotte," said Mr. W. T. Farley, of the firm of Farley & Asians, who is in the city superintending the open- ine of a branch at No- 209 North Tryon street. Mr. Farley said further that his firm had branch clothing stores in 40 cities in the North and) South, between 20 and 25 being in the Southern States, and that several were cities where they operate are assortment of the latest styles in men's, women's and children's cloth- ing, comprising suits, shoes, hats, coat suits' tailor-made suits skirts and here direct from New York where the firm owns a mammoth factory which ; manufactures the majority of goods 1 handled. The store on North Tryon street is handsomely furnished and the goods are displayed to the very ! best advantage. The show window is neatly trimed and for several days has been attracting attention of both and sentlemen. A feature of Farley & Askins' meth od of business is the credit system, which the firm has operated with marked success in its various branch stores scattered over more than a dozen states. This feature is ad vertised extensively, and, contrary to the custom of many storeys, no security is required. Mr. Edward A. Farley will be the manager of the Charlotte store. He is one of four brothers who are di rectly or indirectly interested in about in about 180 stores of this kind in the United States . School Building Burned. By Associated Press. st T.oniK Mo.. March 21. Forest Park University, located west of the city, caught fire today. The general alaarm brought out the entire fire department. The university was at tended by 300 young students from all over the country., All the students are reported to have escaped. The building was burned. o Bears the Signature The Kind you Have Always coup of CASTOXlIAw Tkn V,nA Vnn Unun Aliiuoue RnllftM 'ears the ninni uuugm G A. 5 T X. X A m Bears the ""'"" The Kind You Have Always Bougr.i Chapel Hill, N. C, May 6, 1907. I take pleasure in stating that Alexander Webb, of Warren County, N. C, used Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy with wonder ful success. The doctors said his leg would have to be ampu tated, but seeing Mrs. Joe Per son's medicine advertised, he sent for it and the Wash, and in three months' time he was a sound and active young man. He had been confined to bed and room for two years or more, and I do not doubt, if it had not been for the wonderful Rem edy and Wash, he would have been a maimed man for life. Yours truly, J. D. WEBB. t t t t 4 Very truly, E. V. PRICE & CO. W. H. C. BARKLEY, Prop. Sore INDICTED FOR FAILURE TO BUI LD COURT HOUSE Judge Fred Moore Sustains Demurer of Commissioners of Gaston County to Bill of Indictment, Charging Dereliction of Duty on Their Part On the Ground That Sufficiently Specific. L WaS IMnt Before Judge Fred Moore yester day afternoon the argument on a de murer to a bill of indictment by the state against the county commission ers of Gaston, charged with failure to build a new court house at Dallas, was heard. The contention of the defendants was that the bill of indictment was not specific enough for them to be held thereon, and aside from this contention it was also argued that on the merits of the case, the com missioners had descretionary powrer in - j i - r A-1 i - . me matter oi me ereciion or mei court house, and, therefore, were not! liable to prosecution for failure to erect the same. The state contended that the com missioners were in duty bound to build the court house, when it was shown that it wras absolutely neces sary. Judge Moore sustained the demurer on the ground that the bill of in dictment was not sufficiently specific to constitute a cause of action. The commissioners were represent ed bv Messrs. F. I. Osborne and E. T. Cansler, of Charlotte, and A. G. Mangum, of Gastonia. Messrs. Clark son & Duls represented the plain tiffs in the action, who fought the demurer. SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM The B. B. B. Class will Conduct the Exercises Tomorrow Afternoon. The program of the exercises of the First Baptist church tomorrow will be conducted by. the B. B. B. class, of which Mrs. W. C. Dowd is teacher. Next Sunday the exercises will be con ducted by the Fidelis class, Mrs. T. S. Franklin's. Tomorrows program fol lows : Song service, Nos. 166, 99, 154. Invocation. Song by school, No. 12. Song by B. B. B. class. Coronet solo, Mr. Clarence Dresser 23d Psalm in concert. Inartette, Messrs. Geo. King, Dal Rigler, Ed Robinson and Bryce How ell. Song by school.. No. 91. Talk by President of class, Mr. Thos Creswell. Inartette, Messrs. Rob. Johnson, H. W. Dempster, Bryce Howell, Sonthey Savage. Prayer. Lesson period. Song No. 92. Annoucements. Secretary's report. Benediction. ST. RAILWAY, SUED FOR $2,300. Capt. B. M. Ormand Wants that Amount for Injuries Received in March 1907. A suit wras begun In the superior court today by Capt. D. M. Ormond, a conductor on the Southern railway, against the Charlotte Electric Light and Power Company for $2,300 dama ges for injury to himself and the kill ing of his horse on the night of March the 26th 1907 by one of the company'3 cars at the corner of Morehead and South Tryon streets. Mr. Brevard Nixon is the attorney for the plaintiff in the action. The Incubator Baby Dead. Jesse Lee Danner, the wee bit of a baby born at St. Peter's hospital when its mother was ill, and later left an or phan, is dead after a brave fight for life, which promised to be successful. It began to droop Wednesday and the doctor thought some brain trouble had developed. Has Hopes of Peaches. Mr. Plato Price, in from Steele Creek today, says he doesn't think the freeze killed the peaches. Tonight's cold is the thing to fear. UNION CO. PLANS C Special to The News. Monroe, N. C, March 21. At a meeting of the delegates from the dif ferent sections of the county, held in the court house for the purpose of or ganizing for the prohibition campaign, the following officers of the county ex ecutive committee were elected: R. B. Redwine, chairman; F. H. Wolfe, sec retary; F. B. Ashcraft, treasurer. Mr. R. A. Morrow was chairman of the meeting. It was decided to make a cam paign in all sections of the county. All the school districts in the coun ty which have not organized are urged to have meetings between now and March 27th and perfect organization. Delegates from the different town ships were enrolled as follows: Sandy Ridge R. B. Cuthbertson, J. N. Price, F. M. Sutton, S. W. Stew art. -it.; Vance W. J. Sutton. Goose Creek I. A. Clontz. T. F. James, T. L. A. Helms. Marshville Revs. Geo. Stevens, J. L. Shinn, A. Marsh. Lanes Creek J. B. Huggins, B. F. Parker. Buford G. M Laney, T. L. Hinson, Z. B. Griffin, R. W. Elliott, D. C. Mont gomery. Jackson W. R. McNeely, G. H Burgees. Monroe J. H. McCoIlum, T. E. Wil liams, A. H. McLarity, J. W. Ashcraft, R. L. Gordon, O. M. Saunders. The Typographical Union of Ger many, composed of printers, press men, feeders and typefounders, has . - 3 : i membership, according to its last re port, of 53,807 and a fund in its treasury amounting to nearly $1,500,- FOR IN I liave brpn vrung Cascarets for Insomnia, with wincU I Imve been afflicted for over twenty ycaiR. an,- say that Casc-ureta have given me mora relief Minn iinv nt.ipp ti 1 1. 1 i it i I . . i r i ., - -. .. ....... UJ , ovur Cineu. 1 DeinS all ttmv iirA TAnraaontarl ' Tlios. Olllard, Elgin. IU. Guaranteed to cure or your money buck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 597 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Winston's Tobacco Market. Special to The News. WTinston-Salem, N. C, March 21. Fair-sized sales continue to be the feature on the local leaf tobacco mar ket. The breaks this week aggre gated about half a million pounds. The offering have been of a better grade than last week and this week's average is higher than for several weeks past. Several piles have been sold at $40 per hundred and a score of farmers have averaged from $16 to $24 per hundred for their leaf. Treas. Lacy In The Race Special to The News. Raleigh, N. C, March 21. State Treasurer B. R. Lacy is sending out to the newspapers and to his politi cal friends throughout the state a formal card announcing that he will seek renomination for the office of state treasurer at the approaching democratic state convention this setp being on account of intimations that have been made lately that he wrould probably not seek renomination. The card is as follows: To the Public. For fear that some of my constitu ents may have been misinformed in regard to my political movements and aspirations, I take this means of notifying the public at large and my friends in particular, that I will again be a candidate for the position of state treasurer, and to beg their kindly consideration. I have served the state to the best of my ability, and having de voted every energy to learning the duties of the office of state treasurer, I am better equipped to fill the position than ever before. The con duct of my administration speaks for itself, and if I should be re nominated and elected, I promise the continued faithful performance ot the duties of this office. I, therefore, beg that my friends not only endorse me before the con vention, but i nthe democratic pri maries preceding the convention. B. R. LACY. MR. CHATHAM WANTS $150 The City and trie Street Railway Sued for Electrocuting a Horse. Mr. Paul Chatham has entered suit against the city of Charlotte and the Charlotte Electric Railway Light and Power Company in the sum of $150 for the killing of his horse some time last fall by coming in contact with a loose wire while being driven in Pied mont. Messrs. Caudle and Delaney are the attorneys for Mr. Chathanm. Prof. Overcarsh Gives Musical. Prof. Harvey Overcarsh gave a pleasant musical entertainment at the home of Miss Edna Jenkins last even itic Ma nlaverl selections from Chonin. f7p BesrFor Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Oood, . , , r , " .I.'.""" "ripe, jc. Z..C, sue. never Wagner, Mendelshon and Grieg. Miss)xov-Dec 5.16 Nellie Rose Sloan his youngest pupil in advance class assisted him. These present were mostly the parents of the students, and those interested in the music. The hostess Miss Jenkins de lightfully entertained those present and served suitable refreshments. Prof. Overcarsh delighted the musically in clined with his perfect renditions of clasical selections. Gastonia News. Mr. H. Connor Sherrill, circulation manager of the News will leave to night for Greensboro and. Durham to spend a few days. CABLEGRAM Sydney, Dec 22. Greennood. San Fran. Incerebas. Podopsides. Dip.betes. Fodolopide. Brinhts. Beniamin. TRANSLATION. Benjamin Bros, are manufacturers" agents in Sydney, Australia. Green hood is H. O. Greenhood, the exporter of 320 Sansome St., San Francisco. Concerning the report that cures for Bright's Disease and Diabetes have been discovered in San Francisco, Ben jamin Bros. wrrote Greenhood to send a. small order, and if it really did the business they would send an impor tant order. The trial lot was sent. The above cable is the reply. It did the business. They couldn't wait for a letter but cabled. Translated it calls for the immediate shipment of nearly $400 worth cf Fulton's Compounds for Bright's Disease and Diabetes. The whole world is waking up to the won der of the discovery. You don't have to cable 6000 miles. It's right at your doors. Send for literature. Woodall & Sheppard, Local Agents. When to suspect Bright's Disease weakness or loss of weight; puffy an- alkies, hands or eyel'-ls; dropsy; Kid yxf i i i . ex xi, ii. : 3 i . ney trouble after tho third month; urine may show sediment; failing vis ion; drowsiness; one or more of these. To-day 's Markets J. S. Bache & Co.'s Cotton Letter. New York March 21. The cotton market ruled fairly steady with some i , - overdue. The Liverpool market showed some strength and shorts covered on eve- ining of contracts over the week-end. The weather in the south continues favorable for farm work. The May op tion declined easily to 9.67 and July sold at 9.68. The market strengthened later but there was little or no business to speak of. We look for a further rally but would sell cotton on bulges. Hayward & Cark's Coton Lter. New Orleans, La., March 21. Liver pool fully conformed to the decline. Our markets are discouraged by the rapid break of the- past few days and at the mercy of incompetent, thought less shorts selling. The opening was steady, but as soon as May in New York weakened a few points, selling orders came pour ing in and prices broke 10 points in a few minutes. Owing to check to bull speculation the market has little absorbing power and in consequence bears are daring. Yet the short interest is assuming men acing proportions and should the notion to cover take posession of the ranks there would be trouble. A little re flection over Sunday night would easily change conditions. The weekly statement shows the stock in Liverpool 110,000 behind last year and the amount of American cot ton afloat for that market, 56,000 bales, against 213,000 last year. This may produce a similar effect among the talent in Liverpool. Such a technical situation of the market interests is critical and caution on the short side extremely advisable. The newspapers this morning contain ed the official announcement that sim iltaneously with a drop of 1-4 cent in the price of print cloths today, notices were posted in the seven mills of the Fall River Company and the works of the American Printing Company, owm ed by Mr. Borden, of New York, that those points would be closed all of next week and alternate weeks until tour weeks curtailment have been complet ed. Weather records show light to mod erate rains in the central and eastern belts followed by light to heavy frost killing frost' in the high lands of Ten nessee and northwest Georgia. No frost in those parts of Texas or the southern belt where cotton is reported coming up. . Part cloudy to fair weather is pre dicted over Sunday. New York Cotton March 21 High. Low. Close. Mch 9.63 9.56 9.61 63 May 9.77 Oct 9.52 Spots quiet, 10.55. 9.68 9.47 9.7374 9.5253 New Orleans Cotton. March 21. High Low Close. Mch 10.02 10.01 10.0102 May 9.97 9.84 9.9597 July 9.95 9.S2 9.9495 Oct 9.51 9.43 9.4850 Spots steady 10. Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, March 21. Futures open ed firm and closed quiet; receipts 1, 100; sales 4,000; speculation and ex port 500; middling 5.78, yesterday 5.S6. Close. Mar 5.35 Mar-Apr 5.35 Apr-May 5.35 May-June 5-36 June-July O.dO 72 r -i July-Aug 5.34 Aug-Sept 5.29 Sept-Oct 5.24 Oct-Nov 5.24 Oct-Nov 5.18 Dec-Jan 5.15 Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good middling Strict middling Middling 10 101 V8 Estimates. To- Last morrow. Year. New Orleans 20003000 2830 Houston 30003500 7499 Comparative Port Receipts. To- Last day, Galveston New Orleans Mobile Savannah Charleston Wilmington Norfolk Boston Philadelphia New York Year. 10931 8012 72 1081 . 288 179 1729 95 Total Est 11000 22739 Chicago Gram and Produce. High. Low. Close. WHEAT May July Sept CORN May July Sept OATS May July .... Sept PORK May July LARD May July RIBS May July 94 88 86 65 63 62 54 48 38 12.47 12.87 7.97 8.20 6.87 7.17 Thors arp now 262 000 Sundav hnnii in the woriH with n totnl of 26,000,000 pupils. ' 95. 95 90 88 . 87 85 66 65 63 62 62 62 . 55 54 , 48 48 . 38 38 12.55 12.45 12.92 12.S0 7.47 7.92 8.22. 8.12 6.87 6.82 7.17 7.12 STOCKS A.vCnlBon ; 731 Atchison Pfd Baltimore A Ohio f i Canadian Pacific 14fi)3 ChesareattA Ohio 30i Chicago & Alton Chicago Great Western 4j Erie r Erie Pfd aoa Rock Island 14 rillnnlu Cuntrnl t'WA Louisville fc Nashville".... ". ' k7ii Manhattan MiinnVi S ii Missouri Kansas AT 25 SJrf kfVJ OmarK) & Western Pennsylvania Heading 104 Heading Pfd 3-'a St. Paul IM Southern Pacific T,i' Southern Hallway i2 Southern Hailway Perferred 'Si'i Texas & Pacific 17 Union Pacific 12o Wabash s Wabash P'ld 17 Amalgamated Couper b' Brook tin Rapid Xrannlt. ., 47 Colorado i)'uei A Iron 2 Con Uae Peoples Gas 8 Sugar ,....121 Sloss Iron A Steel Tenessee Coal Iron United States Leather United State Steel ?4g Jnlted States Steel Preferred as V estem Union ... Virginia Carolina Chemical 181 v. r-srnlrn Ohemlca ftii Northern Pacific 12 11- oineiters 70',.' Anaconda Copper A Bank Statement. Reserve, Inc 6,759,275 Less U. S., Inc 6,501,050 Loans, Inc 934,100 Specie, Inc 7,493,600 Legals, Inc 1,828,500 Deposits, Inc 10,250,900 Circulation, Dec 161,200 Charlotte Produce Market. (Corrected by R. H. Field & Co.) Chickens spring 2025 Turkeys per lb 1314 Geese per head 4550 Hens per head 4015 Ducks 25 Eggs 13 Butter 1520 PRESIDENT IN CONFERENCE. Several Members of Congress Called Into Conference Regarding Legisla tion on Important Matters. Washington, D. C, March 21. An important conference was held at the white house today, the president having summoned there Senator Aldrich, Rep resentatives Payne, Dalzell and Hep burn, for the purpose of consulting as to the legislative program which, it is- understood, includes measures amend atory of the employers' liability act; a bill modifying the power of injunc tion; the Aldrich financial bill; Hen burn proposition to amend the Sher man anti-trust law and the proposition to the prosecution of the tariff inquiry during the recess of congress. The cattle egret of India is a bird that follows grazing cattle to secure disturbed insects. I Telephone Value is determined by the number of people you can reach without leav ing your home or office. The time It saves you; Bell Service puts you in touch with the whole world is indispensable. REASONABLE RATES CALL CONTRACT DEPT., NO. 9050 Be!i Service is Satisfactory WE WILL SELL 16 shares Gaston Mfg. Co. (N.C.) 6 shares North State Fire Ins. Co. (N.C.) 50 shares Brown Mfl. Co. 20 shares Mayes Mfg. Co. 5 shares Gray Mfg. Co. 25 shares American Trust Co. 10 shares Dallas Cotton Mill, 15 shares Southern Pants Co. 40 shares Elba Mfg. Co. 25 shares Clifton Mfg. Co. 20 shares Flint Mfg. Co. 6 shares Henrietta Mfg. Co. 25 shares Chronicle Mill, 50 shares Ozark Cotton Mill, (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (S. C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) 10 shares Commercial National Bank, (N.C.) If you want to buy or sell securi ties would be glad to hear from you. SOUTHERN SECURITIES & TRUST COMPANY. 15 South College St. Charlotte, N. C. Raw Fur-Hide s Ship the above to M. S ABEL & SONS Dealers in HIDES, FUR, PELTS, WOOL Louisville, Ky. Established in 1856 Ref erence : Any Bank in Louisville Weekly Price List Issued Write for it.

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