THE CHARLOTTE (NEWS, MARCH 23, 1908. !0 F. 0. HACKETT FOB AUDITOR Yv'ilkesboro, N. C, March 10. Dear Sir: At a meeting of the democratic members of the bar of Wilkes county, convened on Wed nesday, Feb. LSth, 190S, the qua'.i.'i cations of our fellow countryman, Hon. Frank D. Hackett, for the office of State Auditor, were considered and reviewed, whereupon it was unanimously resolved: 1. That we present the name of Hon. Frank D. Hackett of Wilkes county to the approaching democratic state convention for nomination for the office of state auditor of North Carolina, and that we put forth every effort to secure the favorable r jcog nition of our worthy friend and fe! low countryman. 2. That Mr. Hackett's long experi ence as an accountant and book keeper, his ability as a lawyer of lb years experience and practice, and his experience for eight years as clerk and principal clerk of the houe of representatives in our state legis lature, and his wide acquaintance with men and public affairs eminent ly qualify him for the office named, and we unhesitatingly declare ih:.t his nomination and election as state auditor, will insure to the state a servant worthy in all respects of the trusts involved in this high office. 3. That Mr. Hackett's services at. worker ami wise counsellor in ihe democratic party, amply jusr'.i'y the claims of his friends, that h? i? entitled to recognition at this time. We take this action as his friends and well-wishers of Wilkes county, in order that the attention of the democrats of the entire state may be favorably directed to Mr. Hackett, to the end that his candidacy may be received throughout the state with that confidence which it deserves. Signed: Finlev & Hendren. Oscar C. Dancy, W. W. Barber, Chas. G. Gilreath, H. A. Cranor. ARTIFICIAL LEG FOR DOG TWO PAIR, NOT THREE. Error in an Advertisement Pl3ys Havoc. Like the serpent creeping into Eden to lay the foundation for future troubles, a typographical error insinu ated its detested presence into the handsome full page advertisement of Efird's Department Store in Satur day's News and from the moment of its appearance the serene happiness of the advertising department has been marred by lottd voices, accusa tions, denials, gnashing of teeth and much mental anguish. Now it is well known to the unhappy person whose duty it is to fix the responsi bilitv for an error upon the trembling offender, and then an dthere soil the palatial furnishings of his sanctum with his fresh warm blood, that the origin of a typographical error is al ways shrouded in deep, dark, mys tery, the unravelling of which is more difficult than establishing the ancestry of a parriah dog. The copy writer claims that it lies between the proof-reader and the compositor. These gentlemen with an air of in jured innocence claim that some one else lies, and lest the blame inadver tantly fall upon an innocent one, and a career that might some day change the destiny of a nation be blotted out on the very threshold of life, the guilty one is permitted to go forth punished only by his guilty con science. The error refered to above is as follows: In advertising a special in 50 cent real lisle thread gauze hose at 23 cents a pair or two pairs for 45 cents, the advertisement was made to read 3 pair 4Gc." which was an error almost too palpable to need explanation. Following is a corrected version of the advertisement: i 5Cc Real Lisle Thread Gauze Hose, 23c. Police Mascot Will Have New Leather Stump. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. A dog with a leatner leg may seem like a "story from the Never, Never Land. Cut that is just what Veteri nary Roberts proposes to rig up on "Hash," the mascot of the police sta tion. The veterinary is an expert in treat ing dogs, and he says that he will make a false leg and put in on "Hash," so that the dog will be able to fool his closest canine friends. "Hash" was run down and his leg so badly crushed that it was necessary to amputate it: Dr. Roberts perform ed the operation without administering an esthetic. "Hash," with the fortitude of a stoic, lay perfectly quiet while the bones were sawed off. After the operation was completed the leg was bandaged and a solution prepared which Policeman Peffer pours on the leg every few hours. Abut 11 o'clock last night "Hash" was worried because there was no one to give him the medicine and the officer was surprised to have his pet tugging at his trouser's leg. The animal had hobbled on three legs several blocks from Ihe station, where he hunted up the policeman on his beat. For hours the dumb animal lies with his head between his fore legs half asleep enduring the agony of the am putated leg. When those who know him best speak kindly he does manage to wag his tail feebly in recognition of the friendship. Veterinary Roberts proposes, as soon as the injury will permit, to attach a leather leg to the stiTb, so that his pa tient will be able to run and scamper about with his dog chums as though he had all four of his "pins." Every body at the station is looking forward to the time when the mascot will be out of his misery. Bank Talks BY THE m m 8 n c 3 o ilfloney Savers Bast Citizens When one determines to save a portion of his income whether it be large or small, and lives up to it, he begins to feel that he is a factor in the business and social life of the community. MOST OF THE SUBSTANTIAL MEN OF TODAY attribute their success to the habit of saving acquired in early life. ONE DOLLAR WILL START AN ACCOUNT in our Savings Department on whieh interest will be allowed at the rate of four per cent, per annum com pounded quarterly. Deposits made between now and March 5th will bear interest from 1st March. Commercial National Bank Shakespeare asked, "What's in a name?" But that was before men had acquired the habit of putting their property in their wives' names. GUSNESS BUILDERS Our Buyer picked up a Case of Genuine Lisle Thread Hose, Thin, Summer Weight, the best made. They will go on sale Wednesday morning at 25 Cents a Pair; 2 Pair, 45 Cents. MORE BOX COLLECTIONS. Postmaster Ppence Arranges a Con venient Schedule. Postmaster Spence has arranged a new schedule of carrier collections in the business district of the city. It gives more collections than ever be fore and better service. The hours follow: In the morning 7:15 and 10 o'clock In the afternoon 2:20, 3:30, 4:20, ,4: GO, 5:20, 5:50, 6:20, 0:50 and 8:30. Sundays 8 a. m. 3:30 and 7 p. m. Holidays No collections. GROCERY RICHLIEU COFFEE is as near perfection as as can be pro duced. This coffee is put up and guar anteed by one of the largest houses in the United States. I have sole agency for it in Charlotte. Give it a trial. D. Pickles for 25 cts. L. L. SARRATT, 'Phone 103. 309 N. Tryon St. FRESH STRING 1 JEANS AND FANCY FLORIDA TOMATOES, RECEIVED FRESH. S. R. LENT2, 'Phone 251. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. FRESH GREEN FEAS, Strawberries, Head Lettcue, just in. Also shipment of Boneless Cod Fish 2 lb. boxes 35c box. Be sure you try our cooked Cod Roe in 2-lb cans, 25c. MILLER-VAN NESS CO., 27 N. Tryon. S3 SPECIAL PRUNE SALE 15c Prunes 12 l-2c, and 12 l-2c Prunes at 10c, and 10c Primes at 8 l-3c, and X l-3c Prune at 7 l-2c. We can save you money in this Special Sale of Prunes. BRIDGERS &. CO.. 203 W. Trade. QUICK SERVICE AND BEST DRINKS AT OUR FOUNTAIN. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 26 South Tryon. A Full Line of SARGENT'S DOG REMEDY. Ask us for booklet giving much val uable information. DILWORTH DRUG STORE 'Phone 247. B. S. Davis MISCELLANEOUS North Charlotte Lots for Sale. I own the two most desirable lots in North Charlotte, on Brevard street, be tween 21st and 22nd streets, opposite Swift's offices, on car line, with water and lights already there. For sale to quick purchaser on long time. Will sell one or both. FRANK F. JONES. The most efficient and valu able machinery is that which gets a maximum of production with a minimum of human labor. In other words, modern inven tion is constantly seeking to de vise machinery and appliances that are automatic. $:$ We think we have a Savings Plan that is practically auto matic. -$:$- It is this: We invito salaried people to deposit ALL of their income with us and check out only what they need. The amount left over is automatical ly saved. $:$ In the case of automatic ma chinery some one has to start it going. You can start our Savings Plan going by deposit ing One Dollar. $ $ Begin now. AVe pay 4 per cent. New Interest Quarter begins April 1st. $:$ Offices in the Trust Building Fiddlers' Convention at Matthews. There will be an old time fiddlers' convention at Matthews Thursday night, April 2nd. Everybody is cor dially invited. The proceeds will go to the benefit of the school building. For particulars see A. J. Williams, Mat thews, N. C, or W. O. Lemmond, In dian Trail, N. C. Belmont Anti-Saloon League to Meet. The Belmont Anti-Saloon League will meet this evening at 7:30 at the Wodmen of the World Hall. The public generally are cordially invited to be present. There are to be a number of short speeches by local talent and a good time is expected. LYNNHAVEN BAY OYSTERS All seasonable game and delicacies cooked and served in the best style at THE GEM RESTAURANT, E. F. Creswell, Proprietor. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 100 rental machines, all makes, ready for instant delivery. Every machine irst class in every particular. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. 217 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 304. REAL LSI Art- FOR SALE For $375 am going to sell a choice lot near Mint St. in 3rd ward; size 45x145 to alley. Lies beau tifully, faces east, hence afternoon shade. It's worth $500, but it must be sold. Now, wait until the other fel low gets it. then cuss your wife for your own delay. E. L. KEESLER, 'Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon St. FOR RENT One splendid four room house North Brevard St., on car line, per week, $2.50; one 5-room house Belmont Park, lot 100 by 150, fine fruit trees, good garden, fine location, per week, $2.50; one 4-room house 21st St., large lot, city water, per week $2.00; 3 North Davidson St., per week $1.25. W. G. SHOEMAKER, 227 N. Tryon St. Phones 306 or 444. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. At Piedmont. Lot 110x200 on E. 7th street. Will sell( for small profit. J. L. REDWINE 620 E. 7th. FOR QUICK SALE. One vacant lot N. Graham St.; 10G acre farm 3 miles Derita road; 50y2 acre farm 4 miles, $2000; 13-acre farm 4 miles, new 2-room house, $1300; 11 acre farm, 9 miles, at Crofts, $C50; 5 rooru cottage, close in $3100. N. J. SHERRILL, Of Sherrill Mineral Springs Co. 'Phone 918. Heinz's Dill Pickles, Mangoes, Sour Pickles, Plain Sweet Pickles, Sweet Mixed Pickles and a dozen different kinds in glass. TO LET Seven-Room House, close in, modern conveniences $17.00 Nine-Room House, No. 8 South Davidson 80.00 Elegant Nine-Room Residence, Fourth Ward 37.50 Seven-Room, Modern House Corner Brevard and Liberty Sts. 22.50 Six-Room House, city water and sewerage, E. Grade St 20.00 Five-Room Cottage, same locality 12.50 Four-Room Cottage, S. Church St., close in 12.00 Six-Room House, large lot, can be used by two small fam ilies 10.00 Seven-Room Modern Cottage, Piedmont Park 22.50 Traders Land Company P. M. BROWN, President. MORRIS E. TROTTER, Vice Pres. JNO. BASS BROWN, Secty-Treas. REAL, ESTA TE FOR SALE A, $1000 For seven room two story house, slate roof, with all modern ! conveniences, near Elizabeth College, high nice location, 4 large lot. A bargain at above price. 4 $2500 For five-room cottage, corner Clarkson and West Fourth V streets, house perfectly new, never been occupied, storm sheeted, double floors, metal roof, walls beautifully tinted, gas and city water. -For five-room cottage East Oak street, on shady side, house recently papered and painted and in first class condition, good size lot. Neat 55 sues We offer near S. A. L. Passenger Depot two 4-rocni eclt price of $1100.00 each. Terms $200.00 to $300.00 cash- b-iW 3t ,!5 of the Building and Loan Associations. . Convenient to strvL (- Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Capital, $75,000. W. S. ALEXANDER, President. R. A. DUNN, Vice President, company Surplus, $100,000. a. m. Mcdonald, oec. anrl t " '"a, $1850- J. B. MURPHY & COMPANY 43 N. Tryon. 'Phone 842. Motto National Bank CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $300,000.00 "THE SQAUP.E DEAL." rs a Phrase Which is Popular Nowadays. We Apply it to Banking Methods. We offer at a bargain an S-room residence on North Graham st large lot, with all modern conveniences; barn and wcxsdbnSA premises; splendidly located. For terms and price see or 'nhoneiH" The Charlotte Trust and Realty Company Phone 377 I CAPITAL $200,000.00. A. G. Craig, Secretary. i ft C Y ! W. J. Chambers, Treasurer. 10 Li fjjj Five Room Cottage ELIZABETH AVENUE $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Can arrange good terms. Come quick. It will not stay long. Browrv & Company Phone 535. ?03 N. Tryon St OFFICERS: B. D. Heath, President; John M. Scott, Vice Pres.; J. H. Little, Vice Pres. W. H. Twitty, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. H. Belk, Jno. G. Bryce, W. J. Chambers, J. M. Davis, B. D. Heath, O. P. Heath, II. G. Link, Vinton Liddell, J. II. Little, W. M. Long, W. O. Nisbet, C. M. Patterson, H. N. Pharr, J. F. Robertson, Jno. M. Scott, W. II. Twitty, C. Valaer, W.. A. Watson, J. W. Zimmerman. John D. Rockefeller still has the little book in which he kept account of every penny when his salary was smaller than that of any of the 25,000 men who work for him today. He "saved" his money. Are you saving? We would appreciate your account and pay 4 per cent, interest. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT I ! 1 I The Merchants & Farmers National M I GEO. E. WILSON, President. JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President. W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. T W. M. CROWELL. 'Phones 744 and 297. iIU.RU 1 He is lifeless that is faultless. French. A HIGHER HEALTH LEVEL. "I have re' .jhed'a higher health lev el since I 1" ;an using Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Jacob Springer, of West Franklin, Maine. "They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just right." If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at Woodall & Sheppards drug store. 25c. SPRING IS HERE Have your Spring Clothes made by Henry Miller, Jr., the Tailor. Now is your chance to get a $25.00 suit made for $1.00. For particulars call and see me. Also have your clothes pressed at $1.50 per month. Up-stairs, over liurweil & Dunn Drug Co. 'Phono 1403. HENRY MILLER, JR., The Tailor. PANAMA AND STRAW HATS Cleaned and reshaped In the latest style. No paste or acid used. M. KIRSHBAUM, The Hatter. 245 W. Trade 8t. Charlotte, N. C. ROOFING I will tear off the old shingles and put on ,a new tin roof for you at about the cost of a new shingle roof. A tin roof is better and gives you cheaper insurance. Ask for estimates. C, F. SHU MAN o STORE ROOMS. Auditorium $25.00 HOUSES 218 East 8th St., 4 rooms $10.00 fill W. Sth St., 3 rooms .. $ 7.00 G08 West 7th St., 4 rooms $11.00 718 E. 4th St., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $25.00 10 S. Myers, G rooms, modern conveniences . $22.50 916 N. Caldwell St, 4 rooms 10.00 309 W. 10th St., modern conven iences, 9 rooms. $37.50 8 S. Davidson St., 9 rooms, mod ern conveniences $30.00 E. 7th St. Ex., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $22.50 Grade St., 7 rooms, modern con veniences .$20.00 6-room cottage, electric lights, 5 acres land Providence Road, opposite Myers Park 16.66 Providence road, 4 rooms 10.00 Craighead Park, 4 rooms 8.00 Belmont Avenue, Belmont, 4 rooms 7.00 918 N. Caldwell St., C rooms.. 12.50 brown & co.. n or vssues Lot 45x145, 3rd Ward, near Mint St., $ 375 Lot 50x150, good house, Oak St $1500 Lot 50x150, excellent house, Oak St $1850 Three choice lots, Piedmont Park, near car line, at .bargain prices and easy terms. FOR RENT Tenth St., new cottage, modern, worth $20, only $16 2-3 E Cth St., 4-room cottage, good well, only , $ 8,00 Worthing Avenue, Dihvorth. two stories, modern, $18.00 Furnished house, beyond Dihvorth, garden left planted, use of cow, for the summer, at $50.00 Houses for colored tenants, $11 to $2.50 per week. FIRE INSURANCE Want some of your Fire Insuranca. Don't ask it all. Am entitled to some. Now, come across. Some of you use me. Why not reciprocate? E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. 'Phone 344. 25 S. Tryon St. LILL '! jA9fV?f'SJF9''', i - .ag?g'!Kg 12 INVESTMENT Five houses well located, close in, on car line. Ren for $390.00 per annum. Can be bought on easy terms if taken at once. Our price for a few days is $3250.00. -( Carolina Realty Campari; W. D. WILKINSON, Manager. B. R. Lee, Secy. J. P. Long, Sales Agent. No. 5 West 5th St. 'Phone 6C9. Your hild's Future vPhone 535. 203 N. Tryon St. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT opened when your children are young will pro vide for their education and give them a proper start in life. You can open an account with us with ONE DOLLAR and upward, and it will earn 4 Per Cent Interest and be Compounded Quarterly. Southern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. President. W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. FOR. RENT 1 store room corner Belmont Avenue and Pegram street $10.00 C-room house 715 North Brevard Street $15.00 S-room house 512 West 11th Street.. $12 00 4-room house 701 South A Street $ 8 00 4-room house 703 South A Street $ 8.00 4-room house 309 East Sth Street, April 1st $ s 00 1 store room 934 North Caldwell Street $ g'oo 3- room house 309 East 11th Street, per week i'qo 4- room house 306 East 11th Street, pe r week "$ i50 4-room house 710 East 3d Street, per week . . . L50 3- rcom house Springs street, Groveton, per week $ i'qq 4- room house 317 South Cedar, per week q 3-room house 309 South Cedar Street, per week $ 140 1 Manufacturing Hall South Poplar Street, second floor. New 5-room house, modern conveniences, 30S East Vance $19.00 J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. 'Phone 589. ... b A.' . J .11.1 219 N. Tryon. EESSJBESSSSlfiiffi First National Bank CHARLOTTE, 'N. C. Organized 1865 Capital.. $300,000.00 Surplus and Profits $245,000.00 Your Business Solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent with Safe Banking. sas hicken an d Truck Farms FOR. SALE lVz miles from Independence Square. Beautiful buildings sites, from V,s acres up to 30 acres. Prices from $250 to S400 per acre, easy terms. Our lots in North Charlotte at $250 to $400 continue to be the ver. best investment proposition on the markeL W. T. Wilkinson & Company Will Buy a Complete Little HOME IN DILWORTH. and On Easy Terms of Payment. The house will rent for about 8 per cent, if you want it for !VL'Lt' ment and not for a home. A few choice DILWORTH lots ako on our list. C. Abbott & Company