.1 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS MARCH 27, 1 908. aKS ELECT LIST OF OFFICERS FOB E Special to The News. Greensboro, N. C, March 27. At the annual meeting of the Greensboro lodge of Elks last night the following officers were elected fur the ensuing; year: j John N. Wilson, exalted ruler; G. S.j Bradshaw, esteemed leading knight ; 1 W. T. Gayle, esteemed royal knight ; I F. P. Marshall, esteemed lecturing! knight; W. I. Underwood, secretary;! T. j. McLean, treasurer; Isidore Schiff-j man, tyler; Garland Daniel, trustee;' D. II. Collins, representative to the grand lodge for two years; L. J. Brandt alternate representative. j Board of trustees: L. J. Brandt. Jul-j 5us Cone. A. R. Perkins. E. G. West,' S. J. Kaufman and David Stern. These, together with the four chair officers I and the secretary, who are ex-oflic io members, compo.-o the board. I The elks tendered the use of the club room to the Daughters of tne Confederacy to hold their monthly meetings. Prohibitionists Busy. Mr. John C. Kennett, who is manag ing the prohibition campaign in Guil ford county says that the campaign on the part of the prohibitionists will lo a thorough one. One notable feature will no a Sunday afternoon mass meet ing in every country church in the county. These meetings will be held on Sun day afternoon as it is realized that it is a busy time with the farmers and that meetings on week days would pos sibly not be well attended. Boys Charged With Theft. Walter Holloman. Will Webster, Ar thur and Lonnie Moore, four white boys, were on yesterday brought here from Durham, being charged with breaking into a freight car between here and High roint and stealing there from a number ef articles. They were in charge of Tolice Sergeant Pender grast, of the Durham force, and Of ficer Woodall, of the Southern rail way. The Holloman and Moore boys were arrested here Saturday night and were taken to Durham on suspicion of hav ing stolen a number of articles found on their person from a store there. The Durham police caught the Webster hoy and he admitted taut they obtained their goods from a car. The goods in their possession did not belong to the store in Durham so the boys were brought back here. They were carried before Justice T). H. Collins who bound them over to court in bonds of $200 each, in default of which they went to jail. Other News Notes. United States Marshal Millikan has appointed as deputy marshal Mr. S. K. Harkrader, of Dobson. The newly ap pointed deputy was one of the oiticers who arrested John Hill, on? of the al leged Smithtown blockaders for whom a reward of $500 was paid. A one-week term of criminal court will convene here next Monday. Jud-gc-E. B. Jones, of Winston, presiding. This is Judge Webb's term, but an order was secured allowing Judge Jones and Webb to exchange courts. President Attacked. Washington, March 2C In . the course of a speech in the house of representatives Representative Beall, of Texas, denounced the president on the charge of interfering with legisla tion and the operation of the courts. He declared that in writing a letter to the judiciary committee in the Wilfley case, the president had insulted con gress. He also charged the president with attempting to direct th3 courts and in this connection spoke of the president's appointment cf three mem bers of the supreme court who he said must necessarily be influenced by him as a source of their official position. Beall declared the president was a "trust-buster and broncho buster", on ly the difference being he blindfolds himself in dealing with trusts. Pittsburg. March 27. The 12 stu dents of Westminster College, expelled because they insisted on retaining their Greek letter fraternities, held a meet ing here this aftrnoon and decided to take the matter into the court. J. Clarke Bell, of Greensburg, one of the suspended students, is leading the movement, and a fund will be raised to carry the fight through. PINE FOREST IN HIS BEDROOM During the recent illness of the Em peror of Austria, his physician, Dr. Kerzl, had a number of small pine trees, growing in tubs, placed in his bedroom, converting the room into a miniature pine forest. The healing properties of the pines are recognized by the leading physi cians and scientists of the world. Thousands of people afflicted with lung trouble and bronchial affections who are not in a position to leave home and business to live out among the pines, can procure at small cost the health-giving properties of the pine forest, right in their own home. Virgin Oil of Pine (pure) possesses all the theapeutic virtue for which the pines are noted. It is carefully prepared, being a combination of the active principles cf forest trees, and is guaranteed free from any impure or deleterious substance. Used accord ing to directions it will b-eak up a cold in 24 hours and promptly relieve and stop the irritating cough. Virgin Oil of Pine is put up, for dis pensing through druggists, in i -ounce vials only, each vial securely sealed in a round wooden case, with an engrav ed wrapper showing plainly the name Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, prepared only by Leach Chemical Co.', Cincinnati, Ohio. Avoid imitations. 100 Doses $1 True only of Hood's Sarsaparilla, in tbe usual (liquid) form ; or in the new and equally effective tablet form. S00 Doses $1 Eighth Day Success f I Continued interest and continued success mark the efforts of the faithful women canvassers for the new build ing for t In? Young Women's Christian Association. At the Selwyn today a larger number than usual gathered to hear and make reports of work done since yesterday noon. As predicted at the beginning of the canvass, The News' thermometer con tinues to rise without hindrance. There was a seemingly impossible rise of 1,505 degrees today, making a total number of degrees registered on the giant thermometer of 11,;! 11. 50. Tor rid weather is predicted for next week. The list of subscribers day by day not only show gifts from those of j wealth and position in the business, I professional and social world, but also ! gifts from young business women, I many of whom recently have become residents ot the city. The faces of prominent business men are daily seen at these enthusi astic meetings, and they are working Viz -35.000 p m -32.000 -31000 fe -30 030 i -23000 -280C0 -270C0 -26000 -25000 I -24 000 WA -23000 H 22 00 0 1 000 -20 00C -: 7oco 13 000 12 000 I I 000 I 0000 9000 8 000 000 000 3000 000 If; earnestly and faithfully to bring the big plan to a successful close. Following is a summary of the gifts of the day: The largest gift being from Mrs. J. II. Wearn, for $250, and the next larg est is from Mr. W. S. Alexander, for $200. The gifts next in size being for $100. and there were four of them, from the following: Mr. G. H. Brockenbrough, A Friend, W. II. Thompson and J. H. Howell. Mr. C. II. Duls gave $G0, and the fol lowing four gave !?50: T. M. Barn hardt, W. I. Van Ness & Co., Edwin T. Garsid and William Jordan. Lesser amounts were received from the following: Miss Sallie Alexander, A Friend, Miss Lucy Alexander, Mrs. E. P. Allen, Miss Jessie Coffee, Mrs. E. . Dwellc, Mrs. L. B. Davidson, Mrs. Robert L. Erwin, J. A. Facnacht & Co, Friend, Mrs. George B. ILa.nna, Mrs. Laura E. Johnson, Miss Kate P. John son, Mrs. Frank F. Jones, Mis Flora Johnson, Miss Julia Johnson, Miss Lily Johnson, Miss Evelyn ohnson, Miss An nie . Jackson, Mrs. C. L. Kerns, Mis3 Lois Lucas, A Friend, Mr. Howard Mc Larty, T. D. Paine, . T. Penny, Shirley Ross, Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Rucker, W. C. Rhyno, G. G. Scott. J. S. Shafer, F L. Stutts, Miss Grace L. Slate, Rev. J. W. Smith and V. L. Wallace. Total amount ported previously r- ?0,S06.50 v $ i ? 1 9 I dt It Com. A Chairman Mrs. Ko- f 135.00 ! Com. B Chairman, Mrs. j Clarksen 150.00, Com. C Chairman Ilia. Mur- I ri!i 227,o0; Com. D Chairman, Mrs. : Eairti 500.00 Com. E Chairman, Miss Wads. worth 17.50 Com. F Chairman, Miss Al exander ;;go.oo Com. G Chairman, Miss Xash 2.J.00 Com. II Chairman, Mrs. : 1 Hooker -o.OO Com. I- Officers' Com Total amount March 27 secured noon $1,505.00 Total date amount icnrcd to .511,311.50 Riclgcly Resigns. By Associated Press. Washington, I). C, March 27 Win. B. Ridgely, conipt roller of the cur rency, has handed his resignation to the president and will become presi dent of a Kansas City bank. Thousands Rave Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it. rrPYKiency l iVKMiey Jis'ase. Most people do not realize the alarm ing increase and remarkable prcvalency ot kidney disease. While kidney dis orders are the most common diseases that pre vail, they are almost the last recognized by patient and phy sicians, trho con tent themselves teifh flnrtorinrj the effects, while the vriy inul disease undermines the system. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge sr. often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of SwampRoot is soon reali.ed. It stands the highest for its '.vondcrful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If 3-ou need a medicine 3-ou should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Eing- lianitou, N. Y. When writing mention this Home of 8wamp-Koot. paper and don't make anv mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Einghamton, N. Y. START THE NEW SEASON RIGHT IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH OUT OF YOUR ENVELOPE TO BUY HERE ly $1 That one dollar a week stands for good clothes. It means that you are paying for your clothes in the easiest and most economical way. And at this store it means that you get full value for your money without a penny extra charge for Credit. : $1.00 a Week Clothes the Family New Styles are ready in Men's, Women's and Children's Gar ments, : : : We Clothe You From Head to Foot 209 Worth Try on Street rCW USE FOR MARBLES. A Method of "Calling Time" That Was Unique and Useful. Truly has it been said that time flies swiftly by with lovers. Many in cidents occur in cou'rsthips which are amusing, but not many of them are known. The writer once knew a matron in a Virginia city, just across the North Carolina line, who had a bevy of hand some and winsome daughters. The hospitable home wa3.,a rendezvous for many love-sick swains. This good old lady was the posses-or of a large and well-tone;! boll, and every night in the summer at 10:30 sharp, she would ap pear on the up stairs porch and ring the hell vigorously as a warning that by 10:45 the house was to be dark, and she was always obeyed. Yesterday a young pharmacist of High Point, N. C, was a visitor in the ; city (which, by the way, he intends to make his home in the near future). and called upon one. of his young lady ; acquaintances here. He had good stay- , nig qualities and was demonstrating his ability in this line when the head sof the house didn't like the looks of the. face ot the clock. Rememberimr at he had a big xlass marble in his kct which he had taken from one of the children that evening, he fished it out ami silently went to the head of the stairs loading to the parlor, and started the marble on its 'downward journey. To say that it was heard out mildly expresses it. The gentleman from the city of chairs, bureaus and bedsteads donned his hat and top coat and remarked, as he made his final adieu, that he had heard lots of different ways of "calling time," and of .various games in which marbles were used, but this one capped the climax. BUSINESS CHANGES. Mr. J. N. Bell Sells Out and Mr. Rosen- baum Will Move In. J. N. Bell, who has been conduct shoe and furnishing store at Mr. ing a 204 East Trade street has sold his stock to W. II. Dellinger, of Uastonia, and will go out of business. Mr. Bell has not made any arrange ments as yet as to what business he will engage in, but is thinking of going on the road as traveling salesman. The store recently occupied by Mr. cBH has been leased to Mr. Bonis Kos enbaum, who will move his stock of clothing from his West Trade street store. The store now occupied by Mr. Ros enbaum will bo turned into a moving picture show, and it is understood that 1st- li.inilonmoltr filtnil 111). Unliving XL Will 1.; muiiiownivy iiwvv. . . one of the finest places in the soutn. Miss Lelia Young is entertaining the members of the Cranford Book Club this afternoon at the home of Mr and 'Mrs. W. R. Taliaferro, m nuuu Cranford Book Club. a Week i : : LUMBERMEN MEET. Haif cf Mills Association in North Carolina Pine Closed Prices Improv- ing. By Associated Press. Norfolk, Va., March 2C The. North Carolina Pine Association, controlling all the leading lumber mills in east ern Virginia. Maryland, North and South Carolina, met in annual session here with an attendance 01 leading lumber manufacturers and mill men in the four states. Reports showed more than one-half of" the mills of the association closed down as a result of the present condi tions with normal output of lumber cut in half. Prices, however, were report ed better than in the last few months. No he is man is a knave found out. or a fool until "Her First Adventure" and "The New Errand at The Royal Boy' WANTED: 50 MEN AND WOMEN. To Take Advantage of Special Offer Made by R. H. Jordan & Co. R. II. Jordan & Co. the enterprising druggists are advertising today for fif ty men and women to take advan tage of the special half price offer they are making on Dr. Howard's celebrat ed specific for the cure of constipa tion and dyspepsia, and get a fifty cent package at half price, 25 cents. So positive are they of the remark able power of this specific to cure these diseases, as well as sick head aches and liver troubles, that they agree to refund the money to any cus tomer whom this medicine does not quickly relieve and cure. With Dr. Howard's specific at hand, you can eat what you want and have, no fear of ill consequences. It strength ens the stomach, gives perfect diges tion, regulates-the bowels, creates an appetite, and makes life worth liv ing. This 3.-3 an unusual opportunity to obtain f0 doses of the best medicine ever made for half its regular price, with the personal guarantee of a well known business firm to refund the money if it does not give satisfaction. If you cannot call at It. II. Jordan & Co's store today send them 2 cents by mail and they will send you a pack age, promptly, charges paid. R. II. Jordan & Co. have been ablo to secure only a limited sunnly of the specific, so great i; the demand, aui .you snouid iiot delay taking ad-! vain ago 01 tne inoral offer t Lhey are making this week. P"'e-e, nfoct5insf Tff j I 1 li wm tk ri t in f II '8X NOtlCB fEvrbody City taxpayers are requested to call jj a?'lSt"?lCl 1 at City Hall at once and settle, as j I BUT A COMPETITOR OP m I April is the month to settle with city. Eg mm.. 1 and to advertise property for tax. If r!ie ra35cai -pa-l-j.c We j, W. 15- TAYLUIl. C. T. C. I M Zh.vm of M March 21st. 21-4t S3 for sale I GtaW(jJ Handsome Five-Room Cottage wttfc leception Hall, on lot 50x150. Rents for $3.00 a week PRICE $1,600 Half tLfOugh B. & L. James A. Sm'th NOTICE TO VOTERS I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER SUBJECT TO THE ACTION OF THE DFIlvfO - CRATIC PRIMARY. JAMES V. STINSON. Charlotte, March 11, 190S. 3-11 WE ARE A BLUE RIBBON WINN EH when it cornea to supplying every thing your horse wears. You certainly ought to seo how thoroughly we are equipped to supply your horse with NW IIARNESO FOR THE NEW YEAR- Everything for his toilet, too. Curry omhs, brushes, harness dressln& blanketB. When you come to examine you'll probably be surprised at the uniform good quality of everything we handle. You'll be still more surprised at the extreme moderation of our prices. ARNOLD M. SHAW No. 32 East Trade St. We are headquarters for Wed ding Invitations, Announce ments, Reception and Ball Invi tations, Embossed Stationery, both Society and Commercial. Sample on request. Pound & Moore Co. Commercial Stationers &. Office Outfitters.. 229 South Tryon Street. 'Phone No. 40. awFur-Hides Ship the above to M. SABEL & SONS Dealers in HIDES, FUR, PELTS, WOOL Louisville, Ky. Established in Reference: Any Bank in Louisville Weekly Price List Issued Write for it. 's rMI-MII-IIr ! NEW 1908 STYLES -OF and Harness We have in our largest stock of new the Carolinas. repository, the style vehicles in Quality, prices and terms are ric J. W. Wadt orth's Sons' Co Hiiui..M..j.I ,x r, lI,.I,,;..1. qr r nio 1 Vehicles if IF YOU really want it a little here will get it for you. ! Whereby wc taa $400.00 COLEMAN' PI ANO under oiir Club p!an for' $287.00 withic th-s reach of a high. grace, artistic ?l?Q0 Our Booklet "D' "K3ins in detail. upon repuc THE i f ! frs ts inn ei. " Wl -13 North Troi! Si. CHARLOTTE, - j What does it mean! That you can get a direct vision at any angle you may look through, and that the lenses can fit nearer the eye lashes, the only practical lense. Go to your Occulist and get your prescription then bring it to me. Manufacturing Opticians, 39 North Tryon St. 3 Hi; 9 v it 6 Before U Bis or FOR SALE 2 lots on N. Davidson St. S3 1 house and lot 011 X. Tryon St. 1 house and lot on X. Graham, f FOR RENT. I Three 7-rooni house;; on Church St., all modern provemcuts. 202 S. Tryon St That Bicycle you are thinking of buy ing. We handle Buggy and Carriag Tires. Repairing a specialty. Relay MTg Co. 231 South Tryon Strap 'Phone 1037. Hours 9 to 4. DR. A. D. GLASCOCK, OSTEOPATH. Graduate of the American Srh""!. Kirksville, Mo. All acute and chronic diseases success fully treated. Office No. 1 Carnegie Court. By the Library. Announcement Dr. Newton Craig begs to aini'vin that ho has opened offices at -v" - ' and 26 Piedmont Building for t i i r"- tice of diseases of the Eye, Ear, X"-'-' and Throat. DR. JOHN R. IRWIN, Office: r 21 South Tryon St. ;j Woodall & Sheppard's. 'Phones: H Office 69. Residence IUIEMAMDW05E; UBeBigSlorurnBtors. discharpes.in lair.ni.it,;-. 1 irritatioDB or '.l Paiu'.'iss, and net M"1 gent or poisonous. Sold T BrnBffl" or sent in plain 'y: by -xpre.rf. pr-p"iJv ei. CO. or Z b;' : Circuir au ..-4- if places 1! 1 ra - ' 0 1 tsi n firJ ffl b" uv: ii r I S.9 1111- e ELIS j Phone 601. n f&jy ln 1 to dyi.G A& Gcftranteed )S Pr-Tel CoUioii. PTtheEvahsGhemicalCo.