THE CHARLOTTE INEWS, MARCH 30, 1908. 2 Farewell to Old Church Continued from page 1 ties, it had become what is was today. Capt. Franklin gave a touching illus tration of the poverty of the early church. He told of how the church was too poor to purchase books, and how the songs were printed in large letters on pieces of cloth and hung on the wali.5 so that they might be read by the congregation. Mr. Brown on the Plans. Capt. Franklin was followed by Mr. Willis Brown. Mr. Brown said that the building committee had spent many hours of thought on the plans for the new building, and that now they con sidered that the plans adopted were as near perfect as they could be. He said that it was hoped to have the new biulding completed in six months, and not later than November the 15th. A Rich Heritage. Mr. Dowil said: "As Napoleon said to his soldiers, when he was leading his army into Egypt, to incite them to greater deeds of valor, as he p:ssed the pyramids, "Soldiers, the eyes of centuries look down upon you,' we might say tonight as we begin this great work, the eyes of saints, who have gone from this church are watch ing us, and we feel that we have the prayer of those great and good men, the equal of whom no church has ever had, bis. Griffith, Boon. Whitfield, Gregory, McManaway, Priicluud and Barron, who gave their efforts in this church, and who builded well and st 5 eng. For any church to have been served by these men is a rich heritage indeed." Mr. Dowd said that while the church has had difficulties in the pus- in this great work there would be other diffi culties, but with the great and firm foundation on which the church now rested, this work would not he hard to accomplish. The Cruse of Oil. The last speaker was Mr. C. E. Ma son, who read the story of the widow's barrel of meal and the cruse of oil, and beautifully applied this to the necessi tv of keeping alive during the next few months the missionary spirit in the church. After these speakers, Dr. Hulten stated that it was fitting that the last religious act done in the old church be an offering to missions and a collection was taken, and after the sinking '"Blest Be The Tie That Binds," the congrega tion was dismissed, and a general handshaking followed. in his remarks Dr. Hulten stated that this service closed twenty months of his pastorate here, and that during that time, 4G3 members had been added to the church, and during the singing of the last Tiymn, an invi tation was given, to those who want ed to unite with the church, and six additions were made. -i-KH -h- f. THE WEATH E R 5 HrfrM 'H-H- Forecast For Charlotte and Vicinity. Cloudy tonight and Tuesday, prob ably rain. State Forecasts. Washington, D. C, March 30. For North Carolina: Rain tonight and Tuesday, colder tonight on the south ern coast. Fresh to brisk northeast winds. For South Carolina: Rain tonight and Tuesday. Colder tonight. Fresh northeast winds. Weather Conditions. An area of hih pressure is cen tral this mornins over the Ohio val ley and has caused lower tempera tures generally east of the Missis sippi. The weather is generally cloudy this morning, and rain has fallen during the past 24 hours over New England, the lower Lake region, the middle Atlantic states and the middle Mississippi valley. An area of low pressure appears over Mon tana, and has caused warmer weath- over tne nortnwesiei a pan Rain has fallen over me states. Indications are for weather in the vicinity of er country, Pacific cloudy Charlotte tonight and uuesuaj, wnu light rain probable. W. J. BENNETT, Observer. BRIEFS CARNIVAL COMPANY HERE THIS WEEK Master Fan-is Burch underwent an operation at the Presbyterian hospital today. The Ministerial Association of Mecklenburg county will meet tomor row morning at eleven o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. Mack Aldredge, of Concord, who has been at St. Peter's Hospital, has recovered sufficiently to be able to return to her home today. Mr. J. W. Haas has secured the contract for the concrete work and foundation for the engines of Yar brough &. Bellinger's new ice plant. Work will benin ?.t once. Mr. W. D. Wilkinson is building a handsome ?3,000 residence on West Trade street between Clarkson street and Woodlawn avenue. Hunter & Vaughn have the contract. Mr. Gcorcie W. Rollins' Wild Animal Show Will Be One of the Main Fea tures During the Week Has a Col lection of Nine Ferocious Lions. Today marks the beginning of a solid week of merriment on the mid way. The carnival and Mr. George W. Rollins' wild animal show arrived in the city this morning and for the most part of the day the ataches were rais ing tents and erecting the tower for the '"high dive." Both the animal show and the carnival company were brought here by the firemen and the battery. The carnival will be held forth on the grounds in the rear of the Trust building, between South Tryon and Church streets. The attractions con sist of various and sundry shows. The Old Plantation, Electric Theatre, mar ble statue turning into life, Nemo the turtle boy, snake shows, high dives and others. The unloading of the wild animals from the two cars in the Southern freight yards, at Second street, was an attraction within itself that drew several hundred people. Some little boys who had doubtless read wild an imal stories ventured near the lion cages only to be frightened away by terrifying roars from a restless beast. Mr. Rollins' collection of lions is one of the largest in the country, only two other organizations having more. He has nine, and they are beautiful if such a term may be applied with "fe rocious.'.' Mr. Rollins has, also, leo pards, pumas, hyenas, bears, wolves and coyotes, a trained pony and the lacking "Maud." Mr. Rollins is one of the best known wild animal trainers in the country. He traveled with Mostock for nine years and was here with T. K. Burke's wild animal show 18 years aso He was then a boy and played clarinet in uie oand. It VILLA HEIGHTS MEETING ig Grovvina in Interecf nri a..j -w MIIV. A LU" ance Dailv. The protracted services at the Villa Jieignis a. k. p. church are growin iu interest nay by day. The preach ing by Rev. J. A. Smith, the pastor, is winning friends lor himself and kouis tor tne Master. The entire com muujiy ia sunen, ana members of other churches are working and pray- jiia iui lu meeting and rejoicing in its success. The public is invited to attend. Ser vices mis evening at s o'clock. Brav er anu praise service at 7:40. Preachers in the Old Home Church Rev. John Grier, of Georgia, preach ed a most acceptable sermon yes terday at Steele Creek Presbyterian Church, his old home church. Mr. Grier is a son of Representative w! A. Grier, and is at home on a visit. A HIGHER HEALTH LEVEL. "I have re' :bed a higher health lev el since I 1" ;an using Dr. King's New Life Pills," .rrites Jacob Springer, of West Franklin, Maine. "They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just right." If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at Wood all & Sheppard's diug store. 25c. BUSINESS BUILDERS GROGtRb FRESH ASPARAGUS Fresh String Beans, new Irish Pota toes, fine Celery and Sugar Peas. "Of Course." MILLER-VAN NESS CO., COUNTRY BUTTER 20c. Northern fresh Butter 2"c; seed Irish Potatoes and seed Corn; 4 lbs. llicc 23c; fresh Tarbell Cheese; Fine Maca roni 10c. BRIDGERS & CO.. 203 W. Trade. NEW IRISH POTATOES, CELERY, GREEN SWEET PEAS, TOMATOES. S. R. LENTZ, 'Phone 251. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. RICHELIEU COFFEE is as near perfection as as can be pro duced. This coffee is put up and guar anteed by one of the largest houses in the United States. I have sole agency for it in Charlotte. Give it a trial. D. Pickles for 25 cts. L. L. SARRATT, 'Phone 103. 309 N. Tryon St. DRUGGISTS Everything 'for a POULTRY YARD including eggs from Davis' famous Barred Rocks at $1.50 for 13. DILWORTH DRUG STORE 'Phone 247. B. S. Davis Talks BY THE American u Don't hurry about it but don't lose any time. We are talking about opening a Savings Ac count. It is often the case that the fellow who falls all over him self to get his money in the bank Saturday night draws it out on Monday. But it is the resolute, unhasting, unresting policy that wins. Such a policy applied to the handling of a Savings Ac count with us is just as sura to result in accumulating a .sur plus that will surprise you as that time passes. $ We are not using this space to explain theories. The above is a FACT that has come out of six years experience in the mat ter. $ Open your account this month New Interest Quarter begins April 1st. Offices in the Trust Building ABOUT YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. If you are a new-comer. If you do not now keep a bank account. If youwant to make a change for any reason. Call and talk the matter over with us we think we can convince you that THIS IS THE BANK In which to make your deposits, wheth er on certificate at 4 per cent., in sav ings department at 4 per cent., com pounded quarterly, or in a checking account. Commercial National Bank Neat Cottage Homes We offer near S. A. L. Passenger Depot two 4-room cottas es at the price of $1100.00 each. Terms $200.00 to $300.00 cash; balance tlmK.h (, ', of the Building and Loan Associations. Convenient to street car- ' Southern Real Estate, Loan & Trust Company Capital, $75,000. W. 3. ALEXANDER, President. R. A. DUNN, Vice President. Surplus, $100,000. a. m. Mcdonald, Sec. and Treas. ROOFING I will tear off the old shingles and put on a new tin roof for you at about the cost of a new shingle roof. A tin roof is better and gives you cheaper insurance. Ask for estimates. C. F. SHU MAN REAL hSIATr FOR RENT One 4-room house X. B. St., on car line, fine location, per mo. $10.00; one 4-room house 21st St., city water, large lot, per mo. $8.00; one 3-room house, Belmont, per week, $1.50; one 4-room house, Belmont, per week, $1.25. V. G. SHOEMAKER, 227 N. Tryon St. Phones 306 or 444. FOR QUICK SALE. One vacant lot N. Graham St.; 10G acre farm 3 miles Derita road; 504 acre farm 4 miles, $2000; 13-acre farm 4 miles, new 2-room house, $1300; 11 acre farm, 9 miles, at Crofts, $G50; 5 room cottage, close in $3100. N. J. SHERRILL, Of Sherrill Mineral Springs Co. 'Phone 918. FOR SALE For $375 am going to sell a choice lot near Mint St. in 3rd ward; size 45x145 to alley. Lies beau tifully, faces east, hence afternoon shade. It's worth $500, but it must be sold. Now, wait until the other fel low gets- it, then cuss your wife for your own delay. Mearken-Land Owner! If you have property to sell and the price is right, we can sell it for you. If you are real anxious to sell and will take a cut price that will allow a reasonable profit to an investor, we can furnish the nec essary. At any rale if you want to do business in real estate; buy, sell, or exchange see us and we will place the facilities which our knowledge of the subject, experience and ability afford, at your disposal. Traders Land Company P. M. BROWN, President. MORRIS E. TROTTER, Vice Pres. JNO. BASS BROWN, Secty-Treas. 4frSfrlifcfr I!t Two Cottages For Sale ! We have for sale two five-room cottages with city water on south side Twenty-first street, North Charlotte, only a short dis tance from Brevard street car line. The cottages are perfectly new, never been occupied, wired for electric lights and built of best material. The price will interest you and the terms are easy. If looking for a nice little cottage home, here it is. J. B. MURPHY Sc COMPANY J 43 N. Tryon. " 'Phone 842. f t t s 4TH We offer at a bargain an S-room residence on North Graham st large lot, with all modern conveniences; barn and woodhouse on premises; splendidly located. For terms and price see or 'phone us The Charlotte Trust and Realty Company CAPITAL $200,000.00. Phone 377 W. J. Chambers, Treasurer. 18 E. Trade Strong Bank Helps Five ILoom. Cottage ELIZABETH AVENUE $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Can arrange good terms. Come quick. It will not stay long. rowrv & Company B Phone 535. JQ3 N. Tryon St you as a business man especially in the matter of credit. Get the right bank back of you and your business w-ill expand more rapidly. We invite you to try the. The Charlotte National Bank along this line. - OFFICERS: B. D. Heath, President; Jno. M. Scott, Vice President; J. H. President; W. H. Twitty, Cashier. v Little, Vice 'Phone 344. E. L. KEESLER, 25 S. Tryon St. FROST LOTION AFTER SHAVING 25 Cents. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 26 South Tryon. MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. At Piedmont. Lot 110x5200 on E. 7th street. Will sell for small profit. J. L. REDWINE 620 E. 7th. Fresh Lot Potato Chips, 10 Package. Notary Public I don't care who you are, what you do, nor where you live. I will go anywhere anytime, day or night, to act as Notary for you. My time is my own, and I keep horse and buggy to go anywhere on a moment's notice. All business given prompt, courteous and confidential attention fee reasonable. Office 'phone 243, res idence 'phone 1270. FRANK F. JONES, Public Notary. FROG LEGS Snipe, Squab, Spring Chickens, Shad buad Koe, Trout and every seas onable delicacy at THE GEM. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 100 rental machines, all makes, ready for instant delivery. Every machine first class in every particular. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. 217 8. Tryon St. 'Phone 304. W. M. CROWELL. 'Phones 744 and 297. NEW SERIES Mutual Building 8L Loan opens April 1st, but shares are now being taken, and the pot is beginning to boil. The early bird always gets there. The man who acts today wins out he that procrastinates is a back number. THE MUTUAL leads the procession, all others following, following, and keeping up with difficulty. FOR SALE $500 lots for $375; Lots in beautiful Piedmont at bargain prices and easy terms. Three houses in Dihvorth to close quick on most favorable terms. They'll be higher, so do about now. TO 1ET Dwellings at $1C 2-3, $22.50, $S. Houses for colored tenants from $1.25 to $2.50 per week. ' E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. 25 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 344. Rev. Alexander Martin moved his family to Rock Hill last week, and thoy took up their permanent resi dence there. Mr. Martin's mother will join them when she recovers from her illness. She is at the Presbyterian Hospital. HATS PANAMA AND STRAW Cleaned and reshaped In the latest style. No paste or acid used. M. KIRSHBAUM. The Hatter. 245 W. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. STORE ROOMS. Auditorium $25.00 HOUSES 720 E. 4th St., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $25.00 218 East 8th St., 4 rooms $10.00 611 W. 8th St., 3 rooms $ 7.00 718 E. 4th St., 7 rooms, modern conveniences 10 S. Myers, 6 rooms, modern .$25.00 conveniences $22.50 E. 7th St. Ex., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $22.50 Grade St., 7 rooms, modern con veniences $20.00 6-room cottage, electric lights, 5 acres land Providence Road, opposite Myers Park 16.66 Providence road, 4 rooms 10.00 Craighead Park, 4 rooms 8.00 Belmont Avenue, Belmont, 4 rooms ' 7.00 918 N. Caldwell St., C rooms.. 12.50 Villa Heights, 4 rooms, per week ... $ 1.50 BROWN CO.. vPhone 535. 203 N. Tryon St. Your Child's Future A SAVINGS ACCOUNT opened when your children are young will pro vide for their education and give them a proper start in life. You can open an account with us with ONE DOLLAR and upward, and it will earn 4 Per Cent Interest and be Compounded Quarterly. Southern Loan & Savings Bank JNO. M. SCOTT, President. W. S. ALEXANDER, V. President. W. L. JENKINS, Cashier. FOR. R.ENT Modern 5-room cottage 308 E. Vance (new) $19.00 Modern-C-room house GOG N. Poplar $25.00 6-room house 715 N. Brevard ...$15.00 5-room house Sll E. 9th (city water) $12.00 8-rooni house 512 W. 11th (large lot) $1.00 4-room house 703 So. A. St .. .. .. ..$ 8.00 4-room house 701 So. A. St .$ 8.00 4-room house 309 E. Sth (modern) $ 9.00 4-room house 302 Belmont Ave., per week ,$ 1.50 4-room house East 11th St $1.50 3- room house 621 E. 13th, per week $ l.OQ 4- room house 704 E. 3rd, per week $1.50 3-room house West 4th, per Aveek $ 1 25 I 4-room house So. Cedar, per week . - - . . $ i r0 i 3-room house 7 Catherine St .. $1.25 x store in. caidweil St., per month .. .. $ 5 00 1 Hall So. Poplar St. i " " J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. John D. Rockefeller still has the little book in which he kept account of every penny when his salary was smaller than that of any of the 25,000 men who work for him today. He "saved" his money. Are you saving? We would appreciate your account and pay 4 per cent, interest. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The Merchants & Farmers National M GEO. E. WILSON, President. JNO. B. ROSS, Vice President. W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. I Beautiful Building Lots 1 If you are thinking of building, come and let us show you our desirable building lots on Elizabeth Avenue. We can give you any size lot you may desire from 50 to 300 feet front, on the shady side of the street. Carolina Really Company W. D. WILKINSON, Manager. B. R. Lee, Secy. J. P. Long, Sales Agent. No. 5 West 5th St. 'Phone 609. SE323222K; 59 4 Henry M. McAden, President. John F. Orr, Cashier. First National Bank CHARLOTTE, W. C. Organized 1865 Capital , $300,000.00 Surplus and Profits $245,000.00 Your Business Solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent wit Safe Banking. i unr""""""samg Chicken and Truck Farms FOR. SALE iy2 miles from Independence Square. Beautiful buildings sites, from ,a acres up to 30 acres. Prices from $2 50 to $400 per acre, easy terms. Our lots in North Charlotte at $250 to $400 continue to be the -best Investment proposition on the market W. T. Wilkinson & Company A HANDSO NEW HOME 'Phone 589. : t.J Jkj9 1 A .219 N. Tryon. Just being completed, 7 rooms, modern improvements $4,850 with fine, corner lot, lf6 ft. frontage' on macadam; one block from car h"e- For sIe by F; C. Abbott & Co.

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