; ' -7 '.'.: 'V - -'5 eS ill i i 1 "N V. hi m m - ' - "8Z ' - .... -J7w ,,... ; ..... JL ff f f saspp II rwTTii m . - ' THEy IViOSt Beautif Garments. 8 n our A Ladies' Suits ar.ui Suits in Copenhagen Blue, short jacket with pointed ..!in Persian vest effect, trim- .! in pipings of silk and buttons; X plaited skirt, with folds and . Price $35.00 Suits in Brown, Green, Xa iiul Natural Pongee; made halt' short coat, plaited skirt $25.00 .';-vy V,)nc Taffeta Suit, Princess r'njip. e mj ire hack, musquetairo -!"vc and lucked yoke of net "i" . plaited skirt, trimmed in pip- :;!-:: ;t:id billions of leather brown. !-nc, $30.00 !"-.'!' ;rd Suit, White with Navy Pol !)ii. trimmed in Silk and but- t 1 1 1 1 :' leather brown i ,i(-M $25.00 ..m,' Skirt in Black Altman Vi.ile. very full plaited, tucked ;mh! triinnied in bands of taffeta. J'n... $22.50 Real Lace Robes " '.'he t material takes the place of :i! Lace when you wish " appear well dressed. Genuine Imported Lace Robes. White and l'.h"-l:, different designs, no two alike. Price each $75.00 own at prices that will please. raaaaas f tmmmmmmmmt 7iiiiTn-r i 1 1 I I II I II III F' I " MWilUttSY!iKriit Elaborate Showing of Wnmpn's mi" nm, S .. aoorate ul Headwear This is to be departments most temotin Black Altman Voile, nineteen gore, trimmed in over-skirt effect with taffeta Viands and folds of mate- . rial. Price $15.00 Black and Blue Skirts in Chiffon, Panama, full gored flare, trimmed in bands of material, piped with silk. Price $10.00 Ladies' Parasols Silk and Linen Parasols, Plain and Fancv to match any costume... Price $1-00 to $7.50 Black Taffeta yC-inch Black Imported Swiss Taf feta, every fibre pure Silk, rustles as long as there is enough to rub together, guaranteed to be perfect it every way. Price the yard $1.25 New Belts All the new and popular Belts, in cluding the Merry Widow. Price 50c to $5.00 each mOIUH&ft I the test. Silk and Kid. Every I MMJL I rt ni.jM inn-oi,.,. nn,i pui I and colors, for Ladies. Misses and Pil ! Blii VPWl 9 the first wearing when fitted at I WW I I greatest Stocking on the market i in mn NrtSi. THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 30, 1908 r- &a v v - w mi ww m.wumim-mLjmaia a 'jm mk.j w i' can a and Reaay-to-Wear " :jM4ta'. I I a most active week in eacn or wnicn me tercliandise wi Centemeri Gloves No other Glove on the market stands the test. Silk and Kid. Every pair of Kiel Gloves guaranteed for the first wearing when fitted at our counters. Silk. .. .$1.00 to $1.75 Kid $1.00 to $4.00 AGENTS for The. PeFfectTomofTfei Silks Silks Tussorah. Motora, Pagoda, Shan toong. Rajah, Mirage and plain Pongee. These are the popular Silks for this season. We have them all. Leading colors, Copen hagen, Reseda and Leather Brown Price the yard 88c to $1.50 Shirt Waists Handsomely Tailored Waist in the best quality of Linen, pretty em broidered Collars. Price,.... $4.50 Pretty Dressy Waists of Net in White and Ecru, round yoke of Val insertion, broad shouldered ef fect; also trimmed in Cluny and Val lace. Price .$5.00 Net Waists in White and Ecru, trim med in Cluny lace and Val edging. Price $3.50 ana 111 oe m i New Stvle Corsets Corsets to Fit all Figures. American Lady. P. N.. J. B.. C. B., and Thompson's Glove Fitting. These represent the most success ful manufacturers. The Ameri can Lady and Thompson's Glove Fitting are the Corsets to buy. Wc have the Lace Front Corsets, but do not recommend them. . : mm MWf q 3 at Jewelry Department Diamonds, Watches, Silverware, rich Cut Glass, Jewelry and Clocks. We are showing many new and novel things Jewelry, Bracelets, Collar and Cuff Pins, Veil Pins, Barettes, "Hat Pins, etc., in Solid Gold and Gold Fill ed. . .Sve tjtur line of. -Sterling.. Silverware and Cut Glass our stock is complete, from a teaspoon to a chest of silver, in cluding many fancy pieces and hollow ware. Cut Glass is our strong line. Some new pieces in this week Bowls, Vases, Pitchers, Comports and a large selection of small nieces. In connection with our Jewelry De partment we have an up-to-date repair department. Watch making, Engrav ing and Jewelry Repairing with practi cal men in charge. We are coloring more safety 'pins now than ever at the same old price, :'.(c a. dozen. Mailorders receive prompt attention. Every article of Jewelry and every piece of repair work that we send out carries our personal guarantee. Sorosis Shoes 'Sorosis" means the best material, highest class workmanship, and newest styles Patent Leather, Gunmetal and Tan. Ladies' . ; : .... .$3.50 and $4.00 Men's. .$5.00 '.as Hosiery ff Silk and Lisle Hosq. Black, While I Philrlron Our Vn IHv i tlm U ! today. Price the pair 50c m Silks, Plain and Fancy, White, Black and all Colors. Price Hie pair... Sl-00 to $5.C0 White Goods White Mercerized Batiste for com mencement dresses. Price the yard .13o -A discount of 10 per cent, on this number will be allowed all college girls. Linen Lawn, Wash Chiffon, Merce rized Batiste, French Lawn, India Linon. Dimity, French Nainsook, Figured Madras, etc. and all Colors. Price Hie pair... h"2j! S1.00 to $5.C0