G THE CHARLOTTE WEWS, MARCH 30, 1908 CHARLESTON MN GETTING LI SHAPE Special to The News. Charleston. S. C. March oO. -Mana gor Pat Meaney is getting liis men into line shape. The boys are hitting the ball, running the bases and improving .generally in field and team work and much satisfaction is expressed with the way that the Sea Gulls are showing' tip.. Charleston lias hut five of her pen nant winning aggregation on the team this year. Manager Meaney will con tinue to cover right field in his clever style and the reliable .Mullin will again hold down center. Wilkinson will again play good and hard ball at first ibase. The youngster Foster gives in dication i!f developing into a tirst-clnss pitcher and the good and faithful Phil Koi:.i.r:er will again be seen this sea sou behind tin bat. "Meaney has secured another Tom ilaftew iu Schroeder. who will cover ieft liehl. Purlin's signing to assist Keisinget is said to have heen no mis take, as he is a good man Seifort is said to be a permanent fixture at ihird. O'Hollerand is holding down second in tin-top style an 1 Meaney viii have difficulty in determining what to do about l!a:tsell :n- Blown who alter nate at short. Both men have shown thai they hit the ball and are genet- ally good men. O'Connor bids fair to 'ie one of the main men of the pitch ing staff. Hagan and Mouth are being irien out to supplement roster am: O'Connor and there is some talk here of the possibility of Paige, another of the pennant winners of last season. !e- iii- signed, up. SOUTHERNERS WIN AGAIN In 'Fast. Clean Game of Basketball Athletics Are Defeated. "the Southerners defeated the Ath letics in a game of basketball at the gymnasium of the Young Men's Chris tian Association Saturday night. It was an exhibition of i'a?t, scientific playing. The Southerners had a shade the bet ter of the goal-throwing, which gave them the victory. Willman played a ;ood game for the Southerners as did also Garrett for the Athletics. The score was :J5 to 21. Referee. Mr. Thompson: lime keeper. Mr. J. II. Ross: scorer. Bradfield. The Southerners will play the Mys tic Five Wedr.csdav nicrht. JOSEPH BR EN N EM AN. Joseph Brenneman. who hails from Portsmouth. Ohio, the home town of manager Reynolds, will play second base. Brennt-nian has seen strvice in several of the minor leagues, and is considered a good all round shiver. He is a fast base runner, with the stick. and dr .11 Love makes the it takes marriage world go round, to square thing James R. Keene is a gentleman of the turf who breeds and races horses for pure love of the thoroughbred. When he speaks of the horses that have made fame for him and that have won some of the richest purses to b's acquired on the American turf, his faco lights with animation, and the great, affection bordering on love for his fa vorites shows in his features. Mr. Whitney beln v two-vear old horses v him this year, in addition to the very best of those which he started last season and decided to retain for an other summer's racing. He announced the other day that he should not hurry thein, but would prob ably begin to, race about May 1, and from that time until the finish of the season hoped that he would be follow ed with a little luck. .r--'T " X FULL Hi OF SPORTING MS FOR THE WEEK Below we give a full calendar ot sport events for this week, arranged by days : Monday Eighth annual United North'" tin South amateur go if ehamnhms'iii opens at Pinehurst. Tenth annual bench show of S. Louis Collie Club opens. Tennis tournament for champion ship of Cuba opens iu Havana. Tuesday. Alo Attell vs. Battling Nelson. K rounds, at ran 1 rancisco. Jim my Walsh vs. Al Belmont, 11' rounds, at Boston. Wednesday. Mississippi alley Kennel (dub show opens in St. Louis. Annual motor boat race meeting begins at Monte Carlo. Thursday Third annua! horse how opens at Augusta. Ga. High school basketball tournament for championship of Wisconsin Ik uns at Lawrence University. Friday. contest at n ;v t ween Frank iling Chicago be ehmidt am :? champion (looi'gv thickens Gotch tor world' ship. Championship Y. M. C A. at athletic Des Moin meet el Saturday. " Oxford-Cambridge uitiversitv boat race on the Thames river. England. Intercollegiate individual swimmin;: championships at Princeton Univer sity. Third International Automobile and Sportsmen's Show opens in Montreal Second annual automobile show opens in Pittsburg. March 30 In The Annals of Sport 170 At Titusville Pa: J. H. Mc Laughlin defeated Homer Lam in a contest for the wrestling championship. 1SSH At Montreal- V Dowil defont. ed 3. A. Fllintfvtn ' op(-mile skating race for championship of Canada. ISS'J At Burrillville. B. I.: Jack Ashton defeated Joe Lannon. skin gloves, in 19 rounds, for $1,500 purse. 1893 At Philadelphia: Pennsylvania defeated Yale in the opening game of the intercollegiate base ball season. Ilipt-J- -At Liverpool: Ascetics Silver won the Grand National Stee plechase Handicap for 5-year-olds and upwards at 4 miles and S5'i yards. -At St. Louis: Marshall T. Levy of Indianapolis, won the indi vicinal championship of the American Bowling Congress. 1907- Langford Jeanette Bout W. W. Rinpey, engineer and C. New York, March" 30. The fight tween Sam langicru and joe jenr-; I ttc which w:ic to nave ucen puueu" off by one of the local clubs tonight, has been called off. An iniurv to Jfanotte's hands is given as the the match. reason lor calling f o?m pi es he has sonv. I J P v . J??! ?. I W iLHir A z 'it rich win &J' TmWA iMSi.. ij BIGGEST GOING EVENTS OF YEAR Pinehurst, biggest golf in the Pinehurst will continue N. C, March ,'JO. vr events of the year Hie on links began today and inroug'i tne w The occasion th Sth annual.. Cubed North and South amateur championship tournament. There H a !-ecord breaking entry !it an.l a widely representativ of li.-irticirnnts. No less than three former champions Warren K. of Chieauo: George C. Ihitte:!. of P.oston. and Allan E. Lard, of Wash inrimi nri' here, together with a si rung field of .phyer.5 who have figured prominently iu past events. The tournament"-'opens today with .in eia Keen note jr,aiiitcnur.i rouuu, gohl medal for the best score divisions of sixteen each qual with a of six i lying for the championship, presi- dent s. secretury's. t insurer's. np and club cups, which will be d lo the winners of the match tain's nwa nit play rounds. The week will end with the annual tmen championship, open to both professionals and amateurs., in which (lie prizes will be the open cham pionship gold medal and ?10i), $.10 and amateurs to receive plate. The event will be LUI holes and med al play. Speci-.'l to The Xcw Mars I till. N. C. Mar'h '' In an !nt i-re ting game here UMl d;i'e:ted Chr-;'s bv --core of 3 to : vpade one score in the Katuraay .iais 'e.oe.I, ,f Arden The visitors irst inning and ars Mill scored one in their eighth. Mars three riis in the ihird. bein-T m:: tie by costly nning. two oners of school. ::nd one in eac;i enth P.nd errhth innings. From ni:ig to end the train o aroused much interest. Both teams, playing excellent iv'll. the vigors being the hardest team the local bovs have played this i -season. T!ie feature of the game was the liehl wi.rk of both sides. The lino- up wa as foiiows: Webster. Spain hen lh own. . . F. Cat; Ingram . . Uaird Yarhovo. Nix P. Builo Sumtie:- Garren W. Burte . . . A. Lindsay lb ..p. p . c l .v.f. i.f. KJ)l,rU!im Johnson Cat hey M. Carter. I '.att cry : Nix. I'm pries: Paird, Webster; Lindsay, Pructte and Scruggs. Indiana Republicans to Meet. Indianapolis, Ind.. March 30.- -In- (liana ropubJir-ans will meet in state' convention Wednesday, iieprosenta- tive Jesse Overstreet of this city will be temporary chairman. Four dele-; gates-at-large to the national conven- tion. instruct' ;! for Fairbanks, will be chosen a-; ilu initial session. Ad- iournmc-nt then will be taken to rhursdav morning, when the conven- tion will r' assemble to name a full state ticket. These seeking to be candidates E. Watson, L. Taylr-r. sist of l.bil for governor " are Chas. Hugh." T. Miller and Wm. The convention will con delegates. Crumpacker Renominated. Michigan City. Ind., March 30 The republican congressional convention of the tenth district here today re- suited in the renominatton of Repre sentative E. D. Crumpacker for a 0th 1 term. Even the nurseryman is a gral MfflHEOT The first great race ever won by MARS HILLUEFEAIS CHRIST'S SCHOOL Walter Miller was the Brooklyn handi cap though he had ridden move winner- "n one year than any other jock ey in the world. . . HIGH PRICE FOR HORSES. Dig Money Paid for Noted Light Har ness Animals. Philadelphia. Record. One of tlv- strongest arguments ii T. favor of horse racing is thai the breed ; ing of flno horses brings in big return jto the man who breeds them, and it therefore, a part of the industry of tin State in which they are bred. If then was no racing the value of high-class race horses would undoubtedly dro- I The folJow'ng list shows some if th .Mliii'h lH'icOK l:iil foe Irntiiii'r ;mtl n:ir ing horses: , ' " 1- Axtel (2.12) .$105,001 Bell Boy (I'.P.t l-l) . . .. 51,00 Stamhoul (2.11) 50.00 McKinney (2.11 1-1) 50,00' Mami S. (2.0S 1-1) 50,00! ' Suno (2. OS 1-1) 41,00 , Major Delniar (1.5!) 1-2) IO.OOi Acolyte (2.21 1-2) 10,00! Prcahentas (2.2G 3-1 40,00! icarus 2.b; i d ;:g,00' Silico (2.11 I !) :,5,00I Antevolo 35,00! Doxtt i-2.1T) 35,00i. Gcldsniith Maid (2.1!) 32.00C Prince Wilkes (2.14 3 !) 30,00( Todd (2.1 1 3-1) 30.00C Smuggler (2.15 1-1) 30,00( Anteeo 30,00(1 Blackwood 30,00 Jay Gould (2.21 1-1) 30,00f Ladv Thome (2.18 1-1) 30,00( Piincoast (2.21 3-!).... .. ... 2S,00i Governor Sprague (.20 1-4) 27,00( Patron (2.14 1-4) 27,0CH The Abbott (2.03 1-1) 26,50' Sonoma Girl (2.05 1-1) 20,00 Mascot (2.01) 20,00.' Fearaught 25,00( Jercme Eddy (2.1G 1-1) 25,00 Yedgowoofl (2.19.) 25,00- G. M. Pat chen (2.30 1-2).. 25.00f Ha)pv Medium 22,00 Sam Prudy 22,000 j Nutwood (2.1S 3-1) 22'00f Counsellor 22,000 ! Startle. . : 20,000 I'M ward Everett.. . . 20.00C iSt. Julien (2.11 1-1) 20,00f ! Ladv Maud 20,001 1 Socrates 20,00; Prosjero (2.33 1-22 20,00f Constantino (2.12 1-2) 20,00! Clinstone (2.19 3-1) 20,00' Rosalind 20,00' , llarrv YVilker, 2.11 3-1) . . .. 20,001 D;trbv (2.10 1 2) 18,00' Phil Thompson (2.1G 1-2 1S.00 , Highball (2.0G 1-4) 17,00 iBoralma (2.07) 17,00 I Edwin' Forrest (2.1S) 16,00' Jewett 2.23 1-2) 15,00 .Brim (2.29 1-2) 15,00 !Dick Swivoller (2.18) 15.00 Grafton (2.22 1-2) 15,00 Glenwood M. (2.07 1-4) 15,00 Lady Stout (2.20 1-4) .. .. 15,00;. I William IL (2.20 1-4) 15,000 The Monk (2.05 3-4).. . .' 15,000 Billv Buck (2.07) 15,000 ; George G. (2.0G 1-1) 15,000 Snortford (2.18 3-4.) 15.000 Auburn Horse (2.28 1-1.) .... 13,000, luv (2.10 1-4) 10,000 f Governor Hill (2.18 1-1) 10,000 i . John NIan (2.08) 10,000 Direct Hal (2.04 1-1) . : .. .. 10.000 Equity (2.12 1-4) 10,000 The aristocrat clings to his family j tree, but the political orator takes the j stump. It takes a kitten nine days to have its eyes open, but many a married man has had his opened in less time. ' IT DOES THE BUSINESS. Mr. E. E .Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, "It does the business: I have used it for piles and it cured them. Used it! for chapped hands and it cured therii.j Applied it to an old sore .and it heal-! ed it without leaving a scar behind." j 25c at Woodall & Sheppard's ihus! store. ! CASTOR I A 3For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signat"r3 c you n Washington Fashioned Apparel THE WASHINGTON COy, ncr to" ft .' (i Allan's (Magnetic ! Cougfi Syrup COFFEE: If It's Best Granulated Sugar at cost. Coffee lhic. 3 lbs. r0c; fancy Blend that ilfic can coffee you have been us good enough for anybody. O. D, KENNY CO. y P Mj the style, and pallenia of fa- ff U fttef IB!! hiics, in Men's Clothes are y y "t unusually striking. More bright colors, more smart y Q fcfeS We'n Bhow you the new ff 31 WM mi line goods for Spring from fjj IHS HART' SCHAEFFER & g mm He m arx. m 5g few Made in their perfect way, S 'jjj mS -pf of a11 wool fabrics, in the S y J! JM I'ic-st and most nttniciivo. patterns; not too lively, not g yjkf to uiet' 3ust right. V 3$ Suits from Copyright 1908 by $20-C0 to $-5-C0- 0) ' e urc ncavy stocked with Shirts j-, p. in fact over stocked, and this has rUicv lead us to place on sale one of the largest and finest lots ever shown in 2 Jy Cliarlotte, at reduced iniccs. There are stiff shirts, soft shirts, dress shirts, colored shirts, plain shirts, fancy shirts, long shirts, short shirts, little shirts and big shirts; shirts to becomingly cover all sorts and conditions of men, all representing greater val ues, but marked at the modest price of $1.00. It's worth while to save from 25c to 75c on the price of a shirt, isift it'; I w IP FIRST T!cc;iu:;e wo sell the best.garments for men that can be secured. SECOND 1 tecause we give vou a most complete selection of the latest weaves and colorings. THIRD Because our nriccs are the very lowest that garments of such high character can be aold for. FOTIRTH satisfaction. -Because we guarantee that FIFTH Because we refund are not satisfied. m Cures Coughs, Cclds, Grippe, Made By WOODALL & SHEPPARD 'Phone 69. Good, It's KENNYS Good Coffee 10, 12, 1 f, and 15c. Fine 20c. Kenny's "Special" 25c. equals ing. Kenny's I'i and 50c Teas are 23 S. Try on St Y YOU TO 'OUR our clothes will ;ive perfect your purchase money without question i B wm 01 J 1 rJAOAyc TETRAZZiN is the musical America. jensatiou In New York in person thousands. she is chani. Through the Victor Talking Machine tens of thousands. Nine Tetrazzim record:-., h best songs, her greatest -hip- ! Price $3.00 each. Wholesale and Retail Distributors. Vict Announcement We beg to announce that we have formed a partnership for tho y.r.-. lice of diseases of the Eye, Ear. vu 0 and Throat. 221 South Try on ytl DR. 1-1 11. RUSSELL, DR. J. !.'. MATilESON. 2-24-tf Look for No. 6 E. Trade St. An examination of your eyes by j).-. Levy will disclose their actual condi tion and the Glasses furnished will correct any existing defects. Hrok. u lenses matched on short notice. Exam ination free. DR. SAM LEVY, Eye-Sight Specialist Charlotte, N. c. $10.00 Deposit, Balance Monthly. THE GAS CO Schedule in Effect January 12, 190? Daily Charlotte ar.d Roanoke, Va. 10:50 aro Lv. Charlotte, So Uy Ar y.i 2:50 pm Lv. Winston, N & W Ar 2:0" pm 8:0P pm Lv Martv'de N & W Ar Ji:-il pm 7:L'5 pm Ar Roanoke, N & IV Lv. urn Connects ;it lloanolte via Shenandoah Valley Route for llagerstown an.l all points in Pennsylvania and New York, Pullman sleeper Roanoke to Philadel phia. Additional trams leave Wdnston-Sn-lem 7.30 a. m. daily, except Sunday. If vou are thinking of taking a Irij TOU'want quotations, cheapest fares reliable and correct information, as t routes, train schedules, the most fortable and quickest way. Write an'", the information is yours for the ask ing, with one of our complete Alay Folders. W. M. Rrrll, M. V. HrncK, Gen. Pas. Agt. Trav. Fb. Agi. "Queen of Sea Trips." MERCHANTS & MISERS Transportation Co.' STEAMSHIP LINES Between NORFOLK, Boston and Providence, Newport News and Baltimore Accommodations and Cuslne Unsur passed. Steamers New, Fast and Elegant. Finest Coastwise Trips In ths World. Send for Booklet. i B. C. LOUR, Agent, Norfnlk. Va. s H. C. AVERY, Agent, Ncwfiort I News, Va. W. P. TURNER. P- T- K General Offices, Baltimore, M. Low Rates and Mileage Books Via Seaboard Commencinq April 1,t On April 1st the Seaboard Air ' ";! Railway will nut on sale : rates in the state of North Can.hn.-i rate of L'V'j cents per lnile. aii! n-i soon as possible thereafter, will i tariffs showinjr inter-state rat- : v i points south of the Ohio and rivers on basis of 2 cents P'-r ""! , it beins understood, however. i : i 'j'5 R. F. & I. will continue to use -' rate between Richmond, Va., an'i Washington. D. C. Two thousand mile bools Inter state and Interchangeable will be sW for SlO.'tn, good for five or les,- pr:'i pie members of a firm or corpoi -:-t only one person being allowed to u " it at a time. One thousand mile books Inter St n -and Interchangeable for $L'n.n. f": pcrson whose name is shown on Five hundred mile books (family), pood on the Seaboard in North far'' lina only, for .$11.2.1. good for h'- "' less people, members of family, v.l; ' can all use it at the same time The two thousand and one th'-usan . mile books sold at rate of SI-mi an' $20.00 respectively, will be good ovr practically all of the principal lines m the South and East, including t!" Southern, Norfolk & Southern. Atlan tic Coast Line, R. F. & P. W. S.. Aber deen & Asheboro and Bay Line, Sea board. For further information apply ta ticket agents or JAS. KER. JR.. C. P. A.. Charlotte. N. C. C. II. GATIS, T. P. A., 3-24-121 Raleigh, N- C. o8S HWfiftik&Vuiteri)

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