Ccmrt A Wdura -i i THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 30, i908 Pays Price For Black Crime With His Life It's the Little Things that CountTry One Continued from page 1 ,.;TED To buy a good second " ML . X.. cave News. 2S-2t 1 y,-A"TED -Cheerful companion for lu-alth. one who has know- , iiDtisi'Keepins;. Address 324, ,'t ' r', 27-5t ... , so ro CONE who has the very thing v - i ends these ads daily. tf rvAHDERS WANTED; rooms for ' . S.m'.h Church St. ""l" WANTED -To trade real estate for 't: ., ( a.l hand or new knitting mill Address l?ox 3C2, Char l 26-2t WANTED Your orders for Saws. ,';,.::. Kii.nines, Boilers, Pumps, tl.iist. Shafting. Pullers. II ic t r- r- . Urate of Soda. Davidson & Wolf 30-2t 4 special machines to or- w . c. .Jarrell Machine Co. WANTED To make you an esti u! vini; your residence. 'Phone - i i ;,..r, i:iectric Co. 9-tf MENOur illustrated catalogue ex plains how we teach barber trade in few weeks, mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 2S-6t 75 THOUSANDS srood 1. iQf shingles for sale at a sacrifice if taken l uure. 412 t:. 11th St. 28-2t SEE ADVERTISEMENT of antique Mahogany furniture at auction on page live of News today. 30-lt NT DrR' .f' ,- AW LEY Office, Room No.5 City Hall; residence 9 N. Long St Calls answered in city and surround ing country. Office 'Phone 737.; resi dence 'Phone 743. 24-tf THE GREATEST opportunity to buy rare antique Mahogany furniture at auction tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. FINE 4t:'. :,. n COAHD for tourists. Central. c ii hi. y-u WANTED t to 5 h. p. motor sec i : ,! .'inrell Machine Co. FOR SALt OK RtNI. FOf FOR FC! SALE .Modern live-room cot . waul. Phone 146S. SALE King cotton seed, 200 i. ii. llobinson. Matthews, N. 2S-2t SALE lV.zen Barred Rock V. l. Matthews. 30-lt FOR SA LE CHEAP A nice build Cnii.uhead, 120 x 15$ feet. Kay. care Ray Printing Co. FOR SALE Lars -. i!av;ai!i. ? fire proof Mar W. F. Dowd. R E NT Desirable furnished A: ; :v ! East 2nd street. 26-tf FOR SALE Six-year-old mule, or '. t-vi-':.;:iut' tor good driving horse. '. i: H. -stable. 30-2t A FEW OFFICES to rent In new, La.v Buil.ling. See L. W. Humphrey, secretary. 17-tf HCLl FOR RENT, earner Brevard .1. K. Wolfe. 30-2t FOR SALE Splendid site for man .. ' , in:; brick, iimia line on South : i; . Apply John C. Garrison, New :.. X. (J. 2S-12t GEORGE & CO'S famous mild cure "Sweet Clover" brand hams are sweet as a nut. If your grocer hasn't them 'Phone 715. 2s.6t RARE OPPORTUNITY for large, sure and permanent returns from small investment. Worth investigat ion. Address "M.," care News. 2S-2t t himself with pro- MR. JOHN KIRK DEAD. Venerable iCtizen of Mallard Creek Passes Away. In the passing away' of Mr. John Kirk, whoso death occurred at his home in Mallard Creek township Satur day night, at 9 o'clock, Mecklenburg loses another landmark of its past his tory. Mr. Kirk lived to the advanced age of 93 years, and for over 60 "of them, he had been a active elder in Mallard Creek Presbyterian church. Mr. Kirk was a man of sterling char acter, upright and honest in all his dealings. He was modest and retiring in nature, but was bold indeed when a chance for doing good to his fellow men came to hand. He was a liberal giver to his church and to every ben evolent cause that presented itself. . The funeral was one of the largest attended in the history of the church, his friends coming for "miles to pay this one last tribute to the memory of this good man. The services were, held at the house, and the interment was at the cemetery near Mallard Creek church. Rev. J. E. Summers conducted the services, and the elders and deacons of the church acted as pallbearers. These were Messrs. R. W. Alexander, Young Galloway, Frank Cochran. J. R. Hutchison, A. A. Garri son and M. A. Galloway. Mr. Kirk is survived by two sons and two daughters, Messrsfl James C. and A. S. Kirk and Misses Margaret and Elenora Kirk, and a large number of grand children. Mr. Kirk married a Miss Alexander, who died in 1SS3. ently conducted priety. How Courtship Started. Grace Brown was a farmer's daugh ter from South Otselic, who worked m the same factory with Gillette. Al though she did not pay her unusual attention her companions were, not long in recognizing that she was somewhat of a favorite with the young foreman. He began to call on her at the home of her married sister, who lived in the city, and soon won her trust and affection. The girl's confidence in Gillette and his promise of marriage eventually led to her undoing and in the sum mer of 1906 she went home to prepare for the wedding which she felt could not long be postponed. It was during her stay at her home in South QtSoIic that she 'wrote him that remarkable series of letters which were found among Gillette's effects after his arrest. Her Tender Devotion. In these outpourings of her soul she breathed the poignancy of her sorrow, and her sweetness of girlish youth, faitfi and self sacrifice were ever apparent. In her misery she pleaded with her lover to come to her saying that she had been brave but was beginning to feel discour aged. In spite of her suffering she thought first of all of him, and how she might lessen any burden that he was destined to bear. Extracts From Her Letters. "I am as lonesome for you as Oh, as I thought I'd be. I don't be lieve you've even missed me," she wrote soon after her arrival home." I did not think all the home folks would be so glad to see me. They ate me up, and if you ever have thought I was spoiled, dear, I don't know what you will think of me when I get back. You or any , one else won't be able to do anything with me." A few days laterf she wrote: "I have done nothing but cry since 1 got here. If you were only here 1 would not feel so badly. I do try to be brave dear, but how can I when everything goes wrong? I can't help thinking you will never come for me, but then I say you can't be no mean as that, and besides you told me you would come and you have never disappointed me when you sniri von would not." girl in me words have I had from you' since I came home to encourage me?" Spirit of Self-Sacrifice. Then further along in the same letter the girl's,spirit of self-sacrifice asserted itself and she wrote: "Chester, I don't suppose you will ever know how I regret being all this trouble to you. I know you hate me and I can't blame you cne bit. Of course, it's worse for me than you, but the world and you.too,, may think 1 am the one to blame, but some how I can't, just simply ,can't. think that I am, Chester. "My little sisrers cams up just a minute ago with her hands full of daisies and asked me if p didn't want my fortune told. I told her I guessed it was pretty well told now." A Secret Meeting. Plans were arranged by letter for a meeting at IieRuyter and Gillette secured leave of absence from the factory. He ariived at DeRuyter on the evening of July 8 and registered at a hotel as Charles George. The next day Grace Brown left South Otselic ostensibly for Cortland but changed cars fcr Utica at DeRuyter where she was joined by Gillette. On the journey to Utica Gillette did not share the seat with "Billy" but chat ted with other girls on the train from Cortland and made an appoint ment to meet them later in the week at Eagle Bay. At Utica Gil lette registered Grace Brown and himself as Charles Gordon and wife, New York. They left the next morn ing. Gillette did not pay his bill butt directed that some laundry which he . had left behind, be sent by ex press to Eagle Hay. The couple went to Tupper Lake registering at a boarding house there as Charles George and wife, New York. While at Tupper Lake Gil lette inquired for a quiet lake and Grace Brown threw herself into the arms of a maid who had brought her a glass of water, and burst into tears. Arrive at Big Moose. On the morning of July 11 the couple retraced their journey to Big Moose-, where Gillette registered at the Glenmore as Charles Grahm, Albany, and on the next line on the register wrote the girl's correct name and address. . Gillette inquired for good places to take pictures and se curing a boat rowed away over the blue waters of the lake. Gillette car ried a suit case, camera and tennis racquet. The girl's baggage had been checked to Old Forge and she left some of her wraps and hat at the hotel. The Tragedy and Lake. Late that night Gillette appeared To-day 's Markets J. S. Bache & Go's Cotton Letter. New York, March 30. Liverpool cabled a lower, range of prices ear ly but rallied in the later trading and was about as due at the hour of the local opening. Our market opened steady at an advance of 2 to 3 points with the new crop months showing the best gains despite the continued favor able weather reports from the south. July and May touched 9.68 shortly after the call under active trading. After the first demand for cotton was satisfied the market relapsed into dullness gradually losing the ad vance. July showed relative strength es tablishing a premium of 2 to 3 points over May, that option being depressed by fear of heavy tenders of low grades next month. The weather in the south will be watched carefully now as one of the most important factors in the market and any change in the present ideal conditions might cause a sharp up turn in prices. We would favor a scalping policy on the long side of cotton on all weak spots. J. S. BACHE & CO. Hayward & Clark's Cotton Letter. New Orleans, La.. March 30. Lav "Chester, there isn t a 1,1 oq miserable as I am tonight,' she wrote in her next letter, "and at the Arrowhead on Eagje Bay, 12 i,,, .,ri mo topi so Chester. 1 ! miles from Bis Moose. He had walk- - . l. .... , . , 1 ! . 1. . . 1 . 4 1 , . . mi i . .1 t. nouMTInnr 1 n ' 1 S mean that dear: vou nave ui-it imuu&u nwua, mnj" STOCKS Atchison 72 Atchison Pfd Baltimore fe Ohio 82 Canadian Pacific V Cnesapea & Ohio ;ii Chicago & Alton Chicago A Oreat Western b Kile lo Erie Pfd.. 33 Rock Island iVg Illinois Central im' Louisville Nashville Manhattan Mexican Central. 19 Missouri Pacific Missouri Kauoiai'l' 24 New York Central Norfolk Jt Western m Ontario & Western -a?, t'ennsy Ivan la nii:!4 Reading look Reading Pfd St. Paul 11734 Southern Pacific y. Southern Railway Southern Railway PeiTerred :w' Texas & Pacific Union Pacific Wabash 11 Wabash P'ld Amalgamated ( 'oi.per tsrooklln Rapid Tranwll Colorado I''nei & Iron Con Oat : .. Peoples G8 ', Sugar .. Sloss Iron & tnel Peuessee Coal Jir Iron Unitod States Leather .. United State Steel J nlled States Steel Preferred Western Union Virginia Carolina CUetnical "n. ' 'rolhn Chemtca P:S Northern Pacific Smelters...' , Anaconda Copper - . 46 .. '' 47$ 34 - Zi 19?i .127 J New York Cotton March Men . . Mav .. July . Oct . . Dec . . High. . 9.r,t . 9. us . 9.6s . 9.57 . 9.57 Low. 9.4S 9.55 9.57 9.44 9.46 30. Close. 9.4748 9.6061 9.60 CI 9.45 46 9.46 47 Spots quiet, steady 10.40. erpool opens the week with a more encouraging display. Futures were 4 better than due and spots sales are larger , total 8,000 bales at 3 points I higher. A letter received today from an in- . Liverpool Cotton, fluential concern interested in Lanca- Liverpool, March 30. Futures open shire Mills supply the clue for this teaAdy clfer(1 -uiet; receipts action. It savs that while Manches- 5,000, American 2,000; sales 8 000; ter etni rnmnifuns nhnr tm.ifv nrP- speculation and export 500; middling ent prices are acceptable and that spinners are now watching the action of American mills. If they should enter the market for raw material. English spinners would hurry to buy also, but if our mills do not compete for the balance of the crop, then foreign mills will pursue the present policy as there will be enough for them. - From this it appears that the fate of cotton depends on whether there is . any improvement in home trade or not. The 10 per cent reduction in wages should help our mills some, while bearish feeling keeps them from buying right off. Our market opened a few higher and remained steady for some time, 5.C9, yesterday 5.66; spots steady; 2 p. m. sales 7, GOO. Close. Jan-Feb 5.10 Mar' 5.25 Mar-Apr 5.27 Apr-May 5.26 May-June " 5.27 June-July 5.27 July-Aug" Aug-Sept . A Cracker-Jack Band. The Mexican Band with the Coney Island Shows United serenaded The News office this morning, playing "Iola," "The Shade of the Old Apple Tree," an dother sprightly airs that made the dancing surge upward in the bipod and bones, even of the paralytic. If the rest of the car nival is as good as the band, it's a dandy- show. N WE WILL SELL 16 shares Gaston Mfg. Co. (N.C.) 6 shares North State Fire Ins. Co. (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (S. C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) (N.C.) 50 shares Brown Mfg. Co. 20 shares Mayes Mfg. Co. 5 shares Gray Mfg. Co. 25 shares American Trust Co. 10 shares Dallas Cotton Mill, 15 shares Southern Pants Co. 40 shares Elba Mfg. Co. 25 shares Clifton Mfg. Co. 20 shares Flint Mfg. Co. 6 shares Henrietta Mfg. Co. 25 shares Ghronicle Mill, 50 shares Ozark Cotton Mill, 10 shares Commercial National Bank, (N.C.) If you want to buy or sell securi ties would be glad to hear from you. SOUTHERN SECURITIES & TRUST COMPANY. 15 South College St. Charlotte, N. C. Wooten & Co. HOUSE BUILDERS. Inside and Outside Repairing. Upholstering, f ;b3net Work and Fur- nitut i Repairing. 33 West Fourth St. 'Phone 437. 1-17-m-w-f-tf. 5.26 Sept-Oct 5.1S Oct-Nov Nov-Dec 5.14 5,11 Dec-Jan 5.11 TWO DWELLINGS for rent No. L' ::' vt Trade, 0 rooms and bath (up r...- :'.;ui:t ) : No. 70S Smith St., C rooms, f.:.e -.-.:den. S. Wittkowsky. 21-tf WHY NOT rent that spare room? T ii ri.'niz man who wants it is look up i:-if for your ad every day. tf IF YOU don't like your house sell it. An ad here will bring you a buyer. FOR SALE Beef refrigerator and m:::;.ft iixuires, nearly new, all first : - :,nd up-to-date. E. A. Moffett, X. Or.-diam Rt. 13-tf THREE HOUSES for rent 406 East L'Ht!! St. Leland Hotel. 17-tf MISCELLANEOUS LOST Purse containing between 'ii! Return to News. Reward. NOW is the time to clean old Elec ' '' i-'ans and buy new ones. See Pa-e, 243 West Trade. 'i'h-'..- :l'l. 30-tf NECK BANDS for shirts. All sizes, - '' each. Charlotte Steam Laun- 30-3t-eod HEADSTONES, all styles and sizes, a !f.v prices. Mecklenburg Marble v. r; :i'i'.' Co., South College and Rail- 28-15t-eod. NECK BANDS for home made !!;! All sizes, 5 emits each. Char iv; -i - am Laundry. 31-3t-eod T 5 THE SAVING in wear and tear 11,11 i.iK-.ils lo our regular patrons. !' " i one? If not 'phone 800. San I.asiiidry. CRAND AUCTION SALE of rare an- ! i' Mahogany furniture at the Audi ;' ii ''a Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. WE CAN uij a horse for its feed. 1 ': iiaelit & Co 'phone 328. 2S-2t tTHE CLIMAX Barber shop, six first f "i s barbers, fine shower or tub baths, ' N'f-'!lent cigars. W. H. Young, Proprie M North Tryon. 'Phono 1907. "w.ifcr for sale. 2-28-tf GET TOGETHER your family wash irr.c --everything Flat Work included. M 1 if you c;m have the entire lot v- a.-hid clean and sweet for 5c per !;"i'iid. No! then 'phone 800. Sani i:"y Laundry. ADVERTISE here and it will be re ' ariied to you. tf THE PERSON who found the thing v,,i lost is looking here for your ad--i!i;;ement. tf Mrs. Person: Dear Friend I saw your ad vertisement in the Christian Ad vocate. I decided to reply. I have a sister who had scrof ula in the worst form. She tried every doctor in ten miles of here; none did her any good. She decided to try your medi cine. The first bottle she took improved her very much. She took six bottles and it made a permanent cure of her. I had two colored girls living with me, both of whom had scrofula very bad. I recommended your med icine to them. By its use they are now both well. I can highly recommend your medicine as a sure cure for scrofula and a good blood purifier. Very respectfully, MRS. O. W. PARKER. Wakefield, N. C, Jan. 9, 19QJ. lnn't wavs been awfully good to me and I know you will always be. You jut won't be a coward I know. You must write more often, please, and, dear, when vou read my letters, if vou think I am unreasonable, please do not mind it. but do think I Jim about crazy with grieS and that i don't know just what to do." Gives Vent to Her Sorrow. In her next letter she told of re ceiving a letter from a girl friend. "This girl wrote me," she said, "that vou seemed to be having an awfully good time, and she guessed that mj suit case and camera but the tennis racnuet was missing. His clothing Alarm was "'felt In Big Moose ; over the failure of Gillette to return with the boat he had rented ani search i was made tne next uay. ine ooai New Orleans l-TniiQtrTi that declines now depend no longer Qaiveston" ' on long nquiuauoii, uui on me amuuiu of fresh short selling could be re peatedly seen. Trading is quiet sellers are scarce Estimates. To- Last morrow. Year. .. ..5000fi)7500 5131 6000(7? '7000 .. .. 1000C?1200 6496 8571 Comparative Port Receipts. To ri nv and baggage were. dry. The next owing to tne western Deu, ram com- GaiveHton 5170 day he went on an excursion with er in the Atlantic states. Weather New Q,.jeana 359s the young women from Cortland conditions over Sunday were on the MoDile whom he had promised to meet. 1 whole tavorame. uenerany ciouuy Savannah weather prevailed witn ngnt scaueren Charleston .. 287 rains in the north central and west- Wilmington . . . . V. . . . '. ern halt of the Belt. Norfolk 1438 The spot market is . reported very iston I . - 1. ...ln was found floating bottom up near, quiet ana easy, so rar omy u wupie shore in n secluded part of the lake, of hundred bales sold. Total Est I - rm I . . nn 1 ,1 4-,--fnj-r- IriUTOPl with o TYinn's wrnn snrend over thef mis news vveuKwueu imuico iu-u a bottom. The lake was dragged and, noon, the bodv of Grace Brown was found. HAYWARD & CLARK. REPORT ON VIADUCT. can't help;xov 50, 1906, and on Dee. 5 Gil I wish things eTe was found guiltv of murder in . 1 i t ..... . .-mi crnrwl MR 1 .. 1 . i. OAA , , r., Vi a f h rn f T i ! comin0, nome 11a u uuu ." huuui .wu lk. num anun-. vou had not seemed so cheerful in ette subsequently was arrested at - . 1 1 1 . . , l-nnwll . . t- T . . 1 I A weeks. 1 snouiu nave 1.. . agie uay on jmy . rioter that you did not care for j GiUettA Convicted. me But somehow I have trusted i The trja befran at Herkimer t a voii more than anyone else. Perhaps . special term of the supreme court on von dont tlimic or )uu moWnff mp nrieve. but v. -mair 5:1V VOU (10 I 1,-. fii-ot locrvoo nnrl CPntencerl loo . bu " you can't possibly wish so fleath. Tne prosecution presented a to inspect the viaduct there tor the more than I 'l have been very brave . chain of evidence which the defence purpose of securing data for plans for since I came home but tonight I amwag imable to break down. Gillette? a similar structure on East Trade vprv discouraged. Chester, if 1 could who testified, denied none of the t street. ' . ."....I ..limit i i . 1. ' 1-: 1 1 J r f 1 nnlv die I know now you iui eviuence except uif uaiiai mwhs this affair and 1 wisn iui jum .-. me gin. tie &am he uuu ui6cn ...... to A. City Engineer and Commissioner Washburn to Tell of Atlanta Struc ture. The board of public service is in session this afternoon to hear the re port of city engineer Firth and Mr. II. Washburn, who went to Atlanta , i.Q ipd. If I ue ; you iieeu iiji- "w ,, I hope you can then by happy. Gillette's Coolness. The coolness of Gillette's replies to the girl's fervent pleadings caused her to sav in her next letter: "I was" glad to hear from you and surprised as well. I thought i,j vnthpr have mv letteis ai- to marry her but that he was not. in a position to do so at that time as he had but scant means and his marriage would mean the loss of his position in the factory. His Story of Crime. He said the girl arose in the boat, declarine that she would end the matter then and there, and leaped Villi WlHllU ii - " . i , j feetionate but vours was so business- j overboard. The boat was overturned, lil-e that 'l have come to the conclu-! he claimed., and although he made iion thnt vou wish mine to be that j efforts to save the girl from drown wnv I ma- tell vou though, that.'ing he was unable to do so. The t nrii not a business woman and so evidence showed that the water was that these letters will not but a few feet deep. Upon his fail- j sntisfv vou any more tha nthe others ure to resCue the girl he said he s,at,ist? luLr Lrrlnn me. that I im-'had waded ashore. He explained the i aia. i , - . Part of Gun Blew Off, By Associated Press. Washington, March 30. During tar get practice Saturday at Magdelena Bay 140 inches of the muzzle of one of the six inch oroadside guns of the Missouri blew off. The fracture did not indicate any flaw in the metal. Practice was continued and the gun will be re placed by a new one from Washington. No one was injured. Last Year. 7149 1204 ' 429 2227 11 149 1120 74G ..13453 13035 Charlotte Cotton Market. (Corrected by Sanders, Orr & Co.) Good middling .' 10 Strict middling 10 Vi Middling 10k Stains &Vz to 8c Chicago Gram and Produce. Young Ladies to Take Part. The following young ladies, who are to take part in the" Flag Drill for the Vaudeville entertainment are request ed to meet at the city hall tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock: Misses Marie Lentz, Shirley Ross, High. Low. Close. WHEAT- May .. 93 92 93 Julv : 887s 88 8S Sept 86 85 S614 CORN May 66 65 C6 July 64 63 Vi 64 V2 Sept .. 63 62 63 OATS May 53 53 53 July .' 47 46 47 Sept 3834 37 38; PORK May 13.87 13.07 13.80 July 14.27 13.45 14.17 LARD May S.62 8.22 S.62 July 8.82 8.45 8.82 .RIBS May 7.47 8.22 8.62 Julv 7.80 7.37 7.72 One of Charlotte's Finest "And you say the folding bed shut up on you last night?" asked the boarding-house lady. "Sure I did," replied the new boarder. "You must have experienced great discomfort?" "Not at all. ma'm. You see, I used to be a policeman, and I'm used to sleeping standing up!" ONE OF CHARLOTTE'S FINEST Insurance offices is at "Insurance Headquarters." MORE WATER "And the name is to be" asked the suave minister as he approached the font with the preciorfs armful of fat and flounces. "Augustus Phillip Ferdinand Cod rington Chesterfield Livingston Snooks." i? "Dear me." Turning to the sexton: "A little more water, Mr. Hawkins, if you please." MORE WATER Is needed in Dilworth and then the citizens will get better rates which will be good news at "Insurance Headquarters." 0. IN. C Butt 8, CO (INCORPORATED.) Insurance Headquarters. READ Tn S J position and that it is ; condition of his baggage by saying , Brown .Matilda and Edith Over- ivnthor unnecessary for you to be so 1nat hP nad left it on the- banivcasn Mary g Harrell, Alice Miller, 1 . m r CPO . -k 1 i . 1 niVT wneie uif . ll"u 1 late ivenunsK, lviary aiusoii, nvacc c 1. i n mriifrn? lilt; i frighttuiiy irauiv 1 &. nr,ition as keen it 1 can ate i i " - or. von f. 1 think. You light ay you were wouui surprised, but you thought I woi Z "discouraged. I don't see why should not be 1 ivHakiani (SomxEfi ! j luncheon. The tennis racquet, .... ii.. ,-,1 il.:iimpfl witn wnicn ino iiuMxuuuu he dealt the girl's death blow, was 1 found hidden in the .woods alter discouraged! What weeks of search. I Execution Was Stayed. The execution of the death penalty . McCausland, Lillian Boyer, Helen Wilmoth Lilian Wallace, Roselle Mc Manaway, Lucy Bomar and Alice Bib-bie. First Presbyterian Services. 1 The execution 01 me utim i ai tne inrst tresoyierian cnuicu I was stayed by an appeal to the court yesterday morning Rev. Dr. . Kincaid 1 of anneals on Jan. 19, 1907, and on preached a strong sermon on "Whoso- , , . . . . rrlirl -1 1 i i i . . i 1 ., ' . .. . . Jan. 8 last tne case was aisu- ever win, iec nim iaio me water m tne cnai Charlotte Produce Market. (Corrected by R. II. Field & Co.) Chickens spring 2025. Turkeys per lb IZdiiH Geese per head 4550 Hens per head 40(H) 1 5 Ducks 25 Eggs : 1213 The following letter shows the character of the guarantee that goes with every Suit ordered from the Carolina Pressing Club: CAROLINA PRESSING CLUB, Charlotte, N. C. Gentlemen If any of the coats we made for your customers during the past year have not held their shape or the linings have wt gLn satisfactory wear, we request that you send the coat to us and we will make the front satisfactory by either putting in a new front or making a new coat, and if the linings have not Sven satisfactory service we will be pleased to reline free of rt " Yours Very truly, cnarSe- E. V. PRICE & CO. Suits made to order $18 to $50 and every detail of quality, fit and workmanship covered by a guarantee tha ; Prtects; Orders left now will be ready for debvery by Easter. Carolina Pressing Club 227 N. Tryon St. W. H. C. BARKLEY, Prop. largely musical, the selections beingi from Mendelssohn. Mrs. Byrd, Miss; Mr. McGowan and two - daughters, Aat.e.3 and Mr. Jone3 took the chief j of Steubenville. Ohio, are in the city colo parts. to spend a few days. ! court affirmed the judgment of con- i;fe freely." The night service was; dress. I viction and fixed the week beginning j March 30 for carrying out the death sentence. Mother Pld for Him. ... - & i i - n Gillette's mother visited aiujuj and pleaded with Governor Hughes to commute the deatn sentence iu me imprisonment but the governor de clined to interfere. Meetinn Tor Carpenters. There will be an open meeting for the carrenters of the city at Shoe maker's Hall on North D street on next Saturdav. There will be addresses bv Messrs. W. M. Tye and W. W. Ha wood and President H. A. Stillwell will b and also maka an ad- Improved Service. The Southern Railway Company, in it nnnnnncpraent of improved passen- Iger service in North Carolina, has made several important changes in train schedules effecting Charlotte, as follows: Train No. 7 arrives at 4:2o p m. instead of at 5:25, connecting with train No. 41 for Seneca, which will be changed to leave at 4:35 p. m. instead of at 4:10 daily, except auuua... Trains Nos. 11 and 40., as formerly announced, will be discontinued be tween Charlotte and Greenville. All who have been asked to sing in the Vaudeville entertainment April 20 are requested to meet in the Ar mory of the Charlotte Artillery at the Auditorium tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock. - The Little White Hearse Comes to more homes because of Croup than for any other reason. Gowan's Pneumonia Cure Vanquishes Croup, Colds and Pneumonia Being external no harm can come by using it on the children. Fathers an d mothers certainly owe it to themselves and their little ones to keep al ways a bottle in the home. Three sizes: Twenty five cents and 50 cents and" one -dollar. All drag gists. ' x- s ' - If you have property to sell, list l In this office , If your have Douses or stores i rent, let me do your collecting and save trouble and worrv. The place lo Insure your property la fn this agency. R. C COCHRAN17 INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATfc AGENT. Main Office 18 West fth St., Charlotte. N. 0. Brancher 11 riiurcb St., Ashcville. N. C. 214 West Market St., Greensboro. N". t Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works Established 189S Trench Cleaners, Steam Cleaners, ani Dyers of Ladies' and Men's Gar ments of Every Description. MRS. J. M. HESTER, Manager. Mall Orders Receive Propt Attention. "Phonr ?48. Hackney Bros. Company Is the place to get prompt service for anything in the line of Plumbing and. Heating. We carry a full line of Supplies. j 'Phone 312. 6 West Fifth Street. Hugh W. Harris .ATTORNEY law Buildirg, rrarfolte N. c

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