THE CHARLOTTE fNEWS, MARCH 31, 1 908. 10 A NEW LAW FIRM ESTABLISHED Messrs. Frank M. Shannonhouse and Hamilton C Jones Form a Part nership A Brilliant Career Pre dieted for There Two Able Young Men. A partnership in the law has been formed by Messrs. Frank M. Shan nonhouse and Hamilton C. Jones, which begins tomorrow. This will be news of interest in this city, and in the law building and outside of it, today, wherever the rumor had be come current, a great future was pre dicted for the firm of Shannonhouse & Jones. Mr. Jones, who bears the name or his father, the late Col. H. C. Jones, for years the leader of the Char lotte bar, is a young man of brilliant attainments. A graduate of the Uni versity of North Carolina, having taken the law course there along with his regular studies in the senior year, he went to New York city and graduated at the Law School of Columbia University. After this he went into the office of former As sistant District Attorney James W Osborne for eight months. Return ing to Charlotte last December, Mr. Jones has since that time been in the office of Tillett & Guthrie. He be gins his career with this splendid training. Mr. Shannonhouse has long estab lished himself at the local bar as a lawyer of the highest ability. He is aggressive, forceful and original, as he has shown in whatever he under took,, whether it were serving as a member of the legislature, pre siding in the Recorder's court or pleading for a client at the bar of justice. The combination of Mr. Shannonhouse and Mr. Jones will make one of the strongest legal teams in the city. Shannonhouse & Jones will have their offices in Mr. Shan nonhouse's rooms in the law building until new quarters can be secured. -H-H-H-H I-I"I"I"H' THE WEATHER' .H-I-I"!"!"-!"! M"I"I"I"I' i Forecast For Charlotte and Vicinity. Rain tonight. Wednesday partly cloudy. State Forecasts. Washington, D. C, March 31. For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Wednesday. Warmer tonight in north east portion. Fresh southeast winds. For South Carolina: Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday. Light to fresh southwest winds. WILL NOT STINT WORK. Street Railway Company to Spend $30,000 Prelimnary to Paving. It will not be many weeks now be fore the people of Charlotte will have the satisfaction of seeing the real bithulithic paving work in progress. The work on the cross streets will probably be started first, and then as soon as the preliminary work on the street car tracks is finished, Try on and Trade streets, within the fire limits, will bid goodbye to its mud in rainy weather and dust when the sun shines hot. It is stated by the management of the street railway company that $30, 000 will be spent in putting the tracks in perfect condition for this permanent work, and that as soon as bids can be received the work will begin. The Atlantic Bitulithic Pav ing Company, which is doing the work for the city, will probably get the contract to do the street railway portion of the work. Mr. Latta, of the street railway company, has stated that while it would only take about $7,000 for the company to comply with its part ot the contract with the city, that the company wanted to go further than this in its desire to have the work perfect in every respect, and would spend $30,000 within the lire limits, this amount to be spent in putting down a sub-foundation of vitrified brick, new cross ties and 80-pound rail, and that the work would be done in such proportions as to be in keeping with the great growth of the city. Weather Conditions. Pressure continues high over the Atlantic states, but the weather is generally cloudy this morning and rain has fallen over the middle At lantic states. Rain has also fallen over the Ohio and middle Mississippi valleys and the Lake region, in ad vance of an area of low pressure which is central this morning over Colorado, having during the past 24 hours moved southeastward from Montana. Temperatures vare gener ally above normal this morning over the eastern half of the country. In dications are for cloudy weathefwith light rain in the vicinity of Charlotte tonight, and partly cloudy weather Wednesday. W. J. BENETT, Observer. nHllil IH UK IlOtf Bill 01 M 9 UU HI BY THE I I u MORE FIDDLING Lovers of Old Time Music Will Have Rare Opportunity Soon. Charlotte is to have another fiddler's convention in the near future, which, say those who have charge, will sur pass anything of its kind ever seen in the city. It will not be a fiddlers contest, long drawn out and tiresome, but will be an entertainment by the best talent to be found in Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Row an, Iredell and Alexander counties. Some unique fiddlers have been se cured for the occasion, among them be ing a family of children from Barber's Junction, who play the fiddle like old timers, and who are a whole show in themselves. Another attraction will be v. five-year-old prodigy from Alexander coun ty, but who can knock off Little Breeches and Old Molly Hare, the equal of any fingerer of the bow in the country. It is understood that the perfor mance will be given under the aus pices of the Confederate Choir, the proceeds to go to purchase uniforms and books. The entertainment will be given on three nights, and "will be some time the latter part of April or the first of May. LENTEN SERVICES Rev. F. M. Osborne Speaker rt the Y. M. C. A. Tomorrow. Rev. Francis M. Osborne, rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter, will be the speaker at the business men's noonday Lenten service at the Young Men's Christian Association Wednes day from 12:05 to 12:35 o'clock. The leader of the meeting will be Rev. Harris Mallincrodt, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal church. A feature of tomorrow's meeting will be the singing of a solo by Mr. Cyril D. Baxtresser. All men are invited to these ser vices which begin and end exactly on the hour announced. - Meetings havebeen lielJ thus far dur ing Lent and will continue until Easter. Holy week will be observed' by daily meetings. The first four days being in the charge of Rev. Harris Mallincrodt and the last two services under the direc tion of Rev. R. C. Holland, D. D., pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church. Coton Receipts. The receipts of cotton at the city platform today amounted to 39 bales at 10 1-4 cents. On the same date last year the receipts amounted to 21 bales at 11 cents. The receipts since me first of September amount to 10,141 bales, a decrease of 345 bales for the corresponding period of last year. SOCIAL. Tuesday Bridge Club. The Tuesday Bridge Club met this morning with Mrs. L. B. Johnson. Mrs. C F. Wadsworth won the prize. Mrs. Carey Butt leaves tomorrow morning for Richmond, Va., to spend a month with her mother, Mrs. Beck. Tuesday Social Club. The Tuesday Social Club met this afternoon with Mrs. C. W. Parker, in Piedmont. Mrs. R. C. Spring, of Lexington, is visiting relatives in the city. Miners Quit Work. By Associated Press. Pittsburg, Pa., March 31 At a meeting of miners and operators this afternoon this afternoon it was de cided that all mines in the Pittsburg district would suspend operation at midnight tonight until a wage scale agreement has been reached. About 30,000 miners through western Penn sylvania are affected. Judre vs. State. By Associated Press. Kansas City, Mo., March 31. Judge McPherson, in federal court, decided he has full jurisdiction over both the maximum freight, rate and two-cent passenger fare cases in Missouri, hold ing against the state on the question of jurisdiction. Mrs. Mary F. Houston, sister of the late Dr. T. T. Wood and Mrs. N. B. Vinvent, of this city, died in Wilming ton Saturday. The Committee of One Hundred of the Laymen's movement, will be pres ent at the Second Presbyterian church next Sunday morning when several representative Charlotte business men will speak. Humble we must be. if to heaven we go. Herrick. A HIGHER HEALTH LEVEL. "I have re' 3hed a higher health lev el since I 1" ;an using Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Jacob Springer, of West Franklin, Maine. "They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just right." If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at Woodall & Sheppard's drug store. 25c. OSES BUILDERS GROCtRb HAMS Kingan's Reliable Hams. Kingan's Indiana brand- Hams 12 1-2 cts; F. F. V. Hams, Smithfield Hams and a small lot of Country Hams. Take your choice. L. L. SARRATT, Phone 103. 309 N. Tryon St. FRESH ASPARAGUS Fresh String Beans, new Irish Pota toes, fine Celery and Sugar Peas. "Of Course." MILLER-VAN NESS CO., COUNTRY BUTTER 20c. Northern fresh Butter 25c; seed Irish Potatoes and seed Corn; 4 lbs. Rice 25c; fresh Tarbell Cheese; Fine Maca roni 10c. BRIDGERS & CO.. 203 W. Trade. NEW IRISH POTATOES, CELERY, GREEN SWEET PEAS, " TOMATOES. S. R. LENTZ, 'Phone 251. Fred Cochrane, Mgr. JDRUGGISTS We Headquarters for RAZOR STROPS, MUGS AND BRUSHES. JAMES P. STOWE & CO. 26 South Tryon. Everything for a POULTRY YARD Including eggs from Davis' famous Barred Rocks at $1.50 for 13. DILWORTH DRUG STORE 'Phone 247. . - B. S. Davis 0 April 4th If you open an Ac count in our Savings Depart mon on or before that date it will draw interest from April 1st if left three months. 99 Interest Quarter begins April 1st but any deposits made this week, as stated above, will be in time to share in the earnings of the new Interest Period. If you want to have a good working partner open a Savings Account. It keeps busy and earns 4 per cent. Try it. The result will be more than satis factory if you give the plan a fair chance. O 9 We are getting accounts at the rate of about two a day sometimes more. Don't forget the importance of depositing THIS WEEK. 9 Offices ir the 99 Trust Building ABOUT YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. If you are a new-comer. If you do not now keep a bank account. If you want to make a change for any reason. Call and talk the matter-over with us we think ve can convince you that THIS IS THE BANK in which to make your deposits, wheth er on certificate at 4 per cent., in sav ings department at 4 per cent., com pounded quarterly, or in a checking account. Commercial National Bank MISCELLANEOUS Notary Public I don't care who you are, what you do, nor where you live. I will go anywhere anytime, day or night, to act as Notary for you. My time is my own, and I keep horse and buggy to go anywhere on a moment's notice. All business given prompt, courteous and confidential attention fee reasonable. Office 'phone 243, res idence 'phone 1270. FRANK F. JONES, Public Notary. FROG LEGS Snipe, Squab, Spring Chickens, Shad baud Loo, Trout ar-d every seas onable delicacy at THE GEM. Hearken-Land Owner! If you have property to sell and the price is right, we can sell it for you. If you are real anxious to sell and will take a cut price that will allow a reasonable profit to an investor, we can furnish the nec essary. At any rate if you want to do business in real estate; buy, sell, or exchange see us and we will place the facilities which our knowledge of the subject, experience and ability afford, at your disposal. Traders Land Company P. M. BROWN, President. MORRIS E. TROTTER, Vice Pres. J NO. BASS BROWN, Secty-Treas. I Two Cottaqes For Sale ! We have for sale two five-room cottages with city water on south side Twenty-first street, North Charlotte, only a short dis tance from Brevard street car line. The cottages are perfectly new, never been occupied, wired for electric lights and built of best material. The price will interest you and the terms are easy. If looking for a nice little cottage home, here it is. J. B. MURPHY & COMPANY 43 N. Tryon. 'Phone 842. TYPEWRITERS RENTED 100 rental machines, all makes, ready for instant delivery. Every machine first class in every particular. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. 217 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 304. you as a business man especially in the matter of credit. Get the right bank back of you and your business will expand more rapidly. We invite you to try the. Valuable Farming Tracts 55 ACRES 4 miles west of Charlotte, near IIosk;n? J 1 l 3 1 1 .Villi iresii laiiu, veiv pruuutaive. small meadow tnrougn place. iew. tenant house. at 72 ACRES 6 miles East near Sardis, new 2-storv , about 20 'ipir . br.l.i ,.i ' ",l 'ieam nni -d saie nvpd,,,,,.. - - ".Hi. erood snrinsr near the house.. Finp n-xvi.i.-.,-.. ' , 'Win. . 0 .nuuv,., iU1(. branch. Plenty of firewood on place. Uni-nni ton raising and trucking. Price pasture suitable etc., oil ;i " '1' (Mil J 1 CIO AfDC C Q1A tyi J 1 i c? omitTiwocf nf P Vini-lMJ . Good farming land. Can be sold chpap .v. i',h Uu" apply to " ' lmlhi'r """"-nla, Southern Real Estate. Loan k Trust nnmnom. . imwi VUlllUUS'j Surplus, $1C0,000. a. m. Mcdonald, Capital, $75,000. W. 8. ALEXANDER, President. R. A. DUNN, Vice President. t t t We offer at a bargain an 8-room residence on North Graham St large lot, with -all modern conveniences; barn and woodhouse on premises; splendidly located. For terms and price see or 'phone us. The Charlotte Trust and Realty Company CAPITAL $200,000.00. Phone 377 W. J. Chambers, Treasurer. W. J. Chambers, Treasurer. Five Room Cot ELIZABETH AVEME $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Can arrange good terms. Come quick. It will not stay long. rowrv & Company B Phone 535. ?03 N. Tryon SL National Bank along this line. OFFICERS: B. D. Heath, President; Jr.o. M. Scott, Vice President; J. H. President; W. H. Twitty, Cashier. Little, Vice John D. Rockefeller still has the little book in which he kept account of every penny when his salary was smaller than that of any of the 25,000 men who work for him today. He "saved" his money. Are you saving? We would appreciate your account and pay 4 per cent, interest. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The Merchants & Fanners National Bank f r" f I" lif II t ir 1 " r f A. ,.i k n - r i r: M fa ubw. t. vv i louii, rrcsiucni. jiiu. a. nuoa, vice rresiaeni. ' W. C. WILKINSON, Cashier. ROOFING I will tear off the old shingles and put on a new tin roof for you at about the cost of a new shingle roof. A tin roof is better and gives you cheaper insurance. Ask for estimates. C. F. SHU IV! AN REAL hSIATh FOR RENT One 4-room house N. B. St., -on car line, line location, per mo. $10.00; one 4-room house 21st St., city water, large lot, per mo. $8.00; one 3-room house, Belmont, per week, 1.50; one 4-room house, Belmont, per week, $1.25. W. G. SHOEMAKER, 227 N. Tryon St. Phones 306 or 444. FOR QUICK SALE. One vacant lot N. Graham St.; 106 acre farm 3 miles Derita road; 50 y2 acre farm 4 miles, $2000; 13-acre farm 4 miles, new 2-room house, $1300; 11 aere farm, 9 miles, at Crofts, $650; 5 room cottage, close in $3100. N. J. SHERRILL, Of Sherrill Mineral Springs Co. 'Phone 918. S TORE ROOMS. Auditorium $25.00 HOUSES 720 E. 4th St., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $25.00 218 East 8th St., 4 rooms $10.00 611 W. 8th St.. 3 rooms $ 7.00 718 E. 4th St., 7 rooms, modern conveniences r. $25.00 10 S. Myers, C rooms, modern conveniences $22.50 E. 7th St. Ex., 7 rooms, modern conveniences $22.50 Grade St., 7 rooms, modern con veniences $20.00 G-room cottage, electric lights, 5 acres land Providence Road, opposite Myers Park 16.66 Providence road, 4 rooms...... 10.00 Craighead Park, 4 rooms 8.00 Belmont Avenue, Belmont, 4 . rooms - 7.00 918 N. Caldwell St., 6 rooms.. 12.50 Villa Heights, 4 rooms, per week . . $ 1-50 BROWN & CO- 'Phone 535. " 203 N. Tryon St NEW SERIES Mitual Building (L Loan opens April 1st. but shares are now being taken, and the pot is beginning to boil. The early bird always gets there. The man who acts today wins out he that procrastinates is a back number. ' THE MUTUAL leads the procession, all others following, following, and keeping up with difficulty. FOR SALE $500 lots for $375; Lots in beautiful Piedmont at bargain prices and easy terms. Three houses in Dilworth to close quick on most favorable terms. They'll be higher, so do about now. TO LET Dwellings at $16 2-3, $22.50, $8. Houses for colored tenants from $1.25 to $2.50 per week. E. L. KEESLER, Sec. and Treas. 25 S. Tryon St. 'Phone 344. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. At Piedmont. Lot 110x200 on E. 7tk street. Will sell for small profit. J. L. REDWINE 620 7. 7th. , FOR SALE For $375 am going to sell a choice lot near Mint St. in 3rd ward; size 45x145 to alley. Lies beau tifully, faces east, hence afternoon shade. It's worth $500, but it must be sold. Now, wait until the other fel low gets it, then cuss your wife for your own delay. E. L. KEESLER, 'Phone 344. 25 8. Tryon St. Fresh Lot Potato Chips, 10 Package. W. M. CROWELL. 'Phones 744 and 297. Beautiful Building Lots If you "are thinking of building, come and let us show you our desirable building lots on Elizabeth Avenue. We can give you any size lot you may desire from 50 to 300 feet front, on the shady side of the street. Carolina W. D. WILKINSON, Manager. B. R. Lee, Secy. J. P. Long, Sales Agent. No. 5 West 5th St. 'Phone 609. I - - FOR, RENT , Modern 5-room cottage 30S E. Vance (new) , qq Modern G-room house 606 N.v Poplar Y.Y.Y.Y.Y $25 00 6-room house 715 N. Brevard .".".". Y "$15 00 5-room house, 811 E. 9th (city water) Iip nn 8-room house 512 W. 11th (large lot) lit an 4-room house 703 So. A. St " ' ' ""YY.Y "$8 00 4-room house 701 So. A. St 4-room house 309 E. Sth (modern) . " I j?'"" 4-room house 302 Belmfent Ave., per week r 4-room house East 11th St , 3- room house 621 E. 13th, per week ...."..". if 4- room house 704 E. 3rd, per week .".. .ji ' " $ ' en 3- room house West 4th, per wee"k .Y . I J or 4- room house So. Cedar, per week ' " " "' I 3-room house 7 Catherine St .. " -" " 1 store N. Caldwell St., per month . " " " f 5 1 Hall So. Poplar St. $ 5.00 J. Arthur Henderson & Bro. Henry M. McAden, President. John F. Orr, Cashier. First National Bank CHARLOTTE, 2V. G. Organized 1S65 Capital (300,000.00 Surplus and Profits s $245,000.00 g Your Business Solicited. Every courtesy and accommodation extended consistent rltB Safe Banking. TWO BEST LOTS IN WILMOORE. EIGHT NICE LOTS ON DAVIDS ON STREET. 100 IN EAST END. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST EVER EASY TERMS ON ANY OF THEM. CITY PROPERTY AND FARMS. ?T ' Ogi HI! II BIMiiiM ISBSL? W. T. Wilkinson & Company J. A. BROWN, Notary Public. 'Phone 439. 'Phone 589. On East Avenue Extended, just one block from Elizabeth Car Line we have JUST FOUR REMAINING LOTS. fronting on the shady side of this broad macadamized street, each lot 60x225 and offered at. quick sale price by F; C. Abbott & Co. 219 N. Tryon.

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