THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, APRIL 4, 1 908. Capitol City Nezvs Briefs Special to The News. Raleigh. X. C. April About noon today in Wake superior the jury took the ease of State vs. Ever- itt Snoino. eharsieil with killin Waiter Cliavis. eolovea. nearlv t wo . years ago. The hearing began Tues day afternoon. Two hours last even ing were devoted to argument by counsel and tluee other speeches were made this afternoon before Judge Hriggs charged the jury and directed them to take the case. S pence is a mere boy, son of a well known fanner in Now Light town ship. He and several older compan ions, all drinking, stopped a wagon in front of a negro church in East Ral eigh, tired into the erowd. Chavis be ing killed, the defense claims while he wa-s stooping to get a rock to throw at the wagon. The killing by the boy is admitted, but self defense is pleaded. A verdict for manslaught er is demanded by the solicitor. The A. & M. baseball team left this morning for Greensboro to play Guil- ford College there They go to Charlotte second game with ihis afternoon. Saturday for a Davidson. The team is accompanied by a goodly company of student-rooters and it is claimed that the boys are in fine form for playing winning ball. They return to Raleigh from Charlotte and will play Dartmouth College for two games Monday and Tuesday. Superintendent J. E. Cole and the trustees of the Xorth Carolina Meth odist Orphanage are considering plans for an additional cottage for the steadily increasing number of children coming to the institution. There arc now 1S3 ehil.lren being cared for. The plant now consists of the main building which cost $12,000. one cot tage building and the superintendent's residence. The completed plans for the institution call for seven cottages. It is the second of this number that is under consideration now. The registrars and poll holders for I he state prohibition election in Wake county have just been appointed by the Wake board of elections, the elec tion to be May 2l. The boards of elections in all the counties are to make similar appointments at once. A man intimate with political situ-; ations for many years an.l successful; himself in a number of campaigns, having served in congress as well as in other high offices., said today that while he intends to vote the prohibi tion ticket he is not at all certain that prohibition will carry. He thinks that the rural districts are more than likely to show up an anti-prohibition sentiment along with a num ber of the towns. He further sus pects that a number of communities that are prohibition will vote anti prohibition in this election for the reason that they feel that those com munities in the state that now have saloons or dispensaries should be left to control their own affairs and pro hibition sentiment developed within those localities rather than forcing prohibition upon them. The Xorth Carolina Grand Lodge Masonic Temple is going up rapidly. There are already five stories of the outer walls up. all the seven stories of reinforced cement structural work having been, of course, in position for some time. The temple will in all probability be ready for occu pancy July 1. Superintendent J. S. Mann. Warding .1. M. Fleming and Clerk T. M. Ar rington of the State Prison, have just been re-elected for another term by the board of directors, composed of J. G. Hackett. WTikesboro, chair man: W. E. Crosland, Rockingham: R. H. Speight, Edgecombe; J. P. Kerr, Asneville; and S. H. Hearne, Albemarle. The funeral of Charles A. Hart, a most highly esteemed retired busi ness man of this city, who died last night, aged 80 years, was conducted from the residence this afternoon by Dr. 1. McK. Pittinger of The Church of the Good Shepherd. He was in the hardware business for many years and served in the Confederate army. The three-story brick building erect ed here as a temple by the negro Masonin lodge, is nearing completion. The lodge is third floor. It material from now meeting on the is built largely of tr the building on Fay- etteville street that gave place for the splendid North Carolina Grand Lodge Temple for white Masonry. A $3,500 pipe organ is to be placed in the auditorium of the North Caro lina school for the blind. Superinten dent. John E. Ray having left last night for Hartford, Conn., to close the contract for the instrument. He will stop in Washington and call on President Roosevelt with other prom inent citizens of the state and Mr. Hayne Davis to urge the president to participate in u North Carolina Peace Convention to be held in Raleigh, Wilmington or Greensboro. The farmers in the Fucpiay Springs section are to be addressed Saturday by Governor Glenn on state prohibi tion. O. J. Barrett, noted pitcher of Mc Ilae. Ga., was signed today by "King Kelly,' manager of the Raleigh team. Kelly expects to have eighteen men here by May 1st ready for the pre liminary practices, the weeding 6ut to go forward then to the opening of the season. Hon. J. Y. Joyner has gone to Guilford county to make several edu cational addresses. C. H. Mebane, of the department of education also left today for Randolph to make several speeches on local taxation and general school improvement. Mr. Horace Taft, brother of Bill, told a newspaper interviewer the other day, that Bill was going to be President. What else could Horace say? SUFFERING & DOLLARS SAVED. E. S. Boper, of Marilla, N. Y.. says: "I am a carpenter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bucklen's Arni ca Salve. It has saved me suffering and dollars. It is by far the best heal ing salve I have ever found." Heals lnirns, sores, ulcers, f.-ver sores, ec 7pnm and piles. 25c at Woortall & Sheppard's, druggists. WHAT DID LOWELL SEE ON VENUS? I In the April American Magazine Pro ; fessor Harold Jacoby, of Columbia i University, throws a bomb into the , camp of those astronomers who clam ( that they have seen canals on Krai's j and therefore conclude that Mars is inhabited. He shows that the real phetcyraphs of Mars which Professor Lowell has made are only three-sixteenth of an inch in diameter, and that the larger pictures are simply hand drawings made from visual ob servations. And visual observations, he says, cannot be depended upon. To show that this is true, he says: "It will be remembered that some ten years ago, Lowell observed on the planets Venus and Mercury, certain systems of geometric markings. As it is impossible to suppose that all planets possess intelligent engineers, it is an essential of the Martian tbeory to show that these Venus markings are Quite unlike those now seen on Mars. Accordingly, in his book en titled "Mars and its Canals,' published in 1!KH;. Lowell refers to those older Venus observations in the following words: " "The Venusiam lines are hazy, ill defined and non-uniform.' "Referring now to the original ar ticle in which he describes what he saw on Venus, and which was printed in the. Monthly Xotices of the Royal Astronomical Society. London, ISitT, we find the following: " "They i the markings on Venus) are not shadings more or less definite, but perfectly distinct markings. I have seen them when their contours had the look of a steel engraving." "The only way in which these two statements concerning Venus can be brought into some sort of accord is to suppose that in the interval of nine .'.ears, the observer has for souse reasot. changed his opinion. If this is the case, it is difficult to under stand why he did not nuote his re marks of 197 in the book of L I ', and state specifically that the older statement is incorrect. However this may be. the juxtaposition of these two statements cannot be regarded as other than a proof of contradiction in the evidence of this witness: it con si ittiic-o a strong indication of un reliability so far as his observations of faint planetary markings are con cerned.' EXPORTS OF COTTON Value of Cotton Exported From July 1, 1907, to March 21. 1908. Since July 1 there have been export ed G,3S2,000 bales of cotton, or 56.G per cent of the crop estimated as ginned to March 1, 190S. It is estimated that during the first three weeks of March r.(il00 bales have been added to the exports. This shows rapid falling off compared with the records by months in preceding years. The tables follow-j herewith for four years, beginning with July, give the monthly record of ex port movement, in bales : 1904-0r. r.if)3-0i Julv 110,4.17 20,851 August 09,S32 322,701 September 7,702 603,52.") October 1,201,440 SS9.303 November 1,181,800 908,939 December 1.190,993 1,094,503 Januarv 812,149 647.S21 February 503.030 512.S27 March ( 3 wks) . . 659,980 47S.S92 April 595,061 550,461 May 632,713 295,422 June 533,573 , 325,845 Total 12 mo. ..8.333,793 7,041,152 1906-07 1907-OS Julv 176,433 v S4,674 August 180,061 66,779 September "03.1S1 379,936 October Ki.7f727 '00.30 November 1,266,069 1,318,88S December 1,328.727 1,309,106 Januarv 1,270,468 1,268,0S0 February S63.634 737,605 March (3 wks.) . . 769,140 316,000 April 639.227 June 182,289 Juno 182289 Total 12 mo. ..8,692,S29 6,3S1,698 From the above figures it is clear that the months during which heaviest exports occurred in 1907-08 compare favorably with the earlier years. The earliest, months of the fiscal year were exceptionally light, and the prospect is for a rather light movement during the concluding months of the year be ginning with April and ending with June. The value of this cotton at the average export value of ITU cents a pound approximates $378,000,000. To The Public We are Agents for Parisian Sane and We Know the Guarantee is Genuine. R. 11. JORDAN & CO. Parisian Sage, the quick acting restorer is guaranteed To stop falling hair To cure Dandruff To cure itching of the scalp hair To To nut life into faded hair make harsh hair soft and lux 11- int Jco make hair What Parisian S. Baker, it will ;row or money back Sage did for Chas. do for you. Read the following: "I was so bald and such mark for my friends that I. a shining as a last resort, (after highly called tried your trying several advertised and hair restorers) Parisian Sage bottles of the high-priced so and I am glad to say I now have a heavy growth of new hair. I am 44 years old and I have a heavy growth of new hair after carrying my shining mark for over seven years. I gladly recom mend Parisian Sage to all afflicted with baldness." Chas. S. Baker, 491 Main St., East Rochester, N. Y. It is the most delightful hair dress ing made, and is a great favorite with ladies who desire beautiful and lux uriant hair. Price 50 cents a bottle at R. H. Jordan & Go's, or by mail charges prepaid from Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo. N. Y. QsOsQgOsQsOsi ill O I 1 1 H WW Ml L II I MM MHJ I 11 . .. . , , , 1 in The Souther a standard of super lative satisfaction. Purity person ified. Nature's natural cooking fat, for all purposes, from bread making to fish-frying. Economy wholespmeness-, and healthfulness combined. There's none other anywhere near so pood. O III o l!l o II o II o III o THE SOVTHECN KBJYORK-SAtMNAH-ATLANTA-NEWOELEANS CHICAGO. o SOUTHERN RHILR1V) K. B. Following: schedule flmarea published only it information ui no guaranteed. Effective Jan. 19th, 1938 3:30 a. m., No. S, nany for Richmonc and local points, connects at Greens boro for Winston-Salem, Raleigh GolUsboro, New Bern, ami Moreheac 7:55 a. m., No. 39 dally for Atlanta Pullman sleeper ana day coaches Char lotte to Atlanta. 5.25 a. m., No. 27, daily for Rock Hill Chester, Columbia, and local stations 5.52 a. m.. No. 4 4, daily for Wash injjion and points North. Handles Pull car and day coaches, Atlanta U Washington. 7:10 a. m., No. 16, daily emept Sun day, for Statesville, Taylorsville and local points. Connects at Mooresville for Y.'inston-Salem, and at Statesvills for AsheviHe and points west. 10:55 a. m., No. 33 daily for Columbia and Augusta, Handles Pullman Sleepei New York to Augusta, and day coaches Washington to Augusta. Dining cai service. 10.05 a. m., No. 36, daily for "Wash ing-ton and points North. Pullman Drawin sleepers to New York anft Richmond. Dav Coaches New Origan to Washington. Dining car service Connects at Greensboro for Winston Salvia, Raleigh and Goldsboro. 11.14 a. m., No. 11, daily, for Atlanta and for local stations. Connects a.i Spartanburg for HendersonvUle anf Asneville. 9:35 a. m., No. 30, dally for Wasb ington and points North. Pullman Drawing Room sleeper to New York day ct-aches Jacksonville to Washing ton. Dining car service. 10:.r.d a. m.. No. 28, daily for Winston-Salem, Roanoke and local stations 11:05 a. 111., No. 37, daily New Yorfc and New Orleans Limited. Pullman Drawing Room sleeping cars, Observa tion and Club cars. New York to New Orleans. Pullman Drawing Room sleep ing car, New York to Birmingham Solid Pullman train. Dining car ser vice. 5:40 p. m., No. 25 daily, except Sun day, freight and passenger, for Ches ter, S. c. anl local points. 6:05 p. m.. No. 31. daily, for Wash ingrton and poinis North. Pullman sleeper Augusta to New York. Pullmai sleeper Augusta to New York. 6:50 p. m., No. Zi taily except Sun day for Statesvillt Taylorsville and local points. Connects at Statesville fo; Asneville, Knoxvlile, Chattanooga, Memphis and point. west. S:25 p. m.. No. 4i. daily for Atlanta Pullman sleerer and day coaches Char lotte to Atlanta. 9.05 p. m., No. 5S daMy New Yorh and New Orleans Limited for Wash ington, and pointn north. Pullmai Drawing Room, Sipping. Observation and Club cars to New York. Dinm car service. Solid Pullman train. 9:35 p. in.. No. 3. daily New York and New Orleans. limited for Washing ton, and points iorth. Pullman Draw ing ltoom. Sleeping, Observation and Club cars to N!w York. Dining cai service. Solid Pullman train. 3:20 a. m., No. 2?, daily for Colum bia. Savannah and Jacksonville. Pull man Drawing Room Sleeper, and day coaches Washington to Jacksonville. Tickets, Sleeping Car Keservations and detail information can be obtained at ticket office, No. 11 South Tryon St C. H. ACKERT, V.-Pres & Gen Mgr. S. II. HARDWICK. P. T. M.. W. H. TAYLOE. G. P. A.. Washington, D. C. R. U VERNON. T. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. SEABOARD Air Line Railavav rnese arrivals ana departures a well as the time and connection with departures other companies are given only as in formation, and are not guarnteed. Direct line to the principal cities North, East. South and Southwest Schedule taking: effect January 5, 1308, subject vo change without notice. Tickets" for passage on aH trains are sold by this company and accepted by the passenger with the understanding ! mac tins company win not be responsi ble for failure to run its tr?.ins on schedule time, or for any such delay af may be incident to their operation. Care is exercised to give the correct time to connecting lines, but this company is not responsible for errors or omissions Trains leave Charlotte as follows. No. 40. daily, at 4 a. m., for Monroe Hamlet and "Wilmington, connecting al Monroe with 23 for Atlanta. Birming ham and the Southwest; at Monroe witb 38 for Raleigh and Portsmouth. With 6f at Hamlet for Raleigh, Richmond Washington, New York and the East No. 133 daily, at 10.10 a, m. for Lin colnton, Shelby and Rutherfordtor. without change. No. 44, daily, at 5 p. m.. for Monroe Hamlet, Wilmington and all local points, connecting at Hamlet with 4? for Columbia, Savannah and all Florida points. No. 132, daily, 7 p. m. tor Monroe, connecting with 41 for Atlanta. Bir mingham and tho Southwest: with 34 at Hamlet for Richmond. Wasuinto and New York, and the East; with 31 at Monroe for Raleigh. Portsmouth and Norfolk. Through sleeper on this train 000 - -j III C0TT0N 0IL CO. from Charlotte, N. C. to Portsmouth Va., daily. Trains arrive in Charlotte n3 follow. No. 133 10 a. m., daily, from point North and South. No. 45, daily, 12.35 p. m., from Wil mington and all local points. No. 132, 7 p. m., daily, from Ituther fordton, Shelby, Lincolnton and C. & N W. Railway points. No. 39, 1.25 a, m.. daily, from Wil mington. Hamlet and Monroe, alsc from points East, North and Southwest connecting at Hamlet for Monroe. Connections are made at Hamlet witb nil through trains for points North South and Southwest, which are com posed of vestibule day coaches between Portsmouth and Atlanta, and Washing ton and Jacksonville, and sleeping cars between Jersey City, Birmingham and Mamphis. and Jersey City and Jackson ville. Cafe cars on all through trains For information, time-tables, reserva tions or Seaboard descriptive litera ture apply to ticket agents or addresi JAMES KER, JR., C. P. A., 22 Selwyn Hotel. Charlotte, K. C veiYoWemait is uu.-resieil ana snouia Knew about tap woiultrlai MARVEL Whirling Spray iu uevr uiclr.ul fringe. lent. It clears natant Hn onr drnecist for i ii he cannot' supply tlie U 4 K T E L. t-CPT)t no fltber. htlt seiul stamp for Suitrai booK S'-alfd. It eires fall ia.-tj'";,r.r? one r,iri-f.Mi. in Variable to lariiRB. 31 A VJX '0. 44rt8d Street. NEW YORK- J1P. Those suffering from weak nesse.s which sun the iilensiirt-a of life should take Juven Pills. lie box will tell m stnrv , marvelous results. This medicine has morf rejuvenating, vitalizing force than has ever before been offered. Sent post-paid in plain package only on receipt of this adv. and SI. Tdade by its originators ( 1. Hood Co.. pro prietors Hood's Sarsaparilla. Lowell, JMass. inci tiny 4!:ips(3l?i r- v ir-i in amirs wiiiiout inooHvetiicncc. nfloctions y hout' i Taioi 5 flpnioa. us ant! inie-tiens fail. V ManZan Pile Remedy RELIEVES WHEN OTHERS FAIL legaITnutices TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue or a deed of trust executed to me bearing date the 16th day of May. 1905, recorded in Book 19G, page 113, Register of Deeds office for Mecklenburg County. North Carolina, and because of default in the payment of the debt therein secured, I will sell for cash to the highest bid der at public auction, at the County Court House Door in the City of Char lotte, NT. C, Thursday, the 23rd day of April, 1908, at 12 o'clock, M., the following described land, lying and being in Charlotte Township, Meck lenburg county, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: In Ward No. 1, of the City of Char lotte, at the interesection of North Da vidson and East 12th Streets, fronting ninety-nine (99) feet on Davidson Street (East side) and extending back Eastwardly with that width, along 12th Street, 19S feet in depth Being known and designated in the plan of said City (Beer's Map, 1S77), as lot No. 1S51, in Square No. 230 to which Map reference is made; Being the same land conveyed to J. A. Griffin by W. W. Phifer and by said J. A. Griffin and wife conveyed to A. W. Fitts by deed registered in Book 170, pages 154 and 155, of the Register of Deeds office said County of Mecklen burg. Upon said premises are located four frame dwelling houses. This the 23rd day of March, 1908. R. E. COCHRANE, 7-23-tds Trustee. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE BY ADMINISTRATOR. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County in Special Proceedings entitled K. C. Severs, Administrator of the estate of Clarussa Butler, deceased, Plaintiff, vs. Lottie Butler Jones and her husband, James Simmons Jones, and Claud E. Butler, defendants, I will sell at public aution. at the court house door in the City of Charlotte on Sat urday the ISth day of April, 1908, at 12 o'clock noon, the following describ ed lot or parcel of land, situated 'in the City of Charlotte, at the corner of First and McDowell streets, and M&sm w If mi bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the intersection of McDowell and First streets, and running in a N .E. direction with McDowell street about forty-nine feet, more or less, to a stake, the corner of Henry Douglass lot: thence in a Westerly direction with Henry Douglass line seventy-three feet to a stake, the S. W. corner of Henry Douglass lot; thence in a Nor therly direction and with Henry Doug lass line forty-eight feet to a stake on Bell Alley; thence in a Westerly direc tion and along Bell Alley seventy-seven j feet, more or less, to a stake, the cor jner of lot conveyed to J. W. White j by Clarissa Butler, and now owned by U. W. Hinshaw; thence in a Southerly direction and along the line of J. W. Hinshaw's lot ninety-nine feet to a stake oa First street, the S. E. corner of said Hinshaw lot; thence with First Street in an Easterly direction one hundred and fifty feet, more or less, to the beginning corner, being the same land which was conveyed to Clarissa Butler by W. R. Myers by deed dated August 22nd, 18S7, duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County in Book No. 5I, page 315, excepting two lots conveyed by Clarissa Butler, the one to J. W. White and the other to Henry Doug lass, deeds for which are duly record ed in the office of Register of Deeds for Mecklenbuig County. Terms of sale: Cash. This March 18th, 1908. II. C. SEVERS, 3-18- Commissioner. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In pursuance or an order of the Su perior Court of Mecklenburg county, in a special proceeding to sell land for assets, wherein B. M. Short and F. D. Chambers, administrators are peti tioners, and Mrs. L. D. Short and oth- j ers, are defendants; I will sell at the Court House door, m the City of Char lotte, to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday, the 6th day of April, 1903, at 12 o'clock M.. he following lot or parcel of land situated, lying and being in tVr City of Charlotte and adjoin ing the land of Pearl L. Games and others and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at P. L. Games' corner, near the Jewish Cemetery, near the City of Charlotte, and runs with said Games' land in a southeasterly direc tion i3S feet to the new macadam road; thence with said road in a north erly direction, 98 feet to Mamie O. Al- J exander's corner; thence with said Alexander's land in a westerly direc tion 133 feet to a stone near the gully on the old wagon road; thence with said road about 111 feet to the be ginning, and being same lot of land which was conveyed to the said J. W. Short by W. J. Dunlap and wife and described in a deed dated June 27th, 1906, and recorded in Book 212,1 page 421. This 6th day of March, 1908. H. N. PHARR, 3-6-tds. Commissioner. Professional Cards Dr. A. M. Berryhill DENTIST. Offico No. 4 South Tryon St. Office 'Phone 326, Residence 'Phone 284-& Dr. H. C. Henderson Dr. L. I. Gidney DENTISTS Offlce Hunt Eldg., 203 N. Tryon SL Office 'Phone 816. Residence 'Phone 499. DR.C. R. ZICKLER DENTIST, 27 S. Tryon St., Charlotte, N. C. 'Phone 1224. I. W. JAMIESON dentist no. 8 S. Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Office 'Phone 326. Residence 'Phone 962. DR. H. F". RAY Osteopath - . Registered, Office Hunt Building. Hours. 9 to 12; 2 to 5. Phone, Office 830; Residence 871. Consulation at Office, gratis. Hugh Harris ATTORNEY Law Building, Charlotte, I C You should not go with your glasses unadjusted, come in and let us keep them in good condition. v Ask for one of our eye-glass clean ers. We solicit your prescription work. E.D.Puett&Go, 39 N. Tryon St. Everybody Comes to Us to Get Their Garments Cleaned and Dyed. Queen City Dyeing and Cleaning Works Ta)i y City taxpayers are requested to call at City Hall at once and settle, as April is the month to settle with city and to advertise property for tax. W. B. TAYLOR, C. T. C. March 21st. 21-4t FOR SALE Handsome Five-Room Cottage ritlJ Reception Hall, oa lot 60x150 Rents for 53.00 a week PRICE 51.600 Half through B. A L, James A. Sm'th NOTICE TO VOTERS 1 HKRKI5Y ANNOUNCE MYSELF A CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER SUBJECT TO THE ACTION OF THE DEMO CRATIC PRIMARY. JAMES W. ST1NSON. Charlotte. March II. 190S. 3-11 WE ARE A BLUE RIBBON WINNER when it . comes to supplying every thing your horse wears. You certainly ought to see how thoroughly we are equipped to supply your horse with NEW HARNESS FOR THE NEW YEAR Everything for Ills toilet, too. Curry iombs, brushes, harness dressing, blankets. When you come to examine you'll probably be surprised at the uniform good quality of everything we handle. You'll be still more surprised at the extreme moderation of our prices. JIDHIAI l A A OUAIM. No. 32 East Trade St. 'Phone 1037. Hours 9 to 4. DR. A. D. GLASCOCK, OSTEOPATH. Graduate of the American School, Kirksville, Mo. All acute and chronic diseases success fully treated. Office No. 1 Carnegie Court. By the Library. Announcement ! Dr. Newton Craig begs to announce that he has opened offices at Nos 25 and 26 Piedmont Building for the prac tice of diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. We Have It That Bicycle you are thinking of buy. Ing. We handle Buggy and Carriage Tires. Repairing a specialty. Relay M'fgXo., 231 South Tryon Street. 4. $tl-II"r,Ii,I,,I"I-f' NEW 908 STYLES OF- VehscSes and rness We have in our repository, the largest stock of new style vehicles in the Carolinas. Quality, prices and terms are right. J. W. Wadnorth's Sons' Go 1 Notice J 3. H.f-js Announcement We beg to announce that we formed a partnership for the tice of diseases of the Eye, Ear, ; and Throat. 221 South Tryon Su DR. E. R. RUSSELL, DR. J. P. MATHESON 2-24-tf Look for No. 6 E. Trade . An examination of your eyes l. Levy will disclose their actual i: tion and the Glasses furnished correct any existing defects. P.: lenses matched on short notice, i : ination free. DR. SAM LEVY, Eye-Sight Specialist Charlotte, N . ill c. $10.00 Deposit, Balance Monthly, THE GAS CO Schedule in Effect January 12, 13Cf Daily Charlotte and Roanoke, Va. :0:50 am Lv. Charlotte. So Ry At 6:00 pr 2:50 pm Lv. Winston, N & W Ar 2:00 pro 5:00 pm Lv Martv'I!e N & W Ar 11:40 pm 7:25 pm Ar Roanoke, N & W Lv. 9:3) am Connects at Roanoke via Shenandoah Valley Route for Hagerstown and all points in Pennsylvania and New York, Pullman sleeper Roanoke to Philadel phia. Additional trains leave Winston-Salem 7.30 a. m. daily, except Sunday. If you are thinking of taking a trij Y"OLT want quotations, cheapest faret reliable and correct Information, as tt, routes, tr&ift schedules, the most com fortable and quickest way. Write anc the Information is yours for the ask ing, w!th one of our complete Map Folders W. I, itrvll. M. F. Ilrngjc, Pa Apt Trav. Pasm. Agt otaukci Va. "Queen of Sea Trlp." ME SJrIANTS & MINERS Transportation Co.'a STEAMSHIP LINE Between NORFOLK, Boston and Providence, Newport Newa and Baltlmort Accommodations and Cusine Unsur passed. Steamers New, Fast and Elegant. Flneet Coastwise Trip In th World. Send for Booklet. E. C. LOHR, Agent, Norfolk, Va. 1 H. C. AVERY, Agent, Newport News, Va. W. P. TURNER, P. T. M. General Offices, Baltimore, Mi. Low Rates and Mileage Books Via Seaboard Commencing April 1st. On April 1st the Seaboard Air Line Railway will put on sale intra-state rates in the state of North Carolina at rate of 2y2 cents per mile, and as soon as possible thereafter, will issue tariffs showing inter-state rates to all points soutli of the Ohio and Potomac rivers on basis of 2Yz cents per mile, it being understood, however, that the R. F. & P. will continue to use $;1.50 rate between Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C. Two thousand milet books Inter state and Interchangeable will be sold for $40.00, good for five or loss peo ple (members of a firm or corporation, only one person being allowed to usf it at a time. One thousand mile books Inter-Staie and Interchangeable for $20.00, for person whose name is shown on cover. Five hundred mile books (family!, goed on the Seaboard in North Caro lina only, for $11.25, good for five or less people, members ul family, who can all use it at the same time. The two thousand and one thousand mile books sold at rate of $40 00 and $20.00 respectively, will be good over practically all of the principal li'.ies in the South and East, including the Southern, Norfolk & Southern, Atlan tic Coast Line. R. F. & P. W. S.. Aber deen & Asheboro and Bay Line, Sea board. For further information apply ticket agents or JAS. KER. JR.. C. P. A.. Charlotte, N. C. C. II. GAITS, T. P. A., 3-24-12t Raleigh. N. C. to Baseball Game Between University of Virginia and University of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C, April 6th. For above occasion Southern Rail way will sell round-trip tickets from all points within one hundred miles oi" Greensboro. Following rates will ap ply from points named: Charlotte $.00 Concord 2.00 Salisbury 2.1 Winston-Salem 1.10 Durham 2. M0 Raleigh y.30 Tickets on sale April 5th, and for trains arriving at Greensboro before noon of April 6th; final limit April 7th, 1908. R. L. VERNON, T. P. A. Bso Big G for ur.natnr-; dischargea-inlamuiatior.' irritations or ulceration stricture. nf Tnno. nun riembr&n:& ItheEvansChemicaiCo. cent or poisonous. . CIHCINHATl,0.r" I Sold by DrossUt Ranges or eeut in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, 1 .GO. or 3 ho-.f.ei Circular ;iit iu tett'- 1 A