2 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS APRIL 4, 1908. SE23SBE AT THE Ar0L5 yUURCHES Si at 10; are in- . St. Paul Presbyterian Church. Rev. Chas. E. Raynal, pastor. Treadl ing 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. by the pastor. Men's prayer meeting 10:30 a. in. Sun day school 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday S p. m. All are welcome. Tenth Avenue Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. R. Shaw, pastor. Preaching 11 a. m. and S p. in. by the pastor. Session will meet at close of the morn ing service for the reception of mem bers. Sunday school 3:30 p. m. West minister League meeting 7:13 p. Fraver meetine Wednesday S p. m. are cordially invited. Trinity Methodist Church. The usual services will be conducted by the pastor. Rev. E. L. Bain, at 11 and 8; the pastor will speak to the young people in their meeting the Sunday school at 3:30: all vited to these services. First A. R. P. Church. Third and Tryon streets. Wm. Dun can pastor. Preaching at 11 a. ni. and S p. m.. by the Rev. J. Walter Simpson, of Concord, N. C.The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in con nection with the morning service. Our second quarterlv offering for Missions ! ices will be taken at the morning service, we are desirous of making it the larg est ever made by this congregation. Use your "blue envelope" Come on time! Session will meet in church study at 10:40 to receive members. A cordial invitation is extended to strangers to attend our services. Ea?t Avenue Tabernacle. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by Rev. Jno A. Smith. Bible class at J0:15. Sabbath school at 3:30. Y. P. C. U. at 7 p. m. Friends and strangers cordial ly invited to worship with us. , Villa Heights A. R. P. Church. Sabbath school at 1:30 p. m. Preach ing at 2:45 p. m.. by Rev. Jno A. Smith. The doors of the church will be opened ! to receive new members. Friends nndj visitors cordially invited to worship with us. j First Presbyterian Church. I The pastor. Rev. Wm. M. Kincaid. j D. D. will preach in the morning at: 11 on "The Church Its Mission" and j in the evening at S on "The Christ-j method of Dealing with Sin and the! inner. The Communion will be ob served in connection with the morning service. Men's meeting at 0:45 a. m. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer and praise cervices Wednesday evening at 8. All cordially invited to these services. Ninth Avenue Baptist Church. Corner Ninth avenue and Caldwell streets, L. R. Pruett. pastor. Services tomorrow conducted by Rev. D. M. Austin, at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sun- in. ! day school 3 p. m. Prayer meeting and All Bible study Wednesday evening at S o'clock. Everybody welcome. Dilworth Methodist Church. Preaching by A. L. Coburn, at Dil worth at 11 a. m. Missionary meeting and a temperance service at 7:45 p. m. Special recitation and good music. Sun day school at 9:45., A welcome to all Preaching at Big Spring at 3:30 p. m. First Baptist Church. Dr. Herman II. Hulten, pastor. Morn ing worship 11 o'clock. Subject: "Our School Master." Evening worship 8 o'clock. Subject: "God, our Father." Sunday school 3' p. m. Special pro gram by the Baracas. Mid-week serv es usual. All of the above services will be held in the Sunday school room. Christian Science Services, will be held at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. in hall T2 1-2 West Fifth street. Sub ject "Unreality." The public cordially invited. Belmont Presbyterian Church T. ,1. Hutchison, pastor. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Praver meeting at 7:45 p. m. Visitors cordially welcom ed to all services. Church of the Holy Comforter. South Boulevard 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion; 4:00 p. m. Sunday school and Bible class. St. Martin's Chapel Davidson and Tenth streets 8:30 p. m. Holy Communion; 3:00 p. m. Sunday school and Bible class; 8:00 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon. St. Andrew's Chapel Seversville 11:00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon; 4:00 p. ni. Sun day school. Chapel of Hope East Fifteenth street 3:30 p. m. Sunday school; 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon. St. Peter's Episcopal Church. Corner Tryon and Seventh streets Rev. Harris Mallinokrodt, rector. Fifth Sundav in Lent. Morning prayer, ser mon and Holy Communion 11 a. m. Sunday school and Rectors Bible class 3: 0 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon S p. m. Pews free. All are welcome. Belmont Park Methodist Church W. S. Hales, pastor. Communion service 11 a. m. Preaching 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 3 p. m. Woman's For eign Missionary Society will meet with Mrs. L. C. Griffiin Tuesday 3 p. m. North Charlotte Baptist Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. bv the pastor. Rev. S. F, Conrad. Service at 7:30 will be supplied. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. All are invited. ! Tryon Street Methodist Church. Prayer and class meeting at i0 Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. Frank Siler. Special Decision Day service with Sunday school at 3 p. m. At 5 p. m. great mass-meeting for men, ser mon by Mr. Siler. Subject: "A man Converted into a beast." A great mass meeting for women at the same hour in the Sunday school room led by Mrs. F. Siler. At 8 p. m. preaching by Rev. Frank Siler. The public cordially in vited to all services. St. Marks Lutheran Church. Robert C. Holland, pastor. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Dr. G. D. Bernheim will preach in morning and the pastor in tha evening. Sunday school and Bible class 3:30 p. m. Wreek-day Lent en services Wednes day S p. m. and Friday 4 p. m. Pritchard Memorial Church. Rev. E. E. Bomar, pastor. Services at 11 and 8. Sunday school at 9:30 Mid-week prayer meeting at S o'clock Wednesday evening. Blood !i V Y in elvnows Consult your doctor freely ahoul medi- f r r f T- . i . u cat matters, tie Knows, l rust mm. f Do as he says. Follow his advice. Talk with your doctor about Ayer's non alcoholic Sarsaparilla. Ask him if he pre scribes it for pale, delicate children. Ask him if he recommends it when the blood is thin and impure, and when the nerves are weak and unsteady. Ask him if it aids nature inbuildinguptheeeneralhcalth.?-?-eJ:Co- Number 4 Trip Around the World Series De Capitol Building's a sight ter see Bout as big as our Coal pile at Y, & B. De monument is a little taller But then you know it's somewhat smaller. De streets is swept and cleaned a whole lot, Which is more than I can say for old Charlotte. Coa Special Attention to Customers Wishes. "Delivered the "Y & B" Way-at a 2-eleven Gait" OOQ. I & w Yarbrough & Bellinger Coal and Wood Co. Sore Ate Into the BoneFxpectcd to Lose His Leg Unable to Step Permanently OurecS. Not a word cf comment is ncccs concise clear statement. Just read it and if you need a good blood medi cine you will know what to take. "C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Jlass. "Gentlemen: Some three years zgo I acci dentally scratched a small piece of skin off my leg below my knee. Blood poisoning set in, and a sore formed which ate so deeply that my wife could see the bone. I thought I should lose my leg, and for a long time was unable to step on my foot. I then bethought me of a previous time when troubled with eczema and Hood's Sarsaparilla did me good. So I decided to go back to my old friend once more. In a short time I found the Sarsaparilla wa3 purifying my blood, for the wound commenced to heal, and to look altogether different from it3 previous in flamed and raw condition. In a short time it completely closed up, and today that leg is the better of the two. I am thankful that it saved me when I was in such a bad condition, and also for the good it does me every time I take it in the spring." Geokge McLean, 3278 6th avenue, Troy, N. Y. Mood's Sars sary on Mr. McLean's Is the ideal Spring alterative Sarsatabs To meet the wishes of those who prefer rind icine in tablet form, we are now putting up Hood's Sarsaparilla in chocolated tablets under the pro tected trade name Sarsatabs, as well as in the Calvary Methodist Church. Preaching at 11 and 7:45 by the pas tor, Rev. J. V. Totten. Prayer meeting at 10:15. Sunday school at 3. A wel come to all. Westminster Presbyterian Church. Services at 11:15 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Public cordially invited to all services. Brevard' Street Methodist Church. Brevard Street Methodist church will have a special service for the children at 11 a. m. tomorrow. Pastor Harold Turner will preach on missions. At 7:45 he will preach on the life of Daniel. Sunday school at 3 p. m. All are invited. MR. GEORGE McLEAN. aparslla and tonic. Get a bottle today. SELECTIONS FROM WAGNER. Music f?r First Presbyterian Church From This "Compose. The following program of music at the First Presbyterian Church tomor row, will be rendered: MORNING WORSHIP, 11 O'CLOCK. Organ Prelude Vorspiel and Dres den Amen Wagner's ParsifaJ Response by Choir ''O Thou That Hearest Prayer".'." ...... .Schnecker Offertory, Anthem. Jesus My Sa viour Look cn Me"... Nevin Splo Parts, Mrs. Byrd, Miss Oates. Communion Prayer. "This Will I Do My Dying Lord." Postlude, March of the Holy Grail Knights. 'The Holy Supper Duly Given." Communion music Wagner EVENING SERVICE, 8 O'CLOCK. Organ, Prayer (from Lohengrin) Pilgrim's Chorus Wagner Gloria. Anthem, "Consider and Hear Me" Pfleugglei Solo Miss Oates, Quartette, Mrs. Byrd, Miss Oates, Mr. Jones, Mr. Tingley and chorus. Organ, Romanza "O Thou Sub lime Sweet Evening Star". Wagner Mrs. A. D. Glascock. Postlude, March from Tanhauser Wagner Sacred Concert at Selwyn. A sacred concert will be given by the Richardson orchestra at the Sel wyn hotel tomorrow night from 7 to 10 o'clock. The following is the pro gram : Light Cavalry (Overture) Von Suppe Dreams Wagner I Love Thee Grieg Bohemian Girl Balfe Bercius (Jocelyn) Godard. Obertass Wieniawski Mr. Richardson Sarabaude Bohm Tannhauser W agner Sextette (Lucia) Douizeth Melody in F Rubinstein Foust Guonod usual liquid form. In reducing Hood's S.irsa'na- rilla to a solid extract, we have retained in barsatabs the curative properties of every medicinal ingredient. Sold by druggists or sent promptly by mail. 100 doses one dollar. C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mass, Mass Meeting For Men at Tryon St. A great mass meeting for men will bo held tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock at the Tryon Street Methodist Episcopal Church. The service will be held under the joint auspices of all the Methodist churches and the oung Men's Chris tian Association. Rev. Frank Siler has been chosen to address this audience and an nounces that he will speak on "The Conversion of a Man Into a Beast." The speaker has been holding a number of very successful meetings this week and "is sure to be greeted by a large audience on Sunday after noon. There will be special music provided and it will doubtless be one of the memorable meetings of the evangelistic campaign !imv being waged by the combined Methodist churches of the city. The meeting will Ix-gin at 5 o'clock exactly and all i:v;n are invited to attend. REACHING THE SPOT. At the MORTUARY REPORT. The remaining deaths The Deaths in the City During March Numbered Forty-Five. The report of the superintendent of health for March shows that during the month, there were 45 deaths in the city. Of these 45, ten were caused by pneumonia, and six were a result of tuberculosis resulted from various causes The other reports made to the health department are as follows: Sanitary Report. Quarantined during the month: Chicken pox, 4; measles, 6; small pox, 1; scarlet fever, 6; numps, 11; whoop ing Cough, 3. Houses Fumigated, 4. Crematory Report. Number horses cremated. 11; muels, 3; cows, 4; calves, 1; hogs, 13; dogs, 32; cats, 41; chickens, 3S6: lots fish. 16; lots meat, 37; squirrels, 3; bar rels liver, 2; barrels kraut, 6; loads of hospital garbage, 10; loads trash haul ed, 1974; barrels night soil, 2160. t ; TO CHANGE SCHEDULES " Builders Hardware -AND- Allen Carpenters Tools ware -war tt S Mara ClOe 1 f """ it Can Be Done, So Scores cf Char lotte Citizens Say. To cure an aching, back, The pains of rheumatism. The tired-out feelings, You must reach the spot get cause. In most cases "Us the kidners. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys. Mrs. I. B. Hargelt. P.03 X. Graham Street, Charlotte. N. C says: 'I suf fered from rheumatism and kidney trouble for years. My kidneys were very weak and by their failure to act properly caused me to feel dull and "languid most of Ihe time and lit tle like performing my bouse work. I also had sharp twinges throughout my body, was nervo.is and generally run down. Doan's Kidney Pills having been highly recommended to me, I con cluded to try them and purchased a box at P.. IT. Jordan t'z Go's drug store. They acted directly on the kid neys restoring them to"' their proper action and thus removing all the other troubles. Doan's Kidney Pills proved rf V.r m-notoat vnlnr to mn arid I do V 1 til1. i v ( i, v . . - - - .-- , not hesitate to sneak well of them." j For sale by all dealers. Price ,') cents. Foster-Miiburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. r You can lay it yourself. It's not hard work and it dosn't take i.,;. - it's done, it's done for a long, long time. Storms won't knrf ( ' n n T : R nnfinrr i t-w? . . n ' rin Wx ? i . i . r. . , it, neat won i sorten u or maKe it brittle. It can't rot, rust, corrode. creep or leak. It is the "Never' 18 Leak Kooting. Write for sample. ' That will tell the story better than words. B. F. WITHERS, Distributor, Charlotte, N. C. RELIEVES IVKEa OTHERS FAIL 3 sv-a ho j ry 4fB iflijlt Seaboard Will Bring No. 41 Into Char lotte Two Hours Earlier. Mr. C. H. Gattis, traveling passen ger agent of tJie Seaboard railroad, an nounces that the schedules of trains Nos. 40 and 41, between Charlotte and Raleigh, will be changed at an early date. No. 41, from Raleigh, will arrive here at 11:25 instead of at 1:25; and No. 40 will leave Charlotte at 4:30 in the morning instead of at 4 o'clock. The traveling .public will rejoice to know of these changes which are con sidered very important. - Telephone Value is determined by the number of people you can reach without leav ing your home or office. The time it saves you; Bell Service puts you in touch with the whole world is indispensable. REASONABLE HATES GALL CONTRACT DEPT., NO. 3050 Bell pp Satisfactory LOOK m any home lighted with electricity and see how comfortable and bright it'3 made by the mellow light. There's no heat, no odor, no noise no anything that's disagreeable, but everything that appeals to your sense of what'a fitting and proper. As to the cash end of it we ask only that you ask us. R. G. Auten Co 'Phone" 1307 or 1308. B. B. RESPESS Civil Engineer. Railroad Location, Land Surveying, Plans and Specifications for Sewerage and Municipal Work, Construction, Superintended. Oce: Carson Building Cnarlotte. 'Phone 1348 and 1409. R. N. Hunter. S. L. Vaughan. Hunter & Vaughan DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS Charlotte, N. C. 'Phone 840. 312 East Fifth St- JL M. McMichael ARCHITECT Rooms 505-506 Trust Building. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ... iff a. v ' v- .i is w i mt3t Before U Buy I FOR SALE . S 2 lots on N. Davidson St. 1 house and lot on N. Tryon St. 1 house and lot on N. Graham. t I I FOR RENT. I j O Three 7-room houses on S. I V Church St., all modern im-9 , ? provements. O I- : f ' 5 C. fVlsiUELISi I 202 S. Tryon St Phone 604. I Hackney Bros, Company If you have property to Bell, lit r in this offlce- IJ your have nouses or stores t rent, let rae do your collecting anii. sae trouble and worry. The place to insure your proper. la in this agency. R. E. COCHRANE INSURANCE AND REAL E STAT ft AGENT. One of Charlotte's finest "And you say the folding bed shut up on you last night?" asked tho bnarding-house lady. "Sure I did," replied the uew boarder. "You must have experienced great discomfort?" "Not at all. ma'm. You see. I used to be a policeman, and I'm used to sleeping standing "!" ONE OF CHARLOTTE'S FINEST insurance offices Headquarters." is at "Insurance Is the place to get prompt service for anything in the lino of Plumbing and Heating. We carry a full line of SuppIIea. 'Phone 312. 6 West Fifth Street. 4 IM'lHhI-W-? 5 "fr y MORE WATER "And the name is to be" asked the suave minister as be approached the font with the precious armful of fat and flounces. "Augustus Phillip Ferdinand Cod rington Chesterfield Livingston Snooks." "Dear me." Turning to the sexton: "A little more water. Mr. Hawkins, if you please." MORE WATER is needed in Dilworth and then the citizens will get better rates which will be good news at "Insurance Headquarters." G. N. 0 Butt 8, CO (INCORPORATED.) Insurance Headquarters. PIHEOLES for ih Kidney 30 DAYS' TRIAL FOR SI.OO. SOMEONE who has the very thing you wants reads these ads daily. tf Allan's Magnetic Cough Syrup Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Made By VOODALL & SHEPPARD 'Phone 69.

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