6 a Late Sporting News of the Day VOLLEY BALL IS IN U M ITS to floor wit!i is played j ball about is played sides. The The most popular exercises for bus iness men at the popular gymnasium of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion is volley ball. It is a game that once learned is never forgotten. A game that when played tor a few games becomes a fascination. It was introduced to the Charlotte players about two years ago ar the end 6f a basket ball season when the game of basket ball appeared to be a too stren uous exercise. At first it was popular with a few of the business man but now it has entirely supplanted the rougher game of basket ball. For thej past two winters the business menj have not played the game of basket ball at all and have given their entire; attention to the volley ball game. Or-1 casionally in basket ball one secures! an unpleasmi nib against a fellow; player bar in voiley ball the idea is cover a large section of Ui a few players. The game with a light weight inflated S inches in diameter and with a tennis tier between gam" ran I);1 played by from two on a side to as many as eight on a side. In tlu now gymnasium three nets can be placed end to end from one end of the large gymnasium to another and thren games may be kept going at the saint; time. The local enthusiasts include many lawyers, two of our representatives in the legislature, whole sale dry goods men, hardware merchants, architects, insurance men and many other lines of business and profes sions. The lawyers are decidedly in the lead in the matter of numbers. The best players are three, an in surance man., a banker, and a rep resentative. The enthusiasts meet every Monday. Wednesday and Fri day evenings at r: 45 o'clock. This game which calls for a keen eye, 'quick decisions, and instantaneous action and is free from so many ob jections is destined to have a long! life full of interest for many local! business and professional men. A I half hour in the gymnasium followed1 by a shower bath ant a quick rub: down three times a week will keep! anv one in prime condition. Davidson 's Field Day Many Visitors Attend In cluding Over 50 Presby terian College Girls Sports Included Wrest ling, Races, Etc. Special to The News. i Davidson. N. C. April -J. Yesterday afternoon in the fastest game yet seen here this season the Presby terians defeated Oak Ridge by the close score of ;i to 2. Davidson started off in the first in ning by Kluttz getting to lirsl base on an error and scoring on a beauti ful three-bagger bv Uarr. In the fifth .jnniny Harris, for Ridge, made i a three base hit single bv Moore. scored on : the score. Davidson the sixth by on an error two sacrifices. In the seventh again by a ban single. This tied ond lime and Oak Davidson won eighth on two hiis and The features of the g work of the Oak Kitlgx Oak! and j tying: igaiii look the lead in) Ciiierrani gelling to first j in.i crossed the plate onj I Oak Ridge scored j : being hit and a' the score the sec Ridge was jubilant. , ihti game in the! a sacrifice. ime was the; battery and: the team work of the Davidson team., Davidson's fielding also calls for spe cial mention. 1 R. H. H.j . . 00(1 010 100 2 H M loo ooi oi :: 1 1 Oak Ridge May berry' ...yjM-:. COMMON SENSED Leads most intelligent people to use only medlldines of Known composition. There fore It is .thai Dr. Pierce's medicines, the makers waich print every ingredient enteringiuAolhem upon the bottle wrap pers and attest its correctness under oath, are daily greying in favor. The com position of. DV.jPierce's medicines is open to evervbodvyDr. Pierce beine desirous of having the search liyht of investiga tion turned luiiy upon his formulae, oeing -Donaldson, ClarK ami -Oak Ritlge . David-i 4 Field Day the weather! Oak Ridge Team Here. The Oak Ridire baseball team spent last nitrht in the city at the Buford Ho tel, and left this morning for Ik-lmont to play St. Mary's College this after noon. The hoys expect to redeem their defeat by Davidson vesterday after noon by giving the Catholics a good nibbing. The team is composed oi" the following players: Mavborry, Swink, Harris. Yoo!war1 Bee:ou. Hooks. Cook. Robinson. Cummings. Stevens. Harvev and Earl Holt. Oak Ri.ige Davidson . Batteries ami Holt. Davidson Sherrill. Earned runs son 1. Davidson, X. C, April came off in fine style being perfect. There were about one! hundred and fifty visitors, fifty-iivcj of them from the Presbyterian Coi-i lege. j The McCoy-Crawford wrestling match was a fine exhibition. McCoy got the first fall in 20 minutes. Thej second fall went to Crawford in about j IS minutes. The third was called at; the end of a half hour to allow thej visitors to attend the baseball game.! Neither being able to pin his oppo-j nent to the mat in litis time. j Only one record was broken, the Pl-lb. "shot put by Daniels who beat the former record by '2- feet. j A list of the events and winners are: (0 yd. dash Won bv (1st Kluttz.; 10 2-5 seconds (2nd) Denny, 10 4-f. seconds. Shot put. IC-lb. (1st) Daniels, dist-j an.-e .14 ft. 4 in.; (2nd) McClintock.j 11 in. j yd hurdle (1st) Fairley 20 see-; (2nd) .lames 2o 4-." seconds. vd. dash (1st) Kluttz 21 4-5: ! Dennv 24 4-",. ! Manager Carter of the Winston Team. Standing-broad jump by (1st) Will iams. !) ft. l"s iu.: (2nd.) Hunter, !.l ft. 1 in. Running high jump By (1st) Den ny. .", ft. s 1-2 in.: (2nd) Carter. ft. S in. Pole Vault (1st) Carter, S ft: (2nd) James 7 1-2 ft. It'.-lb. Hammer Throw By (1st) Daniels, 7S ft.: (2ndj Dunn, 71 It. 1! in. Running Broad Jump (1st) Mills If. it. 11 1-2 in.: (2nd) Williams, 1U ft. :: 1-4 in. 440 yd. Run By (1st) Denny. 4-.. seconds; (2nd) Mills. ."; sec onds. One Mile By (1st) Dickson. r min utes I'M seconds; (2nd) McElroy, ." confident that the better the composition ot tnese medicines is known the more will their great curative merits be recog nized.. Being wh6Hyinade ofThe activw medicinal principles extracted -from na tive forest roots, by exact processes original with Dr. Pierce, and without the use of a drop of alcohol, triple-refined and chemically pure glycerine being used in stead in extracting and preserving the curative virtues residing in the roots employed, these medicines are entirely free from the objection of doing harm by creating an appetite for either al coholic beverages or habit - forming drugs. Examine the formula on their bottle wrappers the same as sworn to by Dr. Pierce, and you will find that his "Golden Medical Discovery," the great, blood-purifier, stomach tonic and bowel regulator the medicine which, while not recommended to cure consumption in its advanced stages (no medicine will do that) yet does cure all those catarrhal condi tions of head and throat, weak stomach, torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak lungs and hang-on-coughs, which, if neg lected or badly treated lead up to and finally terminate in consumption. Take the "Golden Medical Discovery in time and it is not likely to disappoint you if only you give it a tlioroiuih and fair trial. Don't expect miracles. It won't do supernatural things. You must exercise your patience and persevere in its use for a reasonable length of time to get its full benefits. The ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medicines are composed have the unqualified endorsement of scores of medical leaders better than anv amount of lay, or non-professional, testimonials. They are not given awav to be experi mented with but are, sold bv all dealers in medicines at reasonable prices. MOBILE CLUB I FOB AUGUSTA, OA. mm. . see. One-Half Mile Class Relay Race By (1st) Junior Class; (2nd) Fresh man Class. STATE COLLEGE GAMES TODAY. At Chat lotto: Davidson vs. A. & M. At Creensboio: Carolina vs. Guil ford. At Wake Forest: Wake Forest, vs. Colgate. 28 ft. 120 onds; 22o (2nd) Governor Ansel Speaks. Columbia, is:' C' April' 4. Gover nor A life! left this afternoon for Union to deliver an address before the Interdenominational State Sunday School Convention at that place. The governor has for years been an active Sunday school worker. Augusta. Ga., April 4. Automobile owners met Wednesday night at the Chamber of Com:.:en.e to reorganize the Automobile Association of Augusta and make the " -i-gaization more ac tive than it has been in recent years. The following officers were chosen: President C. B. Garrett. First. Vice' President F. B. Pope. Second Vice President J. H. Dav idson. Secretary Dr. Eugene Murphv. Treasurer C. I). Carr. The club is not a social or pleasure organization; it is an out ami out bus- ia'.s combination for the mutial benefit of automobilis.ts, and an effort will be made to enroll among its members every one of the 110 owners of machines in Augusta. The following gentlemen were pres ent at last night's meeting:' C. D. Carr, E. J. Edenfield, Dr. W. C. I.yle, J. H. Davidsflh. C. B. Garrett, Mr. Watters, Alfred P. Davis, William Martin, 12. C. Fleming, Dr. E. K. Mur phey, J. V. White, W. T. Field, F. B. Pope. KtH ' P - 74 s ri l i - ftf i " m III fW jlr . -. m ,f a , SCORE. We iiim w$:mii;iffl i t mw2i isisi a I ' i f, - i s CHARLOTTE FANS WITNESS THEIR FIRST GAME OF THE SEASON THIS AFTERNOON. aaa.a eaa'aaeaaaaeaaeaaaaa aaa each's SportM oods Complete Line Southern Hardware Company 41 W. Trade Street Charlotte, N. C. Spartanburg 's Team Arriving Special to The News. Spartanburg, S. C. April 4. That Spartanburg will have one of the best learns in the Carolina league and that she will put up a stiff tight for the pennant may bo seen by some of her fast (layers that Manager Buesse has been so fortunate to secure. Many oi the players have arrived and the remainder of them are ex pected ibis afternoon. To hold down the initial corner, Ben bow, of Greensboro, has been secured and there will not be a better in the league. Dexter, of Cincinnati, O., will be on second base and his o.uick eye and strong arm will be invaluable to the team. In Lanham, formerly with Florence and Darlington, Manager Ruesse has put an addition to the team that can hardly be equalled, he being a first class twirler, and having few equals on first base ami in the out field. "Legs" Martin will play short and. of course, keep his former unimpeach able record. Martin graduates from Wofford litis year where he has coach ed the college team. Green of Phila delphia, will also be here to show what, he can do at short. Spartanburg will have one of the best pitching corps in the league, all of whom have good records behind them: O'Mara, Jerry Armstrong-, Se gers, Sheppard, llayman, Thaekman. If Sut on fails to make good with Atlanta this year, Spartanburg will add him to their staff. The other players are Goodlett, out fielder and utility catcher, from Jack sonville, Alabama; Pearce, outfielder, from the same point: Blanton. out fielder, from West Point, Ga.. also landed in the city ready for Hie fray. These are new men to Spartanburg, but not new men 1o (he game, as each of them has a record sustained for sev eral years for being hard hitters and fast fielders. These men are all col lege graduates, and clean, gentleman ly ball players who will give Spar tanburg their best efforts. In addition to the players named above, several more have accepted Spartanburg's terms, and may be sent for if needed. Justice, outfielder, is held in reserve until called for and Hogue, one of the fastest outfielders that ever broke into South Carolina baseball circles, will report in June, being held in Texas by important per sonal business matters until that time. Dent, pitcher, of Baltimore; Knapp, catcher and outfielder of Cincinnati; Kahlbeinl, inficlder of Baltimore; Bar ber, catcher of Commerce, Ga.; Wood, outfielder, of Alabama; and Jones and Prince, pitchers, of South Carolina, are held in reserve. . VM M 1 GZ&&&t&&& &&s& The assertion made bv the Baxtists that they would push the state cham pionship close, looks as if they knew what they were talking about. Cambridge Wins Great Regatta j By Associated Press. j Putney, Eng., April 4. The r.r.th j I boat race between lite crews of the! universities of Oxford and Cambridge-, on the Thames course, was won by Cambridge. Great crowds witnessed the event. "7 Whitney Horses Taken North Special to The News. Aiken, April -1. The Whitney race horses, that have winte red here, were shipped this week via. the Southern Express Company to Sheepshead Bay. There were twenty-four of the racers in the bunch and they occupied a special train composed of three cars and a baggage car. They left Aiken in charge of Mr. P. J. Flem ing, assistant trainer. Mr. Joyner, trained for the Whitney stables, de parted for the Norih several days ago. It. is stated that the horses did very well in Aiken the past winter. They were given plenty of exorcise and are reported to be in excellent condition for the spring races at Sheapshead Bav. i stent Coudh portends serious results if allowed to continue unchecked. Ctant hacking tears the lungs and exposes the delicate, inflamed tissues to ravaging consumption. The most obstinate and advanced rough is readily relieved by Piso's Cure. No other remedy has such a soothing and healing effect upon the throat and lungs, i-or neariv half a century it has cured innumerable cases of coughs ana colds' and saved many lives.' For throat and lung affections Pisos Cure is the Ideal Kemeciy 8' hM Gans To Meet Nelson In May By Associated Press. San Francisco, Cal., April 4. Joe txans and Battling Nelson were match ed last night for a fight to take place here sometime in May. Gans agrees to make pounds ringside. Nelson will light at catch weight. This is the season of listlessness, headaches and spring disorders. IIol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure preventative. Makes you strong and vigorous. :!ri cents, Tea or Tablets. R. H. Jordan & Co. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having 1his day qualified as Administrator of the es tate of E. Nye Hutchison, deceased, hereby notifies all persons holding claims, against said estate to present them to the said Administrator on or before (he 21st day of February, 1909, or this police will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, are notified to make settlement with said Administrator. Februarv 21, 190S. ROBERT S. HlTTCllisOX, 2-2 2-0 1 -oa w. Administrator. North Carolina. Mecklenburg County Notice is hereby given to the public that application , will be. made, to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Amzi Helms, convicted at the December Term, 1907, in the Su perior Court of Mecklenburg County, for the crime of manslaughter, and sen tenced to the public roads for a term of 12 months. AMIZI HELMS, By Stewart & McRae, Attorneys. .1-2t-oaw-4t Dr. J. E. S Davidson Physician and Surgeon. Office Hawley's Pharmacy. Office 'Phone 13. Corporation Commissioner To the Democratic Voters of North Carolina. Through the solicitation of a good many friends, I announce myself a candidate for the office of Corporation Commissioner, subject to Hie action of the Democratic primaries and Conven tion. S. O. MIDDLETOX, Duplin Co.. Hallsville, N. C. 4-1-1 2 1 V li sister Boys and Children tJEvery New Style'of theTmost Attractive and Worthy Mater ials, made with Belts and Bloomers and other stj'les. qA Splendid Line of Wash Suits now being shown for the first time. ton Co I ioun (y is' to m n-Made Clothes At i YorkpRrnc &Rnorprc Mf msl vrrvj JLVffeaVja. J Fellows UltS Now, Mr. Young Man, from fifteen years of age upwards, we've some thing to say to you. If you appreciate extreme styles and smart kinks in the cut and tailoring of a suit (you're the chap we want to see). AVe's jsome snappy things to show that the young man that knows, will appreciate. New Worsteds and Serges in swell and handsome patterns, coats lightly form fitting with wide soft rolls, pock et flaps onn vest, cuffs on coat, vest cut rather low, trousers with or without cuffs, not a single style kink omitted. & fU ry ry fj a $1500, $16.50, $20.00, jg $22.50 and $25.00 The j-otmg man who is not posted on what will be worn this season can easily learn by coming to see our New Spring Suits. ry fj rj fj PJ :: 21 Our New Stock OF SPRING SHIRTS Has Arrived The Largest Assortment Ever Gathered in This Locality This season we have considerably enlarged our shirt section consequent to our continually and rapidly growing trade in this par ticular line of furnishings. We are, therefore, in a position this season to offer you a wider scope in both patterns and qualities in making your choice. . "??v sbirts a"e unusually attractive, in most cases are decid edly different from those of past seasons in the matter of patterns and colorings. . As usual you'll find only dependable shirts in this stock shirts that are made to fit comfortably and well and to wear to your en tire satisfaction. Our Rrice Scope: $1.50, $2.00 to $3.50. The Tate-Brown Co. 2