he N ws hes the Largest Circulation of Any Afternoon Pamper Published in the Two Carolines NEWS. -i m i m j THE ONLY EVENING ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSPAPER IN CHARLOTTE. ESTABLISHED 1888. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 7, 1908. PRICE 5 CENTS. I L ' ,o.. I r i ft MUM ' 1 D jf gr- ' J si if u m JSStes1 still 'but Passengers Thrown in Heap on Floor And Some Dashed Against Windows When Car Plunged From Eleva ted Track Panic Followed Crash in Four Cars Men Baised Win dows And Leaped Out Several W e r e Seriously Injured. By Associate. i Pro!?-. Chicago, li!., A'i s. 'lis were s-r oasly ably fatally, and ; others wore h .jrt 1 i a' till" seuttlb- ;iul : : i.h Kb-vated P.rii ; track a few ham', tlu' In.iisiia avenue crashed to the gr.s Panic --oliov T. Eight per illed, one prob ii'iy a score of 'i a motor car a on the South :i 1 jumped the i feet north of a iion todav aiul d Crash. front car ! ' 'leor am! I'assengers tli! i iv. a ia a la wen- dashed a Mat' i ht-nisoh' ti; were some . cut- ;anst u windows i 1 llv A aanio cars and : full" wei 11 Hi -Kiel in the four rear en raised the iiai'.'W's and leaped u. si the elevated : ia sure, wlif'!" they were in immi ai danger fiom the third rail. Attendants, haw ever, managed to t -in hack in; i) the train before i!i.dy v;i-; injured. w I 'll ' ihr ca n 1 I i c bun a tii!' polie,. arrive I the impris- asseiigei s in front '.-ore dragged :h the shaUered windows and d into near! iv residences, while 1 s.erii 1 y injured ones were off to the various hospitals,. Work to Begin On Interurbatt Road Soon peci; '('.re il to The X snville, S. ws C. Ap.vll C Judge will isi! ih' iiltei II be bnili Ga. II is, a.hvr Uodg (ireenville in iir'nan elect ri: to Anderson 's. of At'anta the iliiOii st t: line, which w rota Hal t v eil. hoped to build i'i em hen- to to include Croen a!!'" in the Ail funds an.' in hand fo the !me, and il hmks like a ii i'i i;ig said teat wot k wiil coas'iuetion wiMtin rhe t ext Anderson circuit building certain! v. a en ( a daws Oldest Inmate of St. Luke Old Ladies Home is Dead ftpeciai to The News. Raleigh. X. C. April 7. Miss tine, oldest iinnaie of St. Luke':-', dies' Home, die.i this morning. ; years. She was a native of llecky i!ount a teacher of drawing for many y Among her pupils were Airs. C. IS. code, and Mrs. Allien Anderson. remains were for burial. McCreary ir. jy Die. i'.y Associate; Press. Washington, D. C, April 7. Titos. .McCreary. the New York horseman, accidentally shot by Rep. Tieflm, of Alabama, in a si reel car altercation, between Holiin and a negro, is likely to (lie. McCreary's physician admit ted Cue horseman was in a serious con Hie the ni ion. Mr. Hefliii was called to hospital to see McCreary, but patient was too ill to be seen. Victim cf Sharpers. 'Uy Associated Press. Souih Rend, Ind.. April 7. W. .1. Springborn. president of the I'ublis Service Hoard of Cleveland, who came to South Rend to close a deal for a game preserve and club house in Florida, wa.s made tho victim of a gang of sharpers an dlost. 10, ())() on a fake wrestling match J. W. Fleem ing, who it is charged, was in the land deal and J. E. Foster, charged Avith being one of the promoters of the match is in jail. Big Damage Suit. Ry Associated Press. Norfolk, Va.. April 7. The Penu Pride Co. of Reaver Falls, Pa., has entered suM in the United States court against, for ?7."I,0i)0 grows out of Hie Atlantic Coast Linc dam age? The actioni a contract, for the erec- lion of shops and Ga., at $3S7,'.)0:i. pitts at Way-cross, Mr. Bryan to Y. M. C. A. Ily Associated Press. IJtiea, N. Y., April 7. Hon. Wm. .7. Rryan will address a meeting of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion here Easter Sunday. A Double Hanging Ry Associated Press. Philadelphia, Pa., April 7. A pub lie hanging took place at the Philadel phia county prison today. Joseph Tolrieo and Max Seifer Avere executed for murders committed dur ing jealous passions. LOT MI THE Chicago, 111.. April 7. Cities and (owns throughout a large section of .ho middle west are holding their spring elections today. From Wisconsin. Minnesota and Da- ikora in the north to states as far south as Oklahoma, and in most of the states in the intervening territory, elec tions of some sort or another arc in progress today. ?ui;waiikee and several other cities of first importance are to elect mayors and other municipal ollicials. In Chicago the election is only for aldermen. Outside of Chicago practi cally all of the cities and towns of 1111 iiiiis are voting for the first time on the question of prohibition. This state wide content has been one of the most I exciting in the political records of 11- jlinois and the results are awaited with 1 keen interest. At political headquarters in this city the opinion is expressed that today's eleliens, taken as a whole, will have Utile or no hearing on the coming state and national campaigns. In nearly every instance the issues are merely of a local character, with party lines cutting little or no figure. Tin results, therefore, cannot reasona ie expected to forecast in any de- lily b. give mo probable results ot the con tests this fall. Ennland Invites Fleet. F.y Associated Press. London. April 7. The formal i. i ne lorniai repiy of P'-esident. Roosevelt to the invita tion of Croat Britain, offering facili ties to the British ports, to the Ameri can battleship fleet on the voyage around the world and asking the fleet, lo visit an English port .has been re ceived at the foreign e.nieo. The pres ident points out that the details for the last leg' of the voyage have not yet been arranged, but. thanks the l'.rit ish government for the kind invitation. Work of Day In Congress By Associated Press. Washington. 11. C, April 7. the house of representatives? iia.v at 11 ::.'.! it was still the When met to-legisla- live ay of yesterday. The program lor tho day was changed over night and instead of considering the. bills under suspension of rules, the discus sion of the District, of Columbia ap propriation bill was resumed, after a roll call. Supporters of the proposition for a child labor law for the District of Columbia received a blow when the (hair ruled out as not germane to the amendment, to cover that subject. S?ys Pai"t i- Diluted. Py Associated Press. Washington. April 7. The charge that a great helk of the paints sold in the Pnited Slates are more or less adulterated with water and other for eign substances and n-e sold as gen uine lend and oil compounds, was made before the house committee on I interstate and foreign commerce by Prof. 10. L. Ladd. of the North Dako ta slate agricultural college. Gould Family Agreed. Ry Associated Press. New York, April 7. That an agree ment. had been reached among the relatives of Madame Anna Gould to in terpose no further objections to her engagement, lo Prince de Sagan was reported today. Funeral of Mrs. Dulin. The funeral of Mrs. Dulin, mother of Mr. Charles Dulin, took place yester day, afternoon from Hickory Grove church, where the interment was. Mrs. Dulin died at the age of 7-") years a long illness, at. her home on tecnth street in this city. , after Four- Work to Begin on The Plaster And Cement Work Special to The News. Statesville, N. C, April 7. Work has begun on the plant, of the States ville Plaster Xr "lenient Co.. on the gite K.ar the statesville Safe & Ta ble Co., which the company purchas I ed some time ago. The building ma terial is on Hie s round and the work Avill he unshed to completion. The company hopes to lie ready for bust ness before the first of June. The main building of the plant, will be 40x(J0 feet, with two stories. There Avill be other small buildings. The Statesville Plaster & Cement Co. Avill manufacture Avood fibre plaster and will handle cement. It will be a new and valuable addition to Statesville's large list of manufac turing plants. Statement May Be True. By Associated Press. WiiKhinerton. D. C. Annl 7. No in formation has been receiA'ed at tiie Department of Commerce and Labor concerning Iho reported detention of Emma Goldman at. the international boundary, but it is admitted the state ment may be accurate. Situation At Lisbon P.y Associated Press. Lisbon, April 7. Excitement caused by the election rioting Sunday, in which seven persons were killed and luo were wounded, has by no means subsided. There is considerable consternation in government circles and most ex treme precautions are being contin ued. The streets of Lisbon swarm with troops. Great Northern Convicted Of Granting Rebates P.y Associated Press. New York, April 7. The Great, Northern Railway Company was con victed of granting rebates to the Amer ican Sugar Refining Company by the jury in the United States circuit court. SOCIETY OF THE CINCINNATI Triennial General Meeting Will Be Held in Charleston. Several prominent North Carolinians members of the Society of the Cincin nati, left today for Charleston, S. C, to attend the triennial meeting of tho order, which will be held in South Car olina citv tomorrow and next day. Mr. Wilson R. Land), president of Wil- liamston, nresident ot" the North Caro lina Society of the Society of the Cin- cinati ay ill probably head the Tar lleel delegation. Several members of the order these live are in Charlotte but expected to go . none of TAKEN TO BALTIMORE. Mr. Logan Stinson Will Undergo an Operation at Johns Hopkins. Special to The News. Statesville, N. C, April 7. Mr. Logan Stinson, who had been ill at his home, corner Mulberry and Pel! streets, for some days, Avas taken to Ralthnore last Friday night by Dr. I. E. Anderson and placed in Johns Hopkins Hospital for treatment. He was to have undergone an operation yesterday. A message from Dr. An derson Sunday stated that Mr. Stin son stood the trip to Baltimore nH right. Posses After Criminals By Associated Tress. Gulfport, Miss., April 7. All of the surrounding country for miles is be ing scoured by armed men, searching for a lot of negro desperadoes Avho escaped from the county jail today. Along with the escaped prisoners are several charged with murder and others convicted of manslaughter, bur glary and various crimes. Eight prisoners in all escaped and up to noon only one had been captured. He was "Prince Alfred," a young ne gro, who is insane. Mr. H. L. Adams, freight claim agent of the Southern Railway Company, went to Greensboro this morning on business connected with his depart ment. MEMBERS OF W. C. T. U. DESTROY WHISKEY. v 4 Ry Associated Press. Nashville, Tenn., April 7. At Lexington, Tenn., yesterday members of the Women's J. (Christian Temperance Union de v A. 4. stroyed about 40 gallons ot whiskey belonging to a saloon keeper who recently moved to that place from Jackson, a "dry" town. The women reimbursed the owner for the whiskev. 'n the Spring a Young Man's Fancy Lightly Turns to Thoughts of Love!" Important Decision Judge Moore Rales That Mills Have an Insurable Interest in Their Offi cers Case is Appealed A Full Story, In the case of II. M. Yictor against the Chadwick and Hoskins Mills and the Travelers' Life Insurance Compa ny, Judge Fred Moore has decided that, a corporation has an insurable interest in the lives of its officers, and that a policy laken on their lives for the benefit, of the company is valid. The plaintiff in this test, case has appealed and th final determination of the matter tif be settled by t he supreme court. This case has been of much interest to the local profession, as the matter has never been decided definitely by the North Carolina court. Mr. Victor, who is a stockholder in the two mills brought a friendly suit to determine whether the mills could collect the policies taken out on the lives of its two officers, Messrs. Smith and Wilson, in case of death of the in sured. The plaintiff in the action claims that the premiums paid on the policies. Avhich amount to about $2,000, should be returned, as in case of death the mill could not collect the face of the policies. News From The Fleet By Associated Press. Magdalena Ray via San Diego, April 7. The relations between the American naval officers and the Mex ican authorities represented in chief by Governor Sanguinez of Lower Cal ifornia, have been most cordial and mutually pleasant recollections of the stay will be carried away. Admiral Thomas is busily engaged getting the multitudinous affairs of the fieet, in hand. In a pronouncement Admiral Thom as expressed the opinion it, would he better for the people of the United States and for the navy if they knew each other more intimately and spoke for the publicity of affairs affecting the fleet, at the same time keeping the essential military secrets intact. Target Practice Records. San Diego, Cal., April 7. Naval collier Ajax arrived yesterday. Lieut. White, who Avas sent to Magdelena Bav to witness the target practice, said while not. at. liberty to give out the scores it could be stated some records were broken. "The most significant and promi nent feature of the Avork," he said, "is the fact that, there is not a single ship in the fleet which has not beat en her former records by a good margin." Negro Accidentally Shot And Killed Himself Special to The News. Fayetteville. N. C, April 7. Ronnie McKay, a negro porter of the Cumber land hotel, while carelessly handling a pistol, shot himself in the face this morning and was instantly killed. Big Musical Festival Special to The News. Gieeville, S. C, April 7. Seat reser AT.tions to the number of nearly one thousand were made yesterday for G'eenville's second music festival, which Avill be held April 22, 23, 24. There are still many good seats left and ciders are being received daily from out-of-toAvn parties who will at tend the festival. Case For The Supreme Court Special to The NeAvs. Raleigh, N. C, April 7. Today in the supreme court appeals from the Tenth Judicial District comprising Montgomery, Iredell, Rowan, David son, Stanly, Randolph, Davie and Yad kin counties will be called for ar gument in the following order: King vs. Southern Railway Co. Lanier vs. Heilig (continued.) Etcherson vs. McGuire. Kyles vs. Southern Railway Co. Mills vs. Lumber Co. Tussey vs. Owen. Refining Co. vs. Crouse. Development Co. vs. Southern way. Thompson vs. Seaboard Air (transferred from the Eighth Rail Line dis- triet.) Sash and Blind Co. vs. Seaboard Air Line Railway (transferred from the Eighth district.) TAX ASSESSORS FOR THE COUNTY ELECTED Mr. H. C. Levers Awarded the Offices in Charlotte Township at $1,050 Board Passes Order That Aii Prop erty Must be Listed in June. The board of county commissioners today elected the tax assessors for the county, and an order was passed re quiring all persons to list their taxes in the month of June. Squire 11. C. Severs was elected as sessor for Charlotte township, his bid being ? 1,050. This work includes mak ing out the property book and the de linquent, tax list. The tax assessors for the county are as follows: Beiryhill S. S. Heron. Steel Creek T. W. Neely. Sharon J. C. Reid. Providence T. O. Ross. Clear Creek C. P. Min-o. Crab Orchard W. G. McLoughlin Mallard Creek J. P. Hinton. Deweese J. Lee Sloan, Jr. Lemly A. F. Tony. Log Creek E. L. Reams. Bow Creek N. A. Cathey. Pineville R. B. Johnson. Morning Star J. W. Hood. Huntersville J. M. Knox. A PULL WITH PASSENGERS. Ticket Agents Can Sell Five Tickets While They Are ruiiing One Mi leage. The ticket agents of the Southern rainoad nave a great "pull" Avith the traveling public and every day they are becoming more popular. A few mornings ago the agents at the depot "pulled" coupons from S4 mileage books and gave in return receipts for transportation on four trains. It is said that the ticket agients can sell four or five tickets while they are "pulling" one mileage book. Mr. Ireland's Pair of Shoes. Mr. G. W. Ireland, of the News force, has just received a letter from Mr. H. W. Fleming, of the Ralston Health Shoe Company, of Boston, which savs: "Dear Sir: Belk Bros, have just advised us that you Avere the com positor who set up their winning ad vertisement in the Evening News. This be-bi!' the case Ave shall take great pleasure in making you a pres ent of a nair of Ralston shoes, and if vou Avill call at Belk Bros, store they will be glad to have you make a selection from their st.o:K. CRACKSMEN MAKE A LARGE HAUL. Bv Associated Press. Topeka, Kan., April 7. Rob bers dynamited the safe of the State Bank at Huron, and es caped with $0,500. The bank building was badly wrecked. The robbers are believed to 4 4" have been six in number and made their escape upon hand- l cars. -h HARD YARN MEN TO MEET AGAIN Secretary Crews Has Called the Asso ciation to Convene in Charlotte on Friday, April 17, to Consider Present Conditions. A meeting of the Southern Hard Yarn Spinners Association has been called by Secretary Crews, to be held in this city on Friday, April 17, to con sider present conditions as they affect the hard yarn mills. It will he held in the assembly hall of the Southern Manufacturers' Club at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The meeting is open to all hard yarn spinners, whether members of the asso ciation or not, and they are urged to come. The spinners say the outlook is not at all' hopeful. Secretary Crews stated to a News man today that, after talk ing Avith some of the leading spinners of this section, he finds tho belief to be that, practically all the mills Avill close down after they get. out the product they are nenv running on. This ques tion will undoubtedly come up for con sideration. Municipal Election in Hartford. Hartford, Conn., April 7. The mu nicipal election in this city today fol lows a campaign of more than ordi nary interest. The republican candi date for mayor is Edward W. Hooker, Avhose platform calls for a continua tion of the policy of the present ad ministration. The democratic candi date is Ignatius A. Sullivan, Avhose election to the mayoralty six years ago attracted national attention. Sullivan's platform leans toward the Socialistic doctrine, Avith municipal ownership, free text books and kin dred ideas included among its planks. Trains 33, 34 Will Come Off Nos. 11 And 40 Will be Reinstated Sc uth em Officials Make Sweeping Changes in Schedules of All Trains. Officials of Hie passenger traffic de partment of the Southern Railroad have made sweeping changes in the schedules of trains and altered, to no little degree, the service between Char lotte and Columbia, S. C, as well as making slight alterations in other di rections. All changes will go into ef fect next Sunday. The most important alteration of the service Avill be the discontinuance of trains Nos. ?,') and .14, between Wash ington and Columbia. A rumor to this effect has been in circulation for sev ral weeks, but owing to the import ance of both trains in handling the passenger traffic between the two cit ies named Aery little credence was at tached to the reports. Official confir mation, however, was received at the local offices of the general superinten dent of this district of the discontinu ance of the two trains as Avell as changes in schedules of A-ery nearly every train passing through Charlotte. Trains Nos. 11 and 40, between Char lotte and Greenville, S. C, which were discontinued about three weeks ago will be reinstated in order to relieve;, in a measure, the traffic thrown ej,! Nos. 37 and IS, the New York and New Orleans Limited, which was the result of taking off Nor,. 11 and 40. Accord ing to the new schedules No. 40, from Atlanta, will arrive in Charlotte at 11:5 p. m. No. 28, from Columbia, will arrive at 7 p. rn., instead of No. 14, which ar rived at ij-.TyT, p. m.; and No. 12 will leave Charlotte at 7:1:1 instead of No. 34, which left at G:0.", n. m.' No. 12, from Atlanta, Ga., will ar rive at 5:45 p. in., the same as at present, and Avill remain here one hour and 10 minutes to connect with No. 2S. No. 11 will arrive at 11:55 a. rn., in stead of No. 11, Avhich arrived at 10:45 a. m., and will leave at 12:05 p. in., for Atlanta. These changes do not affect the serv ice between Charlot te and Atlanta, Ga., as much as betwee n Charlotte and Co lumbia. The latter service, under the new schedules, will be as follows: No. 15. for Columbia, will leave Charlotte at C:10 a. m. No. 27, for Columbia, will leave Char lotte at 4:45 p. m. No. 20, for Columbia, will leave Charlotte at 3:20 a. m. No. 10, from Columbia, Avill arrive in Charlotte at 9:50 a. m., connecting with the main line No. 10 at 10:05 a. m. No. 28. from Columbia, will arrive in Charlotte at 7 p. m. No. 30, from Columbia, will arrive in Charlotte at 1:15 a. in., giving through service from Augusta, Ga., Charleston, S. C, and Jacksonville, Fla., to Charlotte, all three connections being made at Columbia. No. 10 will leave Charlotte at 1:20 a. m., for Wash ington. No. 35 will, after Sunday, carry a lo cal Charlotte and Atlanta sleeper. There will be no change in the time of arrival of No. 37, the New York and New Orleans Limited, but No. 18, northbound, will leave Atlanta, Ga., about 25 minutes later than at pres ent, arriving in Charlotte about 15 min utes later. Confeience of Operators of Western Pennsylvania And Other States Accom plishes Nothing Miners Not Ordered Back to Work, Miners Reject Offer Made by Operators And Kansas City Conference Also Ends With Nothing Done May Yet Agree. By Associated Press. Indianapolis, April 7. A conference of coal operators of Western Pennsyl vania, Ohio and Indiana, and represen tatives of miners of these three dis tricts and Illinois, adjourned today after a two hours' session. No resumption of work in the mines of the states represented was order ed. May Get Together. Kansas City., Kas., April 7. Pros pects of the settlement of the strike of un.OOO southwestern coal miners Avas put off when the operators made demands which the miners rejected today. The conference of operators and miners has not ended, however. The arrival of President Lewis from Indianapolis tomorrow may bring the two sides together. Davidson-Guilford Game Tomorrow Will be Snappy Local interest in the Davidson-Guilford game tomorrow is increasing. The contest promises to be a line one, but Iho result is a matter of speculation. Davidson's team will be materially strengthened by two or more members of the regular team who Avere unable to play in the A. & M. game on ac count of illness. There are many sym pathizers in Charlotte, however, of the boys from Guilford and they are back ing their belief with hard-earned cash. The game will bo called at. 1:10 o'clock promptly, in order that tho Presb.N teiians may have plenty or time to catch the 7 o'clock train. NO. 10 IN COLLISION Butted Into Freight Train at Mcintosh, Ga., Injuring Fireman. North hound passenger train No. 10 was delayed several hours today on tic count of a collision with a. freight train last, night, at Mcintosh, Ga. The pas senger train butted into a freight as the latter was pulling into a s-iding. The damage consisted of a broken pilot and whistle of the passenger en gine1. The fireman wa.s slightly injur ed. An investigation was ordered to be held at Savannah, Ga., tomorrow. The freight train was on the Atlantic Coast Line tracks. A THIRD TICKET SELLER. Mr. T. J. Witherspoon is to Have An other Assistant. Mr. T. J. Witherspoon, city ticket, agent of the Southern', has been au thorized to employ an extra ticket sell er. This is due to the fact, it is stud, of the new ruling in regard to mi leage books requiring al! persons hold ing hooks to have coupons pulled by the ticket agents to point of destina tion. The lessened work in the audit ing offices of the road thus falls upon the ticket agents more or less. CASE OF SMALLPOX DISCOVERED. Negro With the Disease Arrested By Policeman On the Square. A case of smslipox was discovered last night by Patrolman House. Tho victim was a negro, whom the officer found at. the square, and was at once taken in charge. The negro was taken to the pest house. This makes seven case:; of the dis ease in Charlotte during the past eight months. REAL ESTATE. Charlotte Property Continues to Chance Hands at Good Prices. Mr. James A. Bell has sold to Mr. D. S. Hamilton a. house and lot. on North Poplar street, considera tion $3,400. Mr. C. L. Hunter and wife have sold to Mrs. Amanda R. Field a house and lot on East First street, the consideration being $1,425. Anti-Saloon League at Elizabeth Mills. Mr. Xeill R. Graham and Mr. T. A. Adams spoke at Elizabeth Mills last night, on prohibition to an enthusiastic crowd. An Anti-Saloon League was formed after the speaking. Mr. Lawrence B. Johnson is ex peeled home today from New York. He has been absent several weeks visiting Richmond, Washington and New York on business for the United States government. Indianapolis, Ind., April 7. Con gressman Brick, of the 11th Indiana district, died suddenly here this morning in a sanitorium.

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